Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

Billions for illegal Immigrants U.S.A Homeless Nothing

The headlines in the todays news as for the past two years plus more read as follows: Starving,dying,illegals are flocking from their countries in the thousands. Border guards are unable to handle the flow. Congress demands that we (voters and U.S. citizens) mandatorily allow them into the country,without regards to any preventative laws. Without restrictions, without regard to those in the various Gangs/Wolve packs that travel with the sheep/victims of circumstances.

Billions upon Billions of American Dollars are being demanded by those in Congress to feed, clothe, settle, relocate, and support indefinitely all the Non english speaking uneducated mouths still flowing into our country. Flowing with the unconditional okie dokie by the members of the Socialist swayed United States Congress. Totally disregarding all those in desperate need who are actual citizens of this Great country.Did you know the illegals can get red cross aid? LEGAL American Homeless can NOT! Is Fema Aid available to law breakers and who or what is handing out all that Cash and equipment to those NON CITIZENS as they wade or swim north to our border?

San Fransico's homeless are in a famous member on Congress hometown.A huge population that is about to be Outlawed.Not helped to get on thier feet,OUTLAWED! Debtors Prison anyone Yeah That will solve the problem.Dont feed them for a day,Don't need to teach them to fish to help themselves.Just trash them even further,I guess that citizen cant fix her own city,speaks well for the congress doesn't it?Isnt that an aledged santuary city?Wow!10s of thousand american homeless and that city is willing to put 100s of thousand illegals more on those streets.Thats probably after all those legal folks shuffle off in shackles.

The socializing of this country is one thing,but the uncontrolled flight from countries unknown is causing the outbreak of crime and of disease the U.S.has not seen.The constant money drain could be supporting our own people who are without any means of climbing back into a decent life without that extended helping hand.Measles outbreaks made the news this last summer.It cause some states to mandste shots or legal children cant get educated in schools.You don't think its changing our country.Please note those same states can take your children if you don't send them to school...

The United States has hundreds of thousands of people in a daily struggle to survive.They are without the basics of life.Shelter,blankets,Food,Clean water,a safe haven to sleep in,schooling for their children,That's right! I said children.There are thousands of our own kids living on the street and begging for help.The peace of mind  for them looks hopeless for those folks tomorrow.The things I have seen in my own life at one time simply you would not believe from the world of the homeless.I got lucky.I was able to have the love and help of friends and family.There are those in this beloved country that have fallen from social grace so far they are invisible to the social radar.a problem for those living in  ivory towers.the same so called Americans who pray like hell on Sunday so they can stick their noses up at some one who is fallen the rest of the week.Karma has been known to be ruthless when it returns to bite those people.

There is no supporting mobs in the street holding picket signs demanding freebies to regain a bit of human dignity.There is no Congressional meetings to demand the rising of a grand plan to raise up their fellow human beings that they routinely pass in that SUV or Limo every single time.There is no Grand Plan to save our elderly waiting to die in the old folks home alone and declining. No grand plan the surviving families of fallen service men and women.There is no Grand plan to help our permanently war torn Veterans after they have fallen.Many of those homeless are those fallen veterans.forever broken abandoned and forgotten.

 Prior Election years have put people in power that have no regard for our past.They have shown that for all our successes in this world and in this country the only mantra is that it must always be because we (The Free World)are Evil.It sounds to me, a child  that grew up  standing in the hall of the local school with hundreds of other frightened children, waiting for the nuclear missiles to fall from Socialist and communist countries, That was socialism in the pastThere are still those misiles being fired our way..That is how a socialist country is constructed  to function, Agree with us or we brutally will kill you.History will prove this over and over again.I Do not want that for my country or any other.North Korea is the Poorest Asian country in the world.South Koreas light can be seen from space.North Korea is Pitch dark from space.That says volumes in itself.

Our people are doing better than most right now even with the hatred from whatever a human minds imagination can create.Humans are a lot like scorpions with  the worst case mindset.They will sting themselves  and each other just for something to do..The social order of the USA has become like that.Instead of helping those who are fellow citizens .We pittle our resources to help people who can,t keep their own countries safe to live in.Do you really want such neighbors living in the place your family lives.Good people probably are its hard to fathom "good people"saying they are so, while intentionally breaking rules of law while entering the country which they then will  promise to obey those same laws?

Kinda like this ,"if a liar says they are telling the truth are they lying about telling the truth or''''' just lying about telling the truth???"

