Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2020

One Of The Many Most Difficult Things To Face in Life Is...

This blog is sorta about family. How we grow up with either very fond or troubling memories of our friends and family members.How society has been shaped by that from recent generations.
Those experiences are part of what shapes our attitudes as we grow up. The beliefs, loves, hates, and practices shape our foundations of life experiences to build on. It is what we become in the depths of our hearts. It is how we shape and conduct our lives among the masses. The masses being directly affected.

We take those learned practices when we walk out into the world to build our lives. The foundation we have either creates a strong platform that enables us to move smoothly into whatever encounters us or it denies the way to succeed at making that path to a successful life. Much of our younger life is shaped by our encounters with other youths in schools or in socializing groups. Learning to adapt is key to modifying that behavior. We currently do not have that socializing. It is important in our lives.

I was told by a sibling that her apartment house no longer allowed her and other renter's families to visit her even with the nefarious mask routine. She was not allowed to finish moving in her furniture or bed. She has to sleep on the floor till its over..I do not see it as ending ever in New York. Power is a corrupting thing.

We all have memories of a particular family member who stood out in memory. The classmate who was your friend for whatever reason. The children who became Enemies and bullied you for reasons you never could understand.No reason was ever given but the other children joined in to be the aggressor's cheerleaders. This is one of those times when even those who do not either feel a need to wear a mask or are not comfortable wearing such an item are peer pressured like back in school. Join simply because everyone else out of work and watch your family go without when you could work. But someone who gets paid even when you don't, says," you to stay home".You have been uncomfortably returned to those school days. for short folks...that lion is now eyeballing you.

victimized and alone a child couldn't understand why bullies would do such a thing. Others would simply stand and watch without an assist. Still more, those watching denied the incident ever happened. That frustration is what causes children to snap and try to level the playing field with leaves a helpless, lost and alone feeling.No one has taught them how to cope.No one has taught the bullies to stand down from acting like animals.

That doesn't change when time passes. As adults, there are not too many people who would change that as long as its safe for them. It is like the lions who stalk the zebra. When that lone zebra is singled out the other zebras may even stop to watch the attack. At a safe distance of course. Humans are supposed to be a cut above that. Most are not.

Our world is spiritually descending in the ability to reach out to support our fellow man. Perhaps its because its thought that reaching out has the odd habit of singling you out as the next victim.IE: The zebra calmly watching his other sibling who he/she grew up with being brutally murdered.

What could it be thinking, standing there hearing the terrified screams for help as the victim is savagely torn to pieces?WOW!, glad it wasn't me or That never would happen to me. I would never put myself in that situation. How about man, that's what being slow gets you. Okay, maybe that's just a human driving by roadside carnage as they reach for the fone to text a photo in heavy traffic to describe the bloody sight..Or watching from you nice safe tv room as a mob of criminals brutally beat or kill a person trying to prevent his business life from being destroyed.Animals kill to eat.Human animals kill because they enjoy it and rarely are held responsible when in a mob.Those in control Have join in the mob.Who do you call when the mob is joined by those who should be in control.

I watch the evening news when I can handle the same old crap that is churned out again and again to occupy our minds. We sit there each day listening to all the controversy between those in the limelight who say so much, do so little to get paid so richly. Each one in their ivory tower telling just how tough it is out there. They watch as the zebra would. Talking heads who have no idea what yours and my life are. It is at a safe distance and they say that never would happen to me.ETC.ETC, ETC.

Children are more and more being abused by bullies of all ages and sexes. Children are losing quality teachers to badly run schools. Education is being censored to not include many things which whether we like it or not is becoming part of what we have now as reality. Human society and ideas are evolving. today most schools are closed in the USA due to the corona-19 virus and still more now due to rioting outlaws burning out metropolis size cities down.I remember the press writing articles when the taliban were devastating cities and pulling down historical statues and monuments.Then it was a terrible thing.Now in their own country they cheer on the destruction an spend time 24/7 praising the carnage.

This sanctioning of anyone who disaggrees or mis-speaks reminds me of the rise of the 3rd reich before Adolf Hitler rose to power.This time its not just the Jews its also anyone not joining in the mob mentality.I wonder how far our leaders will allow this to continue before it completely disembowels many innocent peoples lives forever.It appears to many like myself that polarizing ideas have always brought destruction in time.

This Virus may be a message to mankind to get our lives in order. It is a time of extreme isolation and governmental control. It reminds me of the temporary tax bill past early in the last century that still exists and has become more powerful than our governments. I truly hope the control of WE THE PEOPLE is only temporary. We do not tolerate well when confronted by suppression and oppression. Neither do we tolerate terrorists in our streets as witnessing in our cities.

These mobs are the same as bullies running out of control.Force overwhelming seems to be the only way to guard our family and save lives.Sad but its better to be a bigger lion than another zebra.What would happen if that zebra herd had only stood their ground together...

I guess the question is still, will the rest of us also become the zebra, or have we been watching the lions so long we didn't notice that they have already spotted the next kill? There are things in this world that are going unnoticed in the subterfuge the news is putting out.

These past several months are bringing about unforeseen changes in our minds and in our lives. We are seeing our country morphing into a place we would never have imagined growing up. It used to be when we watched the 3rd world countries we wondered why that always happened OVER THERE.

This time the Bully (Virus)is so small they would seem unthreatening and harmless. These tiny life forms are changing the image of the world.

