Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Friday, September 3, 2021

A Patriotic Fable, and the Puppet King

 The army of believers gathered in huge groups in the hundreds of thousands strong. They gathered in numbers the dark ones had never before imagined possible. The followers of the amazing power of the orange phoenix.  The Great phoenix was being hunted and expected to be sent down in flames by the most despicable of dark magic. The darkness plotted his destruction even as he spoke to his multitude of loyal followers. That darkness was growing in its power. The Witch had her secret conjuring's in the dark corners of her stronghold. Her minion followers were being bent to her will.

But this was causing a stir of fear that all the dark forces plans would be exposed, and it (the darkness) feared for its very existence. The Phoenix Had to be destroyed as quickly as possible. The crowds of the phoenix were in the hundreds of thousands strong. AS the phoenix spoke to the growing sea of followers, The darkness trembled at its possible demise. Even in her hall of power the Phoenix's power and influence were being felt by the witch and her demonic followers. 

The darkness began to flee in terror as the castle was breached by irate desperate mobs of others who also saw a chance to use the Phoenix for their own power grab. To break the witch's spell in an act of final desperation. They felt that it was their last chance to destroy the darkness that was running rampant in this once free kingdom. 

They didn't realize that the witch had planned on them to do just what they now believed to be their own idea. Among the crowd were the witches' demons who tempted and taunted the peaceful protesters of the darkness of the castle. The demons spoke words that clouded the minds of the crowd and turned them into an angry mob. 

The mob became lost to reason. Lost to common sense as the demons drove them onward till they were lost to that darkness. They would be a prisoner of the witch and her many Demons who follow without being held responsible. In that dark abyss of her private purgatories.

Those followers, those true believers had come from all over the kingdom to hear the wisdom of the phoenix. His leadership had brought prosperity and happiness to all of them. It was despised by the Dark forces who would see the phoenix destroyed completely. They lamented at the kingdoms people had gained prosperity and were excelling over other kingdoms. For the first time, the guns of war were silent. Blood was staying in bodies. Prosperity was worldwide.

Soon, the kingdom would run wild with the darkness spreading hate of those who didn't share the witch's and her demons' views. They would be laid low and destroyed.

But on this particular winter day, the dark ones trembled in dark corners in fear at the sheer tidal wave of believers flowing into their fortress. They immediately fortified the fortress. Building great walls around the halls of freedom and walled themselves in the hall. The Ice(cream)witch in charge used her ancient dark powers to conjure an army to guard her tower against the Phoenix Believers. She would deal with the mob all in good time. Did she foresee the mob's actions? Perhaps...

The dark forces were sure that the phoenix was believed too soon be dead. Forever destroyed in disgrace. The world was now theirs to rule as they pleased. No one was going to stop their evil march over those foolish peons who actually believed as the phoenix did. 

The believers were labeled, "the despicable that are expendable". They must never be allowed to be among the castle's elites again. Hunt them down the minions declared in unison to the delight of the witch.

Destroy the leaders and banish the Phoenix forever. Erase the Phoenix from history that he may never see power again the witch cackled. Her minions heard the command and obeyed as they had become corrupted and blind to reality. The Minions echoed the words to destroy the Phoenix. Never again they chanted. Destroy the Phoenix! 

Even many of the Phoenix allies in the witches' chambers became blind and corrupted to truth and reality. Their fears turned them against the phoenix who had helped them become prosperous. For they too now feared the witch's power that was being unleashed. Her minions attacked the cities, burning and pillaging the citizens without minds. Without control. Without punishment. 

The darkness and its power were being unleashed from the abyss it had been imprisoned from the beginning of time,

Secret magic manipulations were being set into motion to be used to defeat the Great Phoenix. The deceptions, the illusion would be completely overpowering to all those who dared be a believer. Even those who would help the believers. They would be overwhelmed and fall into line. All would be completely dominated by the new order. 

All who did not would be destroyed. Many would-be hunted to the ends of the earth by the witches' demons. They would not be so lucky as to be killed. Thiers would be the rest of their lives in the dark abyss she would see them rot away in. Without due process or human companionship. Alone in the hellish place, she would never have to worry about being.

Many loyal to the Phoenix who refused to bow to the corrupted system were brought low and felled by sheer force. Others simply bowed to hope for the coattails of the witch's heart. She had no heart. Those in her own lands were homeless and hungry in the streets. Those poor souls were invisible to the witch. They too were the despicable eaters...The untouchables

The scenario of control was set. Destroy the Phoenix. Discredit his followers. Set the world into chaos to destroy and corrupt all that the darkness would touch.

The darkness realized it would need to have a replacement for the fallen Phoenix. The darkness knew that replacement would have to be manageable. A puppet to be controlled. Fed the path to make   

A puppet would lead those of the blinded rabble to whatever was demanded. This would be the ultimate Dark virus to befall the entire world. No one would ever know. Because they would not remember. The Dark minions would change history. They would change reality. They had the power now to change the universe as they saw fit. Bending the universe was never so easy...So they thought.

We will use a plague to terrify and control all those who would rise up. All those who would unify. All those who defy our authority. The darkness spoke, "WE ARE THE POWER that will rule forever". 

