Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronaviris is Not the End of The World or Even Close to It

-The news of the day and past days has droned on in length about this latest reason to Acoust our minds with another media drama. Hour after Hour we are drilled with epic tales of the fatality numbers of people dying.Newscasts showing the results of cities clustered into small areas. This scene could be from third world countries.

Generations of mindless planning a new project to add to the clustering of places to live and work. It just proves that those who refuse to learn from the past are destined to repeat it until they learn the lesson properly (to Paraphrase).
People building living quarters on top of each other with streets jammed with moving bodies of humans. It is not a third world country at all. These cities are in 1rst world countries with modern technologies. These cities boast the most modern things to make life good. These cities for all their modern things still have people living in ridiculously close proximity to each other as was the case in the dark ages.

The most populated areas of Europe in the dark ages were desolated by the Black plague. Fleas on rats which ran rampant after cats were deemed evil by the Catholic Church. Many cats were tortured and brutally killed to appease the Pope's whim. The rats took over and were uncontrollable. Plague ran rampant. People were ignorant. Most were not even able to read or write at that time in history.

The difference I draw here is not the people's knowledge or is the fact that there are too many people living into small space. The chance of a major pandemic is getting greater as these cities grow into Megacities.

Imagine a future city of 100Milion people. They are at the peak of technology. They have developed a society of peace and prosperity unknown to mankind's past. One day this technologically condescending city is struck by the tiniest living thing known to man, A virus. Able to mutate as nothing else imaginable.the technology would not be any difference between the dark ages and the modern or the future.
A virus is a virus is a virus.

Our cities are just too big to prevent thousands of people from contracting and killing each other. Our world has gotten too crammed together to prevent this type of disaster from happening. It will accure again, Perhaps in a more mutated and deadly form.

We must prepare our world for another more deadly virus whether or not it happens. The option would be to spread our cities out over the empty places in the world. That is very unlikely to happen any time in the future.No habitual places on this earth are not owned by someone or something.

The only preventive solution is to power up the ability to mutate a deadly virus to a helpful virus, Perhaps genetically engineering the RNA to be more adaptive to other causes.make a negative into a positive. I would hope to be studying what makes a virus so very deadly in the future. It seems to be a weak link in our genetics. It is a problem that may kill us one day if we don't find a solution.

There is one index that I have to solve the problem of big companies stalling to find solutions to our problems. During the COVID-19 lockdown, people from all walks of life got together and manufactured facemasks and worked on homemade ventilators in home workshops.

How about a Seti type research network that will work on disease cures.Home computers working in off-hours as one mass processing unit to work out solutions to our threats that are becoming our daily routine. Seti has not found intelligent life yet to my knowledge, virus infections are not intelligent life as we know it. It sure is giving our lives a run for the money.

Till next time friends.
May God Smile on you and yours.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

This is Possibly Your Last Chance to Observe A Ghost Deer,The Most Uniquely beautiful creature Since the Unicorn of legend,

The Last Unicorn (film)
The Last Unicorn (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
White deer
White deer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many legends of the White Unicorn throughout history.Biblical accounts and mythical writings of the gentle magical creature.Many times the unicorn is pictured proudly standing or playing in a wooded area with the milky white coat standing out among the velvety green living forest.The legends all agree that this creature is pure and good amongst a world that is contrary to that trait.It should be enough to stop this here but that is not the cause for such magic.

The goal is to catch or kill the last unicorn to steal and use the alleged magical powers supposedly possessed by the death of this stunning creature.Man"kind" seems always to feel a need to extinguish that which they are not or do not take time to understand. That in mind there is a creature that you may never have see before in a single forest in upstate New York.

These creatures lives are going to come to an end soon.The Army base that supported and took care of them was deactivated and sold to a Corporation and the area people apparently do not want these rare and unique creatures around anymore.These creatures are Called The Ghost Deer.
The coats are pure white which makes it fatal to be out in the wild and outside the old army compound.They have no natural protective color to allow them to hide.Like the Unicorn they are not albinos.They have brown eyes and are labeled leucistic.Which means they simply lack skin pigment.

