Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2020

Can WE THE PEOPLE Stop The California Coup of The United States Government

These Past Three Plus Years Have Brought Many Changes to our USA lives. Changes that of American Citizens may never recover from. The Political Atmosphere is charged with Hate, discord, and inuendoes By those who have come out of the woodwork. Wannabe Leaders who I Have never heard of before.Question: Whoever heard of what his name Schiff??Who now has the power to deny others in Government the right to freedom of speech. Who is this individual who has the power to disrupt the American Election System for the power grab of his party? Who is this Peter Loree/Ugarte Looking Character? I have heard little of these basic questions. How is it that the American voter has not had any say over the circus that has all but stopped this country's general law-making process?Obsessive/paranoid thinking at best. Perhaps some kind of Delusion of Grandeur.

Then there's Nancy Pelosi, whose antics would normally be associated with someone who is in need of compulsive disorder medication, not to mention talking like a deranged person to her invisible friends using chaotic body antics. Then there is her possible age problem that some elderly people have. This is a problem affecting the homeless who wander alone in her city by the bay unnoticed by her till their minds give out from the hardships caused by starvation and loneliness.

These are the conversations from Many of those of my fellow voters who I speak with these days.
There are far more important questions that are often brought up. It's this: Why isn't there a Power that Can stop this NONSENSE that is going on in Washinton from the California and New York City politicians? Perhaps New York City should also become an independent state. They're primarily Democrats. Meanwhile, the rest of the state has been Republican until recent years. Schumer would have his very own empire to oversee as would Cuomo and his twin brothers of other mothers.

Further Questions Are the Following that has been discussed by my friends whom I talk with are these:
1). Why was there no actual line to a single crime committed by President Trump?

2). If any Intelligent Human Being was subpoenaed to speak before these inquisitions would they actually believe that no one would remember them in the future functions?? I think not.

3). After Congressman/Torqamata Schiff and the would-be queen, Mutha gets done with his holy war against a National Election coup Using His New Public power Trip to bend the will of the nation.  How will this affect the confidence of American  Voters in 2020? The fiasco will be remembered by voters for everyone who SAT in the Congress section in white.

4). Whether there is a problem or not, we should get to the point of the matter at hand and stay the course if it proves real. We should also see if those who produce discord are gone after elections take place. Republican or Democrat.Dump them out of office and get this train back on track.Mr.Trump has started to raise our country out of the world's dumpster.

5). There are many people who look at Mr.Trump as dark in his Ideas and dealings. On this point I say, The Japanese after WWII stated that the military war was over, But Business in the future is also war. Trump is not a politician. He is a Warrior. For numerous years the USA has been sold down the river by countries around the world through  U.S. Politicians and kiss ass corrupt practices. If indeed Trump is corrupt, then he is being accused of bettering those who came before him and doing a better job than they did of the practice. Politicians hate competition as much as big government does.

There are huge differences between the way business and politics are run. Both can get down and dirty at times. We have a businessman in the white house. All business people have good years and bad. Business is bursts of prosperity and downtimes of struggle and worry. Anyone who has ever had a business would be aware of that fact. It is a Given Fact.
There will always be greater and lesser people with abilities. My dad used to tell me that when the world seemed to try to beat me down.  That has always given me strength when the going gets rough. I hope the President has read Sun Tsu's rules of war. I would bet he already has. When surrounded and outnumbered....attack or retreat and regroup.

I am quite sure that when the election takes place and probably before, the political hyenas that run in packs will retry the bringing down of a powerful foe. It's the way of creatures that normally would not have the cajones to hunt alone. I can see the Senate herd already beginning to turn on the leader to help the scavengers bring him down. That will be their swan song next Election. Voters Vote to help The one who has made the improvements that make their lives better. I AM A VOTER!Mr./Ms Senator stick with your President or pickup your pink slip at the front office. The Democrats will hold your place in line. You will be among friends there.

This election will be a pivotal point in my adult life. Retired, fallen slightly due to that fact but Comfortable, living on a tight budget. I now manage money more closely. I find my interest in what helps my life is of more interest. The politics each election either takes or gives various things to consider
here are a few items.

