Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

Billions for illegal Immigrants U.S.A Homeless Nothing

The headlines in the todays news as for the past two years plus more read as follows: Starving,dying,illegals are flocking from their countries in the thousands. Border guards are unable to handle the flow. Congress demands that we (voters and U.S. citizens) mandatorily allow them into the country,without regards to any preventative laws. Without restrictions, without regard to those in the various Gangs/Wolve packs that travel with the sheep/victims of circumstances.

Billions upon Billions of American Dollars are being demanded by those in Congress to feed, clothe, settle, relocate, and support indefinitely all the Non english speaking uneducated mouths still flowing into our country. Flowing with the unconditional okie dokie by the members of the Socialist swayed United States Congress. Totally disregarding all those in desperate need who are actual citizens of this Great country.Did you know the illegals can get red cross aid? LEGAL American Homeless can NOT! Is Fema Aid available to law breakers and who or what is handing out all that Cash and equipment to those NON CITIZENS as they wade or swim north to our border?

San Fransico's homeless are in a famous member on Congress hometown.A huge population that is about to be Outlawed.Not helped to get on thier feet,OUTLAWED! Debtors Prison anyone Yeah That will solve the problem.Dont feed them for a day,Don't need to teach them to fish to help themselves.Just trash them even further,I guess that citizen cant fix her own city,speaks well for the congress doesn't it?Isnt that an aledged santuary city?Wow!10s of thousand american homeless and that city is willing to put 100s of thousand illegals more on those streets.Thats probably after all those legal folks shuffle off in shackles.

The socializing of this country is one thing,but the uncontrolled flight from countries unknown is causing the outbreak of crime and of disease the U.S.has not seen.The constant money drain could be supporting our own people who are without any means of climbing back into a decent life without that extended helping hand.Measles outbreaks made the news this last summer.It cause some states to mandste shots or legal children cant get educated in schools.You don't think its changing our country.Please note those same states can take your children if you don't send them to school...

The United States has hundreds of thousands of people in a daily struggle to survive.They are without the basics of life.Shelter,blankets,Food,Clean water,a safe haven to sleep in,schooling for their children,That's right! I said children.There are thousands of our own kids living on the street and begging for help.The peace of mind  for them looks hopeless for those folks tomorrow.The things I have seen in my own life at one time simply you would not believe from the world of the homeless.I got lucky.I was able to have the love and help of friends and family.There are those in this beloved country that have fallen from social grace so far they are invisible to the social radar.a problem for those living in  ivory towers.the same so called Americans who pray like hell on Sunday so they can stick their noses up at some one who is fallen the rest of the week.Karma has been known to be ruthless when it returns to bite those people.

There is no supporting mobs in the street holding picket signs demanding freebies to regain a bit of human dignity.There is no Congressional meetings to demand the rising of a grand plan to raise up their fellow human beings that they routinely pass in that SUV or Limo every single time.There is no Grand Plan to save our elderly waiting to die in the old folks home alone and declining. No grand plan the surviving families of fallen service men and women.There is no Grand plan to help our permanently war torn Veterans after they have fallen.Many of those homeless are those fallen veterans.forever broken abandoned and forgotten.

 Prior Election years have put people in power that have no regard for our past.They have shown that for all our successes in this world and in this country the only mantra is that it must always be because we (The Free World)are Evil.It sounds to me, a child  that grew up  standing in the hall of the local school with hundreds of other frightened children, waiting for the nuclear missiles to fall from Socialist and communist countries, That was socialism in the pastThere are still those misiles being fired our way..That is how a socialist country is constructed  to function, Agree with us or we brutally will kill you.History will prove this over and over again.I Do not want that for my country or any other.North Korea is the Poorest Asian country in the world.South Koreas light can be seen from space.North Korea is Pitch dark from space.That says volumes in itself.

Our people are doing better than most right now even with the hatred from whatever a human minds imagination can create.Humans are a lot like scorpions with  the worst case mindset.They will sting themselves  and each other just for something to do..The social order of the USA has become like that.Instead of helping those who are fellow citizens .We pittle our resources to help people who can,t keep their own countries safe to live in.Do you really want such neighbors living in the place your family lives.Good people probably are its hard to fathom "good people"saying they are so, while intentionally breaking rules of law while entering the country which they then will  promise to obey those same laws?

Kinda like this ,"if a liar says they are telling the truth are they lying about telling the truth or''''' just lying about telling the truth???"

Yes there is many hard working honest folks herding north with the hordes.There is also many who only look for new turf to sew death snd  anarchy,Death with an anonymous refuge . These "Good" people are traveling with groups of all kinds of characters.There is no way of sort them out in  an unorganized border crossing even with billions of funds.Having No border guards and tech are a good solution for the formation of anarchy and future chaos in our  free law driven country.

Congress once again showing its unfathomable efforts to drive the country under.The same people who were singing in harmony about a foreign power seeking to destroy our freedom of choice to elect.The same ones who would invite foreign powers to help police our uncivilized selves while completely disarming our constitutional rights that protect us from said foriegn powers.

The people who are calling for the free open borders .Those in Congress don't have much to fear when living with secret service protection and expensive homes.perhaps the other government factions should arrange housing nearby in those neighborhoods for the poor new immigrants to find solstice in the protection of those homes and persons.I am quite sure those streets are very well patrolled for safety.

Better idea is those places really should seek to form their own country.they could peacfully make their own rules to institute the way they would prefer to have things
No borders,no laws,no restriction except living in the stone age allowing public beheading and no minding to much if all manner of chaos and debotchery rules. Add to that they could stand up with their lil friends and cuss out and bedamn that stinken place they loved to hate.Elections would be very colorful to boot.God help anyone who won,after all everyone must be a winner in that country or it political tantrums and cou de tah till the right winner get into office.

Strange, but that sounds alot like an island 90 miles from Florida,or is that in South America?It would be a great plot for a ....Novel??  But I digress.

doesn't it sound like A great place of refuge and asylum.Yup,A real paradise lost for sure.