Yes there is many hard working honest folks herding north with the hordes.There is also many who only look for new turf to sew death snd  anarchy,Death with an anonymous refuge . These "Good" people are traveling with groups of all kinds of characters.There is no way of sort them out in  an unorganized border crossing even with billions of funds.Having No border guards and tech are a good solution for the formation of anarchy and future chaos in our  free law driven country.

Congress once again showing its unfathomable efforts to drive the country under.The same people who were singing in harmony about a foreign power seeking to destroy our freedom of choice to elect.The same ones who would invite foreign powers to help police our uncivilized selves while completely disarming our constitutional rights that protect us from said foriegn powers.

The people who are calling for the free open borders .Those in Congress don't have much to fear when living with secret service protection and expensive homes.perhaps the other government factions should arrange housing nearby in those neighborhoods for the poor new immigrants to find solstice in the protection of those homes and persons.I am quite sure those streets are very well patrolled for safety.

Better idea is those places really should seek to form their own country.they could peacfully make their own rules to institute the way they would prefer to have things
No borders,no laws,no restriction except living in the stone age allowing public beheading and no minding to much if all manner of chaos and debotchery rules. Add to that they could stand up with their lil friends and cuss out and bedamn that stinken place they loved to hate.Elections would be very colorful to boot.God help anyone who won,after all everyone must be a winner in that country or it political tantrums and cou de tah till the right winner get into office.

Strange, but that sounds alot like an island 90 miles from Florida,or is that in South America?It would be a great plot for a ....Novel??  But I digress.

doesn't it sound like A great place of refuge and asylum.Yup,A real paradise lost for sure.

The U.S. citizens already living in the USA include the hard working Border Patrol Guards  in need of huge amounts of those billions being spent on non citizen People. People who have gotten themselves into problems by their own non-actions of not enforcing their own countries laws.I wonder how will they change our laws.Easy to see really,as THEY are already recruiting those citizens who would make our country ....JUST LIKE THEIRS.Protestors in the street who also have not offered their neighborhoods as playgrounds for mob rule.

I was brought up that if you knowingly do something that is stupid,something putting yourself at risk,You can not point a damning finger at someone else.until you take responsibility for your own actions.I doubt if those mobs at the border would swarm into the drug cartel bases like they are into our border,100s of thosands of concerned citizens would overwhelm the Gangstas to take back their peace of mind.Their own country would soon recover enough to live in peace.

Listening to the 97% of the United States citizens would no doubt not be believed by our Congress.A group of elected folks who have come to  believe their own propaganda. taking responsibility for these last near 3years of bent ideologies  would go for the prior actions and ideas of congress screwing up at elections,herds of people flocking to perpetrate in an illegal act and expecting to be rewarded for the act.Stupid is as stupid does.

Congress has been so busy being spaced out brats on the political playground,They have accomplished nothing after thier slim last election, They have so far only been able to show the rest of the world how  malignant our ideas of what we stand for have become.They ignore those in need while dreaming up ways to keep our political system in turmoil.Congress seems bent on usurping all the core values of our forefathers.They seem bent on delivering our citizens into the arms of those who would destroy our culture and progress for far flung fantasies.Things that may one day be developed to function in some compatible  copacetic way with our country.Not now.Theres more important things to "FIX".

Some of the most  Flatculent members of Congress these days are always in the papers under headline news,things like damning our allies,bolstering our beheading manic enemies,putting diapers on our livestock,putting us all back into the stone age without technology and worst of all belittling our people in another time that individual would be tarred and feathered to be run out of Washington on a rail..Dont forget the good old playground matra complete with fake tears and whaling your a racist,bigot,yadda,yadda,yadda.etc.etc.

That all becomes mute when you realize if that person casting that stone and, using the afore mentioned terms to identify you  must also be a racist,etc etc.after all,it really does take one to know one...Its gotten old and really doesn't mean much any more.

the destruction of our monuments are akin to the monsters over seas,You can destroy history and rewrite the records,you cant change peoples hearts with force and aggression,The actual Nazis tried that and paid dearly for their dark deeds.

Next election,maybe WE THE PEOPLE of all walks of life will not pay so much headline attention to those who grab foto ops and headlines for the paparazzi that have become our news folks. Breaking news these days isn't the kid down the street who is doing good.Its the useless Gang banger who is attempting to create music. Its the multi million dollars star who seems never to have clothes to wear and climbs in with some one different on a weekly tabloid appearance.The news has forgotten what is important. It isn't titillating enough. Congress seem befitting for that perfectly. 

I am always stating that there are those that talk about things,those that watch things happen,and those that make things happen. Those around the world who read this,think about the last type of person in that statement. Please read on.