The world has changed even more strangely than My Parents spoke of. As they spoke of the horse-drawn milk and Iceman delivering Ice to the front door. Seeing the first airplanes for the first time. Watching television for the first time in the1950s. My world is a world of some believing in master races of pigmentation or belief. Being convinced as youths that they were mistakenly born as different or wrongly born. Youths are now taught that to win is taking advantage of others which means those who can win are taught to shun their own progress. Maybe that's why many who fall from social grace prefer to simply slide through life. Living in an invisible world of those homeless souls freezing to death on the streets...BEEN THERE, WATCHED YOU WALK BY, I Remember It When I Vote Now. Feel sorry for queen Nancies homeless. Let them eat cake...

This Pivotal Point of my life that I speak of...I started my voting life as a devoted Democrat when Democrats were folks who just wanted to help those who were the working backbone of our country. Nowadays, Democrats appear to be people who don't believe you learn from history. Don't believe in pulling yourself up by your own efforts. Don't believe that effort to achieve is the beginning of success. Don't believe in freedom from governmental overlords. they pose themselves as people who have forgotten or think the past as a huge conspiracy theory to confuse their lives and control them.

Of both ruling parties, only one has been congratulated for providing proactive striking on those who would kill us in mass. The other was demonized. His power to protect us is to be taken (if they). They, being Democrats and a few turncoat senators, have their way. Voters can prevent it if they try. WE THE PEOPLE are after all the children in the senate and congress bosses. Let's write and call them/Email them and tell m to suck it up and get busy.

There are things left to mold and rot in the system during these last few years of wasteful comedic drama.

The military whose families still have to live on welfare. Governmental pay pretty much sucks carbon. For the folks who dodge ballistic objects in motion, this is a crime not seen by congress while trump has helped with the V.A. and the troops. The pay scale for those putting life and family on the line, the pay sucks rocks.

The blue-collar families which I am a proud member of.Those who were not quite blue-collar who were fighting to move up in status. There were so many more that The brothers Kenedy John N Robert often spoke of.Mr. Roosevelt saved my SSI which did not actually put any money in a savings account or I would really be on easy street. Over the years it was pittered away by the government for other "more pressing things" Old age and retirement would be fixed up before anyone got that age.I know folks that are living on $800.per month. Try that out and see how well you do. Mr. Trump has promised to save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.I hope he finds a way to fix and improve it
Some suggested Mr. President on those of us in the after-retirement phase of life.
SSI: pass a law that our rents cannot be based on after SSI payment each month. Many of us would appreciate selling hobby crafts or selling our homes to use the money for other things. If we could make a little change after the SSI check we could afford our meds to help keep us healthy. That brings down med costs for everybody. If you truly want to help older folks, find a way to break the inability to retire and make more money along with our SSI. Most people have worked all their lives only to be mini managed by those who could care less for our welfare,

This country, which some who are misguided now threatens to undo my Uncle Lee Stahl's brave death in Italy during WWII. Fighting against fascists, and Nazis. a host of other nasty individuals bent on commandeering the choices of the world. Democrats and those who agree as followers would trade all those brave souls' deaths for ideas that jeopardize the freedom to live as we choose. They would rewrite our Constitution to suit some hodge-podge construction that would strip all Americans Now and the future of any right to pursue our lives and strive to better ourselves. Socialist societies appoint people to careers no choice you work in a tractor plant until you die. Then your son or daughter takes over till they die.
 Countering those who have died to bring freedom to so many parts of the world. They now, with media blessings, dare to spit on the graves of our fallen heroes. They preach in support of those who have attacked and killed many of our fellow Americans. I do not think of supporters of such a philosophy as true Americans.

Even now, as I write, our society cheers for keeping those few in our own congress who apparently think brutalizing or beheading is a great idea if someone disagrees. How did creatures who spit on soldiers' graves and openly hate the country that allowed them the freedom to live here in safety reach their governmental office level? There has got to be something nasty in the water in those states that are known for their Pioneering Scandinavian ancestors. Or has the influx of disgruntled immigrants 5th column replaced your common sense? Maybe those folks need to get out and see what's happening to their world.

I digress. After many years of being a Democrat, I saw Rand Paul run for President. When he cut and ran out leaving his supporters in a hole, I voted for the only other candidate I thought able to be President...Mr. Obama. I would have voted for him again if he had run. Though I did see him as rooting for some, more than others. I had worked out of Texarkana during the Clinton rein in Arkansas.Not a chance of a vote there.Not a chance.

