Showing posts with label Youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Youtube. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2017

Some Ideas That Will Make You Wealthy On The Internet From Me

Yup...Gonna Get Rich.Well OK, maybe not filthy rich.alright,Its my idea and well split it an give you 50% of your 50% in pay for doing it. Isn't that what you usually see on those blown out a proportion ads?The hawkers say any ridiculous amount to drag you into their little scheme.Usually with the setup draining your time and pocket books. Lets explore some thing that might make you an amount of money determined by how you set it up.Please note here I don't have a thing to sell.Just an idea that needs doing on the internet before it can't be done. So bear with me and read on because it is very do-able if you know how.It is and always has been my internet wish list,But tech as I am,It is beyond my abilities I think.

There's some things that are rapidly changing on the internet.The Mega corporations such as Google And others are swallowing up the ability to surf the net for intelligent property without being continuously monitored.

I personally dislike the fact that even a time of looking at the ideas people have on You-tube are now monitored to find patterns in peoples lives.Sorta like the activities a Hit-man would use to track his/her target.

So why doesn't some one create an anonymous version of You tube?
Why not a google type anonymous system?
Because  the Monster system would still be ever Peeking through the cracks to watch.You would need to create something akin to the dark web.Then you would need to find a web browser that would try to deny the peekers to minimize their curiosity.Maybe call it  Cyber fox or Tor/Onion browser.

That would  almost complete your web setup.You really don"t want to forget the antivirus to further protect your setup.So now you goto You-tube...

 Now a big red warning pops up telling you that google and you-tube no longer allow the anonymous viewing of videos.Why do you suppose Google and You-tube have a need to monitor your interests?There are many search engines that are no different than google.I just am using this as an example of the monster size SEs.A few more suggestions to add to your New system your building.

The antivirus that seem to work best might be called Mal aware bytes Then back it up with a very healthy dose of Rogue killer,super anti-spyware,This will protect and hide  your system
IF you follow the Tor browsers instructions...The moment you step away from the instructions your no longer invisible.but that won't allow you on various sights.Google even switches lanquages on your web browser when you use a VPN till you disconnect it.You then have to restart that VPN.
It gives a tiny hole to peek inside your open door.

So getting back to my original idea of Making money on the internet.What the internet needs is what it originally was intended to be after the military past it to the public to use as communication.I would love to know just what kind of super whiz bang military upgrade system replaced the internet.Must be something to behold.The military is always 10years or more ahead of civilian tech.Who knows,maybe SG1 is real.

I have friends that ask about the dark-web from TV and radio talking about it.I have been on it once or twice but it to is pretty much cloak and dagger unless your into code words and secret digital handshakes.

What we really need is as I said.A system where ordinary folks can communicate without commercialization.Friends need not fear sharing ideas and trading goods without anyone's interference.I am referring to an incidence I was made aware of a few months ago.

A group of folks were sharing music and movies on the net.Personally bought and paid for.They had formed their own little club and were growing it among friends who enjoyed sharing things.A new member was invited to join the group.No money was traded.The group copied discs to trade.This allowed them to Keep their original so it wouldn't be damaged.

The new member sat down and wrote a letter informing of a outlaw copying group.a letter got sent warning of massive fines and imprisonment.Internet is becoming like that.
Every moment your on the net is an invasion of what should be your right to search and enjoy the freedom of that internet.

WE THE PEOPLE need a new and free internet system to use away from the one in place now.The Military didn't trust peekers they knew would be there watching every move they made...Maybe we should take note of that strategy.When I was a kid,we always shared what we had.Today.This society has just too many of those concerned with the private lives of others.The internet need to be rebuilt to free it from the chains of the peekers an de commercialized.

You may be asking where that money making idea is?build a system that I describe above and that cash flow will break down your door from all over the world.Internet users will be singing your praises.Governments and law enforcement will pursue you.
The Monster companies probably will just sue you.

Did you ever watch the TV show called a "Person of Interest. Strange how fiction mirrors  reality.