Those who believed in the ways of the Phoenix strength were hunted by magic, pursued. captured and disgraced. imprisoned in the darkest pits of hell. one believer had been executed on the spot without hesitation as she entered the witches' castle doors. The killer/henchman was hiding in the darkness after the dirty deed. 

Other believers simply disappeared without trial or question to be held in unknown places. unknown conditions. tortured, alone, abandoned. Families never know their fate by the dark forces that possessed them. They held them in hellish Places at the command of those who dwell in the darkness.

There had been a time when the believers still had hope of a rebirth. The day would come when the magic would re-ignite and the spirit of the phoenix who had become a living legend would stir in the ashes once again. Those dark forces who sought to destroy the phoenix stood back as the forces of the legend grew. 

However, the believers, whose faith was strong even after the phoenix was flamed into ashes. They knew in their hearts it would rise again out of the ashes. It just was not possible that the phoenix was gone forever. 

The dark forces could see that all their hatred and vial thoughts were ever so slowly turning on them. After all, it is a law of physics that for every action, there's an equal or greater reaction. Even darkness is ruled by physics.  Or perhaps it is Karma.

Whatever it was or is, was growing from those ashes. The power of the spirit was indeed growing stronger and gathering its forces to rise up and live again.

People spoke of the phoenix burning in flames of red, white, and blue colors. The attacks were greater and greater to the great phoenix as it appeared to succumb to the flames leaving mounds of ashes. The dark-hearted attackers cheered and mock. They made up lies and told great accusations to make themselves feel powerful.

 Followers of the Phoenix had their faith that the phoenix was not gone. The dark hearts could not see it as their eyes were blinded by the darkness of their hearts, By the hatred of deeds. By the very minds that were becoming corrupt and putrid. That poison in their souls denied them the ability to see the greatness of the phoenix.

The very power of the Phoenix brought prosperity and ease of living to so many only to be attacked and burned down into ashes. Darkened-hearted creatures who with hearts filled with chaos, hatred, envy. the 7 destructive, deadly sins humans are warned of to beware of.

The dark ones even created a shadow puppet to rule the believers. The new puppet king would bring prosperity they sang of the puppet king. The great dream of power to everyone and life in paradise was lost.

This myth of greatness and paradise is soon shown to be the great lie and massive chaos that is always the offspring of the darkest of humanity. Those who followed in lockstep to the puppet king soon found themselves taxed. Some were abandoned into hell on earth where the dark forces simply cast them into the pit with the demons of endless wars.

The puppet king soon began to destroy all that the phoenix had accomplished. He gave much of the prosperity of the kingdom to the kingdom's enemies and squandered the resources to its enemies. He sold out all the kingdom's allies and made them distrust the kingdom.

Women to be used and destroyed, children to be corrupted. believers to be tormented, tortured and killed. Allies abandoned those enemies who have been responsible for chaos and death all over the world.

The destroyers feared the followers of the phoenix would rise up if the ashes became the great phoenix once more. At first, they scoff and laughed at such a rebirth. After all, it was dead. Destroyed and all their devious planning were unstoppable. After all, they had absolute power to rule. To do whatever they desired. They were Gods to do as they pleased, and the Phoenix was the only threat to them. Most voices who disagreed had been silenced, the phoenix had been silenced too.... So, they thought.

The great reappearance put a stir in the perfect society the destroyers of the free worlds had in mind. They felt free to consume all that was good and all that was right.

The way was clear to tax the population, manipulate the usurp all that was held dear to the values of people. Values so dear to the heart that millions thru time had given all to protect. willingly surrendering life and limb. home and kin.

Now the great phoenix was making itself known. An ounce more spreading its great wings to be seen by its followers once more.

The followers were growing in the tens of thousands. Soon it will be in the millions once more. Those whose eyes were blinded by lies and deceptions.

Those who thought to grab the coattails of the destroyers of the phoenix were still believing that they would be safe from the rebirth of the mighty phoenix and it followers. They had the power of faith, of right, of freedom, of the unbelievable power of God.

The Destroyers knew the end of their reign could be near. Many began to fight and point at each other to cast blame. Others simply ignored reality preferring to bask in their own delusions of grandeur.

Much as Nero did as Rome burned. Nero Led Rome it is said with a mind diminished also. He was led by others to believe himself a god. In reality, he too was a puppet god. History will watch to see we are led by angry unfeeling puppets as Nero. It will also remember those who followed Nero and those who cheered him in his madness.

It is like all stories but that is a story happening in another time ...or is it?

This story of Nero or a mythical Phoenix is far from over, it's continuing, It might be a parable comparing our past 1.5 years or so in this USA. It might be a reflection of our present world. It is a story of the fight many of us who believe in America see as a major battle for the way we want to live.

You may place a name on it. Call it freedom. Call in a moral sense of justice. It really isn't any tangible thing anyone can put a name on. It is a deep sense of knowing what makes our lives worth living.

It is easily definable by those we left for insane monsters who kill anyone who does not bow to a nonsensical stone-age barbarism. and put young women in coffins to be sold as sex slaves.

Women should read of all the terrors this nutty religion demands of rational people. Barbaric!

It is definable to the children who were educated to be able to read and write, to become doctors, writers, free people who now must cower or be brutalized or killed. 

