Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sad News and Late Words of Sympathy to the Shoshone tribe in Nevada One of Your Warriors Have Fallen With Honor

Washakie, monument over Washakie's grave at Fo...
Washakie, monument over Washakie's grave at Fort Washakie, Wyoming (Shoshone). - NARA - 533069 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Shoshone group American Indian Mongoloid
English: Shoshone group American Indian Mongoloid (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Washakie, Shoshone Chief - NARA - 533065
Washakie, Shoshone Chief - NARA - 533065 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was not aware of the Dunn sisters in Nevada that fought so brave and long against the tribal lands being swallowed by a mining interest.Many Native Americans feel as myself that some things do not have  a price,Land and the Earth are the creators by whatever name or gender you attach.The Earth is something we only borrow for the time we are walking this path to the future.We are supposed to be its caretakers.There were some in the tribe it is said that wanted the money for the land.

I guess they to believe the treaties didn't matter after those who fought for it and suffered were long gone.I wonder why mankind is like that.That which we feel is so important in a given generation is soon forgotten or forsaken by the children and grandchildren.Do values change so much as time rolls into history.

I sincerely hope spirits that have slept so long will soon awaken to lead us all into the light of the future ahead,because we seem blinded by our quest for imaginary things such as wealth.Money only exists when people agree to it's value.If you do not believe that then try this experiment.

Throw away your toys.Your fones,your cable gadgets,your computers,your modern toys include a house,car etc.Now have some one drop you in the middle of somewhere 100miles from civilization.
with a million dollars in a suitcase.  Your knowledge of the imaginary valued world will soon educate you in how valuable that green colored stuff is worth.Please note it is soft and TP.

u may also find it is somewhat warm if used as a blanket till it rains.

Try it and........lotsa luck.

Huntahaiya wahshesho!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Now a Blog for the Positive Side,A Moment Away From The Mindless Robotic Killing on Orders From the Darkening Shadows

Protein crystals
Protein crystals (Photo credit: orinoco14)
English: World oceans
English: World oceans (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was surprised when I went to pick up my Taxes that had been prepared for me today.The tax  person had gone to the computer to print out a hard copy of the final forms that I would have to sign and send for the IRS to process.The lady turned around and seemed to be in a state of shock from the look on her face.The entire file had disappeared from Their computer with all other folks files still intact.All this in only a single night...Good thing I don't believe in conspiracies.

I explained that it was not a surprise as I had heard of such things happening to folks who had differences with the worlds Political Circus.This would normally mean my entire Tax record would have been lost.I guess it shows that like National records....We really need to back up all paperwork with a hard copy that is kept indefinitely.It is simply good practice to do so.Draw your own conclusions regarding this and reflect on your own records and important papers.If they were to suddenly Vanish without a trace Where would your life go?Natural or fabricated,similar results,same
outcome,same preventions used.

It is very important to preserve things that are irreplaceable in our lives.There will always be those people that prefer to be willingly ignorant of that fact simply for the sake of attention .There seems always to be that dunderhead in the crowd who feels a need to try to beat down a noble group trying to do the right thing for this singular earth biosphere.We have yet to prove any other actually exists.

This Blog is for another reason and a greater cause for certain.
I am a greatly devoted believer in the fact that we don't seem to understand  what we truly have until it is gone.Then it is too late.Not unlike closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

Awhile back I wrote an article elsewhere stating the Seas and Oceans should become a priority to mankind.The farming of the ocean and preservation of species is mandate to our worlds survival.
There is species in the ocean that we do not even know about.The Poisons that kill from different
jellyfish,stingrays and others are being experimented with to create powerful pain killers and anti toxins.

The billions of krill and crustaceans are rich in protein.Enough to feed the ocean life and all of the world if we just farm the resources.We are the keepers of the world,if we continue to bicker and fight over the trivial virtual differences in philosophies we are lost.The fighting over territories like dogs
is  destructive to our human futures.Regardless what you believe as to how or when we were on this planet,we are all destined to journey into the future together.

