Showing posts with label Future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Future. Show all posts

Friday, August 25, 2017

Recent News Casts Around the World May Be Bad For Your Mental Health

I found myself on the net as usual today.I browsed through my usual E-mail and spent the usual hour reading my E-mail to weed out the spam,garbage and  usual snake oil salesmen.  I tend to laugh at the ridiculous claims of things I know are a pile of poop.I guess that is the nature of E-mail.It always reminds me of the gossip papers in the supermarket cash out.

Next I start my day of reading the latest news.I sit focused on all the news we have come to think interesting.Most I find needless and of no real use.I really don,t care who is parading in hollywood in the near nude.Sorry it just taint world shattering to me.

People doing things to be better,is less and less in the news without a twisted, spin. something to give it a little nudge into the warped areas of demented thought.A few more titillating comments or details that I really don't need to know.Opinions by those who are supposed to report facts and figures.

Follow ups are even more into the twisted and  bizarre.Maybe hoping the stories can be prolonged for days,weeks,years. 50years later but,Norma Jean Bakers Murderers Have never been brought to trial.Even after her autopsy was re-examined with proof.I guess She with never be compensated for the loss of her life.Its good news to not find the truth. The mystery news can last 50plus years.The truth would set her free.That news item would no longer be profitable.

That would also be true for the late President Kennedy,His Brother Bobby,M.L.KING,Lady Diane.I would also include in this the thousands murdered, who are not considered news worthy who are murdered without much,if anything said.

Those who do make the news A  list who will provide the news with titillating unanswered questions from people and organizations caught in the journalistic quagmire.Drag it all out for a long turn with only the more controversial versions of a news item.Inflaming people without regard .After all,mysteries just keep being retold when truth and facts soon become archived.Fiction and sensation become the facts.Only to be retold for anther angle at some later date.

This daily "news" that creates a mental division in our country lead  a friend and I to begin discussing the items of the day.Our president and the rights of both pro and anti demonstrations. What are rights and who should have priority rights.I said ALL people should have equality.He argued that only minorities should have priority of rights.

I still believe that if your running in the human race you pull your own weight and help your brothers and sisters when you can.but no one should be put above the other.He did as I expected and started attempting to try to make me feel guilty for doing as well as I had.Telling me how easy I had life.I stopped him in his tracks by pointing out we had arrived at the same place in life.
Haven't seen him since.Seems to be the way.I worked running my own business legally and he  raised pot till his wife left with his son and his world crashed.both of us crashed health wise for awhile.

 The discussion with  my friend also regarded the newscasts of the many past demonstrations.He being the left and me being somewhat right of center.Our conversation was intense but between friends.We finally had to agree to disagree.This is the way our world has become.It has split even the friends who can be so.

It is very rare these days to actually be able to read or view the news  without the interviewer either verbally attacking on air or afterwords that person.I watch many different news programs from around the world normally.I listened as a child to The voice of America,Radio China,Radio Moscow.Radio Cuba.Radio Tokyo.

I used an antique Philco AM/shortwave radio a retired school teacher from Scotland gave when I was only 6yrs old.I was very ill that year and missed most of my school year.I listened to the broadcasts of many people that year and never stopped listening.I passed my grade using information from those voices so far away.

Both the ever dividing illusions of left and right opinions.Those who outright or ever so subtly cast their own slanted ideology into the conversation.Interviews not to find the truth,but to entrap for another controversial drag-out of  a news story that will replace those items that have far more importance.It is mean natured an adversarialy vindictive.

IE:The day that A certain Major politician was constantly being browbeat all day,the scientific community announced the first embryotic cells genetically made perfect by a process of gene manipulation.Several cells were grown and was stopped.A possible cure for our future children to be born free of terrible birth defects.Maybe cures for cancer.It didn't make  many newscasts.Not titillating enough.That other newscast sure created a storm now didn't it?

The TV and radio shows were once far more entertaining and less combative.The nasty sarcastic,below the belt  atmosphere that bombards our minds each time we turn on our electronic gadgetry these days.Even the late night shows have gotten more hateful.Jay Leno we miss you.
 News and journalism was always probing for answers in the past.To find facts, not self gratification.

I was taught that a news reporter or journalist in general was supposed to be neutral in their reporting.That apparently does not apply to the reporting today.Presenting just the facts just doesn't sell the News.I guess those so called newspapers that are sold at the supermarket cash outs caught on with the mainstream news.I see very little difference these days.

