"NYAPRS" is to meet again this year in New York State. This is a huge deal that normally addresses the services offered to the folks that are looking to having some interest in Mental health.
The people have either a work-related compacity or have been a person affected by some aspect of problems in their lives which created a need to know.
My story is in my past blogs that are free to read. The people that put these together have many involved interests due to personal experiences or knowing someone who does. They are dedicated to making people first in recovering their lives from whatever.in the years past
Last Year had many workshops to enhance one's experience adding knowledge. There were many different things to learn and do, Hundreds of people with provided meals, rooms and activities.
I signed up for several workshops that looked interesting.
A couple that I remember was a workshop on social security and disability. The gentleman who was the instructor took his time and explained how the SSI disability system was set up to serve people who had the misfortune to be disabled. I later spoke with him extensively to clarify details of the program. It was a real learning experience.
The other workshop that I remember was not so pleasant at all. I went to this workshop to learn. I got something else. As is the case these days, older people who are willing to listen are finding themselves ostracized. We are often being singled out for being very much traditional in our thinking.
I listened for much of the workshop while photos that I have used on my blogs showing a male afro-Americans back. It was deeply scared of a severe whipping. Then another foto of Japanese internment camps with detainees standing inside the fences. I have used the same foto there also on my blogs. The Instructors tone was caustic to anyone who differed in her opinions. She told one person that her family was interred in a camp. She told the workshop she was half Japanese. She seemed intent on blaming all the wrongs of this country on "White males who have all the privileges"
This struck me rather deeply since I have worked hard from the time I was in primary school. At age 5 my sisters taught me to make potholders then took me around to sell door to door. Age 16 saw me with the largest Democrat and Chronicle newspaper route in my town. I have held jobs from washing tubs in laundrymats to learning to bake to running million dollar presses to make auto parts.
The secret is when you make up your mind to move ahead, Tell yourself I will, not I am gonna. I will say to your subconscious that is going to happen, Gonna, means someday if I can. Educate yourself for the job and move to learn everything you can in life. That is what I truly believe. I have proven it many times. You are your own worst enemy if you believe there's no way to succeed. That tells your mind you are already defeated in your own mind first. Pigmentation color is a door other's close. The saying goes like this: when one door closes, Look for the other two that have opened.
I raised my hand and asked a very simple question, I know that things may not be perfect in life. Don't you think the positive would help here? If people talk they can work together better. Hostility never did anything but create more hostility. She immediately called on a lady across the room who said she was organizing rallies to protest the past. I was not allowed to ask any more questions after that. The instructor said if you want to change "This Kinda thinking you need to take it into the streets and MAKE them hear you"I wondered exactly who "THEM", were?
I wondered how it was ALL MY FAULT for those in the room who were quite obviously full of hate and discontent. They actually Physically turned their backs to me.
The way to help another understand is not that way. They did give me a fairly good understanding of why far-right groups rise to up and recruit folks who did not have those thoughts, to begin with. That workshop did make me understand what it might be like to be the only Black person at a Klan rally. It made me sorta feel like the only White male at an all Black church. It is as I have said in the past, Racism goes both ways. Fear and hate have no particular preferences. There certainly was enough in that room.
After the workshop, I walked up to try to ask why this workshop even was set up to be an exploration of the differences of our societies, She said that "people like me would never understand". I realized a large male was now approaching me from my left and a bit behind. He said,; "The class is over and we need to leave, Thank you for your comments but the workshop is over now. I left with that in my Heart and mind still. It definitely changed me. I sincerely hope that kind of "workshop" does not return. to the coming NYAPRS.It was a first in my experience and this will be my last if it continues to develop into a hatefest.
On a happier note, the social security workshop helped me to point several people to more precise areas and information I got there. I truly wished the NYAPRS folks could bring in a representative from the Social Security Retirement people. There's a Huge amount of retired folks who gather there yearly. It would be so helpful to get the information to help folks through the labyrinth of rules and legalize that is involved with retirement.
another problem that has been solved is the place NYAPRS is to be held at.while its an hour farther from NYC, its more towards mid-state. That's slightly more convenient for more upstaters. I suspect that alone might increase attendance.
