Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

USA to send Our Finest from Camp Legune N.C. to beef up Romania,Kerry does not think We need to Blog energy sources?

English: NEW YORK. A meeting of the UN Securit...
English: NEW YORK. A meeting of the UN Security Council at the United Nations headquarters. Русский: НЬЮ-ЙОРК. Заседание Совета Безопасности ООН в штаб-квартире Организации Объединенных Наций. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Flag of Ukrainian SSR
Flag of Ukrainian SSR (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Once again Russia has flexed a muscle by strapping injury to insult for the Ukraine people.Meanwhile our Secretary of state Mr.Kerry does not believe energy should be a weapon to inflict economies with a severe spanking to behave.Can You imagine what would happen to the Russian war machine if it suddenly ran out of gas.Yes they can probably get it elsewhere,but it would be as the second world war when we ran the enemy out of the fuel to be an aggressor.It worked...

The danger of this  invasion is this.WE(the USA) and its allies have trusted a country that again and again shows itself to be lead by polecats in kitten suits.There are countries that will follow after the Ukraine is allowed to fall.I believe it will be allowed to fall at some point soon.

The United Nations has begun to talk and discuss what to do about this blatant invasion of a sovereign country by Putin's goons.There is only a small march through this struggling country to get to Poland and other countries that do not have huge funds to defend themselves.I think they may have been under the impression the free world could help a tad more than present.

The Ukraine's Natural Gasoline has been cut by doubling the price of fuel used.That means people in the Ukraine already hurting and struggling will be without heat and comforts.I would think this would fall under the Human rights Organizations,Red cross etc.

The Red Cross refused to help me when I was homeless they don't help the fallen here in the USA( so one of their workers told me.Guess we don't count).I walked out of that office into the snow and the 20degee weather as that worker looked with disgust out her nice warm office window.
I vowed to change the world and I WILL.

Awhile back I published a blog that displayed a smiling Mr Putin with his hand in the hand of the leader of Iran.The USA is still involved Empire building in that part of the world with apparently no
actual thoughts of leaving. Thus letting them revert back to the sorry state they will slide into after all the babysitters go home.Vietnam did the same thing as did Korea.History repeating itself  without any lessons learned...
As the old protest song went when will they ever learn?

I am not an expert on world situations.I had a well known Senator reply to a question of why don't you help us in New York State to change things?He wrote back and dressed me down for daring to interfere in federal matters.Said it was his job and I should leave Federal matters  to him.I responded with this:Sir I respect the fact that  your job is to attend to federal matters and I give you the honors for that job done.But sir, I believe it is now my turn to remind you that, while it is your job to attend to federal matters,It is my job and others like me to advise you from our visions of the matter.If only to help you as your actual employers who have given you that job in good faith.I don't think he held it against me..

The facts are really this:The USA Has given Russia A green light to invade by the long and seemingly endless war with old Persia and it various factions.We(The USA)has stretched our funds,Our patience,and our resources to the max.We(the USA)have trusted the Russians to take care of our entire Space program.I would imagine that Putin thinks we are weak kneed and off balance from all that.We have also allowed much of our economy to shift to foreign shores.Many of those growing countries are closely (religiously) allied with certain countries that we are fighting now.

We have a war going on below our borders that spill quietly crossed the borders in places like El Paso.That spills over in places in several states.The country below our border has become a place that Americans can be killed in as quickly as over seas.We have no grip on that situation.

All these things are bleeding our financial resources to critical levels.We are fighting numerous wars on every front with our guys down to using the elastic from their underpants with rocks as weapons.
When we ask the United Nations to Help,We are going to a group of nations that once had economies that combined were the elite of the world.Most of them are as barefoot as the rest of the free world now.Taxed to death,and being told the rest of the world must catch up with their economies as the people of those once thriving places become unemployed and 3rd world poor.

A long story short:If you were Putin with all this his scorecard would it really bother you to hear threats from the rest of the world....I really hope to heaven that we still have the 11th hour ace up our sleeve so all those people in the old Iron curtain countries don't feel the wrath of Mutha Russia for thinking they could live free...

