Death and the Maiden #2 (Photo credit: CapCat Ragu) |
English: Alovudine is an antiviral agent (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The growing ability to cure is because the new technological Machines make Analyzing and Calculation of both disease and cure faster.The super computers being built to spy on folks cost billions conservatively.They serve only a tiny fraction of our world to spy on its entirety .
The use of such computers are being used to create a file on the entire population of the modern world
The fastest,most advanced data system ever built.Truly many times the state of the art processors used to research death causing virus and diseases that cause endless suffering to the entire world creatures.Creatures of human and animal species.
I read of a fine example of such selfish & uncaring corporate greed.A situation that places our most precious stage of human life at the mercy of adults who really don't give a damn.They put in their time at the job,get paid massive amounts of money for meds to the wealthy who can afford the best of the treatments.Those corporate people are no better than the drug dealing pimps who have the fix for
those who become victims.
I was reading the news today and stopped at an article.A video actually of a 7year old child that was the survivor of kidney cancer and its horrendous treatments.Not once or twice but numerous times.
That's is a lot of shear Hell for and adult to bear.My oldest sister went through cancer treatments for months.
Like this little child,the medical Professionals extracted all her insurance and then waited for her to die horribly.Without the drugs and treatment that would cure her....
This little kid doesn't deserve to be sentenced to death.No child in any part of the world should forced to suffer and die when there is a life giving alternative such as this.It is cruel and unusual punishment for anyone to know the life saving meds are available.In 1939 my uncle died of appendicitis.The drug to treat it was available,it simply was not in his area till news that he had died was published.Then several weeks later it became available.I wished he was allowed to get that medicine...I would have liked to have known him.He was 19years old.
The video can be found on the Fox News website.and is quite detailed about the situation
The drug company Chimerex manufactures this child's saving drug named Brincidofovir.
The child's name is Josh Hardy
This is the Punch line to this stupid American nonsense.It is happening all over the country now.
People are dying for greed and selfish reasons.Medical professionals are putting income ahead of life.
Yeah...they[med pros] have lives to support.but this is not a cast society with untouchables.Ship them overseas to help 3rd world countries and watch them glory in helping for the sake of doing the right thing without charge.Posing the repaired child for the donations...Smile kid.
This is history repeating itself in the ugliest manner.I remember that the inventor of a kidney machine died on the steps to a hospital.Some one stabbed him and he lay there till he bled to death.People stepped over him and ignored his cries for help.You see it was for a [Back Then] reason that was expectable for people in the Southern USA.He was Black/African American he was asking to be helped at a Whites only Hospital.Thats as far as the mortal wound allowed him to go.This growing trend of medicine is no different than that.
The Chimerex Company received 72million Dollars last year to develop this drug.The manufacturer has released many up front doses of this to "special"? patients to save their lives.This Child is apparently not so special to some big shot.Not enough money for them or....Why not?
This child has no immune system as a result of the treatment to fight his terrible cancer.Without this drug he will die a horrible death very soon.This is a time critical situation that may mean this child's life.There are millions of people of all ages at this writing that such medical companies are simply letting die.Tied to insurance companies that have grown so big that they control our every life function.From the cradle to the grave.
I would urge you to get in on this and Email the drug maker on behalf of a little on who can not.They are literally ignoring the pleas of his mom to help.You see,They do not feel there is any need to hear the cries of those not in their circles.....They don't have to watch them die suffering till the end.
this drug is a lifesaving antiviral agent for diminished immune systems .Cancer treatments destroy the ability to fight off infections.Death is imminent without it.
this drug is a lifesaving antiviral agent for diminished immune systems .Cancer treatments destroy the ability to fight off infections.Death is imminent without it.
The website for Chimerex is the following:.
Joseph T.Schepers Executive Director
This is your chance to speak up an kick these guys in the backside and make them see reason.
This will save just one child from execution by medical neglect.I call such a situation,"Redtape Death" The decision by bureaucrats to kill an individual by denying or neglecting proper medical treatment to that individual
You can see that I am very serious about this type of callous "professionalism"
Please fill this places Email box and Phone till this little guy becomes important enough to them to help this helpless kid live
Till next time
This is an update to this little boys brave battle to have the cure he needs for a very rare disease that only hits 15children a year.ONLY 15 CHILDREN???Are these children expendable to our civilization?
Michele Obama is always visiting the hospitals of children and asking for our participation in healthy living.I truly wish she had some influence in the health of little children who could die waiting for the FDA to wait for all the bureaucratic bullshit to lubricate the gears of issuing the cures to those who may die horribly while they piddle with red tape.
I really feel bad for the people who lie dying knowing full well that some "special"folks have been saved by an experimental treatment while they being of a lessor god wait to die.
