Thursday, February 14, 2013

What May Be behind Pope Benedicts Giving Up

Pope Benedictus XVI
Pope Benedictus XVI (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I came acrossed a little published story an hour ago that you can research and look into on the Popes leaving the Papal duties behind.

It is an international event that has been fired by another man of God.Historically the Catholic Church has done many gifted things for people.

I have stories of such gifts of food,clothing and shelter over the years from Catholic Charities around the world.I would never say the church was all bad or all good.I would say that absolute power corrupts absolutly.History has a way of righting itself from all the dark secrets men can try to hide I suggest a glance at the book Of  Hebrews 14.Loosly tanslated states that

You can fool the people,but the creator is more than able to see your true self.that in mind my friends listen to this story and search for yourself for that mystical truth.  The truth is out there    X.

 I am not a Catholic.If that is what you wish to bbelieve then so mote it be,but history is a cruel karmatic equalizer to that which is hidden and the screams of the victims will not be hushed....

A Canadian exiled minister of the Canadian church has brought an International Tribunal with subpoena powers to bear on Pope Benedict and The Royal Families Queen Of England,Along with the Prime Minister Of Canada.Also mentioned for arrest is 6 Catholic Hi bishops of the Vatican city.

It appears those we would call Tribal Native Tribes of Canada have a Gladiator who would right a great many wrongs for the indiginous tribes labeled "indians" by the know it all nebbies that landed on western lands to ilname people they were ignorant of.

Those conquering  invaders then set about bringing the fear of God into these heathens.I bet they never asked if the natives already had a God..Never the less a plan was made by a pope and rulers in England,Spain and other technologicly advanced faraway places to change and convert these savages that had art,language,housing,not much disease(till the sickness was inflicted on them)and housing.The natives even had healthy food to eat and plenty of it.Hard to believe ,but those natives actually knew how to farm crops and traded it for beads and mirrors.Imagine a people that had no concept of land hording and they only wore precious metals and jewels for decoration....they neede control,religion and indoctrination.
The invaders were determined to train the natives even if they had to take the children,starve the adults,and
kill any one that disagreed with the teachers.The church was the teacher...Getting the Picture???

The reverend is attempting to make known the monsterous events and goings on that desimated the populations of natives in Canada.It was condoned by the powers that be and hidden for all these years.
However it is not a long past thing..Indian schools were run and are still run in many places around the world
Where ignorantly educated invaders still use the term.To learn more about the upcoming meeting between the Pope and President Giorgio Napolitano for security and protection of Papal People Goto the Website of : Or at ICLCJ and you may be enlightened by an event that is for you to ponder at...Why isnt it being reported by the Media???Hmmmm.imagine that in this age of internet.Then imagine yourself as a native
at the whim and command of the unsupervised church person who cant be found guilty of abusing a savage who isnt of "our" God.

History records the story of the conquerers and buries the truth in subtrafuge.Perhaps this man will be sacrificed like the Crusader Templer that battles for their belief.I would invite you to read the latest release from the same Vatican regarding the Pope at the time of the Knights Templar throwing the to the wolfs after
the "noble??"kings in charge cut a deal with that Pope.It is the nature of men to default to abominations,when
Faith is not in charge.

Please look at this article and seek out the truth,Maybe a great wrong and many souls can be allowed to finally find peace in justice after all this time.or maybe this man is a complete decide

Lets reak down this wall and let in the true light that brings it all into focus

Keep the faith till next time my friends,
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Is Rocketmail.Com Apparently Supporting Death Threats

Homeland Security
Homeland Security (Photo credit: Phantamage)
I sat at my Keyboard a few days ago inside an Internet cafe where I often go to Have a decent cup of coffee and write my various articles for those publishers I am connected to.I had a relative of mine sitting at another table raise their head with a look that would be reserved for a ghost sighting.

I  thought at first that person who has health issues would need an ambulance.I asked ,"are you okay"?they paused and starred in horror as they spoke these words.There is someone who is going to kill me..What did I do?

The E-mails  sent out on the internet by these punks on killer agents36 @ ,claim to be assasins that are hired by a close friend and have taped the whole contract killing deal.The site says that its "men" are watching and that if the author can talk to the victim they can make a deal so the contract killing will not happen.Otherwise in really crappy broken English the job will be carried out as contracted.

