Showing posts with label Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constitution. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

Billions for illegal Immigrants U.S.A Homeless Nothing

The headlines in the todays news as for the past two years plus more read as follows: Starving,dying,illegals are flocking from their countries in the thousands. Border guards are unable to handle the flow. Congress demands that we (voters and U.S. citizens) mandatorily allow them into the country,without regards to any preventative laws. Without restrictions, without regard to those in the various Gangs/Wolve packs that travel with the sheep/victims of circumstances.

Billions upon Billions of American Dollars are being demanded by those in Congress to feed, clothe, settle, relocate, and support indefinitely all the Non english speaking uneducated mouths still flowing into our country. Flowing with the unconditional okie dokie by the members of the Socialist swayed United States Congress. Totally disregarding all those in desperate need who are actual citizens of this Great country.Did you know the illegals can get red cross aid? LEGAL American Homeless can NOT! Is Fema Aid available to law breakers and who or what is handing out all that Cash and equipment to those NON CITIZENS as they wade or swim north to our border?

San Fransico's homeless are in a famous member on Congress hometown.A huge population that is about to be Outlawed.Not helped to get on thier feet,OUTLAWED! Debtors Prison anyone Yeah That will solve the problem.Dont feed them for a day,Don't need to teach them to fish to help themselves.Just trash them even further,I guess that citizen cant fix her own city,speaks well for the congress doesn't it?Isnt that an aledged santuary city?Wow!10s of thousand american homeless and that city is willing to put 100s of thousand illegals more on those streets.Thats probably after all those legal folks shuffle off in shackles.

The socializing of this country is one thing,but the uncontrolled flight from countries unknown is causing the outbreak of crime and of disease the U.S.has not seen.The constant money drain could be supporting our own people who are without any means of climbing back into a decent life without that extended helping hand.Measles outbreaks made the news this last summer.It cause some states to mandste shots or legal children cant get educated in schools.You don't think its changing our country.Please note those same states can take your children if you don't send them to school...

The United States has hundreds of thousands of people in a daily struggle to survive.They are without the basics of life.Shelter,blankets,Food,Clean water,a safe haven to sleep in,schooling for their children,That's right! I said children.There are thousands of our own kids living on the street and begging for help.The peace of mind  for them looks hopeless for those folks tomorrow.The things I have seen in my own life at one time simply you would not believe from the world of the homeless.I got lucky.I was able to have the love and help of friends and family.There are those in this beloved country that have fallen from social grace so far they are invisible to the social radar.a problem for those living in  ivory towers.the same so called Americans who pray like hell on Sunday so they can stick their noses up at some one who is fallen the rest of the week.Karma has been known to be ruthless when it returns to bite those people.

There is no supporting mobs in the street holding picket signs demanding freebies to regain a bit of human dignity.There is no Congressional meetings to demand the rising of a grand plan to raise up their fellow human beings that they routinely pass in that SUV or Limo every single time.There is no Grand Plan to save our elderly waiting to die in the old folks home alone and declining. No grand plan the surviving families of fallen service men and women.There is no Grand plan to help our permanently war torn Veterans after they have fallen.Many of those homeless are those fallen veterans.forever broken abandoned and forgotten.

 Prior Election years have put people in power that have no regard for our past.They have shown that for all our successes in this world and in this country the only mantra is that it must always be because we (The Free World)are Evil.It sounds to me, a child  that grew up  standing in the hall of the local school with hundreds of other frightened children, waiting for the nuclear missiles to fall from Socialist and communist countries, That was socialism in the pastThere are still those misiles being fired our way..That is how a socialist country is constructed  to function, Agree with us or we brutally will kill you.History will prove this over and over again.I Do not want that for my country or any other.North Korea is the Poorest Asian country in the world.South Koreas light can be seen from space.North Korea is Pitch dark from space.That says volumes in itself.

Our people are doing better than most right now even with the hatred from whatever a human minds imagination can create.Humans are a lot like scorpions with  the worst case mindset.They will sting themselves  and each other just for something to do..The social order of the USA has become like that.Instead of helping those who are fellow citizens .We pittle our resources to help people who can,t keep their own countries safe to live in.Do you really want such neighbors living in the place your family lives.Good people probably are its hard to fathom "good people"saying they are so, while intentionally breaking rules of law while entering the country which they then will  promise to obey those same laws?