I really hope we keep hammering places like this who use the excuse of testing periods to hide the fact that it's just great business for medical professionals to suck all the insurance money out of patients before the cure is proven..Joshes Doctor went through the red tape to apply for what is called compassionate exceptions to get Josh on the list for the miracle drug that may save his life.
The poor kid has been through Kemo treatment,Had Kidney failure and heart failure so far with the crap this company has delayed the treatment for him.How much is a little seven year old supposed to bear before he is given a chance to live.Can imagine a seven year old spending his only childhood years in and out of his life constantly being at deaths doorstep?
Never to just go outdoors and run and play.Never to dream of growing up to be something special as most children.
I wonder if the director telling these fine folks they are on a list that they may just get this drug after 2016 orso.Other children have already had great results and it worked.
Perhaps dear readers we should direct our 90million letters so far that request this treatment for Josh to the FDA or to the Justice Department,since it is something tad amount to premeditated murder.Withholding that drug will kill this boy...with malice of forethought perhaps?Maybe the President could speak and get the ear of the company to listen or the FDA to make exception.
I do not know this family personally or professionally.I only know that there are millions of children this day that are suffering from lack of meds.cures,and proper care by bureaucracy.
WE are the most advanced country in the world.Yet we allow our children to die while a bureaucratic institution sits with feet on the desk for years as our loved ones suffer terribly and die without a thought from those being paid to sit and do nothing.
The information above may be changed or out of date,I believe it would be real easy for anyone to hunt the new information down.Google the boys brave story and join the revolution to bring our world some very good changes.Lets start with one little boys life being preserved from something I have labeled The"Red Tape Death sentence".Or death by bureaucracy without cause.
Come on folks theres 90million signatures pounding this company,lets start beating down the FDA's computers to act on helping before they get away with killing another of our children with no one saying a word about it being wrong and immoral
Joseph T.Schepers Executive Director
This is your chance to speak up an kick these guys in the backside and make them see reason.
This will save just one child from execution by medical neglect.I call such a situation,"Redtape Death" The decision by bureaucrats to kill an individual by denying or neglecting proper medical treatment to that individual
You can see that I am very serious about this type of callous "professionalism"
Please fill this places Email box and Phone till this little guy becomes important enough to them to help this helpless kid live
Till next time
This is an update to this little boys brave battle to have the cure he needs for a very rare disease that only hits 15children a year.ONLY 15 CHILDREN???Are these children expendable to our civilization?
Michele Obama is always visiting the hospitals of children and asking for our participation in healthy living.I truly wish she had some influence in the health of little children who could die waiting for the FDA to wait for all the bureaucratic bullshit to lubricate the gears of issuing the cures to those who may die horribly while they piddle with red tape.
I really feel bad for the people who lie dying knowing full well that some "special"folks have been saved by an experimental treatment while they being of a lessor god wait to die.
I really hope we keep hammering places like this who use the excuse of testing periods to hide the fact that it's just great business for medical professionals to suck all the insurance money out of patients before the cure is proven..Joshes Doctor went through the red tape to apply for what is called compassionate exceptions to get Josh on the list for the miracle drug that may save his life.
The poor kid has been through Kemo treatment,Had Kidney failure and heart failure so far with the crap this company has delayed the treatment for him.How much is a little seven year old supposed to bear before he is given a chance to live.Can imagine a seven year old spending his only childhood years in and out of his life constantly being at deaths doorstep?
Never to just go outdoors and run and play.Never to dream of growing up to be something special as most children.
I wonder if the director telling these fine folks they are on a list that they may just get this drug after 2016 orso.Other children have already had great results and it worked.
Perhaps dear readers we should direct our 90million letters so far that request this treatment for Josh to the FDA or to the Justice Department,since it is something tad amount to premeditated murder.Withholding that drug will kill this boy...with malice of forethought perhaps?Maybe the President could speak and get the ear of the company to listen or the FDA to make exception.
I do not know this family personally or professionally.I only know that there are millions of children this day that are suffering from lack of meds.cures,and proper care by bureaucracy.
WE are the most advanced country in the world.Yet we allow our children to die while a bureaucratic institution sits with feet on the desk for years as our loved ones suffer terribly and die without a thought from those being paid to sit and do nothing.
The information above may be changed or out of date,I believe it would be real easy for anyone to hunt the new information down.Google the boys brave story and join the revolution to bring our world some very good changes.Lets start with one little boys life being preserved from something I have labeled The"Red Tape Death sentence".Or death by bureaucracy without cause.
Come on folks theres 90million signatures pounding this company,lets start beating down the FDA's computers to act on helping before they get away with killing another of our children with no one saying a word about it being wrong and immoral
yours Again
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