The U.S. citizens already living in the USA include the hard working Border Patrol Guards  in need of huge amounts of those billions being spent on non citizen People. People who have gotten themselves into problems by their own non-actions of not enforcing their own countries laws.I wonder how will they change our laws.Easy to see really,as THEY are already recruiting those citizens who would make our country ....JUST LIKE THEIRS.Protestors in the street who also have not offered their neighborhoods as playgrounds for mob rule.

I was brought up that if you knowingly do something that is stupid,something putting yourself at risk,You can not point a damning finger at someone else.until you take responsibility for your own actions.I doubt if those mobs at the border would swarm into the drug cartel bases like they are into our border,100s of thosands of concerned citizens would overwhelm the Gangstas to take back their peace of mind.Their own country would soon recover enough to live in peace.

Listening to the 97% of the United States citizens would no doubt not be believed by our Congress.A group of elected folks who have come to  believe their own propaganda. taking responsibility for these last near 3years of bent ideologies  would go for the prior actions and ideas of congress screwing up at elections,herds of people flocking to perpetrate in an illegal act and expecting to be rewarded for the act.Stupid is as stupid does.

Congress has been so busy being spaced out brats on the political playground,They have accomplished nothing after thier slim last election, They have so far only been able to show the rest of the world how  malignant our ideas of what we stand for have become.They ignore those in need while dreaming up ways to keep our political system in turmoil.Congress seems bent on usurping all the core values of our forefathers.They seem bent on delivering our citizens into the arms of those who would destroy our culture and progress for far flung fantasies.Things that may one day be developed to function in some compatible  copacetic way with our country.Not now.Theres more important things to "FIX".

Some of the most  Flatculent members of Congress these days are always in the papers under headline news,things like damning our allies,bolstering our beheading manic enemies,putting diapers on our livestock,putting us all back into the stone age without technology and worst of all belittling our people in another time that individual would be tarred and feathered to be run out of Washington on a rail..Dont forget the good old playground matra complete with fake tears and whaling your a racist,bigot,yadda,yadda,yadda.etc.etc.

That all becomes mute when you realize if that person casting that stone and, using the afore mentioned terms to identify you  must also be a racist,etc etc.after all,it really does take one to know one...Its gotten old and really doesn't mean much any more.

the destruction of our monuments are akin to the monsters over seas,You can destroy history and rewrite the records,you cant change peoples hearts with force and aggression,The actual Nazis tried that and paid dearly for their dark deeds.

Next election,maybe WE THE PEOPLE of all walks of life will not pay so much headline attention to those who grab foto ops and headlines for the paparazzi that have become our news folks. Breaking news these days isn't the kid down the street who is doing good.Its the useless Gang banger who is attempting to create music. Its the multi million dollars star who seems never to have clothes to wear and climbs in with some one different on a weekly tabloid appearance.The news has forgotten what is important. It isn't titillating enough. Congress seem befitting for that perfectly. 

I am always stating that there are those that talk about things,those that watch things happen,and those that make things happen. Those around the world who read this,think about the last type of person in that statement. Please read on.

This next year is upon us,Tho I can not believe 2023 past so quickly.
Please think hard about how we can change our political governments to play nice on that political playground in the media circus. If just one election would find a majority who come into power to guard our rights and actually hear our ideas. 

Perhaps we might actually reach the stars one day instead of fighting over petty bullshit till some one pushes the nuclear off button an we are no more.That would please some who want the world living in caves with basics, There are intentions to deny us the ablility to travel,to eat cooked meals or even to have our homes heated n air conditioned.  

Our food producers have been under attack last year which reduced our supplies across the country.Our fuel supplies were cut to weaken and destabilie our country futher.then wha other fuels were available were on the laws to be outlawed. Our appliances have also come under the outlawed articles.Then many states decided to utlaw the ability to replace parts they mandate to run our vehicles.Its makinf our repairing older vehicles inpossible without becoming an outlaw to just repair a mandatory machine.

The United States May look like the clouds of despair are on us. The stocks fall and rise often.The economy slips for awhile..Stores close as times change(some of you might remember W.T.Grants or New Berry's 5 n 10 store or Fishmans 5 n 10 . A N P Stores,They all closed years ago.The world was changing as it does each moment of our reality as we know it.The world didn't fall into dust or reality did not dissolve into the cosmos.We will adapt. R esistance is futile,you will be assimilated.Its just a matter of getting people into office around the globe who can put a plug in their oral flatulence and
Fantasies that can work in maybe 50years with everyone working in that direction using all our brains to create a real scenerio. One based on what we got to work with. 

We can't keep putting the unfathomable idea into motion without a better plan or prceedure in place.It is like a house of cards.Pull the bottom card and it falls flat...Our lives,Our counrtry is the same. Green power is an impossible dream right now.The banning of the things and sysytems we use every day have no affordable replacement for the average person.The natural foods have beed feeding humans for millenia,The machines we use may not be futuristic unless you just walked out of the 18th century.It takes time and development with lots of fore thought....We are not ready yet.
It will take people in office who can see and understand the whole picture.People who fix our present world before pulling the woorld from under neath our feet. People who can gradually slide us into that dreamworld that is killing our whole worlds peace and prosperity. Those in office right now are so busy getting rich ripping off the people and spending monopoly dollars are doing damage to our whole world. Its going to take a new group of people in office who will reduce the government bloat. Reduce the corruption thats rumored to be there. Bring our country back from the twilight one it has become.

I personally have not mentioned who I would elect for leader of our nation.Its to early in the game.I would not even think of those whose party quibbles for years over things imagined and not proven.That reminds me to much of the child caught in a lie and refusing to admit he was doing so.Then having his pals jump in to compound that lie making them all liars in the teachers mind. The present Administration seems to be discovered to be such.

Changes really need to be made throughout our ruling Government to repair and bring about the dreams we wish would become reality. Hitting all our abilities to support and repair our lives are on the way though.

I can see that theres cuts in place I would see improvements instead.I can see the corporate world taking a political enema from past political affiliations. This Administration even more so. Some running to those countries that would undermine our way of life to fill their pockets at the top.taking jobs with them.This is improving slowly.

