Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Virus Causing Warfare,Hostile Behavior n Anarchy. Is this the the Fall of.....

A virus causing warfare,hostile behavior,anarchy is now sweeeping the worldThis last week has been very hard to watch the tv news.I can not for the life of me imagine the people who are in the middle of that insanity trying to maintain order  out there in the streets.It is a fine example why mankind was destined to want kings and high priests telling them what to do.The mobs in the street are proving that without supervision some humans prefer to act like a troop of baboons.Running a muck across the savannah in hunting packs,screaming loudly and savaging everything in their paths.You have probably watched wild life programs showing this.News crews wade into the chaos to  glorify the lawless activity.Hoping for some poor business person to try to save his life line to support while the government has denied his ability to both support his self by mandated shutdown laws and laws making him the ciminal if he protects his own life.

The mobs and elements driving those mobs have moved to ban the police departments.The mindless chanting mobs would become the ruling body.Every moment of every day would be survival hell for anyone who did not join them.Example: those who tried to protect what they own from the animals in the crowd;Dont take it as an insult if you were there.A pictures worth a thousand words and there  are thousands of those video pictures with your face on them.

These are not good people.They are the people comedians have made jokes of for as long as comedians have existed.Those people are the lowest form of societal  humanity.I have watched while those who have established a good living have had their dreams smashed to pieces by those who never had the brains to realized the life you end up with is what your efforts built.It has nothing to do with race color,privilege,Money or even the fact that you were born some place in time and place.It is the fact that you started with nothing,put in the time,sweat and effort to build a dream of your own.You can not do anything alone to build a life.

It is always people who work together that leads to a successful dream,life,or whatever.No ones going to give you anything. Because everything in life is  a trade.Feeling that there is some ceiling held over you by others now matter who you accuse will make you a lifetime bottom feeder.self loathing,bitter,hateful,barely existing bottom feeder.Your kids will also learn that same self pity,paranoid state of mind.So your kids will pick up where you leave off when your miserable self denying life ends.Thats a damnable thing to inherit.

These rioting Baboons are not about a mis Justice for a man or anyone they have never known,real or in their imaginations.They are saying it's a race thing.At one point an interviewer asks for one of the people to explain the word racist.The person turns and walks away after being caught without a definition. in mind. Again and again the same reaction.The mobs all seem to have only vague ideas of the hatred they have been taught from birth. The words of an old song goes,Teach your children well,their fathers hell.Thus the fathers sins visited on the son and daughters.Paraphrasing this.

These past few days my data base has found stories of locust plagues in parts of the world destroying crops.A world wide pandemic that everyone in the world seems aware of.Several minor earthquakes in other parts of the world.Now anarchy in the major cities of the world.Climatic changes to weather and tidal flows in the oceans.Animals and sea creatures showing up in strange places.Wildlife wandering among our cities.

I am not nor would I ever join those preaching end times.Though right now it certainly does not look to promising for another outcome if changes are not made.If you are interested in proof of other world events you will have to dig deeply for it.Those events are currently not news. They dont have the droning tntilating self destruction of the worlds humanity acting like asylum escapies .Just Google These items and if you persist,You will find these events in the last 3 months quite easily.

I mentioned in a blog awhile ago the suspicion that I Had.I said it was a spiritual virus effecting people all over the world.I believe it was the first "invisible enemy" the human race contracted.The symptoms of this virus are inability to reason.Hostile attitudes,Violent outbursts.High anxiety with delusions of  graduer. Paranoia feelings of the mobs feeling that the world has been holding them back from their potential  since their birth.This is the common interview of those in the mob who are interviewed.

It really doesn't matter that they probably never actually tried to learn how others accomplished a better life.People from other walks of life that didn't even know the English language have overcome pverty and other handicaps.They went on to be very successful.They were never looting or blaming others for being inadequate.No doubt many victims in the carnage were among the people who started with only a dream.

The very neighborhoods that could support these mental midgets Success,were burned and looted.Thats going to help their quality of life.Maybe they can write a book,call it Living in the ashes.Maybe a title of how to loot and burn during a riot.At book signing,Instead of cash for your literary efforts ask for soap on a rope for your new cellblock bunkmates/friends on shower day.

In another place and time far from our rather lenient society these days where criminals are so very misunderstood, need to be let free to go and sin some more till you get it right.Where looters who may go without any  jail time go back on the street.Where those who have destroyed anothers hard earned dream or even their lives will go unpunished.It is a country run by people who are protected from the hell they re convoluted ideas are inflicting on those effected by those ideas.

