Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Voting 2022 Question is this So Voter Neo is it to be the Red Pill Or The Blue Pill?

I have been watching the Pandemonium during our  Pandemic imprisonment. The people and situations have been so surrealistic these last 7months. Riots and pillaging like savages. Mobs attempting to change the past by violence and mayhem. Chaos is the beginning of change.  That change  is based on one of several factors. The one I have in mind is this. For every action there is an equal or greater reaction.
Politicians who tell us not to hide our faces, then force us to hide under several suffocating masks from a virus. Then inflate the Deaths from the virus. Other corrupt politicians actually promoting the premeditated deaths of our people  intentionally. Actually giving orders to intentionally kill by placing them in harms way. Many  orders  by their overzealous uninformed  mini managing of our lives.

our lives all the time being barraged by corrupted and mutated news that is as bad as the covid virus itself. Causing even more subterfuge and chaos adding insult to injury.
Major newscasters warping facts  that would make David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite turn over in their graves. In the words of the great Edward R, Moro What a tragedy. So what will the last 3plus years bring in the next election. The rise of Chaos or the return to some idea of progress and order.

We are now at a cross road in our beloved country.  To para phrase a line from the Matrix movie. Do we Take the Red pill or do we take the Blue pill?
If we take the Red pill we stay as we have been and continue as we have been doing with the assurance that we will be in the environment that is what we are used to living. This environment can improve if we work together. The future will be Predictable. Indications and examples can easily be seem in videos from the summer of 2020 in many cities around the USA.Is this what you want for your families and friends.

If we take the Blue pill, we slide down the rabbit hole and will not be able to ever return to what has become normal to us. Life will never be a place we can return too. There will be no place to return. 

It is a place from where all our past dreams will be gone. The mobs have already destroyed 100s of thousands of lives. Destroyed business's and many lives. All while the politicians fiddled while business and lives burned.  Et To Brutus, ET TOO?

Our most powerful cities let burning to ashes. While those in power watched the flames out the comfort of their windows. Then cheerlead the mobs for more entertainment. Sometimes joining the mob in the chaos.

Even many of those who WE THE PEOPLE place our trust in to keep order joined in bended knee with the chaos. Further cheering on the disorder. 

Children as you read this are not being taught the materials to compete in this ever advancing world. Those who teach have jumped on the band wagon of pay me to do nothing.  As far as the kids not being taught this past year.

Those without computers are screwed. The rocket Scientist that run our country also shut down libraries where those like me when I was a kid would go to get references.

My folks couldn't have bought  a computer or hire a Tudor. Those without kids will be expecting to be supported in the future. No education NO JOBS.NO JOBS, Nothing to do. A controlable, dependent society of serfs to serve those who watch as our cities burn. WORKS FOR THEM!

The inmate/patients seem to be running the asylum.

It will become the only reality we or generations who follow will have available to them. Our history is already being threatened to be erased. Our cultures being perverted. That has happened throughout history. It becomes easier to bend the masses to what ever is the new philosophy. Then change all the past to make it easier to hide behind the new orders ideologies.

Our country has a colorful past. It is both sides of good and evil. That is the nature of mankind when to many people believe it will all just go away if you just ignore it all. When the masses comfortably sit on ever growing back sides  as spectators because some one else is going to fix everything...

There is 3 types of people  to paraphrase:

Those who sit and wait for something to happen.
Those who watch something happen.
 And those who make things happen. 

There is also a forth type of person though I list this type because they already are in the prior people.

The fourth type of persons are those who watch and wait then complain because no one else did anything to prevent things from happening. Then blame and point fingers at everyone else. They look around and ask why didn't anyone do something. 
That rabbit hole will end all that our forefathers dreamed and would strive for. The words you speak are already being silenced. The thoughts you have are already being peer pressured into conforming to someone else's ideas. Jobs being lost That is because your creative ideas are already being discouraged. They are dangerous to those of chaotic orders.

Free thinking people are not easily controlled. Chaotic orders feel its mandatory to isolate those who persist in free thought. MAO's Chinese Red Guard [remember MAO's little book they held up on camera]And Nazi Brown Shirts in the 1930's and 1940's Germany killed people who would not bend to those philosophies. A After mass books were outlawed then burned in mass. Sound familiar folks?

This is only the beginning. Everything you hold of value is to be converted, exchanged and devalued to the pleasures of the mass mob. That buffoon with the bullhorn in the street or screaming in the face of another human being is someone who can not run its own life trying to dictate how another should be thinking, speaking and living. Had this individual done that to an ISIS terrorist.... He should thank God or whatever he believes if anything for being here in America. Land that allows Rights to him to act like a jackass. There is a right way and all kinds of wrong ways to change things.

How your children will learn when they come home one day with the authorities to take you away for your own will realize it's too late to save them. They already are gone. So are you. Or your 10 year Old daughter is discovered to be pregnant. This is out of the headlines folks. I listened on a "progressive" radio station this last summer to the school psychologist explaining how children as young as kindergarten should be taught visual and video sex education. Wonder how the Doc is allowed around children in the first place. no arrest warrant there folks. Its educational. I guess pedophile has been removed from Webster's.

OH my goodness that's right ,Webster's is to gone also. Banished like the devil it is. When your kid comes home an say's I aint got no   maybe because  They aint had no English[class] either. Wished I had not been driving at the time I would have gotten the info on that so called doctor with a small d and asked it of his community, But this is the rabbit hole world. No more childhood innocence allowed. No more Childhood memories. Tell us what your mommy and daddy talk about lil one so we can go talk to them...