Some of those sucking out all the freebies that homeless sick and retired have earned are facing hard times at returning to or first job in generations to work.The Auto industry that lived high for several generations have mostly sold out to overseas buyers.Even Harley's are not exactly like my dad rode.

But,we will survive and adapt to the world that is rising.WE THE PEOPLE will adapt and arrive in the future as a stronger,more resilient society.We are just in transition right now.Its going to be a wild ride into that future those who sit and hide will be lost.Those who move with the stream of time,events and technology will swim with the currents.Those who fight that current will tire and be lets elect a body of people who work together and finish bringing our (pardon my scenario)Star ship America online and pull together as a world of Nations with laws and order. Not mobs and anarchy.

Elected folks who can drive the Gangstas out of countries that create death and chaos.Elect folks that realize that no country should take advantage to undermine another economy.This world can feed every single person,Theres jobs for every single person on this Earth.Its not going to take mindless dreams that have a foundation.It takes people working as one with proven ideas and cooperation.

If I had one dream that would make a difference in this world it would be to have at least all the people in power talking with Perseverance of mind to put aside greed, To find common ground as a Human society. To work together. To realzie that for all the different beliefs and all the different ideologies we can adapt,adopt,or invent, we all bleed the same colored blood.for all the names of creation or creators,We are all here in spite of who or what got us here..This is our playground or fish bowl from either prospective,Its ours to live in or its ours to once more be destroyed in...we have that one thing in common and that is our choice. Together either way .

We can make a difference if we just hang in there and ride the wave to better times.

Make a difference folks.its all in your hands to change the world with a simple piece of paper with your idea of who will lead next election.Do you want a United nations land,"cuz you aint not going" to have a free country folks with that,or the neat lil electronic playthings that make our lives interesting....Can you say,"AMISH LIVING".sorry that end of a horse would just make my sinus clog up.

I would prefer to see my country and the rest of the world grow together as much as possible.we need folks in office who can secure our borders till countries agree on what the situation of borders are agreeable.countries need to stop trying to intimidate the others.Most of all WE THE PEOPLE of the United States must never elect radicals into our government again,we need cohesion pointed in a direction based on the constitution. Based on World peace and no more endless wars for profiting a few warhawks who profit from deatha nd destruction

Lastly,the entire World needs to stop World wide radical beliefs from growing into what we have seen worldwide.Any belief that believes in destruction of others should be stopped before it gets out of hand to become Genocide for whatever reason by whatever faction.

Till next time  folks keep a positive mindset and keep your eyes open for opportunity.Millionaires found ways to become successful even in the depression of 1929.People who believe thier money ended at $0.jumped off buildings.Think of ways to grow.Elect someone who can make the world what you need to succeed,socialism,communism,Or Freedom to decide for yourself in a growing society.Personally,I choose freedom.Without the freedom to live a good life,Life isnt worth  a penny.

Your choice,



Monday, September 11, 2017

Irony is The Word I would Use For The Historic Attacks On Our Nation

I remember Seeing a group of normally jovial easy going truck drivers standing around a tiny television set.The worlds largest truck stop in Walcott Iowa Had gotten so quiet You could heard a pin drop.Tears were running down one of the drivers face as they watched with shock on their faces.I would describe The looks as disbelief at best on all the peoples faces.

My curiosity finally got the best of me.Some times curiosity is a cruel teacher.
I walked over to see what was so intriguing.What emotional trigger had effected these men and women to that point.That look on their face was soon joined by mine.I would express my look as total disbelief at the images bursting out of the screen.  Images that burned into my very soul.

This had to be the special effects of some new disaster movie.RIGHT?

Again and again the video played to the the gathering crowd of the curious. Each person that joined the group became affixed on the shocking images Standing in total disbelief at what was being embedded into the minds,hearts and souls of people all over the world.A billion plus witnessing the act of true evil.

Then someone turned up the sound as the newscaster announce details of what we were looking at."The twin towers of the world trade center in New York City Has been attacked by terrorist along with at least two other planes.Then the second plane crashed into the building.My eyes began to tear and run down my face as WE THE PEOPLE watched our fellow humans,Fellow Americans being murdered by madmen.

The holocaust that was being presented took mankind to the very scene of mass murdering of innocent humans.The Fear,and suffering in terror of thousands of people dying in mass.The fumes and furnace blasts of heat in a place that wasn't intended to ever become a death chamber.No different then the Gas chambers of so short a time ago.

The carnage did not stop there as those planes exploded into flames killing some and trapping others.The heat so hot that steel beams melted as if made of taffy.then those huge structures full of terrified people who just wanted to work to support themselves and family collapsed in huge heaps of rubble.

Many rescue people who were valiantly trying to help as many escape as possible.Many rescuers running into the building as it fell.They gave their lives trying to save others.Those were the ones who died there on the scene.Others resucuers would die slowly and painfully as the poisons took their health. Then the poisons took their lives in the next few years.Concrete dusk combined with gases,and carcinogens finished what the homicde maniacs started.

16years ago I stood with others who watched in shocked silence. The twin towers crashing to the ground killing those those thousands of innocent people.I saw then and still see what the people who could plan such atrocities would beand are capable of.I need only reflect to the many holocausts in human history to fully understand what hate,fear and fanaticism does to some.It blinds the compassion that makes us human.It reduces us to

There has been much controversy of these last 16 years as to who or what is responsible.There has been equally many ideas about how it happened.Explosives in the underground garage,cheap construction etc.I saw two planes crash into two buildings going very fast with tons of mass.
It takes not a rocket scientist to understand that much force by that big an object is going to create huge damage in a very short time.

Steel has a melting point which jet fuel would quickly reach in such an oxygen updraft area.There is a term that any firefighter knows and fears.Its when the interior of a room reaches a point and everything flashes into a spontaneous ball of fire.That much heat at once creates incredible amounts of heat.

The information that I would hope one day is brought to light is this..The people who orchestrated and planned the action.Those people in the plane may have been the strategic genius's as claimed.
But would it not be better to release any and all the information if there is any to the general public.After all we,like those people in that truck stop and the survivors of the victims were all involved in a most traumatic way.