Kinda like this ,"if a liar says they are telling the truth are they lying about telling the truth or''''' just lying about telling the truth???"

Yes there is many hard working honest folks herding north with the hordes.There is also many who only look for new turf to sew death snd  anarchy,Death with an anonymous refuge . These "Good" people are traveling with groups of all kinds of characters.There is no way of sort them out in  an unorganized border crossing even with billions of funds.Having No border guards and tech are a good solution for the formation of anarchy and future chaos in our  free law driven country.

Congress once again showing its unfathomable efforts to drive the country under.The same people who were singing in harmony about a foreign power seeking to destroy our freedom of choice to elect.The same ones who would invite foreign powers to help police our uncivilized selves while completely disarming our constitutional rights that protect us from said foriegn powers.

The people who are calling for the free open borders .Those in Congress don't have much to fear when living with secret service protection and expensive homes.perhaps the other government factions should arrange housing nearby in those neighborhoods for the poor new immigrants to find solstice in the protection of those homes and persons.I am quite sure those streets are very well patrolled for safety.

Better idea is those places really should seek to form their own country.they could peacfully make their own rules to institute the way they would prefer to have things
No borders,no laws,no restriction except living in the stone age allowing public beheading and no minding to much if all manner of chaos and debotchery rules. Add to that they could stand up with their lil friends and cuss out and bedamn that stinken place they loved to hate.Elections would be very colorful to boot.God help anyone who won,after all everyone must be a winner in that country or it political tantrums and cou de tah till the right winner get into office.

Strange, but that sounds alot like an island 90 miles from Florida,or is that in South America?It would be a great plot for a ....Novel??  But I digress.

doesn't it sound like A great place of refuge and asylum.Yup,A real paradise lost for sure.

The U.S. citizens already living in the USA include the hard working Border Patrol Guards  in need of huge amounts of those billions being spent on non citizen People. People who have gotten themselves into problems by their own non-actions of not enforcing their own countries laws.I wonder how will they change our laws.Easy to see really,as THEY are already recruiting those citizens who would make our country ....JUST LIKE THEIRS.Protestors in the street who also have not offered their neighborhoods as playgrounds for mob rule.

I was brought up that if you knowingly do something that is stupid,something putting yourself at risk,You can not point a damning finger at someone else.until you take responsibility for your own actions.I doubt if those mobs at the border would swarm into the drug cartel bases like they are into our border,100s of thosands of concerned citizens would overwhelm the Gangstas to take back their peace of mind.Their own country would soon recover enough to live in peace.

Listening to the 97% of the United States citizens would no doubt not be believed by our Congress.A group of elected folks who have come to  believe their own propaganda. taking responsibility for these last near 3years of bent ideologies  would go for the prior actions and ideas of congress screwing up at elections,herds of people flocking to perpetrate in an illegal act and expecting to be rewarded for the act.Stupid is as stupid does.

Congress has been so busy being spaced out brats on the political playground,They have accomplished nothing after thier slim last election, They have so far only been able to show the rest of the world how  malignant our ideas of what we stand for have become.They ignore those in need while dreaming up ways to keep our political system in turmoil.Congress seems bent on usurping all the core values of our forefathers.They seem bent on delivering our citizens into the arms of those who would destroy our culture and progress for far flung fantasies.Things that may one day be developed to function in some compatible  copacetic way with our country.Not now.Theres more important things to "FIX".

Some of the most  Flatculent members of Congress these days are always in the papers under headline news,things like damning our allies,bolstering our beheading manic enemies,putting diapers on our livestock,putting us all back into the stone age without technology and worst of all belittling our people in another time that individual would be tarred and feathered to be run out of Washington on a rail..Dont forget the good old playground matra complete with fake tears and whaling your a racist,bigot,yadda,yadda,yadda.etc.etc.

That all becomes mute when you realize if that person casting that stone and, using the afore mentioned terms to identify you  must also be a racist,etc etc.after all,it really does take one to know one...Its gotten old and really doesn't mean much any more.

the destruction of our monuments are akin to the monsters over seas,You can destroy history and rewrite the records,you cant change peoples hearts with force and aggression,The actual Nazis tried that and paid dearly for their dark deeds.