 As a former teacher, I sympathize with anyone who fears teaching from the covid  terror being perpetrated by the spin doctors and media. My own philosophy is that nothing on Gods green earth can save you if its your turn to die. If covid spares you and its your day to die you'll probly stay home and fall in the bathtub crack your head and drownded.. It's your day to die. Its not destiny, it is just the way things go.

 So put a couple masks on if you in Dior terror of your life. Get out there and give those kids a fighting chance to compete in life. I taught all those years so that kid in class who was miserable in life could lift themselves out of that grave they are living in. My teachers did that for me. Pass it   you don't owe that to your kids then you owe it to those who took you to the place you are. YOUR TEACHERS. Without them you would not have what you have in life. It is more than most.

So what's it going to be folks? The Red pill and you know your able to change for yourself the future the way you want it, or the Blue pill and your world slides completely free-falling to whatever is at the bottom. I think you can imagine what flows downhill to the bottom of a pit. Then waits with putrid anticipation to stickup everything outside that pit.

A fine example of what's waiting down that rabbit hole is historically represented. Take for example, all the statues and historical archives  that mobs have destroyed throughout history The sphinx, Alexander the Greats' library of a million scrolls. China and  Mao's destruction of all libraries and statues. 

Those thousands of Chinese clay emperors warriors horses and chariots statues were buried in a huge tomb to take to the afterlife. They are priceless in value of history. Can you imagine if The Red Guard had found them?

Some in Power are speaking of opening re-education/internment  camps in this future USA rabbit hole for those who do not conform. Not fiction folks It has been published in numerous responsible news articles. 

Re-education/concentration/internment camps. The border already has such camps for CHILDREN flooding into this country. Helping those south of the border to expedite the child sales and slavery to those in our country. I thought we had learned something from those lessons past.

At what point will the load of those in concentration camps implode our country. There have been historical recordings of millions in camps of the past. A moment of reflection here....Modern day China, currently has "re-education camps" …Don't they? I am sure that I read that somewhere. I will have too look that up if it's not yet a touchy subject that gets censored.

I thought WE THE PEOPLE had learned a lesson from the past! You better put some of those books in a hidey hole you treasured in earlier years. Entomb them like the Chinese Emperor did to preserve that part of history for a better future. that looks at all factions of the past. They won't be there down the rabbit hole. You might need them in the future.

Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it.
Those who erase the past fear its lessons and try to hide the truth so others can not learn from it.

Off with your head holds a whole new meaning in this rabbit hole world. Just ask Alice. Just ask anyone who watched the terrorists in the beheading videos awhile ago in the news. This is no joke folks. Its very real. Remember those who were in the street on both sides who lost business's and limb, some lost their life to the mobs' insanity.

Question: As citizens of the USA...are there actually sides or are we being persuaded that we are so very different. I was under the impression that we were all equal in the eyes of God and the law. Not so? guess we better get our acts together n figure it out pretty quick.

More recently the wars in the mid east by ISIS that destroyed the ancient sites that had so much information of the past. All the history and culture destroyed by those who have not learned anything from the past. The historically ignorant mobs. 

If you become like them, You too will be so very easy to influence and control. Welcome to chaotic ignorance. You will actually believe if you occupy a couple city blocks in the USA, the world will fall at your feet. That's how gullible it will make you. Reason has no place in the rabbit hole. 

There are educated people in the mobs who have been brainwashed to the mob mindset . Their reasoning is gone. They run with the insane,
There is no truth in the rabbit hole "they" do not want people to learn. So societies of mankind are blinded to what is the right course and what has worked. Blinded to what social blunders need to be avoided to prevent those mistakes from ever repeating. 

All this destruction to force ideas that stem from those who believe the world owes them. It does not. You get what you put into the world. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. WE THE PEOPLE are becoming unwilling witness to this in our own country.
If the rabbit hole culture wins, absolute power will corrupt absolutely. forever.

Attitude and positive thought promotes advances on everything we do. If we believe that the world is indebted to us while we do nothing to progress in life, while others educate themselves to succeed in doing, we have already failed. If we don't improve each day what we can in our lives we fail. 

If you don't go to school and get an education, You don't get the better paying job. When you don't delay starting a  family while in school, you never will have time to go further. You abandon your future family chances. You won't have money when it catches up with you. Likewise, you only get back what you put into a plan. Prepare, and you get more back…work hard or work smart. In the present country scenario that's the way it is. Nothing is free. Life and everything in it is a trade.

One last thought. If there's no education system, society falls down that rabbit hole for generations. It's as devastating as any nuclear attack on a society. its more devastating as any pandemic. A long term lockdown is equally devastating. People need to work to support themselves and loved ones. Family or otherwise. They need the self-respect that a job and being able to live as best in life as they can brings. We must not fall down that rabbit hole to the unknown. This scenario is not a movie with a miracle is either the continuance of a not perfect group of human beings who up to this point has valued freedom at all cost and proven it in many wars.

This is a chance to take this not perfect of humans into the future with the unfettered ability to choose what we will believe, what we want out of life and what we want to leave behind.

Red Pill or Blue Pill   The choice for now is entirely yours to decide. The rabbit hole For anarchy n chaos. Hardships that drop our country into a 3rd world realm where nature can blast our cities into a waterless, powerless   deathtrap or push us into the universe. 

It is only a metaphor, but the idea is valid as a heart attack. If WE THE PEOPLE do not stand together, then we fall forever. What are you willing to surrender to appease what you would normally not except or believe. what's your price. Ask Dr Faust, excuse me I may have misspelled that its fauci isnt it?

