A close relative of mine recently underwent surgery to repair a rotator cuff. It involved repairing damage from the muscles tearing off the bone and the pain is incredible. Every movement, every effort to get any comfort sends pain of incredible intensity thru her body. The nerves are all inflamed to the point of no sleep and no rest. There's no way to ease the pain for short.
A specialist did the surgery and was well spoken of in his professional abilities. Everything was very thorough and professionally done.
Two non-metal screws were placed into the bone to help secure the new materials in place,The surgery went well and was done in just a couple hours. Medicaid paid for the surgery,
We walked out several hours after surgery hoping this would turn out well. Hoping that she could heal up, and return to normal life with the after surgery limitations usually advised for such recovery times.
The after surgery instructions said no driving or any stressing of the arm or shoulder.The surgery folks actually immobilized the entire arm and shoulder
I drove her to the Pharmacy for the prescriptions that would ease the pain and keep infection down.
The pharmacist tried for over an hour to fill the prescription for her without even giving a reason it wasn't going thru.
Medicaid was refusing to pay for the needed ability to kill legitimate pain. Not from a dope fiend or user, but from a patient in actual pain from a medical procedure. The surgeon, Pharmacist, and patient have all but begged Medicaid to help out. It all falls on deaf, unfeeling ears. Medicaid finally said the pain meds can only be gotten with paperwork and more forms so they can then say the meds are needed.
I remember them refusing to let my oldest sister have pain meds or treatment to fight the brain cancer she was finally going to drive from her body.THAT sister died a horrible Painful death, begging to die from the pain of cancer which quickly overtook her in days. The insurance companies there too were acting as God to decree treatment or not. They could care less if we had to watch helplessly'
The Pharmacist finally said we will try to fill a few pain pills for you if the Medicaid people allow it.
She is to be healing for the next 6weeks. The pain of therapy and healing will take the next 6weeks.
Medicaid gave her 24 pills to be taken 4-8hours. That's 3to six days of comfort. The pharmacy said the script that should have been filled was for a little longer to take her through some of the therapy pain.
I can understand the precaution of these times for those who would abuse controlled substances..
I rather doubt that cancer patients and post-surgery patients with open wounds are in such a category of dope fiends. Denying meds to the sick and injured is the cruelest a bureaucratic cold-hearted of practices.
This so-called opioid epidemic sweeping the country is peculiar in its doing, to say the least. I remember the war on drugs some time ago. Evil Pot was the beginning of mental ruination.dimentia was imminent. Remember the photos of those poor run down souls that had succumbed to the evil weed?
The beginning of crime, degradation, morality. It was touted for a shear route to Hell and Damnation. Pot is being legalized to buy over the counter now in as many forms as is possible. Even PepsiCo is waiting to infuse it into the products.
Legalized growers and huge companies are making tons of money while those in the past who did the same thing rot in prison or are denied for life to ever do what they did best. It was their calling made a crime until big business could legalize it and reap the profits. America, Land of opportunity as long a the suits run the drugs behind the law.Sooo....what about the folks who desperately need legal those drugs?
Even Wall street tycoons are getting fat wallets from pot sale in the stock market.No street corner, patrol car,jailcell encounters.Its all so very safe.
This all going on while the lives of those in desperate need are denied proper medical components by the Jack assed suits sitting comfortably in an air conditioned office dictating who will live and who will suffer and die.Its not right.Passing out permission sheets to be filled out and put into a pile while the go out to have a smoke of whatever, on break.That patient waiting in agony for that paperwork.
The war on drugs is chalking up innocents along the way.People who are being caught in the line of friendly fire between the insurance companies and government burueacrats looking to keep it all stirred up for personal gain at others expense.The public mezmerized to hand in perscriptions and turn in grampa for keeping his old meds just in case.Maybe,just maybe Grampa knows something that might be past expeirnce sometime about 1929 orso.I was called proabition.It didnt work,but thousands were caught up in that rediculous reality.
I have a suspicion the next government promo for the drug fight might be,
"Drug cartells need to stop cuz we in insurance and government hate competion.
Or how bout this:"Drug cartels,if you cant beat them,join them and make it legal,if the dugs dont kill ya,the bureaucratic Bullshit, will"
The needs of people being treated for medical care should be the priority and not a check on a ok paper by a non professional in an office,They have neither the skill,education nor presence of mind to deem a doctors care of any patient situation.There needs to be a group of medical professionals to over see the insurance companies decisions.Those insurance decisions that cause pain,suffering or death need to be held responsible for their actions as much as a someone who would murder that same person/patient.