This next year is upon us,Tho I can not believe 2023 past so quickly.
Please think hard about how we can change our political governments to play nice on that political playground in the media circus. If just one election would find a majority who come into power to guard our rights and actually hear our ideas. 

Perhaps we might actually reach the stars one day instead of fighting over petty bullshit till some one pushes the nuclear off button an we are no more.That would please some who want the world living in caves with basics, There are intentions to deny us the ablility to travel,to eat cooked meals or even to have our homes heated n air conditioned.  

Our food producers have been under attack last year which reduced our supplies across the country.Our fuel supplies were cut to weaken and destabilie our country futher.then wha other fuels were available were on the laws to be outlawed. Our appliances have also come under the outlawed articles.Then many states decided to utlaw the ability to replace parts they mandate to run our vehicles.Its makinf our repairing older vehicles inpossible without becoming an outlaw to just repair a mandatory machine.

The United States May look like the clouds of despair are on us. The stocks fall and rise often.The economy slips for awhile..Stores close as times change(some of you might remember W.T.Grants or New Berry's 5 n 10 store or Fishmans 5 n 10 . A N P Stores,They all closed years ago.The world was changing as it does each moment of our reality as we know it.The world didn't fall into dust or reality did not dissolve into the cosmos.We will adapt. R esistance is futile,you will be assimilated.Its just a matter of getting people into office around the globe who can put a plug in their oral flatulence and
Fantasies that can work in maybe 50years with everyone working in that direction using all our brains to create a real scenerio. One based on what we got to work with. 

We can't keep putting the unfathomable idea into motion without a better plan or prceedure in place.It is like a house of cards.Pull the bottom card and it falls flat...Our lives,Our counrtry is the same. Green power is an impossible dream right now.The banning of the things and sysytems we use every day have no affordable replacement for the average person.The natural foods have beed feeding humans for millenia,The machines we use may not be futuristic unless you just walked out of the 18th century.It takes time and development with lots of fore thought....We are not ready yet.
It will take people in office who can see and understand the whole picture.People who fix our present world before pulling the woorld from under neath our feet. People who can gradually slide us into that dreamworld that is killing our whole worlds peace and prosperity. Those in office right now are so busy getting rich ripping off the people and spending monopoly dollars are doing damage to our whole world. Its going to take a new group of people in office who will reduce the government bloat. Reduce the corruption thats rumored to be there. Bring our country back from the twilight one it has become.

I personally have not mentioned who I would elect for leader of our nation.Its to early in the game.I would not even think of those whose party quibbles for years over things imagined and not proven.That reminds me to much of the child caught in a lie and refusing to admit he was doing so.Then having his pals jump in to compound that lie making them all liars in the teachers mind. The present Administration seems to be discovered to be such.

Changes really need to be made throughout our ruling Government to repair and bring about the dreams we wish would become reality. Hitting all our abilities to support and repair our lives are on the way though.

I can see that theres cuts in place I would see improvements instead.I can see the corporate world taking a political enema from past political affiliations. This Administration even more so. Some running to those countries that would undermine our way of life to fill their pockets at the top.taking jobs with them.This is improving slowly.

Some of those sucking out all the freebies that homeless sick and retired have earned are facing hard times at returning to or first job in generations to work.The Auto industry that lived high for several generations have mostly sold out to overseas buyers.Even Harley's are not exactly like my dad rode.

But,we will survive and adapt to the world that is rising.WE THE PEOPLE will adapt and arrive in the future as a stronger,more resilient society.We are just in transition right now.Its going to be a wild ride into that future those who sit and hide will be lost.Those who move with the stream of time,events and technology will swim with the currents.Those who fight that current will tire and be lets elect a body of people who work together and finish bringing our (pardon my scenario)Star ship America online and pull together as a world of Nations with laws and order. Not mobs and anarchy.

Elected folks who can drive the Gangstas out of countries that create death and chaos.Elect folks that realize that no country should take advantage to undermine another economy.This world can feed every single person,Theres jobs for every single person on this Earth.Its not going to take mindless dreams that have a foundation.It takes people working as one with proven ideas and cooperation.

If I had one dream that would make a difference in this world it would be to have at least all the people in power talking with Perseverance of mind to put aside greed, To find common ground as a Human society. To work together. To realzie that for all the different beliefs and all the different ideologies we can adapt,adopt,or invent, we all bleed the same colored blood.for all the names of creation or creators,We are all here in spite of who or what got us here..This is our playground or fish bowl from either prospective,Its ours to live in or its ours to once more be destroyed in...we have that one thing in common and that is our choice. Together either way .

We can make a difference if we just hang in there and ride the wave to better times.