What are the principals you grew up on that worked for you? Where has it taken you to this point in life? What could you have done differently to have enhanced that personal history? Think now for only a moment how you're being influenced by what you see and hear now in the media and among those you encounter both family and friends. 

Now imagine what your kids will remember when they reach your point in life. You will be as alien to them as the children who grew up in China under MOA to their parents. Kids are being pulled down that rabbit hole by people doing nothing to prevent it.

Till next time dear reader, keep the faith, help others till our wardens open our world up again after some of their dirty deeds catchup with them. Every dictator at some point has the re-actions to their actions come back to bite them squarely in the ass. Its called Karma. Use your time to do the things you can still afford to do take a nature trip with those you love, a good movie from a library. some are just reopening in free states.[GOD BLESS TEXAS!]They're free to borrow.  Dr. Seuss is a good one till its outlawed. Uncle Remus's Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox stories. Loved them as another book that teaches. And, yes I am intentionally mentioning these particular books because I read them among other now allegedly nasty childhood stories.  Or just about anything you have dreamed of but never had time to do. It will change your mindset, strengthens you state of mind and keeps your brain from exploding from stress for lack of freedom of choice and more. 

WE THE PEOPLE were not and never have been very good at being told to stand down or stay there and do nothing..... Its just not the way we do things here in America. But, Evil and Chaos prevails when good people do nothing. Evil is a small thing and controllable by itself. But nurtured and left to grow it will soon encompass everything.

The best we can do is become active in local community activities. Things like PTA meetings to help your   many community activities that are yours to engage in. Town meetings to listen to others with similar points of view. Local politics are the power that will put ,people in power that are not sitting on their brains. You will find like minded folks  Folks like yourselves. People, when they realize your there to learn and add to the community will open doors for you. Doors you were not aware were before you went there. Opportunities you wont find elsewhere.

Dear reader, You are a powerhouse that has never been unleashed. Your ideas and opinions count as much as those who keep pushing their faces in the media cameras. You actually have more power to change things in your life than you realize. Those who tell you differently are those that don't want you to realize. and know your real potential.


A note to the continuation of our prosperity in the year 2024********************************************

You may not be aware of this  MR. President, as you run up the next hill to election,2024 Don't be disturbed by the silence following you up that hill, the quiet is not from a lack of followers, not from lack of enthusiasm.

The massive army of voting supporters that will follow you up that hill are those among the Law enforcement, border guards, people from the mainstream America, the military, Folks from every walk of life. WE are the people who believe in growth, prosperity ,Opportunity, freedom. Those following you in silence are preparing in 2022 for a philosophical battle of  Ideas and our very freedom. We will find a way to serve America even at the risk of our lives. Law Enforcement, fire, Postal folks, Those in the Soup Kitchens, Churches, Utilities, white and blue collar workers. Millions of those who run up that proverbial  hill to take the next 4 years in the White House.      We are many. You may not hear us following, But have no fears. Its why we are called THE SILENT MAJORITY. WE are those who fight in small groups like Parents at PTA meetings and school boards. Many such  organizations to better the places we live. To better the lives of even those who are mind dead and hate us. City meetings to stop the insanity of a few. It is the everyday resident who legally and peacefully make our communities a safer, and prosperous place for everyone to live in and raise our children and support our ideologies. We are not perfect . No one that's human is. It is our flaw. It should be our goal to improve ourselves. something  to strive for instead of chaos and strife. Lifes too short not to.



Wednesday, June 25, 2014

You Know The Elections Are Getting Closer When The Politicians ....

The queen bee in a hive.
The queen bee in a hive. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You know the elections are getting closer when politicians ask for your help to get elected while giving our country to Mindless mobs.Leaving us totally out in a warzone.They,those politician meanwhile remain tin the safety of their  gated and guarded fortress of solitude.

Reading my E-Mail these past few weeks have brought back a scene from the old airport movie with one of the characters trying to walk through an airport of that past era.Every stereotype was there asking for a monetary handout/Panhandling.The Passage through all those panhandlers became comical as it was done with an absurdity required by a comedy.

I am seeing my various E-Mails being loaded up with politicians that I have never even heard of.They are all my bosom pal and buddy till you write them for some kind of advise or answers.They then respond with a mechanical follow up asking for anywhere from 5bucks to 5000bucks at one point.Let me see now....I wonder what it would be considered if one of us sent out thousands of E-Mails asking for help and stating that it was a desperate matter to save....(Fill in the Blank).Without a certain governmental agency requesting a monetary audit of all our assets.So when do I expect repayment with interest to my investment from them..

Would you invest to any of those in office today?I am very aware of the fight to not audit the government as we often get honed over to expose all those hidden Phantom millions that we are accused of having. stashed away in a place we don't even know about.So lets see where those auditing us are stashing their loot.OH..wait a minute,Its Our loot they are hiding isn't it? can put the screws to them before they do onto you.Lets find out where the bucks are going to and see a true accounting...Wheres the money donated or forcibly grabbed  is going.

The other matter is that I am being called a liberal by one group and a Loyal Conservative by the other side...Talk about adding insult to injury...I am neither side of the grid lot groupies.I am not middle of the road.Every voter needs to ground themselves in what our country is founded on. Freedom,My choices are based on what I believe is best for my family and me.Not for the mobs idea of what my life should be.

