Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2020

They showed the freezer cars being loaded with Bodies of the victims.....

Workers wearing white hazmat suits and protective gear were taking the bodies from various sights to the freezer units, The bodies in body bags had a person on each end of a portable canvas unit with poles affixed to each side. There were other such workers waiting with many more bodies at this site. It appeared to be one of many such freezer units line up as far as the eye could see. It obviously was a terrible plague of some sort tearing through the area...Then I changed the channel from the andromeda strain to the news.

For a tiny moment, I wondered if my set was not changing anything, That was my first day to realize that reality is stranger than fiction. It is the day my world ended as I had known it to be this many decades. These last few months have been un "needenly"(My word).stressful.I stood outside and beside an elevator waiting to go to my floor to my apartment.

A person pushed out on a walker and said wheres your mask and stand behind the line. I think I said B***s***. The sign clearly said beside or at the line in front. My N95mask had just popped its rubber band n my ears were still stinging. I had already faced a lady in a store parking lot that was 50feet away and yelled such demands. I was surprised to see a rather old well-dressed man who thought she spoke at him. I won't repeat his reply, The lady muttered off to her car. I have no virus nor apparently did I.

This Virus has a second enemy which is its greatest ally. Most are not aware of it because The Nightly news uses it to increase it, viewers. It creeps into our minds every waking hour we live now.
Each time we turn on our favorite radio station. Each time we watch our favorite show it squeezes in as commercials. It seems that every single moment of our lives is wrapped in the feeding frenzy of this virus.

I wonder how many people have developed health problems from the constant flow across the bottom of the screen of death. It is like the media just bathes in the carnage. Reveling in the darkness of the moment. I know they have a job to do. But is it so important to smother us in the situation like crepe hangers?

I went to the park to hopefully get a mental change of thought, yup the people were all cloaked with a mask reminding I figured I would go get a nice warm soothing cup of coffee maybe jazz it up with cinnamon. Sign on the door: no one admitted without a mask. Reluctantly I put on my mask and went inside. I was pleasantly surprised to find Myself the only customer wearing one. I got my coffee and made it to the counter to pay.

I looked for the stand behind tape on the floor. Missing! Thank you God, I am back in America. where when the politician says crap, I don't have to say where and what color sir. But again I digress. I ask the young man behind the counter who wore a rakish bandana to match his pierced bottle cap ears if he knew how to tell the good guys coming I from the bad guys since they all wore masks. He said he did not know.
I said the bad guys wear ski-masks. We laughed. A moment away from the durge we are now living.

I don't mean to diminish the weight of the situation. There is a point in time where the stress of the overload is going to bust lose all our self-control. People can not remain in isolation . Locked into a situation that makes us watch all we have worked for crumble into dust. Our families become stressed. We start having arguments based on our own fears of what's to happen next.

It is that fear that has the equivalent destructive power to bring down our Nation. It is the constant droning of harpenture of death and destruction that is doing as much or more damage than any virus

Even those like myself who probably won't get the virus are bombarded with the constant volleys of
statistics that we are starting to hear are vastly exaggerated. I guess that movie I was watching won't be so interesting in the future just to Jazz up the death and body count. 

 I am hoping we can one day get some other things to once again not hear the beating drum of the death count every minute of the day, In my youth, the media plastered the Vietnam war and the body count. Every day we were told of the losses. In the Irag conflict/war we had the same thing. Now we are in another war.I truly hope it is not the war to end all wars because we all become extinct from the childish bickering of our elected leaders, Maybe Leaders is not quite the word for them right now,

Many who are suppose to be working on solutions to keep our country running are home hiding under their beds with their stash. Safe and sound.

Please contact your congress member and your senator to voice your ideas start a partition to voice your do have the power to change the madness. Funnel all that fear and rage from your loss into action that is useful. Get people talking about getting us out of this rut. 


That said dear readers, It is still WE THE PEOPLE who must survive and overcome, whether someone sitting in the safe warm taxpayer home they have with food on the table.No doubt looking out the window and saying, they are hungry and have no bread, let them eat cake.

Whether we live or die in the coming days, everybody dies at some point in time, if You have your choice of hiding and dying in Isolation low on food nerve-wracked from worry with kids left behind and ignorant, then hide under your bed and pray like hell when your world explodes.

I prefer to be free to fight this from a standing position. Death is a fact of life just as birth is. You can fear it, you can sometimes cheat it for awhileBut it is always, always inevitably patiently waiting.
Have faith and don't fear, live for the moment you are in and to the fullest you can. tomorrow is promised to no one. It is just the way it is.