Human nature has a tendency to over look the pain of others when not connected to that person.I remember the lady murdered in plain sight of others on a street in NYC.the crowd either watched or walked by.Those Burueacrats are no different.We need to rise up and replace them in their comfort zones or just simply hire overlords who can not except gratuities
to make sure torture and killing by paperwork no longer takes place without someone explaining that decisions consequences
Till next time friends please tell you friends about this blog,positive or negative its something to look into.Take care till next time.
Thoughts and comment on things WE THE PEOPLE can change if only we have the courage to see it and insist on change.This might be called the philosophical blog of changes. You the reader are introduced to thoughts and things that are part opinion and part fact.I always attempt to bring subjects into a sharp focus with a bit of entertainment for the thinking person.WE THE PEOPLE are the true power of this ever shrinking planet.
Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Thursday, August 23, 2012
President Barack Obama saves a life from Red Tape Execution
English: Seal of the President of the United States Español: Escudo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Македонски: Печат на Претседателот на Соединетите Американски Држави. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
My Father Passed away in April of this year after a long stay in one of those old age facilities.
The place had squeezed out every asset the man had till even his life insurance was forfeited.
An annuity account was left to my disabled sister to help her living expenses.Dad didn't tell of this
good deed to any of his kids. He had no idea the vultures at Social Security Insurance had rules to take anything a disabled person could use to help with expenses.This rule says all extra income goes back to SSI.I thought SSI is what we paid into, with every paycheck???We owe what we paid into for years??
This needs to be fix asap or sooner.We are being robbed of the "Security"we invested in.
Dad was taken to the funeral home & My sister found herself left as Executrix of the will.She decided to use the tiny annuity to bury dad instead of keeping it.It was the decent and moral thing to do.We followed dads wishes to the letter.His Life insurance and every monitary asset at this point was sucked up by the Facility he was at.( a blog about the cruelty of nursing homes when I can think about it without screaming).
Within very a few days,My sister started receiving Demands & threatening letters from the local ssi office.She would have to report to the office and present her "case" as to why she had not given the money to ssi.Yes this is a small set of ssi letters.It fits...The letters Stated that because this money was used by her it was an income.(She used it for the funeral).It's very expensive to bury a loved one.There wasn't anything left but a little change of that money.The funeral was what dad had in mind many years ago when my mother past away after battling cancer.He never would have dreamed a long term facility run by a hospital would hold him against his will till he died.Or take everything in his retirement and insurance he had worked for.But I stray from this point now.
When the Appt. day arrived,we sat for an hour waiting to goto the ssi receptionists bullet proof glass to explain her "actions("The retirees and the disabled are very dangerous folks.I am surprised theres not guard towers and machine gun nests outside these offices's.)Hmmm.to Explain her actions! Interesting...I sat there in the waiting area.The interview area has an armed guard at a desk and is about as private as a public telephone conversation.We heard many such complaints as we sat there listening with others in waiting.These conversations should be where they could be private.
When it was my sisters turn and her Number was called out,she took the receipts up to the window.
The receipts were copied by the receptionist and we left.
The person that demanded my sister report to this ssi in Geneva NY. refused to even speak to her. Another day of waiting went by and another letter from this cubicle bound gestapo from ssi.
The ssi person said in the letter that nothing had changed and that my sister would lose everything she was covered for.Her life saving medications,monthly check,and any other benefits allowed.
She was devastated by the cold and callas attitude of this person.Her doctor tried to tell ssi that meds were mandatory for life.No deal.A Professional arbitrator went to the next meeting with my sister and
still no change.
I had lost my dad to a hospital/nursing home.lost my sister to cancer from insurance based care/neglect.I was not going to lose another family member to someone like the person behind the
bullet proof glass at ssi.I sat down with my best friend.My computer.The problem was,Who do you ask for help[ when the IRS,SSI,or any of the other ominous lettered entities are involved.It takes a lot to make me angry,but I was angry that day.
It's not surprising there is armed guards,etc at these offices. It makes you feel as though you are nothing but a pesky insect to talk to these people.