These majestic creatures are absolutely stunning to see.I journeyed there this last fall with the same sorta thought you have at a carnival side show.The  phrase,"yeah right,white deer"!
The sight of these creatures took that thought right out of my head.I was breathless as I watched them in silence.If you search for the sight of White Deer,there are pictures to prove what I say.If only to see
something that shortly may be gone forever.

The Army folks that took care of the deer are all gone now.The new owners apparently have now plans to help or support the small herd of Ghost Deer.The fate of the last white deer is on the table.
A handful of noble people with limited funds are trying desperately to find people that would like to
support this threatened species of wonderment.Would you have saved the unicorn if you could?
This is as close to the mythical creature as you will ever find yourself and it is doomed...

There are 10,600acres of land these Ghosts roamed during the Army Base Days.Now the locals are attempting to limit the acreage to less than1800 acres.This will in effect leave the deer open to hunters/poachers and predators.They will be penned in an area that Denys them  a large enough to run and hide.Remember that that the smaller space makes hiding impossible for something living with pure white colors.IE:the unicorn found standing in the green forest.

This scenario is a shooting gallery
setup.This would be akin to the so called sporting ranches where rich Neanderthals who have no ability to actually hunt in the wild,Pay enormous dollars to go and Slaughter a confined and helpless
Animal.That bozo then has the corpse stuffed and mounted  to later tell what a great white/Whatever hunter he/she is.Please note that I have hunted for survival and use what little I am pushed to kill.
I would never hunt endangered creatures or unique things a these...It would keep me awake at night to realize what I had done.I have not hunted in many years though.

If these deer are not protected,then once again the legends of the noble Unicorn will be only a story to read to your children.The difference is that as you look into the eyes of that child,you will have to
hide the fact that:

Once upon a time in a place safe and protected from evil and danger lived a few  mythical creatures.They played and raised their young amid the magic woods that were nowhere else in this world.The man things had worshiped them since before memory.This protected them and allowed their beauty to radiate from them in a snow white vision.

They were called  Ghost Deer.That is what the man things called them.This was long ago when The man things had skin like the color of  a dark leave in the season of antlers.The time when proud bucks grew antlers.Now the man things have many colors of skin and no longer worship the forest.They no longer worship the Ghosts of the forest.

Pure white radiance was not important to the new man things.They did not worship or care for that magnificent magic creature.The ghosts was no longer thought of as  magic only"useful". It came to pass in time the man things who only knew how to destroy and kill.The Ghosts were  hunted in the safe and magic woods.

They were  hunted to the last Ghost Deer.Till they were no more White and radiant magic ones left.The beautiful coats would never be seen again anywhere.Like the legends of the Unicorn before them,They would be gone forever.The picture of the creature standing in the velvety green woods is an empty  strangely silent place now.The man things can only remember what they could have saved...They didn't see what would be lost forever.

I would urge you to see these truly magical Animals while you can.There seems to be a few folks working hard to save the last  herd of these Ghost Deer.We need to see more folks that are interested in saving  part of nature that comes only once in a lifetime.

When you see them there in the natural surroundings  it is the closest you will ever come to what you imagined in childhood to be a unicorn.
You may be saying that there never was a unicorn.Since There is no evidence there ever was one.
That is probably true but,Will that same thing be also said about the Ghost deer  disappearance   in a hundred years .You decide...Its your earth too.

                                                        Ghost Deer Prophesy
                                             By The Le nape Tribe Native Americans
It has long been predicted,That there would come a time ,When a white Male and female  Deer would be seen together.
That would be seen as a sign for people to come together.

Please take time as my last couple blogs have to get  away from all the manufactured stress of the"real"world and look around yourself.It is later than you think and we have only the moment...

Google the Seneca Army Depot in New York State,
The Seneca White Deer Inc.:Working to save the Ghost deer from falling victim to the man made modern world.Contact them if you wish to help and find out more about these noble and fading mythical Deer.

PS.Update:These magnificent creatures are once more in the news.The next year(2015)is a deadline for saving a endangered animal.There are only 200white dear in the world like these.This next year the Army Engineers pull down the protective fence surrounding the ten thousand acre.The old military base is closed and sold to an industrial coop.There will be no where safe for these creature.There is also 600 normal colored deer on this land.