Till next time friends, Keep a lite thought in your heart and a prayer on your lips.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Did The World Governments Conceive of the Ebola Apocalypse With Perhaps A Misname of Zombie Apocalyse?

Deutsch: Isolationseinrichtung für Ebola-Infiz...
Deutsch: Isolationseinrichtung für Ebola-Infizierte 1976. Hersteller des Geräts war das Unternehmen Vickers Medical Ltd. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Nurse-nun visits graves of victims of 1976 Zai...
Nurse-nun visits graves of victims of 1976 Zaire Ebola outbreak (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Color-enhanced electron micrograph of...
English: Color-enhanced electron micrograph of Ebola virus particles. Polski: Mikrofotografia elektronowa cząsteczek wirusa Ebola w fałszywych kolorach. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are hearing of the thousands of folks falling victim to the horrible effects of the Ebola Virus.The airports are now being treated as the movies have conditioned the modern world to view a pending epidemic or pandemic condition.The long lines of travelers standing to be examined.The people from medical or governmental departments with contamination suits on.The people sorted out to be separated and whisked away to various disease centers under guard.

This is not a play or movie set.This is our real world about to be hammered by something so infectious as to rival any Hollywood vision of a prelude to the real thing.These sick people falling victim to this deadly disease have very little hope without very sophisticated meds used to fight the virus.I know only what I have researched in the medical files online.The Virus has changed from it's original form.It has become a very smart type of virus in the manner of it's ability to mutate into something not seen before.The files being issued to the public say that most antibiotics are doing very little to stop the death of some who contract it.

One article states that this Ebola virus can spread in many ways.Not just by body fluids alone,but   by water,air and contact with others.The nurses who have contracted this virus by being int the room with victims were not properly protected by things needed to protect themselves.The virus took them down quickly.

People in Africa did not have any proper contamination suits or equipment to prevent the spred of this virus till it begin to spread to other parts of the world.Even now the real danger of it's eventual massive effects on the entire world is being dismissed by leaders as simply a bug going around.Other leaders are sending in military troops to "help".Help do what?contract the virus and die or just spread it a round more thoroughly.

It is a deadly Virus!not a embodied Enemy in need of soldiers and boots on the ground.Are these men and women going to be inoculated from Ebola before they leave?or do we just do some later experiments on our new governmentaly contracted guinea pigs.Remenber Agent Orange?How about the Black soldiers years ago that were infected with various diseases by government agencies.I think we need to help those in Dior need of life saving medical help.I am reading the fact that that the world took their god old time arguing what to do while 8000 humans suffered terrible deaths and the virus spread like wild fire to parts of the world that travels by aircraft.

The United States is still arguing about the statistics of how many folks need to die before we take better steps to protect ourselves from mass infection and what would call for martial law to enforce the restrictions that the virus would need if it becomes mass effective.This virus untreated will be more devastating than any bomb planted by madmen.The virus spare very few who contract it.It is unbiased in who or what importance the person who contracts its potent effect.

There has been some interesting reports of what survivors had going for them to fight the killer.For everything in life there is answers if one looks in the right places.The researchers on the nightly news are saying those who have lived through the hellish effects of this first encounter with what some are calling the horseman is this.Many survivors have higher amounts of Iron and magnesium in their blood levels.I am not a medical professional so I can only continue to sift through all the tidbits of information being spewed out about the situation.These folks ARE NOT Zombies.This is a very real and very serious situation.We are all threatened by this virus.There to my findings are no inoculations to prevent you from getting it.There is no real way to tell if someone has it.Even business folks are being advised to not shake hands as a greeting.It is very important that you wash your hands now to protect yourselves.

Please read on this deadly virus to protect yourselves and those you you love.It should be a calm and progressive education on preventive medicine and health issues.This information may one day save your life even if you never know the person you were not infected by.The life you save may just be your own.


P.S. The whole media story has really gone quiet lately on this  horrible situation.I have looked for articles on the updates to the Ebola spread.The situation that only a couple weeks ago was media panic is now being played down.Buried as if it was going to stay as buried as the victims.It will not just go away.and there are reports that the 1918 Spanish victims have been exhumed to extract the virus that killed so many in that year.That one didn't stay buried either.The purpose is to"study"the effects for future preparations...

Please investigate the IMF articles and The CDC articles on this very real Virus.
Please note the Date on the Photos above and you will see that Ebola Has Been anticipated for a long period of time...After all these years'people still are dying without a cure.
epidemics are good business when those profiting from it are living in places not effected...

Again my friends Please take care.