It is our investments they deny us and make us feel as though we are criminals.This is why they need armor in a place that shouldn't be anymore worried about speaking to us than a common bank.There is no money or vault in these places and the nasty attitudes are what make them targets of the very people that should not have reason to be threats to anyone.
I sat there for the longest time in front of my keyboard,going through various sites and government sites.I really didn't know where or who to even talk to.My sister was terrified by a desk bound terrorist in a government office.Who do you call when your own agencies condemn you to death?
I came upon an address that almost stood out in the print.It said The Office Of The President Of The United States Of America/Barack Obama.I said if he can't do it,no-one can.I began to write.
A day later I got an E-mail from the White House saying that the President had received my letter and was looking into this problem.Suddenly SSI offices were calling to say the White House was telling them to Find out what was going on.The letters afterwards were less caustic and more business like.
Many SSI offices called to inform my sister that Her life saving meds would continue and benefits
would be returned in payments to SSI.(Note the larger letters!Rules,Yes but at least it's humane).
I still don't understand why the benefit system wont let people earn as much as they can.It' called commerce.Keeping people permanently poor solves nothing in a society.Disabled persons and retired are looked down on because they are forced to limited amounts of money to live on.It is not right!
I have since sent a letter of thanks to President Obama.The president took time to have some one look into a matter for a nobody in this ocean of nobodies.You may say that it's because this is an election year and that the reason.I don't care the reason...I was helped by the President Of The United States...I will never forget this wonderful deed.I Have my differences with many politicians.The President is no different.I like some of his ideas and hopes he tweaks other ideas before they are 'rules"..
Thank You President Obama from the bottom of my sisters and my heart.You Sir do not deserve the BS dumped on you.and I hope one day that people will see that.Sir,We may never meet you in person,but thank you for taking the time to care for those of us out here.
That is all for now,Well be talking soon, I hope.Feel free to comment on my blogs.Love to hear your comments.
That is my story and I will stick to it.
Related articles
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (socialsecurityhome.com)
- Resources (ssi) (socialsecurityhome.com)
- If you're contemplating either a SSI or SSDI claim, you simply must read this (socialsecurityhome.com)
- Personal Finance Guide for People with Disabilities (medicaresupplementalinsurance.com)
- SSI Disability (socialsecurityhome.com)
- How often Social Security disability is reviewed depends - Business - Ohio (ssadisabilityandyou.wordpress.com)
- What Disabilities Are Eligible For SSI Disability - And Other Questions (pattidudek.typepad.com)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Should Some Politicians Be Labeled as Disabled Individual Persons
Disabled persons (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Depiction of the Senate vote on H.R. 4872 (the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) on March 25, 2010, by state. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
They need to look tough and hold an image for their election platform,The image of intelligence,poise,charisma,confidence,I remember that same type of "Charisma" one particular candidate is On the "let us pound on the least able to defend themselves"campaign.
A few days ago I wrote a blog about the bullies in school being a problem to children that were not interested in fighting with them.The victimized kids just want an education.Are the politicians that pick on the disabled,handicapped and unemployed the bullies,grown up?These PEOPLE can not not defend themselves from the political machine.They rarely have money to buy a hamburg meal without neglecting their meds.They are the farthest from the lap of luxury that Mr.Politician live in.
They cant afford to travel all over the country. Unlike mr.politician "those"people are not supposed to get funds to live on.Mr.politician is raking in the funds from everywhere.He is actually living as he hates them, for doing.Living on funds.Does that make him a deadbeat as he lists them to be?Maybe we should start with the biggest dead-beat and cut him out first...Then deny him the ability to have any hope of recovery.
The people being picked on all the time are those that are on limited funds.They can't work or can only work very limited amounts of hours.The very system that allegedly "supports"these People,Puts limits that most folks couldn't even live on.The Health part of the "benefits" Pay only for the most basic of treatments unless it has to.The red tape of this marvelous system rakes in billions of dollars with huge over costs that would be given freely to third world countries.
We in the United States are gouged to the max by insurance companies that run much of the laws&rules in our society.We have to have seat belts,helmets,Etc.etc.Those laws were forced on us by insurance lobbyists.When it comes to Insurance laws...If you tell a lie enough,it becomes a believable fact. Medical treatments to third world countries are at the very expenses of the people in the USA.
We can afford to be benevolent to everyone but our own people??The United States has built huge hospital ships with billions of dollars to treat others.No problem Makes the word MANKIND believable.it is a good and kind thing to do.So when does that benevolent kindness extend to those of us paying the bill for all the out of house kindness?