Those in power are elected by those who have it in their minds that advantages will be gotten by whatever can be gotten away with. If you do not believe that then please examine the states heaviest hit with riots.Then back track historically.Go back to the 1860's and work your way back to present.There is an absolute pattern .You will find the same states are always run by the same sort of politicians and the same type of trouble,riots and lunacy acures.

I truly hope for the sake of this country that I love with all my heart and soul,that our politicians get off their fat lazy asses and pick up that buford pusser big stick soon.I would not like to have to join others in defending our families in the future because the elected officials sat on their proverbial hans in a hole in the ground.

Remember Mr./mrs politician:When the mobs came for the shop owners no one helped,When they came for the business's no one helped,When they came and found you inwhat you thought was a safe little hidie hole....There was no one left to help...


Till next time folks
Please stay safe and Pray for peace.

Post note:should have said pray for world sanity to be restored.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Media Showing a Much Lighter Opinion of The United States President Lately

I have been noticing something a little bit unusual in light of the past few months media conversations. Everything including suggestions by various radio and television media of removing the President of the United States by whatever it takes.Nothing has been agreeable or approved that has been tried.I have seen several things myself that might have worked with some miner changes to the whole idea..But changing it is.

Recently though the hardcore conversations have toned down much of the, over the top comments on the performance and abilities of that office. Unless you listen to the stations catering to those who would be screaming in the street instead of lobbying in the senate or congress.That street screaming violence lost an election awhile ago.The hardworking silent majority spoke with a loud undeniable roar.Even those who lost the election have agreed with that.Lets call it the "Roar" heard roud the world.

Had the election gone differently the losing factions  would be running rough shod over us all.We would be totally independent on the government to support us.Dependent as much as the steel-belt,coal miners, mom and pop business' all over the country now find themselves being forced to do.Welfare is a very hard pill to swallow for those who have worked all their lives. People  who now wonder was it for nothing.Their own government forgot they were the ones who helped get officials to that ivory tower  to look back down on us.

In the past 20plus years the U.S.Government placed the rest of the entire world over the lives of it's own people.The USA was systematically sold out to the rest of the world.Our lifestyle was compromised by stupid untested ideas that whittle away at our lives.The world economy became our milstone pulling us under.

Our former enemies and present enemies were far more important an investment.We even dropped Huge shipping crates of cash from helicopters in the middle east.People in the USA were being given pink slips at the steelmills.Veterans and families were eating in soup kitchens.Billions was shipped overseas in crates to hand out to every tom,dick,and abdula.We are still fighting there...Where did thier money come from to buy arms?hmm!We gave them the guns and money to keep the war going? Strange but I remember that same similar scenario involving Mexican drug cartels and a drug lords getting guns from the USA.
I have traveled this country to see the steel mills sitting idle.People dirt poor with thier signs saying need food for my family.Will work for food.The wife and child sitting a distance away on the curb.Single parents truly slammed into the ground by the system.

Countries that just run commercials every so often with starving babies to help boost a world area that never seems to get on its feet.Media led the charge to our fall.There has always been a rule that you must raise yourself before you raise some one else.You must first help yourself before you help others.It is just common sense to do so.Then you help each other.There are however those that may never able to recover again if left to long.I have no answer for that person.

Regarding the last election win...
The longtime USA values would be gone after such an election . It has always been Get an education or goto work.Work hard ,pull your weight to succeed.Instead, in that world We would all be labeled  what ever label worked to beat down those who built the nations mainstream America.

People  who came from every walk of life,once worked hard to build what is now crumbling down around us.People who live in this century instead of not dwelling 150years plus in the past.We must build from this point in time or live in the past forever.156years ago we were killing each other. No one in thier right mind wants to return there for what ever reason.

Every inch of non-progress in the past 15plus years has brought our country closer to the third world status.We still are above some,but falling below others in industry,education,and healthcare ,rails,to mention a very tiny handful.Infrastructure is falling very rapidly. Political bickering has not been set aside by the few who live above the rest of the mainstream folks.They have very little in comparison to mainstream America yet feel their own changed/corroded ideas speak for us.They sit in Governmental session refusing to participate like spoiled children.