Monday, March 10, 2014

This Kind of Corporate Medicine MakersCold Thoughtless Greed is Where Our World is Headed If We Sit Back And Do Nothing

Death and the Maiden #2
Death and the Maiden #2 (Photo credit: CapCat Ragu)
English: Alovudine is an antiviral agent
English: Alovudine is an antiviral agent (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This article is a deal that is very close to my own heart.Read to,it may so be in your life as it was in mine.

The growing ability to cure is because the new technological Machines make Analyzing and Calculation of both disease and cure faster.The super computers being built to spy on folks cost billions conservatively.They serve only a tiny fraction of our world to spy on its entirety .

The use of such computers are being used to create a file on the entire population of the modern world
The fastest,most advanced data system ever built.Truly many times the state of the art processors used to research death causing virus and diseases that cause endless suffering to the entire world creatures.Creatures of human and animal species.

I read of a fine example of such selfish & uncaring corporate greed.A situation that places our most precious stage of human life at the mercy of adults who really don't give a damn.They put in their time at the job,get paid massive amounts of money for meds to the wealthy who can afford the best of the treatments.Those corporate people are no better than the drug dealing pimps who have the fix for
those who become victims.

I was reading the news today and stopped at an article.A video actually of a 7year old child that was the survivor of kidney cancer and its horrendous treatments.Not once or twice but numerous times.
That's is a lot of shear Hell for and adult to bear.My oldest sister went through cancer treatments for months.

Like this little child,the medical Professionals extracted all her insurance and then waited for her to die horribly.Without the drugs and treatment that would cure her....

This little kid doesn't deserve to be sentenced to death.No child in any part of the world should forced to suffer and die when there is a life giving alternative such as this.It is cruel and unusual punishment for anyone to know the life saving meds are available.In 1939 my uncle died of appendicitis.The drug to treat it was available,it simply was not in his area till news that he had died was published.Then several weeks later it became available.I wished he was allowed to get that medicine...I would have liked to have known him.He was 19years old.

The video can be found on the Fox News website.and is quite detailed about the situation
The drug company Chimerex manufactures this child's saving drug named Brincidofovir.
The child's name is Josh Hardy

This is the Punch line to this stupid American nonsense.It is happening all over the country now.
People are dying for greed and selfish reasons.Medical professionals are putting income ahead of life.
Yeah...they[med pros] have lives to support.but this is not a cast society with untouchables.Ship them overseas to help 3rd world countries and  watch them glory in helping for the sake of doing the right thing without charge.Posing  the repaired child for the donations...Smile kid.

This is history repeating itself in the ugliest manner.I remember that the inventor of a kidney machine died on the steps to a hospital.Some one stabbed him and he lay there till he bled to death.People stepped over him and ignored his cries for help.You see it was for  a [Back Then] reason that was expectable for  people in the Southern USA.He was Black/African American  he was asking to be helped at a Whites only Hospital.Thats as far as the mortal wound allowed him to go.This growing trend of medicine is no different than that.

The Chimerex Company received 72million Dollars last year to develop this drug.The manufacturer has released many up front doses of this to "special"? patients to save their lives.This Child is apparently not so special to some big shot.Not enough money for them or....Why not?

This child has no immune system as a result of the treatment to fight his terrible cancer.Without this drug he will die a horrible death very soon.This is a time critical situation that may mean this child's life.There are millions of people of all ages at this writing that such medical companies are simply letting die.Tied to insurance companies that have grown so big that they control our every life function.From the cradle to the grave.

I would urge you to get in on this and Email the drug maker on behalf of a little on who can not.They are literally ignoring the pleas of his mom to help.You see,They do not feel there is any need to hear the cries of those not in their circles.....They don't have to watch them die suffering till the end.
this drug is a lifesaving antiviral agent for  diminished immune systems .Cancer treatments destroy the ability to fight off infections.Death is imminent without it.

The website for Chimerex is the following:.
Joseph T.Schepers Executive Director

This is your chance to speak up an kick these guys in the backside and make them see reason.
This will save just one child from execution by medical neglect.I call such a situation,"Redtape Death" The decision by bureaucrats to kill an individual by denying or neglecting proper medical treatment to that individual

You can see that I am very serious about this type of callous "professionalism"

Please fill this places Email box and Phone till this little guy becomes important enough to them to help this helpless kid live

Till next time
This is an update to this little boys brave battle to have the cure he needs for a very rare disease that only hits 15children a year.ONLY 15 CHILDREN???Are these children expendable to our civilization?