Well I guess that will do it for now folks till next time please keep in mind that, which most ordinary folks hold dear Freedom.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Nevada Ranchers Fight With The Department Of Land Managment Is Not the Only One To involve Armed Take Over

Location of state of XY (see filename) in the ...
Location of state of XY (see filename) in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Shoshone Indians at Ft. Washakie, Wyomin...
"Shoshone Indians at Ft. Washakie, Wyoming Indian reservation .. . Chief Washakie (at left) extends his right arm." Some of the Shoshones are dancing as the soldiers look on, 1892. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The treaty being sorted out in Europe has not got value if it holds the same as those we have written and agreed to in the United States for the last 200 years plus.The recent Nevada rancher that has resisted the BLM  from taking livestock and land.

BLM trooping in like boot jack raiders to make claims of enormous and argumentatively bogus claims of millions.The treaties broken and rearranged to please the big money.All backed in the courts by those who are paid with whatever motivates them.Politically connected and living quite well for their nefarious deeds.

There is another battle going on with the BLM and their un needed raids on Americans.
This time the raid is on the sovereign Shashone Nation in the same state of Nevada.

The people you see in the videos are not just waking up to this sort of thing.It has been going on for the last 30plus years.Treaties violations with the Native Americans have never been upheld by the United States Government.

The history of treaties have been abominable at best.You may think this article is not about you.I beg to differ with you and will point out why that is a truth...Read on and learn that we who are watching the events tell you.

Buried deep in the news articles and hardly noted is the story of two Shoshone Grandmothers peacefully working their ranch in Nevada on treaty issued Native lands.

They have had the BLM raid and basically steal Up to 400horses that belonged to the Shoshone Tribe.The reasons are varied being grazing fees on lands belonging to the Shoshone.The video that was taken shortly after the confiscation of horses shows rotting bodies of both full grown and foles that starved to death from the BLM simply not caring.
The videos of the ranches horse show the love of their stock.Healthy and active.As a person who loves too watch a wild horse run,it broke my heart to see such blatant greed.

Then  a Court decision changed history (again....) A guy sitting in a black robe decided what history were not capable of.Much as giving Blankets from Small pots victims to the Kiowa  was rationalized as ok only a century before.I wonder if it was issued by a judge?

These women did not make the front page because the Native Americans Are overlooked as savages without rights.The fact is they are American Citizens with rights as anyone.They are also supposed to be a series of Sovereign Nations.I was under the impression that the Federal government was not authorized without agreement by that soveriegn nation to invade the lands.

No one has made the big hooplah about these ladies or the other folks being threatened with Armed invasion at the drop of a hat.The reasons are never to verified only accused.This is case of guilty till proven innocent.

I remember reading this sort of event in another section of recent papers.It involved armed invaders simply running the military weapons into a place of people.That was a sovereign nation as well.The people were offered assistance if the held out against the invaders.
The invaders finally took over most all the populated areas by force.

We will never be quite sure of what is going on in that occupied sovereign country because the invaders will not let anyone left to tell.The possession of the country will fade and the people will be silenced

History,treaties and laws will be written to neatly pretty up the dishonesty of those who live by greed.We do know what is going on here if you will just take a moment to see for yourself.

When they came for the native  people who only wished for peaceful existence,no one concerned themselves,When they came for the rancher,Few people rose up to help.When they come for you,Who will help you when the guns and armor point at your families...?

You will find the articles and a video showing the assault on Youtube and written in
 readable form. Their names are Mary and Carrie Dunn.Google it.

WE THE PEOPLE are from all the races,beliefs and political ideologies..Freedom is the center point WE Seek.

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Friday, February 21, 2014

A Prelude to the Real Hunger Games Are currently Taking Place with honors,publicity and Fame going to the Winners.Gladiators all

The Hunger Games (film)
The Hunger Games (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A fencer. Illustration from the repor...
English: A fencer. Illustration from the report of the 1908 Olympic Games. From The Fourth Olympiad, being the Official Report of the Olympic Games of 1908. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I watched a movie recently called the Hunger Games.It was set in a pseudo future setting in coal country.Apparently there was a civil uprising that was put down hard by elite authorities.Dirt poor folks were left at the mercy of an elite freak social structure that lived in ultra luxury.The miners had to use survival hunting and were taxed for any reported unauthorized food. every item asked for was ledgered as a debt to the elites that run things.The setting was not too different from very oppressed society in existence today.There are many in the real world that look much worse than Hollywood can imagine.

