Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The New President is Only in Office a Week and the Howling Mobs of Malcontents Take to the Street Before The Dust of Reason Settles

I have been quietly watching from the virtual wings these past few weeks with a great deal of interest.
The events of this past year were to say the least stressful.

First the children in the area of politics.Next the virtual lynch mob of the media whipping up hate and discontent at every opportunity.The television comedy programs joining in to provide even more inescapable hate.Then theres is the many experts in the fields of everything from politics to social law and the obscure abstracts of humanity.

I have listened to folks before the election who had not made up their minds but were thoroughly aggravated at the news crews. It seemed no matter what was at stake the lynch mob was totally bent on forcing the  coup by press.Even when the outcome did not follow the carefully planned effort to undermine a fair election,the press and media continued to push the mobs into the streets.

Special interest groups to the streets empowered by  the usual faces who often push their faces into the camera for the fading spotlights they fear losing the most.I doubt those faces actually would be in the crowds if the cameras were removed.15 minutes of fame and such.

I am glad the man in the oval office understands the rules of war.He is moving faster than the opposing forces can counter.That is the general who surrounds himself with those who he trusts and will follow his lead.That is exactly what is happening now.

I am quite aware of the fact he does not march to the beat of that mobs drum.Those around him seem to be elites that I often write about with a grimace.That in mind hear me out for a moment....

Those folks I mentioned earlier in this article....Those who were so discussed with the political hogwash and the mob mentality of the press.Those folks were the ones that voted for Mr. Obama.

I saw many good things in this man and I voted for him.His ideas helped a lot of people.That help came at a cost. Obama care costs even a single person around 200-350 dollars a month.That doesn't sound like much to those still employed and working.To a retired person not able to work or who figured on retiring with a little nest egg aside.Next year the insurance gouges deeper in the pocket with less to offer.

I could not bring myself to vote for his competitor for several reasons.I spent many days making the archives holding her goings on tell me a story.One that spending time in Arkansas some time ago and more recently in NY has also made me more informed of the past and present of the person who lost.
I will say no more about that.It is past history for those who enjoy arguing lost causes and lost battles.

I am aware of locker room banter talk of those who brag about conquests they will never do more than daydream about.It' a guy thing that anyone with  sisters would learn was not except able behavior.Ladies....

The guys you think you know are not the ones who hang with their bro's.I have been in  locker rooms when that covert mike talk which caused so much inflammation is mild.
It is not meant for everyones ears or hidden mikes.Imagine mikes hidden around the News room lockers or the news gym.Not excusable but not a hanging offense either.

Okay,I am sure there is many right now who are fuming over articles now joining the mob.I can see a man who is doing exactly what he said he would do.The voting record has shown overwhelmingly that the rival was not what those out here were coerced to bury in another 8 years of  be headings w/o recourse.

People dying by cowardly bombers who are to weak minded to realize they're pawns used by bigger cowards hiding behind a corrupted philosophy.The Ottoman empire was not built on peaceful/free philosophies. Read your history to learn.It is wonderful to be your brothers keeper.But if the only one fighting is you the odds become slim.Theres millions of able bodied men in the population not defending their lands.They are running with millions of the women and children.

Another 4-8 years of an unholy war with millions being driven from their homes to run starving from madmen.those people who that were not working if at all in part time jobs that couldn't support a home and family.People who watched tv to see salemen selling cars for "only"350 dollars with good credit anEEEEEZZZZZ payment.Real had to do with a house,family,and bills to pay.All the promises made the last 8 years were to late and another 8 years unthinkable.

The things being written are being protested even before the details are known.The mobs are asking to bring the refugees into this country on truly blind true.I really don't know what that trust is based on after 911.After the embassy murders that fell on deaf ears.After that corrupted belief turning regular people into mindless killing machines.Yet those in the mob are of that same mesmerized thinking.Blind to the actual history of the exploding world.I do have a suggestion to Ms finestein
and Mr. Schumer I don't care how you spell them.Tired of the constant obstinateness.

I do have a great idea to prove that these people have the right idea about undocumented people living here without a background search during what is tad amount to war.Enough soldiers in the ground or disabled to call it that.

Lets have those in the mob and those above to except several families of refugees into their homes as guests till The new citizens  get on their feet.They will never actually blend into our culture but unlike my ancestors I guess thats why The USA  IS NOT called the great melting pot anymore.

I can bet you there would be a hush in the mob that would baffle the tearful leaders of their mob, a pin could be heard hitting the floor.