Michele Obama is always visiting the hospitals of children and asking for our participation in healthy living.I truly wish she had some influence in the health of little children who could die waiting for the FDA to wait for all the bureaucratic bullshit to lubricate the gears of issuing the cures to those who may die horribly while they piddle with red tape.

I really feel bad for the people who lie dying knowing full well that some "special"folks have been saved by an experimental treatment while they being of a lessor god wait to die.
I really hope we keep hammering places like this who use the excuse of testing periods to hide the fact that it's just great business for medical professionals to suck all the insurance money out of patients before the cure is proven..Joshes Doctor went through the red tape to apply for what is called compassionate exceptions to get Josh on the list for the miracle drug that may save his life.

The poor kid has been through Kemo treatment,Had Kidney failure and heart failure so far with the crap this company has delayed the treatment for him.How much is a little seven year old supposed to bear before he is given a chance to live.Can imagine a seven year old spending his only childhood years in and out of his life constantly being at deaths doorstep?
Never to just go outdoors and run and play.Never to dream of growing up to be something special as most children.

I wonder if the director telling these fine folks they are on a list that they may just get this drug after 2016 orso.Other children have already had great results and it worked.
Perhaps dear readers we should direct our 90million letters so far that request this treatment for Josh to the FDA or to the Justice Department,since it is something tad amount to premeditated murder.Withholding that drug will kill this boy...with malice of forethought perhaps?Maybe the President could speak and get the ear of the company to listen or the FDA to make exception.

I do not know this family personally or professionally.I only know that there are millions of children this day that are suffering from lack of meds.cures,and proper care by bureaucracy.
WE are the most advanced country in the world.Yet we allow our children to die while a bureaucratic institution sits with feet on the desk for years as our loved ones suffer terribly and die without a thought from those being paid to sit and do nothing.

The information above may be changed or out of date,I believe it would be real easy for anyone to hunt the new information down.Google the boys brave story and join the revolution to bring our world some very good changes.Lets start with one little boys life being preserved from something I have labeled The"Red Tape Death sentence".Or death by bureaucracy without cause.

Come on folks theres 90million signatures pounding this company,lets start beating down the FDA's computers to act on helping before they get away with killing another of our children with no one saying a word  about it being wrong and immoral
 yours Again

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Here We Go Again folks,WMD Are Rumored to Be Used on Civilians,Those Who Fail to Learn From The Past Are Destined to Repeat It,Crank Up The War Machine..AGAIN

Why is it the people we elect can't seem to let our youth live in peace?To live a life that allows the to just remain living in peace watching there children grow up.Living without broken minds and broken bodies.Soldiers returning home are never the same people that were taken away from their lives at home.They are men and women with deep mental and physical scares that may never heal.

We waste more lives that could be creating positive things for mankind,had they been able too.The old TV commercial stated that the mind is a terrible thing to lose.I believe that any life lost in war is a total waste of a future cure or discovery.It is a waste that no one seems to worry about.

Recycle glass,watch carbon footprints,clean up the air......OK,so how do we recycle a broken mind?How do we give back the body that is permanently dismembered?How do we fix the battle hardened soul that feels they have killed and maimed people they would never have encountered in peacetime?Finally How do we repair the broken families that find the once loving and gentle pardner is now an explosive and violent monster inside by conditioning of war zone environment.There is one never to happen way..

The best way the leaders could
set an example for actions might be to volunteer for combat duty at the front lines.In the words of President Teddy Roosevelt'"Bully"!I think I am correct in saying the charge up San Juan Hill was the last heroic leader to commit themselves to possibly being butchered in battle.He lead by example,now days war rooms, thousands of miles away are more convenient and much safer.Boots on the ground don't have that luxury.

There's the missile attacks at first,then headlines of insurgents,then we call on allies,then we send in military trainers,then we send in troops to protect folks that would or couldn't protect thier own grandma from a pigeon attack,ETC.ETC.ETC Yadda Yadda.It is already decided beffore the curtain goes up on the charade of discussion....The war Machine needs more money and it always gets its way.The machine is a greedy monster that will someday consume the whole world if WE THE PEOPLE allow it.WE fight the wars and demand to find ways that are more peaceful.The snake that loses it's head can't continue to poison people....There was only one Adolf Hitler & with his death the world began to rebuild it's fractured world.....What if DA fuehrer had suddenly died in 1936?
The loss of the one to save the many.

It is always the same pattern to the chaotic madness of the Great War Machine that cuts the best of a societies youth down and makes billions of bloody dollars for the few that are at the controls of death
producing insanity.