Mr. Obama had personally helped my sister when I wrote that social Security had cut off all her retirement as well as her life-saving daily meds. I heard them tell her it's just too bad for you. Her sin was that our dad had left his home to her after she gave up her wedding plans to take care of my mother who had lymphoma and my dad had a stroke trying to care for mom as well as taking care of his home. Sis stayed and was a live-in caretaker for many emotionally painful years. She never took a penny for it from them. The majority of the family pulled together but we all had our lives distance from the homestead.

I was so angry that I sat down at my beat up but trusty laptop and did something I would normally never do," wrote the one person whom I would never bother with my small problems. I had lost others to bureaucratic, cold people before and this was not going to happen again.

If you need a family member's life threatened or taken by that sort of thing, then just wait a while. it will change in a New York weather minute. Pre-emptive is better planned. I got lucky. Trump, Like Mr.Obama, isn't all bad no matter your ideas. We do have a better economy, and I just wish more of that trickle-down effect had more effect on all of us more often.

Then-President Obama had Federal inspectors investigate and fix the problem that very day. The next day my sister got a fone call from that SSI office again (on speaker). The voice from The SSI office said, "Is this(My sisters' name). She replied yes. Who in the hell do you know who knows the President of the United States? She looked at me and said, "My Big Brother".The woman told her that there were Feds all over them and the SSI office about this and jobs was at stake. My sister said, "My life is at stake". SSI hung up. 2days later a note from SSI said you had been restored. Another call from the White House asking if it was restored. My sister went and got her meds at the hospital.

Mr. Obama did care to help if he knew a problem existed. Earlier that same year, when my oldest sister was denied treatment in New Jersey for cancer by Democrats in power policies, it was medical insurance written by state politicians. I had no say in it. I would have lost them both. She died in agony without the last treatment, cancer went into overdrive. I believe this President is the same if he knows a problem exists. The differences are in the personality and cultures of different people.

There's also one other major difference between these two men. One had the press and trending social media grabbing the coat tails of the 1960s rallies that burned and destroyed in major cities around the world back then. The guilty, conscious persona of those things many of the last 3 generations had nothing to do with. My family immigrated from Europe legally and became prosperous farmers until the banks crashed in 1902 in this area.

The days of the 1960-1970s are well documented in the videos that supported them much as mainstream media does now. If you feel a need to succeed now just act like late-night shows which many no longer watch after the Jay Leno show ended. I did till peer pressure changed them all to the same shit. The daily bludgeoning of our leaders, ideas and things many folks hold as to what should
I remember the scene well out the window of my building 10 floors up. burning, looting, smashing parked cars, attacking innocents who were only passing by. It was all everyone else fault. We should all feel ashamed. Especially if you happened to be unfortunate enough to be a single middle-class American Male. The press was right there telling us how we should have a guilty conscience for the societal wrongs of those long dead(still are doing so). Remember the Chicago Democratic Convention. Very good Historical example of what's wrong now. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

A popular idea now that must be indoctrinated into ever broadcast, commercial and written work must include the words or inference of DIVERSITY. Yet I don't see included the Aboriginal folk, the Native American, The Primordial Dwarf, The amazon Jungle Tribes, they certainly are left out and God knows they have been less helped than anyone I could think of. There are many more who never get a mention or recognition in passing.

This brings me back to the point of this whole speel. I just registered to vote as a Republican. My Grandfather would be proud of me. He was a life-long Republican. There were many lectures on me being a Democrat. He predicted this day of discord in the Democratic Party in the late 1960s when everything that I witnessed above was going on. I like many now, did not see the wisdom of age as useful. I am glad I did hear it.

I don't always agree with Mr. Trump, but he has brought some better things to the table. We have China's agreement on the table. We have a known enemy of our country on a slab and in the dirt. The Democrats and media would apparently invite him to Sanctuary in New York, hand him Food stamps and a driver's license (I needed a birth certificate as a citizen and resident)wonder if It woulda been easier to just tell them I am an immigrant. would I need an ID? after any crime or infraction, don't worry though, in New York if you get robbed if you don't carry a gun the robbers, thugs, and gang members will bring their own firearm or machete. You will be arrested if you defend yourself. the police would just give him a court appearance ticket and cut him loose. Good ole Uncle Cuomo. What is on or in his mind many people are asking themselves.

