English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of the United States Polski: Fragment preambuły Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Well WE THE PEOPLE have won another one for freedom.We have won it for awhile till it becomes convenient to not allow it.This is an opportunity to get the message out to those folks around our country and the rest of the world as to what is going on as we hear it happening.The courts have ruled that we who blog have protection under the
United States Constitution for freedom of speech.Blog On Forever Free .
The Amateur Radio clubs have always used their radio rigs to pass information and news along to those who were not able to hear different events and happenings from their controlled medias.The reasons are so varied and diverse.Disasters,war,remote areas.The many different things their rigs are used for are truly amazing.Those "HAM Operators" have been there for decades and no one has tried to take away that freedom of speech.These folks are very self disciplined and most try to follow a system of etiquette that all can live with.
CB or citizen band is sorta the wild west version of the Ham Bands or short wave communications.It is the ugly baby sister of the ham bands where anything seems to go.No longer monitored and no longer used by many who used to do so.It fell victim to the kind of garbage that is on the net as spam and other useless tormentors of decent folks.
Internet is in many ways one of the sister communications unit for the very same reasons as The
HAM radio folks.We on the internet inform and update the world to what we have as ideas and events going on.The internet does not require a license yet or any special technical training.It is still free.Computers are in most libraries everywhere to use free.At least in the
The net serves as our personal and public pathway to learn and spread news.I see it as people meeting in the market or the square to exchange what things we hold in common.Just ordinary folks keeping each other informed without the need for the usual spins,fabrications and general subterfuge. Most from the propaganda machine we seem constantly exposed to.That is what makes
Internet freedom worth saving.It is just US out here talking,laughing, crying,agreeing or disagreeing.It is us sharing our intellectual selves in our daily goings on.The Internet may have been created for the military,But it belongs to the entire people of the world now.The Internet is everyones property.It belongs to WE THE PEOPLE and we must route out the crooks spammers, scammers and abusers of our
virtual world so that there is no need to have any other
world power intervene on "our behalf."These folks are the equavilent of the old snake oil salesmen of old.Making money with worthless nothings.Buyer beware goods and offers that are dishonest.
It is not perfect.Anything "Mankind"makes is only as good as it creators.Perhaps with one noted exception.
If we of the Internet were a recognised material Nation,we would have the largest population in the world.
We would be inhabiting the largest area of land mass in history.
Because we are not limited to this Earth in our virtual world,Even the input from a spacecraft billions of miles in space is available.This is also our domain to explore.To go where no man has gone before.
our virtual world is there before any biological presence.There is no "real" limit or boundaries to our world.
The Internet Nation has an economy more stable with its own stable currency than any country in the world.
The Internet nation would have a more diverse ethnic population than anywhere else....
With no history of wars between those ethnic groups.
Language barriers have been breached by the Internet programmers to stop misunderstandings of words and dialects.
The net has no race.It has no single religion to kill for.Yet we can influence the change of great nations when we apply demands and unite in a move for humane change
The Internet or Net Nation has become a force to free political and social prisoners.It can shine light on injustices or over throw monsters and dictators.
Dictators who are armed with the most technical and deadly weapons have fallen to those of the Internet nations unity.
That is the world power that the Net Nation wields.
The Jury of Net Nation brings forth all ideas making it a powerful public jury of peers.A power that pierces the cloak of deception as an arrow passes though a shadow.This nation is even used to elect Political leaders to positions of power
Mistakes are also sometime powered by lack of positive fact in this nation when much investigation should be called for.
The good thing about the nation is that the facts and fictions are usually there if you search them out.That is till the net becomes corrupted by those who would misuse it with intentional mis- information.Those who would use it to criminalize the net citizens for using the freedom of their virtual nation.
There are great fears by leading world powers to hobble or destroy our virtual nation for its ability to shine light on evil and nefarious plans by those same individuals.
This Internet experience has come a long way in 40 or so years.I remember using a state of the art
Commodore computer or my
Timex Sinclair (still have them somewhere)on the Dialup rotary dial phones to download programs from a service called Compuserve I think....something that slips my mind ..But I do remember that it downloaded at an amazing 300Baud!SLOOOOwwww!
If you do not recall that term,don't feel bad it took all day to download a simple DOS program like Pong.The worst part was that we used another lost term,A party line Telephone.That was sorta like the cities intelligence line.Everyone on the fone line could listen in when you made or received a call.But hookup a Baud modem and it was a real annoyance for snoopers to listen in on.Hmmm,Maybe if we...
When I was using the Internet with the family fone,My parents got people knocking on the door to ask if our fone could hangup so they could use the fone...advances in technology are not always killer robots and death rays..
The Net Nation is growing and will continue.I see it as a uniting tool for the best if we keep it tool.IT will null our fears of each other and our sometimes biased minds from just peacefully with an open mind,communicating.We are all very diverse unique human beings.We are living in a world that would try to keep us fighting with each other over really nothing short of a few tiny imaginary mental fears.
Fear is a small thing,But allowed to grow can encompass and devour the entire world.
Or we can replace that destructive fear with a positive component when it is still small.
We can replace it with an entire Nation that is free from slavery,free from hate,free from murder,free(so far)from tax vampires that live off the blood (of working folks),free from borders in many countries with some freedom of communications.
The point is this,If you could find a place where you had an equal voice and equal opportunities to live as you dreamed,would you?Sometimes the things you most look for are right in front of you.
We are the Internet Nation.We all share a duel Citizenship in this Material world and the Intellectual virtual world we could share so well.If we do not protect our nation then we will forfeit it to those who would hold you to their fears and enslave our thoughts..We will lose our almost perfect virtual Nation to the fears of the material worlds leaders. Those who can not profit at our expense or turn us against each other. They fear our peaceful Free and United Virtual Nation.We have found a way to peacefully coexist without hatered and war.There is no profit in peace and prosperity for the warmongers and their machines.People of peace have always been despised for cheating the war machine.
The Internet has helped to breakdown mega amounts of our barriers that divide us.The people we now communicate with were impossible to even meet before.Great and small are equal under the net worlds rules.
Take care dear readers and live each day as if it were your last...
I listened to an amazing audio book today,The Art of War by Sun Tzu.He wrote that hundreds of years ago' The Rules of Warfare.I think it might also work for a peaceful strategy to use in these difficult times.
The military has used its advise for centuries and many coorperations now use it for business.Might just be acalming effect on nerves to have a strategy for everyday life written by someone who history remembers for sucess.