The hotel last year has since gone outa business so it is rumored. The new one is, bigger, more modern and from the internet photos are gorgeous, More elbow room all around. There is more information on the net at the NYAPRS website. It's worth a look.
The workshops in past years have been fun, and extremely informative. People have a chance to tell their stories of their past. there's plenty of time to make friends and communicate with those who can help or just listen. There's a comfortable room to retreat and reflect at days end.NYAPRS feed you like a king. The place bustles with folks communicating and learning.
I truly look forward to attending this year if I can. It is always a learning experience to hear others speak. Sometimes it is a bit hard to take if it can not be explained. If reason escapes into anger and hatefulness. So bring your best ideas of why learning is what you need and a positive mind if you show up. This is a changing world we live in and every one of us is an important part of those changes.NYPRS has helped many with information to help themselves.
How I became connected with NYAPRS is a short story in itself.
My health crashed 8yrs ago and was on a collision course with a nursing home due to a blood clot in my brain. It gave me the symptoms of Alhiemers. That was the most frightening time of my life. I felt alone, Homeless, and helpless to go on. I lost my ability to write. Blogging became nearly impossible. I could get lost in a place that I lived all my life. The skills that made me happy became a task filled with frustration.
I was taken to a "club" for people recovering from physical and mental problems. I refused at first to admit to even having a problem. As time went on I began to realize that the people there were all there for the same reasons to try to recover what had been lost in their lives. A little dignity.A little bit of what they no longer could grasp. To feel less vulnerable when around other people. In the words of the old singing group "The Grateful Dead"To give me just a little light.
Years have passed now. Surgery and some medical magic from Some truly fine people have me back on my feet. If I were an old car<I would be firing on all 7 of 8cylinders.Nobodys perfect!My first visit to Nyaprs was A fuzzy memory due to illness. I do remember the people there were kind and caring to everyone. The workshops gave me hope to maybe to get back someday to where I was.
That's what NYAPRS is really. Its hope fired by information. Its people who are using the system to pull themselves out of a very dark point in their lives.It is also people who are improving that same system by the voice of their experiences. Working with those in charge to fix and tweak all that might be not quite right in the systems. Those systems that are set up to aid those in need of a boost back up.A system that is not perfect by far. It is made better by the voices of those who have been there.
If your someone who is in distress from a mental or health issue NYAPRS might be something to look into. Google it and find out if you or someone near and dear to you could use the dear people at the organization to help out. The folks are sweet and helpful for anyone needing information or direction. The support of that information can help to rebuild lives. There are mountains of information which leads to more doors that you can open. You just need to follow the information path.
Contact them on their website for information on a ton of informative helpful ideas and directions. Also any activities and things to attend in New York or elsewhere.You will find that It will be informative.
Remember this regarding my experience with the workshop that I mentioned in the beginning of my blog. Sometimes when your thinking has been shaped by your personal environment, the views of others seem alien. You do not feel a need to think in any other way. When you find yourself in That which is alien to you, You become the alien.
It is a form of tribalism. The feeling I got in that workshop was alien to me. I could not identify with those in the workshop, so the tribe turned their backs on me. You may have other thoughts on this.I believe I learned a very interesting lesson. I may not fully understand what That lesson was,I do know this though, It is deep in my psyche. The workshop did change my thinking and thats what they are there for. TO MAKE YOU THINK
Please look into NYPRS even as a thing to know. It is a worthy bit of information to put in your brain for future use.
That is my story and I am sticking to it.NYAPRS is worth the efforts to find and investigate.Theres many facets of the Organization.Its kinda like a diamond in the rough.It might not be interesting till you start working with it to increase its value to yourself and others.
Till Next time Dear friends. WE THE PEOPLE have the power to change our world for the better. That better is a matter of our perspectives and what is right. Keep the faith.
Thoughts and comment on things WE THE PEOPLE can change if only we have the courage to see it and insist on change.This might be called the philosophical blog of changes. You the reader are introduced to thoughts and things that are part opinion and part fact.I always attempt to bring subjects into a sharp focus with a bit of entertainment for the thinking person.WE THE PEOPLE are the true power of this ever shrinking planet.