Pray for those folks to actually survive this world changing event and that our leaders can reopen the closing iron curtain.One step at a time folks,long as we never surrender,we can grow stronger together.WE THE PEOPLE of the world need to resist and overcome....
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Monday, March 10, 2014

News Video Coming out of Ukraine Reminds Me of Descriptions of the Texas Alamo When Surrounded by the Mexican Army

The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, USA {| cellsp...
The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, USA {| cellspacing="0" style="min-width:40em; color:#000; background:#ddd; border:1px solid #bbb; margin:.1em;" class="layouttemplate" | style="width:1.2em;height:1.2em;padding:.2em" | 20px |link=|center | style="font-size:.85em; padding:.2em; vertical-align:middle" |This image was created with hugin. |} Alamo pano.jpg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Human Rights Review
Human Rights Review (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The news articles stated that the Ukraine was invaded by Russian Troops for their own good.Mr.Putin has defied the whole world with his military shenanigans.The KGB Czar of Russia has decided that like many other leaders of countries these days that he has their best interests in mind.He will help them,even if it means running tanks and armored divisions over them to prove it.

Many of the Ukraine Military have held their ground and are still loyal to their country.They must still have a dream of remaining free from Russian mandates.Meanwhile the diplomatic shuffle is danced in the usual way as we watch the usual goings on.The Diplomatic Shuffle is done when a slick trade is in the wind that needs to be sorta hidden out of sight.

In the next few days or weeks,a deal will be made that will give Russia a firm grip on the Ukraine in exchange for something politicians really want to get their hands on....Wonder what that trade will be?Let me think here,Hmmm.The usual sabre rattling is always good for a bit of distraction.
The observers won't be let in to see human rights violations,

The Human rights folks will be blocked from getting phone messages as this is the way other dictators have done. Internet is already blocked and monitored all over what was once the free world.Did you see the Snowden video from Russia.

Oh,wait a minute that was not Russia censoring was it?My mistake..forgot where growing up had gotten me.Off the subject,was George Orwell a prophet or a fortune teller?I could  have sworn he wrote fiction. but I digress.You decide that one.

 Those brave Ukraine Soldiers have tried to hold back the Russians with Small arms in the street.

This reminds me of the Nazis just rolling into France in the beginning of the second war.Historical fact that the world sat wringing their hands then to.The leaders had  spinal problems that did not allow resistance.The people thought otherwise.French underground used guerrilla warfare to harass the Nazis. The  rest of the world  did not get involved till   bombs dropped on their worlds.When it looked like they might have to start learning to speak German  or Japanese inside the discovered Concentration Camps.

There is a way to slap down Mr.Putin that will stunt his popularity a lot.
Bring our space program home to this country and pull out all the money siphoning into Russia from The USA and its allies.The Hill folk have a saying that has been the butt of many jokes but it fits here.That would separate the chaff from the wheat as far as who is our allies.
Either Yer fer us or yer Agin us.

Oil is not a problem in the USA.Isn't now or in the future.We have more under our "assets" than the rest of the world.The will to find it and carefully drill for it does not have to be in the Oceans.

Many states have been under a boom of oil for quite a few years now.There is much more without ever touching the Oceans around us.We need to find it and plan carefully .WE have become much to dependent on outside out of house suppliers.Dump them and look to home before some wannabe  little czar decides he can hold the rest of the world for ransom.We need to show that he was not able to even hold a good wife let alone a world  hostage.

The photo in the news article I saw was about 2dozen Ukraine troopers with small arms in hand trying to hold their Embassy  from Russian troops with armored vehicles and other arms.No one was being allowed to enter or leave . Armored,The kind of weapons not used to guard people,but to intimidate and overwhelm people.Those Ukraine  soldiers and folks were standing their ground. Hoping for a miracle from the rest of the world.It reminded me of a very expensive lesson we here in the USA learned a long time ago.

A time when our Heroes faced several thousand seasoned troops that had just returned from fighting professional soldiers.They were well equipped.The odds in proportion to the defenders were tens or hundreds to one in favor of the invaders that surrounded them. The re enforcements they prayed for never arrived to help them.The battle was bloody and in time,took out all the defenders there.The Professional Army was victorious to win this battle.

As a broadcaster used to say,the rest of the story goes like this,The defenders were volunteers to that battle.They never asked to be invaded by General Santa Anna.They knew that they had to delay the huge army for as long as possible till help could arrive somewhere to help.