WE THE PEOPLE,who struggle to support families on a failing system with very little.There's nothing when the work is gone except each other.There are many who work But,do not earn enough to have  a savings accounts.Living day to day is a way of life these days for so many families.Still we are told our values of the past have no relevancy?Those values saved us from tyranny.Saved us from famine.Allowed us to have books that were not burned.These days there are books once again being banned.These values gave us the choice of learning a language by choice not doctrine or conquest.The flipside of this is Our new values allow us a medical insurance to have a sex change without question but do not allow a cancer treatment to a patient who could suffering.That patient dies waiting for that same quality coverage loaded with such terrific pain, morphines can not touch.

Does anyone realize the conflict and hate that we witness in the media.The crud that we see and hear as entertainment has been a boom to the stations and channels that are broadcasting 50year old programs on tv and radio.A time when entertainment was just that.ENTERTAINMENT.That flash back trend is driven by the media.People seeking something more mainstream they can identify with.
From the first morning show to the daily talk shows for those at home during the day into late night.
They take us back in time to places and people that just wanted to make viewers smile.There is no sales pitch about what your lifestyle, sexual habits or continual political propaganda for  any cause that isn't mainstream America.All the characters were Identifiable.Example:Much as I disliked Archie Bunker I could at least see the reasons of what made him the way he was.The Jeffersons,So many others.These days you can forget Family night.It doesnt exist.

Those same daytime slots now days have seen overly plump and extremely wealthy women or guys that dress like lawyers attacking guests and others for everything from their ideas to why they even exist.That's not entertainment.That's crude people that have forgotten where they came from.That is if they ever were where many Americans are today.It is also abuse to those guests.That mindset transfers into actions some people copy into their home life.Tranfers to life situations...Have you seen the attitudes of driving in traffic lately?

Crude and mean natured is the idea today.If it's in anyway crude then put it in the show.Can you imagine a show where the actors/actress are always talking about how many sex partners they had or a"woman"built like a linebacker was always entering like Jackie Gleason.Just turn on the tv and you don't have to even use your imagination.

How about a guy who's only task in life was to have sex with as many women as possible.Then the watching public gets wind he has actually given multiple partners crotch rot.Oh boy! thats entertainment.Yech.How about a program with an actor who is a serial killer as the hero.You wonder why kids are messed up?Where did that mass school shooting idea come from you ask?Just swith to the right channel.You'll find it.

I wonder if the people on the news ever ask without agendas or bias,across America just how people felt before the election.How bout at present.Then I wonder if those peoples opinion would be broadcast without an angry mob carrying signs and looting after them in the streets.The Presidents Stats have increased to the positive so they say on last night talking head show.They look at each other and they don't know how.Thats because they don't live in the rest of reality.They live somewhere in a different reality away from the working class.Or what had been the working class.They live away from the silent majority who are being berated,bullied by people who do everything to make them feel guilty and ashamed for values they believe in.

The silent majority are normally quiet peaceful folks who try to believe the system will keep what is traditional on the table.It's rare to find them marching in the street.They have families to support when they can do so.unlike some,they have responsibilities at home

Those who would make the working class feel guilty have forgotten how it felt to be one of those being attacked for who they are or what they believe.Forgot what it felt like to trade what they need for something they would enjoy.Not out of choice but out of necessity because you can't afford it.  We're just not taking  care of our people today.Do I buy my meds or the children's school clothes.What would you do?They'd rather debate who has different whatever fill in the Blank      .Bet they don't attend church much or if they do so...
Perhaps that only counts when they pass the plate on Sunday.

On the news later is just how much the government isn't working together.The media and their programming against mainstream America is what lost that last election for that view. Constantly complaining how things are,but not pointing out how to fix-it.Never looking at the stores that WE THE PEOPLE shop in.We shop where we can afford to buy what we need.They need to climb out of those ivory towers.The gaggal of folks would see that we really are in a shit storm bigger than the Texans are experiencing.That's dreadful enough.

I pass through areas on my travels that are completely empty of once thriving offices,banks and stores that now set empty.Homes that sit small communities and huge metropolis areas.People are reported to be off the welfare and unemployment lines.Pretty good reason for that really.The jobs gave out.The benefits ran out.The people could not find jobs.The lines at the welfare and unemployment lines shortened from no one now qualifying to receive those benefits.