Education was not promoted in the dark ages so kings and churches would keep people ignorant and easy to dictate to...sound familiar. you might look into Oregon's new school system that has dropped reading, writing, and math. It is not to allow more to graduate.

Some are killed for being happy or cheering people up there.

Some because they dared to sing a happy folk song for others. We take our freedoms for granted till a government shuts our freedoms down for a much-propagandized virus.

I remember a movie that showed the Helicopters leaving the embassy in Saigon yesterday when the radio played an old Rolling Stones tune, "Fade to Black" as the video showed our troops trying to get people and themselves to safety. I worked with some of those refugees in the years afterward. I saw the worst scenario more recently with terrified people begging the most powerful country in the world to be commanded to leave too many there to die horribly.


we complain about our lockdowns. To that, I am no exception. The whole time we do have the choice to live in fear or let nature weed us out if the virus and God so decree. those we left behind do not have those choices. One that conveniently popped up to aid some in power. Now, it seems to be creating its own Virus progeny. one can't but wonder if the reasons to keep control by a few in the spotlight of fame and extreme fortune. Some are creating a fortune off the commercialization of death and suffering. Right Dr. Faustus? Or is it just paranoia to think such things? but I digress from the point.

There will never again be a chance to reclaim our lives if we do not get our country redirected back to our freedoms of choice. You can bury your heads in the same dark place as those who say they lead our country. Leading in this sense is somewhat lacking in definition and results.

 The other choice is to remember what has happened in the last seven agonizing months to completely screw our world around from the only peace and prosperity our world has known in decades. 

This is our time to rise as the Phoenix is rising to lead us once again. We must put our petty differences aside to come together. We must try to repair all the damage being done in an out of control. We have become a government led by that intent not on using reason. A government led by those who cannot seem to even communicate without sarcastic condescendence A bit of common sense and order to govern would be refreshing again. 

Tactical applications to our military well-being would now be a surprise. Currently, hatred and rebellion are being applied to destroy every aspect of our way of life from the youngest innocent mind to our greatest assets. 

Why would anyone take away a child's innocent years and pervert that beautiful mind with the excrement being pushed on those kids from everywhere? Let them be little kids while they can. 

Laws are being usurped to make chaos, anarchy, murder, rape, and just about anything just Okie Dokie with those in any position of control and power. Don't bother to shop anymore. Just wait till a law officer does his job, shoots, arrests, or even stop a stolen car for a crime.  Or Even foot chases the wrong one. 

That riot tonight is good to go for looting. Just schedule it in, bring your own paper bag so you don't wreck the environment. listen for the looters flash mob alert.

Can't wait for the riot to start? Don't worry shoplifting for less than $900 is just a slap on the wrist in some places.  Call ahead to your local lawmakers to check to see where you can go to shoplift in that area and not get a foot chase or shot at or car chased. You might also ask while you are on the Fone if shoplifting a pizza joint is included for take-out shoplifting.

This is a real situation our laws to serve and protect in this country have gotten ridiculous IE: Last summer on the west coast and other parts of this country. Not surprised we appear to be kissing the Taliban's ass and saying, "thank you, for killing our fellow citizens in our own country".

We can fight for our freedom now in a peaceful vote. Or WE THE PEOPLE can lose our freedom only to fight in a possible future warfare scenario that Hollywood Movies for decades enjoyed predicting,

That is still an option.  One more note here. If all is played by the book. Following rules and regulations. Laws and guides ensure fair play. An election, A FAIR ELECTION sure beats the anarchy other times and places have recorded throughout our known history.

Till next time folks, May God guides you in your daily living and smile warmly on your lives.


This was written many months ago.It still is an ongoing scenario written as a fable to not offend the powers that be. You can place the characters that may resemble those in our daily events. I will leave that to your  imaginations.  Is it only a fantasy or is it reality.That will be left for your prospective to decide.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The New President is Only in Office a Week and the Howling Mobs of Malcontents Take to the Street Before The Dust of Reason Settles

I have been quietly watching from the virtual wings these past few weeks with a great deal of interest.
The events of this past year were to say the least stressful.

First the children in the area of politics.Next the virtual lynch mob of the media whipping up hate and discontent at every opportunity.The television comedy programs joining in to provide even more inescapable hate.Then theres is the many experts in the fields of everything from politics to social law and the obscure abstracts of humanity.

I have listened to folks before the election who had not made up their minds but were thoroughly aggravated at the news crews. It seemed no matter what was at stake the lynch mob was totally bent on forcing the  coup by press.Even when the outcome did not follow the carefully planned effort to undermine a fair election,the press and media continued to push the mobs into the streets.

Special interest groups to the streets empowered by  the usual faces who often push their faces into the camera for the fading spotlights they fear losing the most.I doubt those faces actually would be in the crowds if the cameras were removed.15 minutes of fame and such.

I am glad the man in the oval office understands the rules of war.He is moving faster than the opposing forces can counter.That is the general who surrounds himself with those who he trusts and will follow his lead.That is exactly what is happening now.

I am quite aware of the fact he does not march to the beat of that mobs drum.Those around him seem to be elites that I often write about with a grimace.That in mind hear me out for a moment....