Santa Anna was defeated a short time later By more volunteers that went to Texas  to stop a man with dreams of conquest.He was found dressed in  peasant clothes trying to escape when he was discovered and captured.

The Mexican Troops must have known they were doomed.When ever the Texans and Mexican fought,There was a cry that was echoed above the battle as it raged.

I truly pray for a peaceful end to the occupation of any free country under siege.Any place that there is overwhelming odds an people who are oppressed for nothing they did.

We need to needle those in power and the united nations to do something through whatever channels they can open.The Embassies of those involved will perhaps aide in changing the hearts of those involved.
Google the embassies of Russia to ask for peaceful resolve and the Ukraine for support  to the people.

Pray for peace and freedom friends

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dear Mr. Putin,Regarding Putting Innocents in Front of Your Invaders,This Aint Your Daddys Conflict&Drones Can Attack Behind Those Sheilds

English: THE GRAND KREMLIN PALACE, MOSCOW. President Putin with Iranian President Mohammad Khatami. Русский: МОСКВА, БОЛЬШОЙ КРЕМЛЕВСКИЙ ДВОРЕЦ. С Президентом Ирана Сейедом Мохаммадом Хатами. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
The headlines being printed today are just so rosy and light.Putin invades a sovereign country when one of his puppets strings break and then he[putin]has the audacity to thereaten to place the very folks he feigned concern with in the line of fire.Now our KGB hero is stating that he will place those said,same innocent folk in the line of fire?I rather thought The recently separated Mrs.Putin saw something or knew something we could not prove...till now anyway.

I am no expert on the rules of warfare.That is saying there still are rules to what is death,destruction,chaos and general mayhem mandates.Isn't it against the  so called rules of warfare to use human shields in combat situations?I think I remember the leader of one of those Muslim countries doing so in the past.I believe we attacked his domain and hanged him,did we not?

I also have read reams of articles on robotic operants in a battle situation.Does our outdated and obviously not worried about rules Russian leader realize that we don't have to send boots on the ground to spank him...Those robotics are getting better and better as time goes on.

I am not a fan of killer robots and covert ops.The only hopeful thing if there is any at all,is that Those folks can be differentiated from the troops in the rear.The troops  hiding behind the skirts of innocent women and children.Lets throw in some old folks just for effect.

The big question here is can the robotic warriors be so precise as to hit only what is targeted or is there just splatter patterns?Can the High tech sights lock on to the shivering/quivering humans in the high boots crapping their uniforms in the rear[no pun intended/ahh heck pun intended anyway] .

The so called free eastern block countries will all, at sometime be the subject of our antiquated KGB
hero.There was never a time that Mutha Russia had it in mind to let those people free for ever.

They at some point in time will all fall back under the Hammer and sickle of Russia.It is the leaders dream to have a Russia like he grew up in.I recall a leader swearing he would bury the USA and its allies.HE is dead and buried.We are struggling to stay a free country as those who lead stray from the original ideas of freedom.But we are still free as compared to the Ukraine people.

I would like to see our space program be brought back onto the United States shores.At least place our technologies where it would be less able to be compromised by a man who is obviously out of control.This not a Qaddafi,ETC,ETC.This a man from a former?? enemy land that once was ready to annihilate the rest of the world just to prove a tainted philosophy.
That mans country is a major nuclear power and he has conquest in his heart and mind.Do we really want to see just how far he will dare to go with that idea?Obviously our  ideas are not of any significance to The Russian President who must believe he has become invincible as the Russian Leaders of old thought.

Where is the great and powerful United Nations that most generally attempts to talk their enemies into submission before sending supplies that can end up hijacked.Where is the Nations that talked up a storm when it came to  East block Nations breaking away to what they thought would be freedom.How many nations are involved with the united nations now?Just curious how many united Nation Countries does  it takes to screw in a light bulb.One to veto against helping and the rest to hold the ladder....It is an old joke,but it sometimes fits the scenario.

This world needs to come together as a whole.The nations that are able to work together need to
push forward into the future and dump the deadwood nations that are stuck back in the cold war era
WE THE PEOPLE are not just  the USA.We are folks that just want to be free to build a better 
free  society for all to live in.The censoring of our INTERNET.The deprivation of people around the world is a good cause to fight against.The holding back of things to make life better.

