Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

You Know The Elections Are Getting Closer When The Politicians ....

The queen bee in a hive.
The queen bee in a hive. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You know the elections are getting closer when politicians ask for your help to get elected while giving our country to Mindless mobs.Leaving us totally out in a warzone.They,those politician meanwhile remain tin the safety of their  gated and guarded fortress of solitude.

Reading my E-Mail these past few weeks have brought back a scene from the old airport movie with one of the characters trying to walk through an airport of that past era.Every stereotype was there asking for a monetary handout/Panhandling.The Passage through all those panhandlers became comical as it was done with an absurdity required by a comedy.

I am seeing my various E-Mails being loaded up with politicians that I have never even heard of.They are all my bosom pal and buddy till you write them for some kind of advise or answers.They then respond with a mechanical follow up asking for anywhere from 5bucks to 5000bucks at one point.Let me see now....I wonder what it would be considered if one of us sent out thousands of E-Mails asking for help and stating that it was a desperate matter to save....(Fill in the Blank).Without a certain governmental agency requesting a monetary audit of all our assets.So when do I expect repayment with interest to my investment from them..

Would you invest to any of those in office today?I am very aware of the fight to not audit the government as we often get honed over to expose all those hidden Phantom millions that we are accused of having. stashed away in a place we don't even know about.So lets see where those auditing us are stashing their loot.OH..wait a minute,Its Our loot they are hiding isn't it? can put the screws to them before they do onto you.Lets find out where the bucks are going to and see a true accounting...Wheres the money donated or forcibly grabbed  is going.

The other matter is that I am being called a liberal by one group and a Loyal Conservative by the other side...Talk about adding insult to injury...I am neither side of the grid lot groupies.I am not middle of the road.Every voter needs to ground themselves in what our country is founded on. Freedom,My choices are based on what I believe is best for my family and me.Not for the mobs idea of what my life should be.

What would be the point of joining groups of people who are so hard headed that the arguments have become far more important than the actual principals behind our Countries values.The phrase,TOGETHER WE STAND,DIVIDED,WE FALL does not seem pertinent to those in office.Just read some of the urgent and mandatory hogwash spewing forth outa their moving lips..Look seriously at what is now taking place in this land of the free people.If those free people done get off their knees and look around they may be on their knees the rest of their miserable lives.It is better to die as a warrior on your feet than groveling in the dirt on your knees to another as a coward.

WE THE PEOPLE,are sitting idly by as the miscreant mind dead attempt to  destroy our cities and dismantle our historic landmarks.Those suppose to be in power sit without  any qualified attempt to do anything but allow it all to happen.Some even promoting it all  to cover their ineptness We sent Honorable Warriors into battle in a war lasting nearly 2 decades for this type of actions "over         there",Over seas.It was not acceptable in Europe and Iraq. So Wheres that sentiment by the People who sent those warriors into combat.Where is the United States citizens who gave the lives of their beloved Family members to free another society.Where is those people who rose to free another country,  .There's no one here in the UNITED STATES who is even standing up to the Freedom  killing nonsense.Now letting warped philosophies into their own country with. 

I guess there are some that wallow in the murky,subtrafuse of  chaos of politics these days.He said,She said.He's responsible for this or that.The real truth is that it is WE THE PEOPLE,ALL of us who have allowed the system to become a spoiled children's mental playground in the political arena.

We have figuratively set on our hands while those fighting and arguing on the playground have created a situation where there is no longer any reason to our political discussions.It really wouldn't matter who was in office.The past 20 plus years have been a cat fight no matter who is in office.It would seem the elections around the world are a matter of who has the richest friends and the most interest in the best morphine for the masses.That is,whatever is the greatest distraction to keep all those little minds of the worker bees occupied.let me explain.

