Monday, July 21, 2014

The United States is Now Using Local and State Jail Facilities to house Those Who Are In Need Of Mental and Medical Treatment Some in Holding Cages Without Facilities.

English: Former school gates on Garscadden Roa...
English: Former school gates on Garscadden Road This was the Drumchapel School for the Mentally Handicapped. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Human brain illustrated with millions of small...
Human brain illustrated with millions of small nerves (Photo credit: Ars Electronica)
I was browsing the net today and came across a most disturbing article.The photo showed a man in a cage sitting there with his head in his hands.He was being interviewed by a specialist on mental health.He stated that he did not have his medications only when he could get them.His stark cage was a holding cell with no toilet facilities or food or water.It only had a bench seat to sit or lay on.The front of the holding cell was as those in an animal shelter.Many times the holding cells are filled with the worst of society.This would leave the mentally ill as victims of those types of folks.This cage is inside police facilities around the USA.

This is a growing trend in this "civilized country".We are slowly letting more and more folks become threatened by the pressures placed on them by our High pressured life styles.The everyday pressures that hammer us everyday have knocked more and more people out of the social picture.More folks that end up out of work,out of a lifestyle,or out of  opportunities for change.The many reasons for being in a position of health decline is very easy to strike the best of folks.

Imagine that you are getting up in the morning as you usually do.You get up,shower and dress to face the day.Maybe grab a quick breakfast at the local fast food stand.the morning is a quick stressful drive thru angry traffic with cars cutting in and out of line while texting or reading or trying to eat breakfast behind the wheel.You reach your work only to find that you have been replaced by a machine that does not need to be paid.Or you are replaced by a person who can be paid less.The machine wont take lunch,breaks or sleep time.You then spend weeks under the threat of repo on your life from credit card debt.The family has placed even more pressures on you to find a job.You begin to lose sleep and the doctors prescribe meds for stress and sleep.Your friends now seem to avoid you Those once smiling bankers simply sneer  saying," good luck and when can we expect our money you owe"?

The weeks drag on and you lose your house from non payment.Your family is forced to move into a car that is filled with a minimum of your belongings.The stress by this time is bringing cluster headaches.The doctor says your medical insurance wont cover anymore help from his/her office.You pay with your last few bucks for your own expensive drugs to kill the stress and pain. The choices become eats for the family or calm for your tormented brain and overly wired system.

The Family contacts a relative and one morning while you are away trying to find a job or borrow money....You return to find a note the family has left you to live with your in laws.You are now completely alone without any support group.Despair now joins you already overwhelming health and mental demons plaguing your overwhelmed faculties.YOU ARE ALONE BROKE AND SOON TO BE BROKEN.Your health is now failing from feeding family first.Your beginning to look the part of the homeless and look in the mirror one morning.The once well dressed and respected person has been replaced by a pale,haggard looking hardened face.

The life style you now live is a legal problem.You are homeless and vagrant by law.You have no ability to hide the obvious lack of hygiene upkeep.You will at sometime or other be a noticeable police rousting item.This man in the picture has his own story.

There is More and more folks that are fitting this scenario.The push to live is driving the decline in peoples abilities to simply live a life that is healthy and simplified.
Mentally handicapped people are being shot dead if that label in on their record.
The folks who have become homeless in addition to their other problems are being beaten to death by everyone from street punk gang to Hawaiian politicians armed with sledgehammers.(Google either of these).

The shooting example I speak of happened a short time ago to a man that was just sitting in the desert with his backpack.The police converged on his location in Arizona in many cars.There was many officers standing there.The video showed that he had a tiny knife that he had been using while he sat there by himself.

They ordered him to show his hands.when he raised his hands the took turns shooting him with pistols and shotguns.When this man had fallen,They all continued to shoot his already dead body.One of them remarked that he might be alive yet.They then shot him again with what was probably a 12gauge shotgun.