WE THE PEOPLE need to speak up and let our thoughts be known.Our leaders may be good but i do not believe they can read minds yet.Write neat and thought out letters to your leaders.The more we
involve ourselves,the more we can change the world we live in.Even a little at a time is better than nothing at all.

Regarding mr.Putin and his dream of world monarch,There is only time that fixes things.
If you believe in a deity,Pray for change.I personally think The creator has set into motion a mechanism like a pendulum.Good on one side and darkness on the opposite side.The pendulum  swings to the dark side for awhile until it can go no more then to equal the motion,The pendulum
must swing to the opposite side for the same amount of time.You might test that theory if you use a timeline of warfare in history..All things work this way similarly.Mr.Putins world is temporary at best.

I think if we work together,that pendulum will have a little help in the time and momentum of its travel....All together people 1,2,3 PUUUUUSSSSSHHHH.

till next time Dear readers,Kind and open mind and a song in your heart.

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dont You Wish Your Country Was Just Like The Ukraine,Dontcha?Dontcha wish They Beat You down in The street like That,Dontcha?

English: IS-3. The "Joseph Stalin" t...
English: IS-3. The "Joseph Stalin" tank, was a heavy tank developed by the Soviet Union during World War II. Kyiv Museum, Ukraine Русский: Танк ИС-3 (Иосиф Сталин) в музее г.Киева (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the continuing saga of genuflecting of President Putin about a countries free will and his Black Sea stronghold of military bases.We join our hero in his Muthaland of Russia.Land of historical violence and human  Cannibalism during the siege of Leningrador Stahlingrad or whatever.The Nazis were hammering the city and the supplies had run out.Some of the  people were still enjoying good hot meals.

You see the violence the Russian supporters are supporting is not a love of country.It is something much deeper than that.

During the World War II battle that went on and on, the Children became a much disappearing commodity.Parents began to fear letting their little children out of sight.This is a matter of record if you care to dig it out of the historical morgue.Years latter after the photos were smuggled  out for the world to see,they were so horrible that they soon were buried or  disappeared.Hanging meat lockers of unnamed meat in a city with all their food lines cut off....look it is still there if you dig with a meta crawler.

This violence inside the Russian loyal Ukrainians is only what you would expect to find in people who would except
a philosophy that monitored human activity for things that should be private and free to people.
Apparently these people  enjoy the controlling  of all the events of their lives.The faithful beatings of protesters in the street show folks just expressing a viewpoint getting beaten bloody and dragged around the street by the collar.

The stereotype of the dumbed down tractor plant worker with Popeye forearms and  looks that make a remarkably hyper steroidal individual scary at best.I watched as a middle aged man who was trying to demand a free Ukraine that would be brought out of the Soviet Darkness and join the free European Market.Beaten to a bloody pulp for the video crews to show.

Mr. Putin has placed a warship in a harbor some 200miles from Florida and moved military troops into a free seeking Ukrainian country.The Russian Troops are a throwback to KGB Putin's glory days of Goose stepping parades of missiles in Moscow's Streets.Missile that would never be used to his disappointment.This encounter should bring up a very important item.

Those of us sending all our space technology over there for the Russians to study.Then they send our astronauts into orbit.Will that technology be dropped on us from the future Warlord of Russia.Have we given the agent of war our spear and left ourselves incapable of defending the free world?

Perhaps the Russians will start an uncivil war that will keep the people fighting for six different ideas at once.Will our space station be used for a military base without our guys being there one day.
Very convenient that we no longer have the abilities to goto space on our own.I guess we should give that group with the space dart a little more help and backing.Don't you think?Fast,reusable,does not land with a thump...actually may advance us by decades into space.....Dah Comrade Citizen.

There is another theory Some folks speak of.I would hope it is a fabrication of a frightened mind.
What happens if WE THE PEOPLE of the free world  let this dog of war loose to do whatever he wishes...If we give him an inch will he demand a mile.You can bet on it.I remember the missile launcher pictures that JFK forced to be removed from Cuba.Did we not learn from that historical event? What would JFK do?What should we be doing.The longer we do nothing the more developed the chess game will progress no matter.

Only a few days ago people from  the Entire Modern World were watching the events and rooting for their Athletes.War without carnage.How far will we let This  sabre rattling run as chaos without cause.Will we once more be pushed to the brink of  Massive Global suicide by over zealous leaders. Men that are unwilling to let a country solve its own affairs.