There is an old 1960's song that goes ,"when will they ever learn,when will they learn".
I was 18 when the war in Vietnam had claimed many of those I new,by death or dismemberment.
Battle madness from horrors never meant for human psyche to bear on a soul.

Those who create the hell that we make pretty by giving it a nice name or a loosely justifiable cause are simply the war machine and all it's minions finding reasons to make massive money by massive
deaths.The nice label for this is the casualties of war.

The results are the same.The world and humanity continues to create havoc and chaos without realizing the energy and lives wasted to destroy instead of research and build.
What tremendous cures could 100 billion dollars find to ease the suffering of things like cancer and other wicked maladies of the human condition?What wonderful cities could we build on earth,under the ocean and in the vastness of space.

The calculations are incredible indeed.It's only a dream of a dreamer,I hope that I am not the only one.Join me and help make the world as one....It's never to late to give peace a chance.

Till next time time my friends,May that which gives you strength and faith hold you in the palm of its hand.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are Medical Professionals Dumping Hippocratic Oath Replacing promised Compassion for Compensation

Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
The past 4years have been a real course in reality for me.I am writing this from a personal point of  experience

In 2011 I was rear ended by someone texting at 80miles per hour in a 50mph speed zone.3Months later I had refused to file lawsuits on the person responsible.Lawyers had found she didn't have a pot to pee in and I see such things as nonsense.
I was fired from a really crappy trucking company based in Lowell Arkansas.

I had endured months of abusive treatment from my dispatcher(good Ole bill A.And his buddies].

I found myself unemployed and for some reason not able to find a job for the first time in 25years.I ended up with my health insurance running out.My life insurance cancelled with 1million on it.

For the next 17months I lived as a homeless man with an education,profession as an over the road trainer for the new drivers of tractor trailers.My hobby and secondary education was Artificial intelligence.

I had no chargeable accidents.I had no wants,warrants arrests,or anything that would legitimately  deny my rehire.

I became ill and felt that I was going to die.That I would die.I went to the emergency room.
Doctors were more interested in how much money I had in my pocket.I think a group of hookers would have been more caring than the so called professionals I encountered.
The reason for Emergency room care was the following.I didn't have an address.I had a drivers license .That got me into an ER for treatment.Obama care would have been of no use as I would be a criminal without the ability to buy.The more things change the more they remain the same it seems.

The problem turned out to be gallbladder attack. Canned food is full of Mega amounts of salt and fats.That  type of food is easiest to keep when a fridg is not available for the price involved.
It's literally a long term death sentence.. I was surviving with a time bomb inside check and discharge followed after treatment ,pain killer and antibiotics were administered.

Shelter and Charities(God bless them for their kindness],use the castoffs and food they are donated and share with those such as myself that are inking out an existence.The food at shelters and soup kitchens are given by volunteers who are all heart normally.

The First Lady Michele Obama has served in soup kitchens in the past.Bless her for that kindness whether PR or heart felt.That food means another day of life for the many.Foodlink and other sources are dwindling from lack of donations.The food is what is available to homeless or anyone that wishes a modest meal with down on their luck high in spirits human beings.The last true hardcore survivors on this planet.

Many of those homeless folks are unable to obtain medical help.Obamacare will not help those people.In fact it will make them all into criminals owing money to the government  they don't have to even feed themselves or get back into a life fit for humans.

For the 3 severe winters and  wet steamy summers I survived with no arrests and no help from welfare.I showered and shaved regularly at the YMCA so I would not appear  disheveled.It helped to get me into places that a homeless,unkept person would not be allowed.

My sister  knew of a doctor that might help me.

I went one day when  my health became more complicated to that family doctors office.I was greeted with a smile and told to fill out papers for my first visit.The mood was friendly and cordial till I handed in the papers.I sat in the waiting room filling out the papers for care.

The only thing looked at by the blond bimbo behind the window was the insurance blank.She said,"You did not fill out your insurance carrier".I replied  "I don't have any, yet but social services.says I have to wait 45days,but they will back pay for 3months.......She cut me off, as she slid the window shut she said come back when u have $200 or insurance.I was obviously very sick and felt devastated .I knew I was ill.I could never have imagined just how bad it was.

Flash forward 3long suffering months:Same doctors office at my sisters urging.I was really ill by now.I went into the office and there to the same blonde bimbo[sorry, but I do hold grudges on uncaring airheads of either sex]sat there like a little princess.

She said fill out these papers,I do and fill in the insurance blank.I had finally obtained social services by using my sisters address.Many homeless folks find fake address,s just to get help.I was accused of being too honest by many.I hand the clipboard back.She smiles in an over whitened toothy smile.Have a seat and we will call  next you.