We have never been farther into who and what were involved beyond that tiny bit of information the news media seems interested in.It won't bring those victims back who were slaughtered with so much fore thought of malice.It won't un-do the monstrous act that still haunts the world in a moment of silence.
It will let the victims who died rest in peace.It would finally find anyone else responsible.

9/11 May we always let this day remind us of our price we may pay for our way of life and our freedom.

WE THE PEOPLE must remain vigilant and always remember.

Till next time friends

Monday, August 28, 2017

Some Ideas That Will Make You Wealthy On The Internet From Me

Yup...Gonna Get Rich.Well OK, maybe not filthy rich.alright,Its my idea and well split it an give you 50% of your 50% in pay for doing it. Isn't that what you usually see on those blown out a proportion ads?The hawkers say any ridiculous amount to drag you into their little scheme.Usually with the setup draining your time and pocket books. Lets explore some thing that might make you an amount of money determined by how you set it up.Please note here I don't have a thing to sell.Just an idea that needs doing on the internet before it can't be done. So bear with me and read on because it is very do-able if you know how.It is and always has been my internet wish list,But tech as I am,It is beyond my abilities I think.

There's some things that are rapidly changing on the internet.The Mega corporations such as Google And others are swallowing up the ability to surf the net for intelligent property without being continuously monitored.

I personally dislike the fact that even a time of looking at the ideas people have on You-tube are now monitored to find patterns in peoples lives.Sorta like the activities a Hit-man would use to track his/her target.

So why doesn't some one create an anonymous version of You tube?
Why not a google type anonymous system?
Because  the Monster system would still be ever Peeking through the cracks to watch.You would need to create something akin to the dark web.Then you would need to find a web browser that would try to deny the peekers to minimize their curiosity.Maybe call it  Cyber fox or Tor/Onion browser.

That would  almost complete your web setup.You really don"t want to forget the antivirus to further protect your setup.So now you goto You-tube...

 Now a big red warning pops up telling you that google and you-tube no longer allow the anonymous viewing of videos.Why do you suppose Google and You-tube have a need to monitor your interests?There are many search engines that are no different than google.I just am using this as an example of the monster size SEs.A few more suggestions to add to your New system your building.

The antivirus that seem to work best might be called Mal aware bytes Then back it up with a very healthy dose of Rogue killer,super anti-spyware,This will protect and hide  your system
IF you follow the Tor browsers instructions...The moment you step away from the instructions your no longer invisible.but that won't allow you on various sights.Google even switches lanquages on your web browser when you use a VPN till you disconnect it.You then have to restart that VPN.
It gives a tiny hole to peek inside your open door.

So getting back to my original idea of Making money on the internet.What the internet needs is what it originally was intended to be after the military past it to the public to use as communication.I would love to know just what kind of super whiz bang military upgrade system replaced the internet.Must be something to behold.The military is always 10years or more ahead of civilian tech.Who knows,maybe SG1 is real.

I have friends that ask about the dark-web from TV and radio talking about it.I have been on it once or twice but it to is pretty much cloak and dagger unless your into code words and secret digital handshakes.

What we really need is as I said.A system where ordinary folks can communicate without commercialization.Friends need not fear sharing ideas and trading goods without anyone's interference.I am referring to an incidence I was made aware of a few months ago.

A group of folks were sharing music and movies on the net.Personally bought and paid for.They had formed their own little club and were growing it among friends who enjoyed sharing things.A new member was invited to join the group.No money was traded.The group copied discs to trade.This allowed them to Keep their original so it wouldn't be damaged.

The new member sat down and wrote a letter informing of a outlaw copying group.a letter got sent warning of massive fines and imprisonment.Internet is becoming like that.
Every moment your on the net is an invasion of what should be your right to search and enjoy the freedom of that internet.

WE THE PEOPLE need a new and free internet system to use away from the one in place now.The Military didn't trust peekers they knew would be there watching every move they made...Maybe we should take note of that strategy.When I was a kid,we always shared what we had.Today.This society has just too many of those concerned with the private lives of others.The internet need to be rebuilt to free it from the chains of the peekers an de commercialized.

You may be asking where that money making idea is?build a system that I describe above and that cash flow will break down your door from all over the world.Internet users will be singing your praises.Governments and law enforcement will pursue you.
The Monster companies probably will just sue you.

Did you ever watch the TV show called a "Person of Interest. Strange how fiction mirrors  reality.

Well I guess that will do it for now folks till next time please keep in mind that, which most ordinary folks hold dear Freedom.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Politicians and those that ask for change are both panhandlers at heart.There are subtle differences even in a distressed society setting.

"The Storming of the Bastille", Visi...
"The Storming of the Bastille", Visible in the center is the arrest of Bernard René Jourdan, marquis de Launay (1740-1789), Watercolor painting; 37,8 x 50,5 cm Español: "Toma de la Bastilla", En el centro se apreciaba el aresto del marqués de Launay Português: A "Tomada da Bastilha", no centro se vê a prisão de Jourdan de René de Bernard, marquês de Laundry (1740-1789). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Women’s March on Versailles, 5-6 october 1789....
Women’s March on Versailles, 5-6 october 1789. Women played a major role in the French Revolution. This picture shows the women's march on Versailles. On October 5, 1789, a rumour that the king had worn the white symbol of the Bourbons rather than the revolutionary tricolour sent Parisian women hurrying to Versailles. Faced with the crowd of angry women, Louis XVI agreed to accompany them back to Paris. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The political climate is once again stressed in the messages that my E-mail inbox fills with.There is the politicians writing their personalized letters with a computer signing it for them.

Then there is the political groupies who write to make certain that they get their 15 minutes of fame by grabbing the coat tails of the Elites.Reminds me of the Dr. Frankenstein story with a brilliant but somewhat deranged doctor and his assistant who usually is named Egor.

"Yes master I will see that it gets done.Egor will help his master"....The Monster is being built as both work at their tasks.My E-mail today had 1395 garbage spam mails.Yahoo is getting to be one of the worst offenders of non filtered crap being allowed into peoples mailbox.I will be changing it very soon to a better filtered system.