People are homeless all over the world. People are starving all over the world.  People are dying of incurable and curable diseases all over the world. This Corona Virus being the most prominent at present. This includes the United States Of America. Crops and food products are being destroyed instead of feeding the unemployed and hungry in a land that has plenty. Farmers are going broke so food will become scarce if not soon allowed to work and sell crops and products.

We are the breadbasket of the world but driven by the unholy buck just like the rest of the world. Our generosity is well known. The control of that generosity is what changes it all to appear differently. That is what is much of what is contributing to the farmers selling, stores with, empty shelves and guards now at your once friendly neighborhood grocery store or Walmart.Food markets with enforcers like stands at many sleazy strip clubs.Whoda thought?

There is a mass USA migration from states that are governed by a particular political party that dwells on social control and taxing. This migration is moving to states that are offering greater freedom with lower taxes. Keyword is FREEDOM!Some of those states are still stifling the working person with mandatory shutdown status.It is contributing to the maniacal actions of those stressed out already.

A person of interest, Goldman Sachs has stated that finding cures for a disease is just not profitable. Treating the symptoms is a goldmine.No pun intended. Otherworldly matters are the same. Its greed at everyone's expense.

A point of interest in this blog, from a historical point. This virus sweeping this world needs help to find a cure or at least a vaccine to slow or stop it in its tracks. There is an internet site I am searching for that uses idle home computers to do research on the virus. Its like Seti which searches to extraterrestrial life signals. Maybe WE THE PEOPLE could join in that search using the world's computer links. A mass brain to join the fight. JOIN THE FIGHT,SAVE LIVES.

Another Historical point to mention
In WWII German greed and financial strife brought nazis to power. The nazis blamed and denied Jews medicine. A Doctor whose name escapes me used his knowledge to find an ancient method of making insulin for his diabetic wife to help her survive. Jews were not allowed medicine,I fear if this movement throughout the world grows many will not be allowed to be a member of that new imagine perfect society.Ironically,He was also a Jewish Doctor. Greed motivated that hatred. WE THE PEOPLE need to find ways to fight such greed.It is in our streets every night.Greed and jealousy and envy.Just some of the 7 deadly sins that destroy.

Times may get much more difficult in the near future if things do not open up and start to return to whatever normal becomes. Search and find what you need. Build it yourself if possible. Change what you can and pass it on to those who can improve it. There are home kits to even learn how to make everything from beer to tinkering with DNA and RNA. Not your grampas chemistry set but made simple to learn. Make use of your time at home. Learn, study, improve who you and prepare as best you can.There is a storm coming...

The greatest generation built what they needed. Each time WE do that, It sends a very strong message to your peers you can adapt. YOU WILL SURVIVE. It also makes your aptitude curve swing sharply up, like a great day on the stock market. Your curve is a little more trustworthy than the stock market.
It will enhance you in a time of strife. Like raw iron passing thru a fire. It will occupy and temper you for the future we do not yet know.

I am building a computer with the $ board no bigger than your hand. It can do most everything a minimal laptop can do with only a keyboard, tv or monitor, and memory chip. salvage it from someone who has an extra keyboard n mouse for a cheap can connect with the internet for lessons, job applications, and news. .The cost is minimal.  Great for homeschooling or tide over job.

The Raspberry computer with its open-source programs is a great example of that open-source system that cuts out the middle man. It teaches while enhancing personal growth.  I dropped my Raspberry Pi and broke It. I hope to get another soon. I too need to learn and enlighten myself. We need more things that are shared among folks. Knowledge is power.

It begins with each one of us... Share how to bring better things to others all over the world if you have not yet done so. Those in other places also have Ideas to improve life. Helping to enhance and grow then passing all that knowledge foreword. Knowledge IS power. Each of us is in someway a teacher with skills. Lets find ways to use what is between your ears. You are a goldmine to someone who right now is need of a little assistance. Someone who needs to learn how to cope.

Each of us has some knowledge to share. Each of us is worthy to teach no matter how trivial you imagine your intellectual gift. Stephen Hawkins whom I admired is said to be the most intelligent man in this world. His gift passed through his disability to enlighten a world. Stephen Hawkins was special. Stephen Hawkins cant do what you can. We all have a gift if we use it. We are all special in our own way if we just look at what each of us takes for granted about ourselves.

We need to become like a shared open-source computer program or apps as they now are called. I am sorta old school. I bought my first Commodore Vic 20 with paper route money. We must become more linked together in cooperation like the hospital units who are fighting for our lives. Many didn't even know each other before this pandemic.its the same for us all, worldwide.

I hope if an antivirus is developed, my fear is that Mr. Sachs's thoughts of money over lives do not this situation, GREED KILLS.

Open source living is the key to a better world.sharing intellectual wealth is one great way to completely kill the reason for greed. If we can just find the strength to work together before greed destroys our world and the ones we love. A case of, Accentuate the positive eliminate the negative

Your ideas are also goldmines. How to make the places you go safer.How to make schools safer, better places to learn.How to cook a simply delicious and nutritious meal.How to bring beliefs together.How to sew and repair things.How to live a long happy life.How to get along together from the cradle to the grave.

It may sound trivial. but I remember doing things for people who simply could not. But I also taught them how to do so next time. I believe the phrase goes: catch a fish and the starving man eats for a day, teach him to fish and he won't be hungry again..Pass it foreword...No pat on the back needed. It is the right thing to do.