I remember Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, Walter Chronkite.I also remember Paul Harvey whose program,I rarely missed. They did still occasionally get too involved with opinion.They  would soon  correct that.There was far more time to absorb accurate  details and information without having to sort through the reporters opinion. 

They say that the past has no resets.This is so true in life. We go on into an unknown future with few ideas of what that future scenario will look like.we can dream in our minds to build something.But as Mr. Shakespeare was quoted: The best laid plans of mice and men... 

Each day we become less and less able to hear anything but our own imagined ideas of perfection.Our driving on the road.The perfect person.The perfect political,religious,sexual,legal.The perfect Race,eye color,
shape, size...The perfect______? Fill in the space.But what its doing to adults is nothing to what the kids are absorbing from adult actions and conversation.Children learn what they live and we each day and night are the only ones they can learn from.They are that future scenario that we will be facing.

Have you noticed the actions and behavior of children in a Doctors office.How about the public library.That librarian is likely to be punished if Those same children are asked to leave or even spoken to.So they don't.

Each day that WE THE PEOPLE move farther into that self centered "me first"mindset  is another day we can never take back.Those in the street on either side can never reset the past once it takes place.each time our children hear the bent ideas and fractured philosophies we will lose the ability to find truthful facts.Neither side wins in a war,whether bullets or philosophies.Even if you manage to change the truth of the past it will never reset or change the facts of the past.

Every"side" of an argument or idea has it's own bent philosophies it shoves into it children heads.feeding the parents fears and phobias as seeds in the minds of their children to grow an fester in their minds.We do that to them.

These people in the street are adults.They can change if they wanted to.Most can not because of that poison in the mind and soul....Their children will grow up with that embedded. those in the street or those in gangs doing drive by shootings...THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN THESE PEOPLE.They are driven by the fears driven into them as children and by the biased facts we hear every single time we look at a written article or turn on media.

We may live to regret these times in that future I speak of.WE THE PEOPLE still have time to change our ways.Change our thoughts.I include myself in this to.There is no one untouched by our environment.

I truly hope and pray we can change.Its just my nature...But that same history, "Mankind" has never learned from. It just keeps rearing it's ugly serpentine head to poison our minds against each other.
When will we ever learn?

Till next time Dear Reader,Listen for the truth and it will set you free.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day Will It Be Our our last celebration of a Free country or The Reawakening of a Sleeping Giant

I watched the People sitting in a little restaurant with family yesterday.The place had a few patrons sitting around and talking.The conversations were about the weather and the mindless TV programs they sit in front of as the curtain of our lives covertly slides down.The strange thing  about this was that I had not realized the mindlessness that many folks lives had become.Family,finances,enemies,conflicts and food.Many were just the average person wearing off the rack clothes and dressed in casual manners for the tropical weather we have had this summer.Laughing and joking as folks should when relaxing.The scenario was very hometown.

I had just watched the largest parade my hometown had put on in many years.There were firetrucks from many local communities and marching bands.The Boy  Scouts rode on a float they had made Everyone threw candy to the kids along the street.The children giggling and running to gather up a few goodies.

The local Martial Arts DOJO[GYM] marched proudly in their uniforms ,along with the new Japanese Steakhouse and a red and colorful Dancing dragon that winked it's eye flirtingly at the crowd.

The WWII veterans were represented by the local VFW.There are still a few valiant soldiers from the war that kept me from living under an Evil  entity from that time period.I did not see anyone from the Korean"conflict" or the Vietnam "police action". We are getting selective on our memories.Then there is the  MIA/POW's.The lost Ghost warriors still waiting in the mist to be... welcomed home.Waiting to finally find peace in time  with honor for giving all for the political insanity of  that time.

I later sat and watched the Beautiful 4th of July  Independence Day Fireworks.Truly gorgeous and patriotic .I thought.Just like the rockets red glare,bombs bursting in air,But is it still proof thru the night that our Flag is still there.Is it still the constitution as our fore fathers intended.Do WE THE PEOPLE still have our privacy
to live our lives in peaceful existence.Are we still able to raise our children as we were taught with our families individual moral values.Is it that our lives have become  complacent that we are as a gazelle that is so terrified of the Lion in front of us that it is able to silently creep up so near as to overcome us.The gazelle can easily outrun the lion.
Yet the fear paralyzes its senses and it becomes helpless and is victimized to it's death.
The question,My top of the foodchain friend is this.Which would you rather be...The focused lion or the mesmerized Gazelle? Is  that glorious flag still waving in the ramparts as our Earths only true freedom emblem our do we sell out our ancestors dreams and just forget all that patriotic.

