Showing posts with label Mob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mob. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Voting 2022 Question is this So Voter Neo is it to be the Red Pill Or The Blue Pill?

I have been watching the Pandemonium during our  Pandemic imprisonment. The people and situations have been so surrealistic these last 7months. Riots and pillaging like savages. Mobs attempting to change the past by violence and mayhem. Chaos is the beginning of change.  That change  is based on one of several factors. The one I have in mind is this. For every action there is an equal or greater reaction.
Politicians who tell us not to hide our faces, then force us to hide under several suffocating masks from a virus. Then inflate the Deaths from the virus. Other corrupt politicians actually promoting the premeditated deaths of our people  intentionally. Actually giving orders to intentionally kill by placing them in harms way. Many  orders  by their overzealous uninformed  mini managing of our lives.

our lives all the time being barraged by corrupted and mutated news that is as bad as the covid virus itself. Causing even more subterfuge and chaos adding insult to injury.
Major newscasters warping facts  that would make David Brinkley and Walter Cronkite turn over in their graves. In the words of the great Edward R, Moro What a tragedy. So what will the last 3plus years bring in the next election. The rise of Chaos or the return to some idea of progress and order.

We are now at a cross road in our beloved country.  To para phrase a line from the Matrix movie. Do we Take the Red pill or do we take the Blue pill?
If we take the Red pill we stay as we have been and continue as we have been doing with the assurance that we will be in the environment that is what we are used to living. This environment can improve if we work together. The future will be Predictable. Indications and examples can easily be seem in videos from the summer of 2020 in many cities around the USA.Is this what you want for your families and friends.

If we take the Blue pill, we slide down the rabbit hole and will not be able to ever return to what has become normal to us. Life will never be a place we can return too. There will be no place to return. 

It is a place from where all our past dreams will be gone. The mobs have already destroyed 100s of thousands of lives. Destroyed business's and many lives. All while the politicians fiddled while business and lives burned.  Et To Brutus, ET TOO?

Our most powerful cities let burning to ashes. While those in power watched the flames out the comfort of their windows. Then cheerlead the mobs for more entertainment. Sometimes joining the mob in the chaos.

Even many of those who WE THE PEOPLE place our trust in to keep order joined in bended knee with the chaos. Further cheering on the disorder. 

Children as you read this are not being taught the materials to compete in this ever advancing world. Those who teach have jumped on the band wagon of pay me to do nothing.  As far as the kids not being taught this past year.

Those without computers are screwed. The rocket Scientist that run our country also shut down libraries where those like me when I was a kid would go to get references.

My folks couldn't have bought  a computer or hire a Tudor. Those without kids will be expecting to be supported in the future. No education NO JOBS.NO JOBS, Nothing to do. A controlable, dependent society of serfs to serve those who watch as our cities burn. WORKS FOR THEM!

The inmate/patients seem to be running the asylum.

It will become the only reality we or generations who follow will have available to them. Our history is already being threatened to be erased. Our cultures being perverted. That has happened throughout history. It becomes easier to bend the masses to what ever is the new philosophy. Then change all the past to make it easier to hide behind the new orders ideologies.

Our country has a colorful past. It is both sides of good and evil. That is the nature of mankind when to many people believe it will all just go away if you just ignore it all. When the masses comfortably sit on ever growing back sides  as spectators because some one else is going to fix everything...

There is 3 types of people  to paraphrase:

Those who sit and wait for something to happen.
Those who watch something happen.
 And those who make things happen. 

There is also a forth type of person though I list this type because they already are in the prior people.

The fourth type of persons are those who watch and wait then complain because no one else did anything to prevent things from happening. Then blame and point fingers at everyone else. They look around and ask why didn't anyone do something. 
That rabbit hole will end all that our forefathers dreamed and would strive for. The words you speak are already being silenced. The thoughts you have are already being peer pressured into conforming to someone else's ideas. Jobs being lost That is because your creative ideas are already being discouraged. They are dangerous to those of chaotic orders.