I have heard a lot of harsh sounding words.Felt much  hostility for my looking past the curtain to discover who Oz was not.The past is just that now.No one is going to turn back time.The majority rules in a democracy and that majority  still is blamed for no one listening to them.They will now have to listen to those who were giving up more and more of what was principles with even more being demanded through manipulated laws inspired by tiny factions of the population.

If this man we elected gets our country back on track then bite your lip till it bleeds.put your energies into the next election instead of acting like your from a third world country.Your better than what
your being talk into.

Robert J.Pickering

Please Note:I am now in control of my blog. Its been in Singapore these last few months.I have not!



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama wins again,It is no surprise,He is A Winner

Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character
Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well this last 9 days has been a very interesting experience for me.I have been in contact with people that carry far more fame than I will ever have.Far more money than this currently unemployed man has.I have been deluged with campaign wanna-be's asking for donations that I don't have to give.Each campaign worker seems to have the delusions that They can get more donations from the same people that the other campaigners are bugging for change.I feel like a person going thru a Hollywood movie with every other person panhandling for a hand out.I help by blogging .That is my donation,Period.People like me are the drummerboy at christmas giving as much as we can with what we have.We are the old lady at the temple that gave pennies and got heckled for being cheap til it was pointed out that is all we have.

Mr.Obama will win this election.It is written in the Akasha records of time.It is something that must happen for the things ahead to take place.We will see a time of war and a time of peace ahead.If this seems mystical then I guess I might have you join together and sing kuhmbya.Roast marshmellows and sit in a circle under the stars,while holding hands.

Unfortunately,It is just the way the world has been since mankind could pick up a rock and throw at his fellow man to cause hurt and suffering.It's not a crystal ball or voices from the magic haunted woods.
we chose the best man for all of our benefits and hope that they can find their way into the fog of time we call history.It's not rocket science or magic.Just a cycle of social spasms we call civilization.Civilization is such an oxymoron term.Even our elections have to be demonizing the other guy.anything goes to prove we are superior.It trickles downs to every member of the political mudfight.Everyone trying to out do the other.even the donation collectors try to panhandle from the other campaign workers.It's like vultures fighting over a rotting carcass.

If I seem a little off key on additude,I will explain.Last week I had my laptops linked to do some updating as a net.When I tried to use them,Both had been virused and crashed.I am a distance from libraries and such.I took a few days to gather junked home computers and parts out a working whole Dell,Hp,Sony/Litewriter/Etc.mongrel of a unit.It works faster than my new laptops when they work.It had a hardrive that was locked out from whoever had it last as administrator,I have spent a number of days hacking a dead desktop to free it from administrator bondage.This is my first attempt to catch up on my blogs in maybe 9days.I have not used windows XP in years but this unit has it and I will endure.I actually have been turned down so many times for employment that I could attend a Halloween costume party as a bed sheet.I wouldn't even need a costume.

I hope to have my blogs back on line soon.

If my friend from the Russia is reading this Please note that I did try to return your leter and it wouldn't go through to you.Thanks for the picture.I made it my desktop background.I will try to respond to all the people writing to me.I got way behind when life crashed last week.I will as I can.

That is all for now my friends and thanks for your patience.I write these for my own pleasure although my experiment with google adsense has earned me a huge amount of money.I was paid the astronomical sum of .02 for 30 days of writing and showing ads.That's right folks You to can get an online income of 2cents.and if you order now,we will send you absolutely nothing for your efforts.Grrrrrr!!Internet income my daryair.

The puch line to all this is the E-mail I returned to9 impotrtant mail and 147 yutzes that wanted momey to fund campaigns.The Prez and Ms.I like mail from.makes me feel like I really might be a hope to climb out of the grave with the ends kicked out I have fell into.It is called a rut.

I will in time excell.gather my army of the disenfranchised and build the city called Shangrala.out in the desert.
The only rules are the following.No Lawyers,no troublemakers,no bullies,no laws saying I can't be denied eating ,drinking,smoking,farting while staying 25feet from anyone,There';s no helmet laws,seat-belt laws,insurance is from everyone's pocket,taxes don't exist,pedifiles are sent to live with those defending them.and politicians lose points every time they cause rudeness to accure.

Yup,that is my city of Shangrala in the desert.Move in and we all pitch in to build your house.Just the way we are.

It is a beautiful dream.Keep it in m,ind while the political babeling is in your face for the next few weeks.

Keep the dream alive and hope out in front of your visions.

PS Happy all Hollows Eve my friends
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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Last, Nite, For, Big, Money ,Drives, For, The, Democratic, Party,

I am basically a person that has always carried viewpoints and ideas more Libertarian than either of the other parties.My grandfather was a hardcore Republican.The repairs on his from sidewalk was never repaired because it would raise his taxes.My parents were Democrats with the last year they voted being for Jimmy Carter.I grew up hearing both sides of the story.It was decided long before my siblings that no politics would be discussed inside the family.Much more peaceful that way!