The guys and gals meet at the water cooler and start a conversation about..Hey did you see the game?Did you see the latest war headlines?Did you see that politicians speech last night.The truth is probably that this is very important to these folks.How about that reality show.They have been so lulled into the distractions of the media fueled by the dumbing down,(as some put it),that they no longer see that they are being orchestrated into a made up world of things that truly is not life changing or enriching.Its is being filled with ideas that have absolutely no fore thought as to consequences. its like listening to a mentally deranged patient in an insane asylum rambling on in abstract ideas. There is only the world that patient sees right there in their heads.Nothing of the future.

These same folks teach their children and influence those people who would normally never think with the same fogged over mindset.They influence with peer pressure as surely as if brainwashed.It is a pack thing.Conform or be singled out of the pack.So what has that got to do with the political system?Plenty it is a group/mob mentality.Each person adds to the hypnotic mindset that they are part of a movement.That movement has power to over come what a single person can't.Its the same feeling of power the ancient magical had.They began to believe the demons they were suppose to be controlling were helpless to not obey the magicians commands.The demons were deceiving those poor misguided magicians waiting for a moment when as the song says when the servant becomes the master.This will be the fate of those who march with the mobs all over the world when The silent majority awakens soon.

If people in this world,not just this country do not begin to research and find the facts behind things,they are destined to be at the mercy of those who think of us as worker bees.Worker bees live only to blindly follow the hives goals.If that worker bee is injured or killed,the hive simply replaces it and goes on as though it never existed.It is of no importance and its loss serves no reason to mourn.When the hive is attacked the hive forms waves of workers turned soldiers to die to prevent the Queen bee from being killed.The precious Honey that would supply the hive for the hard winter is also  reason to die for.Sorta of sounds a little familiar when you compare notes on the current world situation,doesn't it worker bee?The atacking bees are convinced it is mandatory for reasons of the survival of their hives Queen Bee.Explanation is simply blind obedience of the hive.Have WE THE PEOPLE actually become mindless worker bees taking side in fighting without using our minds we are so arrogant about being the INTELLIGENT top of the thinking chain?Its beginning to be a question that should be in your mind these days.ARE YOU EXPENDABLE WORKER BEE? ARE A HIVE BEE FOLLOWING BLINDLY?

Think of all the things that we are exposed to these days to occupy our thoughts.The weather this year has been colder than usual in parts of the world that normally is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit this time of year.Global warming rules and laws?The economy is far better this year.I know many of my friends who lost jobs,insurance and homes this year.incidentally,the real worker bees are disappearing,plant pollination will not happen soon...

We are being orchestrated to believe that wars are temporary and winnable.The world has always had a war somewhere constantly for decades.Wars have existed somewhere for a thousand years..There are only broken families of worker bees that always lose.Wars have no winners.There are no winners in war.Only Profit from those who invest in the war machines.They profit from all sides fighting.Because the populations can be convinced through fear,religion,politics,sex.Actually just about any reason once a reason is excepted by the majority.The Headhunters in parts of the Amazon have only recently stopped eating their enemies.They made wars because eating the enemy was believed to enhance a warriors spirit.Guess they never were told by their mommas that the most poisonous harmful type of protein is the Human body.Most generally only Buzzards dine on us..But I digress ...

I truly believe it is best to stay independent from all the mob politics.I would attend any of the political parties to learn the common denominators.There are common denominators as long as people can stop talking long enough to listen with an open need to surrender ones principals.Change is not always bad in this world.That is unless it denies freedom to chose one own destiny.Mobs do not allow those choices.

The last climate change supposedly cleared the way for mammals etc.worked for me.dodging dinosaurs would be a bother.being eaten by one would ruin my day.
Elections so far have had a mixture of goldmine and crap.

Now the future is beginning to look like it was written from a Hollywood Science Fiction script.Mobs of mindless Zombies have finally smashed their way into our capitals as no Foreign power ever has.It is unfortunate that our Elected officials have the spines of a Jellyfish.Our congress has openly bowed down to these invaders and grovelled before the barbarians at our gates.

In days of old those "leaders" would be given the choice to fall on their own swords to avoid dishonor.