My relative is already in poor health and took some time to recover the shocking event that should never take place.

 The parasite that authored this scam will regret the day they conceved it....I fight hard for should you before its on your doorstep.step up and become part of the fight or lay down and say thankyou sir may I have some more sir??

How many people are going to read this and be struck down by the idea of being killed by a gutless crudball  that apparently is freely running such a site on a domain without restrictions of law..?

Apparently sending such mail to people through Rocketmail is monitored by neither law officers,Homeland security or anyone else that gropes our women and children,monitors the average citizen,denies our Constitutional Rights.I believe that it is still against the law and maybe a felony to threaten another human with
death if they dont pay compensation to avoid their murder....Or did someone feel it was  persons that was not that well connected???just a common citizen with no criminal background that lived a clean quiet life.

I called the local police on the famous 911 line.2hours later a local city cop wandered in and acted like we had disturbed his busy 2AM nap in our tiny 6cop car town.I showed him the E-mail and he said he had no experience with that kind of thing and stated we lived just outside his jurisdiction.He sent us to the local sheriffs office.

The sheriff was maybe 24years old and very interested.He read our printout of the note and
we joked about how bad the English was and that the stupid jerk that authored the note was something of a baffoon in the clumsy wording.He said it was a new possible scam to get money,He hoped.He kept the printout to present to his superiors..We left to pursue the answers to this sleazeballs site..

I have written to the authorities and to the forwarding address that has turned it over to what/whoever is in the circles that monitor idiots with such fantasies.Please note that if anyone you know dies from a threat made that causes a fatal heart attack etc,It is for you to pursue this as rocketmail has already said they have no responsiilities in this matter...This is the kind of thing that will deny you and I the freedom to use the internet for our legal use of the internet for our pursuits and communication.It is the finger on the trigger that will be a cause to shut us down and be the excuse to monitor our lives even more than it is now.We are all going to be victims by this kind of thing.

When WE THE PEOPLE fail to control the predators then we condone their actions.That makes us no better than them.

I personally would like to see this or these individuals prosecuted to the full extent of the law on general principles.They are parasites of the people not able to protect themselves.I have written of this many times.We are our brothers and sisters keeper.

You can stop this by writing the rocketmail people and demanding they prosecute those involved or have the matter investigated for the Homeland terrorists this website is...

OR,....You can sit in your little hideaway and wait till your loved one is sent a little E-mail and suffers a heart attack or in fear ends up paying these rocketmail extortionists their life savings..

Till Next time.

My point is yet to be made to the perpetrator on rocketmail..I only hope he gets a nice cell without a view with perhaps a big hairy guy named "Bubba"that has not seen a Women in a very long time!!!No offense to anyone named Bubba...;-)
No related articles that I would run,all zemanta has apparently is advertisements for Hi Quality FAKE passports and more Fake documents....Wouldve sorta defeated this article if I allowed that.Ain'ta gonna happen there either....but another example of what is happening to us all...
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rand Paul is not alone in a Fight to Keep Freedom ,Our American Liberty Is At Stake

Libertarian Party Logo
Libertarian Party Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
No Dogma
No Dogma (Photo credit: seriouscher)
I am in contact with many people during the week,Gun rights people,Human rights people,I received letters from Michelle and President Obama during election.Among the people writing me in the past have been Madeline Albright,,Al Franken, Vice President BidenMany Libertarians,Rand Paul on a daily basis. ,The Daly Lama joined my friends circle.PBS is there.For a relatively unknown writer who loves the quiet life filled with travel and freedom,I am  really quite blessed by the friends and company that I keep.

I lean more to the Libertarian ideas.I voted for Mr Obama for  personal reasons that is self evident in my writings.It is better to have a situation powered by people that do not  answer to the Dogmas and Doctrines of obscure Ideas that is not of  mainstream society.I think Mr. Obama might disagree with my personal philosophies while we sit and sip our hot coffee and wear what WE deem to be the proper clothing.I won't be thrown out of the club if I disagree with my Elders.That in mind and  using this set up as my template,I will continue...

I really wished that the Libertarian Party could start with and independent running now for the next election.
Grabbing someone at the last minute to try to place under the spotlight is a complete waste of time. WE would need to begin to setup that person with a gradual rise to activity and hold them there in the midst of the
Baptismal fire till 2016.I think there maybe someone out there who has that true  grit.That person needs to be honorable because that has been something built from lifes tempering fire.We need someone that has a honest track record.To many false gods have opened their mouths and proven themselves.