Those folks I mentioned earlier in this article....Those who were so discussed with the political hogwash and the mob mentality of the press.Those folks were the ones that voted for Mr. Obama.

I saw many good things in this man and I voted for him.His ideas helped a lot of people.That help came at a cost. Obama care costs even a single person around 200-350 dollars a month.That doesn't sound like much to those still employed and working.To a retired person not able to work or who figured on retiring with a little nest egg aside.Next year the insurance gouges deeper in the pocket with less to offer.

I could not bring myself to vote for his competitor for several reasons.I spent many days making the archives holding her goings on tell me a story.One that spending time in Arkansas some time ago and more recently in NY has also made me more informed of the past and present of the person who lost.
I will say no more about that.It is past history for those who enjoy arguing lost causes and lost battles.

I am aware of locker room banter talk of those who brag about conquests they will never do more than daydream about.It' a guy thing that anyone with  sisters would learn was not except able behavior.Ladies....

The guys you think you know are not the ones who hang with their bro's.I have been in  locker rooms when that covert mike talk which caused so much inflammation is mild.
It is not meant for everyones ears or hidden mikes.Imagine mikes hidden around the News room lockers or the news gym.Not excusable but not a hanging offense either.

Okay,I am sure there is many right now who are fuming over articles now joining the mob.I can see a man who is doing exactly what he said he would do.The voting record has shown overwhelmingly that the rival was not what those out here were coerced to bury in another 8 years of  be headings w/o recourse.

People dying by cowardly bombers who are to weak minded to realize they're pawns used by bigger cowards hiding behind a corrupted philosophy.The Ottoman empire was not built on peaceful/free philosophies. Read your history to learn.It is wonderful to be your brothers keeper.But if the only one fighting is you the odds become slim.Theres millions of able bodied men in the population not defending their lands.They are running with millions of the women and children.

Another 4-8 years of an unholy war with millions being driven from their homes to run starving from madmen.those people who that were not working if at all in part time jobs that couldn't support a home and family.People who watched tv to see salemen selling cars for "only"350 dollars with good credit anEEEEEZZZZZ payment.Real had to do with a house,family,and bills to pay.All the promises made the last 8 years were to late and another 8 years unthinkable.

The things being written are being protested even before the details are known.The mobs are asking to bring the refugees into this country on truly blind true.I really don't know what that trust is based on after 911.After the embassy murders that fell on deaf ears.After that corrupted belief turning regular people into mindless killing machines.Yet those in the mob are of that same mesmerized thinking.Blind to the actual history of the exploding world.I do have a suggestion to Ms finestein
and Mr. Schumer I don't care how you spell them.Tired of the constant obstinateness.

I do have a great idea to prove that these people have the right idea about undocumented people living here without a background search during what is tad amount to war.Enough soldiers in the ground or disabled to call it that.

Lets have those in the mob and those above to except several families of refugees into their homes as guests till The new citizens  get on their feet.They will never actually blend into our culture but unlike my ancestors I guess thats why The USA  IS NOT called the great melting pot anymore.

I can bet you there would be a hush in the mob that would baffle the tearful leaders of their mob, a pin could be heard hitting the floor.

I have heard a lot of harsh sounding words.Felt much  hostility for my looking past the curtain to discover who Oz was not.The past is just that now.No one is going to turn back time.The majority rules in a democracy and that majority  still is blamed for no one listening to them.They will now have to listen to those who were giving up more and more of what was principles with even more being demanded through manipulated laws inspired by tiny factions of the population.

If this man we elected gets our country back on track then bite your lip till it bleeds.put your energies into the next election instead of acting like your from a third world country.Your better than what
your being talk into.

Robert J.Pickering

Please Note:I am now in control of my blog. Its been in Singapore these last few months.I have not!



Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who Can We Trust To Lead The USA Into The Future And Where Do WE The People Want History To Reflect Our Beliefs

There's only a few short days to our most important Choices we make as a nation.The Elections of those whom we must trust to run the countries functions while keeping our best interests in mind.
The choices are very narrow this time with two people boosted above the others by enormous amounts of money that most of us would never see in a lifetime.The choices that would be available in other times and in a totally fair election would have many more candidates to chose from.

The United states has fallen into the same biased routine as other places in the world.The people with massive money buy out the elections and the more common people with Ideas to fix the system are beaten down till they bow down to the peer pressure of the elites.
This is neither Democracy nor right.It is as one man vanquished stated ,a demagoguery.We are creating the same type of royalty situation that have come and gone in third world countries.
The exception is Britain's Royalty which still stands.The USA has Political Parties staying in power for decades instead of a royal family.The results turn out the same.Ideologies that once placed into play that never leave or change.

People who try to change the dirty secrets of these entities find themselves having accidents if they can't be silenced.Others are hunted like animals all over the entire world.One reporter/Whistle blower is strapped in a chair 23hours of the day as her punishment.She is given 1hour to move her head and get up out of the chair.The prison is a mens military prison.If you wish to Know her suffering for trying to tell someone about the dirt,Google it.

Her freedom of speak is usurped by the fears of WE THE PEOPLE finding out whats going on behind the great Oz's curtain.

