Showing posts with label Freesom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freesom. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who Can We Trust To Lead The USA Into The Future And Where Do WE The People Want History To Reflect Our Beliefs

There's only a few short days to our most important Choices we make as a nation.The Elections of those whom we must trust to run the countries functions while keeping our best interests in mind.
The choices are very narrow this time with two people boosted above the others by enormous amounts of money that most of us would never see in a lifetime.The choices that would be available in other times and in a totally fair election would have many more candidates to chose from.

The United states has fallen into the same biased routine as other places in the world.The people with massive money buy out the elections and the more common people with Ideas to fix the system are beaten down till they bow down to the peer pressure of the elites.
This is neither Democracy nor right.It is as one man vanquished stated ,a demagoguery.We are creating the same type of royalty situation that have come and gone in third world countries.
The exception is Britain's Royalty which still stands.The USA has Political Parties staying in power for decades instead of a royal family.The results turn out the same.Ideologies that once placed into play that never leave or change.

People who try to change the dirty secrets of these entities find themselves having accidents if they can't be silenced.Others are hunted like animals all over the entire world.One reporter/Whistle blower is strapped in a chair 23hours of the day as her punishment.She is given 1hour to move her head and get up out of the chair.The prison is a mens military prison.If you wish to Know her suffering for trying to tell someone about the dirt,Google it.

Her freedom of speak is usurped by the fears of WE THE PEOPLE finding out whats going on behind the great Oz's curtain.

The USA Has Not changed for the better in some ways these past 40 orso years.

Our medicines are to overpriced from greedy producers.Open sourcing the discoveries is a cure.Limiting politicians and Parties to hold office would help.Perhaps limiting affiliated families from offices.limiting money used from resources for elections would help.

Limiting the playground mentality of a adolescent from debates is a mandatory change.Just the facts,jack!
Quite frankly all the childishness crap this election is just that....CRAP! Grown adults acting like idiots. 

These politicians then watch the actions of followers acting out as their  leaders?Destroying other peoples property,looting,killing innocent people.Justifying their actions in a self centered mindset.They apparently don't feel any connection to the influence they are projecting to the masses via the media.

The actions of those who lead..?.Isn't that why the word "leader "is applied to those who wish to lead?WE THE PEOPLE have a very difficult time ahead no matter who wins this two horse one choice race.May God have mercy on our poor choices.

I honestly am totally in the dark as to who to cast my vote for...It still peeves me that many states refuse to allow anyone not registered to support the two mega-parties to vote until the main elections.

The choice to me still remains another member of the ruling Dynasty or an unknown who might just provide many people with the entertaining future entertainment of sticking it to all those who have been doing the same thing to soooo many of those who are busting our dari-ares just trying to make ends  meet.

So many of us being told that there's just not enough being paid to the government while CEO's and do nothing politicians are rewarded with mega millions as the homeless and sick starve in the streets of this magnificent country.We absolutely need a change this year.Hope it is the best.

That's my thoughts for now friends.Keep the faith and please pass the word that we need changes for the better.


After thought:

P.S. There is a third choice that still sticks it to those who believe we are forced into a vote of two who are part of the political dogfight that we are witnessing.

The Libertarian party and the Green party are still running in the shadow of the massive two party machines.The Libertarians want to shrink the Governmental spending by putting those sitting on their keasters collecting enormous paychecks while

WE THE PEOPLE are put at each others throats due to stress of just trying to live in some kind of dignity.It is worth a more complete look into your with the future.

Again...keep the faith and lets think before we fall victim to peer pressure of those who don not have to live with the results of Novembers Elections.