Free thinking people are not easily controlled. Chaotic orders feel its mandatory to isolate those who persist in free thought. MAO's Chinese Red Guard [remember MAO's little book they held up on camera]And Nazi Brown Shirts in the 1930's and 1940's Germany killed people who would not bend to those philosophies. A After mass books were outlawed then burned in mass. Sound familiar folks?

This is only the beginning. Everything you hold of value is to be converted, exchanged and devalued to the pleasures of the mass mob. That buffoon with the bullhorn in the street or screaming in the face of another human being is someone who can not run its own life trying to dictate how another should be thinking, speaking and living. Had this individual done that to an ISIS terrorist.... He should thank God or whatever he believes if anything for being here in America. Land that allows Rights to him to act like a jackass. There is a right way and all kinds of wrong ways to change things.

How your children will learn when they come home one day with the authorities to take you away for your own will realize it's too late to save them. They already are gone. So are you. Or your 10 year Old daughter is discovered to be pregnant. This is out of the headlines folks. I listened on a "progressive" radio station this last summer to the school psychologist explaining how children as young as kindergarten should be taught visual and video sex education. Wonder how the Doc is allowed around children in the first place. no arrest warrant there folks. Its educational. I guess pedophile has been removed from Webster's.

OH my goodness that's right ,Webster's is to gone also. Banished like the devil it is. When your kid comes home an say's I aint got no   maybe because  They aint had no English[class] either. Wished I had not been driving at the time I would have gotten the info on that so called doctor with a small d and asked it of his community, But this is the rabbit hole world. No more childhood innocence allowed. No more Childhood memories. Tell us what your mommy and daddy talk about lil one so we can go talk to them...

 As a former teacher, I sympathize with anyone who fears teaching from the covid  terror being perpetrated by the spin doctors and media. My own philosophy is that nothing on Gods green earth can save you if its your turn to die. If covid spares you and its your day to die you'll probly stay home and fall in the bathtub crack your head and drownded.. It's your day to die. Its not destiny, it is just the way things go.

 So put a couple masks on if you in Dior terror of your life. Get out there and give those kids a fighting chance to compete in life. I taught all those years so that kid in class who was miserable in life could lift themselves out of that grave they are living in. My teachers did that for me. Pass it   you don't owe that to your kids then you owe it to those who took you to the place you are. YOUR TEACHERS. Without them you would not have what you have in life. It is more than most.

So what's it going to be folks? The Red pill and you know your able to change for yourself the future the way you want it, or the Blue pill and your world slides completely free-falling to whatever is at the bottom. I think you can imagine what flows downhill to the bottom of a pit. Then waits with putrid anticipation to stickup everything outside that pit.

A fine example of what's waiting down that rabbit hole is historically represented. Take for example, all the statues and historical archives  that mobs have destroyed throughout history The sphinx, Alexander the Greats' library of a million scrolls. China and  Mao's destruction of all libraries and statues. 

Those thousands of Chinese clay emperors warriors horses and chariots statues were buried in a huge tomb to take to the afterlife. They are priceless in value of history. Can you imagine if The Red Guard had found them?

Some in Power are speaking of opening re-education/internment  camps in this future USA rabbit hole for those who do not conform. Not fiction folks It has been published in numerous responsible news articles. 

Re-education/concentration/internment camps. The border already has such camps for CHILDREN flooding into this country. Helping those south of the border to expedite the child sales and slavery to those in our country. I thought we had learned something from those lessons past.

At what point will the load of those in concentration camps implode our country. There have been historical recordings of millions in camps of the past. A moment of reflection here....Modern day China, currently has "re-education camps" …Don't they? I am sure that I read that somewhere. I will have too look that up if it's not yet a touchy subject that gets censored.

I thought WE THE PEOPLE had learned a lesson from the past! You better put some of those books in a hidey hole you treasured in earlier years. Entomb them like the Chinese Emperor did to preserve that part of history for a better future. that looks at all factions of the past. They won't be there down the rabbit hole. You might need them in the future.

Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it.
Those who erase the past fear its lessons and try to hide the truth so others can not learn from it.

Off with your head holds a whole new meaning in this rabbit hole world. Just ask Alice. Just ask anyone who watched the terrorists in the beheading videos awhile ago in the news. This is no joke folks. Its very real. Remember those who were in the street on both sides who lost business's and limb, some lost their life to the mobs' insanity.

Question: As citizens of the USA...are there actually sides or are we being persuaded that we are so very different. I was under the impression that we were all equal in the eyes of God and the law. Not so? guess we better get our acts together n figure it out pretty quick.

More recently the wars in the mid east by ISIS that destroyed the ancient sites that had so much information of the past. All the history and culture destroyed by those who have not learned anything from the past. The historically ignorant mobs. 

If you become like them, You too will be so very easy to influence and control. Welcome to chaotic ignorance. You will actually believe if you occupy a couple city blocks in the USA, the world will fall at your feet. That's how gullible it will make you. Reason has no place in the rabbit hole. 

There are educated people in the mobs who have been brainwashed to the mob mindset . Their reasoning is gone. They run with the insane,
There is no truth in the rabbit hole "they" do not want people to learn. So societies of mankind are blinded to what is the right course and what has worked. Blinded to what social blunders need to be avoided to prevent those mistakes from ever repeating. 

All this destruction to force ideas that stem from those who believe the world owes them. It does not. You get what you put into the world. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. WE THE PEOPLE are becoming unwilling witness to this in our own country.
If the rabbit hole culture wins, absolute power will corrupt absolutely. forever.

Attitude and positive thought promotes advances on everything we do. If we believe that the world is indebted to us while we do nothing to progress in life, while others educate themselves to succeed in doing, we have already failed. If we don't improve each day what we can in our lives we fail. 

If you don't go to school and get an education, You don't get the better paying job. When you don't delay starting a  family while in school, you never will have time to go further. You abandon your future family chances. You won't have money when it catches up with you. Likewise, you only get back what you put into a plan. Prepare, and you get more back…work hard or work smart. In the present country scenario that's the way it is. Nothing is free. Life and everything in it is a trade.

One last thought. If there's no education system, society falls down that rabbit hole for generations. It's as devastating as any nuclear attack on a society. its more devastating as any pandemic. A long term lockdown is equally devastating. People need to work to support themselves and loved ones. Family or otherwise. They need the self-respect that a job and being able to live as best in life as they can brings. We must not fall down that rabbit hole to the unknown. This scenario is not a movie with a miracle is either the continuance of a not perfect group of human beings who up to this point has valued freedom at all cost and proven it in many wars.

This is a chance to take this not perfect of humans into the future with the unfettered ability to choose what we will believe, what we want out of life and what we want to leave behind.

Red Pill or Blue Pill   The choice for now is entirely yours to decide. The rabbit hole For anarchy n chaos. Hardships that drop our country into a 3rd world realm where nature can blast our cities into a waterless, powerless   deathtrap or push us into the universe. 

It is only a metaphor, but the idea is valid as a heart attack. If WE THE PEOPLE do not stand together, then we fall forever. What are you willing to surrender to appease what you would normally not except or believe. what's your price. Ask Dr Faust, excuse me I may have misspelled that its fauci isnt it?

What are the principals you grew up on that worked for you? Where has it taken you to this point in life? What could you have done differently to have enhanced that personal history? Think now for only a moment how you're being influenced by what you see and hear now in the media and among those you encounter both family and friends. 

Now imagine what your kids will remember when they reach your point in life. You will be as alien to them as the children who grew up in China under MOA to their parents. Kids are being pulled down that rabbit hole by people doing nothing to prevent it.

