Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who Can We Trust To Lead The USA Into The Future And Where Do WE The People Want History To Reflect Our Beliefs

There's only a few short days to our most important Choices we make as a nation.The Elections of those whom we must trust to run the countries functions while keeping our best interests in mind.
The choices are very narrow this time with two people boosted above the others by enormous amounts of money that most of us would never see in a lifetime.The choices that would be available in other times and in a totally fair election would have many more candidates to chose from.

The United states has fallen into the same biased routine as other places in the world.The people with massive money buy out the elections and the more common people with Ideas to fix the system are beaten down till they bow down to the peer pressure of the elites.
This is neither Democracy nor right.It is as one man vanquished stated ,a demagoguery.We are creating the same type of royalty situation that have come and gone in third world countries.
The exception is Britain's Royalty which still stands.The USA has Political Parties staying in power for decades instead of a royal family.The results turn out the same.Ideologies that once placed into play that never leave or change.

People who try to change the dirty secrets of these entities find themselves having accidents if they can't be silenced.Others are hunted like animals all over the entire world.One reporter/Whistle blower is strapped in a chair 23hours of the day as her punishment.She is given 1hour to move her head and get up out of the chair.The prison is a mens military prison.If you wish to Know her suffering for trying to tell someone about the dirt,Google it.

Her freedom of speak is usurped by the fears of WE THE PEOPLE finding out whats going on behind the great Oz's curtain.

The USA Has Not changed for the better in some ways these past 40 orso years.

Our medicines are to overpriced from greedy producers.Open sourcing the discoveries is a cure.Limiting politicians and Parties to hold office would help.Perhaps limiting affiliated families from offices.limiting money used from resources for elections would help.

Limiting the playground mentality of a adolescent from debates is a mandatory change.Just the facts,jack!
Quite frankly all the childishness crap this election is just that....CRAP! Grown adults acting like idiots. 

These politicians then watch the actions of followers acting out as their  leaders?Destroying other peoples property,looting,killing innocent people.Justifying their actions in a self centered mindset.They apparently don't feel any connection to the influence they are projecting to the masses via the media.

The actions of those who lead..?.Isn't that why the word "leader "is applied to those who wish to lead?WE THE PEOPLE have a very difficult time ahead no matter who wins this two horse one choice race.May God have mercy on our poor choices.

I honestly am totally in the dark as to who to cast my vote for...It still peeves me that many states refuse to allow anyone not registered to support the two mega-parties to vote until the main elections.

The choice to me still remains another member of the ruling Dynasty or an unknown who might just provide many people with the entertaining future entertainment of sticking it to all those who have been doing the same thing to soooo many of those who are busting our dari-ares just trying to make ends  meet.

So many of us being told that there's just not enough being paid to the government while CEO's and do nothing politicians are rewarded with mega millions as the homeless and sick starve in the streets of this magnificent country.We absolutely need a change this year.Hope it is the best.

That's my thoughts for now friends.Keep the faith and please pass the word that we need changes for the better.


After thought:

P.S. There is a third choice that still sticks it to those who believe we are forced into a vote of two who are part of the political dogfight that we are witnessing.

The Libertarian party and the Green party are still running in the shadow of the massive two party machines.The Libertarians want to shrink the Governmental spending by putting those sitting on their keasters collecting enormous paychecks while

WE THE PEOPLE are put at each others throats due to stress of just trying to live in some kind of dignity.It is worth a more complete look into your with the future.

Again...keep the faith and lets think before we fall victim to peer pressure of those who don not have to live with the results of Novembers Elections.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

President Obama in a Tight Race for Office 2 Win

November 4: Barack Obama elected President
November 4: Barack Obama elected President (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Okay it is Election Night and I am sitting here listening to the news of people,FREE PEOPLE choosing the folks that will be their leaders for the next few years.I was among the most exited crowds of voters that I have seen out  to vote in many years.There were voters from every walk of life with various diverse ideas on politics.

The crowds were up beat,cheerful and very civil to each other.No one was throwing rocks at the other religions,political beliefs or ideas.The laughter and easy attitudes were typical of American voters at elections.
The example of our elections are something that we should be very proud of.

I voted and so did my family.We now sit in from of the morphine for the masses set(TV).watching to see if huge amounts of money can buy the White House.To see if our future freedoms and choices can be bought for the cost of billions.Will tomorrow,when we wake be the first step into a future of control and changes.

