Showing posts with label Evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evil. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Open Letter to Citizens of the American Cities Under Siege By Armed Anarchists......

This  is an open letter to those American Citizens inside the American Cities now being held hostage by the anarchists. Which the media has glorified and emboldened.Your lives have been turned upside down by violence you are being exposed to.Some of you for the first time in your lives.This is conditions you never thought could happen in your world.Never in this country..The days when your lives were good may be over forever if you sit on your fat duffs and don't act decidedly now.Fear is never an option and as the mobs are showing you,the elected officials have absolutely no idea of ever helping you.Like in days gone by this is your moment to shine or fade away.Which will you become?Those who do something or those who do nothing when evil  prevails.These mobs were because of an evil deed. DO two evils ever equal anything good.

The police need your consent to stop these people before there is no way to stop them.If living in a warzone is what you have thought good for your children,then do nothing.Your fate will become your karma.Karma is said to be a real bitch when it comes back to repay you for your actionsor no actions.You will reap what you sow.If you don't take a stand now then you will have no cause to cry to the authorities in the future.That's because there wont be any authorities.Just anarchy,killing and more violence then you would ever imagine from mob rule.Your family members,loved ones are expendable to those burning,looting and killing.You can not nor will you be able to negotiate with a mob of people who believe they can not be stopped.That is why its called chaos.It has no reason.

Those people in the mob are no longer your friends,family or the people you once thought you knew.
They have become a unit united in destruction.The followers are not unlike the red guard that murdered millions in the 40s or the Brown shirt Units of children that often killed or were responsible for family and friends deaths.Chaos has become all they live for.It is the intoxicating effects of the power trip. They are convinced they are obtaining absolute control Authorities are making that possible.That granting of control is even reaching the congress of the UNITED STATES.They can not be reasoned with.Violence and power is all they want.Total control.It is the way of Evil when it is allowed to grow

Evil is a little thing By itself can do little harm.Allowed to grow and it will become a deadly cancer that is unstoppable.The results are fatal.

I watch from my desk as even the police in my hometown I grew up in,Small town USA bow to the crowd.Riding in a parade setup by the town fathers.My family who helped make peace treaties with the indigent populations would turn over in their graves if they could witness this current  state of My town,Of my country.

WE THE PEOPLE are not suppose to run back to our hidey hole to let incompetent leaders give our lives to outlaws.WE stand up and fight.You dont need to grab guns and attack.Though I am hearing more people are arming them selves like never before.I hope it does not come to that.

Flood the offices of your deadbeat city councilmen and mayors,Governors and especially your dumb ass congress people who just bowed down to anarchists. Flood the offices with anger about their neglect of your safety and your lives.YEAH YOU and your family.Its you that run the city.

IT'S YOU that are in charge of this country,Not a gang of wannabe chau graveras.(Mis spelling intentional)This isn't a third world country to run rough shod over.You trusted those elected morons to keep your business and families,your homes and hospitals safe.You did not elect them to surrender our freedoms and lives to.

Its bad enough that many states are still locked down by those same people kissing the asses of the mob.Maybe if our country does fall to the mob congress can get a job washing their feet.I heard thats the going entrance to belong now. A recent  video showed Congress already prostrating to practice for the positional job..Are you really going to sit back and wait till they grab your lives or your families lives??

Get out there and take back what is yours or lose it forever.If you don't defend what is yours then you maybe don't really deserve to call it yours.Your city,Your family,Your business.Your country.

The joke you are thinking right now is that it isn't effecting you and SOMEBODY will step in sooner or later.It will pass and go away.REALLY? Think for a moment if you will.

When the people of a certain country,Could be any country Hypothetically.Had a small group of people.Peacefully marching thru the streets smashing windows in shops and attacking others in vehicles.assaulting innocent people just trying to go about their daily routines.Other people watched.No one did anything to stop the mob.It grew in time to threaten the entire world.Stopped at its roots it would not have  been very harmful,Allowed to grow and it cost the lives of millions.

The good leaders of that country said to themselves,WELLLL just let them tire themselves out and sooner or later they will just go home.Its not our affair.It wasn't effecting them so what the hell.Let them have at it.Some of those in charge actually thought the mindless growing mob would listen to reason.After they served their purpose, they no longer had a purpose.

Since those sympathizing leaders  had taken sympathy for  the mob,they're own citizens  now saw them as weak and dim witted.Disgraced in the eyes of the city.Disgraced in the eyes of the world through out history.This story is historical and  only 75 years ago.History if allowed, repeats itself when people fail to learn from it.WE THE PEOPLE have a chance to fix this repeat this time.Its in our own backyard.