Till next time dear reader, keep the faith, help others till our wardens open our world up again after some of their dirty deeds catchup with them. Every dictator at some point has the re-actions to their actions come back to bite them squarely in the ass. Its called Karma. Use your time to do the things you can still afford to do take a nature trip with those you love, a good movie from a library. some are just reopening in free states.[GOD BLESS TEXAS!]They're free to borrow.  Dr. Seuss is a good one till its outlawed. Uncle Remus's Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox stories. Loved them as another book that teaches. And, yes I am intentionally mentioning these particular books because I read them among other now allegedly nasty childhood stories.  Or just about anything you have dreamed of but never had time to do. It will change your mindset, strengthens you state of mind and keeps your brain from exploding from stress for lack of freedom of choice and more. 

WE THE PEOPLE were not and never have been very good at being told to stand down or stay there and do nothing..... Its just not the way we do things here in America. But, Evil and Chaos prevails when good people do nothing. Evil is a small thing and controllable by itself. But nurtured and left to grow it will soon encompass everything.

The best we can do is become active in local community activities. Things like PTA meetings to help your   many community activities that are yours to engage in. Town meetings to listen to others with similar points of view. Local politics are the power that will put ,people in power that are not sitting on their brains. You will find like minded folks  Folks like yourselves. People, when they realize your there to learn and add to the community will open doors for you. Doors you were not aware were before you went there. Opportunities you wont find elsewhere.

Dear reader, You are a powerhouse that has never been unleashed. Your ideas and opinions count as much as those who keep pushing their faces in the media cameras. You actually have more power to change things in your life than you realize. Those who tell you differently are those that don't want you to realize. and know your real potential.


A note to the continuation of our prosperity in the year 2024********************************************

You may not be aware of this  MR. President, as you run up the next hill to election,2024 Don't be disturbed by the silence following you up that hill, the quiet is not from a lack of followers, not from lack of enthusiasm.

The massive army of voting supporters that will follow you up that hill are those among the Law enforcement, border guards, people from the mainstream America, the military, Folks from every walk of life. WE are the people who believe in growth, prosperity ,Opportunity, freedom. Those following you in silence are preparing in 2022 for a philosophical battle of  Ideas and our very freedom. We will find a way to serve America even at the risk of our lives. Law Enforcement, fire, Postal folks, Those in the Soup Kitchens, Churches, Utilities, white and blue collar workers. Millions of those who run up that proverbial  hill to take the next 4 years in the White House.      We are many. You may not hear us following, But have no fears. Its why we are called THE SILENT MAJORITY. WE are those who fight in small groups like Parents at PTA meetings and school boards. Many such  organizations to better the places we live. To better the lives of even those who are mind dead and hate us. City meetings to stop the insanity of a few. It is the everyday resident who legally and peacefully make our communities a safer, and prosperous place for everyone to live in and raise our children and support our ideologies. We are not perfect . No one that's human is. It is our flaw. It should be our goal to improve ourselves. something  to strive for instead of chaos and strife. Lifes too short not to.



Thursday, June 11, 2020

Open Letter to Citizens of the American Cities Under Siege By Armed Anarchists......

This  is an open letter to those American Citizens inside the American Cities now being held hostage by the anarchists. Which the media has glorified and emboldened.Your lives have been turned upside down by violence you are being exposed to.Some of you for the first time in your lives.This is conditions you never thought could happen in your world.Never in this country..The days when your lives were good may be over forever if you sit on your fat duffs and don't act decidedly now.Fear is never an option and as the mobs are showing you,the elected officials have absolutely no idea of ever helping you.Like in days gone by this is your moment to shine or fade away.Which will you become?Those who do something or those who do nothing when evil  prevails.These mobs were because of an evil deed. DO two evils ever equal anything good.

The police need your consent to stop these people before there is no way to stop them.If living in a warzone is what you have thought good for your children,then do nothing.Your fate will become your karma.Karma is said to be a real bitch when it comes back to repay you for your actionsor no actions.You will reap what you sow.If you don't take a stand now then you will have no cause to cry to the authorities in the future.That's because there wont be any authorities.Just anarchy,killing and more violence then you would ever imagine from mob rule.Your family members,loved ones are expendable to those burning,looting and killing.You can not nor will you be able to negotiate with a mob of people who believe they can not be stopped.That is why its called chaos.It has no reason.