WE THE PEOPLE need to take care of each other better. We need to force the countries causing the worst of this to rethink their systems of social behavior. The problem caused by money worldwide and those who control it. There is a "new world" coming. Not THE New World Order or anything so contradictory.

This new world is coming gradually.some is already here. It will be as the Bible predicted, No one will be unmarked. Don't believe it? where do you think all those test results go so your last people you were with go? Where do you think all those fun DNA search out your ancestors go? search it out and it is on science pages. Not conspiracy sites,

Google Watson AI,Maybe you've heard of the Bitcoin. A monetary system based on Internet currency. That's already beginning to have trouble in the stock-market of things. The banks are already starting to use a new more secure system called Block-chain. It uses numerous encrypted computer network systems to store information. It is nearly impossible to hack. Block-chains are beginning to be used by hospitals, banks, and governmental offices. Blockchain will make it possible to eliminate the middle man in most monetary transactions. Blockchain will also eliminate the wannabe middleman Hacker. To many its all gobbledegook.Its something more to learn about. It will definitely change our money habits

Those now profiting from gouging out their profit then passing on what ever's left will be the poorest of the poor when the change hits. The financial position they once had will be gone with nothing to replace it.

This may be one job being replaced by a computer I won't really mind. Blockchain virtual coin will end the money-grubbing middleman. The end of the money bullies who make our lives difficult at best. and profit from our grief.
It's said that many changes will occur in a generally rapid time frame to bring about whats suppose to be better things. If you are used to writing rubber checks, your days are numbered as the transaction is to be immediately registered.
No cheating no stealing, no need for greed.sounds rather Utopian doesn't it? something off Star-trek.Beam ME up, Captain Kirk or Mr. Sulu.

I see the changes in our world's society. I have a plan. In a small way to change the tiny part of this old world, I live in.

I am working to start a website for people who just love being stuck between Hi-Tech and back to the basics living. Kinda a forum for people who enjoy dabbling in Pioneer/Hi-Tech self-supported living. I have always admired the folks who  have:
Religion that is as varied as wheat in the field to explore the ancient times without drawing swords.
People who do not need a cult following
folks loving the self-sufficiency style of living but being very well connected to the rest of the world
built home with all the modern conveniences and none of the both passive and active.
Electronic sewers that burn (never your buns)to ash waste without smell or fuss.well water passed through Natural purifiers.
A/c and heating using piping in the earth.
Cellphones replacing landlinesMaybe set up a community
INTERNET is independent of the mega-beasts cable companies.
Minimal taxes and freedom to live and let live.
The best of schools.the best of all things, religions, researchers,
back to nature folks,geeks,doctors,scientists.engineers,writers.
Healthy intelligent living without a lot of other things that mess our lives up
 A community that works together with similar goals." open source living".
Not the communes of the 1960s
A community with people that are not so hard-cased in thought as to demonize ideas.
Folks that will set an example to the world that it can be done...We just got to start somewhere.
No lines going in or out of cozy,  connected to the world
A place enlightened to other worlds

Just people doing what they find interesting as a way of life. The site may include sharing dietary success, Herb, and spices, whatever is the interest of anyone who enjoys the freedom of just living free. Not moochers but innovators. a community of Innovators quietly living in the face of change with the best of the pioneers on a hi-tech level. Spirit, Wind, Fire, Earth, Water,  and life

I know there are sites that have all these things and more out there. A few that I haunt frequently. I think this one will help people find other people to build the city of tomorrow.helping folks of like minds to find each other.

This one's short, but hopefully, point taken

I guess I have some ideas for an independent life.

Till next time dear friends. Keep the light in your hearts burning bright, There's always tomorrow


P.S.:  Remember this blog? I had no way of knowing about the coronavirus. I am sorry to say that this blog will prove if Mr. Sachs was right about curing a deadly disease would never be cured because it isn't profitable. The Coronavirus is killing people left and right. There so far at this date and time has no cure, vaccine, or treatment to anyone's knowledge in our real world.I have re written some parts of it in afterthought. My readers are not as many as I used to have after AdSense discontinued and Zemanta which really brought life to blogs was bought out and discontinued as an add on.very sad to lose them. RJP
Rewritten 06/2020.

Friday, March 13, 2020

China Threatens The United States With Biological Warfare

China in the last few days has made statements accusing the USA  of making the world turn against them. They then followed up with accusing the USA of creating the coronavirus. Next, they(China), threatened to stop all EXPORTED MEDICINES WHICH UNFORTUNATELY IS MADE IN CHINA!

That is one mistake the world has made with China. Dependence for vital supplies from  a Communist/Socialist dictatorship. A country much like the Democratic Party has been so intent on making the USA,

The Democrats in their massive wisdom, are trying to add all kinds of extra crap onto the laws that would bring support and medicines to our dying countrymen with the coronavirus. As far as I am concerned it is the same as dropping a biological bomb of the deadly virus on the Worlds Population.

There is no concern for the rest of the world from China or its people. They, whether they accept it or not are the source of the world's viral curse. They have opened Pandora's box and no one at this point in time can close it. The only thing from that box is HOPE. Without hope, we are lost. Some would believe our country falling would profit them also. But there's no one left to save with the world in a grave.