 Surly the most philosophically strongest idea for that country will be the end result anyway.No matter who it agrees with.

Please note the after war time  that have resulted in Germany,Italy Greece.Vietnam,and north Korea.Yeah the people got what they fought for in the 1950's a series of madmen North Korean emperors which took them back to those good Ole days when their worthless peasant self was totally expendable at a whim from a madman.If The Ukraine people are so willing to return to those days of forced tractor plant labor without the ability to ever own one then glory to them. The good Ole days return and  May the Gulag stay be a memorable one.

speaking of Greece,have you every watched the movie called 300?A hand full of  dedicated men that were outnumbered hundreds to one stood in a strategic pass till no one was left to fight.Those dedicated men did more than commit  certain suicide,They held the enemy from advancing.

The historical records of the Greek and Persian armies are very precise as to the odds placed against those brave men.They all did die and the Greeks regrouped to fight and drive the invaders away.
What you may not know is that those 300Greeks were the first line that held in what would become the philosophy called Democracy.We would all be a part of the Persian Empire to this day without the sacrifice of 300 men way back in ancient history.They,like all those who die for freedom still live on in the ideas they have believed in.

The battle for the Ukraine may not be known in our lifetime. The Greeks were only interested in protecting their way of life.Protecting what was important to their loved ones.Those Greek 300
strong only knew they had to hold the pass till an unknown miracle began to manifest itself.

They could never have dreamed just how valuable surrender  of their lives were worth to us centuries later.
lesson learned here?

Fight smart people,use your is the most powerful weapon you will ever have when armedand powered  with the right knowledge.


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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Ukrainian Muslims Actually Want to Remain As Russian Dependents But Planted Bombs There in the Past Are You Confused?

Anti-Chen Protest Day 32 - Million Men March
Anti-Chen Protest Day 32 - Million Men March (Photo credit: My Hourglass)
English: Vladimir Putin in KGB uniform Deutsch...
English: Vladimir Putin in KGB uniform Deutsch: Der junge Wladimir Putin in KGB-Uniform Français : Vladimir Poutine en uniforme du KGB (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The recent News coming out of  the Ukraine is very mixed in details.The peoples protest seem to have booted the former President known for kissing the Russian boots on bended knee.He has fled from the people that are thoroughly fed up with his nonsense.Mass demonstrations and violence finally have taken a toll on everyone.

The violence started when the so called secret police started shooting protesters with sniper rifles from the top of buildings.Basically murdering the people who were demanding to be free.They were demanding to join the free world and have the opportunity to make their own choices for the country they live in.That would only be a problem for a leader who believes they know much more about what the populous wants.Perhaps believing the masses are unworthy of the right to have a choice.

I stayed with a brother in law recently who feels a need to completely run every aspect of my youngest sisters life.If she goes to the bathroom,he must know where she has gone.When she fixes dinner,then he always waits to be served in his easy chair.When she sits to eat,he continually asks for everything from a toothpick to a ginger ale.Her food is always cold.He is for ever telling her every detail of her day.TV Is only for him to watch.Candy bars are eaten 6 at a time with none going to her.
Ice cream is to be served nightly and none for her.Sometimes a gallon at a time.
She fears him and is disabled so he is the only form of support.He works every moment of the day to
undermine the educated mind of this women.She has asked me to stand down from interfering....
This is a dictator and his actions.But you can not step between a dictator and anyone who is effected
with to much fear to help themselves.The knives would come from both parties.

The Ukraine folks are being offered help from the USA and threatened by Mr.Old Days KGB President Putin of Russia.We can offer the help to free people if they ask for it.WE don't want to get between the two parties before there is any kind of requests for that help.It is also a marriage [good or bad] to treat with extreme caution from afar till beckoned to help.

The Muslims were blowing up trains and buildings in Russia only a little while ago...So why is it now that very confused religion is now asking to be lead by those they would blow up and kill?Do they need practice dummies for the future country mayhem romps.

More importantly is this...Why in the world would President Putin want people into his countrymen world that would be death on a daily basis?Putin has called up troops to help keep the people that would create chaos on his watch.