Th reason that I am leaning to the Democratic side is very simple logic.the third party in the U.S. is never given the same chance to run for any office that mainstream parties are.The third parties have all the chance of surviving to become president as a snowballs chance in Hell.They don't have the connections ,or the support or Huge war chests to compete. Philosophically,They have excellent ideas of freedom for everyone,smaller government,less taxes and a balance budget.The Ideas of the past centuries held.They simply are frozen out of every election process.It is not a fair and equal election
process as that goes.The media is much to blame for following the big money like  paparazzi buzzards looking for a meal ticket.

I joined forces with the Democrats only because it was the better choice of freedoms.Anyone that fights for the right to our constitutional rights can battle on to keep those elected people in line.
No matter who wins  the race for President,we must still be vigilante to preserve our basic rights and freedoms.Freedom is like a garden,if you neglect tending it and yanking out the weeds,The weeds take over.Even a useful plant can go rogue and get out of control.we need to be very good gardeners after this election....The future of our freedom crop is at stake.

The Propaganda of all parties sorta gets into the habit of stretching the trues and bending the facts to fit their perspectives of our lives.They don't live our lives.Most of those politicians have never lived as some of us are doing presently.They will never have to.No matter how common and close they appear to be.There is a second reason for my choice...

I have always been of the belief that anyone can make a mistake.Big mistakes,little mistakes.The person that is caught in a humungous lie and still sticks to his/her story is  not anyone that I would trust.When there is two or more of this type people joining forces with the same dishonest situation,
I refuse to be their rube.(Pigeon!).

I grew up with 5 sisters and few other kids in the neighborhood.I watched as I had the same jobs as they did.I saw that their paychecks were always a little smaller,The insurances were always a little higher than mine.I watched as I could more easily get jobs.I heard of girls in that small town had been assaulted on a "date".They found themselves pregnant at an early age.It was all their fault.It was the good ole 1960's and 1970s.Guns were sold over the counter to people we knew in town.We had strong opinions of how we needed to be free.If we wish to live as "we wish",believe as we wish,love as we wish,die as we wish,read as we wish.To live and experience life as our needs  demand,Then we need to monitor and get involved  with who is  in the White House next year.

If you don't have money,knock on doors,make a few calls.Shoot a message to your net friends.ask them to pass it forward as a favor to you.It will be like a pebbles ripples in a pond.Your message traveling ever out ward. Next year We all need to keep an open mind and eye to what is going on in our Nation for rulings and laws that are not what the Constitution has promised to ALL people and not just a few elite billionaires and special interest groups.that feel no need to share our struggles.

This is Your Election.It will determine the future as no other in history of the U.S.A.Vote for your  Freedom and then atch those in office closely.The influences of the capital are most seductive to those isolated from realities.There is huge pressures that assault the President and his people from a thousand directions,every minute of every day.I wouldn't want the stress and health problems of the job.

The final word is to vote or at least push to support your values if they mean nything to you at all.

There is 3hours+- of time to send in ad donation for the defeat of Missouri's politician who was never told of rapes involving unwanted pregnancies.This last minute push will knock many other such republican types out of future office.Our sisters,mothers,girlfriends,and ladies in our lives will be victims if they are elected.Prevention is worth many sad hearted apologies.

That is all for now,Tomorrow will be the day we learn what path  our world will take for our freedoms and Democracy.Guard well what you plant in the freedom garden my friends.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

President Obama signs Tougher Laws on Slavery in the 21rst Century

Perspectives on slavery
Perspectives on slavery (Photo credit: British Postal Museum & Archive)
English: red american truck (Kenworth Truck Ty...
English: red american truck (Kenworth Truck Typ W 900, Bj. ca. 1985, 240 PS, 12800 ccm, 6 Zyl.) - West USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
President Obama has signed an excutive order to toughen the laws in the U.S,A on slavery.The order would tighten up on unscrupulous corperations,business's and persons that recruit people under falsehoods.The rule would strongly punish those who engage in enslaving their  new workers with promises of decent wage,a bright (or at least useful) future income. I would hope this would include a clause for those gangster corperations that lease Commercial trucks to individuals er false support.

I have written articles before about the practice of running ads for profitable leases in Commercial Articles.The ads tell with great flairs how much the lease drivers have made while leasing to this truck company.There is only about 15% that ever are supported to the leases end.These people are the token ad people.They find themselves being used as pawns to sucker others into the leases.They are making money because they are good money hooks for the future swindles.There are thousands of these lease "deals" each day.