It is a real shame that the Chinese Americans business is being hit so hard just for having ancestry from such a country as China. Those folks are like the rest of us. They are Americans and also Chinese. I happen to enjoy Chinese food once in a while. Those folks are also Americans. Important to remember they came to our country to escape the philosophy of the homeland, Just as most of our ancestors. They are no more responsible for the virus than your family is. That is unless you have it and go wandering through crowds. Then you are for certain.

They are not the enemy and we as Americans must stick together until this Pandemic passes. We must fight the Virus as if it were an alien invasion like in the movies we have watched for years.

The coronavirus is the ultimate enemy alien invader, It has moved across parts of this world faster than most other diseases. If we don't stick together and abide by preventive procedures we will lose many elders and people with health conditions. A so-called world village suffering from a contagious Deadly virus.

The Democrats are demonstrating a very basic pattern of human behavior throughout history.
That, being the following: Whenever a crisis happens There always seem to be those who want to profit from human suffering. Those perpetuating that suffering to bring about things that would normally be unobtainable by normal means. In some places, it would be called EXTORTION.

IE: China who is ground Zero of the world's current tragedy. China would extort what it can outa our suffering. fueled by years of a stupid free world belief in a peaceful ever utopian world village. It is not possible when humans are involved. We would have to first find a cure for the seven deadly sins that are part of the human persona. I once believed in such a wonderful fantasy world. It is against human nature.

IE2: Democrats lead by Ms.Pelosi again sucking up the limelight, Basking in the footlights for a foto op. Appearing again with her faithful twin Brother of another mother (Schumer)  Standing close by cramming junk into a bill that supposed to saves lives with self-perpetuating additions which would build their great socialist platform for their future dream Empire. They seem bent on just killing this virus for trading their cause of tax bloating and domination.

The junk additions have nothing to do with the cure or treatment of coronavirus. The virus affecting lives apparently a not too important, backburner issue to the Democratic Machine. Just like china during its red guard years. I read Mao's little red book back in the 1960s or so.

I learned how seductive such philosophies could be. Not my cup of tea. Taught me what I would lose if I believed it. Shortwave told me of those WHO DISAGREED  WERE skinned alive and dipped in saltwater or butchered as torture by those who were using a situation like China is now. People didn't matter to the cause. I was just a child and it scared the Hell out of me.

This virus is a true test of  American's will to survive a disaster. We should remember China for its disease it passed around the world. Remember those loved ones who died as a result of that virus. Remember the threats to allow our people to suffer a terrible death from that virus. Remember to correct the exporting of our most effective devices to fight off another deadly attack. Remember those in power who had a more important agenda

It should be very easy to do if we also remember the Chinese Leaders callus state of mind, His threats to let us all suffer and Threatened to deny millions of humans the medicines to survive.Hitler did that and we call him a monster. When you think of that loved one who will no longer be there when they were alive....REMEMBER.

There is just one more thing to remember in all that's going on. If socialism ever becomes our countries political scenario, China may well become the mindset we inherit.

We are already sitting on that edge of reality. Those in our Congress would have us indebted to such countries as China. It should serve as a real eye-opener. Look at the past Presidents to find how we got in this Threatening situation. Our votes made that happen. We asked for this to happen when we voted and supported those who gave away our abilities to take care of our family's health and welfare.

WE THE PEOPLE must join in a common fight to hold onto our people's abilities to protect ourselves from the smallest virus to the most threatening philosophies Or the words WE THE
PEOPLE will never again mean anything but a long-dead distant dream.

Hunker down, get your supplies, be smart with your germ preventing skills, pack in some supplies. Realize propaganda is just that when it is politically motivated.
Lastly, folks Don't live in fear, Live for the moment you are in. There's no cure yet, it is just your abilities to avoid the virus which may or may not be in your neighborhood. Even if you hid in a 1950's bomb shelter Even if you grab your gun and head into the deep hills, there no hiding from something we know nothing about. We each may live or die in the next minute, day or year.

You can spend time in perpetual worry and fear or you can make the most of it while others worry themselves sick from worrying itself. There is a cure for this type of (worry) sickness. Be careful and take the advice of our medical professionals.

I bought a plaque many years ago. It stated the following message:

                        Why Worry?
Why worry, either you will be healthy or sick.
if your healthy then you have nothing to worry about.
If your sick then you only have two things to worry about.
either you will get better or you will get worse.
if you get better then you have nothing to worry about.
if you get worse then you have two things to worry about.
either you will go to heaven or you will go to hell.
if you go to heaven then you have nothing to worry about.
if you go to hell then you will so busy shaking hands with friends
you won't have time to worry about things.

Just a little humor to help calm the terror that pervades our lives these days.
News folks are not helping in that regard.

Keep the Faith, My fellow Humans. .We may yet have our problems ironed out. Be careful around others. Avoid crowds for a while if possible, prioritize hygiene, eat a good diet, Say your prayers and believe there is a better time coming for us all.

Our President is doing his best to keep it all in balance when others are playing political games to support an agenda at our expense. Support our President even if you have a problem with him.he is the one with the power to turn it all around and get us up and running again.

Let us ALL pull together as the phrase WE THE PEOPLE was meant to be thought of.

Till next time folks, keep the light on, stay warm, stay inside, eat right, pray for us all for courage and strength get through this coronavirus pandemic. Its only 11miles from my home There is a ban on gatherings here of 50 people or more. I am told.