Make a difference folks.its all in your hands to change the world with a simple piece of paper with your idea of who will lead next election.Do you want a United nations land,"cuz you aint not going" to have a free country folks with that,or the neat lil electronic playthings that make our lives interesting....Can you say,"AMISH LIVING".sorry that end of a horse would just make my sinus clog up.

I would prefer to see my country and the rest of the world grow together as much as possible.we need folks in office who can secure our borders till countries agree on what the situation of borders are agreeable.countries need to stop trying to intimidate the others.Most of all WE THE PEOPLE of the United States must never elect radicals into our government again,we need cohesion pointed in a direction based on the constitution. Based on World peace and no more endless wars for profiting a few warhawks who profit from deatha nd destruction

Lastly,the entire World needs to stop World wide radical beliefs from growing into what we have seen worldwide.Any belief that believes in destruction of others should be stopped before it gets out of hand to become Genocide for whatever reason by whatever faction.

Till next time  folks keep a positive mindset and keep your eyes open for opportunity.Millionaires found ways to become successful even in the depression of 1929.People who believe thier money ended at $0.jumped off buildings.Think of ways to grow.Elect someone who can make the world what you need to succeed,socialism,communism,Or Freedom to decide for yourself in a growing society.Personally,I choose freedom.Without the freedom to live a good life,Life isnt worth  a penny.

Your choice,



Friday, February 14, 2020

Can WE THE PEOPLE Stop The California Coup of The United States Government

These Past Three Plus Years Have Brought Many Changes to our USA lives. Changes that of American Citizens may never recover from. The Political Atmosphere is charged with Hate, discord, and inuendoes By those who have come out of the woodwork. Wannabe Leaders who I Have never heard of before.Question: Whoever heard of what his name Schiff??Who now has the power to deny others in Government the right to freedom of speech. Who is this individual who has the power to disrupt the American Election System for the power grab of his party? Who is this Peter Loree/Ugarte Looking Character? I have heard little of these basic questions. How is it that the American voter has not had any say over the circus that has all but stopped this country's general law-making process?Obsessive/paranoid thinking at best. Perhaps some kind of Delusion of Grandeur.

Then there's Nancy Pelosi, whose antics would normally be associated with someone who is in need of compulsive disorder medication, not to mention talking like a deranged person to her invisible friends using chaotic body antics. Then there is her possible age problem that some elderly people have. This is a problem affecting the homeless who wander alone in her city by the bay unnoticed by her till their minds give out from the hardships caused by starvation and loneliness.

These are the conversations from Many of those of my fellow voters who I speak with these days.
There are far more important questions that are often brought up. It's this: Why isn't there a Power that Can stop this NONSENSE that is going on in Washinton from the California and New York City politicians? Perhaps New York City should also become an independent state. They're primarily Democrats. Meanwhile, the rest of the state has been Republican until recent years. Schumer would have his very own empire to oversee as would Cuomo and his twin brothers of other mothers.

Further Questions Are the Following that has been discussed by my friends whom I talk with are these:
1). Why was there no actual line to a single crime committed by President Trump?

2). If any Intelligent Human Being was subpoenaed to speak before these inquisitions would they actually believe that no one would remember them in the future functions?? I think not.

3). After Congressman/Torqamata Schiff and the would-be queen, Mutha gets done with his holy war against a National Election coup Using His New Public power Trip to bend the will of the nation.  How will this affect the confidence of American  Voters in 2020? The fiasco will be remembered by voters for everyone who SAT in the Congress section in white.

4). Whether there is a problem or not, we should get to the point of the matter at hand and stay the course if it proves real. We should also see if those who produce discord are gone after elections take place. Republican or Democrat.Dump them out of office and get this train back on track.Mr.Trump has started to raise our country out of the world's dumpster.

5). There are many people who look at Mr.Trump as dark in his Ideas and dealings. On this point I say, The Japanese after WWII stated that the military war was over, But Business in the future is also war. Trump is not a politician. He is a Warrior. For numerous years the USA has been sold down the river by countries around the world through  U.S. Politicians and kiss ass corrupt practices. If indeed Trump is corrupt, then he is being accused of bettering those who came before him and doing a better job than they did of the practice. Politicians hate competition as much as big government does.

There are huge differences between the way business and politics are run. Both can get down and dirty at times. We have a businessman in the white house. All business people have good years and bad. Business is bursts of prosperity and downtimes of struggle and worry. Anyone who has ever had a business would be aware of that fact. It is a Given Fact.
There will always be greater and lesser people with abilities. My dad used to tell me that when the world seemed to try to beat me down.  That has always given me strength when the going gets rough. I hope the President has read Sun Tsu's rules of war. I would bet he already has. When surrounded and outnumbered....attack or retreat and regroup.