What would be the point of joining groups of people who are so hard headed that the arguments have become far more important than the actual principals behind our Countries values.The phrase,TOGETHER WE STAND,DIVIDED,WE FALL does not seem pertinent to those in office.Just read some of the urgent and mandatory hogwash spewing forth outa their moving lips..Look seriously at what is now taking place in this land of the free people.If those free people done get off their knees and look around they may be on their knees the rest of their miserable lives.It is better to die as a warrior on your feet than groveling in the dirt on your knees to another as a coward.

WE THE PEOPLE,are sitting idly by as the miscreant mind dead attempt to  destroy our cities and dismantle our historic landmarks.Those suppose to be in power sit without  any qualified attempt to do anything but allow it all to happen.Some even promoting it all  to cover their ineptness We sent Honorable Warriors into battle in a war lasting nearly 2 decades for this type of actions "over         there",Over seas.It was not acceptable in Europe and Iraq. So Wheres that sentiment by the People who sent those warriors into combat.Where is the United States citizens who gave the lives of their beloved Family members to free another society.Where is those people who rose to free another country,  .There's no one here in the UNITED STATES who is even standing up to the Freedom  killing nonsense.Now letting warped philosophies into their own country with. 

I guess there are some that wallow in the murky,subtrafuse of  chaos of politics these days.He said,She said.He's responsible for this or that.The real truth is that it is WE THE PEOPLE,ALL of us who have allowed the system to become a spoiled children's mental playground in the political arena.

We have figuratively set on our hands while those fighting and arguing on the playground have created a situation where there is no longer any reason to our political discussions.It really wouldn't matter who was in office.The past 20 plus years have been a cat fight no matter who is in office.It would seem the elections around the world are a matter of who has the richest friends and the most interest in the best morphine for the masses.That is,whatever is the greatest distraction to keep all those little minds of the worker bees occupied.let me explain.

The guys and gals meet at the water cooler and start a conversation about..Hey did you see the game?Did you see the latest war headlines?Did you see that politicians speech last night.The truth is probably that this is very important to these folks.How about that reality show.They have been so lulled into the distractions of the media fueled by the dumbing down,(as some put it),that they no longer see that they are being orchestrated into a made up world of things that truly is not life changing or enriching.Its is being filled with ideas that have absolutely no fore thought as to consequences. its like listening to a mentally deranged patient in an insane asylum rambling on in abstract ideas. There is only the world that patient sees right there in their heads.Nothing of the future.

These same folks teach their children and influence those people who would normally never think with the same fogged over mindset.They influence with peer pressure as surely as if brainwashed.It is a pack thing.Conform or be singled out of the pack.So what has that got to do with the political system?Plenty it is a group/mob mentality.Each person adds to the hypnotic mindset that they are part of a movement.That movement has power to over come what a single person can't.Its the same feeling of power the ancient magical had.They began to believe the demons they were suppose to be controlling were helpless to not obey the magicians commands.The demons were deceiving those poor misguided magicians waiting for a moment when as the song says when the servant becomes the master.This will be the fate of those who march with the mobs all over the world when The silent majority awakens soon.

If people in this world,not just this country do not begin to research and find the facts behind things,they are destined to be at the mercy of those who think of us as worker bees.Worker bees live only to blindly follow the hives goals.If that worker bee is injured or killed,the hive simply replaces it and goes on as though it never existed.It is of no importance and its loss serves no reason to mourn.When the hive is attacked the hive forms waves of workers turned soldiers to die to prevent the Queen bee from being killed.The precious Honey that would supply the hive for the hard winter is also  reason to die for.Sorta of sounds a little familiar when you compare notes on the current world situation,doesn't it worker bee?The atacking bees are convinced it is mandatory for reasons of the survival of their hives Queen Bee.Explanation is simply blind obedience of the hive.Have WE THE PEOPLE actually become mindless worker bees taking side in fighting without using our minds we are so arrogant about being the INTELLIGENT top of the thinking chain?Its beginning to be a question that should be in your mind these days.ARE YOU EXPENDABLE WORKER BEE? ARE A HIVE BEE FOLLOWING BLINDLY?

Think of all the things that we are exposed to these days to occupy our thoughts.The weather this year has been colder than usual in parts of the world that normally is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit this time of year.Global warming rules and laws?The economy is far better this year.I know many of my friends who lost jobs,insurance and homes this year.incidentally,the real worker bees are disappearing,plant pollination will not happen soon...

We are being orchestrated to believe that wars are temporary and winnable.The world has always had a war somewhere constantly for decades.Wars have existed somewhere for a thousand years..There are only broken families of worker bees that always lose.Wars have no winners.There are no winners in war.Only Profit from those who invest in the war machines.They profit from all sides fighting.Because the populations can be convinced through fear,religion,politics,sex.Actually just about any reason once a reason is excepted by the majority.The Headhunters in parts of the Amazon have only recently stopped eating their enemies.They made wars because eating the enemy was believed to enhance a warriors spirit.Guess they never were told by their mommas that the most poisonous harmful type of protein is the Human body.Most generally only Buzzards dine on us..But I digress ...

I truly believe it is best to stay independent from all the mob politics.I would attend any of the political parties to learn the common denominators.There are common denominators as long as people can stop talking long enough to listen with an open need to surrender ones principals.Change is not always bad in this world.That is unless it denies freedom to chose one own destiny.Mobs do not allow those choices.

The last climate change supposedly cleared the way for mammals etc.worked for me.dodging dinosaurs would be a bother.being eaten by one would ruin my day.
Elections so far have had a mixture of goldmine and crap.

