Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Is There A Spiritual Virus Sweeping The Worlds Human Race

The nightly news in our world reports on the cruelty and abuse happening daily.That news can be anywhere you might be traveling.Whether it be The High Himalayas of Tibet or the most inner city block.That scenario seems to be prevailent among human populations.The occurances seem to be increasing with each passing moment in time.It is like WE THE PEOPLE have all lost our minds.Our judgement seems pressed to the edge with others doing completly stupid acts.Completly unneeded random acts that would normally be uncalled for.

A small example happenedas I sat with family thinking about what to write.Some children ranging from perhaps 11years old to teens of the so called  minority folks.for no apparent reason began randomly to throw thier Mcdonalds wrappers at  our table.We ask them to please stop.They then waited to finish thier meals and as they walked out the door turned and threw their garbage at our table and hitting those I was drinking coffee with.

In thier own world I am sure the event would be dealt with.We observed the manager turning a blind eye to them to prevent an "incident".This is the sort of thing causing much of the rift in the order of things.One individual is [or one group or one nation or one belief]is expected to simply except the stupidity of another who is under the blind inppression that nothing will happen in response to thier actions.My lawyer is better than yours.My guns are better than yours.My[fill in your own reason/cause]is greater than yours.

This is a serious growing problem in the world.It breeds bullies and tryants.These kids may live to become responsible citizens.That will depend on how the world sees them and how those in the future encounters respond.In some places the managers will deal with them.In other places thier counterparts may just over respond and shoot them dead.It happens for a lot less these days.A bigger bully and a self serving cause.
 The world stage is not much different.You throw a rebellion for[again name your reason]and a bigger guy steps on your toes to teach you who is boss on this block/world map.

First we get the anger.Then it escalates with the pushing and shouting/politics t justify the actions.Next the first push then a counterpush.suddenly you got a full blown fight on your hands.Talk and cool heads are out the window.Sometimes death results.In the world "arena" it usually results in many thousands or tens of thousands of deaths.

The differences between the individual conflict and the worlds conflict is that of the thousands of lives forfeit for the mass killings.Indivviduals rarely are fueled by finances,perhaps by personal upbringing.World conflict is fueled by those who pull the strings of the financial world.The money machine feels no pain,no loss,no moral obligation in regards to what is right and wrong.The machine whether fueled by power[religion,politics,resources,ETC.]knows only what the monetary value of destruction and death is.It has no conscience of the spiritual losses.It has no spirit and has regrets.Death is it goal for gain.It is a machine...

WE THE PEOPLE will soon find ourselves without many of the things we have come to enjoy.WE THE PEOPLE will find ourselves without the privacy to converse.Without the ability to defend our homes and loved ones.Without a voice in what we believe in.WITHOUT THE RIGHT TO SPEAK UP WHEN SOMETHING IS CORRUPT AND BROKEN.The food we eat is becoming genetically corrupted.Our water in many places is unfit to drink.

Our educators now must now arm themselves to feel safe among the student body.Our religious organizations must feel they need monitoring for poisoned members disquised as light. Elderly and down troden are in danger of being euthanized by starvation and exposure to the elements.Others who are ill simply  are shutting off the medications to sustain life.

The Spiritual virus is out of control as any disease becomes with nontreatment.WE THE PEOPLE stand onthe brink of a world wide war.Fueled the above and many more  made to order reasons to stoke the engines of continual bloodbathing for the machine.It may be just a matter of time before...

WE THE PEOPLE have fallen victim to a complete control of every facet of our lives.What we eat,what we drink,how we obtain sustenance.where and when we make a living.Where we retire and if we even can retire.The money we have trusted to have our treasury in old age and health is under attack.It was squandered by those in charge.Those we trusted to help us in a time of need.

Our folks who are hired to serve and protect now arm themselves to kill and control us in the sreets we send our children and loved ones out to work and play in.The virus does not recognize any exceptions to its body count.The machine rarely makes eclusions.it is unbiased.Wife,child,Grandma.No Matter.