I am quite sure that when the election takes place and probably before, the political hyenas that run in packs will retry the bringing down of a powerful foe. It's the way of creatures that normally would not have the cajones to hunt alone. I can see the Senate herd already beginning to turn on the leader to help the scavengers bring him down. That will be their swan song next Election. Voters Vote to help The one who has made the improvements that make their lives better. I AM A VOTER!Mr./Ms Senator stick with your President or pickup your pink slip at the front office. The Democrats will hold your place in line. You will be among friends there.

This election will be a pivotal point in my adult life. Retired, fallen slightly due to that fact but Comfortable, living on a tight budget. I now manage money more closely. I find my interest in what helps my life is of more interest. The politics each election either takes or gives various things to consider
here are a few items.

The world has changed even more strangely than My Parents spoke of. As they spoke of the horse-drawn milk and Iceman delivering Ice to the front door. Seeing the first airplanes for the first time. Watching television for the first time in the1950s. My world is a world of some believing in master races of pigmentation or belief. Being convinced as youths that they were mistakenly born as different or wrongly born. Youths are now taught that to win is taking advantage of others which means those who can win are taught to shun their own progress. Maybe that's why many who fall from social grace prefer to simply slide through life. Living in an invisible world of those homeless souls freezing to death on the streets...BEEN THERE, WATCHED YOU WALK BY, I Remember It When I Vote Now. Feel sorry for queen Nancies homeless. Let them eat cake...

This Pivotal Point of my life that I speak of...I started my voting life as a devoted Democrat when Democrats were folks who just wanted to help those who were the working backbone of our country. Nowadays, Democrats appear to be people who don't believe you learn from history. Don't believe in pulling yourself up by your own efforts. Don't believe that effort to achieve is the beginning of success. Don't believe in freedom from governmental overlords. they pose themselves as people who have forgotten or think the past as a huge conspiracy theory to confuse their lives and control them.

Of both ruling parties, only one has been congratulated for providing proactive striking on those who would kill us in mass. The other was demonized. His power to protect us is to be taken (if they). They, being Democrats and a few turncoat senators, have their way. Voters can prevent it if they try. WE THE PEOPLE are after all the children in the senate and congress bosses. Let's write and call them/Email them and tell m to suck it up and get busy.

There are things left to mold and rot in the system during these last few years of wasteful comedic drama.

The military whose families still have to live on welfare. Governmental pay pretty much sucks carbon. For the folks who dodge ballistic objects in motion, this is a crime not seen by congress while trump has helped with the V.A. and the troops. The pay scale for those putting life and family on the line, the pay sucks rocks.

The blue-collar families which I am a proud member of.Those who were not quite blue-collar who were fighting to move up in status. There were so many more that The brothers Kenedy John N Robert often spoke of.Mr. Roosevelt saved my SSI which did not actually put any money in a savings account or I would really be on easy street. Over the years it was pittered away by the government for other "more pressing things" Old age and retirement would be fixed up before anyone got that age.I know folks that are living on $800.per month. Try that out and see how well you do. Mr. Trump has promised to save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.I hope he finds a way to fix and improve it
Some suggested Mr. President on those of us in the after-retirement phase of life.
SSI: pass a law that our rents cannot be based on after SSI payment each month. Many of us would appreciate selling hobby crafts or selling our homes to use the money for other things. If we could make a little change after the SSI check we could afford our meds to help keep us healthy. That brings down med costs for everybody. If you truly want to help older folks, find a way to break the inability to retire and make more money along with our SSI. Most people have worked all their lives only to be mini managed by those who could care less for our welfare,

This country, which some who are misguided now threatens to undo my Uncle Lee Stahl's brave death in Italy during WWII. Fighting against fascists, and Nazis. a host of other nasty individuals bent on commandeering the choices of the world. Democrats and those who agree as followers would trade all those brave souls' deaths for ideas that jeopardize the freedom to live as we choose. They would rewrite our Constitution to suit some hodge-podge construction that would strip all Americans Now and the future of any right to pursue our lives and strive to better ourselves. Socialist societies appoint people to careers no choice you work in a tractor plant until you die. Then your son or daughter takes over till they die.
 Countering those who have died to bring freedom to so many parts of the world. They now, with media blessings, dare to spit on the graves of our fallen heroes. They preach in support of those who have attacked and killed many of our fellow Americans. I do not think of supporters of such a philosophy as true Americans.