Next election,maybe WE THE PEOPLE of all walks of life will not pay so much headline attention to those who grab foto ops and headlines for the paparazzi that have become our news folks. Breaking news these days isn't the kid down the street who is doing good.Its the useless Gang banger who is attempting to create music. Its the multi million dollars star who seems never to have clothes to wear and climbs in with some one different on a weekly tabloid appearance.The news has forgotten what is important. It isn't titillating enough. Congress seem befitting for that perfectly. 

I am always stating that there are those that talk about things,those that watch things happen,and those that make things happen. Those around the world who read this,think about the last type of person in that statement. Please read on.

This next year is upon us,Tho I can not believe 2023 past so quickly.
Please think hard about how we can change our political governments to play nice on that political playground in the media circus. If just one election would find a majority who come into power to guard our rights and actually hear our ideas. 

Perhaps we might actually reach the stars one day instead of fighting over petty bullshit till some one pushes the nuclear off button an we are no more.That would please some who want the world living in caves with basics, There are intentions to deny us the ablility to travel,to eat cooked meals or even to have our homes heated n air conditioned.  

Our food producers have been under attack last year which reduced our supplies across the country.Our fuel supplies were cut to weaken and destabilie our country futher.then wha other fuels were available were on the laws to be outlawed. Our appliances have also come under the outlawed articles.Then many states decided to utlaw the ability to replace parts they mandate to run our vehicles.Its makinf our repairing older vehicles inpossible without becoming an outlaw to just repair a mandatory machine.

The United States May look like the clouds of despair are on us. The stocks fall and rise often.The economy slips for awhile..Stores close as times change(some of you might remember W.T.Grants or New Berry's 5 n 10 store or Fishmans 5 n 10 . A N P Stores,They all closed years ago.The world was changing as it does each moment of our reality as we know it.The world didn't fall into dust or reality did not dissolve into the cosmos.We will adapt. R esistance is futile,you will be assimilated.Its just a matter of getting people into office around the globe who can put a plug in their oral flatulence and
Fantasies that can work in maybe 50years with everyone working in that direction using all our brains to create a real scenerio. One based on what we got to work with. 

We can't keep putting the unfathomable idea into motion without a better plan or prceedure in place.It is like a house of cards.Pull the bottom card and it falls flat...Our lives,Our counrtry is the same. Green power is an impossible dream right now.The banning of the things and sysytems we use every day have no affordable replacement for the average person.The natural foods have beed feeding humans for millenia,The machines we use may not be futuristic unless you just walked out of the 18th century.It takes time and development with lots of fore thought....We are not ready yet.
It will take people in office who can see and understand the whole picture.People who fix our present world before pulling the woorld from under neath our feet. People who can gradually slide us into that dreamworld that is killing our whole worlds peace and prosperity. Those in office right now are so busy getting rich ripping off the people and spending monopoly dollars are doing damage to our whole world. Its going to take a new group of people in office who will reduce the government bloat. Reduce the corruption thats rumored to be there. Bring our country back from the twilight one it has become.

I personally have not mentioned who I would elect for leader of our nation.Its to early in the game.I would not even think of those whose party quibbles for years over things imagined and not proven.That reminds me to much of the child caught in a lie and refusing to admit he was doing so.Then having his pals jump in to compound that lie making them all liars in the teachers mind. The present Administration seems to be discovered to be such.

Changes really need to be made throughout our ruling Government to repair and bring about the dreams we wish would become reality. Hitting all our abilities to support and repair our lives are on the way though.

I can see that theres cuts in place I would see improvements instead.I can see the corporate world taking a political enema from past political affiliations. This Administration even more so. Some running to those countries that would undermine our way of life to fill their pockets at the top.taking jobs with them.This is improving slowly.

Some of those sucking out all the freebies that homeless sick and retired have earned are facing hard times at returning to or first job in generations to work.The Auto industry that lived high for several generations have mostly sold out to overseas buyers.Even Harley's are not exactly like my dad rode.

But,we will survive and adapt to the world that is rising.WE THE PEOPLE will adapt and arrive in the future as a stronger,more resilient society.We are just in transition right now.Its going to be a wild ride into that future those who sit and hide will be lost.Those who move with the stream of time,events and technology will swim with the currents.Those who fight that current will tire and be lets elect a body of people who work together and finish bringing our (pardon my scenario)Star ship America online and pull together as a world of Nations with laws and order. Not mobs and anarchy.

