Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Has Mr.Obama Forgotten One Of Our Finest Soldiers in His Need For Help From Our Man In command Of Our military Heroes?

English: Flag of Mexico (1934-1968) Español: B...
English: Flag of Mexico (1934-1968) Español: Bandera de México (1934-1968) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
United States Marines, raising the flag over L...
United States Marines, raising the flag over La Paz, Mexico, 1847, during the Mexican-American War. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"American Army Entering the City of Mexic...
"American Army Entering the City of Mexico" - General Winfield Scott is shown during the Mexican War, entering the capital. Peace came in 1848 with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which fixed the Mexican-American border at the Rio Grande River and recognized the accession of Texas. The treaty also extended the boundaries of the United States to the Pacific. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is a point in every persons life when they feel a need to defend the freedoms or safety from aggressors. They may volunteer or be required to serve as that defender of the oppressed or weakened. That calling is every day for many who work to safeguard the disabledpersons,  children and the Elderly. It is everyday for the people who take care and look out for those who need help who can not give themselves that help.

These folks leave behind family and friends but usually return at the end of that service to those loved ones that expected a safe return home. There are also those that leave home and risk everything to safeguard people they would never have been aware of if not called to preform the chore of safeguarding another human being. They risk it all for folks they hope will one day be strong enough to help themselves. It is said that if you feed a man a fish 4 dinner he will be hungry tomorrow. If you teach him to fish he will never again be hungry. The point is this :Everyone at some point in their lives needs another with  greater strength to help them out of a situation. When we are at a point in our lives that things have gone wrong, we need help to regain our strength. This brings me to an event that has great need to be set right. I will hope there are many reading this who can help this particular hero with a problem it is said the President of the United States will not lift a finger to help.I really hope that is not true...

There are many articles written on how neglected our armed forces Men and Women are while and after they risk their lives to save others from oppression. To go where others run and hide in fear from the forces of aggression.They go to places knowing full well what it is likely to cost them. They should be rewarded with the worlds best medical and their families should never have any future hardships. They already have the maximum a family should have. The soldier returns home after the battles, after the horrors of wars unimaginable carnage to a country that lets them down out of convenience. They become mentally disjointed,homeless,lost,misdiagnosed.

There are still others that try desperately to regain their lives with a condition called delayed stress syndrome. There is many more long term conditions that effect a combat veteran. Most dismissed as something else. It is more convenient and saves insurance money.It also conveniently denies responsibility for the damage to a veteran.

The condition of mind associated with the mental breakdown from soldiers under stressful conditions is extremely familiar to me.My beloved lady returned from the so called Bosnian Conflict after being sent to a hospital in Germany. The diagnosis gave her  a Medical Discharge from the Military. They paid her the fantastic some of $400.a month for the remainder of her messed up life. I will miss her.

When a mom of a veteran who served twice over there in the quagmire we call the middle east. Where people of similar ancestor just cannot get along. Where the rest of the world is always being dragged into what amounts to a family feud. Returning home the veteran is then thrown away by even the commander and chief.

This soldier returned from the "War" after serving two tours managed to save 6 other soldiers, earned medals, and much more. He was a returning hero looking forward to a life at home in a country he thought would help him put his life together again. He was conquering the complications of a condition labeled PTSD.The mess this condition makes is not often brought under control by those afflicted. This strong heart was mastering his life as he had mastered his service time. That is what heroes do. They over come what they can.

March 31,2014:

Arriving in San Diego from his home in Florida, he made a wrong turn onto the freeway ramp. The ramp turned into a non-returnable one way funnel to Mexico. The things he had packed from Florida were still in his auto. He was still in transit .This included legal firearms which having no USA border people there left him at the mercy of the sometimes useless 911 personnel which said they couldn't help him. I wonder where the American Border patrol was during this. I have been to this particular area in the past. It has no exit once you get on the ramps or the freeway to Mexico. Unlike us who simply bus them home, Mexico only allows illegal firearms from governmental agencies for their drug lords to use. This border crossing is one of the many crossings setup that does not allow American Citizens to avoid the one way funnel that forces them into the corrupt Mexican Federalizes hands.

No explanations were even listened too. No reasoning was used by Federalizes.It is the same narrow minded anti-firearms logic being instituted in our beloved USA.Read the headlines regarding pre-Schoolers being expelled for pointing a "finger gun" at another.

This former decorated veteran was sent to Le mesa prison where both inmates and guards tried to kill him. He was then transferred to La Hunjgro Federal prison where he is to spend the remainder of his life in solitary confinement. So far only his loyal supporters such as I and his mother have tried to free him from his Mexican Hellhole. I have never met the lady, but I admire her courage in this fight.
I hope there is many moms out there reading this who will unite in this courageous women's fight to save her son...Hell has fury as a mothers scorn, Paraphrased of course.