Even now, as I write, our society cheers for keeping those few in our own congress who apparently think brutalizing or beheading is a great idea if someone disagrees. How did creatures who spit on soldiers' graves and openly hate the country that allowed them the freedom to live here in safety reach their governmental office level? There has got to be something nasty in the water in those states that are known for their Pioneering Scandinavian ancestors. Or has the influx of disgruntled immigrants 5th column replaced your common sense? Maybe those folks need to get out and see what's happening to their world.

I digress. After many years of being a Democrat, I saw Rand Paul run for President. When he cut and ran out leaving his supporters in a hole, I voted for the only other candidate I thought able to be President...Mr. Obama. I would have voted for him again if he had run. Though I did see him as rooting for some, more than others. I had worked out of Texarkana during the Clinton rein in Arkansas.Not a chance of a vote there.Not a chance.

Mr. Obama had personally helped my sister when I wrote that social Security had cut off all her retirement as well as her life-saving daily meds. I heard them tell her it's just too bad for you. Her sin was that our dad had left his home to her after she gave up her wedding plans to take care of my mother who had lymphoma and my dad had a stroke trying to care for mom as well as taking care of his home. Sis stayed and was a live-in caretaker for many emotionally painful years. She never took a penny for it from them. The majority of the family pulled together but we all had our lives distance from the homestead.

I was so angry that I sat down at my beat up but trusty laptop and did something I would normally never do," wrote the one person whom I would never bother with my small problems. I had lost others to bureaucratic, cold people before and this was not going to happen again.

If you need a family member's life threatened or taken by that sort of thing, then just wait a while. it will change in a New York weather minute. Pre-emptive is better planned. I got lucky. Trump, Like Mr.Obama, isn't all bad no matter your ideas. We do have a better economy, and I just wish more of that trickle-down effect had more effect on all of us more often.

Then-President Obama had Federal inspectors investigate and fix the problem that very day. The next day my sister got a fone call from that SSI office again (on speaker). The voice from The SSI office said, "Is this(My sisters' name). She replied yes. Who in the hell do you know who knows the President of the United States? She looked at me and said, "My Big Brother".The woman told her that there were Feds all over them and the SSI office about this and jobs was at stake. My sister said, "My life is at stake". SSI hung up. 2days later a note from SSI said you had been restored. Another call from the White House asking if it was restored. My sister went and got her meds at the hospital.

Mr. Obama did care to help if he knew a problem existed. Earlier that same year, when my oldest sister was denied treatment in New Jersey for cancer by Democrats in power policies, it was medical insurance written by state politicians. I had no say in it. I would have lost them both. She died in agony without the last treatment, cancer went into overdrive. I believe this President is the same if he knows a problem exists. The differences are in the personality and cultures of different people.

There's also one other major difference between these two men. One had the press and trending social media grabbing the coat tails of the 1960s rallies that burned and destroyed in major cities around the world back then. The guilty, conscious persona of those things many of the last 3 generations had nothing to do with. My family immigrated from Europe legally and became prosperous farmers until the banks crashed in 1902 in this area.

The days of the 1960-1970s are well documented in the videos that supported them much as mainstream media does now. If you feel a need to succeed now just act like late-night shows which many no longer watch after the Jay Leno show ended. I did till peer pressure changed them all to the same shit. The daily bludgeoning of our leaders, ideas and things many folks hold as to what should
I remember the scene well out the window of my building 10 floors up. burning, looting, smashing parked cars, attacking innocents who were only passing by. It was all everyone else fault. We should all feel ashamed. Especially if you happened to be unfortunate enough to be a single middle-class American Male. The press was right there telling us how we should have a guilty conscience for the societal wrongs of those long dead(still are doing so). Remember the Chicago Democratic Convention. Very good Historical example of what's wrong now. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

A popular idea now that must be indoctrinated into ever broadcast, commercial and written work must include the words or inference of DIVERSITY. Yet I don't see included the Aboriginal folk, the Native American, The Primordial Dwarf, The amazon Jungle Tribes, they certainly are left out and God knows they have been less helped than anyone I could think of. There are many more who never get a mention or recognition in passing.

This brings me back to the point of this whole speel. I just registered to vote as a Republican. My Grandfather would be proud of me. He was a life-long Republican. There were many lectures on me being a Democrat. He predicted this day of discord in the Democratic Party in the late 1960s when everything that I witnessed above was going on. I like many now, did not see the wisdom of age as useful. I am glad I did hear it.