A man name "Money"has a website try to save the deer from slaughter.
Please help us save this land as a park or refuge or anything that makes them safe from extinction.


Update: I have been out to the site of the White Deer. There seems to be a sudden change in the deer I used to see grazing behind the tall fences in this huge enclosure. The gates that once safely held those beautiful creatures inside were left open for weeks. I have not seen any white deer in many weeks inside or outside the fences. I would urge the readers of this article to pursue the answer as to what has happened to the once plentiful rare and endangered White deer. Have they been exterminated like many other victims of short sightedness by humans.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dick Metcalf is fired as writer from the Guns and Ammo Magazine and Sportsman Tv for defending 2nd Ammendment,Internet suffers Freedom hit from 3 judges

Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Isl...
Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island, Manhattan, in New York County (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The writer,hunter,broadcaster Dick Metcalf of sports shows and Guns and Ammo magazine was dumped for his view of The Constitutions  2nd Amendment by
 his employers.Forget his first ammendment right.

A 12year old kid saws off a 20gauge shotgun,takes it to school and injures and kills other children.The media imediatly blames every other gun owner in the country for this kids family not paying any attention to his daily activities.So where was that gun kept and when did this kid do his remanufacturing of the barrel.
This kid was adult enough to commit premeditated homicide along with illegally  modifying  firearm...for the use in a crime.
All the laws in the world Will not prevent a murderer from hi/her nefarious deed.
This same state of mind was  responsible for the first murder....No gun involved there so it is written..

The court made a ruling to end (inter)net neutrality.The exact and dramatic changes are to be vital to Internet choices.There are articles on Bloombergs website for the details of the Internet changes.

The Safe act.regarding New York State and other states Have many more laws coming to make ordinary folks into felons.The various Police agencies have filed as friends of the court,but are not in agreement with the law.Still the incrimination's are coming.

Meanwhile Pot is OK now in the eyes of the lawmakers.HMMM!Will those in prison for prior possession be freed and compensated for loss of freedom and violation of a constitutional right.Pursuit of happiness might be invoked.What happened to the so called war on drugs that we spent billions on?Can little Johnie visit his 60's generation pot convicted dad in the penitentiary.and share a refreshing weed,legally now.

A Congressman in Hawaii wonders the street with a sledgehammer assaulting those he deems homeless and attacks them.The media states that no one has defended themselves or filed a complaint.It is only because those assaulted would be held for assault on a federal official.The lawmakers are committing a vicious attack.Who do you call when the law is committing the crime?

The court rulings allowing Territorial monopolies for Time Warner Cable,Verizon,com cast to be the only systems in protected areas will force you to have no choice of carriers in your area.The further as I have understood it is that the slowing down,peeping into and doing pretty much what they please will no longer be protected by rules.You need to read about this if you have not.

You are no doubt asking what this all has to do with each other.We are slowly losing the ground that our forefathers gained with their efforts and foresight.Each time something like this happens we are pushed farther from our task of prevailing over those who believe they can dictate laws. Impromptu creations of contorted rules made by people in power.People who know there is no one minding the freedom store as in the past.A very good example is our countries leader who has made announcements that the Senate and Congress are no longer needed due to his much wiser abilities to decide for the entire 250millions USA citizens.WE THE CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD???

The Health insurance that many of us had was not perfect by far.The insurance was at least there for us.Mine notified me that it was no longer available.They were pulling out of the system.I was notified 2days before it did.The  mail took 3days to reach me.A Old lady was standing in front of me at the prescription counter.I was next in line to receive my script.The poor lady was easily in her 80's and was asking how she was to get her life saving meds.The pharmacist look at her and could only tell her to go to the office for the aging.
The elderly lady could not pay for her scripts and left the counter nearly in tears.I felt helpless and angry that such things can be orchestrated by our government.The same meds would by given to those overseas for pennies on the dollar.Are we any less a loss?.