But if you look into the last few years of both Kalifornias and New Yorks oddball Laws, it will give a very clear and straight forward look at your country in the future.

That, in a nutshell, is why I  re-registered as a Republican. Bernie's a guy with a bad ticket. Come near that myself. It would not be a career move I could make in that condition. There's no such thing as a little heart problem in a regular job, political stress kills absolutely..

To those who still think my prior thoughts are wrong, I leave you with these last thoughts.

In some parts of the world, there is mass genocide. It is based on tribal affiliations of the following religion, color, race, religion, sexual preference, food, and survival, wealth vs poor, and a cesspool of other stupid Ideas to fight and argue till some jughead starts the killing and other jugheads jump in "jus cuz ahuh A Yup! Ima Gonna Jump right there and mix it up uhuh"

I would hope the last 3years have not made unthinking idiots out viewers watching all the crap that has passed as entertainment on TV. To paraphrase an intelligent actor/comedian: go up on stage grab your award say thank you very much and get the **** off the stage. I Don't watch any of those shows anymore. I don't enjoy the indoctrination or the suggestive mind games.

If Bernie wins, he will more than likely have his bad heart given out and we have no idea who or what will replace him. His ideas and direction will no longer be followed. our country will tailspin into what we fear most. Observe who is his traveling companion. Elizabeth Warren Democrat hasn't a chance to win an I believe will probably drop out soon. Klobuchar is putting up a good fight.time will tell how well. The major of new york.....we will see if money buys Washington. The seat of American Freedom.if he succeeds then we also will lose All that America Has Gained. Not because of his money so much as our abilities to run as long-shot candidates.One more thing people like the other  Democrat candidates would never win again as long as there's one person who can buy in late to a running election in progress.

Till Next Time People, Remember that whatever WE THE PEOPLE watch or hear it is up to all of us to study how these changes after the election will affect the world around us and that will affect us all, China was so frightened that their people would rebel out of control when the deadly coronavirus started that a thousand people are dead, millions are contaminated. That's a fine example of socialist and communist societies.something to keep in mind. Not scare tactics, it is the last two weeks of news headlines with hard questions being asked of China's officials who Jailed and hid the doctors who tried to warn the world. How many Chinese People Died as A result of that government and their socialist/communist ideas.

I hope the world does change for the better one day. It is truly amazing that humans try to think of themselves as higher than wild animals. These days we still fight over territory. we are known to kill over mating rights. we still fight for dominance and domain. Then we humans elevate ourselves in our ever omniscient minds to believe that we are a privileged species above the rest.
Then perhaps we set in on a political rally or better yet the Assembled Congress/Senate these days.

A final thought The thousands year old human bones were found in a cave in Europe. Germany I think if I remember correctly. The slightly larger bones belonged to what was discovered to be Neanderthal man, the bones were male, female and child along with those bones were modern man's skeletal remains. There was a marked difference in those bones. The Neanderthal had scrapings on the bones from being carved, The modern man did not....

Till next time dear readers, keep an open mind to keep what freedom we still have just that.FREE.Its all we got and if lost, it never returns



Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The New President is Only in Office a Week and the Howling Mobs of Malcontents Take to the Street Before The Dust of Reason Settles

I have been quietly watching from the virtual wings these past few weeks with a great deal of interest.
The events of this past year were to say the least stressful.

First the children in the area of politics.Next the virtual lynch mob of the media whipping up hate and discontent at every opportunity.The television comedy programs joining in to provide even more inescapable hate.Then theres is the many experts in the fields of everything from politics to social law and the obscure abstracts of humanity.

I have listened to folks before the election who had not made up their minds but were thoroughly aggravated at the news crews. It seemed no matter what was at stake the lynch mob was totally bent on forcing the  coup by press.Even when the outcome did not follow the carefully planned effort to undermine a fair election,the press and media continued to push the mobs into the streets.

Special interest groups to the streets empowered by  the usual faces who often push their faces into the camera for the fading spotlights they fear losing the most.I doubt those faces actually would be in the crowds if the cameras were removed.15 minutes of fame and such.