I almost expect some elected official to take the podium,straighten his notes take a drink of water clear his throat.He would then give the media cameras a very solemn and sober look.He would speak slowly and clearly to say,"We are surrendering our country to the new rulers.We have decided to let them rule as they see fit.They then go back to their high security homes and neighborhoods to find looters and hoodlums have moved into their homes.

This mob scene in some cities really does make one ask whats in it  and whats to gain for those elected.You know the ones who are looking away and seeing nothing wrong?What is being promised to them.What is their leverage in allowing the looting of hi and lower value targets of looters?Not accusing.Just asking things I have heard spoken of in passing.Mega millions of merchandise including jewels and high end goods were videoed going out of those stores.It was seen by millions around the world.The police being told to stand down.Looks like a Batman An Joker Movie plot.

I wished We actually could work together for a 3rd choice in some governmental offices.Shrink bureaucracy and find out where all our money is schlumping off too.We also need to hold those responsible to answer for their actions.Till then I hope as many of us can not get sucked into the mobs mind bender that blinds...We need a future with clarity of what is going on.We will truly have a world equal for every human being.If we just dispense with the movie scenarios and start talking without the playground hurt feelings that always seem to pop its ugly head when people talk.

When the cycle of events begin to balance this mob thing out those in that mob will find themselves in a hell storm of legalities.The officials and on down to the pawns in the streets.Videos,face Id programs and numerous other means have already pin pointed those wannabe revolutionaries.This ain't no third world country.There's no where to run,Nowhere to hide in this tech world.

The conversation to fix things in our country always ends up in vague finger pointing,Those talks involve folks that quote stories from their ancestors,Stories and accounts of their lives that are every body else's fault.Not their own faults.Would it not be more productive to talk as though this moment in time is all there is.It might be a foundation to begin to build on granite instead of lose sand.

Till next time folks,maybe Our Country,Our world will learn from this mass insanity arising all over the modern world.Remember the law of physics.It goes something like this:For every action,there is a equal too or greater reaction.LOOK FOR IT SOON.


P.S.This is a rewritten article I wrote some time ago.It is updated with present thoughts to fit more recent events.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Your Internet Experience is About to change Forever If Our Politicians Have Their Way,Read On And Decide For Yourself

Exterior of the Internal Revenue Service offic...
Exterior of the Internal Revenue Service office in midtown New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A very important vote is taking place In the United States,It will effect anyone using the Internet.The changes will be crossed the board and will cost you tons of  hard earned cash. The cost will be to do the things online that have always  been free.Your freedom to use the net will be regulated in ways we of the net Nation have resisted since 1984 or before.
This is the National Internet Tax or the marketplace fairness act.

It will stifle small online business and make entrepreneurs tax collectors.It will also make Internet business more susceptible to IRS laws.The regulations that will be placed on the net will forever inflate the regulations already being used by some countries and proposed by USA Senators.This will be a permanent end to a free and independent Internet for even grandma communicating with family,from the home.

There is a petition on the Campaign For Liberty Or that is desperately fighting a battle for the bill to get shot down before it grows to big to kill.

If you actually believe that there is no support for this,then perhaps you might be interested in a couple of the companies pushing influence to pass it without anyone knowing till it is too late.Those companies may be familiar to an Internet user or a computer geek like myself. I wear that label with pride.

A few of those companies are Best Buy(Shame On YOU,I bought the laptop writing this there!!!)Walmart,and a host of other mega business of that calibre.WE THE PEOPLE must resist the new bill by voicing a loud and clear protest.This will throttle the Internet to function like Internet in other countries....Do we really want the laws of other countries????
Do You???

Keep the Internet free.If the law passes as past "tax"laws have never been reversed.That ruling must be fought before it can get running in the first place..Now id your chance to
kill a bill that will destroy your enjoyment on the Internet...You will find the petition on the Campaign 4 Liberty website.