The USA Has Not changed for the better in some ways these past 40 orso years.

Our medicines are to overpriced from greedy producers.Open sourcing the discoveries is a cure.Limiting politicians and Parties to hold office would help.Perhaps limiting affiliated families from offices.limiting money used from resources for elections would help.

Limiting the playground mentality of a adolescent from debates is a mandatory change.Just the facts,jack!
Quite frankly all the childishness crap this election is just that....CRAP! Grown adults acting like idiots. 

These politicians then watch the actions of followers acting out as their  leaders?Destroying other peoples property,looting,killing innocent people.Justifying their actions in a self centered mindset.They apparently don't feel any connection to the influence they are projecting to the masses via the media.

The actions of those who lead..?.Isn't that why the word "leader "is applied to those who wish to lead?WE THE PEOPLE have a very difficult time ahead no matter who wins this two horse one choice race.May God have mercy on our poor choices.

I honestly am totally in the dark as to who to cast my vote for...It still peeves me that many states refuse to allow anyone not registered to support the two mega-parties to vote until the main elections.

The choice to me still remains another member of the ruling Dynasty or an unknown who might just provide many people with the entertaining future entertainment of sticking it to all those who have been doing the same thing to soooo many of those who are busting our dari-ares just trying to make ends  meet.

So many of us being told that there's just not enough being paid to the government while CEO's and do nothing politicians are rewarded with mega millions as the homeless and sick starve in the streets of this magnificent country.We absolutely need a change this year.Hope it is the best.

That's my thoughts for now friends.Keep the faith and please pass the word that we need changes for the better.


After thought:

P.S. There is a third choice that still sticks it to those who believe we are forced into a vote of two who are part of the political dogfight that we are witnessing.

The Libertarian party and the Green party are still running in the shadow of the massive two party machines.The Libertarians want to shrink the Governmental spending by putting those sitting on their keasters collecting enormous paychecks while

WE THE PEOPLE are put at each others throats due to stress of just trying to live in some kind of dignity.It is worth a more complete look into your with the future.

Again...keep the faith and lets think before we fall victim to peer pressure of those who don not have to live with the results of Novembers Elections.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

USA to send Our Finest from Camp Legune N.C. to beef up Romania,Kerry does not think We need to Blog energy sources?

English: NEW YORK. A meeting of the UN Securit...
English: NEW YORK. A meeting of the UN Security Council at the United Nations headquarters. Русский: НЬЮ-ЙОРК. Заседание Совета Безопасности ООН в штаб-квартире Организации Объединенных Наций. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Flag of Ukrainian SSR
Flag of Ukrainian SSR (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Once again Russia has flexed a muscle by strapping injury to insult for the Ukraine people.Meanwhile our Secretary of state Mr.Kerry does not believe energy should be a weapon to inflict economies with a severe spanking to behave.Can You imagine what would happen to the Russian war machine if it suddenly ran out of gas.Yes they can probably get it elsewhere,but it would be as the second world war when we ran the enemy out of the fuel to be an aggressor.It worked...

The danger of this  invasion is this.WE(the USA) and its allies have trusted a country that again and again shows itself to be lead by polecats in kitten suits.There are countries that will follow after the Ukraine is allowed to fall.I believe it will be allowed to fall at some point soon.

The United Nations has begun to talk and discuss what to do about this blatant invasion of a sovereign country by Putin's goons.There is only a small march through this struggling country to get to Poland and other countries that do not have huge funds to defend themselves.I think they may have been under the impression the free world could help a tad more than present.

The Ukraine's Natural Gasoline has been cut by doubling the price of fuel used.That means people in the Ukraine already hurting and struggling will be without heat and comforts.I would think this would fall under the Human rights Organizations,Red cross etc.

The Red Cross refused to help me when I was homeless they don't help the fallen here in the USA( so one of their workers told me.Guess we don't count).I walked out of that office into the snow and the 20degee weather as that worker looked with disgust out her nice warm office window.
I vowed to change the world and I WILL.

Awhile back I published a blog that displayed a smiling Mr Putin with his hand in the hand of the leader of Iran.The USA is still involved Empire building in that part of the world with apparently no
actual thoughts of leaving. Thus letting them revert back to the sorry state they will slide into after all the babysitters go home.Vietnam did the same thing as did Korea.History repeating itself  without any lessons learned...
As the old protest song went when will they ever learn?

I am not an expert on world situations.I had a well known Senator reply to a question of why don't you help us in New York State to change things?He wrote back and dressed me down for daring to interfere in federal matters.Said it was his job and I should leave Federal matters  to him.I responded with this:Sir I respect the fact that  your job is to attend to federal matters and I give you the honors for that job done.But sir, I believe it is now my turn to remind you that, while it is your job to attend to federal matters,It is my job and others like me to advise you from our visions of the matter.If only to help you as your actual employers who have given you that job in good faith.I don't think he held it against me..

The facts are really this:The USA Has given Russia A green light to invade by the long and seemingly endless war with old Persia and it various factions.We(The USA)has stretched our funds,Our patience,and our resources to the max.We(the USA)have trusted the Russians to take care of our entire Space program.I would imagine that Putin thinks we are weak kneed and off balance from all that.We have also allowed much of our economy to shift to foreign shores.Many of those growing countries are closely (religiously) allied with certain countries that we are fighting now.