Believe 1/2 of what you see and little of what is rumored.double-check whats told to you to keep your mind free of worry.

Above all stay calm and stay focused on what you need to survive comfortably viruses or not

May the supreme force ( God/Goddess or whatever) you believe in keep you safe till it is all safely passed.


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thousands of People are Fighting in the Streets to Keep Thier Freedoms

Decades ago there was a tiny coastal city of many different peoples.They lived together and in time those people weathered wars and rule,revolution purges through out history as do people.
Peace was brokered with the major country where this city was located.For a period of 99years this city would grow and flourish in relative peace to great prosperity.A mixed batch of humans in a booming mega city.

Fast forword to a few years ago.China reclaims Hong Kong with the promise not to change the lifes of millions of folks.People of all walks of life,working,playing and living in peace.Such as the word peace can mean when so many crowd into a small area.

The huge giant Dragon is a deceptive looks authentic,but it  has the nasty habit of burning the very things it wants to dominate.Hong Kong is a gold mine of progress in most every way. That dragon is not as  docile as it would appear.A rather inscrutable

China would dominate the world if it could,the freedom loving Hong Kong people wont be going quietly into that dark night without a fight.its not tennemen square there.Theres not just one brave soul in the street this time.Its thousands of people who fear losing that which there should never be a price to sell out and quit. That is thier Freedom at stake.

If the Chinese mainland succeeds in taking all those little freedoms that generations of HongKong citizens have long enjoyed there will be no turning back again.It will be like the mainland with its re-education/brutality centers.Can you imagine what the media would do if this happened in the USA.Nothing even close here.People in China who are of a particularly healthy religion  are being hunted down to be caged and used as guinea pigs for the slobs who have been living high on the hog.

No point in taking care of your heart,liver,guts in general when all those healthy parts humans are just wandering around like walking parts stores.After all just  a few more oppresive military  assaults in Hong Kong and theressome more folk/human parts banks available.

Then theres all the money thats been building up from gerations of hi tech people who were not exposed to the very back words communist philosophy.These folks werent placed as farmers with an ability do be a doctor denied by doctrine.These Hong Kong people prided themselves on being free to be whatever was possible.If you work and believe,then anythings possible

The thousands in the street of Hong Kong Believe they will be free of the communist oppression which dumbs down peoples incentive.Socialism is no different in that respect.Both deny the persuit of dreams to become whatever you want in life.I truly hope thier spirit is not broken if the days to come.The city/state should never have been thrown to the Dragon to begin with.The white dragon and the red dragon struggle to win dominence.May the power of freedom ring true for the city.This is a battle of shear willpower.

Let us wish them the best and maybe write the Chinese embasy to ask for the continued freedom of the city of Hong Kong.

Till Next time Folks,Keep the Faith,Sometimes it is all that matters.

Yours as always

Friday, May 17, 2019

War Mongering Iran Has Been Left Unhampered And Unhindered For Far Too Long now,The Sick Philosophy Has Infiltrated our own United States Congress

When does Philosophy become dangerous? When is the time to rein in a philosophy? Why would any population allow those who would spread dangerous Ideas and philosophy with absolutely no perceived controls?  Why would any country put into any position of power allow a representative of hateful Ideologies? Why would an elected official preach hate on the country allowing them to be in a position of power? There are many more such questions floating around among average working people and the populations today.

This Blog has everything to do with you, your life and what's going to shape your life in the near future. Please read on and be of a clear mind. I hope this blog brings a bit of deeper thinking to those who do take a moment to reflect.

Our world is based on people who can resist those who would subvert our deepest ideas of what is right and wrong. What's socially acceptable to the people who can make it all work for the majority who do not live to dominate and control others. Those people who are in the masses called the silent majority.

We in the United States have watched the newscasts for years as countries have been brought to ruin. Their great peoples and cities raised to the ground. Left in ashes.. The people falling into warfare and bloodshed. Places like Russia and China, sitting as the idiots kill each other with Russian and Chinese weapons.

History books have recorded many philosophies that have resulted in oppressive, deadly beliefs. Whether the dark ages that inspired thousands in the name of inquisition or the Nazi regime that was responsible for the 6 million plus deaths of innocents.Russian Bolsheviks or Red Guards. There have been many more incidents throughout history for whatever reason to control and undermine others.

The history books speak of how the small groups manipulate and persuade others to think in ways they would normally not even consider. The persuasion is by guilt, fear, and twisting of the facts. Playing the victim has been the way. They feel empowered to attack those they wish to dominate.
Many times the people who institute this path of destruction are from broken childhoods. Broken societies, broken minds.Broken pasts.

If enough of the followers can bring others to their way of thinking by peer pressure. It becomes a philosophy that can do great damage to others. The danger is when the philosophy begins to focus the viscosity of that hate onto those. Folks who have had nothing to do with the perpetrators dark believes. Folks who have never had anything to do with the perpetrator's life problems that lead to their best thinking.Folks who are innocents to all that dark past.

This brings me to my point of what this article is all about...
Each day is another opportunity to keep our country safe from such people. It starts in our schools and follows us through adulthood. From the playground to our workplace to our politically charged lives.
That hostile environment is permeating our lives every day. It is everywhere. The constant conflict that is attempting to tear our lives and even our country apart.