I will sit up to see if the future will be the time of helping each othe and looking out for for your fellow man.
What ever the daylight brings will be the future we ,or at least the majority of people or machines( Electoral College).have spoken for.We will follow in the democratic way that we Americans have done for a couple hundred years.It is theDemocratic way.WE are Americans.That special group of people the world either loves or hates.Sometimes they just love to hate us for reasons yet to be explained.

The next President will lead us into the future of whatever is thrown at us from the Time machine called history.Will our President,The first minority President leads us or the first Mormon lead us.I would hope that we are not going to be forcibly influenced into any lifestyle that we are not chosing for ourselves.

We have come a long ways in finding our freedom of choices.A long way in protecting our women from unfair  legal practices.We have come so far to go back 30years.No matter what happens,we must work together to keep our freedoms safe from the religious and dictatorial clowns that beat people into the groung around the rest of the world.

I know who will win...If the people speak with freddom in mind.

We will wake to a new day tomorrow and prepare for the next 4years of change.Change to unite our people or change to spit our country as it was before the uncivil war.A time when there was slaves,peasants,poorhouses and the very wealthy that bought and sold politics,business and war machines.

May the creator help us and whoever wins the Presidency on our journey ahead....

Keep the faith and pray for the best my friends.


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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Last, Nite, For, Big, Money ,Drives, For, The, Democratic, Party,

I am basically a person that has always carried viewpoints and ideas more Libertarian than either of the other parties.My grandfather was a hardcore Republican.The repairs on his from sidewalk was never repaired because it would raise his taxes.My parents were Democrats with the last year they voted being for Jimmy Carter.I grew up hearing both sides of the story.It was decided long before my siblings that no politics would be discussed inside the family.Much more peaceful that way!

Th reason that I am leaning to the Democratic side is very simple logic.the third party in the U.S. is never given the same chance to run for any office that mainstream parties are.The third parties have all the chance of surviving to become president as a snowballs chance in Hell.They don't have the connections ,or the support or Huge war chests to compete. Philosophically,They have excellent ideas of freedom for everyone,smaller government,less taxes and a balance budget.The Ideas of the past centuries held.They simply are frozen out of every election process.It is not a fair and equal election
process as that goes.The media is much to blame for following the big money like  paparazzi buzzards looking for a meal ticket.

I joined forces with the Democrats only because it was the better choice of freedoms.Anyone that fights for the right to our constitutional rights can battle on to keep those elected people in line.
No matter who wins  the race for President,we must still be vigilante to preserve our basic rights and freedoms.Freedom is like a garden,if you neglect tending it and yanking out the weeds,The weeds take over.Even a useful plant can go rogue and get out of control.we need to be very good gardeners after this election....The future of our freedom crop is at stake.

The Propaganda of all parties sorta gets into the habit of stretching the trues and bending the facts to fit their perspectives of our lives.They don't live our lives.Most of those politicians have never lived as some of us are doing presently.They will never have to.No matter how common and close they appear to be.There is a second reason for my choice...

I have always been of the belief that anyone can make a mistake.Big mistakes,little mistakes.The person that is caught in a humungous lie and still sticks to his/her story is  not anyone that I would trust.When there is two or more of this type people joining forces with the same dishonest situation,
I refuse to be their rube.(Pigeon!).

I grew up with 5 sisters and few other kids in the neighborhood.I watched as I had the same jobs as they did.I saw that their paychecks were always a little smaller,The insurances were always a little higher than mine.I watched as I could more easily get jobs.I heard of girls in that small town had been assaulted on a "date".They found themselves pregnant at an early age.It was all their fault.It was the good ole 1960's and 1970s.Guns were sold over the counter to people we knew in town.We had strong opinions of how we needed to be free.If we wish to live as "we wish",believe as we wish,love as we wish,die as we wish,read as we wish.To live and experience life as our needs  demand,Then we need to monitor and get involved  with who is  in the White House next year.

If you don't have money,knock on doors,make a few calls.Shoot a message to your net friends.ask them to pass it forward as a favor to you.It will be like a pebbles ripples in a pond.Your message traveling ever out ward. Next year We all need to keep an open mind and eye to what is going on in our Nation for rulings and laws that are not what the Constitution has promised to ALL people and not just a few elite billionaires and special interest groups.that feel no need to share our struggles.