Those people in the mob are no longer your friends,family or the people you once thought you knew.
They have become a unit united in destruction.The followers are not unlike the red guard that murdered millions in the 40s or the Brown shirt Units of children that often killed or were responsible for family and friends deaths.Chaos has become all they live for.It is the intoxicating effects of the power trip. They are convinced they are obtaining absolute control Authorities are making that possible.That granting of control is even reaching the congress of the UNITED STATES.They can not be reasoned with.Violence and power is all they want.Total control.It is the way of Evil when it is allowed to grow

Evil is a little thing By itself can do little harm.Allowed to grow and it will become a deadly cancer that is unstoppable.The results are fatal.

I watch from my desk as even the police in my hometown I grew up in,Small town USA bow to the crowd.Riding in a parade setup by the town fathers.My family who helped make peace treaties with the indigent populations would turn over in their graves if they could witness this current  state of My town,Of my country.

WE THE PEOPLE are not suppose to run back to our hidey hole to let incompetent leaders give our lives to outlaws.WE stand up and fight.You dont need to grab guns and attack.Though I am hearing more people are arming them selves like never before.I hope it does not come to that.

Flood the offices of your deadbeat city councilmen and mayors,Governors and especially your dumb ass congress people who just bowed down to anarchists. Flood the offices with anger about their neglect of your safety and your lives.YEAH YOU and your family.Its you that run the city.

IT'S YOU that are in charge of this country,Not a gang of wannabe chau graveras.(Mis spelling intentional)This isn't a third world country to run rough shod over.You trusted those elected morons to keep your business and families,your homes and hospitals safe.You did not elect them to surrender our freedoms and lives to.

Its bad enough that many states are still locked down by those same people kissing the asses of the mob.Maybe if our country does fall to the mob congress can get a job washing their feet.I heard thats the going entrance to belong now. A recent  video showed Congress already prostrating to practice for the positional job..Are you really going to sit back and wait till they grab your lives or your families lives??

Get out there and take back what is yours or lose it forever.If you don't defend what is yours then you maybe don't really deserve to call it yours.Your city,Your family,Your business.Your country.

The joke you are thinking right now is that it isn't effecting you and SOMEBODY will step in sooner or later.It will pass and go away.REALLY? Think for a moment if you will.

When the people of a certain country,Could be any country Hypothetically.Had a small group of people.Peacefully marching thru the streets smashing windows in shops and attacking others in vehicles.assaulting innocent people just trying to go about their daily routines.Other people watched.No one did anything to stop the mob.It grew in time to threaten the entire world.Stopped at its roots it would not have  been very harmful,Allowed to grow and it cost the lives of millions.

The good leaders of that country said to themselves,WELLLL just let them tire themselves out and sooner or later they will just go home.Its not our affair.It wasn't effecting them so what the hell.Let them have at it.Some of those in charge actually thought the mindless growing mob would listen to reason.After they served their purpose, they no longer had a purpose.

Since those sympathizing leaders  had taken sympathy for  the mob,they're own citizens  now saw them as weak and dim witted.Disgraced in the eyes of the city.Disgraced in the eyes of the world through out history.This story is historical and  only 75 years ago.History if allowed, repeats itself when people fail to learn from it.WE THE PEOPLE have a chance to fix this repeat this time.Its in our own backyard.

I agree a terrible tragedy happened to a human being by another.I do not agree with the complete destruction of all this country has in the positive side of the argument.For all our missed opportunities in history There have been recent changes that would never have happened in my childhood years.

I remember the bathrooms that said whites only when my folks went into the south.Strange that I also remember MY folks were also  being denied a bathroom when we stopped for  gasoline at a georgia gas station."No Damned yankees" I was 5yrs old.My folks explained that I could ask when I was older.I still remember it well.There is a lot of things that have changed since that time.

Decades of work that changes were made only to have all those in the equal rights movement  now see the mob smash its peaceful image for change.That image now carrying the images those peace marchers spoke in hatred of.That image spoken of was like  the lynch mob mentality of  present day cities being destroyed then  held hostage. People made livings in those cities.Even a cur dog doesn't crap where they live.Burned out cities wont be hiring anyone after all those who would build a life leave.