Perhaps Mr. Putin is giving us a very good look at his new world  strategy.After all if the terrorist move into his neighborhood and stay busy blowing up things keeping Russian troops occupied.
WE THE PEOPLE can take a much needed vacation from all the chicken little spy crap taking place in our otherwise pleasant decadent life's.Maybe we can use that time to recoup our lost Constitutional Rights and dump those who have sought to make us a country called Amerika the monitored and oppressed by laws.Instead the Land of the Free and the Brave.

How hard would you fight for freedom if you were to lose it.How hard are you willing to fight before you do lose your freedom?

Only you can decide What you want in life...

Please Keep the dream alive and become active in the fight for freedom.Get involved while you can.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

President Putkins Wife Has a Need for Freedom From Her Presidential Husbands Anarchy

2006-Not-Free-Countries (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Map of Freedom House (2008). free country
Map of Freedom House (2008). free country (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
I recently read of a major split in the czars....err,I mean Russian Presidents Putin marriage of many years.The former KGB man seems to not share her ideas anymore.Freeom of a over controlling Pardner  is bad enough,But when he or she imparts the tyranny on a whole nation its got to be worse.

The world is changing in radically opposite ways.The free world is clamping down on its folks with spy drones,wire monitoring,and war machines to hunt an remotely kill the living.Our laws no longer need the say of yay or nay from anyone but the covert leaders.The Constitution be damned and full speed ahead.All of our blood that was shed by women and men like my Uncle Lee Stahl that Gave his life in Italy during WWII,are long forgotten.The regulations that have guarded us for these past 2plus centuries with  the ghost warriors who still charge into battle screaming freedom now in vain.

Many Free countries are struggling to keep their rights while balancing the fanatical Madness that seems to be growing in many parts of the  world  Australia, South East Asia and China  has clamps on what can be on the Net.I have stated this before in Past Blogs.Mr Putin  has stood out in the news with his past involvement.Rock groups who use poor Judgement,a noted Blogger that tried to open the freedoms up in the Net.Putin also is instrumental in booting out the ambassadors that speak freely
of the abortions Putins labels his laws.

Can you place  in your mind having to live with a person that  is so controlling that
even your thoughts and speech are dictated and edited.Your very individualism is mandated by Your unqualified masters.Most people[?] who keep servants or slaves eventually find just how dependent they have become.The slaves that are forced to learn the labor become better qualified  for that job than the so called "Master"I would bet the Former Russian First Lady will be watched closely for the rest of her life.She knows far to much of the masters closet skeletons .I say to her," live long dear lady, breathe free and seek freedom from your old  Master .You have the power and leverage  to change the world now.Use it wisely....

As always to you my readers,may God hold you all in the Palm of his hand till this world is finally a place we can all share with out fears or suffering.

I have been focusing on my future website that will help those living under the radar of society.I actually toasted[Burned out] another computer which put my writing out of commission for a couple of months.
This one was donated by a salvage yard and revamped to clean the last users info out. They have my thanks an gratitude.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Russian,s President Putkin is Persecuting A Major Corruption Exposing Blogger

You May want to read the Hidden article of the blogger in Russia that is going toe to toe with Russia's President.This man is exposing the massive corruption over there in that country.It's made him the target of a future trial that may send his fact finding self to Prison for more than ten years.

He has still been blogging and keeping a strong heart about the whole thing.One blog even lists what he hopes to bring to prison.He has bent a lot of corrupted officials political noses by simply doing what is right.

Tellin g the true about what goes on in his country.

I wrote a past article on putkin and his rather primitive ideas of freedom.They could not publish my blogs for over a month there.Can you imagine the flak if I had been a citizen.

Google this brave guys name and blog the crap out of this before he is sentenced and the truth gets buried in a goolog forever.We have to fight for internet freedom when it is trying to break thru the walls of corruption

Google the name of ALESEI A.NAVALAY  and read his Blogs.

We can make a difference if we stick together.


Thats it for now friends
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Russia moving into the Iron curtain darkness again?

Iron curtain Germany (near Witzenhausen-Heilig...
Iron curtain Germany (near Witzenhausen-Heiligenstadt) Français : Le Rideau de fer dans la campagne allemande, près de Witzenhausen. Nederlands: IJzeren gordijn Duitsland (nabij Witzenhausen-Heiligenstadt) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Freedom of speech
Freedom of speech (Photo credit: [togr])
Freedom and Ignorance
Freedom and Ignorance (Photo credit: bterrycompton)
The Russian Parliament Officials have announced that they would increase the anti treason laws on foreign influencing organizations.It was unanimously voted on.This proposed law(if brought to practise) makes any organization at risk of committing treason for just speaking about Freedom or Democracy.The Iron Curtain of my childhood is creeping slowly down again...Darkness in Russia is descending once more.