I agree a terrible tragedy happened to a human being by another.I do not agree with the complete destruction of all this country has in the positive side of the argument.For all our missed opportunities in history There have been recent changes that would never have happened in my childhood years.

I remember the bathrooms that said whites only when my folks went into the south.Strange that I also remember MY folks were also  being denied a bathroom when we stopped for  gasoline at a georgia gas station."No Damned yankees" I was 5yrs old.My folks explained that I could ask when I was older.I still remember it well.There is a lot of things that have changed since that time.

Decades of work that changes were made only to have all those in the equal rights movement  now see the mob smash its peaceful image for change.That image now carrying the images those peace marchers spoke in hatred of.That image spoken of was like  the lynch mob mentality of  present day cities being destroyed then  held hostage. People made livings in those cities.Even a cur dog doesn't crap where they live.Burned out cities wont be hiring anyone after all those who would build a life leave.

Our country for all its dings of whats right and wrong is a one of its kind now days.It has grown with many errors that were legal and excepted in the time periods of the past.Slavery,internments camps,immigrant Chinese laborers that were deported after building our first railroads.Many more after the original dirty deed of taking the natives land by trespass and force.WE are not perfect.Its a human condition,not being perfect.

St. Louis,Detroit,Many others look like warzone cities for many city blocks. I have seen this for my self.Those area are areas that most travelers either don't stop or don't goto.It is dangerous.The good people simply moved when they could and went elsewhere.

My state of new york in one of those Places in exodus of people fed up with its taxes,and mis informed leadership.Our fearless leaders have allowed the courts to just let criminals out as soon as they are caught.The sick elderly are stuffed into our nursing homes where those poor old people just trying to have a decent day can get sick and die.

This state also welcomes all forms of illegal whatever into our state.Hands them a drivers license and makes sure these illegals have food stamps and a place to sleep and anything else including protection from the law. Do you wonder why the cities are being taken over by mobs??? don't need a hint as to why people who are first families in new york are heading out in droves?

WE need to fix this mob thing happening quickly now.Its already out of control.Its not Wako a few years back.Its not the black panthers bldg,Its not even the bundys of Nevada.This is armed people taking control of city blocks while our law enforcements hands are legally tied by the consorts in league with those who would destroy our country with no regards to the outcome.

This election is the most important of our lifetimes.Our choices are a man whom I feel sorry.The man called biden is many times put in the cameras eye to falter and show he has something wrong with him.I admire his grit to continue trying.I really hate those who are using him a a pawn to control from the shadows.A puppet king at his expense. You can fathom from whats going on in the medias blind eyes what our country will become if this man is elected.I will pray for his family and him.Everyone deserves to be allowed to try.No one deserves to be victimized by another.In uniform or in a mob. That is equal rights...

I may not always agree with President Trump.I have known some one very close to me that fought him in court.Trump lives to win.I do not hold that against the man.I have seen my country shine in the recovered pride of our rising.For anyone who isn't a complete lazy butt dragger,Life has gotten better for most. Jobs increased.

People moved into better places in life or social status.Those that could not fell from grace.WE need better training on how to win in life and succeed.More lessons on how people climb out of poverty.Courses in school about learning how to succeed in life.Teach a man/child to fish and he won't be hungry.Teach a man/child to succeed and he won't be burning and looting.

In the meantime friends we have a mob to deal with and elected officials in office saying let them eat cake when we ask for help.Marie Antoinette said that same thing.We have a better devise than Madame guillotine.WE have the vote from now into november. Bon Ton roulet!

Till Next Time When WE meet again dear friends,You always have choices in life if you chose to use them.Even when you dont think you have a choice,Then thats your choice.There's always a choice.



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Is Rocketmail.Com Apparently Supporting Death Threats

Homeland Security
Homeland Security (Photo credit: Phantamage)
I sat at my Keyboard a few days ago inside an Internet cafe where I often go to Have a decent cup of coffee and write my various articles for those publishers I am connected to.I had a relative of mine sitting at another table raise their head with a look that would be reserved for a ghost sighting.

I  thought at first that person who has health issues would need an ambulance.I asked ,"are you okay"?they paused and starred in horror as they spoke these words.There is someone who is going to kill me..What did I do?