 This may seem to be hopeless.It is not.There is always hope to fuel a solution.It the force of masses who want better.The mass of humanity that still uses its mind to counter the forces of death for profit are the hope of a peacefull world.

The ultimate weapon of peace is people banning together in a movement of peace.WE THE PEOPLE  ARE THE HOPE OF A WORLD AT PEACE.prosparity can follow when we all ban together for progressive positive action.The machine will weaken and the destuction will stop.WE are the antivirus to save the world.Our actions and cooll heads rule the machine.Till next time my friends,Never give up your faith in good.where there is hope there is still a way.


Monday, November 9, 2015


This wednesday is a national holiday to honor those who have served and those who have given all for the call of freedom.This holiday please visit the grave of a noble warrior.

The families of these proud soldiers have defined our paths in this chaotic world where there is injustice and fear.The fear of those who would prey on the weak and innocent.The women and elderly.Peace lovers and children who are robbed of the childhood they can never recover.There are times when we feel so very adrift ina sea of strife and warfar.A world filled with dictators and victims.There is a defining force who wade into the midst of the mess.They follow a path of  thousands who marched in milleniums of time.

The are men and women who put their own lives on hold to serve the cause of freedom.They do not ask for anything but the respect and assistance of the population the serve to protect.That in itself is a small thing to ask in respect to that which some surrender to the cause.This time its one of those small things they ask of those like me who are safe to sleep in freedom tonight because of those military men and women in past and present service to our country.The allied forces that died to join that effort of safety in the world.

There is many ways to help those who are survivors of horendous events that occured to them.Loss of limbs,health,emotional and mental trauma that means a lifetime of hardships.families stressed to fracturing.My own lady who lost her battle to a demonic force inside her head from wars trauma.after years of her battle it overcae her ability to fight any longer.I kow what it feels like to watch helplessly as it silence and prgressivly robbed one of the strongest women I have known.We all have someone we know who has servedthe cause.most without question.

It is now time to honor them and assist them in their hour of need.It is our time to serve them in our small way (in comparison).Serve them before they are gone.The veterans that kept Americans from WWI and WWII hostilities are passing quickly.The Korean "conflict?" veterans are aging Pre baby boomers.The Vietnam veterans are now in their 60s and 70s+.There are veterans from the drugwars and covert wars that we will never know.We must honor the soldiers that will never be named in public as the do fight in secret places to preserve both our freedoms and their own safety for their families.

There is one more type of vetern that needs to be metioned here.Rarely named by just as important  is the husbands,wives and families of those fine folks in uniform.They are the backbone to watch the homefront for those on duty in their tasks.They are also on duty to keep the homefires burning for the return of the uniformed loved ones.A job that can be equaly overwhelming alone.Let us also those who support our nation in their own lives with the service.They to deserve the best for their families.

 The organizations helping these wonderful Guys and Gals in uniform are many.Links tothem can easily be found on the internet.I will mention 2 here that I am always supporting here and in the real world.They are:

DAV-Disabled American Veterans www.facebook.com/RocPowers 15

Wounded Warriors Which can be found simply by Googling it.

They help to recover the dignity and confidence the returning warriors to regain a place in a fractured life.They provide help to re-educate the body,mind and spirit.Therapy,prothesis,medical help,Psychological guidance.They help to find a positive re-entry point to getting some of what was lost to the act of war on a human being.
 There is many many,organizations waiting to welcome your donations,waiting to find volunteers as the gentleman at the golden coral in Hennrietta NY who was volunteering to show folks his DAV information.Chapter 15.Thank you for him and thousands who are donating time to bring the mandatory help to our veterans.You may have time that seems to be wasting your life.Retired?Disabled?Time on your hands?looking for something to believe in?VOLUNTEER!It is both rewarding a heck of a charge to see some one fight to rebuild their lives...