Have we become as deer in the headlights?frozen by the approaching  freight train of those covertly hidden
powers that regularly are reaching into our private lives without cause.Are we all spellbound and left mindless?

I could not help remember overhearing the chatter of those folks talking about fictitious gobbledie goop over their meals.People in our country seem to be under some spell that leaves them in a half awareness of what is going on with the country they live in.The reality that is ever changing before their very lives.

Our stores are closing and megastores are running in any manner they chose.Our factories are becoming bombed out,vacant shells.Our stock market bounces like a yo-yo gone astray.Our children have no direction and find only fantasy to live in.our movies and entertainment teach only violence and destruction.The alternative is nonsense.Families,when they do sit at a meal don't even know how to communicate anymore.
It is not uncommon to see texting,,or talking the  phone  in a loud and boisterous manner for all to hear.
I have my own idea of what our world will become if we don't wise upor at least wake up before we have no ability to change the world for the better.

The future is going to be run by folks living their lives in a trance till that lion finally has their teeth in their throat strangling them or by you dear reader.
It will take only one of person to start the changes.That choice is yours and mine.We either out maneuver the lions or fall victim to the kill.

Which  will you choose to be? There is no bystanders in this.The lions may not get you this time as you watch another gazelle fall to the lions.The next time it will be your turn.lions always want more....

Perhaps we should add a little more reflection on our current flag by adding the Union Jack in a corner to remind all of us that it is still a symbol of WE THE PEOPLE.We made serious changes in the past with only 3% of the population causing those changes...Time has not changed our abilities.....yet!Lion or gazelle??

 That is all for now dear friends,

Independence means freedom to be creative,believe what you are comfortable with,to worship in a non destructive way,and to find the peace and harmony in life that makes it all worth while.and so much more.
It is precious and irreplaceable if lost to tyranny.

Sorry folks,once more My Mozilla/Zemanta addon has come up as MIA no explanation available.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Personal Drones and Who Is Watching Who

The technical magazines are running articles on the availability of tiny personal drones for sale.These tiny model airplanes are equipt with cameras,radio controls,solar cells,
sound recorders,etc.Some are able to be controlled by cellphones.Others are controlled by model airplane frequencies.The possession of these are for recreation and entertainment purposes.I have been reading about the military use of the various drones and the horrific death that they bring to civilians by no military decree.

It no doubt is very easy for the powers to be to give a KILL order for any target,real or
imagined.The incident the can easily be said to be "a Suspected Threat".That would pretty much cover anyone that just needs to bring virtual killing out of their video game time.This is all top secret and easily hidden in then mistakes file that WE THE PEOPLE will never be Privy to.The daily goings on that citizens never see or hear of.

The questions for us with a private collections of drones follows:When will the privacy
factors become mute.When will we not be able to avoid the camera of a personal drone. Cameras are already not allowed inside many shower rooms and public places.
a fone left on can get you a preditor label for life.A nasty label that means a death sentence if ever you go to jail.Some kind of honor among convicts or whatever.

I cant see these new adult toys becoming weapons in the conventional sense.The only
way the danger is presented is in cases like the royal family recent video of a sunbathing Kate and the peeping tom that snapped a photo.Drones will make crimes
far more do-able than long range lenses.A fly over intrusion to present a conpromising
video with sound.Blackmail,divorce,political arm bending.It is the beginning of many
arguments in courts around the world.

The technologies developing for future use will be far more intrusive than a model airplane with cameras.There is developers working on units the size of a bubblebee.
or imitating a cockroach.The personal privacy we have enjoyed in the past will never again be ours.We will be subject  to invasion of every aspect of our lives.Imagine the
effect of a world leaders love life being threatened by such monitoring.The lives that we have enjoyed will be video-d and digitized for inspection and review.

The military mechanical dogs(Look up Mechanical Wardog Robots)and drones already have enormous advertised and un advertised abilities that make us all observed and monitored subjects.An Arizona Sheriff Department has already become the first civilian use(known Use) of drones and their Technologies.Border Patrol is said to have
a few in use.