Our country needs to bring changes alright.We need to sort out all those who are in ANY position of abusive power and impeach,fire or remove by legal force those destroying our Constitution.We must get off our dormant backsides to fire up a move to make changes that safeguard our right,punish those who abuse those privilege's and make equal the laws for everyone.Not a proverbial  Witch hunt,A collaborated effort based on the same performance as anyone else on the job would have.You don't measure up and we find a better choice.

It is about time that there are changes due,But those changes are supposed to come from the Democratic Process.All people should be included into that process.Freedom of speech,Right to protect...Those rights might be of interest to you.They directly effect your every waking moment of your day.Try going all day watching what you say,bending no rules,and staying in the confines that would exist without those rights..Then reflect on how people have lived that come from oppressive societies that now seek freedom to be free.

We are on a run away railroad track headed into a dark tunnel with no one looking ahead to know if the track in still out ahead...These unfocused sidetracks are radical changes in an otherwise pretty solid way to run a country.

The trashing of the writer,Trashing of the Constitutional rules,Judges overriding safeties that protect individuals from corporations.Constitutional rights over ridden by a few individuals in legal positions.It is just a couple tiny hammers chipping away at the Lady Justices Ankles.

Even that which is said to be written in stone is able to be brought low in time if not protected...
There must be a force to protect that justice or it will inevitably fall into the dust as have the other great societies of history.WE THE PEOPLE are the force that has the responsibility to keep those rights and equalities in balance so everyone has the opportunity to be enpowered.

Ours has been  to become the greatest society in the history of the world.We have inadvertently effected more Humans and their way of life than any other in the history of the world.We are far from perfect and have many human errors to answer for.I would hope that there is more good deeds than dark deeds.
There is still time to work together and build on those better deeds...We can't just let it be trashed.
Get involved with those better changes in any Productive way you can.Your voice is so important.Everyone is important in this
Move to build a better country and a better world for all of us.No matter  of your non destructive beliefs or lifestyles.We have one world and all of our countries are based here on this pebble in space.

 Will you join the fight to preserve our great country and extend a hand to those who are struggling everywhere to join in the cause of freedom.
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Monday, March 11, 2013

Korea,Mosquito on The backside of an Elephant,Sit Simba,Good Boy

English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state o...
English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state of New York. From the United States Geological Survey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Constitutional Amendments 101
Constitutional Amendments 101 (Photo credit: Village Square)
Dictator (Photo credit: Loulair Harton)
The United States has always been a Nation of diverse ideas and opinions.We that live here always seem very near the point of grabbing anyone that disagrees with us and choking the living crap out of them.It always seems that way anyway...The eleventh hour rapidly approches and we miraculously pull our heads out of those regions where the sun does not shine and agree to disagree or compromise.

That comment in mind and other things going on in the world,hear this and do the same.
We have a Whitehouse that many of us voted into office.I remember writing to the President and thanking him for helping my family with a life threatening situation.I said that I would help his election to succeed and maybe it did so in a small way.I also said that I would stand my ground as a person with strong Constitutional Beliefs if things were to get beyond my tolorance levels.I do believe everyone should care for each other with life situations.Health,Elders,protecting our innocent defensless folks.and other noble things to numerous to mention.I beleve the noble things are that which is worth leaving behind when we exit on this material plane.
We are fighting for our Rights to remain that which I grew up with and escape without the revolution for freedom that everyone is whispering about in hushed dialogs.New York Emporer/Governor and friends have decreed that we are to ban sugary drinks and children will never enjoy a cookie from mom without the shock troops kicking down the door and dragging mom off to a gulag education camp.All educational programs will
be supervised by the elite people that send thier own kids out to others to raise.We will all be on modified bicycles like 3rd world countries because no one will be able to afford the hybrid autos that could easily have been our old autos cheaply converted to Hydrogen,oxygen(often known as Water).The guy that built and perfected that process was killed right after he demonstrated the unit by persons unknown.
Robots will see to it that we are behaving ourselves,even if they have to kill us by drones in groups.But dont worry about doing anything the "powers that be" are going to miss.The electronic roach will crawl into your house and listen for misconduct.Retired airport security agents will even listen into your bedroom activities for any activities that might be objectionable.The years at the airport job has taught them well what to look for.HEH HEH HEH The Sex taxes will take care of the foopahs in that department.
Then.....Where was I?Oh my!I have had a glimpse into a future parody...once more I have wondered into the parralel world of what might be.

