Sunday, April 19, 2020

Why Mr President Are You Blaming The Postal Workers We are....

The postman or person is always working to deliver your mail. You see them trudging through the snow, rain, wind, and whatever comes along. They are harassed by dogs, irate citizens and a host of other problematic situations that most will never encounterFew ever complain at the listed and unlisted problems that come along.

The last few months have changed our society, actually our entire world forever. There are a few things that have hardly changed. The postal worker's job is one of those taken for granted jobs.

There is no time that the postal worker delays his quest when humanly possible to arrive with that mail delivery. That through snow, rain and dark of night is correct. A new verse needs to be added to that oath"Through fears of death by virus pandemic or social shut down of nations."

During this shutdown of all other services, the United States Postal Service has carried on with the work of delivering packages and the mail. moving our great Nation Commerce. Those checks being sent by the government are brought to folks by the Postal Person. Postal workers are not immune to the virus sweeping the country. I have heard on the news that there have been some who have also fallen from the virus.

For such a profound sense of duty, we should all be grateful that our life has one constant in it we can still get letters and mail in the old fashioned personal touch. Some would say the post office is outdated and obsolete. I completely disagree. I still find getting a tangible card or letter to be quite nice. You can not put an E-Mail in a bird cages bottom when that car ad for the car you really didn't win arrives.

So whats this article getting to? The people in the USA are all getting checks for whatever they need. Up to $75000 or so. Many are hiding in the house under their beds only to come out to eat expnsive ice cream or use the TP they hoarded earlier this month. Postal workers are not.

The schools are closed so sitters are a mandated cost. Banks are closed except some with drive-thru windows. Mine does not even have a window. I didn't contemplate a day I would need it The stores have gone totally paranoid. The local Walmart has guards at the door allowing only one person in at a time when one person leaves.its in case ya got the plague. Monty Python"s Holy Grail
Revisited I think.

The Governor of New York has made draconian laws that have made people joke about his bladder control during conferences his decision on making his 6ft apart rule stick. I digress.

So why does the President throw fertilizer at these folks who are not to blame for the way the Postal Services are run. There is no one working behind the counter that calls the shots at the top. There's no one behind the counter or in the mailrooms that can change things. That job is definitely above their pay level               MR.President.

So why throw stones at people who may just pay you back at the election in NovembersThat"s a huge workforce that is as they say, "is either fer ya or agin ya"I would ask you to reconsider your view. Postal people who have hung in there even after your Tv verbal bashing of them awhile ago.

They have been just as at risk as any other American citizen with not so much as a thank you. But with all due respect, they did get a solemn "kiss My Ass" from you, Sir...

The hard times like this are when people remember who has their back Sir

To my readers, please urge the President to include postal workers to be included in the payout. You depend on that mail to send and bring things to your step. You must think of what your life would be if that service had to stop for the months it predicts our country may shut down if reinfection happens, You can google the White House. Men in Black Have better things to do than knock on your door. It will express a point of view the president needs to hear. Considering the voices he usually hears it might be a refreshing change.

Till next time folks be kind and humble, help out where you find it most useful,



Coronaviris is Not the End of The World or Even Close to It

-The news of the day and past days has droned on in length about this latest reason to Acoust our minds with another media drama. Hour after Hour we are drilled with epic tales of the fatality numbers of people dying.Newscasts showing the results of cities clustered into small areas. This scene could be from third world countries.

Generations of mindless planning a new project to add to the clustering of places to live and work. It just proves that those who refuse to learn from the past are destined to repeat it until they learn the lesson properly (to Paraphrase).
People building living quarters on top of each other with streets jammed with moving bodies of humans. It is not a third world country at all. These cities are in 1rst world countries with modern technologies. These cities boast the most modern things to make life good. These cities for all their modern things still have people living in ridiculously close proximity to each other as was the case in the dark ages.

The most populated areas of Europe in the dark ages were desolated by the Black plague. Fleas on rats which ran rampant after cats were deemed evil by the Catholic Church. Many cats were tortured and brutally killed to appease the Pope's whim. The rats took over and were uncontrollable. Plague ran rampant. People were ignorant. Most were not even able to read or write at that time in history.

The difference I draw here is not the people's knowledge or is the fact that there are too many people living into small space. The chance of a major pandemic is getting greater as these cities grow into Megacities.

Imagine a future city of 100Milion people. They are at the peak of technology. They have developed a society of peace and prosperity unknown to mankind's past. One day this technologically condescending city is struck by the tiniest living thing known to man, A virus. Able to mutate as nothing else imaginable.the technology would not be any difference between the dark ages and the modern or the future.
A virus is a virus is a virus.

Our cities are just too big to prevent thousands of people from contracting and killing each other. Our world has gotten too crammed together to prevent this type of disaster from happening. It will accure again, Perhaps in a more mutated and deadly form.

We must prepare our world for another more deadly virus whether or not it happens. The option would be to spread our cities out over the empty places in the world. That is very unlikely to happen any time in the future.No habitual places on this earth are not owned by someone or something.

The only preventive solution is to power up the ability to mutate a deadly virus to a helpful virus, Perhaps genetically engineering the RNA to be more adaptive to other causes.make a negative into a positive. I would hope to be studying what makes a virus so very deadly in the future. It seems to be a weak link in our genetics. It is a problem that may kill us one day if we don't find a solution.

There is one index that I have to solve the problem of big companies stalling to find solutions to our problems. During the COVID-19 lockdown, people from all walks of life got together and manufactured facemasks and worked on homemade ventilators in home workshops.

How about a Seti type research network that will work on disease cures.Home computers working in off-hours as one mass processing unit to work out solutions to our threats that are becoming our daily routine. Seti has not found intelligent life yet to my knowledge, virus infections are not intelligent life as we know it. It sure is giving our lives a run for the money.