On paper the statistics look great but,That family is now living under a bridge.Problem solved Media person.Statistic are the most unreliable thing.Based on whatever is added or subtracted is what the outcome is.For short you can make the outcome anything you want based on what you choose to use as facts.VERY useful to fudge over such things as poverty.

We live in this dying place and watch helplessly as we struggle to hang on while things are outlawed to make us more dependent on the handouts.Each day that passes we see the proud owner of some established old business fail.Then the long time resident loses the car.Finally the bank kicks them out of their homes.If they can't payupthe law comes,tosses thier worldly goods out in the street.The people stand in the cold watching thier world destroyed with the help of those who protect and serve.The lesson here is the newly homeless are no longer tax payers.Welcome to the afterlife...

Big cities are looking in places like Detroit, like war zones.City blocks vacant for miles.Business failing do to no people living there.Try to sell your household goods at the local flea market.regarding survival and bartering after things crash.

You will need your social security card to give them for taxes before you can sell there.Salt on the open wounds from the tax folks.try to give or sell that now homeless family a weapon to hunt for game...see where you end up.feed them in the park and watch the overstuffed rich swarm out to have you arrested.

In some states where its a deadly sin to even talk about survival you will find them in the worst politician/media self created poverty.Hunting is frowned on,Self protection has been outlawed.Don't worry the campaign to outlaw guns worked there.The media sorta forgot to tell the no weapons supporters,"that's okay...Muggers and rapists will provide their own guns cause we can't regulate thier guns".Afterwords the police will tell the now victimized persons they couldn't do anything till victims become available.What a system we got here.

The Plump TV hosts are obviously not going hungry.Their clothes obviously didn't come off a thrift store rack as many of ours did.Still its entertainment we are presented....Why do we watch? 
Those who would attack their guests would also attack your ideas and make it the law.There would be no more compassion for you who did not believe as them anymore than ISIS or any fanatical group.

In their dream world only those they excepted as their people who are all neglected after applying for those programs specifically designed for only them."Their chosen people" as the last 8to 12 years in this country has shown would rise above all who disagree with them brow beaten down by propaganda and created pseudo guilt.There would be no equal anything but to those "chosen" people.ISIS is a very good example of that type of philosophy happening in the world. This what we want in the USA?

You might take a hard look at the various folks who preach about giving ALL children and People the tools to rise.Then start looking closer at the organizations and who is being supported.I support ALL people rising again in the USA.The special supported interests/places would better be called THEIR PEOPLE...Many deserving people are left out of that group.Many of the supported Organizations are not even helping our people in the USA.We have to help our people first.YEAH our people ALL the people like they are doing in Texas right now.Watch the videos in Texas.They are not sorting out THEIR PEOPLE to rescue.Everyone's being rescued.

The average person who could do better would find themselves better qualified but denied the job.Motivated to do the job but passed in the street because you don't deserve a home.un able to defend themselves and family when the mobs in the street decide to rage again for whatever.
The only legal people  would be those who were not.Their rights as non Mainstream  would pre-empt the others.Think about the laws that were attempted by the usual faces in the papers in the past 12years.Think of the laws and how they would have effected you personally.then project the next step to back up these laws.One state(California) passed a law to force everyone possessing a clip 10 rounds of ammunition to turn them in or become a felon.None were ever turned in.How much money went into debating a law nobody wanted.The law was discontinued.Another cost waste.These are the ones who would be king?

Rights...would be based on Race,sexual preference,Party you belong to this what we are looking for as  the future of our Country?It is said that when Rome burned that Nero fiddled.The one story that a teacher used to tell the history class I attended was that the emperor Nero had, had enough of the different and poor people living around his place and cluttering up his view.He sent his soldiers out into the peoples homes to set fire to their homes and shopsin the dead of night.The fiddling helped drowned out the screams of the people as they burned.Nero never thought anything could touch him...He was wrong. 

The President is getting to be better known and the media is backing off because they sense that they have fiddled far,too long and the flames of the silent fire is nearing.The next election is coming.

I would hope the winds of change are not as severe as those in the south.WE really must support things that have been neglected far too long.We are Americans who must defend our borders with compassion.Many of the legal immigrants have become our best doctors.Do it right the first time and you won't have to worry about it later.Anarchy rules where there are. no rules.Tyranny rules when there is no true equality.Nations fall when there is no opportunity or incentive left to be patriotic about.