I am glad the man in the oval office understands the rules of war.He is moving faster than the opposing forces can counter.That is the general who surrounds himself with those who he trusts and will follow his lead.That is exactly what is happening now.

I am quite aware of the fact he does not march to the beat of that mobs drum.Those around him seem to be elites that I often write about with a grimace.That in mind hear me out for a moment....

Those folks I mentioned earlier in this article....Those who were so discussed with the political hogwash and the mob mentality of the press.Those folks were the ones that voted for Mr. Obama.

I saw many good things in this man and I voted for him.His ideas helped a lot of people.That help came at a cost. Obama care costs even a single person around 200-350 dollars a month.That doesn't sound like much to those still employed and working.To a retired person not able to work or who figured on retiring with a little nest egg aside.Next year the insurance gouges deeper in the pocket with less to offer.

I could not bring myself to vote for his competitor for several reasons.I spent many days making the archives holding her goings on tell me a story.One that spending time in Arkansas some time ago and more recently in NY has also made me more informed of the past and present of the person who lost.
I will say no more about that.It is past history for those who enjoy arguing lost causes and lost battles.

I am aware of locker room banter talk of those who brag about conquests they will never do more than daydream about.It' a guy thing that anyone with  sisters would learn was not except able behavior.Ladies....

The guys you think you know are not the ones who hang with their bro's.I have been in  locker rooms when that covert mike talk which caused so much inflammation is mild.
It is not meant for everyones ears or hidden mikes.Imagine mikes hidden around the News room lockers or the news gym.Not excusable but not a hanging offense either.

Okay,I am sure there is many right now who are fuming over articles now joining the mob.I can see a man who is doing exactly what he said he would do.The voting record has shown overwhelmingly that the rival was not what those out here were coerced to bury in another 8 years of  be headings w/o recourse.

People dying by cowardly bombers who are to weak minded to realize they're pawns used by bigger cowards hiding behind a corrupted philosophy.The Ottoman empire was not built on peaceful/free philosophies. Read your history to learn.It is wonderful to be your brothers keeper.But if the only one fighting is you the odds become slim.Theres millions of able bodied men in the population not defending their lands.They are running with millions of the women and children.

Another 4-8 years of an unholy war with millions being driven from their homes to run starving from madmen.those people who that were not working if at all in part time jobs that couldn't support a home and family.People who watched tv to see salemen selling cars for "only"350 dollars with good credit anEEEEEZZZZZ payment.Real had to do with a house,family,and bills to pay.All the promises made the last 8 years were to late and another 8 years unthinkable.

The things being written are being protested even before the details are known.The mobs are asking to bring the refugees into this country on truly blind true.I really don't know what that trust is based on after 911.After the embassy murders that fell on deaf ears.After that corrupted belief turning regular people into mindless killing machines.Yet those in the mob are of that same mesmerized thinking.Blind to the actual history of the exploding world.I do have a suggestion to Ms finestein
and Mr. Schumer I don't care how you spell them.Tired of the constant obstinateness.

I do have a great idea to prove that these people have the right idea about undocumented people living here without a background search during what is tad amount to war.Enough soldiers in the ground or disabled to call it that.

Lets have those in the mob and those above to except several families of refugees into their homes as guests till The new citizens  get on their feet.They will never actually blend into our culture but unlike my ancestors I guess thats why The USA  IS NOT called the great melting pot anymore.

I can bet you there would be a hush in the mob that would baffle the tearful leaders of their mob, a pin could be heard hitting the floor.

I have heard a lot of harsh sounding words.Felt much  hostility for my looking past the curtain to discover who Oz was not.The past is just that now.No one is going to turn back time.The majority rules in a democracy and that majority  still is blamed for no one listening to them.They will now have to listen to those who were giving up more and more of what was principles with even more being demanded through manipulated laws inspired by tiny factions of the population.

If this man we elected gets our country back on track then bite your lip till it bleeds.put your energies into the next election instead of acting like your from a third world country.Your better than what
your being talk into.

Robert J.Pickering

Please Note:I am now in control of my blog. Its been in Singapore these last few months.I have not!



Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who Can We Trust To Lead The USA Into The Future And Where Do WE The People Want History To Reflect Our Beliefs

There's only a few short days to our most important Choices we make as a nation.The Elections of those whom we must trust to run the countries functions while keeping our best interests in mind.
The choices are very narrow this time with two people boosted above the others by enormous amounts of money that most of us would never see in a lifetime.The choices that would be available in other times and in a totally fair election would have many more candidates to chose from.

The United states has fallen into the same biased routine as other places in the world.The people with massive money buy out the elections and the more common people with Ideas to fix the system are beaten down till they bow down to the peer pressure of the elites.
This is neither Democracy nor right.It is as one man vanquished stated ,a demagoguery.We are creating the same type of royalty situation that have come and gone in third world countries.
The exception is Britain's Royalty which still stands.The USA has Political Parties staying in power for decades instead of a royal family.The results turn out the same.Ideologies that once placed into play that never leave or change.

People who try to change the dirty secrets of these entities find themselves having accidents if they can't be silenced.Others are hunted like animals all over the entire world.One reporter/Whistle blower is strapped in a chair 23hours of the day as her punishment.She is given 1hour to move her head and get up out of the chair.The prison is a mens military prison.If you wish to Know her suffering for trying to tell someone about the dirt,Google it.

Her freedom of speak is usurped by the fears of WE THE PEOPLE finding out whats going on behind the great Oz's curtain.

The USA Has Not changed for the better in some ways these past 40 orso years.

Our medicines are to overpriced from greedy producers.Open sourcing the discoveries is a cure.Limiting politicians and Parties to hold office would help.Perhaps limiting affiliated families from offices.limiting money used from resources for elections would help.

Limiting the playground mentality of a adolescent from debates is a mandatory change.Just the facts,jack!
Quite frankly all the childishness crap this election is just that....CRAP! Grown adults acting like idiots. 

These politicians then watch the actions of followers acting out as their  leaders?Destroying other peoples property,looting,killing innocent people.Justifying their actions in a self centered mindset.They apparently don't feel any connection to the influence they are projecting to the masses via the media.

The actions of those who lead..?.Isn't that why the word "leader "is applied to those who wish to lead?WE THE PEOPLE have a very difficult time ahead no matter who wins this two horse one choice race.May God have mercy on our poor choices.

I honestly am totally in the dark as to who to cast my vote for...It still peeves me that many states refuse to allow anyone not registered to support the two mega-parties to vote until the main elections.

The choice to me still remains another member of the ruling Dynasty or an unknown who might just provide many people with the entertaining future entertainment of sticking it to all those who have been doing the same thing to soooo many of those who are busting our dari-ares just trying to make ends  meet.

So many of us being told that there's just not enough being paid to the government while CEO's and do nothing politicians are rewarded with mega millions as the homeless and sick starve in the streets of this magnificent country.We absolutely need a change this year.Hope it is the best.

That's my thoughts for now friends.Keep the faith and please pass the word that we need changes for the better.


After thought:

P.S. There is a third choice that still sticks it to those who believe we are forced into a vote of two who are part of the political dogfight that we are witnessing.

The Libertarian party and the Green party are still running in the shadow of the massive two party machines.The Libertarians want to shrink the Governmental spending by putting those sitting on their keasters collecting enormous paychecks while

WE THE PEOPLE are put at each others throats due to stress of just trying to live in some kind of dignity.It is worth a more complete look into your with the future.

Again...keep the faith and lets think before we fall victim to peer pressure of those who don not have to live with the results of Novembers Elections.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Moment Of Who May Become The Next Leader of The United States Is In The Works As We The People Peacefully Cast A Vote

I sit in front of the large screen watching the circus of media who have shown the same people .The favorites who they pushed to be our choices.There wasn't any bias of course.Those others that never made it to this point were just not media privileged.The Clinton Clan and Trump thumper s just were a better choice for those photo ops.No bias what so ever .yeah right...

The latest polls say that Bernie Sanders has kicked Hillary's tail.I am rather impressed by the gentleman's panash. If.If he can do what he plans on, Americans may eventually return to the American dream.He has many people doubting  that a politician only lies when their lips move. Or so the cartoon stated in the caption.  That would be a pleasant change.No late nite signing of our rights away.No more bureaucracy BS that protects those who abuse their power and trust of WE THE PEOPLE.Bernie instead of Hillary.Bernie has no questionable past references.