No one would deny those folks from getting the free help.Why is this free help available without the bureaucratic BS we have to go through here in the USA.overseas,they simply walk there to the clinic and get treated.If they need further treatment.It's arranged through charities abroad.Why isn't it that cheap and simple here at home where much of that charity began.If we are cut do we not bleed too??
My own personal example is this:My oldest sister developed cancer.She had insurance.She had worked all her life.The doctors treated her with chemo,transfusions,and the usual things used to Treat the disease these days.It devastated her insurance's in a short time.The cancer went into remission for a very short time.When she needed more treatment the Benefits from this wonderful "free" health care told her she had to wait 30days before she could be treated again.It wasn't any medical problem that forced the delay.It was a redtape rule put in by someone like our politician.It stated that no matter the situation,treatment had to wait 30 days before any more life saving could be done.The doctor told the bureaucrats of this health "system"how critical treatment was.The rule stood.The rule,Politicians,and the Bureaucrats Killed her by regulations.Just as surely as if they had marched her and many others like her into a gas chamber.They are no different in their Ideas than those who once did..This ignorance of the people in diar need is whats driving the politicians,insurance monsters and the Buearucratic machine to Bully the least able to fight back.
The elderly in many societies are treasured assets to their people.This one is on a very dangerous path.If the Bullies in power have their way many folks will be left to die as my own family has had to endure.Helpless to do anything but watch they suffer terrible and excruciating deaths while that pompous bully gives it no further thought as goes on his merry way.
Elderly and the disabled people have enough to content with in life.They did not intentionally get old or disabled. Please note Mr.Politician ; It can happen to anyone!Your very elite family will have health issues as those that can't afford treatment.I hope you don't have to watch as the "system"you think is so beneficial Kills a loved one with red tape.I would not wish that kind of thing on a dog.It's sad that Your ideas are such that My family is not worth helping and the rest of us can (stepping out of charactor here,forgive me readers)simply goto Hell and die suffering.
Yeah,I guess you just got my vote,Yes sir...I can't even vote you in as dog catcher.I said I wouldn't do that to a dog....
The funds sent to enemy countries(countries that routinely publish, what "Despots" The benevolent USA is.)Should be used to support our own economy that sits on the brink of God knows what.We need to support our people.We also need to adjust the rules,laws and election policies that only allow those bullies that attack the least able to defend their lives to rule the very folks that are being victimized.We can't help the others in the world if our own house is not in order first.
That is what we are fighting for People.We are voting this year for the health and welfare of the very lives of those we love.Most politicians that run for office could care less about anyones health,happiness or the welfare of anyone else.If you look up welfare in a dictionary,It will give you the actual meaning.
We (ordinary people)can change this worlds governmental bully program by refocusing the lens on the officials that waste our money on those disbursements we don't need to have.A quick check of the billions spent to bribe those overseas for information on enemies.Billions of dollars that were just given away in suitecases to rainy-day informants.Think of all the Benefits it would have paid.Not to mention The soldiers families that would benefit from that money(and that soldier arriving home alive and in one piece). some of those disabled folks are the very soldiers, politicians like you send into conflicts.They lose limbs to your little conflicts.There is thousands of them living broken and homeless from this wonderful handout system cutting them off without hope.
It's never going to be your problem Mr.Politician though.You have all kinds of advantages through your other political friends and cronies.You have the best friends that money can buy for now anyway.It is your big money investments into those wars and "conflicts"that keep you so removed and remote from our "WE the Peoples"realities.
We the aging and those citizens that are disabled by your politically oriented wars or by natures whim,have a long memory for bullies. I suggest you spend some time with the people you are attempting to execute by red tape before you make anymore stupid remarks that effect so many people.Please remember to engage your brain before opening your mouth.
Your political career is based on those people that you would beat down and bully.You may think that those people are helpless to rise up to support your opponent.You are very wrong about that.
They may walk with canes, walkers or roll on wheels,but .....THOSE PEOPLE VOTE ! The pen is mightier than the sword sir..The VOTE from us carries the thundering velocity of an incoming cannon ball.You will not know it till after the elections impact.
Thats all for now folks,I got to go some where and cool off.
This headline really steamed my disposition.Take care and stay wise to what you know is right.
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