The driver is run somethings with only $100 advances from the next week to live on and pay his bills at home.That driver is left to support his/her family with absolutely nothing to send home.The dispatchers tell him that if he/she just hangs in there that things will get better.The driver leasing the truck will Stay faithful that they will at least get a truck when it's finished.The company leasing that truck will bill the leaser for fuel,repairs,taxes,anything that would bring them (corporate)increased revenue from the lease.Double billing on fuel and repairs are not unheard of.The lease driver is left to go through reams of  settlement paperwork that the corporate accountants can not (or will not) explain.

The dream of a personal ownership of a business,one that you love is a strong motivation to work.
This motivation is what leads to the slavery/indebted servant situation in the Commercial Trucking industry.It destroys marriages.It destroys lives that could be productive.It is onl;y one of the slavery scenario's of the 21rst century.I have the paperwork to prove that this scenario exists.

This practice of deceit by commercial leasing truck companies should be included into this law.There are thousands of former drivers such as myself that are caught up in a dream of self employment,Only to have it manipulated by self serving gangsters who are not monitored by the Justice department.The lobbyist for these companies prevented drivers from unionizing during the famous truckers strike many years ago.The then president said that all participants would be held for treason in time of war..Historical records will show you which party was in the White House...

The cargo hauled by lease drivers bring many thousands of dollars to that company.The lease driver normally has to cover business costs on credit or out of his own pocket.I have in the past been told to sell my house,mortgage what ever I had too.You owe us and we will collect "our Money".They usually start sending collection bills threatening to sue the driver after they terminate the lease for whatever can be placed on the Federal DAC record.This record is the place companies report why a driver was terminated.It is very convenient to say the now out of work,out of business and condemned former lease driver has broken any number of critical rules while driving the truck.

This record is taken for verbatim by all the other truck companies in the country.It becomes impossible to get a job unless you can get a local company to hire you.Your career is destroyed by
the power of a Corporate stooge that is making money off the working blood of people with ambition and dreams.That driver remains unemployed till he can write the DAC/Hire Right office.The record and handle all reports on the CDL driver record.They can extract all background reports pro or con.
It takes quite a long time to correct the cons that are simply spite or a hateful companies entry.

The Leasing commercial companies usually have separate branches that are listed as separate from the main corporate entity.Just in case they get sued or the authorities involve themselves.Servitude could be found as  slavery in some places.

There is usually a written contract that serves to protect only the lease company an corporate portion  the least.Contracts usually  can't be seen until the day of signing.Insist on seeing it and many companies will note that future lease victim for failure.They could be trouble in the future.Anyone asking questions or bringing up business queons are regaded as problem children.

The reasons for this corporate attitude is really quite simple.Those lease drivers that are told they will run their own company will be run as if they are driving for the corporation that leases the trucks.If any loads are turned down by the driver then they are punished by letting them sit for days. Fuel costs $500.each day they are running.The Drivers only make about $1.00 a mile.You can only run(legally) about 600-700 miles per day.It sounds like a lot till you figure that after all the expenses dumped  on you as that driver  it only amounts to the same as a company driver would earn.That amount is roughly .$.34 per mile or (minus meals,laundry,scales cost/weigh it
the load to get it legal,roadtolls,etc).That driver earns
$60, a day.when the corporate goons make him/her sit as punishment.they earn nothing.The corporate
lease company still bills them for the expenses they never were provided the work to pay off those expenses.Many leases are for a year or two The swindle usually goefor half of that time.Blilling is
continual and placed on credit reports.further destroying any ablilty to borrow the pay off money.

I believe That  Anti Racketeering Laws and the Anti Slavery Laws should be extended to include the commercial trucking companies.They have for to long been excused for their actions on this practice.
  AS long as the corporate persons can recruit people under false pretense.I view this practice as being similar to the Georgia business that recruited Latino workers  to work for great wages to work during harvest season.They arrived for work,worked hard all week and found the shacks that  were provided,tools that they used and if they used  the outhouses in the field or working in the hot Georgia sun were all charged to their "ACCTs."They were paid almost nothing by their employer/Slave owners.
They were told that next week it would be a positive income.Next week it was billed in the same manner or worse.The system is and has been the same for  decades in the trucking industry.

I propose a solution to this gangster game.The lease driver must receive  at least 50% of the trips pay before he leaves the shippers dock.This assures that driver of at least an even business break,financially.
A Federally appointed independent arbitrator with no connections to any lobbyists,or trucking companies.This Arbitrator would appoint agents  to look into companies that have numerous complaints against them.They would have the power to correct DAC files and order disciplinary actions against Racketeering practices in the commercial trucking industries.