Elected folks who can drive the Gangstas out of countries that create death and chaos.Elect folks that realize that no country should take advantage to undermine another economy.This world can feed every single person,Theres jobs for every single person on this Earth.Its not going to take mindless dreams that have a foundation.It takes people working as one with proven ideas and cooperation.

If I had one dream that would make a difference in this world it would be to have at least all the people in power talking with Perseverance of mind to put aside greed, To find common ground as a Human society. To work together. To realzie that for all the different beliefs and all the different ideologies we can adapt,adopt,or invent, we all bleed the same colored blood.for all the names of creation or creators,We are all here in spite of who or what got us here..This is our playground or fish bowl from either prospective,Its ours to live in or its ours to once more be destroyed in...we have that one thing in common and that is our choice. Together either way .

We can make a difference if we just hang in there and ride the wave to better times.

Make a difference folks.its all in your hands to change the world with a simple piece of paper with your idea of who will lead next election.Do you want a United nations land,"cuz you aint not going" to have a free country folks with that,or the neat lil electronic playthings that make our lives interesting....Can you say,"AMISH LIVING".sorry that end of a horse would just make my sinus clog up.

I would prefer to see my country and the rest of the world grow together as much as possible.we need folks in office who can secure our borders till countries agree on what the situation of borders are agreeable.countries need to stop trying to intimidate the others.Most of all WE THE PEOPLE of the United States must never elect radicals into our government again,we need cohesion pointed in a direction based on the constitution. Based on World peace and no more endless wars for profiting a few warhawks who profit from deatha nd destruction

Lastly,the entire World needs to stop World wide radical beliefs from growing into what we have seen worldwide.Any belief that believes in destruction of others should be stopped before it gets out of hand to become Genocide for whatever reason by whatever faction.

Till next time  folks keep a positive mindset and keep your eyes open for opportunity.Millionaires found ways to become successful even in the depression of 1929.People who believe thier money ended at $0.jumped off buildings.Think of ways to grow.Elect someone who can make the world what you need to succeed,socialism,communism,Or Freedom to decide for yourself in a growing society.Personally,I choose freedom.Without the freedom to live a good life,Life isnt worth  a penny.

Your choice,



Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dick Metcalf is fired as writer from the Guns and Ammo Magazine and Sportsman Tv for defending 2nd Ammendment,Internet suffers Freedom hit from 3 judges

Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Isl...
Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island, Manhattan, in New York County (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The writer,hunter,broadcaster Dick Metcalf of sports shows and Guns and Ammo magazine was dumped for his view of The Constitutions  2nd Amendment by
 his employers.Forget his first ammendment right.

A 12year old kid saws off a 20gauge shotgun,takes it to school and injures and kills other children.The media imediatly blames every other gun owner in the country for this kids family not paying any attention to his daily activities.So where was that gun kept and when did this kid do his remanufacturing of the barrel.
This kid was adult enough to commit premeditated homicide along with illegally  modifying  firearm...for the use in a crime.
All the laws in the world Will not prevent a murderer from hi/her nefarious deed.
This same state of mind was  responsible for the first murder....No gun involved there so it is written..

The court made a ruling to end (inter)net neutrality.The exact and dramatic changes are to be vital to Internet choices.There are articles on Bloombergs website for the details of the Internet changes.

The Safe act.regarding New York State and other states Have many more laws coming to make ordinary folks into felons.The various Police agencies have filed as friends of the court,but are not in agreement with the law.Still the incrimination's are coming.

Meanwhile Pot is OK now in the eyes of the lawmakers.HMMM!Will those in prison for prior possession be freed and compensated for loss of freedom and violation of a constitutional right.Pursuit of happiness might be invoked.What happened to the so called war on drugs that we spent billions on?Can little Johnie visit his 60's generation pot convicted dad in the penitentiary.and share a refreshing weed,legally now.

A Congressman in Hawaii wonders the street with a sledgehammer assaulting those he deems homeless and attacks them.The media states that no one has defended themselves or filed a complaint.It is only because those assaulted would be held for assault on a federal official.The lawmakers are committing a vicious attack.Who do you call when the law is committing the crime?

The court rulings allowing Territorial monopolies for Time Warner Cable,Verizon,com cast to be the only systems in protected areas will force you to have no choice of carriers in your area.The further as I have understood it is that the slowing down,peeping into and doing pretty much what they please will no longer be protected by rules.You need to read about this if you have not.