The Gun Rights People have so far done nothing though their hands are still out for someone to support their causes. The human rights folks have not stepped forward to assist. There is only those of us who are trying to make a wrong turn'turn out right. I am hoping Military personnel reading this may know of  a legal crowbar to force this war hero's release and would urge anyone reading this from anywhere in the world to PLEASE join into the fight to free this man.He 'did' enter Mexico who only lets gangsters and drug dealers posses guns. This is the same country that has attacked with troops, Mexican citizens who formed protective groups to stop the random murder and kidnappings of innocents.The same Mexican Government that sent troops to kill those citizen protectors, PROTECTING the drug dealers. The US Hero is being held because it is on the law books that firearms are illegal in Mexico. It is not surprising they are illegal for good people to posses firearms. Apparently it is competition for the Drug cartel  run Mexican Government. No doubt making the corrupt government officials receive pressure from those gangsters running the country behind the scenes.Disarm the citizens and we will get you elected.Back those armed citizens and it gets you dead senior politician...Very corrupt system.

Please Support the growing move to free this man before the Mexicans Kill  an AMERICAN HERO.
You can become a crowbar for justice. The olive leaf hasn't worked so lets use a crowbar..At least he deserves a trial by American Citizens in his own country. Bring this American War Hero Home even if it means a trial by his peers in Kalifornia.Thought here:if it happened at any other states border,would he have had more assistance with the federalizes?Consider the Future in this country?

To Support the drive to free Sargent Andrew Tahmooressi from The Mexican Hellhole they have throw away an American that's been left behind. Do WE THE PEOPLE leave one of ours behind ????would you want that to be the same for one of your Families? Remember the MIA/POWs we left in Southeast Asia

Go to Andrew Freedom Fund to find the Facts and perhaps lend a hand to free this man. I have not hears anything from all those political mouthpieces who always need a photo say how much they have accomplished for the military personnel. Seems to be a silent void when it comes to helping our Proudly serving and inactive service personnel.

They are the finest fighting force in the world and the worst compensated. This a small chance to show the world we will not be leaving our best to rot in their corrupt shithole prisons when those criminals in their own countries run rampant  and free over the system and citizens.

The fight for freedom is ever onward. Never surrender your mind.

Update on this situation:The soldiers mother was interviewed on television recently.This man is still sitting in a crappy Mexican prison under constant threat of death by both inmates and prison personnel.United States seems quite able to intervene in Arab countries thousands of miles away while The Country just south of our national border seems to be just too difficult to work with.

  Apparently thousands of illegal aliens are  okay to cross into our country.However both our President (USA) and El President of Mexico simply agreeing by remaining silent,to just not get involved with The worthless Gringo/war heroes freedom.This is a fine example of the care and respect the American soldier has become familiar with.

Speeches to the world to help and ignoring one of our own rotting in a foreign,dangerous crap hole of a Prison.A soldier that walked innocently into a situation anyone unfamiliar  to the border region of Southern California could easily fall victim too. Once more urge you to badger your elected officials too intervene and put political pressure on the Mexican Office of El President.

P.S.:lets barrage the Mexican Embassy with demands to release this man to American officials. You may Call (202)728-1600 or
write 1911Pensulvania Ave N.W.
Washington D.C.20006.
Please keep it polite and to the point.We can over whelm the place. The voice will be loud and clear that WE THE PEOPLE will protect our people and bring our heroes home.The no-one left behind will mean something.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Just When You Think You Could Always Depend on Your Governments to Protect You , Gangsters Start Killing Everyone You Love?Read One Example Here

Government spending
Government spending (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
Official Seal of the Government of the United ...
Official Seal of the Government of the United Mexican States (Mexico) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is always the person who believes that a disarmed society is the crem de la crem of safety situations.It is a lovely and wholesome imaginary thought.I have written articles asking for peaceful agreements between people.It is the intelligent thing to do.The problem is that when peaceful people are confronted with those who are brutal and callous to peace,then that presents a totally new scenario.It is a time when peaceful folks must take up a defensive attitude to keep their lives and protect those who are exposed to the violent forces. It becomes a matter of self survival for the peace of the many.

what this article is about is what happens when a nation becomes so corrupted in the leadership that the citizens are moved to take up arms and protect themselves from violence.The drug cartels are in the news often these days.Shooting,killing,running amuck and creating chaos for folks that just want to live in peace.

The violence has become so bad that people don't dare report the gangs to police or governmental folks.Who do you call when even the high ranking law makers,judges and police may be getting paid from the drugs involved.