The Driver has his record examined by DOT,Border Patrol,Customs,DEA,the Justice Department, and numerous other Federal Agencies.There is no one that monitors the  Business practices of gangster corporations leasing to people that just wt to maa living with their own business.

I hope that Slavery in the 21rst Century ends with our decade and this President.To those whom have been held in the  Stagnant Status after or losing after  signing a  contract to have large business associates guiding you to business  with a swindliing mind is illegal. It needs to be investigated  and put to an end.
Families and the economy are suffering from this Practice.Prices of everything are reflected by the transportation industry.This effects everyone when drivers lose the abilities to run competitive honest business's.

Write to President  Obama  and request that The Commercial Transportation Industry,be included in the Anti Slavery Laws that are signed.It will end years of the gangsters  Contractual Slavery to steal from the American Dream.

Thats all for now my friend,Ple keep fighting to see freedom for all people.It's the right thing to do.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ryans Words Should Be Labeled Smoke & Mirrors show

United States Presidential Election: 2012 (Google Affiliate Ad)
English: In January 2009, President of the Uni...
English: In January 2009, President of the United States of America, George W. Bush invited then President-Elect Barack Obama and former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter for a Meeting and Lunch at The White House. Photo taken in the Oval Office at The White House. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: United States President Barack Obama ...
English: United States President Barack Obama 'long form' certificate of live birth (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I wasn't so far off when I suggested Mr. Ryan's mommy for Vice  President.I Know that she tried and tried to teach that boy to not tell fibs.Guess he was hard to understand such things.I say this because
I can't believe that a mom would teach her children to spew such proverbial outright lies.I am also very surprised that his nose didn't grow to enormous proportions on camera.

Was his light hearted chuckles because he needed to signal the audience to laugh.Maybe it was a private joke.(thinking u  suckers )as he scanned the crowds.

I also noticed the crowd appeared to be signaled to cheer in the same way each time.It reminded me of a group of marionettes dancing in synch on the same string.Not much imagination in that group of (sheep)followers. Can we play a clip from the black and white footage of old conventions,Please!Those people had Individual imagination that rebuild our country from near ruins in the 1940s and 1950s.Democrats brought in Social Security as a temporary solution,Republicans never stopped it when they were in office.Must have been okay with it continued(to be robbed?)

Democrats and republicans that may not have seen eye to eye on things.They had arguments,debates,
but they would never jeopardize a United States President Like the current group of scoundrels running interference on Mr. Obama.The coach would kick the players butt if this was a football team and the players ran for the opposite goalpost & left the quarterback on his own...It's a team!That team would need bulletproof underwear when they left.Why are we the people like those "PO'd fans.lets kick the supporting players backside.It's time for a change alright.Let us partake in a formal butt booting to the politicians that have held our President as Hostage to accomplishing what he must do to get our country going.We are a world tribe,but we must help ourselves first..

Four the last 4years,The same type of lies,misdirects,and general childish crap has presented itself as
the opposing parties persona.No-one could succeed even as much as the President has done.It simply
proves that this man is strong enough to grab the ball and run it as best he is able when the rest of the United States Politica team is screwing around with another smoke and mirror speaking engagement.These speeches happen because the opposition really has no idea as to how to fix anything.Have you actually ever heard a relevant and constructive,even workable idea from Obama's opposition?Have any of the flapping media jaws on the radio done anything but sound like a bunch of constipated  poops,with more than a touch of dimentia?

I personally, would love to see politicians caught in a lie,fined and publicized the same as if  they  were caught using hookers services(NY).The same as if they have been found using illegal drugs or selling arms to banned countries.It would save a lot of media time for those of us watching.I think that convention would have had to be labeled fiction based on it's total reality.

I joined in to help Mr.Obama,Stay President Obama,Because I have seen --President and-Mrs.Obama doing some useful and great things outside the Whitehouse for people.I have,nt even heard much of the wanna be Presidents wife.Or Ryans....Perhaps it is a new requirement of the "wives" to put on some shoes, leave the kitchen and kids to go out in public. Mr. Obama as president has changed the world without directly having to do anything.Let me explain.Martin Luther King realized that when equal rights finally matured to a point in time, Minorities or those so labeled would be able to rise to the high office of President.This last election saw that Civil Rights movements flowering into a living blossom.The Children of all the societies in the USA.realized that MLK and followers had a fluent dream.They realized that we are a one race nation now.The Human Race.We have begun to mature
as a truly unique nation.Where anyone that runs for office can obtain their goals.That dream must survive for the future generations benefit.Justs as the aging population must be thought of for help.
It' the way we Americans Are.It' the way our reputations as humans have always been.We are the champions of the world....ask anyone getting beat up by their dictator leaders.....