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Monday, May 13, 2019
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Solar Energy and Windfarms Are The New Age Clean Energy supposedly being promoted By Governments,Why is Swateams Arresting Folks Converting to It
English: The , also known as the Green Mountain Energy Wind Farm, near . (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Fresh vegetables are important components of a healthy diet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Healthy Food For Life logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Most of the drummers demanding we get a better program of earth care practices are located in the good Ole USA.Recycle and restore, the drummers chant.Live with organic and healthy food they chant.We know whats best for you.Listen to our chants,follow along in lockstep.We are the experts on how you should live healthy.
The chanters say to Eat fresh and wholesome garden veggies.Live without chemicals and use the recycling practices that are available to you.Live with solar and wind energy and purified water from natural sources.Recycle and use compost for better healthier food.Fresh air for your families
This mantra just goes on and on.YADDA,YADDA,YADDA!The following is going to just blow you away to hear.Much this I do agree with in some proportion of good reasoning.But I am reading articles from all over the country I live in that has me a little more than confused..Let me look at my reality checklist:I live in the land of the free and brave someplace known for genius and innovation.
Somewhere that has published articles years back on how to to be independent etc.
A Florida women has been told that she violates the law by living off the grid.She has been sited
on zoning laws and currently is fighting to save her home from the same people who are the chanters.
She has lived healthy for years till she started telling folks how to be self sufficient.Now she fights for her way of life.Place a popular label on her and it would change the whole story.But self sufficient folks have been label as kooks and weirdos that want to live as primitives in a cave.
Now The great state on Texas,where I have(scratch that)Had plans to move to,has sent a swat team into
a settlement near San Antonio to arrest the occupants,Men women and infant children.The warrant presented stated that it was a drug search.No drugs were found.Armed invasion by the law.All the inhabitants were cuffed and abused verbally as though they were hardened criminals.
It turns out their crime was a severe one indeed.They had supposedly violated a number of zoning laws.The punch line is this...The folks had been there for years,owned their land and were not criminals.A warrant for a very old violation was the reason they invaded the place.The zoning people had got wind that these folks were just trying to teach people on the Internet to be self sufficient.To live off the grid and do the very thing the chanters always drone on about.They were also searched for fire arms of which there was none.
I have a particular interest in this type of story for a very real reason.For quite some time,I have been
talking to people interested in building a community using Tesla's principals of free energy and living off the grid.Not as hermits or any other stereotype isolationists. I remember the issues of a Magazine called Mother Earth magazine.It was much more in the 1960's and 1970's.I saved those issues for the "hippie"culture ideas.Home canned food as my folks did every year.I can almost taste moms bread and butter pickles.How and what to run a wood burning stove.Now outlawed in many places.
The articles were geared to the do it your selfers.Build a tilting pedal powered trike,Plant a full garden in a 1/4 acre.Plan your tiny homestead for free food.Oh yeah,I remember such priceless information.Tons of other great books on the subject of taking care of yourself and maintaining a healthy INDEPENDENT LIFESTYLE.Uncontrolled by any bureaucracy.It was not need then or now.
A lifestyle that harms no one....
Apparently living untethered from the money sucking,organizations and eating homegrown,home canned healthy food.Without additive,excess sugars,excess salt,excess fats or unpronounceable crap that should in itself be against the laws.For If nothing else than endangering the health and welfare of humans.Snake oil ingredients of the 21rst century.
So where are we to turn now that we can buy all the things to make our lives independent.The catch is that we must by mandatory rule be hooked up to a power line and a waterline even if we have no use for it.We must have a new computerized electric meter on our house or it will be placed there while you cool off in jail.(Chicago Area last year).Even if you do not need the meter.The meter monitors every use of your house.What you watch on cable,how long and also is easily tied into any other electronics in house.Fridg,Radio,Bedroom Computer camera.....
Raw milk in many places is now outlawed.Didn't kill our ancestors,but that to could be bartered or bought w/o monitoring.Meat products raised on home farms for meat and that egg omelet is being outlawed in many places.Again it cant be monitored.My grandfather supplied my dads family with his hens eggs every week.I don't remember anyone dropping dead from a breakfast omelet
and an occasional glass of whole milk.
