Showing posts with label Disability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disability. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Should Some Politicians Be Labeled as Disabled Individual Persons

Disabled persons
Disabled persons (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Unders...
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Depiction of the Senate vote on H.R. ...
English: Depiction of the Senate vote on H.R. 4872 (the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010‎) on March 25, 2010, by state. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I read in the news today the article on Government  benefits for the Elderly and Disabled that are to be cut out.Possibly replaced by vouchers that will not cover the costs of medical treatment.It never ceases to amaze me as to how low and removed from reality Politicians fall from any subject they speak about.
They need to look tough and hold an image for their election platform,The image of  intelligence,poise,charisma,confidence,I remember that same type of "Charisma" one particular candidate is On the "let us pound on the least able to defend themselves"campaign.

A few days ago I wrote a blog about the bullies in school being a problem to children that were not interested in fighting with them.The victimized kids just want an education.Are the politicians that pick on the disabled,handicapped and unemployed the bullies,grown up?These PEOPLE can not not defend themselves from the political machine.They rarely have money to buy a hamburg meal without neglecting their meds.They are the farthest from the lap of luxury that Mr.Politician live in.
They cant afford to travel all over the country. Unlike mr.politician "those"people are not supposed to get funds to live on.Mr.politician is raking in the funds from everywhere.He is actually living as he hates them, for doing.Living on funds.Does that make him a deadbeat as he lists them to be?Maybe we should start with the biggest dead-beat and cut him out first...Then deny him the ability to have any hope of recovery.

The people being picked on all the time are those that are on limited funds.They can't work or can only work very limited amounts of hours.The very system that allegedly "supports"these People,Puts limits that most folks couldn't even live on.The Health part of the "benefits" Pay only for the most basic of treatments unless it has to.The red tape of this marvelous system rakes in billions of dollars with huge over costs that would be given freely to third world countries.

We in the United States are gouged to the max by insurance companies that run much of the laws&rules in our society.We have to have seat belts,helmets,Etc.etc.Those laws were forced on us by insurance lobbyists.When it comes to Insurance laws...If you tell a lie enough,it becomes a believable fact. Medical treatments to third world countries are at the very expenses of the people in the USA.
We can afford to be benevolent to everyone but our own people??The United States has built huge hospital ships with billions of dollars to treat others.No problem Makes the word MANKIND  is a good and kind thing to do.So when does that benevolent kindness extend to those of us paying the bill for all the out of house kindness?

No one would deny those folks from getting  the free help.Why is this free help available without the bureaucratic BS we have to go through here in the USA.overseas,they simply walk there to the clinic and get treated.If they need further treatment.It's arranged through charities abroad.Why isn't it that cheap and simple here at home where much of that charity began.If we are cut do we not bleed too??

My own personal example is this:My oldest sister developed  cancer.She had insurance.She had worked all her life.The doctors treated her with chemo,transfusions,and the usual things used to Treat the disease these days.It devastated her insurance's in a short time.The cancer went into remission for a very short time.When she needed more treatment the Benefits from this wonderful "free" health care told her she had to wait 30days before she could be treated again.It wasn't any medical problem that forced the delay.It was a redtape  rule put in by someone like our politician.It stated that no matter the situation,treatment had to wait 30 days before any more life saving could be done.The doctor told the bureaucrats of this health "system"how critical treatment was.The rule stood.The rule,Politicians,and the Bureaucrats Killed her by regulations.Just as surely as if they had marched her and many others like her  into a gas chamber.They are no different in their Ideas than those who once did..This ignorance of the people in diar   need is whats driving the politicians,insurance monsters and the Buearucratic machine to Bully the least able to fight back.

The elderly in many societies are treasured assets to their people.This one is on a very dangerous path.If the Bullies in power have their way many folks will be left to die as my own family has had to endure.Helpless to do anything  but watch they suffer terrible and excruciating deaths while that pompous bully gives it no further thought as goes on his merry way.

Elderly and the disabled people have enough to content with in life.They did not intentionally get old or disabled. Please note Mr.Politician ;  It can happen to anyone!Your very elite family will have health issues as those that can't afford treatment.I hope you don't have to watch as the "system"you think is so beneficial Kills a loved one with red tape.I would not wish that kind of thing on a dog.It's sad that Your ideas are such that  My family is not worth helping and the rest of us can (stepping out of charactor here,forgive me readers)simply goto Hell and die suffering.

Yeah,I guess you just got my vote,Yes sir...I can't even vote you in as dog catcher.I said I wouldn't do that to a dog....

The funds sent to enemy countries(countries that routinely publish, what "Despots" The benevolent USA is.)Should be used to support our own economy that sits on the brink of God knows what.We need to support our people.We also need to adjust the rules,laws and election policies that only allow those bullies that attack the least able to defend their  lives to rule the very folks that are being victimized.We can't help the others in the world if our own house is not in order first.

That is what we are fighting for People.We are voting this year for the health and welfare of the very lives of those we love.Most politicians that run for office could care less about anyones health,happiness or the welfare of anyone else.If you look up welfare in a dictionary,It will give you the actual meaning.

We (ordinary people)can change this worlds governmental bully program by refocusing the lens on the officials that waste our money on those disbursements we don't need to have.A quick check of the billions spent to bribe those overseas for information on enemies.Billions of dollars that were just given away in  suitecases to rainy-day informants.Think of all the Benefits it would have paid.Not to mention The soldiers families that would benefit from that money(and that soldier arriving home alive and in one piece). some of those disabled folks are the very soldiers, politicians like you send into conflicts.They lose limbs to your little conflicts.There is thousands of them living broken and homeless from this wonderful handout system cutting them off without hope.

It's never going to be your problem Mr.Politician  though.You have all kinds of advantages through your other political friends and cronies.You have the best friends that money can buy for now anyway.It is your big money investments into those wars and "conflicts"that keep you so removed and remote from our "WE the Peoples"realities.

We the aging and those citizens that are disabled by your politically oriented wars or by natures whim,have a long  memory for bullies. I suggest you spend some time with the people you are attempting to execute by red tape before you make anymore stupid remarks that effect so many people.Please remember to engage your brain before opening your mouth.

Your political career is based on those people that you would beat down and bully.You may think that those people are helpless to rise up to support your opponent.You are very wrong about that.
They may walk with canes, walkers  or roll on wheels,but .....THOSE PEOPLE VOTE ! The pen is mightier than the sword sir..The VOTE from us carries the thundering velocity of an incoming cannon ball.You will not know it till after the elections impact.

Thats all for now folks,I got to go some where and cool off.
This headline really steamed my disposition.Take care and stay wise to what you know is right.

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