Mr.Obama,Our President is the Step into the future of our country.You May call that Country The United States of America.Until Mr.Obama We have been The Good OLE Boys buy in Political Country Club.  Club Rule are as follows:1)NO WOMEN
                                                                  2)No Black Folks
                                                                  3)No Poor Folks(This means blue collar workers)
                                                                  4)No one called riff raft or non elite
                                                                  5)No Spanish,Orientals,etc.etc.etc
                                                                  6)anyone else that we in DC. deemed,Well,you know .
                                                                             Those non conformist types.They just don't
                                                                            know  our ways of doing things around the circle.
                                                                            The poor dears,They just would not fit into our
Do you honestly believe a minority will even be given the assistance they need to help the U.S. people if the GOOD OLE BOYS return to power.We will be involved in wars all over for weapons of mass destruction that never were proven.We will be holding people in locations to torture and abuse without due process,articles of war,held indefinitely without even visitation rights from any Organizations usually allowed to speak with prisoners.What in hell have we allowed to happen to Human and Constitutional rights.This system,may I politely remind you was put into place before President Obama's time in office.This was republican party policy.The question that you must honestly ask yourself is this dear reader.

If one day in the dream of a Republican future you are walking down the street,You pass through a "No Free Speech Zone" a Swat van rolls up and grabs you places a black bag over your face while someone is holding you with hands behind your back in a submission hold.A submission hold  forces your arms behind and upwards till if you resist it dislocates one or both of your shoulder joints.
Your tightly  handcuffed with a plastic restraining band.Numbed from blood cutoff,your Hands and feet are cuffed.Your then thrown into the van.There is no talk and you may be beaten and told to shutup .if you ask questions.You may be doped unconcious for long range transports.You awake in a concrete room with no explanation as to what,when or why this happened.In the days to come,You find that torture is a humane interrogation tool and the country that you were born in,educated in and hoped to defend and grow old in,no longer exists.

You remember the last elections that you voted in.You remember that your unemployed life had made you desperate for change,even if the other candidates were caught in hours of lies and fabrications of anything they spoke.You feel the broken bones of that last "Questioning"regarding your beliefs,regarding your speaking in a proposed NO FREE SPEECH ZONE.You denie it with the knowledge that, that will be grounds for even more "IN DEPTH"questioning.You sit wondering if anyone saw your arrest? does anyone know if I am alive.Is my family ok...If only I had ...

You say this is crap and can't happen in this country.Go to the library computer,bookshelf,newspaper archives,or just go through those newspapers before you recycle them.Educate yourself about these men.Knowledge is power,my friend...As far as not in this country.I suggest you find the newspaper articles that were printed days before the convention for the NO FREE Speech zone with police guarding it.The scenario is entirely possible with the" right"people in command.

I am a writer,I try to see the end  and imagine both possible endings.Heres a second possible ending.
You listen and examine the stories of all people running for office.The facts unlock your mind that has only job searching worries,family worries,all the problems that have been dumped on you lately.
You examine the last 2 Presidential people that served,you examine the situations that developed during that time .Wars without purpose.prisoners for money snitches,American Soldiers dumped into
hell.This time it's the National Guard People.Volunteers who thought they were the home guard.Not a private army for a political game.You find the violations of human rights on POW'sThe same thing we in the USA accused Other countries of in the past and still in the present time.
You get curious for more information about the past.This info keeps referring to the misdirects of questions ask to that prior presidents staff.Direct questions are usually answered as national security.
The walls they built back there grew to a monster.It makes you wonder what happens to this monster if it is allowed to grow to it's full size and what will that size mean to your your loved ones.After all,you may be jobless,but you are free to find a decent job at some point and your research points out that the republicans candidate has a history of loving to destroy companies by buying them out and firing the struggling employees.You realize that it would make you a vagrant with no home,no money,no support of yourself or family.You close your eyes and wish the elections from hell would just go away.You wish you would wake up in a paradise without worry or strife.....You open your eyes once more and hear your inner voice yell this,"HEY! BUBBA WAKE UP!,IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN BUCKY!so wake up and get your butt into gear.Get up off your duff and vote in one of the most important elections of the 21rst century.This is real and the things above are real.It doesn't take a genius to read a dozen random articles to check for the things you will need to learn,then compare how you might run a country of 300million plus population and not one of the useless elected deadwood  doing anything but setting an example for Americas Youth that join the gang mentality.Your colors ain't runnin on my turf  ##!****.Great example to bullies,bullies,and dictatorial thugs watching the U.S..A's politicians battling each other while those dictators kill off their mal- contented oppressed population in the thousands.