Now the future is beginning to look like it was written from a Hollywood Science Fiction script.Mobs of mindless Zombies have finally smashed their way into our capitals as no Foreign power ever has.It is unfortunate that our Elected officials have the spines of a Jellyfish.Our congress has openly bowed down to these invaders and grovelled before the barbarians at our gates.

In days of old those "leaders" would be given the choice to fall on their own swords to avoid dishonor.

I almost expect some elected official to take the podium,straighten his notes take a drink of water clear his throat.He would then give the media cameras a very solemn and sober look.He would speak slowly and clearly to say,"We are surrendering our country to the new rulers.We have decided to let them rule as they see fit.They then go back to their high security homes and neighborhoods to find looters and hoodlums have moved into their homes.

This mob scene in some cities really does make one ask whats in it  and whats to gain for those elected.You know the ones who are looking away and seeing nothing wrong?What is being promised to them.What is their leverage in allowing the looting of hi and lower value targets of looters?Not accusing.Just asking things I have heard spoken of in passing.Mega millions of merchandise including jewels and high end goods were videoed going out of those stores.It was seen by millions around the world.The police being told to stand down.Looks like a Batman An Joker Movie plot.

I wished We actually could work together for a 3rd choice in some governmental offices.Shrink bureaucracy and find out where all our money is schlumping off too.We also need to hold those responsible to answer for their actions.Till then I hope as many of us can not get sucked into the mobs mind bender that blinds...We need a future with clarity of what is going on.We will truly have a world equal for every human being.If we just dispense with the movie scenarios and start talking without the playground hurt feelings that always seem to pop its ugly head when people talk.

When the cycle of events begin to balance this mob thing out those in that mob will find themselves in a hell storm of legalities.The officials and on down to the pawns in the streets.Videos,face Id programs and numerous other means have already pin pointed those wannabe revolutionaries.This ain't no third world country.There's no where to run,Nowhere to hide in this tech world.

The conversation to fix things in our country always ends up in vague finger pointing,Those talks involve folks that quote stories from their ancestors,Stories and accounts of their lives that are every body else's fault.Not their own faults.Would it not be more productive to talk as though this moment in time is all there is.It might be a foundation to begin to build on granite instead of lose sand.

Till next time folks,maybe Our Country,Our world will learn from this mass insanity arising all over the modern world.Remember the law of physics.It goes something like this:For every action,there is a equal too or greater reaction.LOOK FOR IT SOON.


P.S.This is a rewritten article I wrote some time ago.It is updated with present thoughts to fit more recent events.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Recent Elect Has Proven That We The People Are No Longer Voting For Big Money,over Proformance

United States
United States (Photo credit: Moyan_Brenn DeLight (back again))
roman anphitheatre in lecce / salento / puglia...
roman anphitheatre in lecce / salento / puglia / italy (Photo credit: Paolo Margari)
I am  one who really does not delve too much into people saying candy coated promises. Promises to save us from all the things that our parents and grandparents sorta took care of themselves.That last election was an eye opener for many of us who voted our choice.The usual God and country,Equal for everyone,chicken in the pot speeches as usual.I really believed we would fall on the right path to rebuilding our nation.To some aspects we are progressing.Roads are being built.Millionaires are getting wealthier and the rest of us are living with minimal insurances,higher taxes that were never to be and groceries that the,Lobster newburg, caviar eating rich would limit for our own good.That food limitation even has extended by law to our children who have prefered to go hungry rather than eat unfamiliar "good for You" school lunches.Does an empty stomach actually help the learning curve?

There was an election in the south that was won with a political "war chest"of just,$200,000.The over indulgent opposition had spent millions to overwhelm the Politician of a lesser god.For once the People spoke with a loud and clear voice.
Millions or not, that candidate lost in a big way.The people/voters/people who have watched quietly past performance,fix the future for themselves.Thats the way it should be.To be able to say,"Your money won't fix what is wrong,Only a better choice will do so.That is the key to fixing our nations woes.

Each human has the ability to think and create independently if given the freedom to do so.Each of us has the idea of what is a better life that we would like for ourselves.
Each of us is either a leader or a follower of others.It is what is comfortable in our personal strengths.The better we live our own lives the more people realize that we are people to respect.A person to respect as a leader of those who would follow on whatever the quest.So where is this going as to your interest you might ask?

The above mention of the money versus The peoples interest is this:A group of people with money and interests in buying our freedom of choice changed the donation laws awhile ago.The very wealthy can give massive amounts of money to buy the "right choice".I am sorry to see that occur in a nation where the Electoral College sorta replaced the individuals vote long ago.So how does the tiny local elections change Our entire country?The local election is our mouthpiece to those who forget who voted for them when they are elected into office.We can hammer local elected with what is wrong.When they get hammered enough with many voters speaking up,it is passed up the chain to those forgetful folks.But the reason is a small
comparison to a construction of our house that follows below.

Think of our Nation as a house We are building.The first construction is the foundation.It has to be built to be strong enough to bear the weight of massive loads as the house is constucted in the future.Bad or weak foundation and the house is going to be subject to the first storm that blows through.Strong-it withstands.Weak-it falls.

Next the walls need to be built with enough support to keep the elements that would threaten the inhabitants.those walls are the first line of safety and security the inhabitants have for a long time.

Next in our pseudo building is the environmental conditions to keep us comfortable.
without this we perish from the environment.Those conditions are inportant  so the majority of folks can live a compromise for everyone inside.Those conditions allow us to live in an agreed on harmony with others living inside.The conditions that give us the personal freedoms without living up to anyone elses standards.