Later in the movie Children are chosen by lottery to fight to the death.It becomes  a  televised event for the elites cities entertainment.It is a despicable situation except when you watch the so called reality shows that are currently on TV sets worldwide.

There is a video on Youtube called BUDO that spends the entire time explaining how a beautiful  Samurai  Sword was made. There was much detailing on how the Masters used skill with  the weapon.It ended with 2 very real masters facing off with swords drawn and in the blink of an eye 1 man Beheaded the other...It was
no a prop!

Based on that I began to realize that the real world that we live in has gradually done similar. Events in ways so subtle that we except it as "the way it is".

We send our best athletes to the Olympic Games to compete for the gold and very much the same as The Hunger Games.They win to get rich and famous.They win to encourage others to seek the fame and notoriety that comes with the label bestowed on them.The best athlete,The best Gladiator.The Best Huntsmen.The Olympics are all volunteers and the hunger games are lottery as the U.S. military draft once was.
The Olympics are a peaceful way to have wars without collateral damage and death.Everyone at least goes home alive and for the most part intact.

I would hope we would never consider the movie version of competition,but we  really already have done so.

The killing of others for profit is not so far from the truth.Reporting the carnage is old stuff also.Please note the Romans.  Folks fighting for reasons that the combatants themselves ponder.The mindset is hammered into them as to why. The reasons embedded deep in the subconscious so as to make a better program( to watch?).More drama and intrigue for the 6 o'clock news to show those who watch from afar.TV just replaced the coliseum.

The hammered in  mindset of a military volunteer is set that they are doing their duty to protect others.The controllers of the 'wargames'have been mindset  duty.much longer on this bravado,machismo,Spree DE Core. Whatever name you call it,the observers  televise it for a good propaganda show.Blood flows and explosions burst.Gunfire from all directions as the command audience sits safely somewhere enjoying the show and figuring the next scene. The hunger games brought to reality as shock and awe.

Young people fighting each other for people that they will never meet and killing other young people that they may never know.Folks that they might even like under different circumstances.But some one has ordered them to kill or be killed.

This movie scenario is not new.Poor folks have been pulled into "war games"for  many millenia.
few have invested in controlling the reasons and parameters of the created conflict.Those pulling the strings make huge amounts of profit.The longer the conflict,the greater the profit for the directors of chaos on all sides.Those fighting in the blood,smoke,and guts rarely have anything to say about the actions or the outcome.Their"job"is to kill sh** and blow things up.Speaks for itself...It sells.

It sells weapons,oil,medical treatment for wounded warriors coming home.Mental and emotional destruction in now fractured minds and spirits .Those left at home are pretty much screwed for any future help after the Warriors are broken.Those Wounded Warriors are to spend the rest of their lives
trying to restore and recover their lost life.

 Incidentally,the Wounded Warrior Foundation is a fantastic organization that is dedicated to helping restore the warriors life as much as possible.The help to soldiers and families are intensive and focused to help those who have been able to return minus a funeral and burial ceremony.Medals optional here.

NO ONE can doubt the courage and will of a warrior going to a created conflict.They are the greatest example of a Human Beings integrity to others.I am only saying that focused in a movement of  peace and creating instead of focused for destruction that anything would be possible and equally profitable.

This world needs to replace the cycle of dark and destructive combat between people to replace it with unified exploration and research.The warlords mongering for death are outnumbered.WE THE PEOPLE can change the world.The sea needs to be settled and farmed.Desserts can be terraformed.
Wars for land and philosophies can stop when people finally decide that they don't need to convert or dominate folks that just don't agree with them.Money is the root of all evil it is said..So how do WE THE PEOPLE finally get sick and tired of the killing of our brightest and strongest youths.

That decision is yours and mine.
If it is true that just ordinary folks are in command of this world
Keep fighting for that right if it is not true,then we need to work to make it a reality.
The world and what you make it is all...There is no fate except what you make.


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