Trump or Cruz?I sorta hoped against hope for Paul to have a better chance to get this far.I doubt it will ever happen to anyone without connections and Big bucks to be president again.The war machine,oil,and money elects presidents.Its been that way since the beginning.Research your politics.The more things change,the more it remains the same.

Glad Trump got trounced.We don't need people who delight in showboating in the rude mode.We need more thinkers and less lip.
Its said the wise man learns to listen.The fool open his mouth and proves himself.I hope the DUMP TRUMP movement continues.It will show Americans can think for themselves.Do we need Babushka Putkin Promoting our elected officials?Must see a clone of himself in trump.Or some one that will finally push the button for Putkins war he dreams of.

It would seem the following:

The common person will never be allowed to rise to the seat of power.Our elected persons send their kids to schools to become the next leaders.The common persons kids goto work or community college with debts that last a lifetime.
politicians  build political dynasties that make even more connections.connections see that education is paid by WE THE PEOPLE.Our kids and many of us out here spend many years trying to repay school loans with the education department and the IRS chasing us like sharks in a feeding frenzy.
Practices that would loan sharks in jail.

Would Bernie Sanders be able to outlast the political stonewalling that our current President has had to endure?I think probably so.Our America  has radically changed in the past 8 elections.My favorite President was Kennedy.I also liked Reagan.But even those 2 have been opened to many dark revelations.Marilyn wont be able to tell you....

My point is the system is not perfect here in the USA. WE THE PEOPLE have been complacent and asleep at the wheel for a long ways on this freedom road.We are constantly barraged by information that contains misdirected facts,denials of misdoing and self serving politicians that would delay via a good idea for peer pressure.Many would rent out mom if they could make more power or money.

I always reserve my choice for the last hurrah after the Bull sessions .I am going to have to do much more homework on the surviving Candidates.My problem at this point is the following points.

I am a gun owner.I have not hunted since a kid shot at me in a tree stand 20feet up in an oak tree.I found it to be a moment of realization.I don't hunt but would if it became mandatory.mandatory. Don,t violate my constitutional rights.I have not done anything to become dangerous.The pen is mightier than the sword.

I enjoy writing and have many articles.articles. Don,t tread on my write to free speech.Leave the INTERNET open and free. No slowdowns.No censors.I can block what I don't want.Many places in the world have either isolated or monitored their INTERNET.Other countries have optical fibres that are warp-speed ahead of us

Don't sell my job to some poor soul who is paid pennies to make some sweatshop slob wealthy over there.we have people living in alleys and boxes.May who go to sleep hungry only to be woke up by a nightstick breaking their bones.These folks have not health insurance so they suffer in silence.

The elderly in our country are without MEDS or food.The SSI and SSD is disgraceful in the USA.WE THE PEOPLE work and invest into mandatory Social Security  only to have politicians scheme to swindle us out of that savings.WE pay taxes to the IRS only to be told they don't have to return ANY money returns to us.Try telling that to the IRS? You would be imprisoned with out anyone ever knowing where or why.WE THE PEOPLE need to change things this next election.

Don,t discriminate against our elderly who have had corrective medical procedures to allow a normal life.Insurance companies either deny or charge huge costs for very little life insurance if your over 60 and under 85.This is total unethical behavior.The elderly have been under attack since the Gray Panthers disappeared.WE THE PEOPLE  need to restart that movement.To use the life experiences of those golden minds.They built this Nation and kept it free.

Mr.Paul(Ron or Rand) wanted to audit the fed and change the way things were done.You notice neither of them made it to the point of Hillary or trump?To many would have to hide in a spiderhole from the mobs running up "the Hill" with a noose,pitchforks and torches.They would open a lot of doors with skeletons inside.WE THE PEOPLE would finally get a clear look at whats going on in false face land.Its interesting that those who blow the whistle on the subterfuge either have to run for their lives or disappear from our world IE :Anonymous...


To quote a cliché : THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE


OK....Only days to go before the Election shows over and we can change as WE THE PEOPLE so desperately need to do or bite the bullet,The changes to your freedom or your finances may just let you have enough time to bend to bend over and attempt to kiss your Assets goodbye. Neither BIG party choice is a vote of trust to anyone.