Showing posts with label Viktor Yanukovych. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viktor Yanukovych. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Ukrainian Muslims Actually Want to Remain As Russian Dependents But Planted Bombs There in the Past Are You Confused?

Anti-Chen Protest Day 32 - Million Men March
Anti-Chen Protest Day 32 - Million Men March (Photo credit: My Hourglass)
English: Vladimir Putin in KGB uniform Deutsch...
English: Vladimir Putin in KGB uniform Deutsch: Der junge Wladimir Putin in KGB-Uniform Français : Vladimir Poutine en uniforme du KGB (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The recent News coming out of  the Ukraine is very mixed in details.The peoples protest seem to have booted the former President known for kissing the Russian boots on bended knee.He has fled from the people that are thoroughly fed up with his nonsense.Mass demonstrations and violence finally have taken a toll on everyone.

The violence started when the so called secret police started shooting protesters with sniper rifles from the top of buildings.Basically murdering the people who were demanding to be free.They were demanding to join the free world and have the opportunity to make their own choices for the country they live in.That would only be a problem for a leader who believes they know much more about what the populous wants.Perhaps believing the masses are unworthy of the right to have a choice.

I stayed with a brother in law recently who feels a need to completely run every aspect of my youngest sisters life.If she goes to the bathroom,he must know where she has gone.When she fixes dinner,then he always waits to be served in his easy chair.When she sits to eat,he continually asks for everything from a toothpick to a ginger ale.Her food is always cold.He is for ever telling her every detail of her day.TV Is only for him to watch.Candy bars are eaten 6 at a time with none going to her.
Ice cream is to be served nightly and none for her.Sometimes a gallon at a time.
She fears him and is disabled so he is the only form of support.He works every moment of the day to
undermine the educated mind of this women.She has asked me to stand down from interfering....
This is a dictator and his actions.But you can not step between a dictator and anyone who is effected
with to much fear to help themselves.The knives would come from both parties.

The Ukraine folks are being offered help from the USA and threatened by Mr.Old Days KGB President Putin of Russia.We can offer the help to free people if they ask for it.WE don't want to get between the two parties before there is any kind of requests for that help.It is also a marriage [good or bad] to treat with extreme caution from afar till beckoned to help.

The Muslims were blowing up trains and buildings in Russia only a little while ago...So why is it now that very confused religion is now asking to be lead by those they would blow up and kill?Do they need practice dummies for the future country mayhem romps.

More importantly is this...Why in the world would President Putin want people into his countrymen world that would be death on a daily basis?Putin has called up troops to help keep the people that would create chaos on his watch.

Perhaps Mr. Putin is giving us a very good look at his new world  strategy.After all if the terrorist move into his neighborhood and stay busy blowing up things keeping Russian troops occupied.
WE THE PEOPLE can take a much needed vacation from all the chicken little spy crap taking place in our otherwise pleasant decadent life's.Maybe we can use that time to recoup our lost Constitutional Rights and dump those who have sought to make us a country called Amerika the monitored and oppressed by laws.Instead the Land of the Free and the Brave.

How hard would you fight for freedom if you were to lose it.How hard are you willing to fight before you do lose your freedom?

Only you can decide What you want in life...

Please Keep the dream alive and become active in the fight for freedom.Get involved while you can.

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