Sunday, December 18, 2016

Christmas For the USA,PE Trump and the Contrary World of Chaos

This last year of 2016 has been waves of chaos and calm. People in the street demanding justice while wreaking havoc on other innocents.

 Wars still feed the ravenous war machine monster, human minds,bodies and souls.Senseless killing for reasons that can rarely be reasoned.The mortal meat grinder that feeds those running the scenario.Who will never be even close to the threat.

WE THE PEOPLE need a safe haven to retreat to.A Place of more relevant thinking.I am still one who believes that people can condition themselves to think with less fear,less judgemental preconceptions of others.WE are all part of the problem in this regard.

I once read of a place called Atlantis in mythology.A city where science humanity and peace was protocol.Think what the next year would be like if a group of like minded folks got together in 2017 to build such a city.

A portal of peace and prosperity.A place focused on the idea of finding cures for disease Focused on finding a new way that people thought of themselves as individuals with similar purpose.

A place where children would learn the lessons of living without the bullies that many face each day at home or away.Where the elderly and unique humans would not
fear the world.Where healthy happy People would eat each day,healthy meals.There is no real reason for hungry cold people.That is the failing of People.

WE THE PEOPLE are the guardians of our people and our world.United we rise,divided we will surely fall upon our own swords. People have the habit of pointing a finger to place blame on another.The truth is harder to face when the reality is realized.The face in the mirror is a force that can change the world and bend history for the better or the worse.

A fine example is the survivors of the WWII holocaust.They survived the Monster to end up with an American church sending out requests for donations saying the nation of Gods People (ISRAEL)was letting them starve (again) in their old age.Those in the cold streets all over the world has no excuse for that.It is just another Part of the growing War Machine Monster.

My major question that comes to mind when dreaming on this,my favorite thought is this...
The nature of "Mankind"being what ways it most always ends up makes me fear it will always be a dream.Humans always find a reason to build mental walls to make themselves feel superior to others.Physical walls too.Many can be seen from orbit.WALLs rarely work.
Where there is a will,there is always a way.IE:Berlin Wall,China Wall,Roman/Barbarians Wall in midway Britain.Segragation Wall,ETC,ETC,ETC.

WE THE PEOPLE are also prone to the human condition that makes scientific determination that include us into the catagory as part of the ANIMAL world.Catagory of Primate.But Actions speak louder that words when watching the nightly news.

The Mass murders over seas labeled "WAR" or "CONFLICT" are still Taking away from a possible future where PEOPLE can work with each other to build a better world.How many children are murdered each minute of each day by the monster WE THE PEOPLE have allowed to be built.

WE THE PEOPLE sit comfortably in our homes with that problem very far away.The truth of the matter is this:WE (ALL OF US)allow Humans to rise to power preaching violence and hate.That feeds some with weak grasps of thier lives to feed the pack instincts of most lynchmobs.It may be for the best of reasons sometimes.Human rights,Injustice,ETC.Whether in the disquise of a so called man of God or prophet or babeling

A mindset of "them and US" grows in a reason failing mind.This mindset grows and becomes a sort of Spiritual Virus in that individual.Like any infectuous virus it grows and uses its host to spread to others.This "virus" is preventive measures.Teach the growing mind a different way of thinking...He or she begins to think as they are part of the pack even though they (in reality).are not even known to that infecting agent/source.

I watched a PBS channel recently out of need to know.The subject was the religious leaders of the muslim world.There was a cleric who had a small boy before him.This boy whom I think was maybe 8years old was told to recite what the clerics "school"had taught him.The boy clenched his small fist and began a loud angry rant of how to kill those who did not believe in his prophet

The boy ranted about the infidels who must die and be destroyed in the name of.....
when he finished the demented old coot sitting there said very good and dismissed the boy.Afterwards the dad was interviewed and said it was better the boy be educated than
ignorant.I guess "DAD"would prefer sonny to be thrown into the machine instead of learning something usefull.Do you think the cleric will be there to get into the battle?I doubt it strongly. 

That land is not the exception to this practice.Every DAD teaches what he believes is the thing to do.The young minds are like clay.they mold very easily.Daddy and gramps walked into the machine and made it back as those for the last gazillion generations.

 Wouldn't it be great if just for one generation it stopped?Men/humans began to realize their potential if they just chained the war machine for a generation or two.For a two generation moratorium there was just people gathering to find solutions to the important things.

We should think of those away from home this season.Those in uniform and now out of the service dress are people who did go out to save what they belived in.No one should belittle them their sacrifices.Their families are bearing the heaviest burden a family can handle.Please think of them and extend a helping hand.

A kind word from home is the best one could ask for when so far away from home.
The veterans left broken and homeless,in the VA Hospitals could use the company too.

The hungry and the homeless need warm clothes and blankets to survive.The kitchen need food donations to support the growing population of cold and hungry people in the street.
The news makes it look rosey for the economy till you find yourself s one of those on the street.If you have the time and spare old clothing there are many in need of anything you have no need of anymore.

The people who lost homes tokiller storms and forest fires around the country have become some of those now homeless people.Its now bums and everdo wells...It is real people in very serious trouble and need.Remember the above mindset on people?

Think outside the box where you have been so comfortable.
Happy whatever and merry Christmas.May we all find that which we so much need in the coming year.

Take care till next time dear friends.