I am for giving this man tools to do his job by dumping the opposing Malcontents from the roster .
We need to support a few fundamental ideas to build a system that may not suit all peoples,but it should at least be a solid foundation of idea that can develope and morph into something workable,

Nothing is perfect,no human is perfect (with 1 exception in my opinion) .We must stay the course as the republicans once stated.that is one of their parties matra's...That is the republican parties words.
I am very sure they meant for Those words to used for Presidential support.President Barack Obama is the current President.Thank You republican party for the words of support for your president.
I am so glad the voice from that past president is historically left for him...your support is appreciated

That is all for now folks,let us take the Republican Parties advise here on this and stay the course.
take time to care,time to think,time to forgive,and time to love with your heart.


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

President Barack Obama saves a life from Red Tape Execution

English: Seal of the President of the United S...
English: Seal of the President of the United States Español: Escudo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Македонски: Печат на Претседателот на Соединетите Американски Држави. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This is a personal account of my communication with the United States President  Obama.
My Father Passed away in April of this year after a long stay in one of those old age facilities.
The place had squeezed out every asset the man had till even his life insurance was forfeited.

An annuity  account was left to my disabled sister to help her living expenses.Dad didn't tell of this
good deed to any of his kids. He had no idea the vultures at Social Security Insurance had rules to take anything a disabled person could use to help with expenses.This rule says all extra income goes back to SSI.I thought SSI is what we paid into, with every paycheck???We owe what we paid into for years??
This needs to be fix asap or sooner.We are being robbed of the "Security"we invested in.

Dad was taken to the funeral home &  My sister found herself left as Executrix of the will.She decided to use the tiny annuity to bury dad instead of keeping it.It was the decent and moral thing to do.We followed dads wishes to the letter.His Life insurance and every monitary asset at this point was sucked up by the Facility he was at.( a blog about the cruelty of nursing homes when I can think about it without screaming).

Within very a few days,My sister started receiving Demands & threatening letters from the local ssi office.She would have to report to the office and present her "case" as to why she had not given the money to ssi.Yes this is a small set of ssi letters.It fits...The letters Stated that because  this money was used by her it was an income.(She used it for the funeral).It's very expensive to bury a loved one.There wasn't anything left but a little change of that money.The funeral was what dad had in mind many years ago when my mother past away after battling cancer.He never would have dreamed  a long term facility run by a hospital would hold him against his will till he died.Or take everything in his retirement and insurance he had worked for.But I stray from this point now.

When the Appt. day arrived,we sat for an hour waiting to goto the ssi receptionists bullet proof glass to explain her "actions("The retirees and the disabled are very dangerous folks.I am surprised theres not guard towers and machine gun nests outside these offices's.) Explain her actions! Interesting...I sat there in the waiting area.The interview area has an armed guard at a desk and is about as private as a public telephone conversation.We heard many such complaints as we sat there listening with others in waiting.These conversations should be where they could be private.
 When it was my sisters turn and her Number was called out,she took the receipts up to the window.
The receipts were copied by the receptionist and we left.

The person that demanded my sister report to this ssi in Geneva NY. refused  to even speak to her. Another day of waiting went by and another letter from this cubicle bound gestapo from ssi.
The ssi person said in the letter that nothing had changed and that my sister would lose everything she was covered for.Her life saving medications,monthly check,and any other benefits allowed.

She was devastated by the cold and callas attitude of this person.Her doctor tried to tell ssi that meds were mandatory for life.No deal.A Professional arbitrator went to the next meeting with my sister and
still no change.

I had lost my dad to a hospital/nursing home.lost my sister to cancer from insurance based care/neglect.I was not going to lose another family member to someone like the person behind the
bullet proof glass at ssi.I sat down with my best friend.My computer.The problem was,Who do you ask for help[ when the IRS,SSI,or any of the other ominous lettered entities are involved.It takes a lot to make me angry,but I was angry that day.

It's not surprising there is armed guards,etc at these offices. It makes you feel as though you are nothing but a pesky insect to talk to these people.

It is our investments  they deny us and make us feel as though we are criminals.This is why they need armor in a place that shouldn't be anymore worried about speaking to us than a common bank.There is no money or vault in these places and the nasty attitudes are what make them targets of the very people that should not have reason to be threats to anyone.

 I sat there for the longest time in front of my keyboard,going through various sites and government sites.I really didn't know where or who to even talk to.My sister was terrified by a desk bound terrorist in a government office.Who do you call when your own agencies condemn you to death?

