Showing posts with label Left. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Left. Show all posts

Friday, August 25, 2017

Recent News Casts Around the World May Be Bad For Your Mental Health

I found myself on the net as usual today.I browsed through my usual E-mail and spent the usual hour reading my E-mail to weed out the spam,garbage and  usual snake oil salesmen.  I tend to laugh at the ridiculous claims of things I know are a pile of poop.I guess that is the nature of E-mail.It always reminds me of the gossip papers in the supermarket cash out.

Next I start my day of reading the latest news.I sit focused on all the news we have come to think interesting.Most I find needless and of no real use.I really don,t care who is parading in hollywood in the near nude.Sorry it just taint world shattering to me.

People doing things to be better,is less and less in the news without a twisted, spin. something to give it a little nudge into the warped areas of demented thought.A few more titillating comments or details that I really don't need to know.Opinions by those who are supposed to report facts and figures.

Follow ups are even more into the twisted and  bizarre.Maybe hoping the stories can be prolonged for days,weeks,years. 50years later but,Norma Jean Bakers Murderers Have never been brought to trial.Even after her autopsy was re-examined with proof.I guess She with never be compensated for the loss of her life.Its good news to not find the truth. The mystery news can last 50plus years.The truth would set her free.That news item would no longer be profitable.

That would also be true for the late President Kennedy,His Brother Bobby,M.L.KING,Lady Diane.I would also include in this the thousands murdered, who are not considered news worthy who are murdered without much,if anything said.

Those who do make the news A  list who will provide the news with titillating unanswered questions from people and organizations caught in the journalistic quagmire.Drag it all out for a long turn with only the more controversial versions of a news item.Inflaming people without regard .After all,mysteries just keep being retold when truth and facts soon become archived.Fiction and sensation become the facts.Only to be retold for anther angle at some later date.

This daily "news" that creates a mental division in our country lead  a friend and I to begin discussing the items of the day.Our president and the rights of both pro and anti demonstrations. What are rights and who should have priority rights.I said ALL people should have equality.He argued that only minorities should have priority of rights.

I still believe that if your running in the human race you pull your own weight and help your brothers and sisters when you can.but no one should be put above the other.He did as I expected and started attempting to try to make me feel guilty for doing as well as I had.Telling me how easy I had life.I stopped him in his tracks by pointing out we had arrived at the same place in life.
Haven't seen him since.Seems to be the way.I worked running my own business legally and he  raised pot till his wife left with his son and his world crashed.both of us crashed health wise for awhile.

 The discussion with  my friend also regarded the newscasts of the many past demonstrations.He being the left and me being somewhat right of center.Our conversation was intense but between friends.We finally had to agree to disagree.This is the way our world has become.It has split even the friends who can be so.

It is very rare these days to actually be able to read or view the news  without the interviewer either verbally attacking on air or afterwords that person.I watch many different news programs from around the world normally.I listened as a child to The voice of America,Radio China,Radio Moscow.Radio Cuba.Radio Tokyo.

I used an antique Philco AM/shortwave radio a retired school teacher from Scotland gave when I was only 6yrs old.I was very ill that year and missed most of my school year.I listened to the broadcasts of many people that year and never stopped listening.I passed my grade using information from those voices so far away.

Both the ever dividing illusions of left and right opinions.Those who outright or ever so subtly cast their own slanted ideology into the conversation.Interviews not to find the truth,but to entrap for another controversial drag-out of  a news story that will replace those items that have far more importance.It is mean natured an adversarialy vindictive.

IE:The day that A certain Major politician was constantly being browbeat all day,the scientific community announced the first embryotic cells genetically made perfect by a process of gene manipulation.Several cells were grown and was stopped.A possible cure for our future children to be born free of terrible birth defects.Maybe cures for cancer.It didn't make  many newscasts.Not titillating enough.That other newscast sure created a storm now didn't it?

The TV and radio shows were once far more entertaining and less combative.The nasty sarcastic,below the belt  atmosphere that bombards our minds each time we turn on our electronic gadgetry these days.Even the late night shows have gotten more hateful.Jay Leno we miss you.
 News and journalism was always probing for answers in the past.To find facts, not self gratification.

I was taught that a news reporter or journalist in general was supposed to be neutral in their reporting.That apparently does not apply to the reporting today.Presenting just the facts just doesn't sell the News.I guess those so called newspapers that are sold at the supermarket cash outs caught on with the mainstream news.I see very little difference these days.

I remember Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, Walter Chronkite.I also remember Paul Harvey whose program,I rarely missed. They did still occasionally get too involved with opinion.They  would soon  correct that.There was far more time to absorb accurate  details and information without having to sort through the reporters opinion. 

They say that the past has no resets.This is so true in life. We go on into an unknown future with few ideas of what that future scenario will look like.we can dream in our minds to build something.But as Mr. Shakespeare was quoted: The best laid plans of mice and men... 

Each day we become less and less able to hear anything but our own imagined ideas of perfection.Our driving on the road.The perfect person.The perfect political,religious,sexual,legal.The perfect Race,eye color,
shape, size...The perfect______? Fill in the space.But what its doing to adults is nothing to what the kids are absorbing from adult actions and conversation.Children learn what they live and we each day and night are the only ones they can learn from.They are that future scenario that we will be facing.

Have you noticed the actions and behavior of children in a Doctors office.How about the public library.That librarian is likely to be punished if Those same children are asked to leave or even spoken to.So they don't.

Each day that WE THE PEOPLE move farther into that self centered "me first"mindset  is another day we can never take back.Those in the street on either side can never reset the past once it takes place.each time our children hear the bent ideas and fractured philosophies we will lose the ability to find truthful facts.Neither side wins in a war,whether bullets or philosophies.Even if you manage to change the truth of the past it will never reset or change the facts of the past.

Every"side" of an argument or idea has it's own bent philosophies it shoves into it children heads.feeding the parents fears and phobias as seeds in the minds of their children to grow an fester in their minds.We do that to them.

These people in the street are adults.They can change if they wanted to.Most can not because of that poison in the mind and soul....Their children will grow up with that embedded. those in the street or those in gangs doing drive by shootings...THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN THESE PEOPLE.They are driven by the fears driven into them as children and by the biased facts we hear every single time we look at a written article or turn on media.

We may live to regret these times in that future I speak of.WE THE PEOPLE still have time to change our ways.Change our thoughts.I include myself in this to.There is no one untouched by our environment.

I truly hope and pray we can change.Its just my nature...But that same history, "Mankind" has never learned from. It just keeps rearing it's ugly serpentine head to poison our minds against each other.
When will we ever learn?

Till next time Dear Reader,Listen for the truth and it will set you free.