I am currently experimenting with non Google/Microsoft systems to find that system.

I have written to yahoo many times regarding the filters available from freeware developers.Yahoo  has not the ability to add such things.

I have tried to stop the unwanted subscriptions from political groupies with out success.The politicians are interesting but the groupies have to go.It becomes the same as being in a room with fanatical people who all try to convert you at once.Thus a stereo confusion effect.Unneeded and useless to anyone who reads the mail the first time.Many times accusing me of not paying for the overly wealthy candidates next big campaign.You want to win?Put your money in the pot first bub!
Set the example for your acolytes.Don't ask of others what you yourself are not doing first.

The politicians who already have far more money and assets than some small countries always are sending E_mails asking for money/donations.Okay so you send that cash and feel satisfied to do your part for the cause.Right?wrong...Next day there is another accusation from another wannabe political coat tail rider that you have no idea of the Identity of is demanding you have not sent enough.Your mind see's the day when this candidate will never get enough after in office.
Lesson here:never give money when you can give that requested item.

Never give money to a panhandler.If your heart sees the person as actually needing something then buy it or give that item to the panhandler.If you hand them cash then chances are that money may go to buy them more self made destruction.Buying a meal or a warm garment will fill a need.They may then or sell/trade your gift for the self destruction article.Booze,drugs,or smokes.
Politicians live the high life with your hard earned money.Prove it to yourselves by checking out the meals eaten on a campaign to be re elected to office.Check out the favorite beverages....Most of us would never budget such things into our lives.But we are finanacing theirs....

That same rule should go to political machines.Intellectual property is far more valuable than any amount of cash could ever be.These folks running for office have more money than any of those 98%
working folks will ever have.

They use an age old rule of using other peoples money to power their ventures.That way when their little experiment craps out,then they walk away with what is left and the suckers that lost everything are left to weep for them losing the game.The joke is that the politician actually look like a saint to them They will still hold more money than any combination of the givers.
Panhandlers in the subway,or on the street,or in a political rally all have similarities.

Regarding your efforts to elect some one who is to serve your needs,dear reader:

Volunteer to spread the word in whatever way you can.Network with friends and family.Network in groups with your community.But the Billionaires can raise more cash than any of us mere mortals can do.

 Those billionaires can put out huge donations which would  indeed be inpressive if you are fooled by such things.It would indeed be overwhelming to those of us who don't quite fit the billionaires image.
The true power is not how wealthy we are.It is something unique to the United States and many other countries.

That power is the power of the people.WE THE PEOPLE have more power than any 2billionaires.
The power to chose who is best for our lives is a collective brain trust.Billionaires may know how to manipulate finances or hire those who will do it for them.That is a sort of purchased power.Pharaohs were the wealthiest of their time.The only thing left of their domain is massive stone monuments.
Their wealth is dust in the desert sands.The slaves also past into dust. They  worked under the whip but still walk the earth in their  descendents genetics...Money meant nothing to the slaves then and still have the same equivalent as free people now.

 People have individual freedoms and ideas.Together folks are like many batteries joined as a power bank.The more brains working together,the more power the people acquire.Each brain working as individuals in synch.This leads to a powerful force to equal or overwhelm any huge cash trust.The richest person is helpless in the face of the masses.The French revolution proved that as many other historic events have.Not always good,but not always bad either.

So getting back to my original thought:please mr(s)politician,leash you groupies so our mail doesn't have hundreds of repetitive crap in what is my mailbox.Stop Panhandling for my money till you run out of yours..Put your money where your mouth(pieces) are

Meanwhile back at my keyboard,I will support whomever will help my lifestyle and those of my friends and families.Intellectual property is priceless and for the moment free.For the moment it is also beginning to be more private with the growing efforts of groups of minds in free people.

Till next time folks,Use the net and whatever you can to learn who is behind the faces running for election.THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!


P.S. sometimes u may read my blogs with what appears to be terrible spelling and grammar.I sorta developed my own shorthand very early in life so I could take notes in class and jot down my thoughts before I forgot or got distracted.Thank goodness for computers with the ability to proof read  and correct my occasional foopahs.   8)


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

You Know The Elections Are Getting Closer When The Politicians ....

The queen bee in a hive.
The queen bee in a hive. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You know the elections are getting closer when politicians ask for your help to get elected while giving our country to Mindless mobs.Leaving us totally out in a warzone.They,those politician meanwhile remain tin the safety of their  gated and guarded fortress of solitude.

Reading my E-Mail these past few weeks have brought back a scene from the old airport movie with one of the characters trying to walk through an airport of that past era.Every stereotype was there asking for a monetary handout/Panhandling.The Passage through all those panhandlers became comical as it was done with an absurdity required by a comedy.

I am seeing my various E-Mails being loaded up with politicians that I have never even heard of.They are all my bosom pal and buddy till you write them for some kind of advise or answers.They then respond with a mechanical follow up asking for anywhere from 5bucks to 5000bucks at one point.Let me see now....I wonder what it would be considered if one of us sent out thousands of E-Mails asking for help and stating that it was a desperate matter to save....(Fill in the Blank).Without a certain governmental agency requesting a monetary audit of all our assets.So when do I expect repayment with interest to my investment from them..

Would you invest to any of those in office today?I am very aware of the fight to not audit the government as we often get honed over to expose all those hidden Phantom millions that we are accused of having. stashed away in a place we don't even know about.So lets see where those auditing us are stashing their loot.OH..wait a minute,Its Our loot they are hiding isn't it? can put the screws to them before they do onto you.Lets find out where the bucks are going to and see a true accounting...Wheres the money donated or forcibly grabbed  is going.

The other matter is that I am being called a liberal by one group and a Loyal Conservative by the other side...Talk about adding insult to injury...I am neither side of the grid lot groupies.I am not middle of the road.Every voter needs to ground themselves in what our country is founded on. Freedom,My choices are based on what I believe is best for my family and me.Not for the mobs idea of what my life should be.