Next comes the roof that sheds the rain and keeps us from the heat of day,cold of night.The roof sheds all the environmental extremes that would threaten our lives and livelyhoods.Built with care and thought,this house would be a safe place to live and bring up a family.A safe,warm secure place to feel you are going to improve with future upgrades as needed.

Our Nation is the same as that would be house.The foundation was built by our forefathers long ago.The dream of a safe place to live for all families.They did thier best to build a solid foundation on which to build a home for the future.Changes were expected as any house goes through from time to time.The changes would normaly strengthen the structure while enhancing it.

The walls of our nation was to set the rules of what could pass into our house to ensure our families safety.Those walls are needed as the roof would be.To be able to have some control of what enters our house is as natural a need as anything.If you can not assure the safety of your family,then why even build the house with walls?
Those who believe otherwise should feel quite safe to move thier family into a city
park to sleep and dwell.They will quickly see why a houses walls are mandatory.

The roof is a device to cover us from any elements that would fall on us.A roof protects us from the uncontrollable environments that are part of our world.The roof covers us from as much of those things that we may never even see coming,but really would have no control over.It stops most of what would take control and make our lives miserable.These things are the same in relation to our Nation and its building that still is being modified to strengthen or weaken its structure.

If we tinker with the solid foundation in our infinite wisdom,Our house begins to weaken in respect to the great imbalance of weight above that foundation.Once built,the foundation must only be strenthened from the original plan.removing parts of any foundation serves to make the entire house weakened,compromising everything.The house will begin to become destabilized,endangering everyone living within.The collapse exposing inhabitants to the exterior elements.

Not having strong walls means that anything or anyone can pass into the house without any effort.Compromising the safety and sanctity of that structure.Perhaps even doing the irresponsible damage from within.The house is not thiers and they would have not lost anything by the internal damage.Borders are walls that are unseen.They protect us from outside elements.Not all are bad elements for sure.
Most are the same as what is welcome inside the house.That is why we placed doors in the walls.To welcome entry.The elements strong enough to pass through walls are
elements such as twisters ETC.Most houses hope never to see such elements.They can be destructive in nature.The forces are at best uncontrolled and eventually overload the houses structural spaces.

Last but not(never least) least is the roof.I can't imagine a house in many places with environment that can be challenging at best.The roof is our  Constitutional Rules.
It's still protecting us from the unknown, from the element of the Human factor.The element of the "Human Factor"is a term that I use to explain the last 50Plus orso wanabe dictators/leaders/world conquerers/self inflated losers who would set thier pathetic standards for every living person even if they have to kill them all,to do so.

The lastest craze is for a few self appointed individuals to tinker with rules that have protected and made strong our nation for as long as the Roman Empire.Like the Roman Empire,our nation is beginning to rule by Dictation of our laws.The President can sign into law anything he wishes.A Govenor can cancel whatever Constitutional article he or she wishes.The Senate or congress can vote on whatever and the leader of that body can simply order an over ride on that vote.neat and LEGAL???The Supreme Court passes mandates that make our founders turn over in thier graves outa shear disbelief.The Helicopters hover over our homes with anticipation of armed encounter from??who?Citizens seem more be home invaded by armed thugs sporting some special governmental interest instead of criminals...wait a minute,let me think about that statement...nah you think about it!

The elections much as other places these days seem to be by purchase of the biggest buck.Those Roman ruins that seem to always be a lavish mansion are found made of marble ETC.Those are the elite folks that could afford that sort of home.The poor that lived in poverty had huts made of sticks.Those humble homes fell into dust with time.Will our house be one found in the future as enviable and long lasting?I would hope this next series of elections are not going to be by the holy buck.My folks always said money is the root of all evil.That seems to pass into those buying elections too.

Till next time dear readers,take care of your lives and remember that the choices in life you make should be based on things you can prove as factual.
Scams are perpetratrated on those not interested in learning the facts.anything to good to be the truth,usually is too good to be true.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Is it the Worlds Media Escalating The Warring Mentalities of the Human Race Or is It Something else Deeper that is Feeding into our World

Death of a viking warrior
Death of a viking warrior (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Battle #12
Battle #12 (Photo credit: Dave Pearson)
Human skull on Noctua pronuba head
Human skull on Noctua pronuba head (Photo credit: Lee Nachtigal)
The article states that the man is dressed in the traditional garb of the Viking Warrior with a tremendous sword over head and running at you with a scream.This man is part of a faux belief in historical warring societies.The Samurai lore is growing also with its Katana swords.Greek and Roman Battles in Movies are reflecting historical battles of the mythical type with people flying through the air to swoop down on the enemy.Super heroes that seem immortal to their foe.Hacking their way through endless enemy combatants.

Reading the headlines today seems to be the extension of the imaginary worlds  calling to the human yearning for carnage for whatever reason.Military video games to imaginary worlds and spec ops to
imagined destruction and collateral damage without blood and gore.All in a neat and tidy video screen.Dispensing with the smells and scenario of the  slaughterhouse.Not to mention the vis oral ground under foot.

Those who yearn for the days of the Sword and battle Axe seem as delusional for the realities of war as the ones playing video games. I am no exception to enjoying video games.I simply know when its time to stop.I also know the price of war is death destruction and chaos.No one actually wins when a war ends.A majority of the time wars are when one or more humans decides the future of " those
 other humans without asking what they want the future to be.Much as inflated egomaniacs have forced on others throughout history. the days to come and as this worlds future unfolds,we will watch as this world continues on its historical cycle.The world of clashes between those who have no business trying to tell folks how to live and those resisting the unwanted intrusion in their lives.I honestly believe this world of humans and human type beings have cycled many times.It now happens even inside our own governments.