RESIST it while you have the power to do so.
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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New York To Make the So Called Smart Meter Installation A mandatory Component on Every Household in The State,No Choices

Elster A3 ALPHA type A30 single-phase kWh smar...
Elster A3 ALPHA type A30 single-phase kWh smart meter / collector. It collects data from neighboring REX smart meters using a 900MHz Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) mesh network and 128-bit AES encryption branded as "EnergyAxis". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
1984 is only hours away for the United States. There are many ways that seem to be eminently planned by those in power.Around the United States in different state policies are being put into place that are disguised as energy saving devices,and progress to make our lives better.But are they when that same power is also passing laws and punishment if that new technology is neither wanted or needed by those who own and maintain their homes?YOU will not be excluded from these devises soon and the technologies are intrusive as if by any spy agency.Read on for a flash into a possible future You may not be aware of.This knowledge is not widely published.
It is on the web with a bit of searching.
The political machine that grinds out the mandates that WE THE PEOPLE must endure are hard at work devising ways of penetrating every aspect of our private lives.The latest is by placing new gas and electric meters on our homes all over the country.These so called Smart meters are just that.They( the meters) record all the uses of our gas and electric devises.The purpose is said to  to monitor and make efficient all utilities for a "Smarter Grid".That would truly be wonderful as it would take huge loads off our energy producers.Brownouts would be a dark memory. we all could live in a power paradise running through the wildflowers in our bare feet with Daisy's in our hair singing happily along.
That is if it were actually the end of the story.If it was a  real factual event.Or it Smoke and mirrors again?You Decide...

The question comes with the following enlightenment.You will be arrested if you decline in many will be in jail as it is installed.Your home may be condemned by the zoning codes.Florida has lawsuits pending filed by land owners resisting those meters.There is in place,This mandatory law that Barr's the resident home owners from declining the smart technologies.Illinois has also thrown folks in jail and installed the meters while the home owners are incarcerated.The states that are leading the charge to negate our civic and civil  rights to live free are the same states always in the news doing so.Those states that ban the right to defend  ones family.Those states that would control and over tax every aspect of our lives and livelihoods.They also Ban the right to deny a power from monitoring the lives of their residents inside those folks homes.Those same states that Tax the folks who live there in rates that exceed common sense and fairness.Those states that seem bent on spying and monitoring  into our lives are the ones in bed together. usurping our constitutional rights to live in peace without governmental monitoring.The meters will record every gadget you posses. Every thing you run can be hacked into by anyone with the ability to use a computer in that manner.That monitor is no different.

I have nothing to hide you may be saying.Really?Wow,You may not remember that conversation a year ago when you jokingly stated your ill regards for that politician on TV.You may also not remembered the argument you had with a family member when you said if you do such and such I would just murder you.You are not marrying that person.Or you are not doing that if I have to sit on you.Of course those statements were facetious and provocative But can you prove it after that time.
Doubtful you would even be able to defend that you said it....but if there were a monitor you could be reminded by those monitoring  you at that time.Now you are in a unneeded compromising position.
the monitor can remember...

The monitor, may monitor ALLyour gadgets.
Do you have a "Smart Television"and is there one in your bedroom?Did you plug your fone into the home charger?Does it have the mike on or is the camera able to be hacked on.Android fone or tablet.
both can be hacked.How about the computer in your home.Is there a monitor in the babies room.Maybe the computer in the bedroom where you think you have a private time....Is it still going to be?

There is no place that I have found that it states hackers from inside or outside the legal?government have safeguards or  any firewalls place as yet...I have not found any information to that effect.
The final question is this:Why would it be needed or even illegal to approve or decline something that supposedly makes my utility bill drop.Would it not be to the advantage of a power company to leave a malcontent to pay for a meter that was sucking money from that home owner from inefficiency of an old meter?The malcontent would live his/her life paying huge bills for the same cost as his neighbor who had the super efficient monitor pouring in without improvement even asked for.Money in the bank for the utilities.Sounds right does it not?