WOW!!I feel privileged I am finally an excepted Human being worthy of treatment
Holy Cow[sorry,no disrespect  2 those worshipping cows].I managed to get another appointment and numerous tests.I even got another appointment.Talk about feeling special.I am finally up to human being standards by people who spend years learning to save lives and then have a callous blonde bimbo shooing patients away to die.Go home and no loss of sleep from them.

The next appointment  was dramatic.I had a gallbladder attack in the waiting room now armed with insurance.The same blonde calmly sat there and ignored me as I sat holding my gut and asking for help.She opened the window and said,what is the problem.I thought I was having a heart attack.She said I can't get the doctor because he is out to lunch.For 1 hour with doctors offices all thru the building I waited in agony.The blonde secretary told me the doctor was out to lunch and she was not going to bother him.She closed the glass and went calmly back to her work.When the registered nurse finally came out at the urging of my sister,I was taken in and accessed.They rushed me to the ER again

.After about 50minutes of agony and a minimal examination by a nurse,
 I was being wheeled out of the doctors office when the Doctor arrived and told me that the tests had bad news.I went out the door on a gurney once again to the ER..

Xrays ultrasonics,MRI scans.all  the fluids and workings revealed.

After a night of medical probing in the ER,I returned to the doctors office.Same blonde bimbo behind the window.The glass slides open and she gives me the same lights on,nobody home look.

(I get the strange thought that in a different life she might have been called Bubbles the exotic dancer in the Boom Boom room)

.She says what do you need.I say I just need the doctor to finish telling me what he found out.I  then got a  very familiar qoute .She says,"sorry,Your insurance was canceled last night,unless u have $200OR INSURANCE.....I have no idea as to why but leave to explore the reason.
A glitch in insurance paperwork is found.

I had to  wait for another month to finally see the doctor,I had been canceled by the social service worker because she did not know where I was living.I had left my new address and a phone # to reach me at. when I told the social service office about this problem  I got a new worker.That Social Worker had simply not felt it was needed to process my pappers and kicked me out of the system.My insurance was reinstated.I could have died from a bureaucrats inability to process a verifiable application plainly written in printed form.

I was sent for more tests and referred to a neurologost later to a neurosurgeon.It was and is serious.

This story is personal. I rarely write about my personal life.There is far more important things to write about.That is till you realize that the current medical system is flawed to the point that people die everyday from bureacratic red tape death sentences.When you can not do better or are temporarily
down on your luck,The kind of crap I went through is minor compared with those passed up for cancer treatment or transplants or any other life saving process.People are sentenced to death every minute of every day in the most advanced country in the world.

The homeless period of my life ,was desperate and enlightening for me.All the stories that I heard  happening to those folks that were not homeless, but on limited incomes.All treated in the same manner.With no dignity,no consideration,and basically as if you are the culture of untouchables found in India and other places.The insurance loophole will not be fixed by obama care.The folks that finally have insurance will pay through the orafice for the care they shoulf get anyway.Our Taxes would do a great deal more if they were used for things such as saving lives inastead of building machines to track and kill at 6000ft.Maybe we could at least try to build that fairytale place of Utopia.

The folks without Insurance in the future will be hunted by government for the inability to pay for insurance.
The medical services will not cover as it once was able to do.I am back to having no insurance now as my insurance company says that as of the first of the year they can not cover  for insurance.
Social Service cant help because I am drawing retirement.That is unless I can pay about 700dollars a month for that insurance along with my own meds which are not covered.

I am told that I can purchase insurance from the Internet after "shopping around". The insurance lobbyist sure won that boondoggle over the American people.

 Doctors don't follow the original oath they supposedly took when becoming Doctor's It is now more profitable to only see the folks that drive expensive cars and live on the lake in a big house.The insurance poor are also welcome.Just as long as there is cash in their bank account.If you die,well then you didn't have the money and that will decide who lives and who will die.Medical professionals and insurance companies cull out the undesirables unable to feed their lifestyles.

An axe murderer is probably the mindset,but The axe murderer doesn't get away with it for long. why should anyone?If a person has the expertise to save a life and refuses isn't that the same as intentionally killing them?

2days ago my sisters cat fell  ill and we called all over the 2counties area looking for a veterinarian that would help a person on disability retirement to pay on time.The same deal as people apparently goes for animals.The  cat was at the mercy of non feeling machines that only had concerns for how much money they were going to be able to make before the cat died.