You are no doubt asking what this all has to do with each other.We are slowly losing the ground that our forefathers gained with their efforts and foresight.Each time something like this happens we are pushed farther from our task of prevailing over those who believe they can dictate laws. Impromptu creations of contorted rules made by people in power.People who know there is no one minding the freedom store as in the past.A very good example is our countries leader who has made announcements that the Senate and Congress are no longer needed due to his much wiser abilities to decide for the entire 250millions USA citizens.WE THE CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD???

The Health insurance that many of us had was not perfect by far.The insurance was at least there for us.Mine notified me that it was no longer available.They were pulling out of the system.I was notified 2days before it did.The  mail took 3days to reach me.A Old lady was standing in front of me at the prescription counter.I was next in line to receive my script.The poor lady was easily in her 80's and was asking how she was to get her life saving meds.The pharmacist look at her and could only tell her to go to the office for the aging.
The elderly lady could not pay for her scripts and left the counter nearly in tears.I felt helpless and angry that such things can be orchestrated by our government.The same meds would by given to those overseas for pennies on the dollar.Are we any less a loss?.

Our country needs to bring changes alright.We need to sort out all those who are in ANY position of abusive power and impeach,fire or remove by legal force those destroying our Constitution.We must get off our dormant backsides to fire up a move to make changes that safeguard our right,punish those who abuse those privilege's and make equal the laws for everyone.Not a proverbial  Witch hunt,A collaborated effort based on the same performance as anyone else on the job would have.You don't measure up and we find a better choice.

It is about time that there are changes due,But those changes are supposed to come from the Democratic Process.All people should be included into that process.Freedom of speech,Right to protect...Those rights might be of interest to you.They directly effect your every waking moment of your day.Try going all day watching what you say,bending no rules,and staying in the confines that would exist without those rights..Then reflect on how people have lived that come from oppressive societies that now seek freedom to be free.

We are on a run away railroad track headed into a dark tunnel with no one looking ahead to know if the track in still out ahead...These unfocused sidetracks are radical changes in an otherwise pretty solid way to run a country.

The trashing of the writer,Trashing of the Constitutional rules,Judges overriding safeties that protect individuals from corporations.Constitutional rights over ridden by a few individuals in legal positions.It is just a couple tiny hammers chipping away at the Lady Justices Ankles.

Even that which is said to be written in stone is able to be brought low in time if not protected...
There must be a force to protect that justice or it will inevitably fall into the dust as have the other great societies of history.WE THE PEOPLE are the force that has the responsibility to keep those rights and equalities in balance so everyone has the opportunity to be enpowered.

Ours has been  to become the greatest society in the history of the world.We have inadvertently effected more Humans and their way of life than any other in the history of the world.We are far from perfect and have many human errors to answer for.I would hope that there is more good deeds than dark deeds.
There is still time to work together and build on those better deeds...We can't just let it be trashed.
Get involved with those better changes in any Productive way you can.Your voice is so important.Everyone is important in this
Move to build a better country and a better world for all of us.No matter  of your non destructive beliefs or lifestyles.We have one world and all of our countries are based here on this pebble in space.

 Will you join the fight to preserve our great country and extend a hand to those who are struggling everywhere to join in the cause of freedom.
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Friday, September 14, 2012

911, Masacre Was It A "Who Done It?"Situation????

English: Mangrove swamp in Kalba, Sharjah, Uni...
911 remembered was the most solemn day of the year.It brings back the painful memory when all people, had their lives in the U.S.A. Changed forever by primitive madmen .Anyone that looked Arab or Middle Eastern was held in suspicion of being a terrorist threat.India,Indian,Hindu,Muslim,and any one wearing turbans.Dark skinned,brown eyed.The whole profile thing on even more innocent victims in the U.S. and abroad. .

The world( as people my age new it) came to an end.we now find ourselves searched,profiled,patted down,fondled  by complete strangers in ways that would have been against a former world society in the name of security.

The humble bus ride across country used to be long and safe.It avoided the airlines nonsense.Now the terminals are filled with a mix master of Border patrol,narcotics police,homeland security and anyone else that needs a place to be.You can't wear anything that can be deemed a weapon.An officer can steal it in the name of "Confiscation for safety". You will be arrested if you say," no you can't have that".It is not uncommon to see a person who doesn't speak English very well, try to show ID and explain to officers that only speak English,to get taken off the bus and cuffed.