Other countries are having their problems with the same type of things. They are not our country.
Democratic Republics with our constitution should not have people in Congress that constantly, for the past 2plus years have tried to overthrow our government's elected officials.has actively used bent politics to deny mega business from providing jobs. Members have aactively argued for the safety of our actual citizens that pay their wages.

when it seemed that the Karma pendulum would swing far to the bizarre Left, it has now begun to a counter swing back to balance the world out from where it was headed.

The pendulum of in and yo, yin and and yo is beginning to swing back the other way. That momentum of politics, like life, will gain momentum with the coming elections of 2020. The political system just cannot continue if it is not based on fact or if it is based on a lie.

Just for clarity here....I never vote for a person based on his or her propaganda. That's because .most of that is just BS, to begin with. I would never vote for anyone of any faith that has hate for the country I love. I would never vote for anyone who thinks to bend a child's mind in our schools.

I believe we now have prayers to a god that has followers who bomb, behead and torture people who don't agree with them.prayers by those who also believe women are property and others are not children of their god. Yes, I am using small letters. not out of disrespect for God.Just for those who would tell anyone they know Gods mind. Such is the mind and practices of our present Congress.

Members who brag about being lawmakers for our country, while entertaining those who would be a nemesis. At the same time gathering as a lynch mob or a street gang together to usurp our protections. Protections that keep our families reminds me of this scenario,  a good person who commits a minor crime then commits more and more crimes to uncover the original till turning back to fix it is not an option.this has been our last 2 years of our United States Congress.

This  Congress is the same one trying to destroy our children's morality the moment they enter our schools' systems. Parents are unable to prevent children from learning things against their ideologies. The same Congress in pursuit of alternate beliefs, for all of us.with or without our permission.

Those representatives in Congress who would open our borders to invading unvetted hordes. containing gangstas, murderers, vagabonds of every description. Then border state governors pull all the protecting National Guard away from the border to allow those invaders easy entrance. Arresting patrolling USA border citizens armed with the knowledge of coyotes/cartel members armed with automatic arms now. Border guards and citizens are dying.

In some countries, such actions we have had to contend with would be looked at as treason and assorted other terms. You don't need to agree with the president or citizens old fashioned Ideas. Ideas like freedom, God, Tradition, Hard work to obtain a for medical coverage.

Just think if those same bickering saber rattling folks in Congress actually could see what's being talked about here beyond the newsrooms that do not even live like most people who live in the real world. WE THE PEOPLE who work harder each day as our infrastructure is just starting to rebuild. Congress could stop the flood of unknowns into our country. Congress could make sure they're members are actually supporting, not verbally tearing our people and valor of our military down,

It comes down to this, Congress has done more to give President Putin free PR. The 2 Year Mon ta null twa with fellow members to obtain turmoil. That turmoil has and will go nowhere. It can't because there is nothing to base it on. If there was or had been it would already be known. It serves only the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese. to watch as our country burns within itself. It just serves those who would see the free world as we know it falls.The other (relatively free) allies fall like dominoes. I wonder if they believe it would be a friendly world for their skewed views

To fix the situation there JUST MAYBE, a coup next election/...There may just be.

Congress needs to be voted completely out of office next possible election.
.Its the only way to finally make those in charge finally pull their brains out of their Backsides. The world community of countries has stopped their laughter. We are wiping their grins off their smug faces with the rising power of our economy. The economy has brought itself out of the rut we were in for so very long. Remember these friends a rut is a grave with the ends kicked out. There will be no one to save with the country in a grave. (paraphrasing).

Our economy is booming. Our people are getting back to work finally. Its never been perfect in this country, probably never will be. Perfections a concept, not reality, The questions this: Why would the Congress do everything they could in lock step to undermine, demean, and force new rules of life and living on the 97% of the United States Of America,97% that is not on their team or ideology. I read and watch the media from all over the world every day.  There is those that walk in lock step with our mainstream media. The smaller less politically correct media(those with no agenda or political/Favors)

WE THE PEOPLE need to regain control of the out of control Congress members. We need to barrage the congress members with letters, E-mails, and Phonee calls to Congress. The address of everyone is listed to the public on the Internet. It's the power of the people.No guns involved!a bloodless revolution the Congress has for two years been orchestrating against our country.

Tell them they need to stop the nonsense and get back to helping to run our country.
I am sick of all the games and whining. Let's just go back to their jobs. Get on with the business of running the country.governing our people and our borders from hordes of unvetted boarders.

That border would be fixed if the energy used for the Failed attempted coup for two years were, or had been applied to the border problem. there now would be a steady flow of new vetted legal citizens to be.the caravans would be parked below the U.S. Border Mexico would be driven to eradicate the cartels doing combat at the Mexican Border

Mr, Trump is our President whether anyone likes it or not. The destruction of our country by any kind of coup would begin the destruction of our country. The members of the current congress is committing political suicide by continuing to pursue the nutty path they are currently running down.

I worked in Arkansas during the Clinton Governor years there. I heard things that were unbelievable.
I could not bring myself to vote for the Clinton's in the last elections. I did vote for Mr.Obama.I vote where My studies of politics take me. Trump won and if we do not find the truth soon, then the enemy wins.