I don't always agree with Mr. Trump, but he has brought some better things to the table. We have China's agreement on the table. We have a known enemy of our country on a slab and in the dirt. The Democrats and media would apparently invite him to Sanctuary in New York, hand him Food stamps and a driver's license (I needed a birth certificate as a citizen and resident)wonder if It woulda been easier to just tell them I am an immigrant. would I need an ID? after any crime or infraction, don't worry though, in New York if you get robbed if you don't carry a gun the robbers, thugs, and gang members will bring their own firearm or machete. You will be arrested if you defend yourself. the police would just give him a court appearance ticket and cut him loose. Good ole Uncle Cuomo. What is on or in his mind many people are asking themselves.

But if you look into the last few years of both Kalifornias and New Yorks oddball Laws, it will give a very clear and straight forward look at your country in the future.

That, in a nutshell, is why I  re-registered as a Republican. Bernie's a guy with a bad ticket. Come near that myself. It would not be a career move I could make in that condition. There's no such thing as a little heart problem in a regular job, political stress kills absolutely..

To those who still think my prior thoughts are wrong, I leave you with these last thoughts.

In some parts of the world, there is mass genocide. It is based on tribal affiliations of the following religion, color, race, religion, sexual preference, food, and survival, wealth vs poor, and a cesspool of other stupid Ideas to fight and argue till some jughead starts the killing and other jugheads jump in "jus cuz ahuh A Yup! Ima Gonna Jump right there and mix it up uhuh"

I would hope the last 3years have not made unthinking idiots out viewers watching all the crap that has passed as entertainment on TV. To paraphrase an intelligent actor/comedian: go up on stage grab your award say thank you very much and get the **** off the stage. I Don't watch any of those shows anymore. I don't enjoy the indoctrination or the suggestive mind games.

If Bernie wins, he will more than likely have his bad heart given out and we have no idea who or what will replace him. His ideas and direction will no longer be followed. our country will tailspin into what we fear most. Observe who is his traveling companion. Elizabeth Warren Democrat hasn't a chance to win an I believe will probably drop out soon. Klobuchar is putting up a good fight.time will tell how well. The major of new york.....we will see if money buys Washington. The seat of American Freedom.if he succeeds then we also will lose All that America Has Gained. Not because of his money so much as our abilities to run as long-shot candidates.One more thing people like the other  Democrat candidates would never win again as long as there's one person who can buy in late to a running election in progress.

Till Next Time People, Remember that whatever WE THE PEOPLE watch or hear it is up to all of us to study how these changes after the election will affect the world around us and that will affect us all, China was so frightened that their people would rebel out of control when the deadly coronavirus started that a thousand people are dead, millions are contaminated. That's a fine example of socialist and communist societies.something to keep in mind. Not scare tactics, it is the last two weeks of news headlines with hard questions being asked of China's officials who Jailed and hid the doctors who tried to warn the world. How many Chinese People Died as A result of that government and their socialist/communist ideas.

I hope the world does change for the better one day. It is truly amazing that humans try to think of themselves as higher than wild animals. These days we still fight over territory. we are known to kill over mating rights. we still fight for dominance and domain. Then we humans elevate ourselves in our ever omniscient minds to believe that we are a privileged species above the rest.
Then perhaps we set in on a political rally or better yet the Assembled Congress/Senate these days.

A final thought The thousands year old human bones were found in a cave in Europe. Germany I think if I remember correctly. The slightly larger bones belonged to what was discovered to be Neanderthal man, the bones were male, female and child along with those bones were modern man's skeletal remains. There was a marked difference in those bones. The Neanderthal had scrapings on the bones from being carved, The modern man did not....

Till next time dear readers, keep an open mind to keep what freedom we still have just that.FREE.Its all we got and if lost, it never returns



Friday, April 26, 2019

Impeach,Disgrace,Deny,Congress Obsessed

Is it the fact that the last election has brought the USA to the closest thing to Coup De Ta by the losing opposing political party or is it just those in my silent majority that speak of it?

By all that was set up in the process of election, it was done better than most places could be said to happen.No one was shot, beheaded, exiled, or bombed out of existence. Instead, the howling mutant mobs have since run up the castle path with torches and pitchforks to burn down the leader and his family. Chanting in synch a locked step mantra of self-convincing hatred. A leader who so far has made the kingdom begin to become prosperous again, regardless of what people may think of him.No one has to agree or even like him to see the progress for the countries economy.

Those who are holding the pitchforks have ideas of giving all that 'gained' prosperity to what amounts to incoming hordes of invaders pouring over the borders .to re-enforce the seig. Those who would storm the castle would seem to resent the fact that the kingdom has begun to grow. To prosper after decades of faltering. Without the mobs' archaic ideas to tear it all to the ground and changing everything that has things motivating again.