The old vet we normally took the cat to had died of a heart attack.That vet was a kind hearted lady that would go out of her way to help u if you  ask.She used natural medicines and was really the best one I have ever seen.I know she had a heart from her actions and how she died.Heart attack...We will miss her.

The final vet that we took her to .said the routine $200 or die.we said can u tell us what it looks like at least. not unless u pay.Can u say if the cat is treatable?not without the money.This lady could  at least have a   feeling for the animal.She said that the doctor wouldn't talk, see or have anything to do with us without money.We said that we didn't want the cat to first.Okay,what about putting her down?Tears in eyes.
$43or  take it and bury it at home.We walk outside and talk.we manage to put 43dollars together and
return to the desk.we agreed to return in 3hours to pickup the carrier.Unlike the Vet we could see the suffering.We headed to the bank for money from an account I had.

We return after the vet secretary calls and leaves the following message in a sarcastic voice,"The doctor has said that he does not want you getting money that you probably don't have anyway and says don't bother to bring your other cat here.We don't want you to come back here.We had the money and were on our way back from the bank 15miles away.

When we arrived this woman ran out of the front door and handed our carrier to my sister.
Did u get my message.Yes we did .Well the doctor does not want you inside the office and said don't come back.We did put your kitty to sleep an hour ago.goodbye.She strutted but inside the building leaving us with 200dollars in hand,an mt carrier and memories of the beloved cat now murdered.

The same treatment for humans as for animals these days.As long as the systems are in place to allow the legal and authorized willing murder of living beings we are all responsible.Obamacare Will soon show us the wedge being devised to separate the population.Those able to obtain the finest care and those that fall victim to a death sentence from bureaucrats, insurance companies and doctors that value money in preference to a living being.I have a word for it I call it The Red Tape Death.When paperwork and cash mandate neglect that causes death.My oldest sister was a victim of this last year.
so I have a personal problem with this system.
The Hippocratic oath perhaps should be replaced by the updated  hypocrite oath as follows:

                   Hippo critical oath regarding what I consider YOUR life is worth

We will make the most of our golf days even to the cost of life

life which we have figured into our own life as the cost of not being an elite

An elite with the power of life and death based on who is able to pay the most

This will in time leave only those with our values and the holy dollar

to support our lifestyle and promote our children into our elite lifestyle

other children and people have no real or significant life value beyond the money they posses

to the last dollar they can provide our lifestyle even onto their last dollar at the last moment

.we will sell their blood and use their body parts for our own specialized profit

We will charge them from the the moment of known conception

onto the final moment that we posses their carcass in our morgues as chattel for sale

we will  put ourselves and our families in the elite circles and refrain from assisting,helping or
 providing live saving procedures without maximum compensation  taken unmindful of their suffering

The pain of the masses is of no consequences to those of our elite circles of life

we will extend the people lives as long as compensation is available,without cure

Cures are never to be offered when compensation can extend  a lifetime of symptoms treatment

symptom treatment is the oil that will fuel our elegant lifestyles as judges who determine life and death of non elites
so it shall be written and followed all the days of our lives and of ours

Yeah it is only a cat and me,But as I speak with folks contacting me,
it happens everyday in many places

.Compensation has replaced compassion in our society.
The old time doctors are pretty much gone to their rewards
to the big clinic where I truly hope they can enjoy paradise .if it pleases them.

Think about it folks.This will happen to you or your loved one soon.The Health Phoopah  is a huge wave coming into the shore.Like a tsunamis it will recede to look harmless, then rush back in to engulf you as you are standing on the beach.

This is a cryptic and sinister article from my usual writings.It is an update from a past blog that I wrote.
After my ill health  experience and the death of my father in a horrible nursing home.. My older sisters death from an insurance company denying a final cancer treatment. This caused her excruciating death...Even after her death

There are few medical professionals I have much respect for.With a couple exceptions more recently.
I received a letter from a lawyer a few days ago that was the gallblader surgeons was an offer to sue the insurance company on My behalf to recover $17000 for 15minute galbladder seurgury  and requested that I sign it so that if the insurance company won the case I would agree to pay court costs and the $17000. Insurance covered and paid $498.....   
I rest my case dear jury...

Again RJP
Stay Healthy my friends for the meat wagon awaits us in another time and place.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Terrorisim Hits Our Homeland Again,are not Bombs Illegal In This Country,is it Another UnEnforcable Law?More Lives Lost to Evil Minds

Monday A great many people were spending a day at the best of sporting Events.The Boston Marathon.
The Marathon is a test of endurance for the people who love to push their physical abilities to the max.It is an event that truly is beyond most peoples abilities only because their minds have never been pushed to that mental barrier that says ,

I  can do that, the mind says .These are very special people that have overcome many mental walls that many of us will have a lifetime to try the same.They have broken down the walls of their minds...Their Spirits have broken the barriers of limitations.

