Showing posts with label Vietnam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vietnam. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2013

Are We Confused By Whats Happening With China,Vietnam ,The USA and Japan Yet?Circles inside of other Circles.

English: "Freedom for Tibet" echoed ...
English: "Freedom for Tibet" echoed along the roads of Paris today. "Go back China", as Tibetans, French and countless other nationalities protested against Chinese hegemony over Tibet, the silence of Paris, the cultural massacre wrought on the peaceful Tibetans. Free Tibet. Boycott Olympics in China. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
China's FIRST McDonald's
China's FIRST McDonald's (Photo credit: flickr.Marcus)
Ikata Nuclear Power Plant
Ikata Nuclear Power Plant (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The status of nuclear power globally (click im...
The status of nuclear power globally (click image for legend) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our Ambassador Kerry has given Millions to the threatened countries around China.

Lets take this apart as I see the situation,We were fighting the Vietnamese 40plus years ago.The Chinese and Russians were assisting the killing of our young men and women who were sent there to supposedly free those poor people from china's influence and tyranny.China a few years ago retook possession of Taiwan or Free China.They promised to let them remain as they were as free people.
only a few years before this,China had invaded the peaceful and serene country of Tibet.They forced The Dali Lamar from his home.America did little to assist.

The Chinese Export tremendous amounts of goods to the USA and do not import as much to their country.China has the nasty habit of sorta borrowing the Patented goods from the rest of the world and tweaking it so the patents are not enforcable.

China has a infrastructure that is collapsing onto itself through over expansion of their own funds.
They now threaten the entire Pacific and the rest of the world by their aggression and threats.
China has put the first Chinese rocket into space going to the moon and back.They also have possesion of nuclear power.

Ok now lets backup to the past 50years on that part of the world.The peoples of that hemisphere seem to go through cycles of fighting each other.Like other parts of the world they drag people into conflicts that in a couple decades are as we find them now.Japan invades China.Then Japan attacks the USA.The USA then is involved in the Pacific War.Vietnam is our tenative allies but still has clamps on even free thinking.Try blogging into Southeast Asia mother than Malaysia.Which reads my blogs as other parts of the world do.50,000plus Americans died and the chinese weaponed north trooped into Saigon.After all these years Saigon as it was once called not only changed it's name but also it's dreams of freedom.

Where is this supposed to go?China has massive amounts of land that is not developed,so food and industry isn't the problem.The country has a huge seacoast and entire oceans to fish in.The industry is suffisticated evough to not need other countries Tech.The population is sorta lonely for the massive male population due to little girls being dumped or killed in preference to a male child....And China has millions of cold showers because of this difference...

 One country invades the other after awhile come threats and war is on.Every time the War breaks out China has either had it fingers into the problem or is directly involved as per The Independent country of Tibet finds itself occupied by...YUP! You guess it right.Occupied by Chinese troops.
It Still has Chinese Boots on the ground there.Mr. Kerry has the forsight of Washington to support the threatened small countries while they are asking for help.At least for the moment they are friendlies.
In a few years the power will tip barring influence from The still Free  countries.I believe that China has made the mistake of conquerer countries of the past.Empire building has brought down dynasties in China for centuries.Even the Red Guard is not heard of much anymore.Mr.Mao used to have his profile everywhere in that country.It is slowly being conquered by Capitalistic Free Enterprise...

There is a saying and I do not remember the author It goes something like this.Progress is like flowing water.every time it finds an impass,it conforms and finds a way to get by the problem.
The shear force of the flowing water will find a way to pass.Over,Under,Above,Below,Or around.
but it will find a way.
Freedom and Capitalism is unstoppable force.

Korea is a Pacific threat with nuclear power and a mental midget running the north Korean nutbin.
We can only hope That I am right on this theory and history will repeat the downfall of another Empire as it is overcome by the only power that is Immune to mankinds constant bickering and
posturing to distroy each other. Time

In spite of The USA doing their best to keep the balance of power,Time will change it to whatever it is meant to be.Pray that it is freedom for all people.


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Friday, November 30, 2012

What is Freedom When You Think About It?

The recent headlines show thousands of folks in many countries around the world as mobs.Crowds running through the street,screaming and yelling in a multitude of languages.The tone of the protests re varied with a focus on what they call freedom.The crowds vary from the most unruly violence to the subdued and orderly.So...,What is the core of freedom anyway.What is the Idea of having the "right" to do what ever you wish in this life.Let us explore a bit and then leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Freedom is defined as the ability to persue life as you believe your life path travels will make you have a better life.There are many different definitions of the word in various authorities defining our many languages worldwide.

I have asked many people throughout my life as to what they think Freedom means to them.A long and thoughtful pause usually takes place afterwards.The eyes focus inward and roll from side to side.
It is a question much like the child's perplexing question to a half truth from an adult.It is the word "WHY?"..

The people that have the freedom to live within a society based on doctrines of free thinking people will take the longest to answer.The point here is that free people have never known the harsh oppression of leaders,political,religious,etc.The freedom they know has always been a large part of their lives and livelyhood.They really have no Idea as to how miserable live can get in a "controlled society"The perspectives are skewed by what the minor problems they have in life are.Terrible,awful? They have food,and at least chances to improve a dismal existance.The homeless have a future if it is hunted with dilligence.A struggling Black women actually went from a jobless,
single mom to a U.S. congresswomen .Not so remarkable you say..She ran against george Mcgovern in the last century......She won! Look It Up folks.Another country would never allow this even now.

I talked to a man from Pakistan a few hours ago about this.He asked if my blogs reached Pakistan.I told him ,not yet. He told me about his country allowing the disowning of a family member by religious leaders,family and society in general if you didn't follow a strict rule by elders.

