Showing posts with label Aquarium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aquarium. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2012

Terror is Still With Us as We Begin to Brace 4Voting

English: President Barack Obama talks with Chi...
English: President Barack Obama talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao during the morning plenary session of the G-20 Pittsburgh Summit at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: busines plan
English: busines plan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It has been a few days since my last Blog was written.They have been filled with getting out of the Hospital for something called septicemia or blood poisoning as it it known.I stepped on a couple of rather ancient/rusty nails in an old board.I had the attention of several lovely nurses and all thethe antibiotics a person would need to kill just about anything...I am really not accustomed to drugs of any kind,so that was an experience I hope to not repeat.I apreciate you out there being patient for me to resume this  Little Blog in my small corner of the world.

I did get a great deal more television time in while I was getting poked with sharp objects,and tested for everything.That too is unusual as I find my computer can do all my electronic needs and entertainment.The Hospital does not allow internet or computers in rooms.It can really mess up the hospital computers just by proximity to those instruments.SOO...I lay there and watched the great morphine for the masses,called TV!

It seems that the riots over seas have spread out into "friendly???"countries because there are very fragile people/fanatics with no abilities to laugh at themselves.I once had a vice principle of my high school give me some lasting advice.He said that if you can't laugh at yourself a little,the world will make you their joke.

These sad examples of humanity even have one of their religious leaders wagging a bad boy finger at them.What's a religious leader to do???Guess he should have had that fatherly talk with them when they were younger.Oh....Yeah! I really want vacation over there in the land of people that riot and kill on command.Yup!

Next of course is the election that is raging across America like a television supershow.The show Dallas was huge when it aired.The U.S.A.elections have grabbed the attention of the whole world
Because its outcome will effect the whole world.We sit in awe at the goings on during speeches.
We wonder how anyone would say so many words that really amount to nothing.How can a person that supposedly stared and run business's have so little in the way of an explainable plan?The best
business person will tell you that no business ever gets backing without a written business plan.
is politics different than that?Would you start a pardnership with anyone that has not explainable idea of what they need to run that business?

The thing that is strange is that I have read pieces of the Obama Plan.It is really a beginning solution to a world wide problem.It isn't perfect.It isn't a solution.What it really is....Is a first idea.A first effort of a man trying to stem a Great country from repeating the mistakes of other nations.That Idea,needs the thoughts and efforts of many minds to evolve it into a solution.Like a series of batteries powering a motor.The more electricity,the more power to that engine.Think of the Obama plan like a electric motor.The minds are the batteries in series to power that Idea.The more minds that are joined together,the more powerful the idea and it's development.The election is the same principle.
The more voters powering the idea,the better runs the election...Makes sense to me.

Anything can be compared to this scenario in life.The more effort,the better the outcome.Think about it...We can change the world if we just join together to break the down walls that separate sane and civilized humans from  a better world.We can change the world if this tiny principle is applied to
our life's problems.Lets network our strengths and minds to that effort.

Well I will be talking to you,my friends.You folks flatter me so much by reading my articles.From the U.S.A and all over the world.I have people from Slovenia,Russia,China,Germany,the UK,Netherlands,Brazil,Argentina,Malaysia,Sweden,Africa,Columbia,Ecuador,Canada
It is truly humbling to have you as my friends...Take  care my friends,talk to you later.


P.S.Gosh I miss those nurses tucking me in at night....:-)
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dinosaurs Maybe The Cause of Climate change(The Real Story)

the hills are alive with the sound of flatulence
the hills are alive with the sound of flatulence (Photo credit: ultraBobban)
Mis-shapes (Photo credit: Mark Witton)
I was listening to the radio today on one of those distant stations that fade in and out.I was focused on what I was working at when I caught a scientist (who's name I didn't get),mentioned that the dinosaurs Flatulence was the cause of climate change.Must of  been some brew and chili they had those millions of years ago.
I imagined him sitting there in the broadcast room with the windows closed to keep out the Dinosaur farts still floating lazily in the polluted breeze.I just know he had the a/c turned off in the 90+degree heat.I was seeing him sit there in my minds eye with the tin foil wrapped around his head to prevent the cosmic rays from further mutating his cortex.