The E-mails  sent out on the internet by these punks on killer agents36 @ ,claim to be assasins that are hired by a close friend and have taped the whole contract killing deal.The site says that its "men" are watching and that if the author can talk to the victim they can make a deal so the contract killing will not happen.Otherwise in really crappy broken English the job will be carried out as contracted.

My relative is already in poor health and took some time to recover the shocking event that should never take place.

 The parasite that authored this scam will regret the day they conceved it....I fight hard for should you before its on your doorstep.step up and become part of the fight or lay down and say thankyou sir may I have some more sir??

How many people are going to read this and be struck down by the idea of being killed by a gutless crudball  that apparently is freely running such a site on a domain without restrictions of law..?

Apparently sending such mail to people through Rocketmail is monitored by neither law officers,Homeland security or anyone else that gropes our women and children,monitors the average citizen,denies our Constitutional Rights.I believe that it is still against the law and maybe a felony to threaten another human with
death if they dont pay compensation to avoid their murder....Or did someone feel it was  persons that was not that well connected???just a common citizen with no criminal background that lived a clean quiet life.

I called the local police on the famous 911 line.2hours later a local city cop wandered in and acted like we had disturbed his busy 2AM nap in our tiny 6cop car town.I showed him the E-mail and he said he had no experience with that kind of thing and stated we lived just outside his jurisdiction.He sent us to the local sheriffs office.

The sheriff was maybe 24years old and very interested.He read our printout of the note and
we joked about how bad the English was and that the stupid jerk that authored the note was something of a baffoon in the clumsy wording.He said it was a new possible scam to get money,He hoped.He kept the printout to present to his superiors..We left to pursue the answers to this sleazeballs site..

I have written to the authorities and to the forwarding address that has turned it over to what/whoever is in the circles that monitor idiots with such fantasies.Please note that if anyone you know dies from a threat made that causes a fatal heart attack etc,It is for you to pursue this as rocketmail has already said they have no responsiilities in this matter...This is the kind of thing that will deny you and I the freedom to use the internet for our legal use of the internet for our pursuits and communication.It is the finger on the trigger that will be a cause to shut us down and be the excuse to monitor our lives even more than it is now.We are all going to be victims by this kind of thing.

When WE THE PEOPLE fail to control the predators then we condone their actions.That makes us no better than them.

I personally would like to see this or these individuals prosecuted to the full extent of the law on general principles.They are parasites of the people not able to protect themselves.I have written of this many times.We are our brothers and sisters keeper.

You can stop this by writing the rocketmail people and demanding they prosecute those involved or have the matter investigated for the Homeland terrorists this website is...

OR,....You can sit in your little hideaway and wait till your loved one is sent a little E-mail and suffers a heart attack or in fear ends up paying these rocketmail extortionists their life savings..

Till Next time.

My point is yet to be made to the perpetrator on rocketmail..I only hope he gets a nice cell without a view with perhaps a big hairy guy named "Bubba"that has not seen a Women in a very long time!!!No offense to anyone named Bubba...;-)
No related articles that I would run,all zemanta has apparently is advertisements for Hi Quality FAKE passports and more Fake documents....Wouldve sorta defeated this article if I allowed that.Ain'ta gonna happen there either....but another example of what is happening to us all...
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monsters Who Dwell in Our heads Hearts & Souls

Newtown (Photo credit: jdolan)
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengean...
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengeance (Nemesis, right) are pursuing the criminal murderer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are morning the loss of our children.Little ones that  began their morning looking forward to a day at school with the friends and teachers that would grow up with them.Teachers that would bring the world of wonder to their little worlds.The little ones that would dream of Alice in wonderland.Their world was so full of wonder and great joys.

The breakfast mommie fixed,The lunch snack that was so special for that important little boy or girlfriend in their lives.The bus driver they had gotten to know so well.maybe the janitor that always spoke to them as they walked to class .The day was just about to begin in the bright and
innocent lives of a new generation of American children.

The lights of our future that would lead us into a future of hope and prosperity.They could not know the monster that waited not in the closet or dark that stalked their beautiful and sweet lives.The stalking evil monster that was enroute to destroy that which it hated so much because it could never be the innocent  loving creature that it hunted.

We lost a great deal more than our youngsters today.We lost the idea of safety in our lives and in our schools.The place that once harbored the bullies have become the hunting grounds for the hellish monsters that hate and hunt that which can not defend themselves.We have lost our trust in the system that once gave our children the future education and social background to become productive citizens.