Till next time friends.
May God Smile on you and yours.

My Past Two Virus Fearing Days of The Lockdown in New York State.

This is from a person who may not be a little fatalistic sometimes through faith in God. I was brought up on the stories of Daniel in the Lion's den. Noah and his Ark when others laughed at the crazy mans prophesies.  Stories that inspired me of Jesus when he was surrendered up to the mobs by God.

The Plagues that hit early man were thought to be everything from witchcraft to God's punishment for some nature of man. This virus named the Corona-19 is deadly to some. Yes, I said it is deadly to some. The experts are finding some of us have a natural resistance to the little bug, I know many people who have not encountered anyone else who is even sniveling. Not bragging, just saying that the people who are getting this virus may be just exposed to it longer than others. A tiny percentage are dying to those surviving. Media makes it sound like the world is collapsing on itself from a virus. To those exposed it is a world-changing life event. There is one thing in the news that has grabbed my attention through all the other news that will no doubt be soon forgotten. Buried literally, with the victims who began as victims way before this virus was a popular news item. Everywhere we could normally go to escape the media madness.

I wonder if anyone has done a study on what these victims had in common. Heres a place to start that line of thought. Do you know how many elderly persons were lost in your local nursing home? Do you know the reason they were left to die in secret. Hippa laws you say? perhaps and keep an open mind to think forward a bit. Investigate how much you cant find out in documented facts. Look for even a small news item beyond the media showing New York City freezer cars holding hundreds of toe tagged nameless human beings who have not even been notified their next of kin.

Now let us look a little closer to home. This virus, after all, is targeting everyone but specifically the elderly. Millions now in so-called "Nursing Homes".

The ill equipt Nursing homes that claimed so many of our beloved elderly to this virus. I am basing this story on the terrible conditions of the nursing home my Dad was in. It will speak for itself. They are neglected, left dirty, speed fed so they can be whisked to a place at the end of the hall away from the nurse's station. That speed feeding has resulted in a medical term called aspiration I believe. It is food getting fed so fast the patient inhales it into the windpipe.blocks off the air and they die.The home simply writes it off and refills the bed.

That was the Ewing Centers practice. Dad died there. A prisoner of the "home" The legal system holds the elderly prisoner by law to protect them from abuse. It then does nothing to actually help them avoid abuse and neglect. The ombudsmen are a totally useless organization. They warn the facility ahead of time on an investigation, the "home" scampers around to fix it all up till the ombudsmen leave then those patients who had concerned for a resident are totally ignored by the entire staff. The mass deaths of those who "DIED OF VIRUS" makes me wonder. Autopsies are forbidden and bodies quickly buried without observation.  A very convenient situation indeed,

I will never let them forget my dad's mistreatment or the orderly we found to be a very bad alcoholic he left lots of bruising from abuse. We still have the documentation and photos. The lawyer who we went to get help. never did a  thing. Later we found his dad was a member of the board for the nursing home. Who do you call when the cops are the criminals??? No other lawyer would help because it was a conflict of ethics to their lawyer pal. How many loved ones will face the same after this is passed?

His falls were blamed on him, His bruises from abuse by the alcoholic were all his fault. The charge nurse whom my family nicknamed "Nurse Cratchet" after the movie character in "one flew over the cookoos nest" years ago. She would rush into his room just before the family showed up to badger my Dad till he signed a confession that it was all his fault. We would find My Dad who was the strength of my childhood, in tears many days because of this,

You may be asking how this ties in with the coronavirus? The general public found out about those poor elderly people after the bodies started being hauled off using forklifts by the dozens to tractor-trailer refrigerator cars like meat from a slaughterhouse. It brought back memories of the conditions and cover-ups from dad's shit hole nursing home.

The relatives of those newsworthy "homes" were not notified, did not know when or where the body of their loved ones was taken. Many were not even told they were previously endangered.
They were apparently not even told that person was dead. I would like it when this is over one day to look back to what the conditions were at each of these nursing homes to subpoena the records and use the Democrat's tools of investigation to find out what the conditions actually were there. That would truly be a good reason to use the power of the courts to investigate a long-neglected not to titillating, terror provoking newsworthy item. Maybe the incarcerated elderly would have a chance of not dying like in a fish kill from unprepared, "it is just a job" second rate institutions. Wheres, that huge amount of money going from insurances and medicare. Does Medicare actually care?

Hippa Laws prevent people from finding out information about a patient to protect them. It also prevents loved ones from helping a patient/loved one finding out facts that would uncover neglect and abuse.

Professional Ethics is also a protection for misuse of others who can,t fight back. These laws need to be modified. They are made by those who hide information as ethics? Hippa.That change would be like asking a politician to take a pay cut to feed the homeless. Probably will never happen as long as foxes guard the henhouse folks.

Hippa laws both provide and prevent many important protections for patients. They also are used by these institutions to hide massive abuses and short thoughted ideas to save costs while ripping the life saving for those already in no position to protect themselves from those people who are supposed to be caring and protecting them.

The other little item which plays into those bodies being dragged to the icebox is the thing called  Professional ethics. as near as I can find in the plain out the language it is a law or rule that is put into place by a group of professional people to protect their asses when they make a really stupid mistake an knew better. It does not allow those who would normally have a sense of decency and right to report on another who does not possess that same sense of right and decency.IE:Mr. Edward Snowden is a very good example of that situation.

We need to use this COVID-19 virus as a means to change many things. This is just one of them.

Stay healthy dear friends. Hopefully, our lives will return to what will be our new normal one day soon. Meanwhile, stay strong, Be innovative, help your fellow Humans and prepare yourselves for whatever the future brings you. May whatever you believe in, bring you the strength to endure.
Remember: Anything you can survive will make you stronger.

till next time