Our country for all its dings of whats right and wrong is a one of its kind now days.It has grown with many errors that were legal and excepted in the time periods of the past.Slavery,internments camps,immigrant Chinese laborers that were deported after building our first railroads.Many more after the original dirty deed of taking the natives land by trespass and force.WE are not perfect.Its a human condition,not being perfect.

St. Louis,Detroit,Many others look like warzone cities for many city blocks. I have seen this for my self.Those area are areas that most travelers either don't stop or don't goto.It is dangerous.The good people simply moved when they could and went elsewhere.

My state of new york in one of those Places in exodus of people fed up with its taxes,and mis informed leadership.Our fearless leaders have allowed the courts to just let criminals out as soon as they are caught.The sick elderly are stuffed into our nursing homes where those poor old people just trying to have a decent day can get sick and die.

This state also welcomes all forms of illegal whatever into our state.Hands them a drivers license and makes sure these illegals have food stamps and a place to sleep and anything else including protection from the law. Do you wonder why the cities are being taken over by mobs??? don't need a hint as to why people who are first families in new york are heading out in droves?

WE need to fix this mob thing happening quickly now.Its already out of control.Its not Wako a few years back.Its not the black panthers bldg,Its not even the bundys of Nevada.This is armed people taking control of city blocks while our law enforcements hands are legally tied by the consorts in league with those who would destroy our country with no regards to the outcome.

This election is the most important of our lifetimes.Our choices are a man whom I feel sorry.The man called biden is many times put in the cameras eye to falter and show he has something wrong with him.I admire his grit to continue trying.I really hate those who are using him a a pawn to control from the shadows.A puppet king at his expense. You can fathom from whats going on in the medias blind eyes what our country will become if this man is elected.I will pray for his family and him.Everyone deserves to be allowed to try.No one deserves to be victimized by another.In uniform or in a mob. That is equal rights...

I may not always agree with President Trump.I have known some one very close to me that fought him in court.Trump lives to win.I do not hold that against the man.I have seen my country shine in the recovered pride of our rising.For anyone who isn't a complete lazy butt dragger,Life has gotten better for most. Jobs increased.

People moved into better places in life or social status.Those that could not fell from grace.WE need better training on how to win in life and succeed.More lessons on how people climb out of poverty.Courses in school about learning how to succeed in life.Teach a man/child to fish and he won't be hungry.Teach a man/child to succeed and he won't be burning and looting.

In the meantime friends we have a mob to deal with and elected officials in office saying let them eat cake when we ask for help.Marie Antoinette said that same thing.We have a better devise than Madame guillotine.WE have the vote from now into november. Bon Ton roulet!

Till Next Time When WE meet again dear friends,You always have choices in life if you chose to use them.Even when you dont think you have a choice,Then thats your choice.There's always a choice.



Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The New President is Only in Office a Week and the Howling Mobs of Malcontents Take to the Street Before The Dust of Reason Settles

I have been quietly watching from the virtual wings these past few weeks with a great deal of interest.
The events of this past year were to say the least stressful.

First the children in the area of politics.Next the virtual lynch mob of the media whipping up hate and discontent at every opportunity.The television comedy programs joining in to provide even more inescapable hate.Then theres is the many experts in the fields of everything from politics to social law and the obscure abstracts of humanity.

I have listened to folks before the election who had not made up their minds but were thoroughly aggravated at the news crews. It seemed no matter what was at stake the lynch mob was totally bent on forcing the  coup by press.Even when the outcome did not follow the carefully planned effort to undermine a fair election,the press and media continued to push the mobs into the streets.

Special interest groups to the streets empowered by  the usual faces who often push their faces into the camera for the fading spotlights they fear losing the most.I doubt those faces actually would be in the crowds if the cameras were removed.15 minutes of fame and such.