The New York Times article speaks (paraphrasing) of this law  passed to drive out thoughts of Democracy and Freedom in the country that has come so far out of the oppressive years of the Nuclear war threats.
It was a time when as a child that I remember the school teachers walking we,children out into the hallways to stand.The teachers directed us to place our folded arms above our heads and lean against the hallway walls.

We were just children when the air-raid horns blared out their remorseful cries indicating the end of the world.The nuclear missiles from Russia were possibly on the way to destroy our world.It was only a test.Sometimes we were instructed to hide under our desks,arm covering our eyes..Nuclear flash would blind us.We were just little children who were never going to grow up.Never going to see our families again.Russia was destroying The world!!!The Iron curtain was a wall of fear that separated ordinary people by politics.Do we need to repeat those times?
Those who fail to learn from the past are destined to repeat it.

Evil is a small thing,easily controlled,  allowed to grow into a monster,It can devour everything in it's path.... 

Propaganda and politicians,distance and Isolation made our childrens world a place with memories such as those I described above. It is shocking to see a country that is willing to obtain a space agency pardoner,but still hate those who pardoner with them.I would hope that the Russian People don't feel that we represent the real or imagined threat of the cold war years.Those frightened children are adults now.Surely we know now that those children that were against the wall would have been vaporized,leaving only tiny carbon shadows as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan.Is the old ways so very rewarding to you,my friends?Fear and Isolation?

The world has become a very different place from those days.It is not uncommon to find a  Russian wife,find a business link,find an opportunity to cooperate in a space program...We can't hide anymore from the fears that once terrified us as children.The world is becoming to small from technology to hide from that which we once feared as those children.

We can work together and learn about each other as ordinary human beings or foolishly allow our fears to overcome each other.The first option leads to the future and the second leads to total devastation and Hell on earth to those left in the radiated ruins of Mankinds burned and stenching toilet we once called earth.If the Iron curtain is rebuilt,we will never advance as a world people.
The fears and fantasies that drive dictators and madmen will destroy all we as people have accomplished.50years of peace and diplomacy will have been in vain between our countries.
That curtain will slam on even the internet freedoms we all enjoy to whatever degree we do.

Democracy is not so bad when you talk to folks that are just coming from the more oppressive places.
It is like a breathe of clean fresh air on a beautiful winter day when first experienced.This is the description I was told by a friend who immigrated many years ago(just afterWWII).He wore his concentration camp tattoo proudly till the day he passed into peace.May he rest in Peace...

I hope people speak louder than politicians when it comes to freedoms.Once we lose those freedoms,
they will be long,if ever to return.Guard your freedoms well,else you will lose them.
Our elections may seem like a lot of mud slinging and fertilizer heaping.It is because we have the freedom in the speak as we will on things political. We seem so wild and crazy during these times because we have the freedom to pick and chose who we think best represents our view points,lifestyles and dreams.It may seem a fearful thing to those who find it alien.It's
a truly wonderful experience,our freedom to chose,to speak,to think as independent people.

Freedom is something many of us would die to defend.It is that dear to us in the U.S.
I invite you in places of the world to visit us and see for yourself just what Democracy is
for yourself.You won't regret the feeling....I would never let it change in the U.S.A.
That is why ordinary people vote for the people that will ensure our rights and freedoms...

If the curtain falls in Russia,the Ballet will never be a personal interpretation by an individual again.
Someone who doesn't dance, will always be telling the ballerina how to interpret her moves..every time......forever!

We will talk again my friends,for now...Please stay free and think for yourselves.

PS.I truly wished that when I wrote this blog September of last year that the current invasion and my prediction of the Iron Curtain once again closing would have been just a bad guess that would never come true.It would have been worth the razzing from folks that I was just having a bad day and the eastern block would never obtain anything of its past evil.
This is that prediction I made coming true.The dark and sinister shadows are closing around our world in ever increasing velocity.
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