Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New York To Make the So Called Smart Meter Installation A mandatory Component on Every Household in The State,No Choices

Elster A3 ALPHA type A30 single-phase kWh smar...
Elster A3 ALPHA type A30 single-phase kWh smart meter / collector. It collects data from neighboring REX smart meters using a 900MHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) mesh network and 128-bit AES encryption branded as "EnergyAxis". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
1984 is only hours away for the United States. There are many ways that seem to be eminently planned by those in power.Around the United States in different state policies are being put into place that are disguised as energy saving devices,and progress to make our lives better.But are they when that same power is also passing laws and punishment if that new technology is neither wanted or needed by those who own and maintain their homes?YOU will not be excluded from these devises soon and the technologies are intrusive as if by any spy agency.Read on for a flash into a possible future You may not be aware of.This knowledge is not widely published.
It is on the web with a bit of searching.
The political machine that grinds out the mandates that WE THE PEOPLE must endure are hard at work devising ways of penetrating every aspect of our private lives.The latest is by placing new gas and electric meters on our homes all over the country.These so called Smart meters are just that.They( the meters) record all the uses of our gas and electric devises.The purpose is said to  to monitor and make efficient all utilities for a "Smarter Grid".That would truly be wonderful as it would take huge loads off our energy producers.Brownouts would be a dark memory. we all could live in a power paradise running through the wildflowers in our bare feet with Daisy's in our hair singing happily along.
That is if it were actually the end of the story.If it was a  real factual event.Or it Smoke and mirrors again?You Decide...

The question comes with the following enlightenment.You will be arrested if you decline in many will be in jail as it is installed.Your home may be condemned by the zoning codes.Florida has lawsuits pending filed by land owners resisting those meters.There is in place,This mandatory law that Barr's the resident home owners from declining the smart technologies.Illinois has also thrown folks in jail and installed the meters while the home owners are incarcerated.The states that are leading the charge to negate our civic and civil  rights to live free are the same states always in the news doing so.Those states that ban the right to defend  ones family.Those states that would control and over tax every aspect of our lives and livelihoods.They also Ban the right to deny a power from monitoring the lives of their residents inside those folks homes.Those same states that Tax the folks who live there in rates that exceed common sense and fairness.Those states that seem bent on spying and monitoring  into our lives are the ones in bed together. usurping our constitutional rights to live in peace without governmental monitoring.The meters will record every gadget you posses. Every thing you run can be hacked into by anyone with the ability to use a computer in that manner.That monitor is no different.

I have nothing to hide you may be saying.Really?Wow,You may not remember that conversation a year ago when you jokingly stated your ill regards for that politician on TV.You may also not remembered the argument you had with a family member when you said if you do such and such I would just murder you.You are not marrying that person.Or you are not doing that if I have to sit on you.Of course those statements were facetious and provocative But can you prove it after that time.
Doubtful you would even be able to defend that you said it....but if there were a monitor you could be reminded by those monitoring  you at that time.Now you are in a unneeded compromising position.
the monitor can remember...

The monitor, may monitor ALLyour gadgets.
Do you have a "Smart Television"and is there one in your bedroom?Did you plug your fone into the home charger?Does it have the mike on or is the camera able to be hacked on.Android fone or tablet.
both can be hacked.How about the computer in your home.Is there a monitor in the babies room.Maybe the computer in the bedroom where you think you have a private time....Is it still going to be?

There is no place that I have found that it states hackers from inside or outside the legal?government have safeguards or  any firewalls place as yet...I have not found any information to that effect.
The final question is this:Why would it be needed or even illegal to approve or decline something that supposedly makes my utility bill drop.Would it not be to the advantage of a power company to leave a malcontent to pay for a meter that was sucking money from that home owner from inefficiency of an old meter?The malcontent would live his/her life paying huge bills for the same cost as his neighbor who had the super efficient monitor pouring in without improvement even asked for.Money in the bank for the utilities.Sounds right does it not?