I am aware of the changes that had to take place for safety.I have heard and read a lot of theories on "who done it".The CIA,Chinese,Our Government,A secret un-named society,Or we can just go like this...The one's responsible for 911 was____________.Fill in the blank!The most important thing is that it happened on American Soil.It DID change all our lives forever.Who ever  was responsible were madmen creating and spreading a poison that has spread through out the entire world.I only pray that there is a Karma force to equal what they have done to our everyday one could punish them enough...

Travel will never be free again for those of us never having to put up with interference in our lives.
The internet lists over 300 agencies that monitor our activities every minute of every day.
I wished those people that died were never in the buildings that day.But if wishes were pennies,we would all be millionaires.I wonder what they would think if they knew how much those in power would change our land of the free into the land of the Profiled,Untrusted,Guarded and monitored?
In to the land of "we don't need trials,due process,or legally following the constitutional rights for people.

I hope that one day when the world societies pull their heads out of the political/religious places the sun doesn't shine that we can live free again.It is not to late to save our freedoms before they are no longer ours to have.I dread the day that we only read about the "good Ole Days,when people were free to live without monitoring".We are a land of diverse and free people.It's has cost so many lives to be the land of the free.All of us has lost someone in the name of freedom.That blood can not be returned to those bodies....They should not be negated of this payment by primitive fanatical madmen!

 We need to take out the bullies in our world.They can play nice on this earth playground,or we(civilized societies) must focus on re-educating them on proper behavior.Those countries still living in the 4th century mode never seem to be able to get along with the rest of the world.They apparently don't have anything else to do but riot and kill in the streets at the drop of a hat or their religious masters pushing their "go nuts" button..The media would show  emotionally and mentally unstable mobs of those folks just waiting for an excuse to kill and burn in the streets.It's getting pretty old to see and harder to keep an understanding mind about it

The NPR broadcast said that even the police were casing the embassy before the 4 people were murdered by the Neanderthals in the mob.The victims included our American Ambassador,Christopher Stevens.There is no excuse for this kind of event,religious or otherwise.
The leaders and their  Primative  minions need to be hunted down and punished.They need to be a marked example for those that would dare follow.

I guess what I find most baffling is the fact that those countries that allow such things also protect the
very individuals that make their country look like mindless Neanderthal Goons.Why would anyone want their relatives trying to bring a Super Power of Nations into their Stone Aged lives?

I am always trying to bring people together in this world.I am rather doubtful that those types of "people"??? will ever be counted among the civilized worlds people.They are ruled by outdated,cuel
believes that hold master and slave labels on a population oppressed by fears..Such societies are never going to be able to progress to true freedom from their dark fears.They seem to be driven by dogma,and doctrine to the extreme that mindless actions prevail over common sense,good Judgement and self disciplined intelligence.I am not at all surprised that many philosophies point those lands as the mindless destruction points of the rest of the world.We need to pull the rest of our world together.

If the world just sits back and believes they won't be effected by people like those in that deadly mob,
Then no one need feel sorry for them when it does..Surely as the poison spreads in this world it will
reach you.Chaos,Hatred,fanaticism, or whatever label evil wears these days will touch your family,your friends,and disrupt your lives.It will dirupt it in the same manner that those innocent people that were just putting in another day at the place of work.trying to make a decent life for their loved ones and themselves.It was just another day to work for the pleasure of one day retiring.Watching their children and grandchildren playing and enjoying life.Paying into a fund for that little home in the country they always dreamed of.

Do you think the Evil hijackers  in those planes that hit the twin towers had any such thoughts??? The passengers  on those planes and the battling  passengers of plane forced  crash in order to save lives  in Pennsylvania were also just trying to complete another  day.The monsters on the planes and those in the crowd have no dreams of a normal life.They seem to have only destruction of anyone that does not belief in the archaic ideas they have burdened themselves with.It is a poison that kills the innocent and proves it's worth to the rest of the world.....

Each time this "philosophy raises it's ugly head in this manner we in the rest of the world must bear
the burden of a destructive and primitive society that has remained in a dark ages state of mind.They must decide to  join us in the  21rst century  or be isolated from the world completely so they can no longer murder the innocents for a  oppressive system that belongs in the dust of the 4th century.The world must make the leaders of that part of the world decide where they wish to remain.The cost in lost lives and destroyed futures has got to be brought to a finalized agreement with the world majority.