I guess that we "common?" folks just want a simplified lifestyle will in time all be considered outlaws.The jails are already opening the doors to past and convicted criminals.Those same chanters are even going to educate the ones left inside.I can only guess it will be prisons filled with those people who actually tried to live according to the mantra chants telling everyone one thing and then sending the swat teams dressed like storm troopers out of some b rated scy fy movie afterwards.Will the Amish be sent to jail?They don't have such gizmos installed.The world is not what we had in the past.The food and lifestyles of our parents allowed them to live free.My great grandfather lived into his 90'sGrampa into his late 80's and dad was 94.Their diets would make them all outlaws now.
All had the products that are being scutinized by people not even a twinkle in their grandparents eyes In grandpas time.Who are they to say that WE THE PEOPLE can not live as those long lived folks did.
Truly the chanters are far more advanced in their knowledge of the lifestyles by folks that probably would outlive them all.Time will prove that theory.
Google it folks if you love the organic things etc as these folks are trying to live with.One day soon you will also be monitored if you don't speak up and say it is wrong to be so controlled......Or you can just sit there thinking you have no reason to have the Swap team and black helicopters approaching your home and family.....The experience will no doubt be.....Enlightening.
Take care dear readers and guard well your freedoms while you still can.It is precious indeed.
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Monday, March 10, 2014
This Kind of Corporate Medicine MakersCold Thoughtless Greed is Where Our World is Headed If We Sit Back And Do Nothing
Death and the Maiden #2 (Photo credit: CapCat Ragu) |
English: Alovudine is an antiviral agent (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The growing ability to cure is because the new technological Machines make Analyzing and Calculation of both disease and cure faster.The super computers being built to spy on folks cost billions conservatively.They serve only a tiny fraction of our world to spy on its entirety .
The use of such computers are being used to create a file on the entire population of the modern world
The fastest,most advanced data system ever built.Truly many times the state of the art processors used to research death causing virus and diseases that cause endless suffering to the entire world creatures.Creatures of human and animal species.
I read of a fine example of such selfish & uncaring corporate greed.A situation that places our most precious stage of human life at the mercy of adults who really don't give a damn.They put in their time at the job,get paid massive amounts of money for meds to the wealthy who can afford the best of the treatments.Those corporate people are no better than the drug dealing pimps who have the fix for
those who become victims.
I was reading the news today and stopped at an article.A video actually of a 7year old child that was the survivor of kidney cancer and its horrendous treatments.Not once or twice but numerous times.
That's is a lot of shear Hell for and adult to bear.My oldest sister went through cancer treatments for months.
Like this little child,the medical Professionals extracted all her insurance and then waited for her to die horribly.Without the drugs and treatment that would cure her....
This little kid doesn't deserve to be sentenced to death.No child in any part of the world should forced to suffer and die when there is a life giving alternative such as this.It is cruel and unusual punishment for anyone to know the life saving meds are available.In 1939 my uncle died of appendicitis.The drug to treat it was available,it simply was not in his area till news that he had died was published.Then several weeks later it became available.I wished he was allowed to get that medicine...I would have liked to have known him.He was 19years old.
The video can be found on the Fox News website.and is quite detailed about the situation
The drug company Chimerex manufactures this child's saving drug named Brincidofovir.
The child's name is Josh Hardy
This is the Punch line to this stupid American nonsense.It is happening all over the country now.
People are dying for greed and selfish reasons.Medical professionals are putting income ahead of life.
Yeah...they[med pros] have lives to support.but this is not a cast society with untouchables.Ship them overseas to help 3rd world countries and watch them glory in helping for the sake of doing the right thing without charge.Posing the repaired child for the donations...Smile kid.
This is history repeating itself in the ugliest manner.I remember that the inventor of a kidney machine died on the steps to a hospital.Some one stabbed him and he lay there till he bled to death.People stepped over him and ignored his cries for help.You see it was for a [Back Then] reason that was expectable for people in the Southern USA.He was Black/African American he was asking to be helped at a Whites only Hospital.Thats as far as the mortal wound allowed him to go.This growing trend of medicine is no different than that.