My own family is comprised of numerous nationalities all here legally. The combinations of our countries problems the USA face are ones that have brought down empires in the past.Do we actually want our nation to lose it's identity in this world?Should we change everything to suite a hand full.I would not like the 3rd world as my home country that I grew up in.For all that is may have been it is still our best choice.

Till next dear reader stay positive.If you feel the need to kneel these days let it be for a short prayer to help us all to fix whats broken and mend what we can before its too late

Monday, August 28, 2017

Some Ideas That Will Make You Wealthy On The Internet From Me

Yup...Gonna Get Rich.Well OK, maybe not filthy rich.alright,Its my idea and well split it an give you 50% of your 50% in pay for doing it. Isn't that what you usually see on those blown out a proportion ads?The hawkers say any ridiculous amount to drag you into their little scheme.Usually with the setup draining your time and pocket books. Lets explore some thing that might make you an amount of money determined by how you set it up.Please note here I don't have a thing to sell.Just an idea that needs doing on the internet before it can't be done. So bear with me and read on because it is very do-able if you know how.It is and always has been my internet wish list,But tech as I am,It is beyond my abilities I think.

There's some things that are rapidly changing on the internet.The Mega corporations such as Google And others are swallowing up the ability to surf the net for intelligent property without being continuously monitored.

I personally dislike the fact that even a time of looking at the ideas people have on You-tube are now monitored to find patterns in peoples lives.Sorta like the activities a Hit-man would use to track his/her target.

So why doesn't some one create an anonymous version of You tube?
Why not a google type anonymous system?
Because  the Monster system would still be ever Peeking through the cracks to watch.You would need to create something akin to the dark web.Then you would need to find a web browser that would try to deny the peekers to minimize their curiosity.Maybe call it  Cyber fox or Tor/Onion browser.

That would  almost complete your web setup.You really don"t want to forget the antivirus to further protect your setup.So now you goto You-tube...

 Now a big red warning pops up telling you that google and you-tube no longer allow the anonymous viewing of videos.Why do you suppose Google and You-tube have a need to monitor your interests?There are many search engines that are no different than google.I just am using this as an example of the monster size SEs.A few more suggestions to add to your New system your building.

The antivirus that seem to work best might be called Mal aware bytes Then back it up with a very healthy dose of Rogue killer,super anti-spyware,This will protect and hide  your system
IF you follow the Tor browsers instructions...The moment you step away from the instructions your no longer invisible.but that won't allow you on various sights.Google even switches lanquages on your web browser when you use a VPN till you disconnect it.You then have to restart that VPN.
It gives a tiny hole to peek inside your open door.

So getting back to my original idea of Making money on the internet.What the internet needs is what it originally was intended to be after the military past it to the public to use as communication.I would love to know just what kind of super whiz bang military upgrade system replaced the internet.Must be something to behold.The military is always 10years or more ahead of civilian tech.Who knows,maybe SG1 is real.

I have friends that ask about the dark-web from TV and radio talking about it.I have been on it once or twice but it to is pretty much cloak and dagger unless your into code words and secret digital handshakes.

What we really need is as I said.A system where ordinary folks can communicate without commercialization.Friends need not fear sharing ideas and trading goods without anyone's interference.I am referring to an incidence I was made aware of a few months ago.

A group of folks were sharing music and movies on the net.Personally bought and paid for.They had formed their own little club and were growing it among friends who enjoyed sharing things.A new member was invited to join the group.No money was traded.The group copied discs to trade.This allowed them to Keep their original so it wouldn't be damaged.

The new member sat down and wrote a letter informing of a outlaw copying group.a letter got sent warning of massive fines and imprisonment.Internet is becoming like that.
Every moment your on the net is an invasion of what should be your right to search and enjoy the freedom of that internet.

WE THE PEOPLE need a new and free internet system to use away from the one in place now.The Military didn't trust peekers they knew would be there watching every move they made...Maybe we should take note of that strategy.When I was a kid,we always shared what we had.Today.This society has just too many of those concerned with the private lives of others.The internet need to be rebuilt to free it from the chains of the peekers an de commercialized.

You may be asking where that money making idea is?build a system that I describe above and that cash flow will break down your door from all over the world.Internet users will be singing your praises.Governments and law enforcement will pursue you.
The Monster companies probably will just sue you.

Did you ever watch the TV show called a "Person of Interest. Strange how fiction mirrors  reality.

Well I guess that will do it for now folks till next time please keep in mind that, which most ordinary folks hold dear Freedom.