What would be the point of joining groups of people who are so hard headed that the arguments have become far more important than the actual principals behind our Countries values.The phrase,TOGETHER WE STAND,DIVIDED,WE FALL does not seem pertinent to those in office.Just read some of the urgent and mandatory hogwash spewing forth outa their moving lips..Look seriously at what is now taking place in this land of the free people.If those free people done get off their knees and look around they may be on their knees the rest of their miserable lives.It is better to die as a warrior on your feet than groveling in the dirt on your knees to another as a coward.

WE THE PEOPLE,are sitting idly by as the miscreant mind dead attempt to  destroy our cities and dismantle our historic landmarks.Those suppose to be in power sit without  any qualified attempt to do anything but allow it all to happen.Some even promoting it all  to cover their ineptness We sent Honorable Warriors into battle in a war lasting nearly 2 decades for this type of actions "over         there",Over seas.It was not acceptable in Europe and Iraq. So Wheres that sentiment by the People who sent those warriors into combat.Where is the United States citizens who gave the lives of their beloved Family members to free another society.Where is those people who rose to free another country,  .There's no one here in the UNITED STATES who is even standing up to the Freedom  killing nonsense.Now letting warped philosophies into their own country with. 

I guess there are some that wallow in the murky,subtrafuse of  chaos of politics these days.He said,She said.He's responsible for this or that.The real truth is that it is WE THE PEOPLE,ALL of us who have allowed the system to become a spoiled children's mental playground in the political arena.

We have figuratively set on our hands while those fighting and arguing on the playground have created a situation where there is no longer any reason to our political discussions.It really wouldn't matter who was in office.The past 20 plus years have been a cat fight no matter who is in office.It would seem the elections around the world are a matter of who has the richest friends and the most interest in the best morphine for the masses.That is,whatever is the greatest distraction to keep all those little minds of the worker bees occupied.let me explain.

The guys and gals meet at the water cooler and start a conversation about..Hey did you see the game?Did you see the latest war headlines?Did you see that politicians speech last night.The truth is probably that this is very important to these folks.How about that reality show.They have been so lulled into the distractions of the media fueled by the dumbing down,(as some put it),that they no longer see that they are being orchestrated into a made up world of things that truly is not life changing or enriching.Its is being filled with ideas that have absolutely no fore thought as to consequences. its like listening to a mentally deranged patient in an insane asylum rambling on in abstract ideas. There is only the world that patient sees right there in their heads.Nothing of the future.

These same folks teach their children and influence those people who would normally never think with the same fogged over mindset.They influence with peer pressure as surely as if brainwashed.It is a pack thing.Conform or be singled out of the pack.So what has that got to do with the political system?Plenty it is a group/mob mentality.Each person adds to the hypnotic mindset that they are part of a movement.That movement has power to over come what a single person can't.Its the same feeling of power the ancient magical had.They began to believe the demons they were suppose to be controlling were helpless to not obey the magicians commands.The demons were deceiving those poor misguided magicians waiting for a moment when as the song says when the servant becomes the master.This will be the fate of those who march with the mobs all over the world when The silent majority awakens soon.

If people in this world,not just this country do not begin to research and find the facts behind things,they are destined to be at the mercy of those who think of us as worker bees.Worker bees live only to blindly follow the hives goals.If that worker bee is injured or killed,the hive simply replaces it and goes on as though it never existed.It is of no importance and its loss serves no reason to mourn.When the hive is attacked the hive forms waves of workers turned soldiers to die to prevent the Queen bee from being killed.The precious Honey that would supply the hive for the hard winter is also  reason to die for.Sorta of sounds a little familiar when you compare notes on the current world situation,doesn't it worker bee?The atacking bees are convinced it is mandatory for reasons of the survival of their hives Queen Bee.Explanation is simply blind obedience of the hive.Have WE THE PEOPLE actually become mindless worker bees taking side in fighting without using our minds we are so arrogant about being the INTELLIGENT top of the thinking chain?Its beginning to be a question that should be in your mind these days.ARE YOU EXPENDABLE WORKER BEE? ARE A HIVE BEE FOLLOWING BLINDLY?

Think of all the things that we are exposed to these days to occupy our thoughts.The weather this year has been colder than usual in parts of the world that normally is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit this time of year.Global warming rules and laws?The economy is far better this year.I know many of my friends who lost jobs,insurance and homes this year.incidentally,the real worker bees are disappearing,plant pollination will not happen soon...

We are being orchestrated to believe that wars are temporary and winnable.The world has always had a war somewhere constantly for decades.Wars have existed somewhere for a thousand years..There are only broken families of worker bees that always lose.Wars have no winners.There are no winners in war.Only Profit from those who invest in the war machines.They profit from all sides fighting.Because the populations can be convinced through fear,religion,politics,sex.Actually just about any reason once a reason is excepted by the majority.The Headhunters in parts of the Amazon have only recently stopped eating their enemies.They made wars because eating the enemy was believed to enhance a warriors spirit.Guess they never were told by their mommas that the most poisonous harmful type of protein is the Human body.Most generally only Buzzards dine on us..But I digress ...

I truly believe it is best to stay independent from all the mob politics.I would attend any of the political parties to learn the common denominators.There are common denominators as long as people can stop talking long enough to listen with an open need to surrender ones principals.Change is not always bad in this world.That is unless it denies freedom to chose one own destiny.Mobs do not allow those choices.

The last climate change supposedly cleared the way for mammals etc.worked for me.dodging dinosaurs would be a bother.being eaten by one would ruin my day.
Elections so far have had a mixture of goldmine and crap.

Now the future is beginning to look like it was written from a Hollywood Science Fiction script.Mobs of mindless Zombies have finally smashed their way into our capitals as no Foreign power ever has.It is unfortunate that our Elected officials have the spines of a Jellyfish.Our congress has openly bowed down to these invaders and grovelled before the barbarians at our gates.

In days of old those "leaders" would be given the choice to fall on their own swords to avoid dishonor.

I almost expect some elected official to take the podium,straighten his notes take a drink of water clear his throat.He would then give the media cameras a very solemn and sober look.He would speak slowly and clearly to say,"We are surrendering our country to the new rulers.We have decided to let them rule as they see fit.They then go back to their high security homes and neighborhoods to find looters and hoodlums have moved into their homes.

