Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2019

War Mongering Iran Has Been Left Unhampered And Unhindered For Far Too Long now,The Sick Philosophy Has Infiltrated our own United States Congress

When does Philosophy become dangerous? When is the time to rein in a philosophy? Why would any population allow those who would spread dangerous Ideas and philosophy with absolutely no perceived controls?  Why would any country put into any position of power allow a representative of hateful Ideologies? Why would an elected official preach hate on the country allowing them to be in a position of power? There are many more such questions floating around among average working people and the populations today.

This Blog has everything to do with you, your life and what's going to shape your life in the near future. Please read on and be of a clear mind. I hope this blog brings a bit of deeper thinking to those who do take a moment to reflect.

Our world is based on people who can resist those who would subvert our deepest ideas of what is right and wrong. What's socially acceptable to the people who can make it all work for the majority who do not live to dominate and control others. Those people who are in the masses called the silent majority.

We in the United States have watched the newscasts for years as countries have been brought to ruin. Their great peoples and cities raised to the ground. Left in ashes.. The people falling into warfare and bloodshed. Places like Russia and China, sitting as the idiots kill each other with Russian and Chinese weapons.

History books have recorded many philosophies that have resulted in oppressive, deadly beliefs. Whether the dark ages that inspired thousands in the name of inquisition or the Nazi regime that was responsible for the 6 million plus deaths of innocents.Russian Bolsheviks or Red Guards. There have been many more incidents throughout history for whatever reason to control and undermine others.

The history books speak of how the small groups manipulate and persuade others to think in ways they would normally not even consider. The persuasion is by guilt, fear, and twisting of the facts. Playing the victim has been the way. They feel empowered to attack those they wish to dominate.
Many times the people who institute this path of destruction are from broken childhoods. Broken societies, broken minds.Broken pasts.

If enough of the followers can bring others to their way of thinking by peer pressure. It becomes a philosophy that can do great damage to others. The danger is when the philosophy begins to focus the viscosity of that hate onto those. Folks who have had nothing to do with the perpetrators dark believes. Folks who have never had anything to do with the perpetrator's life problems that lead to their best thinking.Folks who are innocents to all that dark past.

This brings me to my point of what this article is all about...
Each day is another opportunity to keep our country safe from such people. It starts in our schools and follows us through adulthood. From the playground to our workplace to our politically charged lives.
That hostile environment is permeating our lives every day. It is everywhere. The constant conflict that is attempting to tear our lives and even our country apart.

Other countries are having their problems with the same type of things. They are not our country.
Democratic Republics with our constitution should not have people in Congress that constantly, for the past 2plus years have tried to overthrow our government's elected officials.has actively used bent politics to deny mega business from providing jobs. Members have aactively argued for the safety of our actual citizens that pay their wages.

when it seemed that the Karma pendulum would swing far to the bizarre Left, it has now begun to a counter swing back to balance the world out from where it was headed.

The pendulum of in and yo, yin and and yo is beginning to swing back the other way. That momentum of politics, like life, will gain momentum with the coming elections of 2020. The political system just cannot continue if it is not based on fact or if it is based on a lie.

Just for clarity here....I never vote for a person based on his or her propaganda. That's because .most of that is just BS, to begin with. I would never vote for anyone of any faith that has hate for the country I love. I would never vote for anyone who thinks to bend a child's mind in our schools.

I believe we now have prayers to a god that has followers who bomb, behead and torture people who don't agree with them.prayers by those who also believe women are property and others are not children of their god. Yes, I am using small letters. not out of disrespect for God.Just for those who would tell anyone they know Gods mind. Such is the mind and practices of our present Congress.

Members who brag about being lawmakers for our country, while entertaining those who would be a nemesis. At the same time gathering as a lynch mob or a street gang together to usurp our protections. Protections that keep our families reminds me of this scenario,  a good person who commits a minor crime then commits more and more crimes to uncover the original till turning back to fix it is not an option.this has been our last 2 years of our United States Congress.

This  Congress is the same one trying to destroy our children's morality the moment they enter our schools' systems. Parents are unable to prevent children from learning things against their ideologies. The same Congress in pursuit of alternate beliefs, for all of us.with or without our permission.

Those representatives in Congress who would open our borders to invading unvetted hordes. containing gangstas, murderers, vagabonds of every description. Then border state governors pull all the protecting National Guard away from the border to allow those invaders easy entrance. Arresting patrolling USA border citizens armed with the knowledge of coyotes/cartel members armed with automatic arms now. Border guards and citizens are dying.

In some countries, such actions we have had to contend with would be looked at as treason and assorted other terms. You don't need to agree with the president or citizens old fashioned Ideas. Ideas like freedom, God, Tradition, Hard work to obtain a for medical coverage.

Just think if those same bickering saber rattling folks in Congress actually could see what's being talked about here beyond the newsrooms that do not even live like most people who live in the real world. WE THE PEOPLE who work harder each day as our infrastructure is just starting to rebuild. Congress could stop the flood of unknowns into our country. Congress could make sure they're members are actually supporting, not verbally tearing our people and valor of our military down,

It comes down to this, Congress has done more to give President Putin free PR. The 2 Year Mon ta null twa with fellow members to obtain turmoil. That turmoil has and will go nowhere. It can't because there is nothing to base it on. If there was or had been it would already be known. It serves only the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese. to watch as our country burns within itself. It just serves those who would see the free world as we know it falls.The other (relatively free) allies fall like dominoes. I wonder if they believe it would be a friendly world for their skewed views

To fix the situation there JUST MAYBE, a coup next election/...There may just be.