We can choose to scream,fight,gouge,kick and claw at each other in the name of [fill in the blanks]
The truth is this;
If you believe in a God or Goddess or whatever,That deity has its own time line and its own idea of what will happen.I would imagine since I am not one of those gifted,it has its own intelligent plan for humans.

I envy those who are so gifted and advanced spiritually that they have the ability to out think or at least think for that deity and tell the rest of us mere mortals what is in the divines mind.Imagine having a  Private and singular line into the creator...WOW!

Getting back to Planet Problem..
The food seems to be inexhaustible till  remembering a certain oil disaster in the American Gulf of Mexico and others in the past.It is limited and potentially finite.Many land creatures are already extinct from the lack of disciple to preserve what is there.Nothing destroyed has  ever returned.

Experiments with cloning has had ugly results.Sheep are short term lived.The carrier pigeon project to restore the bird was ill fated and failed.I read where a type of extinct gorilla was chosen to be brought back from extinction and was a genetic monster that disappeared  shortly after its last page publication.

Shellfish was scarce for many months in the USA.Seafood Business's based in the USA shutdown.Many other Fish and eatable delicacies were not fit to eat.The nuclear mess in Japan poisoned the oceans in radioactive amounts flowing out into the oceans much  worse than a bomb blast from the most powerful terrorist attack.
It will effect the entire planet in some manner.The constant flow of poisons into the water table is
sooner or later going to effect us.

The recent analyzing of  Ancient Roman cities now in ruins tell
of the kind of ignorance that lead to slowly kill civilizations.The water ducts that made the Romans cities so Hi-tech for that historical period contained the heavy metal called lead.A substance still   used today in paint.The resulting damage to the human anatomy is the same.It disables and kills slowly.The saying ,"It is something in the water,makes them that way."probably came from that time.
Oceans poisoned and empty would mean the death of  everything on the planet. We cant bring it all back.

The people of this earth would have a new world to explore without ever leaving this planet.The Aqua-farms would provide fine Hi-Protein food for the entire world.Starvation could and would be
a memory like the plague of the dark ages.A terrible memory that is feared no more.

There are some hurdles to get over and walls to knock down along the way.They will bring out the
very ignorant as I described above.Those such as the Australian Bloke that continually attacks the Sea Shepherds Group for trying to force the laws to be followed on the high seas.The guys name is moron or moman or whatever.A fine example of the ignorant.Hate for the sake of hate with absolutely nothing positive to contribute.Just insult an more fermented mental excrement. The good efforts of those doing the hard work on this planet just to hope we see the possibilities before it is too late.

All the billions of dollars being spent to fuel human misery is dark and evil.The same billions could easily be funding cures for everything.The food and comfort such an effort would provide would make this planet a paradise instead of a commercially lucrative Killing ground for a few in power.
I whole heartily back the earths groups who preach peace and prosperity.Please note that I have never Hugged a tree or swam with a whale.I do not have to conform to a stereotype to realize the value of survival in a delicately balanced Biosphere.

WE THE PEOPLE are the only hope for such a world.To live and flourish in the Vast Oceans.
To Tera form, not the moon and other desolate places in hostile space out there someplace.
But to use what we already have here under our own skies.This little blue marble in space as the program used to say. The commercials on the TV show the folks starving in 3rd world countries.What a wonderful thing if one day they were not on TV.They became prosperous and started growing excess food to tide them over into the next hard times..What a change from skeletal baby's and concentration camp flashbacks.

Lets try hard to support the many organizations that want to change the worldwide Killing fields into
the fields of grain and laughing children who are of all ages.Brothers and sisters that have grown to
get along and prosper.I will try to list some of the ones that I am aware of below.You will have some you like and I really hope that you spend a little time investigating  to discover for yourself.