We have a war going on below our borders that spill quietly crossed the borders in places like El Paso.That spills over in places in several states.The country below our border has become a place that Americans can be killed in as quickly as over seas.We have no grip on that situation.

All these things are bleeding our financial resources to critical levels.We are fighting numerous wars on every front with our guys down to using the elastic from their underpants with rocks as weapons.
When we ask the United Nations to Help,We are going to a group of nations that once had economies that combined were the elite of the world.Most of them are as barefoot as the rest of the free world now.Taxed to death,and being told the rest of the world must catch up with their economies as the people of those once thriving places become unemployed and 3rd world poor.

A long story short:If you were Putin with all this his scorecard would it really bother you to hear threats from the rest of the world....I really hope to heaven that we still have the 11th hour ace up our sleeve so all those people in the old Iron curtain countries don't feel the wrath of Mutha Russia for thinking they could live free...

Pray for those folks to actually survive this world changing event and that our leaders can reopen the closing iron curtain.One step at a time folks,long as we never surrender,we can grow stronger together.WE THE PEOPLE of the world need to resist and overcome....
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Friday, January 10, 2014

Has a New Revolution Begun That Will Echo and Reverb Around The Entire World,Freedoms To A Private Life Without Big Brothers Monitoring?

Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electro...
Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electronic Frontier Foundation's 20th Birthday. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Co...
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
February 11th will mark a major event for many different freedom loving folks.It is a mass effort to speak in loud voices to our leaders regarding the impending laws that are being ignored.The plans are many depending on where you are and what movement you follow.

In Parts of New York where a new S.A.F.E. Act has made our ability to posses certain firearms ,Clips and ammo a crime.This "law" was pushed through without any due process involved by the governor.
This kind of imposed "Law" makes folks that have no reason to become criminals into Felons at the whim of dictators not following the laws themselves.At least not following the Constitutional rules
to allow the populations elected officials a word about that Law.This is a dictated Law by one person without the masses thoughts involved.

On February Eleventh in Central NY. the folks that are uniting to protest that law will meet in the largest protest yet.Anyone is invited to bring a shotgun and bird shot ammo or blanks.At noon all those attending will load,raise those guns skyward and on signal,fire a solute to freedom.It may seem a folly of a few.This hopefully,will echo around our country for others to follow.It is a peaceful protest that is going to be quite noticeable to many.The sound will resonate in more than those standing.It is my hope the many dead that defended our Constitutional Rights will reanimate our long dead ideas of what freedom is.

On the Internet front the movement is to join the many sites that are protesting the monitoring of our every electronic move.WE THE PEOPLE need to stand together in the fight to stop the oppressive changes that are becoming world wide.You need only try to blog into Australia to ask about the laws that do not allow Internet freedom or into the Southeast Asia countries.
Try surfing into many countries of our world to find out how much the net is closing on the Internet.

I would urge you to look into the organizations such as EFF or the other organizations watching to inform you.This is not a Delusion of Paranoid folks waiting for an attack from secret troops or aliens from Quadrant Z.This is verifiable events that have been more and more in the nightly newscasts.
This is things that will effect your lives and the way you interact with your friends and family over the course of time.

I may kid about the persons or computers listening into my electronic conversations becoming comatose from boredom.This is not a joke though.It is a real threat when the average person can say or indicate an action that formally would be that kind of tongue in cheek humor.With debtor prisons already here in the USA[KaliPhornia] the Internet and incrimination is becoming easier every day for folks that would quietly live and die unnoticed.Instead That person,male or female.Father mother grandma or child will be a felon for a slip of words.Many countries are already viperpits for those searching for folks just saying what they think.

Please look up the various internet organizations and get involved with the move to cut the cords of big brother worldwide before those cords have destroyed our free communications with the world and WE THE PEOPLE become isolated,monitored and incriminated.

Once we lose freedom there will be no returning.All those that gave their lifes past and present will have died in vain.Some one you know has probly died defending the oppressed,somewhere.
Did they die in vain?This is your chance to fight along side of that loved one.No bullets.No bombs.No bloodshed.That loved one made that much possible for you.It is now you chance to pay back that loved one whether friend or loved one for their sacrifice.They were a hero who gave it all
for  you.This is your chance to follow in a hero's footsteps.

Raise your united voices in a jester of freedom.Its not too late......yet!

Keep the movement alive to be a free world for all people,today we begin to unite for a peaceful and free world.It is possible if WE THE PEOPLE make our voices heard.Speak and act now or learn to say Thank You May I have some more SIR in the oppressive possible future.

May we find the strength to stand up and defend our rights for all people everywhere.
Zemanta was asleep at the wheel for this one or......?
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's almost election time here in the USA,Do U know Where Your Candidate is?

English: Seal of the President of the United S...
English: Seal of the President of the United States Español: Escudo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Македонски: Печат на Претседателот на Соединетите Американски Држави. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
voting day in a small town
voting day in a small town (Photo credit: Muffet)
This is the final countdown to the worlds most important election at least to it's citizens and allies view.The world is at a point in time that any small change in politics here,can effect every civilized person in the world.