The future is always predicted by the Imaginations of writers and futurists.The time period between the imaginative thought and the existence of the idea is becoming shortened by human abilities.Whether we become a totally monitored society or
become the machines that we use and fear taking over,is up to us all.We already allow machines to sustain threatening life situations such as Kidney machines,Pace makers,ETC.Machines plan our days and weeks,figure our expenses,run our lives and entertain us.It is just a matter of time before we decide to merge more completely with the feared bionics to become our nemesis.drones will then be common place as they will either be the enemy of our imagined terminator types or they will become who we are in the future.I hope they will never become the tools of common invasion an murder at the push of someones demigods finger.......OR IS IT ALREADY TO LATE?

Till next time dear friends,lets tear down the walls that make us separate people.Together WE THE PEOPLE ofn this world can join together and make this world a place worth the effort of the dreams we all share...

Till next time

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

President Obama in a Tight Race for Office 2 Win

November 4: Barack Obama elected President
November 4: Barack Obama elected President (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Okay it is Election Night and I am sitting here listening to the news of people,FREE PEOPLE choosing the folks that will be their leaders for the next few years.I was among the most exited crowds of voters that I have seen out  to vote in many years.There were voters from every walk of life with various diverse ideas on politics.

The crowds were up beat,cheerful and very civil to each other.No one was throwing rocks at the other religions,political beliefs or ideas.The laughter and easy attitudes were typical of American voters at elections.
The example of our elections are something that we should be very proud of.

I voted and so did my family.We now sit in from of the morphine for the masses set(TV).watching to see if huge amounts of money can buy the White House.To see if our future freedoms and choices can be bought for the cost of billions.Will tomorrow,when we wake be the first step into a future of control and changes.

I will sit up to see if the future will be the time of helping each othe and looking out for for your fellow man.
What ever the daylight brings will be the future we ,or at least the majority of people or machines( Electoral College).have spoken for.We will follow in the democratic way that we Americans have done for a couple hundred years.It is theDemocratic way.WE are Americans.That special group of people the world either loves or hates.Sometimes they just love to hate us for reasons yet to be explained.

The next President will lead us into the future of whatever is thrown at us from the Time machine called history.Will our President,The first minority President leads us or the first Mormon lead us.I would hope that we are not going to be forcibly influenced into any lifestyle that we are not chosing for ourselves.

We have come a long ways in finding our freedom of choices.A long way in protecting our women from unfair  legal practices.We have come so far to go back 30years.No matter what happens,we must work together to keep our freedoms safe from the religious and dictatorial clowns that beat people into the groung around the rest of the world.

I know who will win...If the people speak with freddom in mind.

We will wake to a new day tomorrow and prepare for the next 4years of change.Change to unite our people or change to spit our country as it was before the uncivil war.A time when there was slaves,peasants,poorhouses and the very wealthy that bought and sold politics,business and war machines.

May the creator help us and whoever wins the Presidency on our journey ahead....

Keep the faith and pray for the best my friends.


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Monday, September 10, 2012

Fault of Slumping Obama Economy Maybe Faith Problem

President Clinton's Latino Appointees (1998)
President Clinton's Latino Appointees (1998) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Headlines of some Newscasts around the United States  are stating that many Americans have declined  from the middle class scale to unemployed status.The statements say that many folks have even fallen into poverty.This may be true in some respects.I can attest to the the fact that Things are rocky.I can also see a distinct reason for this change in our  U.S. economy at this critical time in history.Please read on as I explain from my own perspective.

The American economy and the rest of the world have drop into an economic hole these past 12years or so.The countries that were doing so well financially tried to lift up countries that never seemed to be able to take care of themselves very well.Over time the worlds economic problems have been further burdened by The cost of wars.Financial stress from natural and man made disasters.

Treaties to help other countries catch up to the U.S. have been misused by those very countries that it sought to help.Those treaties were put in place to assist our former enemies(now friends in commerce),to have an avenue of success in a world market.Many of them are misusing those generous agreement's  to other countries misfortune.This makes what is a generous hand over the seas,look like a vast mistake instead of a merging of human ideas that benefits all people.That is what the people of this earth should be doing.Working to better all mankind.Those treaties should be the first step,not an instrument of social destruction as other countries are doing...

This election has brought arguments,violence and chaos to a country that is the greatest Democracy in history.The Greeks,Romans,and a distant ancestor of mine were also great believers in Democracy.
The United States is actually a Republic/Democracy.That is we vote for our choice of leaders to represent our beliefs and goals.It would be great to vote through computers in the future.For now it is our elections that drive our people and therefore power our economy.It is not the Presidents super power that gets things done.It is the power of the peoples voice that gets it done.

