Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Korea. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2014

Some Has Been People Will Do Anything to Try to Promote Their Long Dead Carreer Uncaring About The Colateral Damage Being Done

North Korea and weapons of mass destruction
North Korea and weapons of mass destruction (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Once again our man [sorry can't quite remember his name Dennis Rodmoon,No that's not it Let me try again here.Dennis Rodbone....].Ahh now I have it!Dennis Rodman.That's it.He has not really been in the news these past years because his career sorta dried up as a BB player and then as a movie star.
I guess that's probably why no one under 30 even remembers his better years.You know the years before rubbing elbows with mad dogs abroad.

I guess that's why we now hear about the man sleeping with the enemy.Playing with the enemy and coaching the enemy.Hugging the sawed off dictator [Photo Ops]who had his uncle stripped and fed live  to a dozen or so starved dogs inside a cage.You know,the man who helped the little twerp rise to power.Totally free of the burdens of Democracy.This is documented fact folks.Now there is a man who we want to be our friend.Take this as you wish to interpret it.I thought we went into the Middle East because of humans being tortured and fed live through a wood shredder...Theres a difference here?

Can You imagine just a few years ago if Mr. Rodman had gone to the Mideast to do his thing and that Bloody dictator was feeding kin and others to starved dogs?What would the Political People be saying about that?

I then read about this man who would be hunted worldwide if  in another mans shoes for exposing the truth Remember that man?He had to seek refuge in a foreign land because of the truth making us aware of darkness in our own nation He was labeled a fugitive,Traitor ETC.

.I thought those who visit foreign enemies to attack America verbally or otherwise, were somehow looked at differently than as a celebrity.I thought those that are all sloppy faced Huggie bear with a vicious mad dog dictator would be on a slightly different label than a celebrity.How well we can turn a blind eye to some "Special People" when it comes to who we persecute or prosecute...To whom we find it more than convenient to simply look away.

I wonder if the one called the "American Taliban"can be overlooked and forgiven now?After all,
Celebrities travel and can tell unknown information on places they have been.Seem likely that what we would talk about to each other would be new info for a dictator that has Nuclear capabilities.

North Korea is a country with a Million active soldiers.North Korea has Nuclear capabilities on a border with a commercial pardner,ChinaChina with another mega million strong military.

North Korea is the poorest Nation in that part of the world as well as an oppressed society A society that  wont be able to even read anything but propaganda about our mr.Rodman.

I read an article today stating that rodman has been raving about the written articles about his carousing with bloody madmen while talking crap about people back home in the USA

Question here:1]Will the North Koreans be involved with any future Olympic Games involving Basketball.

1]Will Rodmans training if its worth anything at all be used to play against the USA?

3]Isn't that helping the enemy of our country?
4]Shouldn't There be something in trade for this invested training 

We need to have something in trade for any input from the free world.We are being played for suckers by a mini minded sawed off Middle ages dictator armed with the weapons of mass destruction we would be kicking ass in another part of the world.

We have too many double standards in the name of....OF WHAT??

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Are We Confused By Whats Happening With China,Vietnam ,The USA and Japan Yet?Circles inside of other Circles.

English: "Freedom for Tibet" echoed ...
English: "Freedom for Tibet" echoed along the roads of Paris today. "Go back China", as Tibetans, French and countless other nationalities protested against Chinese hegemony over Tibet, the silence of Paris, the cultural massacre wrought on the peaceful Tibetans. Free Tibet. Boycott Olympics in China. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
China's FIRST McDonald's
China's FIRST McDonald's (Photo credit: flickr.Marcus)
Ikata Nuclear Power Plant
Ikata Nuclear Power Plant (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The status of nuclear power globally (click im...
The status of nuclear power globally (click image for legend) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our Ambassador Kerry has given Millions to the threatened countries around China.