Human Rights Org.
Charity Water
Girl Rising
Monterey Aquarium
Cancer Research
Pencil of Promise
NIMH-National Institute of Mental Health
Citizen Effect
Fragile Oasis

The Case Foundation
National Wildlife Foundation
The trevor Project
Teaching Tolerence
Discovery Education
 National Geographic
US Army Corp of Engineers
Global Action
Human Rights Watch
Global Citizen
Sea Shepherd

This list is a very short list of Organizations the world has to offer.There are thousands to be found and yours to add to the world efforts to stop the insanity.
Start building a better world.
Join us in the effort and never walk alone again.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

vietnam joins? the worlds crackdown on internet speechh

Vietnamese Navy Torpedo Boat (HQ-311)
Vietnamese Navy Torpedo Boat (HQ-311) (Photo credit: GlobalCitizen01)
Without freedom of thought there can be no suc...
Without freedom of thought there can be no such think as wisdom & no such thing as puclick liberty without freedom of speech, Benjamin Franklin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The small article in the New York Times  caught my eye as I read about Bloggers going to prison for their freedom of speech abilities.They were stating a few problems their government was experiencing.They were little problems when it can to a democratic nation.Most countries would just say," yeah so that is your opinion and everyone has one."Thats a probable democratic reply...This article is about a Southeast Asian country that has not know freedom for many centuries.It has fought for freedom and lost many times.The people like to be monitored and directed.

50,000  Soldiers from many countries died trying to induce freedom to a people that were caught up in a philosophy that they could not understand.The French nation tried to bring freedom to that part of the world.That didn't work at an earlier time in history.Freedom is a thing they would never rise up and take over the rules.They wouldn.t because it would require a basic right they are not allowed.
It is the right to freedom of speech.

These bloggers will serve prison time for simply trying to rally their people to change their governmemts ideas.Those in power see the changes the internet has brought to other world nations.
It scares the Bajeebers out of those leaders.They would lose their cushie,easy and no doubt corrupt government jobs to all those oppressed  peons the control with fear.

I wrote an article to the Russian people urging them to not pass laws that would plunge the world back into a cold war type atmosphere between nations.The Blog was based on their new Conspiracy by offensive speech to the Russian Government  Law.It was polite and precise to request peace without conflict.I see that the 50% of  my readers that were from Russia no longer can read my Blogs..The freedom of speech is a crucial right even for those that abuse that privilegewith abusive language in the media.It is still a right.These people will lose their families,to serve time in some of the worst prisons in the world.Ask any vietnam veteran about their treatment in a POW camp!
Please ask a vet that Wants to remember that experience and get out of the way...It ain't pretty.

I urge Bloggers and Readers to write the Russian Ambassador as well as the Vietnamese Government to  allow freedom to bloom in their countries.The world must become more open to the populations in order to prevent mass chaos like in the North African countries.Oppression is a terrible thing to control the masses.The internet is the most powerful tool in the history of mankind.
We The People,living in the free world can change the world without ever firing a shot in anger.
Our wmd (Weapons of Mass Destruction) is our Minds set into a free the people mode.

Within you lies the power, to seize the hour, and live your dream. Free the people to live as they can!
Get involved with Human rights groups.Get involved with organizations to educated people.
Get up and out of your couch and live for freedom.It is a rewarding per suite.You will feel more alive at the end of the day than you may have felt in any day past.Write,Blog,Phone,go and patricipate in any help ypu can to better the life of another human being.It is usually rewarding to you in ways only time can make known to you.Even a religious organizations charity drive is a help.
anything to help another is  a work of greatness.could you do any of this without the basic right of Freedom Of Speech? Now imagine being arrested for trying to help another person...You just put yourself in those Bloggers Shoes...Freedom can not be allowed to be silenced,,,

Without the world seeking peaceful means of  dwelling together,we are truly doomed in this nuclear destruction age.Get involved,make a difference.It will change your life.

 Take care for now and please keep the dream alive,or lose it forever.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Russia moving into the Iron curtain darkness again?

Iron curtain Germany (near Witzenhausen-Heilig...
Iron curtain Germany (near Witzenhausen-Heiligenstadt) Français : Le Rideau de fer dans la campagne allemande, près de Witzenhausen. Nederlands: IJzeren gordijn Duitsland (nabij Witzenhausen-Heiligenstadt) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Freedom of speech
Freedom of speech (Photo credit: [togr])
Freedom and Ignorance
Freedom and Ignorance (Photo credit: bterrycompton)
The Russian Parliament Officials have announced that they would increase the anti treason laws on foreign influencing organizations.It was unanimously voted on.This proposed law(if brought to practise) makes any organization at risk of committing treason for just speaking about Freedom or Democracy.The Iron Curtain of my childhood is creeping slowly down again...Darkness in Russia is descending once more.