Isnt it a bit past time to open your eyes to what the future could be if we stop and see what wonderful things technology could bring and not what it is bringing?Korea with a weapon so powerful that a peace of crap
dictator and family is threatening to reopen a horror that we Humans must never allow to rehappen.
The U.S.A.was  the only (Known) use of the nitemare called nuclear bomb.Does China actually think that this little pismiar dictator will not desimate their country?I Do not know why the Chinese dont realize the mutual benefit nutruelizing Koreas maniac would be to this world.War solves very little and nuclear war
would send the world into a firee hell from which nothing will survive.The real roaches would feast on the rotting carcasses of all the fallen.The only earth life left.Perhaps they are the only ones to inherit the earth.
The meek and reviled cockroach may outlast the supposedly top of the intelectual ladder: Homosapiens.

So I ask the countries of the USA,Canada, Japan,South Korea,China,Free and Mainland ,If you want to save the world as many of the ancient stories boasted of doing then this is your chance to be the heroes of legends past and future.

As for the wonderful country of mine called America,Stop the constant attacks on the Constitutional freedoms before we end up with a country,ruled by a dictator that finds Constitutioal Rights a bothersome
and problematic waste of time.That dictator would probly just go ahead and dump a law into being without asking anyone.Why you say?Well my friends,because thats what dictators do.Then the people rise up and kick his dictatrial butt till he sees reason.This country has checks and balances to fight a bloodless revolution.
its a failsafe to prevent the rise of a Dictator or King.

Or....All you folks can just move to the new Emporers,Empire State of New York with its new uncostitutional laws. Even the Native Americans and their Treaties are being attacked here.Perhaps we still have the Genetics and spirit of our pioneer ancestors.We have laws that are far more powerful than any nuclear bomb.Those Founding Fathers Knew from the Dictators they knew of that time period Freedom is worth fighting for.Thousands of our fellow citizens that fought in and out of uniform have died to save our right to live free.If we kick fecal matter in their memories,thenI fear we will suffer the Karma that such thing s deserve.

Lets straighten out our country and take back the Constitutional Freedoms our veterans have fought and bled for.No one has the right to negate those foundational rules of freedom.

Dictators make laws that criminalize the average person to maketheir elite groups look as shining stars to the world, instead of the black holes that swallow the humans soul.It shows a certain isolated ignorance of those they are suppose to be working for.  

I seem to remember the British Red Coats in historical records thinking New Yorkers were lambs to slaughter sometime before the year of 1776.They had Paul Revere,We have Paul Rand....

Till Next time my friends,Please keep the treaties enforced,and the torch of liberty burning hot enough
to reach the heavens.We will need that help soon.Keep the faith and fight the good fight.
The pen is mightier than the sword...

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

United States Attacked By Super Power Using Weapons Of Mass Destruction

LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30:  A woman is hel...
LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30: A woman is helped down from a truck by emergency responders after being evacuated due to flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy, on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 16 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30:  Citizens are e...
LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30: Citizens are evacuated on a military-grade personnel carrier on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 16 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
WEEHAWKEN, NJ - OCTOBER 30:  Much of the New Y...
WEEHAWKEN, NJ - OCTOBER 30: Much of the New York City skyline sits in darkness after Hurricane Sandy, on October 30, 2012 in Weehawkin, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 40 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
I am writing you for as long as I can.The electric power grid may fall as I write this article.New York Has evacuated many areas of the huge city.Manhattan is being hit by powerful weapons that the United States has no way of defending themselves from.There is so much desolation with wind and water in the streets.Manhattan in deserted of all people.Wallstreet is empty.Buildings have been damaged by the tremendous wind and forces of the weapons used by the attacker.

New Jersey has been hit directly as the invader breaches the shores and destroys property in its path.People are evacuating by order of New Jerseys Governor Christie.The People that have chosen to stay behind are left to their own survival.This destroyer has no mercy for any one.Old,young,infant,will be subject to harm and menace.The state of New Jersey is ground zero at this point.There is no defense for this terrible attack.
There is an overwhelming force invading our shores.