This mob scene in some cities really does make one ask whats in it  and whats to gain for those elected.You know the ones who are looking away and seeing nothing wrong?What is being promised to them.What is their leverage in allowing the looting of hi and lower value targets of looters?Not accusing.Just asking things I have heard spoken of in passing.Mega millions of merchandise including jewels and high end goods were videoed going out of those stores.It was seen by millions around the world.The police being told to stand down.Looks like a Batman An Joker Movie plot.

I wished We actually could work together for a 3rd choice in some governmental offices.Shrink bureaucracy and find out where all our money is schlumping off too.We also need to hold those responsible to answer for their actions.Till then I hope as many of us can not get sucked into the mobs mind bender that blinds...We need a future with clarity of what is going on.We will truly have a world equal for every human being.If we just dispense with the movie scenarios and start talking without the playground hurt feelings that always seem to pop its ugly head when people talk.

When the cycle of events begin to balance this mob thing out those in that mob will find themselves in a hell storm of legalities.The officials and on down to the pawns in the streets.Videos,face Id programs and numerous other means have already pin pointed those wannabe revolutionaries.This ain't no third world country.There's no where to run,Nowhere to hide in this tech world.

The conversation to fix things in our country always ends up in vague finger pointing,Those talks involve folks that quote stories from their ancestors,Stories and accounts of their lives that are every body else's fault.Not their own faults.Would it not be more productive to talk as though this moment in time is all there is.It might be a foundation to begin to build on granite instead of lose sand.

Till next time folks,maybe Our Country,Our world will learn from this mass insanity arising all over the modern world.Remember the law of physics.It goes something like this:For every action,there is a equal too or greater reaction.LOOK FOR IT SOON.


P.S.This is a rewritten article I wrote some time ago.It is updated with present thoughts to fit more recent events.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Daytona Beach Vouches to Feed the Manatees in Preference To Human Beings,Good Samaritans Financially Attacked

Orlando Hates Homeless People
Orlando Hates Homeless People (Photo credit: cavale)
Police cruiser in Daytona Beach, Florida
Police cruiser in Daytona Beach, Florida (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have been to Florida many times with varying enthusiasm regarding the crazy drivers,Hot humid bug infested weather and daily rain forest conditions.I find the people come from many parts of the USA to find the above described conditions.It is a great place for snowbirds (humans)that travel south in the winter from the northern states and return north in the summer months.I personally would rather seek more arid climates.Many folks that will be facing long term homelessness would freeze to death in winters in the northern states.

This means out of common sense and survival knowledge most people who must live in the great outdoors would seek to live in the warmth of southern states.Many people who do not find work are soon to find themselves as the social class we call homeless.Outcasts without address or fone to reconnect to the life they once knew.

Among these people,these fellow human beings, sneered at by people that imagine themselves living as a much higher order of human.This illusion of supposed superiority to another human is the same type of delusions used throughout history to demonized certain folks for easier disposal without guilt.

The witch trials,the Holocaust,The Chinese laborers deported by Montana after they arrived and many died building our railroads.The Japanese Americans interred in camps during WWII.How about the Native Americans?Convenient disposal of those people who simply do not fit our persona of what they should be living up too.A persona that is the sick social peer pressure.We teach this to our children who victimized other children under that same standard of so called superior humans....Children of lesser gods...It teches them to be bullies.

The article that really burned this blog into my mind hits me in the core of my being.It seems the State of Florida has more respect for the manatees than the homeless humans.
Daytona built a park to let the good people watch manatees.Oh Boy and zowwie!I love to see such things.As endangered species they are something worth saving.But not at the expense of  Human lives...

The good people of this paradise? lost have had a couple folks feeding the homeless in the park where docks have been built. Its all landscaped so the manatees can be observed by
the good peoples greater Gods children.How sweet! Has anyone checked the most common damage done to those treasured manatees.Lets see..Docks mean boats and boat motors with sharp propellers.Yup the good people have set the scene to let their children see the bloody hacked bodies after the boats power out from the beautifully built docks.What a great lesson.Look mommie another bloody manatee floating in the beautiful landscaped water park.

Meanwhile the police are called by the folks superior to the wretched homeless folks to stop the good Samaritans from providing simple meals once a week to the homeless human beings.Damn those humans of lesser gods for existing and wanting a meal from those unthinking kind hearted humans.

The meals are from donations from other people who can share the food to help out.IT IS THE MORAL THING TO DO...The brothers and sisters of humanity are all equal in their own way.There are no superior humans.WE THE PEOPLE need to find our walls.The walls we hold in our minds will soon come to own us if we continue to pursue the superior/inferior human illusions.

The volunteers and these two Nobel people draw no divisions or walls to who is fed.The video on the net shows gloved hands for sanitation.The folks eating these meals do not wear
diamonds.The folks eating do not drive up in the autos I remember such neighborhoods drive.They are just folks who have served simple,nutritional meals to folks that are going through hard times.Many of the homeless are the people who's family simply through them away when they returned from their patriotic duties.They are the Veterans who are left to survive as best they can.With broken hearts,broken minds,or broken bodies.A simple kindness of a sandwich is apparently just too much to bear for the good people of Daytona Florida.

The article states the people have no toilet facilities and many are alcoholics and drug users.
No toilets in a park for children and families?I don't know of any family that can be near the water without some one needing to commute with nature!Are there toilets and only certain folks can use them?hmmmm.I seem to remember such signs in the deep south awhile back.

This park cost millions and there is no facilities available for those who are of any social status.I doubt that is the two people being good Samaritans fault.They are now also banned from the park their Taxes paid for.They now face arrest like the homeless folks.So...My question is exactly who do the judges and Daytona police work for?Who is the people pulling the Daytona puppet strings to mandate such a biased ruling.Ralph Naders Raiders must have disciples somewhere out there.Have all those folks of the 1960s been silenced or have they just become their parents?