Lets take this apart as I see the situation,We were fighting the Vietnamese 40plus years ago.The Chinese and Russians were assisting the killing of our young men and women who were sent there to supposedly free those poor people from china's influence and tyranny.China a few years ago retook possession of Taiwan or Free China.They promised to let them remain as they were as free people.
only a few years before this,China had invaded the peaceful and serene country of Tibet.They forced The Dali Lamar from his home.America did little to assist.

The Chinese Export tremendous amounts of goods to the USA and do not import as much to their country.China has the nasty habit of sorta borrowing the Patented goods from the rest of the world and tweaking it so the patents are not enforcable.

China has a infrastructure that is collapsing onto itself through over expansion of their own funds.
They now threaten the entire Pacific and the rest of the world by their aggression and threats.
China has put the first Chinese rocket into space going to the moon and back.They also have possesion of nuclear power.

Ok now lets backup to the past 50years on that part of the world.The peoples of that hemisphere seem to go through cycles of fighting each other.Like other parts of the world they drag people into conflicts that in a couple decades are as we find them now.Japan invades China.Then Japan attacks the USA.The USA then is involved in the Pacific War.Vietnam is our tenative allies but still has clamps on even free thinking.Try blogging into Southeast Asia mother than Malaysia.Which reads my blogs as other parts of the world do.50,000plus Americans died and the chinese weaponed north trooped into Saigon.After all these years Saigon as it was once called not only changed it's name but also it's dreams of freedom.

Where is this supposed to go?China has massive amounts of land that is not developed,so food and industry isn't the problem.The country has a huge seacoast and entire oceans to fish in.The industry is suffisticated evough to not need other countries Tech.The population is sorta lonely for the massive male population due to little girls being dumped or killed in preference to a male child....And China has millions of cold showers because of this difference...

 One country invades the other after awhile come threats and war is on.Every time the War breaks out China has either had it fingers into the problem or is directly involved as per The Independent country of Tibet finds itself occupied by...YUP! You guess it right.Occupied by Chinese troops.
It Still has Chinese Boots on the ground there.Mr. Kerry has the forsight of Washington to support the threatened small countries while they are asking for help.At least for the moment they are friendlies.
In a few years the power will tip barring influence from The still Free  countries.I believe that China has made the mistake of conquerer countries of the past.Empire building has brought down dynasties in China for centuries.Even the Red Guard is not heard of much anymore.Mr.Mao used to have his profile everywhere in that country.It is slowly being conquered by Capitalistic Free Enterprise...

There is a saying and I do not remember the author It goes something like this.Progress is like flowing water.every time it finds an impass,it conforms and finds a way to get by the problem.
The shear force of the flowing water will find a way to pass.Over,Under,Above,Below,Or around.
but it will find a way.
Freedom and Capitalism is unstoppable force.

Korea is a Pacific threat with nuclear power and a mental midget running the north Korean nutbin.
We can only hope That I am right on this theory and history will repeat the downfall of another Empire as it is overcome by the only power that is Immune to mankinds constant bickering and
posturing to distroy each other. Time

In spite of The USA doing their best to keep the balance of power,Time will change it to whatever it is meant to be.Pray that it is freedom for all people.


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Monday, March 11, 2013

Korea,Mosquito on The backside of an Elephant,Sit Simba,Good Boy

English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state o...
English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state of New York. From the United States Geological Survey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Constitutional Amendments 101
Constitutional Amendments 101 (Photo credit: Village Square)
Dictator (Photo credit: Loulair Harton)
The United States has always been a Nation of diverse ideas and opinions.We that live here always seem very near the point of grabbing anyone that disagrees with us and choking the living crap out of them.It always seems that way anyway...The eleventh hour rapidly approches and we miraculously pull our heads out of those regions where the sun does not shine and agree to disagree or compromise.