The New York Times article speaks (paraphrasing) of this law  passed to drive out thoughts of Democracy and Freedom in the country that has come so far out of the oppressive years of the Nuclear war threats.
It was a time when as a child that I remember the school teachers walking we,children out into the hallways to stand.The teachers directed us to place our folded arms above our heads and lean against the hallway walls.

We were just children when the air-raid horns blared out their remorseful cries indicating the end of the world.The nuclear missiles from Russia were possibly on the way to destroy our world.It was only a test.Sometimes we were instructed to hide under our desks,arm covering our eyes..Nuclear flash would blind us.We were just little children who were never going to grow up.Never going to see our families again.Russia was destroying The world!!!The Iron curtain was a wall of fear that separated ordinary people by politics.Do we need to repeat those times?
Those who fail to learn from the past are destined to repeat it.

Evil is a small thing,easily controlled,  allowed to grow into a monster,It can devour everything in it's path.... 

Propaganda and politicians,distance and Isolation made our childrens world a place with memories such as those I described above. It is shocking to see a country that is willing to obtain a space agency pardoner,but still hate those who pardoner with them.I would hope that the Russian People don't feel that we represent the real or imagined threat of the cold war years.Those frightened children are adults now.Surely we know now that those children that were against the wall would have been vaporized,leaving only tiny carbon shadows as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan.Is the old ways so very rewarding to you,my friends?Fear and Isolation?

The world has become a very different place from those days.It is not uncommon to find a  Russian wife,find a business link,find an opportunity to cooperate in a space program...We can't hide anymore from the fears that once terrified us as children.The world is becoming to small from technology to hide from that which we once feared as those children.

We can work together and learn about each other as ordinary human beings or foolishly allow our fears to overcome each other.The first option leads to the future and the second leads to total devastation and Hell on earth to those left in the radiated ruins of Mankinds burned and stenching toilet we once called earth.If the Iron curtain is rebuilt,we will never advance as a world people.
The fears and fantasies that drive dictators and madmen will destroy all we as people have accomplished.50years of peace and diplomacy will have been in vain between our countries.
That curtain will slam on even the internet freedoms we all enjoy to whatever degree we do.

Democracy is not so bad when you talk to folks that are just coming from the more oppressive places.
It is like a breathe of clean fresh air on a beautiful winter day when first experienced.This is the description I was told by a friend who immigrated many years ago(just afterWWII).He wore his concentration camp tattoo proudly till the day he passed into peace.May he rest in Peace...

I hope people speak louder than politicians when it comes to freedoms.Once we lose those freedoms,
they will be long,if ever to return.Guard your freedoms well,else you will lose them.
Our elections may seem like a lot of mud slinging and fertilizer heaping.It is because we have the freedom in the speak as we will on things political. We seem so wild and crazy during these times because we have the freedom to pick and chose who we think best represents our view points,lifestyles and dreams.It may seem a fearful thing to those who find it alien.It's
a truly wonderful experience,our freedom to chose,to speak,to think as independent people.

Freedom is something many of us would die to defend.It is that dear to us in the U.S.
I invite you in places of the world to visit us and see for yourself just what Democracy is
for yourself.You won't regret the feeling....I would never let it change in the U.S.A.
That is why ordinary people vote for the people that will ensure our rights and freedoms...

If the curtain falls in Russia,the Ballet will never be a personal interpretation by an individual again.
Someone who doesn't dance, will always be telling the ballerina how to interpret her moves..every time......forever!

We will talk again my friends,for now...Please stay free and think for yourselves.

PS.I truly wished that when I wrote this blog September of last year that the current invasion and my prediction of the Iron Curtain once again closing would have been just a bad guess that would never come true.It would have been worth the razzing from folks that I was just having a bad day and the eastern block would never obtain anything of its past evil.
This is that prediction I made coming true.The dark and sinister shadows are closing around our world in ever increasing velocity.
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