The human rights people are working to change things as they can do so,I replied.I have also talked to People from all over the world in regards to the concept of Freedom and what it means to them personally.

The most popular reply is roughly this:
1)Freedom is the right to marry whom you love.
2)The right to educate and become what you believe is "your" path in life.
3)The right to live when and where you would be most comfortable to live out your life in peace.
4)The right to see your children grow up,happy,healthy and become great people in the world.
5)The freedom to travel,eat,drink,earn and have your own responsibilities for bad habits.
6)The right to live a healthy life with medical help when you need it not based on wealth or social status.
7)The right to vote for those that will follow a set of ideas that paraphrase your own ideas..
8)the right to be listened to by those people elected to that office.
9)The right to pursue and chase the dreams of a better future for ones family,regardless of who they are,where they are from or how they see long as they do no harm to others.(Do as thou wilt)
10)Lastly,The right to your own ideas and creativity of thoughts,intellegence,and Ideas.

The above could be added to infinitly by those that have freedom dreams because that is all they dare to have.Oppressors have not found a way to take our dreams from us if they are strong enough.

I once spoke with a man that serve as a tortured POW in Vietnam many years ago as an American soldier.We had dinner and he had several drinks.He suddenly spoke up and said ,"ask me"!
I had no idea what was on his mind as the alcohol was freeing his mind of years of tormented memories.Memories that tear at the fibre of your humanity.Memories that should never be forced into any mind with a soul.Not even an animal!He continued to say this,You can put this in your journals my friend.The days that I was in POW hell ,I learned this...long pause and another drink, Freedom is a concept that is so deep inside each of us that no-one can take it from us."They" can break your will,Break your body,Maybe break your mind in time...
"They" can not break your yearning for freedom and "they" can not steal your soul unless you let them.That is the meaning of freedom.

I believe he would know this better than I who have been raised,educated and wandered this U.S.A.
land of the free for the last 25years.For those seeking freedom,where ever you may be.
Fight on and keep the dream of freedom deep within you.If a man crouched in a tigercage and feed starvation rations,dares to dream of being free,So can you...and I.

Talk to you again soon.I am headed south to The great state of Texas Where many are trying to pass a petition for forming into the Republic Of Texas.It once was 2 centuries orso ago.I hope those folks remember the laws are only as good as the balancing freedoms that go with any constitution.
The U.S. Constitution is still available to recreate for a really great platform to build on.
I highly recommend it if you succeed  :)

Till next time my friends,Keep the dream alive.



Monday, September 24, 2012

vietnam joins? the worlds crackdown on internet speechh

Vietnamese Navy Torpedo Boat (HQ-311)
Vietnamese Navy Torpedo Boat (HQ-311) (Photo credit: GlobalCitizen01)
Without freedom of thought there can be no suc...
Without freedom of thought there can be no such think as wisdom & no such thing as puclick liberty without freedom of speech, Benjamin Franklin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The small article in the New York Times  caught my eye as I read about Bloggers going to prison for their freedom of speech abilities.They were stating a few problems their government was experiencing.They were little problems when it can to a democratic nation.Most countries would just say," yeah so that is your opinion and everyone has one."Thats a probable democratic reply...This article is about a Southeast Asian country that has not know freedom for many centuries.It has fought for freedom and lost many times.The people like to be monitored and directed.

50,000  Soldiers from many countries died trying to induce freedom to a people that were caught up in a philosophy that they could not understand.The French nation tried to bring freedom to that part of the world.That didn't work at an earlier time in history.Freedom is a thing they would never rise up and take over the rules.They wouldn.t because it would require a basic right they are not allowed.
It is the right to freedom of speech.

These bloggers will serve prison time for simply trying to rally their people to change their governmemts ideas.Those in power see the changes the internet has brought to other world nations.
It scares the Bajeebers out of those leaders.They would lose their cushie,easy and no doubt corrupt government jobs to all those oppressed  peons the control with fear.

I wrote an article to the Russian people urging them to not pass laws that would plunge the world back into a cold war type atmosphere between nations.The Blog was based on their new Conspiracy by offensive speech to the Russian Government  Law.It was polite and precise to request peace without conflict.I see that the 50% of  my readers that were from Russia no longer can read my Blogs..The freedom of speech is a crucial right even for those that abuse that privilegewith abusive language in the media.It is still a right.These people will lose their families,to serve time in some of the worst prisons in the world.Ask any vietnam veteran about their treatment in a POW camp!
Please ask a vet that Wants to remember that experience and get out of the way...It ain't pretty.

I urge Bloggers and Readers to write the Russian Ambassador as well as the Vietnamese Government to  allow freedom to bloom in their countries.The world must become more open to the populations in order to prevent mass chaos like in the North African countries.Oppression is a terrible thing to control the masses.The internet is the most powerful tool in the history of mankind.
We The People,living in the free world can change the world without ever firing a shot in anger.
Our wmd (Weapons of Mass Destruction) is our Minds set into a free the people mode.

Within you lies the power, to seize the hour, and live your dream. Free the people to live as they can!
Get involved with Human rights groups.Get involved with organizations to educated people.
Get up and out of your couch and live for freedom.It is a rewarding per suite.You will feel more alive at the end of the day than you may have felt in any day past.Write,Blog,Phone,go and patricipate in any help ypu can to better the life of another human being.It is usually rewarding to you in ways only time can make known to you.Even a religious organizations charity drive is a help.
anything to help another is  a work of greatness.could you do any of this without the basic right of Freedom Of Speech? Now imagine being arrested for trying to help another person...You just put yourself in those Bloggers Shoes...Freedom can not be allowed to be silenced,,,

Without the world seeking peaceful means of  dwelling together,we are truly doomed in this nuclear destruction age.Get involved,make a difference.It will change your life.

 Take care for now and please keep the dream alive,or lose it forever.

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