This is Your Election.It will determine the future as no other in history of the U.S.A.Vote for your  Freedom and then atch those in office closely.The influences of the capital are most seductive to those isolated from realities.There is huge pressures that assault the President and his people from a thousand directions,every minute of every day.I wouldn't want the stress and health problems of the job.

The final word is to vote or at least push to support your values if they mean nything to you at all.

There is 3hours+- of time to send in ad donation for the defeat of Missouri's politician who was never told of rapes involving unwanted pregnancies.This last minute push will knock many other such republican types out of future office.Our sisters,mothers,girlfriends,and ladies in our lives will be victims if they are elected.Prevention is worth many sad hearted apologies.

That is all for now,Tomorrow will be the day we learn what path  our world will take for our freedoms and Democracy.Guard well what you plant in the freedom garden my friends.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

An Experts Plan to Obtain Economic Liberty in 30 Days

Organization of the Federal Reserve System
Organization of the Federal Reserve System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig von Mises (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The  Following is an article that I saved from Many years ago.It was written by Liewellyn H. Rockwell,Jr.President Of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute,Auburn University,Auburn,Alabama,36849-5301.This article is a distinct feeling of many Americans to free much of the taxes and foolish politicking going on today.The years since it was written has only worsened in my opinion.It really doesn't matter what country or official is in office.Even the best human being in office cant wave a magic wand and make years of bad Choices go away.

With this in mind and not saying I totally agree with this gentleman.I reall feel that there is much that could be done around the world to redeem peace and prosperity to humans.That in mind,I give you the words of the honorable gentleman as follows.Apply then to Your own piece of the world and see that your world is a great deal similar to my world.We all need to think as one people...The human Race.   :-)

Day 1)The federal income tax is abolished and april 15th is declared  a national holiday.The 40%reduction in federal revenues is matched by a 40%cut in spending.The budget is stillalmost twice as big as Jimmy Carter,s.

Day2)All other federal taxes are abolishedincluding the coorporate income ,the capital gains tax,the gasoline tax,"sin" taxes,excise taxes,etc.Business booms,and thenew legitimate federal functions arefued with aninexpensive head tax.People who choose not to vote need not pay it.(Note:This was  a mainstream view in the 19th century.)

Day3)The federal government sells all of it's land,freeing up tens of millions of acres fir forestry,private parks,farmingdevelopement,etc. The government uses the revenue to pay off the national debt and other liabilities.

day4)The minimum wage is reduced to zero,creating jobs for ex federal bureaucrats at their market wage.All pro union laws and regulations are scrapped.The jobless rate falls dramatically.

Day5)The Bureau of Labor Statistics,like the rest of the labor dept. is sent to that big hiring hall in the sky.Without detailed economic statistics,future econimic planners will be blind and deaf.

Day6)The department of Commerce is abolished.Big business has to make its own way in the world,without subsidies and priviledges at theexpense of itscompetitors and customers.

Day7)The plug is pulled on the dept of energy.Oil and gas prices plummet.

Day8)All regulatory agencies,from the interstate commerce commision to the federaltrade commision are deep sixed.competition is legalized.

Day9)HUD is squashed like a bug.Theres a building boom in cheap private apartments.

Day10)The interstate hiways open asprivate businesses.Road entrepreneurs price travel according tocustomer demand.Using modern technologies,drivers get billsonce a month.Non-drivers no longer subsidize car owners.

Day11)Government welfare is wiped out.Bums work or starveThe deserving poor find a cornicopia ofprivate services designed to make them independent.Private charity explodes, as the american people,already the most generous in the world,find their incomes almost double, thanks to the tax cuts.

Day12)The federal reserve closes its open market operations and stops rotecting the banking industry from competition.But banks can nowengage in all the non-bank financial activities previously forbidden to them The business cycle which is caused monetary expansion through the credit markets,is liquidated.

Day 13)Federal deposit insurance is scrapped.All insured deposits are redeemed from federal assets which include the personal assets of high-level government employees.The threat of bank runs forces banks to keep 100%reserves for their demand deposits,and prudent reserves on all other accounts.There are no more inherently bankrupt banks propped up by the government,at taxpayer expense,and no more bail outs.

