Thursday, September 5, 2013

Here We Go Again folks,WMD Are Rumored to Be Used on Civilians,Those Who Fail to Learn From The Past Are Destined to Repeat It,Crank Up The War Machine..AGAIN

Why is it the people we elect can't seem to let our youth live in peace?To live a life that allows the to just remain living in peace watching there children grow up.Living without broken minds and broken bodies.Soldiers returning home are never the same people that were taken away from their lives at home.They are men and women with deep mental and physical scares that may never heal.

We waste more lives that could be creating positive things for mankind,had they been able too.The old TV commercial stated that the mind is a terrible thing to lose.I believe that any life lost in war is a total waste of a future cure or discovery.It is a waste that no one seems to worry about.

Recycle glass,watch carbon footprints,clean up the air......OK,so how do we recycle a broken mind?How do we give back the body that is permanently dismembered?How do we fix the battle hardened soul that feels they have killed and maimed people they would never have encountered in peacetime?Finally How do we repair the broken families that find the once loving and gentle pardner is now an explosive and violent monster inside by conditioning of war zone environment.There is one never to happen way..

The best way the leaders could
set an example for actions might be to volunteer for combat duty at the front lines.In the words of President Teddy Roosevelt'"Bully"!I think I am correct in saying the charge up San Juan Hill was the last heroic leader to commit themselves to possibly being butchered in battle.He lead by example,now days war rooms, thousands of miles away are more convenient and much safer.Boots on the ground don't have that luxury.

There's the missile attacks at first,then headlines of insurgents,then we call on allies,then we send in military trainers,then we send in troops to protect folks that would or couldn't protect thier own grandma from a pigeon attack,ETC.ETC.ETC Yadda Yadda.It is already decided beffore the curtain goes up on the charade of discussion....The war Machine needs more money and it always gets its way.The machine is a greedy monster that will someday consume the whole world if WE THE PEOPLE allow it.WE fight the wars and demand to find ways that are more peaceful.The snake that loses it's head can't continue to poison people....There was only one Adolf Hitler & with his death the world began to rebuild it's fractured world.....What if DA fuehrer had suddenly died in 1936?
The loss of the one to save the many.

It is always the same pattern to the chaotic madness of the Great War Machine that cuts the best of a societies youth down and makes billions of bloody dollars for the few that are at the controls of death
producing insanity.

There is an old 1960's song that goes ,"when will they ever learn,when will they learn".
I was 18 when the war in Vietnam had claimed many of those I new,by death or dismemberment.
Battle madness from horrors never meant for human psyche to bear on a soul.

Those who create the hell that we make pretty by giving it a nice name or a loosely justifiable cause are simply the war machine and all it's minions finding reasons to make massive money by massive
deaths.The nice label for this is the casualties of war.

The results are the same.The world and humanity continues to create havoc and chaos without realizing the energy and lives wasted to destroy instead of research and build.
What tremendous cures could 100 billion dollars find to ease the suffering of things like cancer and other wicked maladies of the human condition?What wonderful cities could we build on earth,under the ocean and in the vastness of space.

The calculations are incredible indeed.It's only a dream of a dreamer,I hope that I am not the only one.Join me and help make the world as one....It's never to late to give peace a chance.

Till next time time my friends,May that which gives you strength and faith hold you in the palm of its hand.