This shooting was only perhaps 20feet from the victim being death.The man being murdered by those protected by laws .The usual procedure would have been to use the training they supposedly go thru to disarm an armed suspect. Question here is suspected of what,to require such an armed encounter on a single solitary human being in the vastness of the desert???

If you are labeled as mentally ill then you are denied the right to protect yourself,property or family.Those returning from the Overseas Hell of Warfare are automatically listed as mentally disabled.They are disarmed on returned home.Personal and military weapons of any kind.This is the reward our valiant veterans are rewarded with.Many of them were force by law or duty to goto a war.

The stigma of the mentally handicapped is one that can be applied to most anyone.
An elderly person is easily denied all they ever had worked for by various new labels placed on them.Senility or Alzheimer s,is enough to remove the ability to take care of themselves.They are disregarded after that as being unable to think rationally.Who listens to the mentally "insane". They are not any longer focused in reality.Isn't that right????

The start of simply turning those out into the street when they need meds and treatment is the failing of our society.No one can except the thought that anyone can become a mentally handicapped person.A fall in the bathtub,an automobile accident,
A stroke,is a possible reason for a brain injury to bring the mentally handicapped label into anyones life.It happens when you are not even thinking it will.It happens fast and unavoidable.

We need to find ways to help prevent the problems that are taking so many people down as mentally ill.Killing or putting the ill in cages is not the answer.Everyone knows someone that is either beginning to show stress or mental failings.It is not a problem of those"nut cases"It is a problem of our worlds social progress  to find ways to

Hoping you have a better day than others are,Maybe you will share that better day with someone who needs it too.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Here Is a Possible Solution to Stop Aircraft, Cities, and Innocent Victims From Terrorist Attacks and Threats to Life.

The Political Machine
The Political Machine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This morning the news broadcasts broke into scheduled programming to deliver the latest exploits of another group of nut cases.A passenger jet was minding its own business and going about its business.

Those folks onboard were flying from one place to another with no thoughts they would be victimized by extremist head cases who live too destroy and kill.They manufacture Ideologies to support a demented philosophy that is just as bent and corrupted.Those onboard were not participants in any warring  or combat action.They pesented absolutly no threat to anyone as they went along that path in the sky.They had not taken any weapons with them.The plane was not armed to drop life threatening items on anyone.So why is over 290 human beings now dead by an attack on this airliner
over a country that has no argument with them being there?

No one actually has an answer at this moment in time.The politics of the area and the players all can not bring themselves to find why innocent lives are destroyed.The political gaming is far more important than finding the murderers who fired the misile.The political spins are far more important to leaders than the facts to catch and convict the assasins who just murdered 290 human lives in the blink of an eye.

Like any weapon,the misile launcher did not load aim or fire itself.It did not have the ability to think about what was the cost of its actions.The misile launcher did not point adjust its own settings to be sure to hit the victims in mid air.The misile launcher could not pull its own trigger and rejoice at the instant destruction of so many innocent souls.It was the worst of the earths inhabitants that did this.
A human being with nothing to gain or lose by their actions did this.They knew that the political machine would spend more time bickering and fighting over nonsensical political points of fiction than points on fact.The perfect crime in a troubled area...Pray Karma is a true power for them.

If people just came together when they found someone was planning this type of thing.To save the lives of innocent people is the right thing to do.Why is it that people in a position to prevent this rarely do anything.Surely family and friends,associates knew something about this in advance.
They must have known that this plane was in no way a threat to anyone.I beleive it makes them as guilty as those who plotted to blow up an unarmed Aircraft oaded with ordinary citizens.

Those who do nothing to prevent evil are promoting that evil.There is no difference whether they pull the trigger or hide those who do the trigger pulling.

I would hope and pray they did not suffer their deaths.There is no good way to die.but it seems a waste of lives to be victimized by those screwballs whose philosophy is not being placed into check o prevent such actions in a world that could be more positive.

It will be interesting to see those responsible be brought to account for their actions.W can not put those lives taken back upon this earth.They are removed  by a handful of individuals who also need to be removed.The perps.would better safegaurd future innocents by their removal..