 It would regress that prosperity into the stone age. living in a degraded life much like the many parts of the world living that way. (or nearly so). after all, the idea is not whats accomplished. It's the power to destroy in the name of philosophy. In the name of my morality, lifestyle, history, education, etc over all others. I can't believe we have fought wars for centuries over such things. Those who fail to learn from history...Even the statues of historical value for good or bad are being destroyed.It was evil when isis did it, It's apparently okay and just fixing things in the USA. My tribe over other tribes, I guess.

Anyone who does not agree with the mob is deemed against the mob and targeted. Often argued or yelled down to force cowering to discussion or debate. Reason and opposition. It all resembles a lynch mob peer pressure replacing reason with the power in the mob. There's another part of this rarely thought of though...

After the castles burned and the people inside are killed or destroyed, vanquished., After the mob has done its dirty deed, the ones who stood by will be the next ones who are targeted by the mob. After all, is done and over its, the witness's that cant be left to tell. It's the power of the mob..the law of the mob rule pushing those who normally would normally protest, into submission.

you may be thinking this is all disconnected thinking, Bear with me and read on because it is not.

The last election whether anyone liked it or not was the average person finally saying, "okay enough children, This is as far as it's going".They were not being argued down and attacked for just being traditional in the USA. It will be that way when the election sweeps the entire system.

I once walked through a convention looking for the Men's room. Looking up to read the appropriate restroom label, I hear this "I can go in there if I want to and you can't prevent me from it"My eyes dropped to see a short fat, bespeckled individual with a brushcut and obvious breasts, angerly staring me in the face. Piercings everywhere that was noticeable. I looked around to find no one else even close to me. I was shocked by the attack without reason as I had not even noticed this Person till that point in time. this is the same attacking methods used to force the impressionable to go along with the mob.

I used a basic rule of engagement. It was simply to ignore someone who's the problem was obviously more inside that ones head and not with me.its the same with all those who try that.stae your ideas if you must, but its the election that will settle all the arguments.

This situation will indeed be corrected next election as its not a castle siege, these days we in the silent majority speak with a very loud ballot. We need to stop the flow of people who are unknown to their past lives. We need to acknowledge that our past human history is not pretty. Here or anywhere humans have walked. We need to look at history for the last million years to see the climate is ever changing. It is the worlds weather cycles that wipe out one world/Dinosaurs and allows another/mammals to survive: Ice Age.

Humans can evolve by co-existence or we can destroy each other, change the past to make it look uglier than it was to build the intensive hatefulness so we can rewrite our children's school books. That way it is easier to mold that youthful mind into mob oriented thought.

That next election decides our freedoms. Freedom to think, speak, play, live, raise our kids, go where and when we need to live where we educate for our interests. To protect our families. To protect our country like our forefathers of the past. They were human and far from perfect.

The whole point of this article is this: this country has done too much to not rise above it all.
We can spend the next years in this gridlock crap while other countries build space programs and conquer space, build technologies to advance their people as we in the USA continue our headlong blind rush to destroy anyone not agreeing with our narrow-minded ideas to dominate the silent majority. But at some point, they will overwhelm voting all those out of office those now looking to continue with blind sighted ideas.

WE THE PEOPLE will have the final word in the end.WE (The Silent Majority)can fix the craziness that addicting our country no matter what arguments arise, keep it in mind that you can change it all at some point by getting the nonsense politicians out of office when the time comes.VOTE!

Glad to Have you here, Say a quiet Prayer for those in the castle.

Update: The Castle is still standing with the howling mob still in a frenzy outside the castle gates. Battering ram/legal ploys have not worked. belligerence has not worked. convincing the people inside to take over and open the gates have not worked. New a new tactic is employed. Demands to turn over the secrets of the castle. Tell the people what great secrets you have hidden from the siege bringers. Help the mob to bring down the castle.

The kingdom is prosperous. Foreign invaders are streaming into the countryside. Strife is rampant in the kingdom. The dark force that is outside the castle driving people to blind rage is still manifesting in their minds.

Summary: WE THE PEOPLE must rise up once again to make our congress stop it's splitting our country. Write the Whitehouse. WRITE YOUR CONGRESSPERSON and tell them to stop all this insanity. Let it go and move on with running our country. The Elections coming.Suggest you might bone up on the words of General Sun Tsu.
Our country is not a castle siege in a fantasy far, far, away. It is our country that's fighting like undisciplined children on a playground.

If the people of the united states don't step up to the plate now, We are going to regret it soon.