I came upon an address that almost stood out in the print.It said The Office Of The President Of The United States Of America/Barack Obama.I said if he can't do it,no-one can.I began to write.

A day later I got an E-mail from the White House saying that the President had received my letter and was looking into this problem.Suddenly SSI offices were calling to say the White House was telling them to Find out what was going on.The letters afterwards were less caustic and more business like.
Many SSI offices called to inform my sister that Her life saving meds would continue and benefits
would be returned in payments to SSI.(Note the larger letters!Rules,Yes but at least it's humane).

I still don't understand why the benefit system wont let people earn as much as they can.It' called commerce.Keeping people permanently poor solves nothing in a society.Disabled persons and retired are looked down on because they are forced to limited amounts of money to live on.It is not right!

I have since sent a letter of thanks to  President Obama.The president took time to have some one look into a matter for a nobody in this ocean of nobodies.You may say that it's because this is an election year and that the reason.I don't care the reason...I was helped by the President Of The United States...I will never forget this wonderful deed.I Have my differences with many politicians.The President is no different.I like some of his ideas and hopes he tweaks other ideas before they are 'rules"..

Thank You President Obama from the bottom of my sisters and my  heart.You Sir do not deserve the BS dumped on you.and I hope one day that people will see that.Sir,We may never meet you in person,but thank you for taking the time to care for those of us out here.

That is all for now,Well be talking soon,   I hope.Feel free to comment on my blogs.Love to hear your comments.


That is my story and I will stick to it.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Romney,More Smoke and Mirrors,Part II,Lifetime Anti Gunner With a NRA Membership

4 inch Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Patch - HOTL-PPL1001 (Google Affiliate Ad)
WE ARE ALL VICTIMS OF THE MEDIA MADMEN...By Robert L. Huffstutter (Photo credit: roberthuffstutter)
ST. LOUIS, MO - APRIL 14:  Juliann Atkins hand...
ST. LOUIS, MO - APRIL 14: Juliann Atkins handles a SIG Sauer P238 during the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits April 14, 2012 at America's Center in St. Louis, Missouri. More than 60,000 people are expected to attend the convention, which runs through Sunday. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
Granny's Got a Gun
Granny's Got a Gun (Photo credit: Impact Tarmac)
I wish to inquire as to how a lifetime member of the NRA can also be the same person that backed so very many gun bans.It seems that there is many times that our man in government has voted for those of us who truly are hunters and sportsmen to lose our firearms rights.I have not hunted for even food in many years.I would never deniy those who do.I am not in an office that would have people trying to elect those whose word is true.The facts of this mans story is written all over the media.

My dad was a life time member of the NRA during Charleton Hestons years.I always thought organizations that had Lifetime members checked a little bit better.why would any Orgaization
representing the gun owners rights let a politically opposed person use them to win an election.
Kinda like letting the fox into trust of the hen-house to watch the chickens!

The NRA now continues to alllow  a person who obviously is many times over a gun banning voter.Someone that would shut them down in a heartbeat with force of arms if need be.
There is a very interesting piece of paper that in itself is not worth much.Just a paper to anyone that
figures on re-writing it in their own image of freedom.

To those of us that can read it in awe of the intelligent beings that foresaw so many things that could
be developed in the name of freedom.They knew through the faith in the dream of a free land.Those brilliant people had the abilities to write a set of rules based on the nature of mankind and events through-out history.Events that told of madmen and tyrants that preyed on the innocent.They lived in a time when people had to forage and hunt with weapons.They also were living in a time of oppression and tyrannies.They made sure that would never happen again by allowing the people to
posses and use firearms.The right to bear arms became and still is the right of the free man to defend and protect his family,

Madmen will always exist in the societies we live in.It is part of the world we have yet to understand.
The mass majority of  gun owners live their whole lives without others even being aware they own firearms.It still is a basic right of ownership that is a constant political battle to keep our constitutional rights  from being eroded by fox in the hen-house politicians.

So while Mitt Romney is a lifetime NRA politician,He still has a rather long record of banning ,or trying to ban one of  our constitutional rights.Just think...those citizens that were good legal citizens
registered your firearms.we will lose them when they are made illegal.Our registered guns will have a name and address to find the owner at home...Only a Nation that fears it actions on it's people will disarm it's citizens.

I hope we have a president in the White House That May not like firearms,but understands the Aurora type of events that make us feel the police are sometimes not enough,not in time to help...

My E mail will finally be clear of everyone in the Democratic Party trying to out do each other sending me donation notices for the party that I already support..

Take care of your self my friends till next we meet...
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