Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mr.President Please Don't Defeat Our Confidence in You

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration B...
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration Building (Photo credit: jimmywayne)
United States Marine Corps Memorial
United States Marine Corps Memorial (Photo credit: Adelaide Archivist)
The past few months have so very traumatic with the events of the mass killings that we seem to have fallen into a world written by some Hollywood Director.It makes no sense to the average intelligent thinking creature.The the only thing for  sure is the fact that  insanity has not what got a preference for victims.That is what the media is pedaling anyway.It is just not any place for the things that would be just beyond our realities.The the things that kill are not unknown to our species,It is ancient and unforgiving.It is unredeeming .
It has no regards for life in our realm.

There  are events happening around the world that are important to those close to the event.The Souix Citizen that was at the Pine Ridge assault by Federal Agents Has served 30+ Years His Name Is Russell Means You might research all sides of this case to draw your own conclusions.The evidence that this man Killed agents was at best now conclusive.Anyone But a NativeAmerican might have the modern resources of the latest forensic DNA,etc.would open the case to find truth.Orhave we forgotten what equal right mean?

The otherthing you might be interested in is the US Marine that was told by  Customs authorities if he could
take an ancient Firearm  toCosta Rico.He was detained and is still being held in prison by the Mexican Government.His Life is being threatened and there is no one from the USA that seems to give a damn.This guy has fought for this country.I think we need to sign the petition at the Human Rights Organizations website.

We need to move on with the things that can be fixed."Crazy" folks is just an undiserved label to those folks that never did anything but struggle with task of living.What is going on is a strong case of  evil.Yeah I know its redundantto say.Guns dont kill,Mentally effected folks don't kill....The dark places of the mind kills from influences we have yet to admit the existence of.

The people that died are an undeniable loss to history and our world.They can never be replaced.Their deaths are undeniably a question we have noanswers for.We never will have any thing but theories.None of the theories we come upwith ever be accurate.There are no answers for the darkness of the possessed mind.

We can work to ease the loss of those lives fractured by the Unreasonable losses from that which kills without reason or rhyme.

Taking tools from those us that have the control of our minds and souls are never going to work.The people that are effected by that darkness of mind and soul are undetectable to our world.There is no solution to outlawing  all tools when we have them.If this were possible ,we would already have no use for the nuclear arsenals that dominate the political arguementsof the worlds population. Youcant close pandoras box,once you have let the evil out of the box.Like Pandora,All we have is hope left inside thebox.

Live Like it is your last moment of life.

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Remember When Xmas Meant Santa Claus Happiness

With the growing madness that we all seem to live in these days,Christmas is a holiday that has caught on wth many people.It is a time when the best of people is suppose to be taking place.When the friends and relatives try to be on their best behavior.For many families this time of years brings the people that really do not get along with any other family member no matter when it is a get together.There always seems to be a person that has a loud nasty state of mind that crimps an otherwise festive occasion.

My advise for when the relatives and friends start to arrive is this.Keep a positive mindset.Let them be the
complete"BLEEPS" that throw out snarling and nasty statements in an attempt to undermine the great time of years celebration.It will show them that they have no effect on you whatsoever!the time will go fast for the goodtimes that will replace the silly dorks


The recent events have broken our freedoms forever

The recent killing spree that has grabbed the attention of the world has effectively crushed the free ideas of the 2nd amendment.The right to bear arms to protect and defend ourselves from the evil that walks this earth in the form of man.It seems that those who would disarm the free citizens of the United States are also those that are pushing the buttons that were not to be touched after election.The President said he would not  attack the armed citizens that were good people.He now hasjoined in on the witch hunt for every gun.
This witch hunt will begin with the "special selection" of military firearms.I would like to say next is...
The truth is,this law also could include any gun that has a larger compacity clip.That would include a small caliber .22 with a large clip.A shotgun with a multiple shell clip.

Australia is said to limit shotguns to 2 shot limited magazine or doublebarrel shotgun.I guess that doesn't apply to bad guys.Please note and take into account the following historical facts.The 1930'sgangsters were not impressed with anti gun,anti booze,anti prostitution laws.The lengendary infamous of  that time were all very well armed.They enjoyed the run of all the vises that the good church going folks did not enjoy.Things like food,clothes,a nip of hard cider etc.

Laws only restrict the people who try to stay inside the ever tighter confines of the social straitjacket.When we realize that we are the normals and the inmates to this asylum called earth are running the place.Maybe we will colonize mars with volunteers or like Australia started
out,with the criminals that were actually the throw away poor that we are becoming.They just didn't fit.England lost the best of the creative force.Is there a lesson here with Australian gun laws
The socially protected elite rarely need protection.The neighborhoods they move to are better patrolled and most bad guys would be out of place in that setting.I have read in the past of a black man visiting a friend in a very elite block.The police stop the car jumped out of their vehicle and threw the fellow to the ground.His arms were pulled back behind him in a submission hold.This can dislocated the shoulders if misused.Later it was found that the only reason the man was there was that someone from there invited him.A good summeritan living nearby saw" One of those black people" stalking around the good folks  homes.Not a Bad GUY.!!

If the politicians continue on this avenue of  socialism,the USA will never recover.The last time people here were being door to door searched and threatened for bearing arms by those elite who were armed was,HMMM!let me see.Wasn't it something about the American Revolutionary war A rather nasty parting of the ways with politicians living in wonderful places while Jack the ripper types stalked the very poor and under educated in Whitehall Chapel.While many of the poor were shipped all over the world to suffer in
places like British Hell west indies,devils Island and other wonderous places.

I have past large  currently un-ocupied places that look a lot like the Stalag structures of old Germany in the
back roads of Kentucky.I would hate to see any image of their use in anything but the imagination.
I voted and supported the President because he said he was at a state of mind  free from preconceived
and nonfunctional party ideas.I believed then and now that tools are not capable of doing bodily harm to anyone.They must be picked up and used by what should have been an intelligent creature.A gun,like,any tool is capable of becoming a weapon.That same tool is incapable of killing unless a human sets it into motion.That may change with the future drones and combat robot dogs now being tested.Add a little anatomy shematics,stir in a maniac at the controls and presto.a true killing machine that learns to TERMINATE!

The Second World War was fought by the French resistance with basic homemade weapons.the introduction of more sophisticated  weapons were supplied by the Americans The reason the french underground were not armed is the Germans and Italians  had,00 You guessed it ,gone door to door grabbing the firearms.I wonder if the USA citizens will be expecting a shipment of the those illegal firearms from the US Government like the one that almost went to Mexico.Or.....Is that where the guns we lose are going.It's probably classified.If you think this is hogwash,please download the Governments newly released papers of the Marilyne Monroe's Autopsy.You will find it an interesting lesson on a murder that was never solved.Nogun involved and no drugs in her system.A human murdered her.The human is the killing ingredient.without that ingredient,tools do not kill.HUMANS DO!

Next blog will bring you a list of things changing without you really being aware of how much your world is about to become the Orwellian Nitemare of control over every aspect of our life.I will give you places to verify my writing.

I am still working to gather this information.It seems to be disappearing from many search engines....
But I will be networking many computers soon to increase my abilities for researching my articles.
Be patient my friends and welcome to my world.Come back as often as you wish.You are always welcome here.

Till next time my dear friends. No one can steal your dreams or your soul,unless you let them.Keep the faith alive and the walls falling between all people.