Monday, July 14, 2014

China has announced to the Hong Kong Citizens That it was just kidding about The two China's Thing

Reporters covering a protest advocating quitti...
Reporters covering a protest advocating quitting the Communist Party of China, Hong Kong, 1 July 2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the relations of the co...
English: A map showing the relations of the communist states after the Sino-Soviet split as of 1980. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Shaolin Masters
Shaolin Masters (Photo credit: kevinpoh)
Awhile ago in the land of Temple Lions,Dragons and Kung Fu Masters was a revolution to make all the rich people and peasants equal.Millions of folks were tortured and killed in real brutal ways to purge the country of anyone who was not of that nationality.religious folks were driven out because religion was not allowed to be practiced.

Even the ancient Buddhist Temples were attacked by the mobs carrying the so called Red book.It was a country that was torn and bloodstained with a non-functional philosophy.This philosophy was driven by people who had never been allowed to be educated and learn how to think independently.Thus the masses of folks simply stayed as easily managed peasants.

The same sort of situation that has driven and motivated endless amounts of revolutions throughout history.This philosophy is called Communism.It denies all but a chosen few from ever growing beyond the social status the system appoints for them .No incentives,no progress of personal

Lets flash foreword about 60years to a time when the communist society has enveloped a portion of the mainland that believes in living free.The larger society
still living in a cloud of vague association with that past bloody revolution.They are now exploding with 15males for every single female due to male babies listed as keepers.

Female have been destroyed or abandoned to foreign countries. The communist doctrines sorta forgot the future would be sorta lonely for all those Billions of single males.The flaw of the philosophy is not allowing free thought.
Allowing only Male children  is a good example of this.Not unlike a hive of Drone Bees.Interesting and virtually self destructive in time.

But I digress here as I sometimes do to prove a point.Flashing foreword we find the large communist portion taking over the smaller free one.Then after giving thier word to allow freedom to the small free society,Mainland China  issues a document that states they changed their minds.

Now they are doing what every communist dictatorship in history has done.Promise the earth.The moon.and the stars.Then let it sit to study for awhile.Then enforce the same rulings that was always in mind.It is foolish to not see a nation such as China Or Russia ever actually becoming free nations. As long a the peasants are kept under controls.growing old raising the next generation t serve in lock step till death do they part.Married to a system of slaves.

The laws that disarm and control will keep them in check forever. The Ukraine is a prime example of a promise of freedom.A promise that has been rescinded by the controlling philosophy.Tibet is another example with its leading Religious citizen asking a deaf world for assistance while his people live under the whip.

Rulings and attacks on the folks trying to bring a form of Democracy to China.Tienanmen square has been washed under the great wall along with the thousands of slaves that died in its construction.Those conscripted workers were simply tossed under the next length of wall.They meant nothing then and would still mean nothing to the present philosophy.

The people of free Hong Kong are quietly resisting the overlords of the mainland.
The future of millions of human beings are being measured by the Philosophy that would take their independent ways to trade it for puppets of the state.The dumbing down of a free people with generations of Worldwide proven innovative thoughts and creativities.

I truly hope the free thinking people of this tiny piece of China will serve to change the masses with their way of life.Perhaps the Mainland masses will see what it is like to be free to think and create for the betterment of all mankind instead of the upper class elite VS the peasants philosophy.

Freedom is not just a word that means you have nothing left to lose..It is everything 
and once lost maybe impossible to regain...Resist and overcome.

It only takes a tiny match to start a huge flame.

The idea is the match struck by the belief it will light n flame.

Tinder is the gathering of those that share the belief.

The building flame is the growing belief and sharing of the idea.

The huge flame is people who know the warmth of freedom.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Has Mr.Obama Forgotten One Of Our Finest Soldiers in His Need For Help From Our Man In command Of Our military Heroes?