I sincerely hope we at least figure out Where that enemy is or at least who is the enemy. Real or imagined Outside or inside the side or the other. There's a saying that the truth will set you free...Let all the players lay ALL our cards on the table or all the documents from both sides so WE THE PEOPLE can see for ourselves who is the enemy or where the BOOGIEMAN been hiding in which closet. Let's see if the house really always wins in the end. Put up or please just shut up.

till next time

Monday, July 14, 2014

China has announced to the Hong Kong Citizens That it was just kidding about The two China's Thing

Reporters covering a protest advocating quitti...
Reporters covering a protest advocating quitting the Communist Party of China, Hong Kong, 1 July 2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the relations of the co...
English: A map showing the relations of the communist states after the Sino-Soviet split as of 1980. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Shaolin Masters
Shaolin Masters (Photo credit: kevinpoh)
Awhile ago in the land of Temple Lions,Dragons and Kung Fu Masters was a revolution to make all the rich people and peasants equal.Millions of folks were tortured and killed in real brutal ways to purge the country of anyone who was not of that nationality.religious folks were driven out because religion was not allowed to be practiced.

Even the ancient Buddhist Temples were attacked by the mobs carrying the so called Red book.It was a country that was torn and bloodstained with a non-functional philosophy.This philosophy was driven by people who had never been allowed to be educated and learn how to think independently.Thus the masses of folks simply stayed as easily managed peasants.

The same sort of situation that has driven and motivated endless amounts of revolutions throughout history.This philosophy is called Communism.It denies all but a chosen few from ever growing beyond the social status the system appoints for them .No incentives,no progress of personal

Lets flash foreword about 60years to a time when the communist society has enveloped a portion of the mainland that believes in living free.The larger society
still living in a cloud of vague association with that past bloody revolution.They are now exploding with 15males for every single female due to male babies listed as keepers.

Female have been destroyed or abandoned to foreign countries. The communist doctrines sorta forgot the future would be sorta lonely for all those Billions of single males.The flaw of the philosophy is not allowing free thought.
Allowing only Male children  is a good example of this.Not unlike a hive of Drone Bees.Interesting and virtually self destructive in time.

But I digress here as I sometimes do to prove a point.Flashing foreword we find the large communist portion taking over the smaller free one.Then after giving thier word to allow freedom to the small free society,Mainland China  issues a document that states they changed their minds.

Now they are doing what every communist dictatorship in history has done.Promise the earth.The moon.and the stars.Then let it sit to study for awhile.Then enforce the same rulings that was always in mind.It is foolish to not see a nation such as China Or Russia ever actually becoming free nations. As long a the peasants are kept under controls.growing old raising the next generation t serve in lock step till death do they part.Married to a system of slaves.

The laws that disarm and control will keep them in check forever. The Ukraine is a prime example of a promise of freedom.A promise that has been rescinded by the controlling philosophy.Tibet is another example with its leading Religious citizen asking a deaf world for assistance while his people live under the whip.

Rulings and attacks on the folks trying to bring a form of Democracy to China.Tienanmen square has been washed under the great wall along with the thousands of slaves that died in its construction.Those conscripted workers were simply tossed under the next length of wall.They meant nothing then and would still mean nothing to the present philosophy.

The people of free Hong Kong are quietly resisting the overlords of the mainland.
The future of millions of human beings are being measured by the Philosophy that would take their independent ways to trade it for puppets of the state.The dumbing down of a free people with generations of Worldwide proven innovative thoughts and creativities.

I truly hope the free thinking people of this tiny piece of China will serve to change the masses with their way of life.Perhaps the Mainland masses will see what it is like to be free to think and create for the betterment of all mankind instead of the upper class elite VS the peasants philosophy.

Freedom is not just a word that means you have nothing left to lose..It is everything 
and once lost maybe impossible to regain...Resist and overcome.

It only takes a tiny match to start a huge flame.

The idea is the match struck by the belief it will light n flame.

Tinder is the gathering of those that share the belief.

The building flame is the growing belief and sharing of the idea.

The huge flame is people who know the warmth of freedom.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Ukraine is Still Marching in The Street to Demand Freedom For Their Country.armed With Low Tech Molitov Cocktails Served to High Tech Opposition

Protester throwing Molotov Cocktail at a polic...
Protester throwing Molotov Cocktail at a police van in Christiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The world today is rarely accurately reflected by the headlines that we read each day.There is spins and literary license.More than often there are subliminal under tones based on the writers politics.So it is very hard to actually get truth from whats is  the events or items the story is based on.This leaves many folks with a bitter after taste in the Brains intellectual apprehension buds.The public is far from stupid and develops its own theories.

.Gleaning from the news sources and more recently from the Internet have opened many doors.
These days a reporter  that says too much is likely to be labeled a radical or even a traitor when  shedding light on the hidden power base's dirty laundry and practices.That can get you chased all over the world with a price on your head.

The term RADICAL have been a label to separate those who know the definition of right from wrong in their heart from those who except whats wrong as right..Those Radicals  also have the courage to persist in doing their best to right that wrong even after knowing the possible costs.

That being the case we  find the headlines talking about mobsters in Mexico and the authorities preventing families there from defending themselves even so far as  killing those defenders.We in the states march ever closer to the same  fates.Police/military actions to curb self defense of their citizens.Why else would  homeland security hoard so much ammo while trying to disarm citizens.That is unless a foreign power is about to invade our shores in waves of millions or the terminators are expected in mass.
I rather doubt that is the cause or the case.You decide this one.