What if there was another slightly different reason for mandating these meters?If you read the articles being published on back pages of news reports around the USA,you will begin to see more sinister reasons for those meters.Folks that are living off the grid around the country have even had The infamous black helicopters land spewing out swat teams with automatic weapons to arrest the occupants.Dont believe this then google "Texas raid on of the unarmed off the grid home" there.This is not the imagine events of paranoid minds.It is very real and happening now.

Ok,so we all buy solar cells and wind gennies  to beat the meterman to any need to install anything.
after all if big brother has no wires into your castle then there is not a need for meters,peepers or anything of the likes.Right?you can stand on your porch with all your self powered lifestyle in place and moon those meter folks sitting out front with a smart meter.Yeah thats the dream isn't it?
Then they walk up and slapped the cuffs on you and a condemned poster on your castle for not being up to code.The grin on your chin turns grim....

They(lawmakers)have ordinance laws discribing the zoning codes as such to paraphrase:all homes must have electrical power from utilities and proper sewers,heat and facilities exceptable by local and state standards.Can you say FUBAR?I bet you can.That basically means that those solar cells and the wind gennie are very nice,but you will still get the monitor anyway if this process continues.

The sad part of all this is that this plan is not new.It has been around since 2007 orso.It just did not have the go ahead till things were in line to knock down the protective measures. Measures that would make it otherwise stall in a quagmire of legalities.I guess for some reason the way to stomp all over our rights are open now.If you look into this you will realize there needs to be far more investigation into the things comming down at us.These world events are not unlike a snowball from  Hell rolling down hill at us and picking up speed.

Investigate your future world or it will become a prison of your own design...
Freedom is worth the fight folks.It smells sweet.
to be republished as soon as zemanta is restored to my blogsite
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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Solar Energy and Windfarms Are The New Age Clean Energy supposedly being promoted By Governments,Why is Swateams Arresting Folks Converting to It

English: The , also known as the Green Mountai...
English: The , also known as the Green Mountain Energy Wind Farm, near . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Fresh vegetables are important components of a...
Fresh vegetables are important components of a healthy diet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Healthy Food For Life logo
English: Healthy Food For Life logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For the last 50 some years the whole world has preached about the environmental effects of irresponsible over use of our earth resources.We are constantly bombarded by all the pollution and greenhouse theories.Anyone that feels that the world needs to be better taken care of is ridiculed,laughed at and generally labeled a tree hugger,hippie,crackpot and a host of  other ,stupid labels. Heaven forbid if you disagree with any of the drum beaters stating there is a crisis if we don't recycle etc.

Most of the drummers demanding we get a better program of earth care practices are located in the good Ole USA.Recycle and restore, the drummers chant.Live with organic and healthy food they chant.We know whats best for you.Listen to our chants,follow along in lockstep.We are the experts on how you should live healthy.

The chanters say to Eat fresh and wholesome garden veggies.Live without chemicals and use the recycling practices that are available to you.Live with solar and wind energy and purified water from natural sources.Recycle and use compost for better healthier food.Fresh air for your families
This mantra just goes on and on.YADDA,YADDA,YADDA!The following is going to just blow you away to hear.Much this I do agree with in some proportion of good reasoning.But I am reading articles from all over the country I live in that has me a little more than confused..Let me look at my reality checklist:I live in the land of the free and brave someplace known for genius and innovation.
Somewhere that has published articles years back on how to to be independent etc.

A Florida women has  been told that she violates the law by living off the grid.She has been sited
on zoning laws and currently is fighting to save her home from the same people who are the chanters.
She has lived healthy for years till she started telling folks how to be self sufficient.Now she fights for her way of life.Place a popular label on her and it would change the whole story.But self sufficient folks have been label as kooks and weirdos that want to live as primitives in a cave.