The jimanenzes and the unpaid volunteers were fined well over two thousand dollars by the elite social order of Daytona.I wonder if this ruling will cancel college spring break this year?You know There is rarely a spring break that does not show young people doing the very same objectionable urinating and drunkenness that these homeless are accused of.

Does this mean the Bikers week in Daytona will be cancelled due to the socially incorrect mindset of  "those"people.Simply unacceptable by the superior folks of Daytona...
Perhaps if they all learn to simply drink their booze with a pinkie finger held out from the can it would be better.

Or....Maybe the good people have not had their turn at hoping for a simple sandwich to ease the rumbling in their guts.Maybe the good people have not gone without a toilet for as long as they can hold it because homeless people are denied such public luxuries.  People like those in Daytona who build beautiful parks for endangered species unless it is a starving human being.Those same Eco friendly wealthy that apparently did not have the foresight to install toilets or even a primitive back house to the plan.

There are many states and communities outlawing those who have fallen from the social order we call society.Society itself is an illusion to make the masses believe it will never happen to them.They work and are responsible citizens.Useful to the world.They could never fall as those begging for a meal and wearing used clothing from charity.Right?

Well dear reader this writer has lived it.
This writer will fight to the death for those who are the fallen legions of humans in this world.These days find me forefetting $100000to the IRS and being chased after my medical insurance has paid the bill by doctors feeling a 15minute surgery is worth $17000.more.The time as homeless was a learning experience for one who worked all my life.The last 5 years have been financially devastating for untold "Good citizens as I was.I now prefer to be a defender of those who are being hammered by those who make life miserable for folks just trying to survive.We need to unite across religious/political/social/mental barriers and imagined lines drawn on maps  before it is no longer to be done.

 There is a day coming when we must take care of our brothers and sisters.One day soon you may be one of the many wandering and lost legions of the fallen....Perhaps that day is now.


UPDATE:The elderly 90+ man that fed many homeless folks has been arrested and barred from feeding the hungry.Sounds like 3rd world countries that just let their people pose for the worlds Photographers as the victims/photo-ops  as they die .These folks in Florida are hungry so this man took heart and shared his bounty with them.This is the Jeb Bush State!
Perhaps an appropriate election slogan would be:Let the eat Cake:Beloved manatees...Damned  the starving humans.This world is getting soooo very twisted.Yes we need to save that which are resources,but at what point do we have to chose between clubbing a baby seal to death or clubbing a human to death...saving a manatee or a hungry fellow human being.Why is that choice even considered reasonable?Why not find a compromise to save both?
I think it is more a case of those who have and those who have not....Not wanting to deal with "THOSE" people.Makes the conscience more blind to the needs of others.... 
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Friday, January 10, 2014

Has a New Revolution Begun That Will Echo and Reverb Around The Entire World,Freedoms To A Private Life Without Big Brothers Monitoring?

Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electro...
Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electronic Frontier Foundation's 20th Birthday. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Co...
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
February 11th will mark a major event for many different freedom loving folks.It is a mass effort to speak in loud voices to our leaders regarding the impending laws that are being ignored.The plans are many depending on where you are and what movement you follow.

In Parts of New York where a new S.A.F.E. Act has made our ability to posses certain firearms ,Clips and ammo a crime.This "law" was pushed through without any due process involved by the governor.
This kind of imposed "Law" makes folks that have no reason to become criminals into Felons at the whim of dictators not following the laws themselves.At least not following the Constitutional rules
to allow the populations elected officials a word about that Law.This is a dictated Law by one person without the masses thoughts involved.

On February Eleventh in Central NY. the folks that are uniting to protest that law will meet in the largest protest yet.Anyone is invited to bring a shotgun and bird shot ammo or blanks.At noon all those attending will load,raise those guns skyward and on signal,fire a solute to freedom.It may seem a folly of a few.This hopefully,will echo around our country for others to follow.It is a peaceful protest that is going to be quite noticeable to many.The sound will resonate in more than those standing.It is my hope the many dead that defended our Constitutional Rights will reanimate our long dead ideas of what freedom is.

On the Internet front the movement is to join the many sites that are protesting the monitoring of our every electronic move.WE THE PEOPLE need to stand together in the fight to stop the oppressive changes that are becoming world wide.You need only try to blog into Australia to ask about the laws that do not allow Internet freedom or into the Southeast Asia countries.
Try surfing into many countries of our world to find out how much the net is closing on the Internet.

I would urge you to look into the organizations such as EFF or the other organizations watching to inform you.This is not a Delusion of Paranoid folks waiting for an attack from secret troops or aliens from Quadrant Z.This is verifiable events that have been more and more in the nightly newscasts.
This is things that will effect your lives and the way you interact with your friends and family over the course of time.

I may kid about the persons or computers listening into my electronic conversations becoming comatose from boredom.This is not a joke though.It is a real threat when the average person can say or indicate an action that formally would be that kind of tongue in cheek humor.With debtor prisons already here in the USA[KaliPhornia] the Internet and incrimination is becoming easier every day for folks that would quietly live and die unnoticed.Instead That person,male or female.Father mother grandma or child will be a felon for a slip of words.Many countries are already viperpits for those searching for folks just saying what they think.

Please look up the various internet organizations and get involved with the move to cut the cords of big brother worldwide before those cords have destroyed our free communications with the world and WE THE PEOPLE become isolated,monitored and incriminated.

Once we lose freedom there will be no returning.All those that gave their lifes past and present will have died in vain.Some one you know has probly died defending the oppressed,somewhere.
Did they die in vain?This is your chance to fight along side of that loved one.No bullets.No bombs.No bloodshed.That loved one made that much possible for you.It is now you chance to pay back that loved one whether friend or loved one for their sacrifice.They were a hero who gave it all
for  you.This is your chance to follow in a hero's footsteps.

Raise your united voices in a jester of freedom.Its not too late......yet!

Keep the movement alive to be a free world for all people,today we begin to unite for a peaceful and free world.It is possible if WE THE PEOPLE make our voices heard.Speak and act now or learn to say Thank You May I have some more SIR in the oppressive possible future.

May we find the strength to stand up and defend our rights for all people everywhere.
Zemanta was asleep at the wheel for this one or......?
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