I have no doubt as one of the ordinary folks hearing the news these days that the environment and climate have changed over the centuries.I do have a theory about the cause of the changes over time though.
It seems that with any bio-system  needs to find a balance to maintain life of any kind. Earth is no exception.An aquarium or terrarium needs to maintain balance or it dies.Those systems are locked into what its keeper does to maintain that balance.Okay,so what is my theory? Here goes..Give me just a moment to figure out how to put on this aluminum foil hat so I can get the Air of coming up with My theory.

A long,long time ago in a far off world ,lived creatures of gigantic proportions.These creatures weighed may hundreds and sometimes thousands of pounds.Their enormous size made it mandatory to eat tons of vegetables daily.The Meat eaters had many vegetarian critters to munch on.It was a virtual paradise for them.Well for everything but the vegetarian critters.They were pretty much munchies on the run.All was well for many millions of years.Eating,breeding,and leaving big smelly piles all over the place.They never took time to clean up any of their own messes.You know how that goes.The vegetarians blamed the meat eaters and the meat eaters ate the complainers for lunch and later left them in one of those piles.It got ugly,and stinky.

After many centuries of this kind of flatulence . Those critters just got bigger and bigger every generation.
Unfortunaetly Greater amounts of food were needed to maintain the creatures,leaving even bigger piles of
Dino-doo-doo.The flatulence became so intense that mother nature decided to take action.She(being landlord and sole proprietor)turned off the heat to discourage the occupants From living and pooping all over.The Dinosaurs only had a brain the size of a walnut.With this in mind, this story will no doubt,surprise you as to what actually might have happened next.The Dinosaurs called a truce and the meat eaters agreed to only eat the fat/slow vegatarians till it ended.The Grand Hi Order of Dino-Pubbadom was summoned to oversee the meeting.He(The Grand Hi Muckie-Muck)+ was elected by the brain size he had.His was the size of a pea.Much ezier to convince due to not enough to grey matter to confuse the argument.Never the less The Grand Dino-Pubba Hi muckie muck did some 5leave brain expander herb to open his pea-brain to visionsThis May have contributed to his pea-size brain..He was amazed to see two legged warm blooded creature appear in the future.He was seeing humans thru history killing off each other.The puzzling thing was these creature were killing for something called war.They had to be raptor descendents,he thought.The Ice Age was here and the Grand Dino-Pubba foresaw the death of all those creatures except a tiny few.The dinosaurs came up with a plan to return to the paradise after a time past.They would leave the dead bodies where these technological humans would find them a long time in the future.The rest would die and change into fossil fuels.The stink would get them used to the smell of dinosaurs.Movies(whatever they were) would prepare the humans for the rise of the Grand Dino-Pubbas and his followers.A baby Wolly Mammoth was placed where it would rest in ice for them to find.Reanimation by something called cloning.Then those silly creatures would stink up the world and mother nature would feel bad about getting rid of the humans by throwing them into the extinction cycle.Of course this is only a theory that might have happened.Its just as sensible as the dinosaur farts killed them.Or the law that some airheads(possibly smoking those 5leaved brain plants) wanted to diaper the cattle and cows in the pastures to prevent them leaving piles.Then there was the crowd that wanted to make farmers put Methane tubes up cows butts to collect methane gas,ETC for fuel. I believe the Idea died shortly after the Farmers offered to let the brainchild install the hoses.Every balanced eco-system has to find balance by adjusting to extremes till a balance is found.Doomsday wont happen Unless make it happen.We simply have to allow natures bio-system to adjust to what is disturbing its harmony.Dinosaur flatulence lasting a million plus years would be large.Perhaps that should be called the second big bag.Maybe that's what made the crater in the earth in Arizona.Man that one had to be a real
thunder blaster....
sounds like a lot of Dino-Doodoo to me.

Sorry,but We gotta have a little fun sometimes.all work and no play,make make for dull days.Hope you laugh a little bit when you read this.
Till we meet again,Take care and be well.


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