It sorta makes you wish you were the lost village that is unaware of the modern world.It is really to bad the tribes just being discovered in the deep jungles of the Amazon can't just stay lost for their own benefit.They will be exposed the all of man-kinds  little inequities that can be dumped on them.The little things like disease,
money,social counselors and their programs,etc.Surprisingly,there is politics among the tribes.

It is an instinct that is in all creatures that run in units.Whether called Packs,Flocks'political parties, or what ever name is bestowed on the group.Humans are no different in many respects.They don't want the responsibility of self governing themselves.That event is said to have occurred in the twilight of man-kinds beginnings.Philosophical writings verify this.

They (Alpha leaders) takes challenges from the rest of the wannabe leaders who would lead that group.There is challenges of strength,intelligence,cunning,resourcefulness, etc.Humans think that the verbal challenges are unique to it's species.That is till you hear a wolf howl in concert with it's competitor or prairie chickens thump their wings like drummers.Till the sound of an elk bellowing it's challenge is heard.The truth is enlightening...
Humans politics to lead is really just part of the world of leaders,Those who can lead the pack into the future for the overall benefit of  the packs/civilizations benefit.

The wolf will do what it's instincts direct for the best survival of the group.The prior challenges will allow the
Group or tribe to follow and work as a unit for the good of all the rest of the group.The world of man will follow the leader of the USA.Strays will break from   the group and try it on their own.Some will rejoin,others will form elsewhere.It is all the same in human or animal "tribes".The group with the most adaptive mind is the tribe that survives.There have been untold of failures thru history both human an animal groups.Civilizations are made or fall as a union of individuals.One person can do what many can not do in many cases,it takes a qualified innovative leader to lead and cooperating others to be successful in anything.
Elections and Countries are no different than the rest of group survival.

This Election will be the make or break point for the next Quarter Century.We can elect a President That can lead us out of this slump created during the final years of the last century,Or try a few unproven experiments of running a Nation like a Corporation.My experiences with corporations ask me , if we could FIRE every Citizen and sell out the USA corporation to another country at a profit.My experience with corporations have been that only a few should prosper above the working Pions that support the elite.I would never allow this in my Counrtry where freedom is the Key Idea of  it's foundation.We have already slid to far into  the
"secured beyond common sense syndrome".That problem may even be greater than the next elected official.

In a very few days the election for the President of the United States Of America will take Place.WE THE PEOPLE will venture out into the light of day to vote.We will carry all the hope and best wishes for our future.Those are and were the same hopes of our forefathers that fought so hard for this free opportunity to
vote our choice of leaders.To vote our choice of life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.We don't get stoned to death,beaten or executed for our choices.Hopefully there won't be thugs in black outside any voting booth this year as some areas past.(yes that did happen in the USA.Check the news archives).

I will not in this blog try to persuade anyone to vote in any direction.My choice is pretty well known by now.
It is needless to say that each of us has things in our individual lives to support.Each of us must vote in the direction that supports our dreams,expectations and lifestyles.

Elderly will vote to not be starved out,Gays will vote to live and love as they wish,The working class will vote to hold on with their fingertips till life gets back to something normal.The Unemployed (as I) will vote to Hang on for this roller-coaster ride called life puts us back in a home,a job,a life that is far from the Bohemian Gypsy lifestyle that has been thrust upon us.WE WILL SURVIVE!!!    Elections will not be a magic bullet of  instantanious success ,no matter  who is elected.If the tribe follows the leader,we will survive the cold winter of our discontent...WE WILL SURVIVE!!

That is all for now dear friends.Please remember that no matter what your life seems to be there is this to remember:Within you lies the power to seize the hour and live your dream.Only you can change your life.
It Just takes preparation,Planning and a lot of courage to work.You have all of that if you look


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Should Some Politicians Be Labeled as Disabled Individual Persons

Disabled persons
Disabled persons (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Unders...
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Depiction of the Senate vote on H.R. ...
English: Depiction of the Senate vote on H.R. 4872 (the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010‎) on March 25, 2010, by state. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I read in the news today the article on Government  benefits for the Elderly and Disabled that are to be cut out.Possibly replaced by vouchers that will not cover the costs of medical treatment.It never ceases to amaze me as to how low and removed from reality Politicians fall from any subject they speak about.
They need to look tough and hold an image for their election platform,The image of  intelligence,poise,charisma,confidence,I remember that same type of "Charisma" one particular candidate is On the "let us pound on the least able to defend themselves"campaign.

A few days ago I wrote a blog about the bullies in school being a problem to children that were not interested in fighting with them.The victimized kids just want an education.Are the politicians that pick on the disabled,handicapped and unemployed the bullies,grown up?These PEOPLE can not not defend themselves from the political machine.They rarely have money to buy a hamburg meal without neglecting their meds.They are the farthest from the lap of luxury that Mr.Politician live in.
They cant afford to travel all over the country. Unlike mr.politician "those"people are not supposed to get funds to live on.Mr.politician is raking in the funds from everywhere.He is actually living as he hates them, for doing.Living on funds.Does that make him a deadbeat as he lists them to be?Maybe we should start with the biggest dead-beat and cut him out first...Then deny him the ability to have any hope of recovery.

