Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Politicians and those that ask for change are both panhandlers at heart.There are subtle differences even in a distressed society setting.

"The Storming of the Bastille", Visi...
"The Storming of the Bastille", Visible in the center is the arrest of Bernard René Jourdan, marquis de Launay (1740-1789), Watercolor painting; 37,8 x 50,5 cm Español: "Toma de la Bastilla", En el centro se apreciaba el aresto del marqués de Launay Português: A "Tomada da Bastilha", no centro se vê a prisão de Jourdan de René de Bernard, marquês de Laundry (1740-1789). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Women’s March on Versailles, 5-6 october 1789....
Women’s March on Versailles, 5-6 october 1789. Women played a major role in the French Revolution. This picture shows the women's march on Versailles. On October 5, 1789, a rumour that the king had worn the white symbol of the Bourbons rather than the revolutionary tricolour sent Parisian women hurrying to Versailles. Faced with the crowd of angry women, Louis XVI agreed to accompany them back to Paris. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The political climate is once again stressed in the messages that my E-mail inbox fills with.There is the politicians writing their personalized letters with a computer signing it for them.

Then there is the political groupies who write to make certain that they get their 15 minutes of fame by grabbing the coat tails of the Elites.Reminds me of the Dr. Frankenstein story with a brilliant but somewhat deranged doctor and his assistant who usually is named Egor.

"Yes master I will see that it gets done.Egor will help his master"....The Monster is being built as both work at their tasks.My E-mail today had 1395 garbage spam mails.Yahoo is getting to be one of the worst offenders of non filtered crap being allowed into peoples mailbox.I will be changing it very soon to a better filtered system.

I am currently experimenting with non Google/Microsoft systems to find that system.

I have written to yahoo many times regarding the filters available from freeware developers.Yahoo  has not the ability to add such things.

I have tried to stop the unwanted subscriptions from political groupies with out success.The politicians are interesting but the groupies have to go.It becomes the same as being in a room with fanatical people who all try to convert you at once.Thus a stereo confusion effect.Unneeded and useless to anyone who reads the mail the first time.Many times accusing me of not paying for the overly wealthy candidates next big campaign.You want to win?Put your money in the pot first bub!
Set the example for your acolytes.Don't ask of others what you yourself are not doing first.

The politicians who already have far more money and assets than some small countries always are sending E_mails asking for money/donations.Okay so you send that cash and feel satisfied to do your part for the cause.Right?wrong...Next day there is another accusation from another wannabe political coat tail rider that you have no idea of the Identity of is demanding you have not sent enough.Your mind see's the day when this candidate will never get enough after in office.
Lesson here:never give money when you can give that requested item.

Never give money to a panhandler.If your heart sees the person as actually needing something then buy it or give that item to the panhandler.If you hand them cash then chances are that money may go to buy them more self made destruction.Buying a meal or a warm garment will fill a need.They may then or sell/trade your gift for the self destruction article.Booze,drugs,or smokes.
Politicians live the high life with your hard earned money.Prove it to yourselves by checking out the meals eaten on a campaign to be re elected to office.Check out the favorite beverages....Most of us would never budget such things into our lives.But we are finanacing theirs....

That same rule should go to political machines.Intellectual property is far more valuable than any amount of cash could ever be.These folks running for office have more money than any of those 98%
working folks will ever have.

They use an age old rule of using other peoples money to power their ventures.That way when their little experiment craps out,then they walk away with what is left and the suckers that lost everything are left to weep for them losing the game.The joke is that the politician actually look like a saint to them They will still hold more money than any combination of the givers.
Panhandlers in the subway,or on the street,or in a political rally all have similarities.

Regarding your efforts to elect some one who is to serve your needs,dear reader:

Volunteer to spread the word in whatever way you can.Network with friends and family.Network in groups with your community.But the Billionaires can raise more cash than any of us mere mortals can do.

 Those billionaires can put out huge donations which would  indeed be inpressive if you are fooled by such things.It would indeed be overwhelming to those of us who don't quite fit the billionaires image.
The true power is not how wealthy we are.It is something unique to the United States and many other countries.

That power is the power of the people.WE THE PEOPLE have more power than any 2billionaires.
The power to chose who is best for our lives is a collective brain trust.Billionaires may know how to manipulate finances or hire those who will do it for them.That is a sort of purchased power.Pharaohs were the wealthiest of their time.The only thing left of their domain is massive stone monuments.
Their wealth is dust in the desert sands.The slaves also past into dust. They  worked under the whip but still walk the earth in their  descendents genetics...Money meant nothing to the slaves then and still have the same equivalent as free people now.

 People have individual freedoms and ideas.Together folks are like many batteries joined as a power bank.The more brains working together,the more power the people acquire.Each brain working as individuals in synch.This leads to a powerful force to equal or overwhelm any huge cash trust.The richest person is helpless in the face of the masses.The French revolution proved that as many other historic events have.Not always good,but not always bad either.