There are ruins from South Eastern Africa that are said to be 100,000years old.No one seems to know who was last there or when.There have been discoveries all over this world of such ruins yet to be explained.

The Ocean has whole cities on the sea bed that were there so far back that no one even has a name for those cities down in Davy Jones Locker.They have been there longer than humans have a memory of.
Have we been here in cycles of rebuilding for longer than we know?For a moment,put aside the programmed ideas you and I have ingrained in our spiritual hard drives.What if there were some force or cycle that was looping around for the earth.A cycle not unlike our seasons.A season to kill off the old system.A season perfect for regrowing a new growth.A season of nurturing that grown in the spring.Then a season to create a seeding to start after a cold season that kills off the crop.
Spring,Summer,Autumn,and winter.A time for every season under heaven as the saying goes...

Are we humans incapable of actually developing a stable world without acting like mindless apes?
The apes that were thought to be so peaceful have been recorded to attack other groups of primates.
They then torture,dismember and eat the victims. Well we have managed to stop short of eating our enemy.That is until you read of the headhunters that killed and ate Michael Rockefeller in the Smithsonian Magazine.March 2014 issue

Perhaps it is a cycle that we have repeated so many times that we would not know the difference.
Birth,growth,death,recycled materials and spirits.Maybe re-incarnation and lots of other ideas came from the tiny suspicion in some distant part of our being has the smallest spark of recall.

Perhaps those who try to make this world fair and equal for the many are know as boat rockers.
The Peace that would apparently be so unnatural as to stop the recycle of growth It would make humans reset the game and play a more productive strategy...Perhaps it is not to late if WE THE PEOPLE of this world unite beyond borders,beyond beliefs,beyond the blindness that we seem set to repeat forever if we do not see the destructive patterns we are living.

Unite and reset,Do that which has never been done before.Change the program and unite.

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dont You Wish Your Country Was Just Like The Ukraine,Dontcha?Dontcha wish They Beat You down in The street like That,Dontcha?

English: IS-3. The "Joseph Stalin" t...
English: IS-3. The "Joseph Stalin" tank, was a heavy tank developed by the Soviet Union during World War II. Kyiv Museum, Ukraine Русский: Танк ИС-3 (Иосиф Сталин) в музее г.Киева (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the continuing saga of genuflecting of President Putin about a countries free will and his Black Sea stronghold of military bases.We join our hero in his Muthaland of Russia.Land of historical violence and human  Cannibalism during the siege of Leningrador Stahlingrad or whatever.The Nazis were hammering the city and the supplies had run out.Some of the  people were still enjoying good hot meals.

You see the violence the Russian supporters are supporting is not a love of country.It is something much deeper than that.

During the World War II battle that went on and on, the Children became a much disappearing commodity.Parents began to fear letting their little children out of sight.This is a matter of record if you care to dig it out of the historical morgue.Years latter after the photos were smuggled  out for the world to see,they were so horrible that they soon were buried or  disappeared.Hanging meat lockers of unnamed meat in a city with all their food lines cut off....look it is still there if you dig with a meta crawler.

This violence inside the Russian loyal Ukrainians is only what you would expect to find in people who would except
a philosophy that monitored human activity for things that should be private and free to people.
Apparently these people  enjoy the controlling  of all the events of their lives.The faithful beatings of protesters in the street show folks just expressing a viewpoint getting beaten bloody and dragged around the street by the collar.

The stereotype of the dumbed down tractor plant worker with Popeye forearms and  looks that make a remarkably hyper steroidal individual scary at best.I watched as a middle aged man who was trying to demand a free Ukraine that would be brought out of the Soviet Darkness and join the free European Market.Beaten to a bloody pulp for the video crews to show.

Mr. Putin has placed a warship in a harbor some 200miles from Florida and moved military troops into a free seeking Ukrainian country.The Russian Troops are a throwback to KGB Putin's glory days of Goose stepping parades of missiles in Moscow's Streets.Missile that would never be used to his disappointment.This encounter should bring up a very important item.

Those of us sending all our space technology over there for the Russians to study.Then they send our astronauts into orbit.Will that technology be dropped on us from the future Warlord of Russia.Have we given the agent of war our spear and left ourselves incapable of defending the free world?

Perhaps the Russians will start an uncivil war that will keep the people fighting for six different ideas at once.Will our space station be used for a military base without our guys being there one day.
Very convenient that we no longer have the abilities to goto space on our own.I guess we should give that group with the space dart a little more help and backing.Don't you think?Fast,reusable,does not land with a thump...actually may advance us by decades into space.....Dah Comrade Citizen.

There is another theory Some folks speak of.I would hope it is a fabrication of a frightened mind.
What happens if WE THE PEOPLE of the free world  let this dog of war loose to do whatever he wishes...If we give him an inch will he demand a mile.You can bet on it.I remember the missile launcher pictures that JFK forced to be removed from Cuba.Did we not learn from that historical event? What would JFK do?What should we be doing.The longer we do nothing the more developed the chess game will progress no matter.

Only a few days ago people from  the Entire Modern World were watching the events and rooting for their Athletes.War without carnage.How far will we let This  sabre rattling run as chaos without cause.Will we once more be pushed to the brink of  Massive Global suicide by over zealous leaders. Men that are unwilling to let a country solve its own affairs.

 Surly the most philosophically strongest idea for that country will be the end result anyway.No matter who it agrees with.