The Chimerex Company received 72million Dollars last year to develop this drug.The manufacturer has released many up front doses of this to "special"? patients to save their lives.This Child is apparently not so special to some big shot.Not enough money for them or....Why not?
This child has no immune system as a result of the treatment to fight his terrible cancer.Without this drug he will die a horrible death very soon.This is a time critical situation that may mean this child's life.There are millions of people of all ages at this writing that such medical companies are simply letting die.Tied to insurance companies that have grown so big that they control our every life function.From the cradle to the grave.
I would urge you to get in on this and Email the drug maker on behalf of a little on who can not.They are literally ignoring the pleas of his mom to help.You see,They do not feel there is any need to hear the cries of those not in their circles.....They don't have to watch them die suffering till the end.
this drug is a lifesaving antiviral agent for diminished immune systems .Cancer treatments destroy the ability to fight off infections.Death is imminent without it.
this drug is a lifesaving antiviral agent for diminished immune systems .Cancer treatments destroy the ability to fight off infections.Death is imminent without it.
The website for Chimerex is the following:.
Joseph T.Schepers Executive Director
This is your chance to speak up an kick these guys in the backside and make them see reason.
This will save just one child from execution by medical neglect.I call such a situation,"Redtape Death" The decision by bureaucrats to kill an individual by denying or neglecting proper medical treatment to that individual
You can see that I am very serious about this type of callous "professionalism"
Please fill this places Email box and Phone till this little guy becomes important enough to them to help this helpless kid live
Till next time
This is an update to this little boys brave battle to have the cure he needs for a very rare disease that only hits 15children a year.ONLY 15 CHILDREN???Are these children expendable to our civilization?
Michele Obama is always visiting the hospitals of children and asking for our participation in healthy living.I truly wish she had some influence in the health of little children who could die waiting for the FDA to wait for all the bureaucratic bullshit to lubricate the gears of issuing the cures to those who may die horribly while they piddle with red tape.
I really feel bad for the people who lie dying knowing full well that some "special"folks have been saved by an experimental treatment while they being of a lessor god wait to die.
I really hope we keep hammering places like this who use the excuse of testing periods to hide the fact that it's just great business for medical professionals to suck all the insurance money out of patients before the cure is proven..Joshes Doctor went through the red tape to apply for what is called compassionate exceptions to get Josh on the list for the miracle drug that may save his life.
The poor kid has been through Kemo treatment,Had Kidney failure and heart failure so far with the crap this company has delayed the treatment for him.How much is a little seven year old supposed to bear before he is given a chance to live.Can imagine a seven year old spending his only childhood years in and out of his life constantly being at deaths doorstep?
Never to just go outdoors and run and play.Never to dream of growing up to be something special as most children.
I wonder if the director telling these fine folks they are on a list that they may just get this drug after 2016 orso.Other children have already had great results and it worked.
Perhaps dear readers we should direct our 90million letters so far that request this treatment for Josh to the FDA or to the Justice Department,since it is something tad amount to premeditated murder.Withholding that drug will kill this boy...with malice of forethought perhaps?Maybe the President could speak and get the ear of the company to listen or the FDA to make exception.
I do not know this family personally or professionally.I only know that there are millions of children this day that are suffering from lack of meds.cures,and proper care by bureaucracy.
WE are the most advanced country in the world.Yet we allow our children to die while a bureaucratic institution sits with feet on the desk for years as our loved ones suffer terribly and die without a thought from those being paid to sit and do nothing.
The information above may be changed or out of date,I believe it would be real easy for anyone to hunt the new information down.Google the boys brave story and join the revolution to bring our world some very good changes.Lets start with one little boys life being preserved from something I have labeled The"Red Tape Death sentence".Or death by bureaucracy without cause.
Come on folks theres 90million signatures pounding this company,lets start beating down the FDA's computers to act on helping before they get away with killing another of our children with no one saying a word about it being wrong and immoral
Joseph T.Schepers Executive Director
This is your chance to speak up an kick these guys in the backside and make them see reason.
This will save just one child from execution by medical neglect.I call such a situation,"Redtape Death" The decision by bureaucrats to kill an individual by denying or neglecting proper medical treatment to that individual
You can see that I am very serious about this type of callous "professionalism"
Please fill this places Email box and Phone till this little guy becomes important enough to them to help this helpless kid live
Till next time
This is an update to this little boys brave battle to have the cure he needs for a very rare disease that only hits 15children a year.ONLY 15 CHILDREN???Are these children expendable to our civilization?