The next person to run should be able to keep his pants on and actually "not have sex with that person".

The next presidential candidate really should not be a member of any so called "secret society that drinks from human skulls robbed from Native American War Chiefs graves.We don't need Secret societies..They are walls that are designed to separate and demean others.The next president should be (along with the other government offices)should only be part time positions.Those folks make more at a lecture or gathering than most working people make in a year of labor and worry.

Next I hope the person would balance the budget by cutting out all the,pardon me but...all the crap we pay for in taxes.I read of a grant to a group that were developing remote controls costing severalmillion dollars to remotely control cockroaches.I could have saved them millions by directing them to a few roach traps in the cheap stores..

Do WE THE PEOPLE actually need an agency that is so powerful that it can not be governed by anyone or any judicial branch of the United States Government?Do we really need remote controlled cockroaches.Incidentally,The magazine "Make"put together a remote controlled cockroach for about 20bucks orso.Worked real good and cost a lot less than a million bucks folks... 

 My older sister was being treated for cancer of the brain a year ago.The insurance was akin to feather and bone dancing treatments (the useless pretreatment for pain etc.b4 the stuff that may actually be effective is used .)had laid waste to her insurance.The state of new jersey(YEAH I know!does not deserve capitals!)denied her the final treatment that may have saved her life.

The doctors wrote the state insurance,still denied the treatments by a greedy medical professional and a fat assed bureaucrat sitting in a cubicle and murdering people by red tape death decrees.

Bureaucrats that deny life saving medical attention to critically ill people should be held responsible for those deaths.They killed those people with the same flippant mindset of a concentration  camp gas chamber guard.

These people need to mandatorily visit the sick they are working with and sign in at their bedside.That signin would only count if the doctor signed it with the bureaucrat present.Just like they make the patient do on paperwork if it did not get done then that bureaucrat would have to do it again till it was one.

Last on my list is a land settlement act or New Homesteaders Act where the wasted federal land that is laying idle and doing nothing in the millions of acres would be assigned on a land sale to American Citizens to develope on a yearly improvement agreement similar to the old land rush rules.This would also make the land management helicopters and the storm troopers attacking American citizens without cause no longer needed.See you in the unemployment lines...

Yeah,we in the general population would enjoy having you in for a meal at the local soup kitchen.You will no doubt find people(ounce prosperous )who knew you in your prior "life"?

The children of Mexican and other illegals could vouch for their parents who could live on their childrens (born in the USA)land till they got Citizenship.This Act would open up millions of SO CALLED Federal acres of un-used and wasted land that would otherwise sit as wasteland.Low income folks that just wished to escape the killing zones called inner city or those that dream of a  place of their own.This land sale would increase our food,decrease urban population,and stop much of the violence of crowding too many people into The concrete jungle.Trillions would be made from the food production increase and unemployment would become nearly nonexistant.Feed a man for a day and tomorrow he again will hungry.But teach him how to farm or fish and he will never be hungry again.
The excess food production could be used to feed the hungry all over the world..Everyone comes out a winner.

The revenue over time would be much more than our national debt.Industry incentives  added to this would boost that revenue with even more dollars for growth.

It is worth a thought.We are headed for a cliff  over which our fine country will  be thrown into what experts and crackpots alike agree on one point.It is that WE THE PEOPLE have a choice to either make the government work for us by being  ever alert to our future laws and rulings.we will plummet to a point of no return if we fail to stand up for what we believe is right.

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,If you fail too protect it,your opponents willleave your world in the dust.

Taxes were not paid by those that did not vote before the 1900"s.then politicians found how eassily the citizens could be fleeced without firing a shot or kicking down doors to get the EZ money since then WE THE PEOPLE have become we the" money machine".

Not to many of us at economy/income ground zero are taking lavish vacations and flying all over Gods Creation to just chill and hang out.Open your mind and look with new eyes at what is happening in the greater picture

That's it for now my friends,I have been having problems with writing blogs.It appears that the WIFI places are now censoring things that we write.I have been two days just trying to get this one out due to wifi saying I am on line,but without accessability.Its already begun in our country....Give me liberty or.....

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