Now The great state on Texas,where I have(scratch that)Had plans to move to,has sent a swat team into
a settlement near San Antonio to arrest the occupants,Men women and infant children.The warrant presented stated that it was a drug search.No drugs were found.Armed invasion by the law.All the inhabitants were cuffed and abused verbally as though they were hardened criminals.

It turns out their crime was a severe one indeed.They had supposedly violated a number of zoning laws.The punch line is this...The folks had been there for years,owned their land and were not criminals.A warrant for a very old  violation was the reason they invaded the place.The zoning people had got wind that these folks were just trying to teach people on the Internet to be self sufficient.To live off the grid and do the very thing the chanters always drone on about.They were also searched for fire arms of which there was none.

I have a particular interest in this type of story for a very real reason.For quite some time,I have been
talking to people interested in building a community using Tesla's principals of free  energy and living off the grid.Not as hermits or any other stereotype isolationists. I remember the issues of a Magazine called Mother Earth magazine.It was much more in the 1960's and 1970's.I saved those issues for the "hippie"culture ideas.Home canned food as my folks did every year.I can almost taste moms bread and butter pickles.How and what to run a wood burning stove.Now outlawed in many places.

The articles were geared to the do it your selfers.Build a tilting pedal powered trike,Plant a full garden in a 1/4 acre.Plan your tiny homestead for free food.Oh yeah,I remember such priceless information.Tons of other great books on the subject of taking care of yourself and maintaining a healthy INDEPENDENT LIFESTYLE.Uncontrolled by any bureaucracy.It was not need then or now.
A lifestyle that harms no one....

Apparently living untethered from the money sucking,organizations and eating homegrown,home canned healthy food.Without additive,excess sugars,excess salt,excess fats or unpronounceable crap that should in itself be against the laws.For If nothing else than endangering the health and welfare of humans.Snake oil ingredients of the 21rst century.

So where are we to turn now that we can buy all the things to make our lives independent.The catch is that we must by mandatory rule be hooked up to a power line and a waterline even if we have no use for it.We must have a new computerized electric meter on our house or it will be placed there while you cool off in jail.(Chicago Area last year).Even if you do not need the meter.The meter monitors every use of your house.What you watch on cable,how long and also is easily tied into any other electronics in house.Fridg,Radio,Bedroom Computer camera.....

Raw milk in many places is now outlawed.Didn't kill our ancestors,but that to could be bartered or bought w/o monitoring.Meat products raised on home farms for meat and that egg omelet is being outlawed in many places.Again it cant be monitored.My grandfather supplied my dads family with his hens eggs every week.I don't remember anyone dropping dead from a breakfast omelet
 and an occasional glass of whole milk.

I guess that we "common?" folks  just want a simplified lifestyle will in time all be considered outlaws.The jails are already opening the doors to past and convicted criminals.Those same chanters are even going to educate the ones left inside.I can only guess it will be prisons filled with those people who actually tried to live according to the mantra chants  telling everyone one thing and then sending the swat teams dressed like storm troopers out of some b rated scy fy movie afterwards.Will the Amish be sent to jail?They don't have such gizmos installed.The world is not what we had in the past.The food and lifestyles of our parents allowed them to live free.My great grandfather lived into his 90'sGrampa into his late 80's and dad was 94.Their diets would make them all outlaws now.
All had the products that are being scutinized by people not even a twinkle in their grandparents eyes In grandpas time.Who are they to say that WE THE PEOPLE can not live as those long lived folks did.

Truly the chanters  are far more advanced in their knowledge of the lifestyles by folks that probably would outlive them all.Time will prove that theory.

Google it folks if you love the organic things etc as these folks are trying to live with.One day soon you will also be monitored if you don't speak up and say it is wrong to be so controlled......Or you can just sit there thinking you have no reason to have the Swap team and black helicopters approaching your home and family.....The experience will no doubt be.....Enlightening.

Take care dear readers and guard well your freedoms while you still can.It is precious indeed.


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