Michele Obama is always visiting the hospitals of children and asking for our participation in healthy living.I truly wish she had some influence in the health of little children who could die waiting for the FDA to wait for all the bureaucratic bullshit to lubricate the gears of issuing the cures to those who may die horribly while they piddle with red tape.
I really feel bad for the people who lie dying knowing full well that some "special"folks have been saved by an experimental treatment while they being of a lessor god wait to die.
I really hope we keep hammering places like this who use the excuse of testing periods to hide the fact that it's just great business for medical professionals to suck all the insurance money out of patients before the cure is proven..Joshes Doctor went through the red tape to apply for what is called compassionate exceptions to get Josh on the list for the miracle drug that may save his life.
The poor kid has been through Kemo treatment,Had Kidney failure and heart failure so far with the crap this company has delayed the treatment for him.How much is a little seven year old supposed to bear before he is given a chance to live.Can imagine a seven year old spending his only childhood years in and out of his life constantly being at deaths doorstep?
Never to just go outdoors and run and play.Never to dream of growing up to be something special as most children.
I wonder if the director telling these fine folks they are on a list that they may just get this drug after 2016 orso.Other children have already had great results and it worked.
Perhaps dear readers we should direct our 90million letters so far that request this treatment for Josh to the FDA or to the Justice Department,since it is something tad amount to premeditated murder.Withholding that drug will kill this boy...with malice of forethought perhaps?Maybe the President could speak and get the ear of the company to listen or the FDA to make exception.
I do not know this family personally or professionally.I only know that there are millions of children this day that are suffering from lack of meds.cures,and proper care by bureaucracy.
WE are the most advanced country in the world.Yet we allow our children to die while a bureaucratic institution sits with feet on the desk for years as our loved ones suffer terribly and die without a thought from those being paid to sit and do nothing.
The information above may be changed or out of date,I believe it would be real easy for anyone to hunt the new information down.Google the boys brave story and join the revolution to bring our world some very good changes.Lets start with one little boys life being preserved from something I have labeled The"Red Tape Death sentence".Or death by bureaucracy without cause.
Come on folks theres 90million signatures pounding this company,lets start beating down the FDA's computers to act on helping before they get away with killing another of our children with no one saying a word about it being wrong and immoral
yours Again
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- Fake drug makers targeting cancer medicines (gulfnews.com)
- Diagnosis And Treatment For Breast Cancer (realpharmacy2.wordpress.com)
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Monday, November 11, 2013
National I.D.Cards and the Now infamous National Health Plan,Fats,Sugar,Tobacco,Seatbelts n Helmets,More Plans to Protect us From Ourselves?
Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol (1938) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Prison 2 (Photo credit: planetschwa) |
The news may be a little discomforting when you hear all the arguments both pro and con.The pro and cons are as confusing as to which is which as the health bill reports. It started out to be a real piece of pie promise that would revolutionized health care.
The 2 Political parties began to puff and prance for the cameras.Much as mating Pigeons might be seen to do.Each speaker issuing a long and boring speech that soon put people to sleep While trying to figure it all out.
The weeks of trying to out do each others hot air further complicated and confused the facts of what exactly the facts were of a forced health care.The countries that have such High priced Health care have always been called socialized medicine.The Taxes eventually have to be raised, and anyone not in the party is criminalized for the need to lead a more independent life.It used to be called freedom of choice for those not reading the Constitution lately.
Many jails and Prisons around the country are asking for funds to build bigger and better places to confine people.I wonder if the requests are a specter of thing yet to be.
The Christmas season seems a strange time to Give the gift of No medical coverage to millions of TinyTims that will no longer be able to afford that operation. The fines for not allowing Dad to be able to get proper insurance has been decreed You see the government will take all of the money that would help little Tim and .blow it for unaudited federal pork fat uses.This will leave the already money strapped Tims dad and the Mrs.sorta out in the cold.Perhaps quite literally.