We see the news telling about the Ukraine that still has a government that really seem to have  interpretation problems in understanding the peoples voice.It appears to be so bad that the population has to threaten setting things ablaze  using low tech Molotov cocktails to get their leaders attention.The weapon used by the French resistance on Panzer and tiger tanks.

Russia has been fighting off terrorists while throwing social stones at minorities who just like everyone else at the Olympics are there to compete.Old Mother Russia has some  fear issues?

China has begun to arrest and kill lovers of freedom and democracy...Leaving Chinese folks still living under centuries of the long dead past Emperors slave yolk...

Our own country seems bent on becoming like the rest of the worlds populated countries.The more we try to communicate with those we elected,the more isolated and determined to isolate themselves from us they appear to go .The days pass and each of those day find us battling worldwide the very people that we voted in,trusted and believed in.Each day the scenario becomes a tug of war with our lives,our lively hoods, our values,and our very health threatened lives of our whole family.Infants to Grandma.

The problem is not centralized to any one place or any one people.We see the growing anti popular ideas with every decision that is made regarding the average person.More and more the rules and regulations that make up laws are skewed to oppress and control without input of Constitutional process.

The intention would almost make one believe the decisions have a basis
 blatantly intended to cause chaos among the populations they effect.Some would think this to be paranoia or some other quaint label to belittle and demean.To make an atmosphere that creates fear to speak out on such things.

Starvation and class&religious problems only happens over there.Right?The poor folks on the TV screen sitting shivering in the cold and hungry is over there.Not here.That does not happen here.when it does it's all that persons fault lazy good for nothings..go get a job.I guess ignorance would be bliss here.It's quite an eye opener when life dumps you out of your dream into that scenario.

Countries in Africa have had mass killings and anarchy for generations,leaving millions starving and homeless.The leaders there have actually worked to kill off certain folks just because it keeps the masses occupied so they can get rich from the bloodshed.

The truth is that if we had always gotten a transparent daily News report all along,it could've or  would've been forth coming from anyone.The truth will set you free I once read.Would it really be so devastating to hear the truth if nothing was being wrongly done by anyone.The same type of thing can easily be put into clearly understandable words:

If you had a child who constantly told you A and rarely actually did anything but B.When would you be able to trust the words of that kid?Imagine that this kid has a long list of mistruths that they were know for.

Then one night after being grounded,they climb out a window and go out.2hours later you discover them gone and spend hours foning the kids cellphone with no answer.

Several hours go by with you  tearing your hair out in worry. A police car  pulls up and your heart grows ice on it from what you fear.The officer reassures you the child is alive and well,but...

The problem is that he is accused of a crime and can not provide an alibi for his time out.He/she swears they were only wondering the mall alone.The mall is now closed and his word is all there is to go on.

 Problem:His history of mistrusted goings ons and  being a bald faced liar makes you doubt anything the kid says.You love and support him/her....but can not rely on any honesty forthwith.

Our leadership these days seem to follow this philosophy rather closely.Even if its the truth,when can you believe that it really is accurately told truth?

 This is a fact that our leaders apparently do not deem us with any obligation to listen to anyone else.This is one reason among others why the world is falling into a  non repairable future with scenarios from which we may never recover.

When Y2K was going to send the world back into the stone age,my family sat watching the once free television news.The news person was going on and on about storing up on food/water ETC.Which is a good idea whether world end or just prudent planning for any unknown.
He told how we should stockpile fire wood for heat and prepare an armory style ammo supply cache .

We noticed my dad looking a little puzzled and asked what was wrong.He said I really don't see what the big deal is all about.Every winter we lose the electric power for days.The electric goes off and we have to stoke up the wood stove for heat.His dad(my grand dad)prepared this way and so on back in time.
Why didn't those folks prepare for the hard times.We just chuckled an said most people depend on the system not to fail.Dad shook his head in disbelief.....

Y2K did not destroy the modern world.I would hope enough folks dig in and cling tight to the things they hold dear.There is no reason for anyone not living free in the manner you feel comfortable with.Another persons idea is the ideas THEY hold dear.So why should anyone force their ideas,beliefs or values on anyone else.Our leaders need to listen with both ears to all  those who live  here.They are capable of changing it all back to where they not asked for advice .When the people speak loudly enough and often enough,Changes will happen regardless of what power ignore us.

What would happen if WE THE PEOPLE decided to put all or most of our differences aside and work together.The power would suddenly shift from the leaders to the PEOPLE. We are .People who have run our lives long before anyone felt it was needed to walk us on a political or legal leash.We need to break down the barriers that force Humans into tribal countries.We should have evolved beyond that long ago. That is, unless you believe that we  have not stepped past the caveman stage...If we are a tribe it is a clan of Earth People.1 tribe for all People.Many beliefs,many diverse human types.Many diverse languages.Many divers faiths.Dumping our fears and preconceived notions would be a good place to start.
One Tribal Earth.

Maybe cooperation would in itself reverse the flow of power.
  Conflict may lead the world to unite the common person(both sexes)to find common goals to cooperate with each other.That time will come as more folks realize that this Earth is a tiny Biosphere. We are all inmates  here for the  foreseeable future,we are all here together as if shipwrecked on a desert island.Survival depends on how well we all pull together and play nice.

The mother ship only lands in movies to save the day.Superheroes are really just folks put into positions forcing them to excel beyond their norm.There is only those of us who care enough to
try to fix what will soon be too broken to fix.

Till next Time folks Keep the Faith

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