English: Flag of Mexico (1934-1968) Español: B...
English: Flag of Mexico (1934-1968) Español: Bandera de México (1934-1968) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
United States Marines, raising the flag over L...
United States Marines, raising the flag over La Paz, Mexico, 1847, during the Mexican-American War. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"American Army Entering the City of Mexic...
"American Army Entering the City of Mexico" - General Winfield Scott is shown during the Mexican War, entering the capital. Peace came in 1848 with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which fixed the Mexican-American border at the Rio Grande River and recognized the accession of Texas. The treaty also extended the boundaries of the United States to the Pacific. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is a point in every persons life when they feel a need to defend the freedoms or safety from aggressors. They may volunteer or be required to serve as that defender of the oppressed or weakened. That calling is every day for many who work to safeguard the disabledpersons,  children and the Elderly. It is everyday for the people who take care and look out for those who need help who can not give themselves that help.

These folks leave behind family and friends but usually return at the end of that service to those loved ones that expected a safe return home. There are also those that leave home and risk everything to safeguard people they would never have been aware of if not called to preform the chore of safeguarding another human being. They risk it all for folks they hope will one day be strong enough to help themselves. It is said that if you feed a man a fish 4 dinner he will be hungry tomorrow. If you teach him to fish he will never again be hungry. The point is this :Everyone at some point in their lives needs another with  greater strength to help them out of a situation. When we are at a point in our lives that things have gone wrong, we need help to regain our strength. This brings me to an event that has great need to be set right. I will hope there are many reading this who can help this particular hero with a problem it is said the President of the United States will not lift a finger to help.I really hope that is not true...

There are many articles written on how neglected our armed forces Men and Women are while and after they risk their lives to save others from oppression. To go where others run and hide in fear from the forces of aggression.They go to places knowing full well what it is likely to cost them. They should be rewarded with the worlds best medical and their families should never have any future hardships. They already have the maximum a family should have. The soldier returns home after the battles, after the horrors of wars unimaginable carnage to a country that lets them down out of convenience. They become mentally disjointed,homeless,lost,misdiagnosed.

There are still others that try desperately to regain their lives with a condition called delayed stress syndrome. There is many more long term conditions that effect a combat veteran. Most dismissed as something else. It is more convenient and saves insurance money.It also conveniently denies responsibility for the damage to a veteran.

The condition of mind associated with the mental breakdown from soldiers under stressful conditions is extremely familiar to me.My beloved lady returned from the so called Bosnian Conflict after being sent to a hospital in Germany. The diagnosis gave her  a Medical Discharge from the Military. They paid her the fantastic some of $400.a month for the remainder of her messed up life. I will miss her.

When a mom of a veteran who served twice over there in the quagmire we call the middle east. Where people of similar ancestor just cannot get along. Where the rest of the world is always being dragged into what amounts to a family feud. Returning home the veteran is then thrown away by even the commander and chief.

This soldier returned from the "War" after serving two tours managed to save 6 other soldiers, earned medals, and much more. He was a returning hero looking forward to a life at home in a country he thought would help him put his life together again. He was conquering the complications of a condition labeled PTSD.The mess this condition makes is not often brought under control by those afflicted. This strong heart was mastering his life as he had mastered his service time. That is what heroes do. They over come what they can.

March 31,2014:

Arriving in San Diego from his home in Florida, he made a wrong turn onto the freeway ramp. The ramp turned into a non-returnable one way funnel to Mexico. The things he had packed from Florida were still in his auto. He was still in transit .This included legal firearms which having no USA border people there left him at the mercy of the sometimes useless 911 personnel which said they couldn't help him. I wonder where the American Border patrol was during this. I have been to this particular area in the past. It has no exit once you get on the ramps or the freeway to Mexico. Unlike us who simply bus them home, Mexico only allows illegal firearms from governmental agencies for their drug lords to use. This border crossing is one of the many crossings setup that does not allow American Citizens to avoid the one way funnel that forces them into the corrupt Mexican Federalizes hands.

No explanations were even listened too. No reasoning was used by Federalizes.It is the same narrow minded anti-firearms logic being instituted in our beloved USA.Read the headlines regarding pre-Schoolers being expelled for pointing a "finger gun" at another.