Congress needs to be voted completely out of office next possible election.
.Its the only way to finally make those in charge finally pull their brains out of their Backsides. The world community of countries has stopped their laughter. We are wiping their grins off their smug faces with the rising power of our economy. The economy has brought itself out of the rut we were in for so very long. Remember these friends a rut is a grave with the ends kicked out. There will be no one to save with the country in a grave. (paraphrasing).

Our economy is booming. Our people are getting back to work finally. Its never been perfect in this country, probably never will be. Perfections a concept, not reality, The questions this: Why would the Congress do everything they could in lock step to undermine, demean, and force new rules of life and living on the 97% of the United States Of America,97% that is not on their team or ideology. I read and watch the media from all over the world every day.  There is those that walk in lock step with our mainstream media. The smaller less politically correct media(those with no agenda or political/Favors)

WE THE PEOPLE need to regain control of the out of control Congress members. We need to barrage the congress members with letters, E-mails, and Phonee calls to Congress. The address of everyone is listed to the public on the Internet. It's the power of the people.No guns involved!a bloodless revolution the Congress has for two years been orchestrating against our country.

Tell them they need to stop the nonsense and get back to helping to run our country.
I am sick of all the games and whining. Let's just go back to their jobs. Get on with the business of running the country.governing our people and our borders from hordes of unvetted boarders.

That border would be fixed if the energy used for the Failed attempted coup for two years were, or had been applied to the border problem. there now would be a steady flow of new vetted legal citizens to be.the caravans would be parked below the U.S. Border Mexico would be driven to eradicate the cartels doing combat at the Mexican Border

Mr, Trump is our President whether anyone likes it or not. The destruction of our country by any kind of coup would begin the destruction of our country. The members of the current congress is committing political suicide by continuing to pursue the nutty path they are currently running down.

I worked in Arkansas during the Clinton Governor years there. I heard things that were unbelievable.
I could not bring myself to vote for the Clinton's in the last elections. I did vote for Mr.Obama.I vote where My studies of politics take me. Trump won and if we do not find the truth soon, then the enemy wins.

I sincerely hope we at least figure out Where that enemy is or at least who is the enemy. Real or imagined Outside or inside the side or the other. There's a saying that the truth will set you free...Let all the players lay ALL our cards on the table or all the documents from both sides so WE THE PEOPLE can see for ourselves who is the enemy or where the BOOGIEMAN been hiding in which closet. Let's see if the house really always wins in the end. Put up or please just shut up.

till next time

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Here Is a Possible Solution to Stop Aircraft, Cities, and Innocent Victims From Terrorist Attacks and Threats to Life.

The Political Machine
The Political Machine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This morning the news broadcasts broke into scheduled programming to deliver the latest exploits of another group of nut cases.A passenger jet was minding its own business and going about its business.

Those folks onboard were flying from one place to another with no thoughts they would be victimized by extremist head cases who live too destroy and kill.They manufacture Ideologies to support a demented philosophy that is just as bent and corrupted.Those onboard were not participants in any warring  or combat action.They pesented absolutly no threat to anyone as they went along that path in the sky.They had not taken any weapons with them.The plane was not armed to drop life threatening items on anyone.So why is over 290 human beings now dead by an attack on this airliner
over a country that has no argument with them being there?

No one actually has an answer at this moment in time.The politics of the area and the players all can not bring themselves to find why innocent lives are destroyed.The political gaming is far more important than finding the murderers who fired the misile.The political spins are far more important to leaders than the facts to catch and convict the assasins who just murdered 290 human lives in the blink of an eye.

Like any weapon,the misile launcher did not load aim or fire itself.It did not have the ability to think about what was the cost of its actions.The misile launcher did not point adjust its own settings to be sure to hit the victims in mid air.The misile launcher could not pull its own trigger and rejoice at the instant destruction of so many innocent souls.It was the worst of the earths inhabitants that did this.
A human being with nothing to gain or lose by their actions did this.They knew that the political machine would spend more time bickering and fighting over nonsensical political points of fiction than points on fact.The perfect crime in a troubled area...Pray Karma is a true power for them.

If people just came together when they found someone was planning this type of thing.To save the lives of innocent people is the right thing to do.Why is it that people in a position to prevent this rarely do anything.Surely family and friends,associates knew something about this in advance.
They must have known that this plane was in no way a threat to anyone.I beleive it makes them as guilty as those who plotted to blow up an unarmed Aircraft oaded with ordinary citizens.

Those who do nothing to prevent evil are promoting that evil.There is no difference whether they pull the trigger or hide those who do the trigger pulling.

I would hope and pray they did not suffer their deaths.There is no good way to die.but it seems a waste of lives to be victimized by those screwballs whose philosophy is not being placed into check o prevent such actions in a world that could be more positive.

It will be interesting to see those responsible be brought to account for their actions.W can not put those lives taken back upon this earth.They are removed  by a handful of individuals who also need to be removed.The perps.would better safegaurd future innocents by their removal..