That comment in mind and other things going on in the world,hear this and do the same.
We have a Whitehouse that many of us voted into office.I remember writing to the President and thanking him for helping my family with a life threatening situation.I said that I would help his election to succeed and maybe it did so in a small way.I also said that I would stand my ground as a person with strong Constitutional Beliefs if things were to get beyond my tolorance levels.I do believe everyone should care for each other with life situations.Health,Elders,protecting our innocent defensless folks.and other noble things to numerous to mention.I beleve the noble things are that which is worth leaving behind when we exit on this material plane.
We are fighting for our Rights to remain that which I grew up with and escape without the revolution for freedom that everyone is whispering about in hushed dialogs.New York Emporer/Governor and friends have decreed that we are to ban sugary drinks and children will never enjoy a cookie from mom without the shock troops kicking down the door and dragging mom off to a gulag education camp.All educational programs will
be supervised by the elite people that send thier own kids out to others to raise.We will all be on modified bicycles like 3rd world countries because no one will be able to afford the hybrid autos that could easily have been our old autos cheaply converted to Hydrogen,oxygen(often known as Water).The guy that built and perfected that process was killed right after he demonstrated the unit by persons unknown.
Robots will see to it that we are behaving ourselves,even if they have to kill us by drones in groups.But dont worry about doing anything the "powers that be" are going to miss.The electronic roach will crawl into your house and listen for misconduct.Retired airport security agents will even listen into your bedroom activities for any activities that might be objectionable.The years at the airport job has taught them well what to look for.HEH HEH HEH The Sex taxes will take care of the foopahs in that department.
Then.....Where was I?Oh my!I have had a glimpse into a future parody...once more I have wondered into the parralel world of what might be.

Isnt it a bit past time to open your eyes to what the future could be if we stop and see what wonderful things technology could bring and not what it is bringing?Korea with a weapon so powerful that a peace of crap
dictator and family is threatening to reopen a horror that we Humans must never allow to rehappen.
The U.S.A.was  the only (Known) use of the nitemare called nuclear bomb.Does China actually think that this little pismiar dictator will not desimate their country?I Do not know why the Chinese dont realize the mutual benefit nutruelizing Koreas maniac would be to this world.War solves very little and nuclear war
would send the world into a firee hell from which nothing will survive.The real roaches would feast on the rotting carcasses of all the fallen.The only earth life left.Perhaps they are the only ones to inherit the earth.
The meek and reviled cockroach may outlast the supposedly top of the intelectual ladder: Homosapiens.

So I ask the countries of the USA,Canada, Japan,South Korea,China,Free and Mainland ,If you want to save the world as many of the ancient stories boasted of doing then this is your chance to be the heroes of legends past and future.

As for the wonderful country of mine called America,Stop the constant attacks on the Constitutional freedoms before we end up with a country,ruled by a dictator that finds Constitutioal Rights a bothersome
and problematic waste of time.That dictator would probly just go ahead and dump a law into being without asking anyone.Why you say?Well my friends,because thats what dictators do.Then the people rise up and kick his dictatrial butt till he sees reason.This country has checks and balances to fight a bloodless revolution.
its a failsafe to prevent the rise of a Dictator or King.

Or....All you folks can just move to the new Emporers,Empire State of New York with its new uncostitutional laws. Even the Native Americans and their Treaties are being attacked here.Perhaps we still have the Genetics and spirit of our pioneer ancestors.We have laws that are far more powerful than any nuclear bomb.Those Founding Fathers Knew from the Dictators they knew of that time period Freedom is worth fighting for.Thousands of our fellow citizens that fought in and out of uniform have died to save our right to live free.If we kick fecal matter in their memories,thenI fear we will suffer the Karma that such thing s deserve.

Lets straighten out our country and take back the Constitutional Freedoms our veterans have fought and bled for.No one has the right to negate those foundational rules of freedom.

Dictators make laws that criminalize the average person to maketheir elite groups look as shining stars to the world, instead of the black holes that swallow the humans soul.It shows a certain isolated ignorance of those they are suppose to be working for.  

I seem to remember the British Red Coats in historical records thinking New Yorkers were lambs to slaughter sometime before the year of 1776.They had Paul Revere,We have Paul Rand....

Till Next time my friends,Please keep the treaties enforced,and the torch of liberty burning hot enough
to reach the heavens.We will need that help soon.Keep the faith and fight the good fight.
The pen is mightier than the sword...

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