Please note the after war time  that have resulted in Germany,Italy Greece.Vietnam,and north Korea.Yeah the people got what they fought for in the 1950's a series of madmen North Korean emperors which took them back to those good Ole days when their worthless peasant self was totally expendable at a whim from a madman.If The Ukraine people are so willing to return to those days of forced tractor plant labor without the ability to ever own one then glory to them. The good Ole days return and  May the Gulag stay be a memorable one.

speaking of Greece,have you every watched the movie called 300?A hand full of  dedicated men that were outnumbered hundreds to one stood in a strategic pass till no one was left to fight.Those dedicated men did more than commit  certain suicide,They held the enemy from advancing.

The historical records of the Greek and Persian armies are very precise as to the odds placed against those brave men.They all did die and the Greeks regrouped to fight and drive the invaders away.
What you may not know is that those 300Greeks were the first line that held in what would become the philosophy called Democracy.We would all be a part of the Persian Empire to this day without the sacrifice of 300 men way back in ancient history.They,like all those who die for freedom still live on in the ideas they have believed in.

The battle for the Ukraine may not be known in our lifetime. The Greeks were only interested in protecting their way of life.Protecting what was important to their loved ones.Those Greek 300
strong only knew they had to hold the pass till an unknown miracle began to manifest itself.

They could never have dreamed just how valuable surrender  of their lives were worth to us centuries later.
lesson learned here?

Fight smart people,use your is the most powerful weapon you will ever have when armedand powered  with the right knowledge.


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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mr. Snowden Still On a Hunt List for shedding light on Dirty Deals,Meanwhile Back in the Free world,3 Journalists that "broke"The Story Win Writers prizes

130716-M-DP650-024 (Photo credit: U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos)
WikiLeaks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many people both in and out of uniform that would lay their lives down,and have done so for this country.They would sacrifice for the ideas that allow folks to live in a free society. Those same people are the ones that have a sense of what is right and what is completely wrong for all those concerned. They are not blind and deaf to the way the world should be as some can seem to be.

I read an article that I really found to be rather disturbing in the way it completely missed an important point. It wrote about the Three Journalist that broke the Snowden story and did interviews
regarding leaked documents of the highest "secrets" order/it went on to say how these guys had traveled around the world to get the stories. The various ways they stayed under cover and eluded any folks following them.

OK, I have no problem with that part of the story. It did take guts and a huge risk of losing all the rights to a future. I do not have a problem with the reporter/journalists receiving all or a portion of the notoriety for the stories.

I am in fact grateful for being informed of things not proven but just whispered by those previously labeled paranoid nut jobs.I guess They had eyes open wider than most of us...Perhaps
they might stand one day as madmen or visionaries that do not see the world as flat. The future will decide what Mr.Snowdens Title will be when it all plays out one day. Probably still buried under bureaucratic fertilizer as things hidden in the dark corners of our world have a tendency to do.

What I do have a problem with is the fact that if those documents had not been leaked, None of those
guys would have had any of the glory. The story was published by them and not Snowden.
Kinda like the Private that was apparently privy to secrets and was also the target for buggery on the
high seas of politics. The others danced off smelling like a rose and the private took a lifetime hit in the shorts.

I am rather confused by all this contorted reasoning. The guy who could not find sources to publish would never have been able to publish those documents. journalists publish government documents usually don't win awards. Just ask WIKI leaks folks. Yet the American with a conscience is hiding in a foreign country wondering if he did the right thing. Condemned and hunted as a fugitive. while awards are giving to those publishing documents are sleeping safely in their own beds tonight and are rewarded. This is the most puzzling.

Would any of us now fighting the illegal bugging of our lives have known if that problem even existed? When do you think any of us would have found out we no longer have any private moments.
Since most of us don't or have not been too concerned with what folks know about us, maybe never.
a life long file of our every move. I remember the ancient rule of war. When a courier/runner arrived at a friend or enemy encampment, there was a rule that you never killed the messenger as a return message could be sent back with the same messenger. Kill the messenger and the enemy knew they
should prepare for hostilities. We would have allowed our messenger to be hunted down and killed..

We need to place a little more attention paid to those who are trying to help us to stay free and not be so intent on a nice quick and clean lynching so we can just go home to mama and some good home cooking. They may just be trying to do the right thing when we do not have anywhere near all the facts.

Keep the Faith Friends

PS. Snowden's broadcast from Russia was censored from the U.S, citizens and has been pretty much
      erased as to it ever existing. The other countries were better able to watch a program from a country invading another than from the country that claims to be free...There is something wrong with that picture.I would advise anyone looking for other videos of Assange/ Snowden to have some really good firewalls and the best antivirus(s) you can swing for the money. It appears that These folks are hunted with some reason that is spreading......Perhaps it was something THEY said?

PSS: Yesterday this is 0/5/17/2019 The witch trials of  President Trumps Election was stating there needs to be more transparent Governmental disclosure. The Democrats were and would have chased Mr.Snowden into a Black site or had him killed for trying to bring that transparency to tell of the spying planned into our private lives.

WE THE PEOPLE now find that the Democrats are also responsible for storing tens of thousands of the same types of classified documents for any hacker to see. Yet, There's no national death sentence, no driving the perpetrators out of the country.

I guess it is like the wildlife programs state when that lone zebra goes down by the lions. and others stop to watch. There's safety in the pack. Many who have read those Snowden papers say there really nothing dangerous in them except the fact that there is some factions that are P, od because the population found the dirty little secret out.

Meanwhile, an American that wanted that transparency is living in exile from what supposes to be the Land of the Free and the Brave.

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