Well,you might do as some Mexican Citizens have done.They got together and formed a number of
militias to protect their friends and families from being killed,Kidnapped or enslaved to work in illegal  drug factories.This sounds like a completely natural reaction to lucid people who are tired of non action.The folks had circumvented much of the gangsters with a neighborhood patrol to guard the homes from monsters.Anyone would soon lose patience and trust for officials that are and have done little  to stop all the corruption.Much of the violence in Mexico has been going on for Generations. Much has grown more violent within the past 15years.Sorta parallel with the so called war on drugs that has recently provided fire arms to Mexico. That would get you busted big time here in many states.

The Mexican government was so afraid of losing sales or for whatever reason has now sent in government troops.Yes after all these years the government is going to send in troops to disarm all
of those folks.Let me clarify this statement.The Mexican government is sending in troops to disarm  or kill.....THE CITIZENS....I guess this sorta demonstrates just how things work.I can only assume that the powers that run things are not in El Presidents Office.

I remember the Militias in the USA being threatened with punishment if they did not disband a few years ago.I knew a few of them back then.They were not egomaniacs with ideas of walling up and holding off national troops.
They were folks like those in Mexico with families.They held down jobs and had educations in various fields.

Mexico has been overrun by mobsters that have no regard for those living in peace.That nation is our only other neighbor to the south.The violence may have been stopped by a helping hand if that government had found a few righteous men as we did in the old west.That was once lawless and gave rise to our western heros that were as ruthless as the ones they had to deal with.It does take men such as that sometimes.A man who is working to stop evil by controling his own darkness for the good of others.

This is generally a common process that shows those who are in charge are doing something.It hides the fact that no matter who is leading Mexico past or present.The change is to disarm and leave helpless the citizens.That area will become an open killing field now that they're defenders are laid bare to help themselves.Men,women and children will face the results of a government who could care less for those who will be sacrificed only to make it look like they have finally done something.

I do give that government credit, for clearing the folks who were keeping gangsters out of the area and driving out dangers  from their children and wives.It has opened up the area for all kinds of dark and destructive doings.I congratulate the President and him wisdom.Good folks will die defenseless but finally something has been done..For what future there, only history will tell.If it is recorded by anyone who by chance survives.

This is not only a blog of Mexico.It is an example of what can happen anywhere that it becomes more profitable through any means to usurp common sense and laws to protect people from greedy folks.
Those Mexican folks stream into our country because we in the USA are not insisting on a better and safer world here in the Western Hemisphere.We have every tool to supplement change anywhere in the world.Yet just south of our own borders it seems impossible a thing to do.WHY?

Everyday good folks take life risking chances to enter the USA and a  chance at a life   to just breathe free air in relief.They are free at last,thank God ,they are free at last.I have friends in Texas and Arizona that are naturalized citizens.They still have relatives in Mexico that fear for their lives every day.No one should live in such fear.No one should have to be so betrayed by any government that turns a blind eye for what evers sake.

I do not usually support vigilantism.The old south hung many innocent people from the lack of legal
procedures.The question here is or maybe this:When you have not seen any protection in decades from a self interested legal structure,What is the proper thing to do?If you stay and try to fight thugs wielding automatic arms,you risk your family and yourself.If you try to do things legally,well..even judges have been executed down there.Police forces have continually been killed and others subverted.

These folks were pushed to take care of their own families and loved ones out of  neglect of those that were sworn to guard and protect..So good people flee to what is a land of milk and honey.A risk of life and limb just to breathe free and live well.Why would anyone take such risks if their own country was as much opportunity for them?It obviously is far from a place that has political refuges fleeing for their lives to freedom.

I do not place blame on such victims of a political system as it appears to be.

Until that government is stabilized with honest folks the following will remain and be true.
Evil will prevail when good men are forced to do nothing and other men who could help won't help.
 our country will pay for doing nothing to pressure a chance and reverse the flow for folks who have a peaceful and safe country that needs no flight to survive..

For Now My friends learn  and be enlightened


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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mexican President Could Make The border Crossings Stop

Grand Canyon, Arizona. The canyon, created by ...
Grand Canyon, Arizona. The canyon, created by the Colorado River over 6 million years, is 277 miles (446 km) long, ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 24 kilometers), and attains a depth of more than a mile (1.6 km). Arizona, USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The usual reasons for crossing borders of countries are many and varied.The people crossing illegally are usually hard pressed by their own countries events and happenings.The reasons may be warfare with the usual ,madness of mass killing, rape,brutallity etc. The reasons may be for political reasons.Living on hostile ground with people trying to Harm you or your loved ones is worth the chance of fleeing to safety.