Day14)The shaky flat dollar is defined in gold,with the ratio determined by dividing the government's gold stock by all existing dollars on that day.

Day15)The federal government sells National and Dulles airports to the highest bidder,and stops all subsidies to other socialist airports around the country.All constraints on airline prices and services cease.It costs more to fly during peak hours than off-peak,but overall,air travel drops in price.

Day16)All government regulations and sustained cartels are abolished,including those for the post office,telephones,television,radio,and cable tv.prices plummet,and a host of new and unforseen services become available

Day17)Centrally planned agriculture as in posed by Hoover and Roosevelt is repealed:Ther are no more subsidies,payments-in-kind,marketing orders,low interest loans etc.Farm prices drop.Entrepreneurial farmers get rich.Welfare farmers go into another line of work.The poor eat like kings!

Day18)The justice Department shutters its antitrust division.Companies big and smallare free to merge-up,down,or sideways.Stockholders can buy any other company,or sell their stock to anyone else.Marginal producers can no longer battle their competitors with bureaucratic weapons.

19)The Department of Education flunks the constitionality test,and is kicked out.Private charities set up remedial reading andwriting programs for the formerbureaucrats.Local school districts become responsive to parents or close,pressured by a fast-growingprivate school sector(which many more parents can now afford)

20)All federalmonuments are sol,in some cases to no-profit groups based on the Mt.Vernon ladies Association,Which owns and runs George Washingtons home.The VFW buys the Vietnam Memorial.Thers is much bidding for the Jefferson an Washington Monuments.Nobody wants the FDR's so its torn down and the land sold to a farmer.(Bloggers personal Note:Disagree Here!)
(With the Federal Government cut back to its constitutional size,much of Washington reverts to productive uses like agriculture,as in the late 18th century).

Day21)The computerized financial and political dossier maintained by the government on every american is erased.The public wanders through the federal offices to make sure,in a reprise of the East Berliners visits to Stasi HQ.

Day22)Eqaul rights are granted to ALL Americans,even members of non-victim groups.Ther is no affirmative action,no quotas,no set asides,no blic accomadationslaws.Private property and freedom of association are fully restored

Day 23) The EPA is cleaned out,with all "clean air" and similar big government laws repealed.Ten thousand lawyers leap from their balconies.Private property is established in air and water.Americans harmed by pollution are free to sue the polluters,who are no longer protected by the federal government.

Day 24)Americans are given complete freedom of contract,restoringrationality to malpractice and product liability law.

Day25)Government scrambles for more assets to sell(ie:the natinal zoo also know as (Washington D.C.)to pay off the liabilities of the priatized Social Security system.

Day 26)Porn artists have to earn their own living,as the National endowment for the arts tries to raise its budget through sidewalk painting sales.(bloggers Note:There is quite a difference between Mona Lisa and a urine filled bottle containing a Sacred Holy Relic...What is Worthy ART?).

Day 27)Foreign aid is outlawed as unconstitutional,unjust,and uneconomic.Foreign politicians have to steal their own money.The world bank,IMF,an United Nations close their super luxurious doors.

Day28)The american people are given the inrestricted right to keep and bear arms.(Bloggers Note:Dont hold your breathe on this one,Armed citizens are very threatening annoyances to folks in command.It becomes very hard to dictate your will in some places when "THE PEOPLE"get sick of being kicked around, & ignored, while living in fear and poverty:ie:Arab Spring....Dictators beware!Be very,very nervous.Your people are but a Sleeping your Empire,forget your people and they will come for you.

Day 29)The Defense Department is reoriented tward defense.American troops come home from all over the world.We remenber the founding father's teaching that we cannot have an empire abroad and a constitutionalrepublic at home.

Day 30)All tariffs,quotas,and trade agreements are put throught the shredder.Americans can trade with anyone in the world,without

This suggestion  list may even be applied to any country in the world   as it has many similarities to lessen taxes and free up personal income for a lot of people.This plan is only ideas to pull the plug on expensive and inflating government costs,If people were to use it as a template to change,many citizens of the world would live richer and more upgraded lives,that is what most folks seek to do isn't it?Live life to the best and fullest...We spend many days just working to pay for things we will never see listed with any creditability from government sources,It's called subterfuge:to hide in plain sight so as not to be the central attention,distraction from the main point.

So long for now and please come back soon

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