What if there was another slightly different reason for mandating these meters?If you read the articles being published on back pages of news reports around the USA,you will begin to see more sinister reasons for those meters.Folks that are living off the grid around the country have even had The infamous black helicopters land spewing out swat teams with automatic weapons to arrest the occupants.Dont believe this then google "Texas raid on of the unarmed off the grid home" there.This is not the imagine events of paranoid minds.It is very real and happening now.

Ok,so we all buy solar cells and wind gennies  to beat the meterman to any need to install anything.
after all if big brother has no wires into your castle then there is not a need for meters,peepers or anything of the likes.Right?you can stand on your porch with all your self powered lifestyle in place and moon those meter folks sitting out front with a smart meter.Yeah thats the dream isn't it?
Then they walk up and slapped the cuffs on you and a condemned poster on your castle for not being up to code.The grin on your chin turns grim....

They(lawmakers)have ordinance laws discribing the zoning codes as such to paraphrase:all homes must have electrical power from utilities and proper sewers,heat and facilities exceptable by local and state standards.Can you say FUBAR?I bet you can.That basically means that those solar cells and the wind gennie are very nice,but you will still get the monitor anyway if this process continues.

The sad part of all this is that this plan is not new.It has been around since 2007 orso.It just did not have the go ahead till things were in line to knock down the protective measures. Measures that would make it otherwise stall in a quagmire of legalities.I guess for some reason the way to stomp all over our rights are open now.If you look into this you will realize there needs to be far more investigation into the things comming down at us.These world events are not unlike a snowball from  Hell rolling down hill at us and picking up speed.

Investigate your future world or it will become a prison of your own design...
Freedom is worth the fight folks.It smells sweet.
to be republished as soon as zemanta is restored to my blogsite
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

President Obama signs Tougher Laws on Slavery in the 21rst Century

Perspectives on slavery
Perspectives on slavery (Photo credit: British Postal Museum & Archive)
English: red american truck (Kenworth Truck Ty...
English: red american truck (Kenworth Truck Typ W 900, Bj. ca. 1985, 240 PS, 12800 ccm, 6 Zyl.) - West USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
President Obama has signed an excutive order to toughen the laws in the U.S,A on slavery.The order would tighten up on unscrupulous corperations,business's and persons that recruit people under falsehoods.The rule would strongly punish those who engage in enslaving their  new workers with promises of decent wage,a bright (or at least useful) future income. I would hope this would include a clause for those gangster corperations that lease Commercial trucks to individuals er false support.

I have written articles before about the practice of running ads for profitable leases in Commercial Articles.The ads tell with great flairs how much the lease drivers have made while leasing to this truck company.There is only about 15% that ever are supported to the leases end.These people are the token ad people.They find themselves being used as pawns to sucker others into the leases.They are making money because they are good money hooks for the future swindles.There are thousands of these lease "deals" each day.

The driver is run somethings with only $100 advances from the next week to live on and pay his bills at home.That driver is left to support his/her family with absolutely nothing to send home.The dispatchers tell him that if he/she just hangs in there that things will get better.The driver leasing the truck will Stay faithful that they will at least get a truck when it's finished.The company leasing that truck will bill the leaser for fuel,repairs,taxes,anything that would bring them (corporate)increased revenue from the lease.Double billing on fuel and repairs are not unheard of.The lease driver is left to go through reams of  settlement paperwork that the corporate accountants can not (or will not) explain.

The dream of a personal ownership of a business,one that you love is a strong motivation to work.
This motivation is what leads to the slavery/indebted servant situation in the Commercial Trucking industry.It destroys marriages.It destroys lives that could be productive.It is onl;y one of the slavery scenario's of the 21rst century.I have the paperwork to prove that this scenario exists.