Isolation of these countries would allow no-one to enter or leave that area of the would be a cradle to the grave existence....just like it appears they like it.Let them practice their  madness on each other and we will try to live in peace without them...

I see no other way that would not involve many lost lives in age old conflicts that will only lead to mass revelations......We have a choice to change those predictions....That is why we were told of such possibilities in many different beliefs.Roughly it hopes we are smart enough to heed a warning of a possible hellish end...Not a is the same as any parent warns of consequences to an unwise action.Those in the street are evils weak minded gullible pawns of what it would love to create...
Forgive them,for they know not what they do,Quote"Jesus Christ on the cross in front of his tormentors.".The greatest historical pawns!.......But beware....beware!

Those who fail to listen to the warnings of wisdom,become the fools of  examples learned by others.


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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

An Experts Plan to Obtain Economic Liberty in 30 Days

Organization of the Federal Reserve System
Organization of the Federal Reserve System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig von Mises (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The  Following is an article that I saved from Many years ago.It was written by Liewellyn H. Rockwell,Jr.President Of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute,Auburn University,Auburn,Alabama,36849-5301.This article is a distinct feeling of many Americans to free much of the taxes and foolish politicking going on today.The years since it was written has only worsened in my opinion.It really doesn't matter what country or official is in office.Even the best human being in office cant wave a magic wand and make years of bad Choices go away.

With this in mind and not saying I totally agree with this gentleman.I reall feel that there is much that could be done around the world to redeem peace and prosperity to humans.That in mind,I give you the words of the honorable gentleman as follows.Apply then to Your own piece of the world and see that your world is a great deal similar to my world.We all need to think as one people...The human Race.   :-)

Day 1)The federal income tax is abolished and april 15th is declared  a national holiday.The 40%reduction in federal revenues is matched by a 40%cut in spending.The budget is stillalmost twice as big as Jimmy Carter,s.

Day2)All other federal taxes are abolishedincluding the coorporate income ,the capital gains tax,the gasoline tax,"sin" taxes,excise taxes,etc.Business booms,and thenew legitimate federal functions arefued with aninexpensive head tax.People who choose not to vote need not pay it.(Note:This was  a mainstream view in the 19th century.)

Day3)The federal government sells all of it's land,freeing up tens of millions of acres fir forestry,private parks,farmingdevelopement,etc. The government uses the revenue to pay off the national debt and other liabilities.

day4)The minimum wage is reduced to zero,creating jobs for ex federal bureaucrats at their market wage.All pro union laws and regulations are scrapped.The jobless rate falls dramatically.

Day5)The Bureau of Labor Statistics,like the rest of the labor dept. is sent to that big hiring hall in the sky.Without detailed economic statistics,future econimic planners will be blind and deaf.

Day6)The department of Commerce is abolished.Big business has to make its own way in the world,without subsidies and priviledges at theexpense of itscompetitors and customers.

Day7)The plug is pulled on the dept of energy.Oil and gas prices plummet.

Day8)All regulatory agencies,from the interstate commerce commision to the federaltrade commision are deep sixed.competition is legalized.

Day9)HUD is squashed like a bug.Theres a building boom in cheap private apartments.

Day10)The interstate hiways open asprivate businesses.Road entrepreneurs price travel according tocustomer demand.Using modern technologies,drivers get billsonce a month.Non-drivers no longer subsidize car owners.

Day11)Government welfare is wiped out.Bums work or starveThe deserving poor find a cornicopia ofprivate services designed to make them independent.Private charity explodes, as the american people,already the most generous in the world,find their incomes almost double, thanks to the tax cuts.

Day12)The federal reserve closes its open market operations and stops rotecting the banking industry from competition.But banks can nowengage in all the non-bank financial activities previously forbidden to them The business cycle which is caused monetary expansion through the credit markets,is liquidated.

Day 13)Federal deposit insurance is scrapped.All insured deposits are redeemed from federal assets which include the personal assets of high-level government employees.The threat of bank runs forces banks to keep 100%reserves for their demand deposits,and prudent reserves on all other accounts.There are no more inherently bankrupt banks propped up by the government,at taxpayer expense,and no more bail outs.