This former decorated veteran was sent to Le mesa prison where both inmates and guards tried to kill him. He was then transferred to La Hunjgro Federal prison where he is to spend the remainder of his life in solitary confinement. So far only his loyal supporters such as I and his mother have tried to free him from his Mexican Hellhole. I have never met the lady, but I admire her courage in this fight.
I hope there is many moms out there reading this who will unite in this courageous women's fight to save her son...Hell has fury as a mothers scorn, Paraphrased of course.

The Gun Rights People have so far done nothing though their hands are still out for someone to support their causes. The human rights folks have not stepped forward to assist. There is only those of us who are trying to make a wrong turn'turn out right. I am hoping Military personnel reading this may know of  a legal crowbar to force this war hero's release and would urge anyone reading this from anywhere in the world to PLEASE join into the fight to free this man.He 'did' enter Mexico who only lets gangsters and drug dealers posses guns. This is the same country that has attacked with troops, Mexican citizens who formed protective groups to stop the random murder and kidnappings of innocents.The same Mexican Government that sent troops to kill those citizen protectors, PROTECTING the drug dealers. The US Hero is being held because it is on the law books that firearms are illegal in Mexico. It is not surprising they are illegal for good people to posses firearms. Apparently it is competition for the Drug cartel  run Mexican Government. No doubt making the corrupt government officials receive pressure from those gangsters running the country behind the scenes.Disarm the citizens and we will get you elected.Back those armed citizens and it gets you dead senior politician...Very corrupt system.

Please Support the growing move to free this man before the Mexicans Kill  an AMERICAN HERO.
You can become a crowbar for justice. The olive leaf hasn't worked so lets use a crowbar..At least he deserves a trial by American Citizens in his own country. Bring this American War Hero Home even if it means a trial by his peers in Kalifornia.Thought here:if it happened at any other states border,would he have had more assistance with the federalizes?Consider the Future in this country?

To Support the drive to free Sargent Andrew Tahmooressi from The Mexican Hellhole they have throw away an American that's been left behind. Do WE THE PEOPLE leave one of ours behind ????would you want that to be the same for one of your Families? Remember the MIA/POWs we left in Southeast Asia

Go to Andrew Freedom Fund to find the Facts and perhaps lend a hand to free this man. I have not hears anything from all those political mouthpieces who always need a photo say how much they have accomplished for the military personnel. Seems to be a silent void when it comes to helping our Proudly serving and inactive service personnel.

They are the finest fighting force in the world and the worst compensated. This a small chance to show the world we will not be leaving our best to rot in their corrupt shithole prisons when those criminals in their own countries run rampant  and free over the system and citizens.

The fight for freedom is ever onward. Never surrender your mind.

Update on this situation:The soldiers mother was interviewed on television recently.This man is still sitting in a crappy Mexican prison under constant threat of death by both inmates and prison personnel.United States seems quite able to intervene in Arab countries thousands of miles away while The Country just south of our national border seems to be just too difficult to work with.

  Apparently thousands of illegal aliens are  okay to cross into our country.However both our President (USA) and El President of Mexico simply agreeing by remaining silent,to just not get involved with The worthless Gringo/war heroes freedom.This is a fine example of the care and respect the American soldier has become familiar with.

Speeches to the world to help and ignoring one of our own rotting in a foreign,dangerous crap hole of a Prison.A soldier that walked innocently into a situation anyone unfamiliar  to the border region of Southern California could easily fall victim too. Once more urge you to badger your elected officials too intervene and put political pressure on the Mexican Office of El President.

P.S.:lets barrage the Mexican Embassy with demands to release this man to American officials. You may Call (202)728-1600 or
write 1911Pensulvania Ave N.W.
Washington D.C.20006.
Please keep it polite and to the point.We can over whelm the place. The voice will be loud and clear that WE THE PEOPLE will protect our people and bring our heroes home.The no-one left behind will mean something.