The Runners in this Marathon are the people that set examples for us on how powerful a will can be,to overcome the bodies laziness and resistance.

The Runners were aproching the finish line.I would imagine they were near exhaution and focused on seeing their loved ones that waited in the cheering crowds.Only moments to the finish line and another of lifes dreams for the runner

.Suddenly their lives were completely devestated by the deafening explosion and blown off their tired legs by the compression of a madmans bomb that detonated only yards away.

A little boy of only 8years old was killed and a little girl was severly injured.Many others were also injured and taken to the hospital.

There Are laws that monitor and prevent the building of explosives in this country.These Laws have been in effect for decades.There are checks and balances that monitor the ingredients to collect and build bombs.There are agencies that keep tabs on the people that have Fanatical ideas that would pursue the death of innocents.There are federal and state laws to prevent the distribution of information to build bombs.Heres the problem in a nutshell.(Absolutly No Pun Intended).

The youth of most countries are indoctrinated into military and taught how to Qoute:Blow s**** up and Killed whatever moves.The information is taught by those who have been invovled in warfare to others.Countries around the world have training camps that teach  warfare.

There are organizations that believe anyone disagreeing should not exist.There are those that believe Genocide is ok if you don't except their complete thoughts on life liberty and their ideas of happiness.
The societies,clubs,fanatics camps,and generally warped minds that sorta skipped the parts of rules for living , corrupted by folks like themselves.

You may have heard of rules that say we all belong to the same creation and really should see each other as brothers regardless of our appearances or philosophies.

The Laws of mankind are only as functional as those who that are willing to follow them.There are just too many in this world now that simply are so twisted mentally that ,to keep order is impossible.
We are reading in the Papers and on this net that even  polical leaders at many levels are bending to corruption and bribery.

It is predicted in the philosophies of long ago by those much wiser than ourselves.Those times were no different in terms of the people and ideas of bigotry,philosophical oppression and weapons capable of chaos ,killing and mahem they caused to innocents.
It is just that the technologies have made our lives far more easier to spread violence and death around in the 21rst century.

WE THE PEOPLE are the controls that enforce the safety and freedoms that make life more worth living.Those injured by what is said to be a bomb that spewed out shrapnel and Nails into living flesh and bones are changed forever.They will always be the victim of the maniacs that thought of,planned and constructed a devise that does not belong in this world.

It is no different than the landmines still lying in wait in countries that wars have  left decades or days ago.The bomb waited and was the evil hatched in the mind of some one that had no regard for those folks that were challenging theior own abilities.I doubt the bomber was even capable of understanding those  runners in the Marathon.I further doubt the bomber,when found will even minutely measure up to the last runner to finish at the finishline.

I hope the people are tried when caught in a place that all of us can see that justice prevails and not behind closed dioors where deals can blur justice.

I am currrenty looking to see where the readers of this can help the victims to cope with the terrible medical bills that will try  to rebuild their shattered lives.

The shame of it all is that those of us that try very hard to stay in line with the rules set down by law makers are the same ones that were caught in the bomb blasts that occure daily around the world.
The weapons that are used do not have the capablilities of building themselves or carrying out a plan of attack on inocent victims.Children which seem to be the new lambs to slaughter in the country.
That has come home to us in the USA.We are no longer a long ways from the mental midgets that
find some stupid reason to destroy lives and kill for their own paramoia delusions of reality.

Our laws to restrict the ideas of the bent minds are not going to save us from those who have no regard for those same laws.Society is breaking down in corrupted bytes of order.

I wished that I had read of some master plan to revamp our world from this sort of thing happening.
So far there are only Ideas and counter argumnets that go nowhere except to more chaos and frustrations.Maybe we should backwards look for words from a much more distant past....We
still faced the same madness with fewer folks and laws to protect them that only good people followed...... More can be read on historical laws if you wish to check it out.

We are the only controls that we we can truly look for as a way out of the chaos plaguing our world today.WE THE PEOPLE are the ones that can keep our world safe from those that have no regard for
laws,beliefs or anything else that exists in our troubled world.
WE are the problem and WE are the solution......Which one will you become as time forms our new reality.

That is all for now my dear friends.Please monitor this and other situations to see if you can help or send support to thes people that became victims on a day they only wanted to see a dream realized.
The Bomber was the only broken mind that wanted nightmares....Problem or Solution,That choice is yours....You decide.