Day14)The shaky flat dollar is defined in gold,with the ratio determined by dividing the government's gold stock by all existing dollars on that day.

Day15)The federal government sells National and Dulles airports to the highest bidder,and stops all subsidies to other socialist airports around the country.All constraints on airline prices and services cease.It costs more to fly during peak hours than off-peak,but overall,air travel drops in price.

Day16)All government regulations and sustained cartels are abolished,including those for the post office,telephones,television,radio,and cable tv.prices plummet,and a host of new and unforseen services become available

Day17)Centrally planned agriculture as in posed by Hoover and Roosevelt is repealed:Ther are no more subsidies,payments-in-kind,marketing orders,low interest loans etc.Farm prices drop.Entrepreneurial farmers get rich.Welfare farmers go into another line of work.The poor eat like kings!

Day18)The justice Department shutters its antitrust division.Companies big and smallare free to merge-up,down,or sideways.Stockholders can buy any other company,or sell their stock to anyone else.Marginal producers can no longer battle their competitors with bureaucratic weapons.

19)The Department of Education flunks the constitionality test,and is kicked out.Private charities set up remedial reading andwriting programs for the formerbureaucrats.Local school districts become responsive to parents or close,pressured by a fast-growingprivate school sector(which many more parents can now afford)

20)All federalmonuments are sol,in some cases to no-profit groups based on the Mt.Vernon ladies Association,Which owns and runs George Washingtons home.The VFW buys the Vietnam Memorial.Thers is much bidding for the Jefferson an Washington Monuments.Nobody wants the FDR's so its torn down and the land sold to a farmer.(Bloggers personal Note:Disagree Here!)
(With the Federal Government cut back to its constitutional size,much of Washington reverts to productive uses like agriculture,as in the late 18th century).

Day21)The computerized financial and political dossier maintained by the government on every american is erased.The public wanders through the federal offices to make sure,in a reprise of the East Berliners visits to Stasi HQ.

Day22)Eqaul rights are granted to ALL Americans,even members of non-victim groups.Ther is no affirmative action,no quotas,no set asides,no blic accomadationslaws.Private property and freedom of association are fully restored

Day 23) The EPA is cleaned out,with all "clean air" and similar big government laws repealed.Ten thousand lawyers leap from their balconies.Private property is established in air and water.Americans harmed by pollution are free to sue the polluters,who are no longer protected by the federal government.

Day 24)Americans are given complete freedom of contract,restoringrationality to malpractice and product liability law.

Day25)Government scrambles for more assets to sell(ie:the natinal zoo also know as (Washington D.C.)to pay off the liabilities of the priatized Social Security system.

Day 26)Porn artists have to earn their own living,as the National endowment for the arts tries to raise its budget through sidewalk painting sales.(bloggers Note:There is quite a difference between Mona Lisa and a urine filled bottle containing a Sacred Holy Relic...What is Worthy ART?).

Day 27)Foreign aid is outlawed as unconstitutional,unjust,and uneconomic.Foreign politicians have to steal their own money.The world bank,IMF,an United Nations close their super luxurious doors.

Day28)The american people are given the inrestricted right to keep and bear arms.(Bloggers Note:Dont hold your breathe on this one,Armed citizens are very threatening annoyances to folks in command.It becomes very hard to dictate your will in some places when "THE PEOPLE"get sick of being kicked around, & ignored, while living in fear and poverty:ie:Arab Spring....Dictators beware!Be very,very nervous.Your people are but a Sleeping your Empire,forget your people and they will come for you.

Day 29)The Defense Department is reoriented tward defense.American troops come home from all over the world.We remenber the founding father's teaching that we cannot have an empire abroad and a constitutionalrepublic at home.

Day 30)All tariffs,quotas,and trade agreements are put throught the shredder.Americans can trade with anyone in the world,without

This suggestion  list may even be applied to any country in the world   as it has many similarities to lessen taxes and free up personal income for a lot of people.This plan is only ideas to pull the plug on expensive and inflating government costs,If people were to use it as a template to change,many citizens of the world would live richer and more upgraded lives,that is what most folks seek to do isn't it?Live life to the best and fullest...We spend many days just working to pay for things we will never see listed with any creditability from government sources,It's called subterfuge:to hide in plain sight so as not to be the central attention,distraction from the main point.

So long for now and please come back soon

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