The following  are three things we must remember during this election.They are:
1)When good people do nothing,evil prevails.
2)The same is true when people sit on their butts during an election and groan and complain about whats happening in their world without the full story being learned or studied by them selves.
3)There are three types of people in this election:Those that sit and wonder what's happening
                                                                               Those that wait and wonder,what happened
                                                                               And those that act on their faith and make things
There is also those that sit and do nothing,and groan and moan about the world they didn't contribute the possibility of a solution.

The President needs to have the power to do his job.He is also a person(Imagine that! just like you and I)He also needs to have the input from his country to form the plans we all will use.No man is an island.Our President is basing his plans on what he has heard from those who do communicate with him.He does read our E-mails if you try to help...

Those in the Supporting (no pun intended here,It really is a  tragedy,not a joke)office of our elected people have never been interested in the people who elected them.Their actions have spoken louder than words.Some of those in elected office have publicly stated that dumping the president was more important than "WE The People".More important than our needs or anything else useful to help us.

.This is wrong from any perspective that grows and protects the United States.It would be taken very seriously in many other countries around the world.
Those people can,or should thank Whatever they believe in  for the good fortune to live where they can say things about their countries leader in that manner.

The economy was a fertilizer heap when Mr.Obama began his office.It had been their for many years .The last office to actually balance things out was President Clinton's office.Whether you except this or not is your choice.Just like your knowledge of what's politics and propaganda.Look it up and learn the facts.It's all at you computer in the blink of an eye,these days.Or....You can be one of those in the
3catagories above.

As one of those dreaded Independents,I have all the parties trying to bend me,shape me to believe in them.I would hate to try trading horses in midstream of a raging river.Translation:Things are proceeding slowly.Things around me are getting better.This country has suffered a great wound to this economy.We are still not like the Europeans mess

.I am one of those unemployed in this United States slump.I share the bottom of the economic ladder.I will only get stronger for it.

Our grandparents lived through the great depression,They were stronger for it,Our parents lived through the post World
War II era.They were labeled the Great Generation.They built what strengths we now take for granted and enjoy.The Korean and Vietnam era people furthered our economy by looking for truth in freedom.They became true warriors and survivors in spite of the overwhelming odds against them.

Another President may or may not have done better.The obvious facts are before our eyes at this  turn in history.We ARE better off than the rest of the world.China's infrastructure grew so fast that it is starting to collapse on itself.Europe tinkered with their currency and many countries have been hammered into poverty and debt.Russia has been broken apart into a singularity.We may be struggling,but we are still running a strong race when you compare what the other countries struggles are.

We will recover in the future.We will be stronger as we have in the past generations.We will recover and morph into the strongest version of the United States Yet.Because We can!We are from Genetic stock of the entire world.The melting pot for the strongest and the best of all the world.There is no other people in the world that has ever been like us.We have the strengths of pioneers,explorers,lovers of freedom and followers of the American Dream even before it had a name.Those people were driven by only one power to obtain this future goal.

It was the power of faith...
We have to have faith and work together for the dreams of our ancestors to continue,That all people have a chance to grow.That all people,no matter their dreams have the opportunity to work for that goal.That all people have the right to free choice of what they love and believe.That all people deserve the right to the pursuit  of happiness.We are all immigrants in a sense,even the natives came from somewhere.All people must have the right to a future to manifest and grow their future.We must have faith to do  this in any country.In any life style.In any Generation.We have many historic times when faith brought the people through the times and helped a nation climb out of darkness and depression.

That is what we need to keep in mind when we make a choice for the future
The future is based on a walk of faith.A first step into a possible unknown future as the pioneers did.
It is said that any journey,any walk...begins with the first step of faith.

We,in This Great Country,are at that crossroads of  the future.Listen,learn,investigate based on facts you can look up from many resources.Compare your choices and how those choices will effect this country.Know that you are the greatest power in history as an individual.You have the power to help
elect the most powerful person in history.That persons power is based on Your choice....Use it wisely!

"The good of the many for the choice of the one"
 We will be talking again soon my friends,Keep the faith alive...

PS:My zemanta program now works again.Good job Zemanta Techs.Thank You.You guys
make a big difference to anyones Blogsite...

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