The monsters that hunt children and innocent people are the product of evil and corrupted minds.Not worth the protoplasm that a gob of SLIME has.There isno excuse 4 anyone to commit such a hideous and dark crime.

There is also the loss of teachers thaat gave their lives to protect these children that most called "my kids".we can not replace human loss that 1 insane maniac that went beserk, destroyed .we need to design an electronic unit into firearms that can use artficial intelligence tomake it inoperable if pointed at a human.It is technologicaly possible.

Guns will never be taken from our lives.I own a couple of them.I could not bring myself to kill a person only to protect my loved ones.I pray that day never happens.I once hunted when things got financially touch.I hated taking life to live.I hunt with a camera now.I keep them for securty and target shooting.the lesson of these mass killings prove it is a world of chaos.We need to protect those who can not protect themselves.Those teachers that layed down their lives by taking a bullet for the innocent,are angels i transit.
surely that outcome would have turned out much less costly if armed adults were closer at hand.Hard working as law enforcement people are,they can't be everywhere.They are usually there after the dirty deed is done.
We need to be proactive.Blood can not be put back into a body.spirits are fleeting.......

Drug war didn't work.Prohibition didn't work.opium wars didn't work.There future war on guns,worldwide wont work either.It will just drive the owners underground , making law abiding,citizens fear becoming criminals.that will only  put thousands of people into prisons.Then after a generation or so,guns will be legal due to peoples need to protect themselves.The criminals will have had guns.Booze was never,drugs and guns,prostitution have been outlawed for  centuries.Laws do not change the industrious criminal mind.It is even more difficult to outlaw a determined mind that is twisted by dark and evil thoughts.A mind that is so far from what is mainstream normal,even remorse,regret or life means nothing.

we need better controls on the minds that could pull the .Triggers cant act on their own..Guns,knives or whatever tool is handy and become a lethal weapon have no ability to do anything,but layon a shelf.The mind is what planned, stalked,and killed all those future Doctors,Presidential possibles,The future teachers,moms,dads,soldiers and a host of wonderful beautiful imaginative dreams.

Sandyhill is a sorry example of your politicians pocketing funds to monitor the mentally jill.The places that were once there to provide help were un-funded and later get what you pay for folks.Turning the criminally insane out in the street will [and is]going to return at some point to bite us.They just don't assimilate into the social scheme and get well. Even with constant supervision,they may be dangerous to themself and those closet to them.Ie:your over protective mommie......

please note a loved one,or whoever....if you see someone acting or talking of a violent threat to another person talk to authorities.It may save you the burden of remembering that oumay have preserved 28 formerly living precious lives.

 keep the faith and may the good Lord bless and protect you and yours,

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Friday, September 14, 2012

911, Masacre Was It A "Who Done It?"Situation????

English: Mangrove swamp in Kalba, Sharjah, Uni...
911 remembered was the most solemn day of the year.It brings back the painful memory when all people, had their lives in the U.S.A. Changed forever by primitive madmen .Anyone that looked Arab or Middle Eastern was held in suspicion of being a terrorist threat.India,Indian,Hindu,Muslim,and any one wearing turbans.Dark skinned,brown eyed.The whole profile thing on even more innocent victims in the U.S. and abroad. .

The world( as people my age new it) came to an end.we now find ourselves searched,profiled,patted down,fondled  by complete strangers in ways that would have been against a former world society in the name of security.

The humble bus ride across country used to be long and safe.It avoided the airlines nonsense.Now the terminals are filled with a mix master of Border patrol,narcotics police,homeland security and anyone else that needs a place to be.You can't wear anything that can be deemed a weapon.An officer can steal it in the name of "Confiscation for safety". You will be arrested if you say," no you can't have that".It is not uncommon to see a person who doesn't speak English very well, try to show ID and explain to officers that only speak English,to get taken off the bus and cuffed.

I am aware of the changes that had to take place for safety.I have heard and read a lot of theories on "who done it".The CIA,Chinese,Our Government,A secret un-named society,Or we can just go like this...The one's responsible for 911 was____________.Fill in the blank!The most important thing is that it happened on American Soil.It DID change all our lives forever.Who ever  was responsible were madmen creating and spreading a poison that has spread through out the entire world.I only pray that there is a Karma force to equal what they have done to our everyday one could punish them enough...

Travel will never be free again for those of us never having to put up with interference in our lives.
The internet lists over 300 agencies that monitor our activities every minute of every day.
I wished those people that died were never in the buildings that day.But if wishes were pennies,we would all be millionaires.I wonder what they would think if they knew how much those in power would change our land of the free into the land of the Profiled,Untrusted,Guarded and monitored?
In to the land of "we don't need trials,due process,or legally following the constitutional rights for people.