I wished there were Three spirits that would visit the opposing armies of politics this Xmas season.
Bring Joy and good cheer to them.The spirit would show them the error of their ways,starting with the results of those around them planning to grab all their power after they commit political suicide.
The next spirit might appear and show them what poor Tiny Tims fate would end up as.Having a parent transformed into a criminal from not being able to pay astronomical fees for forced insurance.
Then prosecuted for not having the additional funds to pay for the said forced insurance.Then perhaps Tim's dad will be further brought up on charges of child neglect,avoiding a government mandated program.Then if we have the spirit look further the death of Poor little Tiny Tim from not having anyone who give a damn enough to stop the madness.
The last Spirit would appear and take the combatants to a dusty old gravesite with the name of their political parties boldly chiseled into the granite head stone.The spirit would tell them it was the possible "things that may be".Perhaps a few thunder claps and lightning flashes for dramatic effect.
Political sweat beads would roll down Faces and pleas for mercy for unrealized thinking would be heard.It falls on a spirit that stands firm pointing at the stone.The thunder crashes once more and the lightning blinds all.
I wished this last scene was also in the remake of this old Christmas Carol.The scene of a child without medical care in a manger long ago.That child has no governmental insurance.That child was a dependent on his mom and dad for protection,from the then government of Rome.The Roman Legions prosecuted those who did not follow their laws.Those laws also were for the protection of the people under Roman Law.All Hail Casaer?
From those of us who will have family and friends effected by the doppelganger of med insurance,I would say the following as I voted straight Democrat and am now an Independent."ET TU Caesar,
Et TU???.
I am sure the Story will never have a happy ending where all the folks effected will get a free turkey for the holiday and end up with a more spirit filled political system that will share all the best of this Holiday time.I am sure the machine we have built has no emotional attachments to us mere mortals that it will kill by neglect.The wait for a Doctor in Canada and the UK can be Months.
I Lost an older sister to the bureaucratic crap of the current system a year ago.The system had sapped all her insurance and forced her to go onto Social Services.The Brain Cancer had been fought to a
standstill and she only needed one more kemo treatment to kill the cancer.The bureaucrats stepped into the picture and said she would have to wait 30days to have the red tape clear.Even after several Doctors contacted the Social Service folks.My sister was denied treatment.She died waiting for treatment.The cancer killed her in a hideous and brutal way.cancer is as brutal as the effects of this chaotic Health plan will be.We will all be waiting to get Medical care that will never be there in time.
Either we will lack the funds to buy the plan, or we will die from those who would take what little money that will be left for our lives...all from the safety of a jail cell for the first time...
Think it over folks.....
Can you imagine how many will die when no one can get medical help, and few have the ability to save a loved one.The present system is far from perfect,but it usually is usable.The deboggle that killed my sister does happen often.Had WE THE PEOPLE,been able to tweak the current system maybe the people who depend on it would not fear the chaos coming in the future.
Yours as always
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Have You Checked Out The Videos Childrens Homemade Weapons Lately
Second Edition, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The motorized bicycles,camping tools made from junk.and the ways in which people can turn junk things into useful products. Other people pay hundreds of dollars for stoves and fancy utensils.The world is going to be quite useful when this site starts pulling it all together in one place and I am very excited to get going on it.I have preached about the Tribes of Mankind having no barriers but what we build...There is one thing that I am really bothered about.
the freedom we have is being tightened by acts of terror and chaos by children gone wild and evil.
The amount of endless videos on how to build very primitive and deadly weapons are rampant.
There is endless instructional Videos on building pretty much anything you would or could imagine.
The creators are the children we are no doubt going to read about in the not so distant future.
I remember my own fascination with the weapons I was forbidden to have as a youngster.My own
experimenting with such things back then is a cause for mixed emotions on this subject.Is it natural for the young "warrior" to experiment with such things.
My own parents would have had a great deal to say about their son making deadly weapons for what...?
The internet was very young back then with a mind boggling 300baud rating to the singular internet carrier.
I can not even recall that carriers name at this time.I do remember that it would have taken all day by dialup
to even downloaded a DOS based program.Today is like stepping into a SCI-FI movie of that time.