This practice of deceit by commercial leasing truck companies should be included into this law.There are thousands of former drivers such as myself that are caught up in a dream of self employment,Only to have it manipulated by self serving gangsters who are not monitored by the Justice department.The lobbyist for these companies prevented drivers from unionizing during the famous truckers strike many years ago.The then president said that all participants would be held for treason in time of war..Historical records will show you which party was in the White House...

The cargo hauled by lease drivers bring many thousands of dollars to that company.The lease driver normally has to cover business costs on credit or out of his own pocket.I have in the past been told to sell my house,mortgage what ever I had too.You owe us and we will collect "our Money".They usually start sending collection bills threatening to sue the driver after they terminate the lease for whatever can be placed on the Federal DAC record.This record is the place companies report why a driver was terminated.It is very convenient to say the now out of work,out of business and condemned former lease driver has broken any number of critical rules while driving the truck.

This record is taken for verbatim by all the other truck companies in the country.It becomes impossible to get a job unless you can get a local company to hire you.Your career is destroyed by
the power of a Corporate stooge that is making money off the working blood of people with ambition and dreams.That driver remains unemployed till he can write the DAC/Hire Right office.The record and handle all reports on the CDL driver record.They can extract all background reports pro or con.
It takes quite a long time to correct the cons that are simply spite or a hateful companies entry.

The Leasing commercial companies usually have separate branches that are listed as separate from the main corporate entity.Just in case they get sued or the authorities involve themselves.Servitude could be found as  slavery in some places.

There is usually a written contract that serves to protect only the lease company an corporate portion  the least.Contracts usually  can't be seen until the day of signing.Insist on seeing it and many companies will note that future lease victim for failure.They could be trouble in the future.Anyone asking questions or bringing up business queons are regaded as problem children.

The reasons for this corporate attitude is really quite simple.Those lease drivers that are told they will run their own company will be run as if they are driving for the corporation that leases the trucks.If any loads are turned down by the driver then they are punished by letting them sit for days. Fuel costs $500.each day they are running.The Drivers only make about $1.00 a mile.You can only run(legally) about 600-700 miles per day.It sounds like a lot till you figure that after all the expenses dumped  on you as that driver  it only amounts to the same as a company driver would earn.That amount is roughly .$.34 per mile or (minus meals,laundry,scales cost/weigh it
the load to get it legal,roadtolls,etc).That driver earns
$60, a day.when the corporate goons make him/her sit as punishment.they earn nothing.The corporate
lease company still bills them for the expenses they never were provided the work to pay off those expenses.Many leases are for a year or two The swindle usually goefor half of that time.Blilling is
continual and placed on credit reports.further destroying any ablilty to borrow the pay off money.

I believe That  Anti Racketeering Laws and the Anti Slavery Laws should be extended to include the commercial trucking companies.They have for to long been excused for their actions on this practice.
  AS long as the corporate persons can recruit people under false pretense.I view this practice as being similar to the Georgia business that recruited Latino workers  to work for great wages to work during harvest season.They arrived for work,worked hard all week and found the shacks that  were provided,tools that they used and if they used  the outhouses in the field or working in the hot Georgia sun were all charged to their "ACCTs."They were paid almost nothing by their employer/Slave owners.
They were told that next week it would be a positive income.Next week it was billed in the same manner or worse.The system is and has been the same for  decades in the trucking industry.

I propose a solution to this gangster game.The lease driver must receive  at least 50% of the trips pay before he leaves the shippers dock.This assures that driver of at least an even business break,financially.
A Federally appointed independent arbitrator with no connections to any lobbyists,or trucking companies.This Arbitrator would appoint agents  to look into companies that have numerous complaints against them.They would have the power to correct DAC files and order disciplinary actions against Racketeering practices in the commercial trucking industries.

The Driver has his record examined by DOT,Border Patrol,Customs,DEA,the Justice Department, and numerous other Federal Agencies.There is no one that monitors the  Business practices of gangster corporations leasing to people that just wt to maa living with their own business.