I hope that one day when the world societies pull their heads out of the political/religious places the sun doesn't shine that we can live free again.It is not to late to save our freedoms before they are no longer ours to have.I dread the day that we only read about the "good Ole Days,when people were free to live without monitoring".We are a land of diverse and free people.It's has cost so many lives to be the land of the free.All of us has lost someone in the name of freedom.That blood can not be returned to those bodies....They should not be negated of this payment by primitive fanatical madmen!

 We need to take out the bullies in our world.They can play nice on this earth playground,or we(civilized societies) must focus on re-educating them on proper behavior.Those countries still living in the 4th century mode never seem to be able to get along with the rest of the world.They apparently don't have anything else to do but riot and kill in the streets at the drop of a hat or their religious masters pushing their "go nuts" button..The media would show  emotionally and mentally unstable mobs of those folks just waiting for an excuse to kill and burn in the streets.It's getting pretty old to see and harder to keep an understanding mind about it

The NPR broadcast said that even the police were casing the embassy before the 4 people were murdered by the Neanderthals in the mob.The victims included our American Ambassador,Christopher Stevens.There is no excuse for this kind of event,religious or otherwise.
The leaders and their  Primative  minions need to be hunted down and punished.They need to be a marked example for those that would dare follow.

I guess what I find most baffling is the fact that those countries that allow such things also protect the
very individuals that make their country look like mindless Neanderthal Goons.Why would anyone want their relatives trying to bring a Super Power of Nations into their Stone Aged lives?

I am always trying to bring people together in this world.I am rather doubtful that those types of "people"??? will ever be counted among the civilized worlds people.They are ruled by outdated,cuel
believes that hold master and slave labels on a population oppressed by fears..Such societies are never going to be able to progress to true freedom from their dark fears.They seem to be driven by dogma,and doctrine to the extreme that mindless actions prevail over common sense,good Judgement and self disciplined intelligence.I am not at all surprised that many philosophies point those lands as the mindless destruction points of the rest of the world.We need to pull the rest of our world together.

If the world just sits back and believes they won't be effected by people like those in that deadly mob,
Then no one need feel sorry for them when it does..Surely as the poison spreads in this world it will
reach you.Chaos,Hatred,fanaticism, or whatever label evil wears these days will touch your family,your friends,and disrupt your lives.It will dirupt it in the same manner that those innocent people that were just putting in another day at the place of work.trying to make a decent life for their loved ones and themselves.It was just another day to work for the pleasure of one day retiring.Watching their children and grandchildren playing and enjoying life.Paying into a fund for that little home in the country they always dreamed of.

Do you think the Evil hijackers  in those planes that hit the twin towers had any such thoughts??? The passengers  on those planes and the battling  passengers of plane forced  crash in order to save lives  in Pennsylvania were also just trying to complete another  day.The monsters on the planes and those in the crowd have no dreams of a normal life.They seem to have only destruction of anyone that does not belief in the archaic ideas they have burdened themselves with.It is a poison that kills the innocent and proves it's worth to the rest of the world.....

Each time this "philosophy raises it's ugly head in this manner we in the rest of the world must bear
the burden of a destructive and primitive society that has remained in a dark ages state of mind.They must decide to  join us in the  21rst century  or be isolated from the world completely so they can no longer murder the innocents for a  oppressive system that belongs in the dust of the 4th century.The world must make the leaders of that part of the world decide where they wish to remain.The cost in lost lives and destroyed futures has got to be brought to a finalized agreement with the world majority.

Isolation of these countries would allow no-one to enter or leave that area of the would be a cradle to the grave existence....just like it appears they like it.Let them practice their  madness on each other and we will try to live in peace without them...

I see no other way that would not involve many lost lives in age old conflicts that will only lead to mass revelations......We have a choice to change those predictions....That is why we were told of such possibilities in many different beliefs.Roughly it hopes we are smart enough to heed a warning of a possible hellish end...Not a is the same as any parent warns of consequences to an unwise action.Those in the street are evils weak minded gullible pawns of what it would love to create...
Forgive them,for they know not what they do,Quote"Jesus Christ on the cross in front of his tormentors.".The greatest historical pawns!.......But beware....beware!

Those who fail to listen to the warnings of wisdom,become the fools of  examples learned by others.


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