Many times people are simply leaving their country because the leaders of that society has very little chance of ever working to upgrade a person social stature.There wont be any chance to get married,and have children that can do anything but replace you in the workforce for the next generations Pions.

The children will grow up realizing that they wont be able to get an basic education,go to college.Maybe return to help mom and dad to move up in life.Without a decent education,those children will simply  fall into place as the new Pions.The new manual laborers to work thru their whole lives with nothing more than their ancestors.This is a strong motivational factor to cross another countries borders illegally.To breathe the air of hope.

I am speaking  most of a country that intentionally keeps the majority of population  poor and cycling through life as described above.These days  there is drug cartels are killing people for sport(so it seems).The police have been reported by news agencies for being corrupted and involved with the gangsters.Ask yourself, would you want to stay in such a violent and misguided country?Would you really want to raise your kids without any chance to even try to be better than you had in life?

The Mexican people that cross into the USA risk loosing everything to the chance to raise their children in the opportunities provided in the USA.This is not a unique situation on this earth.Is one I have seen closer up than others situations.I have seen the cat and mouse games at the border of Texas and Arizona.

If you think these folks hate their country,You are sadly mistaken.They love Mexico as much as folks in their own countries love their own country.It's the lure of a better life.The thing that we in the USA seem to take for granted.We are all descended from immigrants.(Native Americans are still debatable by some).
We grant ourselves to the pursuit of happiness.but not to anyone else.We grant ourselves due process,but deny that same thing to others.

These people can spend a life savings to pay a coyote(nefarious person saying they know a way crossed the border for payment,illegally).They,then will be left to abandonment if the authorities show up.The already overworked,underpaid border guards have their hands full just trying to keep up.and the coyotes have no problem killing border guards or illegals crossing the vast and empty desert.The bodies left there in the middle of nowhere are often and many each year.

It would seem that if the folks were already here and living in peace,that natural citizens would put them to good use.I will suggest an idea at this blogs end.

If the Mexican government were to actually improve the living conditions of the majority of folks,would the immigrant flow north suddenly reverse? Would these Mexican folks return to a country that they still love?

Why is It the United States can put huge political pressure on foreign countries thousands of miles away,but seem numb and impudent to a bordering country.Is it so very difficult to pick up the telephone and put some
of the political hot air in the Presidente's ear.We dump billions of American dollars into useless countries around the world that will never make an effort to even say thank you.Mexico for all it's problems have some really nice folks if your not hunting them like criminals.That is unless the pursuit of happiness is a crime if your not a member of Club American(members  Only).

If I remember my history lessons,America imported the Chinese to build railroads,then decided they would ruin our pure ethnic race of Germans,French,Spanish etc.The Chinese were deported back to China where many were killed for leaving China.Then America decided the "Noble Redman" was not unlike the bugs under foot.Suitable for death camps/reservations.It Helped that the land they lived on was salable property.Then the canals needed building,so it was good place to bring those Irish drunks to build the mosquito infested swamp areas that were to become the canals to run commercial tug boats for the masses.
Many Irish workers died of yellow fever.

I am pointing these things out only to illustrate that we(people of the World) need to re evaluate the situation before we make any stupid historical/hysterical decisions.If we force the Mexican Government to improve the conditions of their people,the flow over the border will slow and reverse.When the living is good and safe for families, people stay put.This can be applied to most border surges/crossings and mass exodus situations.

When The civilized people are happy,there is no need to wander for improvements.
This is a wall to break down folks,Write the President to ask to apply pressure to this neighbor and make them put some order to the growing problem on behalf of the Mexican people.

For those that would say the jobs are short enough for legal citizens.I give you this suggestion.
Long ago President Eisenhower proposed to major ideas.  A system of Highways to be called the interstate system. and a system of waterways to feed the wetlands water into the deserts.The Highways got built.From the huge forest fires and drought land areas. Obviously the water systems would now be helping to average out the destruction of those have(s) and the have not(s).How about a volunteer signup to anyone including Illegal Mexicans,Chinese,Slobolvians or anyone else who wishes to help develope and build  this system.
Anyone that signs up must stay till it's done and would be given citizenship as a reward for their efforts.
To sweeten the pot,families would be given full workmens benefits.The System would contribute to the economy&Put illegals to work legally.It would also begin the folks assimilation into a different culture.

It is only and Idea,but it beats the attempted exiling of a million people that already are here. Which in all reality just isn't practical or even workable.We need the water system an we need to give the new citizens a
chance become the citizens they dreamed of being.

We are all immigrants to this land,be it new or 5th generation..But we are all residents of this world..

Think about my friends its a chance to do things historically right.

Till next time remeber that even a prisoner is free if he still has his will and visions,

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