The books written like the weapons online by these "kids" are outdated now.The poormans James Bond,ETC.these kids have built guns,knives,garrots and a host of other nasty things.I have no intentions of
writing as a person going against the freedoms of the internet.i am writing to ask this question:Where are the controls on those computers these kids are using?Where are the parents and the responsibilities that they carry as parents?Is it any wonder that the children we have committing the hideous things we read about are not known about till they try out the new toys?
I think the weak link is not the children acting as curious and inventive youths.It s with parents that have forgotten that they too may have had ideas as youths.The internet has opened the available window to provide information of all kinds.The user is trusted as a responsible member of the net community.
Final question might just be as to why the parents of these "Kids" are not asking what the deal is that's running through their inventive minds.Do we want them building weapons or focusing those creative energies
in a more productive way.
A final question for you my treasured readers is this,Will you want your child to built weapons to be in the newspapers around the world because they had never had enough direction for positive ideas from you?
Do you want your "kid" to grow up and perhaps be awarded a Pulitzer for a wonderful humanity,or do you want them to create a world filled with chaos,killing and hell on Earth?That decision is in your hands right now.Are you to busy or to timid to pay attention to your children's dreams or will you wait till they create your nightmares.....?You have the ability to save your children's future from themselves.Get involved while you can.One day they may understand when they have to deal with their own genetic extentions.
That's all for now folks.Take a peek at the Youtube Videos of all those kids and the gallery of creative destruction they portray....
I am working on the future website and sorta get sidetracked with the Blogs right now.but I will write as i can
.The research is very intensive and much of it is hidden in the masses of information.But soon...very soon :)
May You find peace in your day.
personal Footnote to Vietnam Veteran Bobby Pickering:Welcome aboard,The honor is mine Sir.
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Friday, September 21, 2012
Mitt Romney is said 2b In Good Health(Physicaly)
Health (Photo credit: Tax Credits) |
JACKSONVILLE, FL - JANUARY 26: Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign event at Paramount Printing January 26, 2012 in Jacksonville, Florida. Romney spoke at the printing business because President and CEO John Cummins said health care costs, Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, the loss of business and other factors have forced the company to close. Recent polls show that Romney and fellow GOP candidate, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA), are in a statistical tie heading into next Tuesday's Florida primary. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) |
ANN ARBOR, MI - MAY 12: Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney delivers his address on health care reform May 12, 2011 at the Cardiovascular Center on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Romney's health care proposition plan, suggested to be used instead of Obamacare, intends reportedly to lower the costs of health care and to allow the states to create their own health care solutions. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) |
politics (Photo credit: Asoka G M) |
The political ailment I speak of is a reoccurring condition that keeps him from speaking in complete and factual sentences.It (the condition) forces him to blurt out things that are not really always the truth.That same condition can even force him to sorta,stretch the facts(a lot).To explain in detail would just be too complicated.It gets explained many times in the media by experts on Politics and Law.They are always talking in the terms that can be easily understood by those of us "ordinary"folks.
The condition is really rare,in that it usually effects only those that buy a business and fire all those hard working folks that worked there.It might be placed on him as a Karmatic gift of his past good deeds to them.That would just be impossible unless your superstitious,of course.A tragic side effect of this condition is that it forces the effected to brag in public as to how enjoyable they found the deal.
Though the effected person has been compared to the tragic condition know as turrets syndrome.Turrets is a terrible disease that victimizes the effected and isolates them by a condition they can't prevent.The political condition I speak of can easily be treated by isolating the effected person.A person with this terrible affliction,I will call politicianitis(Translation:footus in Mouthus) for simplicity.has a limited time to recover from all the effects of this condition.It will progress until the political following, falls into disarray and chaos results from all the mis-information blurting out.The policies will get more and more confused as the condition worsens with election nearing.
The final ending of this Physically healthy person,suffering from this condition is the loss of Presidential Office.Truly the only result of the condition is that the effected person will find peace when he is sent home to him loved ones to heal from all the political suffering.I wish him well in the future.....
A sense of humor is a valuable thing these days,It keeps you from going nuts from the Political E-mails and constant Phone messages.I know who I am voting for.....That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
We'll Be Talking again friends,Take the fone off the hook and help your candidate...
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