So getting back to my original thought:please mr(s)politician,leash you groupies so our mail doesn't have hundreds of repetitive crap in what is my mailbox.Stop Panhandling for my money till you run out of yours..Put your money where your mouth(pieces) are

Meanwhile back at my keyboard,I will support whomever will help my lifestyle and those of my friends and families.Intellectual property is priceless and for the moment free.For the moment it is also beginning to be more private with the growing efforts of groups of minds in free people.

Till next time folks,Use the net and whatever you can to learn who is behind the faces running for election.THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!


P.S. sometimes u may read my blogs with what appears to be terrible spelling and grammar.I sorta developed my own shorthand very early in life so I could take notes in class and jot down my thoughts before I forgot or got distracted.Thank goodness for computers with the ability to proof read  and correct my occasional foopahs.   8)


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's almost election time here in the USA,Do U know Where Your Candidate is?

English: Seal of the President of the United S...
English: Seal of the President of the United States Español: Escudo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Македонски: Печат на Претседателот на Соединетите Американски Држави. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
voting day in a small town
voting day in a small town (Photo credit: Muffet)
This is the final countdown to the worlds most important election at least to it's citizens and allies view.The world is at a point in time that any small change in politics here,can effect every civilized person in the world.

It sorta makes you wish you were the lost village that is unaware of the modern world.It is really to bad the tribes just being discovered in the deep jungles of the Amazon can't just stay lost for their own benefit.They will be exposed the all of man-kinds  little inequities that can be dumped on them.The little things like disease,
money,social counselors and their programs,etc.Surprisingly,there is politics among the tribes.

It is an instinct that is in all creatures that run in units.Whether called Packs,Flocks'political parties, or what ever name is bestowed on the group.Humans are no different in many respects.They don't want the responsibility of self governing themselves.That event is said to have occurred in the twilight of man-kinds beginnings.Philosophical writings verify this.

They (Alpha leaders) takes challenges from the rest of the wannabe leaders who would lead that group.There is challenges of strength,intelligence,cunning,resourcefulness, etc.Humans think that the verbal challenges are unique to it's species.That is till you hear a wolf howl in concert with it's competitor or prairie chickens thump their wings like drummers.Till the sound of an elk bellowing it's challenge is heard.The truth is enlightening...
Humans politics to lead is really just part of the world of leaders,Those who can lead the pack into the future for the overall benefit of  the packs/civilizations benefit.

The wolf will do what it's instincts direct for the best survival of the group.The prior challenges will allow the
Group or tribe to follow and work as a unit for the good of all the rest of the group.The world of man will follow the leader of the USA.Strays will break from   the group and try it on their own.Some will rejoin,others will form elsewhere.It is all the same in human or animal "tribes".The group with the most adaptive mind is the tribe that survives.There have been untold of failures thru history both human an animal groups.Civilizations are made or fall as a union of individuals.One person can do what many can not do in many cases,it takes a qualified innovative leader to lead and cooperating others to be successful in anything.
Elections and Countries are no different than the rest of group survival.

This Election will be the make or break point for the next Quarter Century.We can elect a President That can lead us out of this slump created during the final years of the last century,Or try a few unproven experiments of running a Nation like a Corporation.My experiences with corporations ask me , if we could FIRE every Citizen and sell out the USA corporation to another country at a profit.My experience with corporations have been that only a few should prosper above the working Pions that support the elite.I would never allow this in my Counrtry where freedom is the Key Idea of  it's foundation.We have already slid to far into  the
"secured beyond common sense syndrome".That problem may even be greater than the next elected official.

In a very few days the election for the President of the United States Of America will take Place.WE THE PEOPLE will venture out into the light of day to vote.We will carry all the hope and best wishes for our future.Those are and were the same hopes of our forefathers that fought so hard for this free opportunity to
vote our choice of leaders.To vote our choice of life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.We don't get stoned to death,beaten or executed for our choices.Hopefully there won't be thugs in black outside any voting booth this year as some areas past.(yes that did happen in the USA.Check the news archives).

I will not in this blog try to persuade anyone to vote in any direction.My choice is pretty well known by now.
It is needless to say that each of us has things in our individual lives to support.Each of us must vote in the direction that supports our dreams,expectations and lifestyles.

Elderly will vote to not be starved out,Gays will vote to live and love as they wish,The working class will vote to hold on with their fingertips till life gets back to something normal.The Unemployed (as I) will vote to Hang on for this roller-coaster ride called life puts us back in a home,a job,a life that is far from the Bohemian Gypsy lifestyle that has been thrust upon us.WE WILL SURVIVE!!!    Elections will not be a magic bullet of  instantanious success ,no matter  who is elected.If the tribe follows the leader,we will survive the cold winter of our discontent...WE WILL SURVIVE!!

That is all for now dear friends.Please remember that no matter what your life seems to be there is this to remember:Within you lies the power to seize the hour and live your dream.Only you can change your life.
It Just takes preparation,Planning and a lot of courage to work.You have all of that if you look


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