Delaware was attacked earlier today and the power grid was crashed for over 12000 households.Those homes may not have electricity for the next 3 weeks.The grid has been hit hard.6300 National guard have been called out to active duty to help survivors and evacuated persons.The service people from dozens of states and Canada to try to fix all the damage that is expected before the attackers rage is spent.There is more power yet to come.The invader is expected to join forces with two other allies to the west of Pennsylvania.The path of the invader will then head north into the middle of the New York State

This is the worst such attack on the eastern United States in history.Cellphones are expected to become useless for anything but text messages.predictions are that the fury of this attacker will increase as the day goes on.The destruction is expected to be in the billions of dollars.It may take years to rebuild the damage.
63million households are under the threat of being hammered by this attacker
 15 High rises have been evacuated in New York City/Manhattan N.Y.

We are under the attack by  the Largest Super Storm in history.It is mother nature at the her worst.The earth is striking at the most powerful nation on earth.It is the Super Storm of Hollywood proportions.This is the things of nightmares that we have watched in movies for years.There is one difference in this reality....
WE WILL SURVIVE!!!We will rebuild and prepare for future events like this.

If you are reading this ,Please take refuge in some shelter that is rated for Disasters.This is a real event and not a movie.Your safety depends on remaining calm and taking care of you and your loved ones.

You  should pack the following supplies in a dufflebag or pack,basket etc.:
ez open foods and snacks for 3days
Water in bottles
Toilet tissues and paper towels
eating untensils
Blankets or sleeping bag
First Aid kit
Special foods or supplies ie:Diabetic snacks,etc.
Change of clothes
Hygiene it with toothpaste,towel,washclothe,
Pets need their supplies if you are allowed to take them.Meds,Food,etc

This is very serious an event folks.My lights are blinking as the outside edges of the storm hits.
I am in New York and it is windy,Raining hard and the stores are packed with folks shopping as though it was the end of the world.We finally have a reason to hear news that does not in involve the Presidential Elections.If you are told to leave,don't be stupid and stay.There is no one going to worry about you if  you are determined to stay in harms way.The rescuers have families to care for.You are slid to the bottom of a list of folks to be rescued after it is all over.Survival involves doing the things that put you at an advantage over a situation.
Please take care in situations like this .It need the smarts to use your brain and take care to live.

That is all for now my friends.I will Blog you as I can in the days to come.I'm okay and will take my own advise when Hurricane Sandy Plows it's way thru here in a day or so.I pride myself on knowing a little about survival.We "Technomads", are like that.
Pray for those in it's path ,Keep the faith and hope for the best.

This was to be sent as the storm was approaching  the U.S. coastline of New Jersey.I had a large red warning that kept flashing on my blog screen from somewhere Saying,"this should not be posted".I have no clue as to who,or why.This lights flashed on and off.The cable TV in the place with free WIFI lost it's
TV portion of Satellite reception.Then about 20 minutes later,as I signed my Blog,The internet went dead.

There was various ideas of what was going on by others in the place.One person stated that the cable provider had been told to cut the cable off for National security.Another said they called the 911 to ask if the National guard was doing Martial Law yet.It got real crazy in the local supermarkets.Shelves were sold out of everything.The Frozen foods were gone(TV dinners).I really wondered how the folks buying all this FROZEN food Thought it would keep with out electricity!

The media Hyped the storm like the movies had programmed them to do so.Ok....let us go along with the hysterics for a moment.Was this storm an act of nature or was it something else that created it?H.A.R.P.?
Aliens?Was it a weapon of mass destruction.Was it a prelude to the Superstorm that movies predict?How about December 21rst and the end of the world?Would it not be a smart move to not get caught with your proverbial "pants down"if this type of disaster Actually is a omen of the future?

This may be a very good time to Plan ahead for the unexpected,even if it never happens.We all know that it just never could happen to you.It is always the other guy,right?I wonder how many folks became the "other guy" and are sitting in the dark,cold,hungry and without power today.They thought as you .Be Prepared  as best you can...That is all any of us can do..

BYE for now

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