I hope that Slavery in the 21rst Century ends with our decade and this President.To those whom have been held in the  Stagnant Status after or losing after  signing a  contract to have large business associates guiding you to business  with a swindliing mind is illegal. It needs to be investigated  and put to an end.
Families and the economy are suffering from this Practice.Prices of everything are reflected by the transportation industry.This effects everyone when drivers lose the abilities to run competitive honest business's.

Write to President  Obama  and request that The Commercial Transportation Industry,be included in the Anti Slavery Laws that are signed.It will end years of the gangsters  Contractual Slavery to steal from the American Dream.

Thats all for now my friend,Ple keep fighting to see freedom for all people.It's the right thing to do.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Terror is Still With Us as We Begin to Brace 4Voting

English: President Barack Obama talks with Chi...
English: President Barack Obama talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao during the morning plenary session of the G-20 Pittsburgh Summit at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: busines plan
English: busines plan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It has been a few days since my last Blog was written.They have been filled with getting out of the Hospital for something called septicemia or blood poisoning as it it known.I stepped on a couple of rather ancient/rusty nails in an old board.I had the attention of several lovely nurses and all thethe antibiotics a person would need to kill just about anything...I am really not accustomed to drugs of any kind,so that was an experience I hope to not repeat.I apreciate you out there being patient for me to resume this  Little Blog in my small corner of the world.

I did get a great deal more television time in while I was getting poked with sharp objects,and tested for everything.That too is unusual as I find my computer can do all my electronic needs and entertainment.The Hospital does not allow internet or computers in rooms.It can really mess up the hospital computers just by proximity to those instruments.SOO...I lay there and watched the great morphine for the masses,called TV!

It seems that the riots over seas have spread out into "friendly???"countries because there are very fragile people/fanatics with no abilities to laugh at themselves.I once had a vice principle of my high school give me some lasting advice.He said that if you can't laugh at yourself a little,the world will make you their joke.

These sad examples of humanity even have one of their religious leaders wagging a bad boy finger at them.What's a religious leader to do???Guess he should have had that fatherly talk with them when they were younger.Oh....Yeah! I really want vacation over there in the land of people that riot and kill on command.Yup!

Next of course is the election that is raging across America like a television supershow.The show Dallas was huge when it aired.The U.S.A.elections have grabbed the attention of the whole world
Because its outcome will effect the whole world.We sit in awe at the goings on during speeches.
We wonder how anyone would say so many words that really amount to nothing.How can a person that supposedly stared and run business's have so little in the way of an explainable plan?The best
business person will tell you that no business ever gets backing without a written business plan.
is politics different than that?Would you start a pardnership with anyone that has not explainable idea of what they need to run that business?

The thing that is strange is that I have read pieces of the Obama Plan.It is really a beginning solution to a world wide problem.It isn't perfect.It isn't a solution.What it really is....Is a first idea.A first effort of a man trying to stem a Great country from repeating the mistakes of other nations.That Idea,needs the thoughts and efforts of many minds to evolve it into a solution.Like a series of batteries powering a motor.The more electricity,the more power to that engine.Think of the Obama plan like a electric motor.The minds are the batteries in series to power that Idea.The more minds that are joined together,the more powerful the idea and it's development.The election is the same principle.
The more voters powering the idea,the better runs the election...Makes sense to me.

Anything can be compared to this scenario in life.The more effort,the better the outcome.Think about it...We can change the world if we just join together to break the down walls that separate sane and civilized humans from  a better world.We can change the world if this tiny principle is applied to
our life's problems.Lets network our strengths and minds to that effort.

Well I will be talking to you,my friends.You folks flatter me so much by reading my articles.From the U.S.A and all over the world.I have people from Slovenia,Russia,China,Germany,the UK,Netherlands,Brazil,Argentina,Malaysia,Sweden,Africa,Columbia,Ecuador,Canada
It is truly humbling to have you as my friends...Take  care my friends,talk to you later.


P.S.Gosh I miss those nurses tucking me in at night....:-)
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