The people being picked on all the time are those that are on limited funds.They can't work or can only work very limited amounts of hours.The very system that allegedly "supports"these People,Puts limits that most folks couldn't even live on.The Health part of the "benefits" Pay only for the most basic of treatments unless it has to.The red tape of this marvelous system rakes in billions of dollars with huge over costs that would be given freely to third world countries.

We in the United States are gouged to the max by insurance companies that run much of the laws&rules in our society.We have to have seat belts,helmets,Etc.etc.Those laws were forced on us by insurance lobbyists.When it comes to Insurance laws...If you tell a lie enough,it becomes a believable fact. Medical treatments to third world countries are at the very expenses of the people in the USA.
We can afford to be benevolent to everyone but our own people??The United States has built huge hospital ships with billions of dollars to treat others.No problem Makes the word MANKIND  is a good and kind thing to do.So when does that benevolent kindness extend to those of us paying the bill for all the out of house kindness?

No one would deny those folks from getting  the free help.Why is this free help available without the bureaucratic BS we have to go through here in the USA.overseas,they simply walk there to the clinic and get treated.If they need further treatment.It's arranged through charities abroad.Why isn't it that cheap and simple here at home where much of that charity began.If we are cut do we not bleed too??

My own personal example is this:My oldest sister developed  cancer.She had insurance.She had worked all her life.The doctors treated her with chemo,transfusions,and the usual things used to Treat the disease these days.It devastated her insurance's in a short time.The cancer went into remission for a very short time.When she needed more treatment the Benefits from this wonderful "free" health care told her she had to wait 30days before she could be treated again.It wasn't any medical problem that forced the delay.It was a redtape  rule put in by someone like our politician.It stated that no matter the situation,treatment had to wait 30 days before any more life saving could be done.The doctor told the bureaucrats of this health "system"how critical treatment was.The rule stood.The rule,Politicians,and the Bureaucrats Killed her by regulations.Just as surely as if they had marched her and many others like her  into a gas chamber.They are no different in their Ideas than those who once did..This ignorance of the people in diar   need is whats driving the politicians,insurance monsters and the Buearucratic machine to Bully the least able to fight back.

The elderly in many societies are treasured assets to their people.This one is on a very dangerous path.If the Bullies in power have their way many folks will be left to die as my own family has had to endure.Helpless to do anything  but watch they suffer terrible and excruciating deaths while that pompous bully gives it no further thought as goes on his merry way.

Elderly and the disabled people have enough to content with in life.They did not intentionally get old or disabled. Please note Mr.Politician ;  It can happen to anyone!Your very elite family will have health issues as those that can't afford treatment.I hope you don't have to watch as the "system"you think is so beneficial Kills a loved one with red tape.I would not wish that kind of thing on a dog.It's sad that Your ideas are such that  My family is not worth helping and the rest of us can (stepping out of charactor here,forgive me readers)simply goto Hell and die suffering.

Yeah,I guess you just got my vote,Yes sir...I can't even vote you in as dog catcher.I said I wouldn't do that to a dog....

The funds sent to enemy countries(countries that routinely publish, what "Despots" The benevolent USA is.)Should be used to support our own economy that sits on the brink of God knows what.We need to support our people.We also need to adjust the rules,laws and election policies that only allow those bullies that attack the least able to defend their  lives to rule the very folks that are being victimized.We can't help the others in the world if our own house is not in order first.

That is what we are fighting for People.We are voting this year for the health and welfare of the very lives of those we love.Most politicians that run for office could care less about anyones health,happiness or the welfare of anyone else.If you look up welfare in a dictionary,It will give you the actual meaning.

We (ordinary people)can change this worlds governmental bully program by refocusing the lens on the officials that waste our money on those disbursements we don't need to have.A quick check of the billions spent to bribe those overseas for information on enemies.Billions of dollars that were just given away in  suitecases to rainy-day informants.Think of all the Benefits it would have paid.Not to mention The soldiers families that would benefit from that money(and that soldier arriving home alive and in one piece). some of those disabled folks are the very soldiers, politicians like you send into conflicts.They lose limbs to your little conflicts.There is thousands of them living broken and homeless from this wonderful handout system cutting them off without hope.

It's never going to be your problem Mr.Politician  though.You have all kinds of advantages through your other political friends and cronies.You have the best friends that money can buy for now anyway.It is your big money investments into those wars and "conflicts"that keep you so removed and remote from our "WE the Peoples"realities.

We the aging and those citizens that are disabled by your politically oriented wars or by natures whim,have a long  memory for bullies. I suggest you spend some time with the people you are attempting to execute by red tape before you make anymore stupid remarks that effect so many people.Please remember to engage your brain before opening your mouth.

Your political career is based on those people that you would beat down and bully.You may think that those people are helpless to rise up to support your opponent.You are very wrong about that.
They may walk with canes, walkers  or roll on wheels,but .....THOSE PEOPLE VOTE ! The pen is mightier than the sword sir..The VOTE from us carries the thundering velocity of an incoming cannon ball.You will not know it till after the elections impact.

Thats all for now folks,I got to go some where and cool off.
This headline really steamed my disposition.Take care and stay wise to what you know is right.

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