I am glad the man in the oval office understands the rules of war.He is moving faster than the opposing forces can counter.That is the general who surrounds himself with those who he trusts and will follow his lead.That is exactly what is happening now.

I am quite aware of the fact he does not march to the beat of that mobs drum.Those around him seem to be elites that I often write about with a grimace.That in mind hear me out for a moment....

Those folks I mentioned earlier in this article....Those who were so discussed with the political hogwash and the mob mentality of the press.Those folks were the ones that voted for Mr. Obama.

I saw many good things in this man and I voted for him.His ideas helped a lot of people.That help came at a cost. Obama care costs even a single person around 200-350 dollars a month.That doesn't sound like much to those still employed and working.To a retired person not able to work or who figured on retiring with a little nest egg aside.Next year the insurance gouges deeper in the pocket with less to offer.

I could not bring myself to vote for his competitor for several reasons.I spent many days making the archives holding her goings on tell me a story.One that spending time in Arkansas some time ago and more recently in NY has also made me more informed of the past and present of the person who lost.
I will say no more about that.It is past history for those who enjoy arguing lost causes and lost battles.

I am aware of locker room banter talk of those who brag about conquests they will never do more than daydream about.It' a guy thing that anyone with  sisters would learn was not except able behavior.Ladies....

The guys you think you know are not the ones who hang with their bro's.I have been in  locker rooms when that covert mike talk which caused so much inflammation is mild.
It is not meant for everyones ears or hidden mikes.Imagine mikes hidden around the News room lockers or the news gym.Not excusable but not a hanging offense either.

Okay,I am sure there is many right now who are fuming over articles now joining the mob.I can see a man who is doing exactly what he said he would do.The voting record has shown overwhelmingly that the rival was not what those out here were coerced to bury in another 8 years of  be headings w/o recourse.

People dying by cowardly bombers who are to weak minded to realize they're pawns used by bigger cowards hiding behind a corrupted philosophy.The Ottoman empire was not built on peaceful/free philosophies. Read your history to learn.It is wonderful to be your brothers keeper.But if the only one fighting is you the odds become slim.Theres millions of able bodied men in the population not defending their lands.They are running with millions of the women and children.

Another 4-8 years of an unholy war with millions being driven from their homes to run starving from madmen.those people who that were not working if at all in part time jobs that couldn't support a home and family.People who watched tv to see salemen selling cars for "only"350 dollars with good credit anEEEEEZZZZZ payment.Real had to do with a house,family,and bills to pay.All the promises made the last 8 years were to late and another 8 years unthinkable.

The things being written are being protested even before the details are known.The mobs are asking to bring the refugees into this country on truly blind true.I really don't know what that trust is based on after 911.After the embassy murders that fell on deaf ears.After that corrupted belief turning regular people into mindless killing machines.Yet those in the mob are of that same mesmerized thinking.Blind to the actual history of the exploding world.I do have a suggestion to Ms finestein
and Mr. Schumer I don't care how you spell them.Tired of the constant obstinateness.

I do have a great idea to prove that these people have the right idea about undocumented people living here without a background search during what is tad amount to war.Enough soldiers in the ground or disabled to call it that.

Lets have those in the mob and those above to except several families of refugees into their homes as guests till The new citizens  get on their feet.They will never actually blend into our culture but unlike my ancestors I guess thats why The USA  IS NOT called the great melting pot anymore.

I can bet you there would be a hush in the mob that would baffle the tearful leaders of their mob, a pin could be heard hitting the floor.

I have heard a lot of harsh sounding words.Felt much  hostility for my looking past the curtain to discover who Oz was not.The past is just that now.No one is going to turn back time.The majority rules in a democracy and that majority  still is blamed for no one listening to them.They will now have to listen to those who were giving up more and more of what was principles with even more being demanded through manipulated laws inspired by tiny factions of the population.

If this man we elected gets our country back on track then bite your lip till it bleeds.put your energies into the next election instead of acting like your from a third world country.Your better than what
your being talk into.

Robert J.Pickering

Please Note:I am now in control of my blog. Its been in Singapore these last few months.I have not!