Showing posts with label BLM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLM. Show all posts

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Seige of The Bundy Ranch is Not Backed By at Least One of The past Court Rulings On Who Owns What

The order in which the original 13 states rati...
The order in which the original 13 states ratified the constitution, then the order in which the others were admitted to the union (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We have readthe write up and rise and apparent fall? of  the militia movement in Nevada based on much negative media.It was novel when it began till it progressed without bloodshed.When the story did not produce gunfire,dronestrikes and violence on the American soil something was needed.

Ok lets get the rancher to speak out and tell his side of the story.The media waiting as dogs at the base of a tired treed victim.Just waiting for that victim to drop into their trap.The rancher did finally speak from the celebrity surrounding him.Probly not a public speaker or a politician in the past.A man who was brought up in a world different from this present world.The victim fell to the waiting news dogs....

There is a little know and not yet spoken about court ruling that has been completely ignored by the media hounds.The Ranchers in this country and others that have had their land and possesions grabbed by the BLM might start digging into the past for salvation.

I will start you off with this Court ruling and you can cruise the internet while it is still free.
The freedom of the internet is still being threatened by many who would not wish information be available to you.The petition to stop the internet from restrictions of freedom is still asking for signatures.It is very important to save the internet..

That Court Ruling is:Pollard Lesee v Hagan.The ruling was made in 1845 and stated that after the states were joined with the original 13 states that land rights were assigned to the states the land was in.Thus the land rights were assigned to those people in the states which the land was in...NEVADA INCLUDED!

A radio host has defended the feds in favor of the rancher at least,in part.Much as I occasionally listen to those radio hosts,one must keep in mind that they are licensed by the government that they dare to criticize....Some of those radio hosts have already disappeared or been driven onto the final frontier of freedom called the internet.

There is many opportunities to defend our rights and possesions  from being taken away without any way to defend ourselves...There is simply far too much of that going on these days.Educate yourself and turn to fight with knowledge.

The rumors are that drones were being setup to kill the protesters in Nevada if things went further than protesting with words.The newly past laws allowing any Citizen labled a terrorist or national threat would have made this possible.It would be over from 6000feet in a burts of hellish lead raining down from  the heavens.

Knowledge is Power.It wont get you killed as quickly as grabbing a gun.Robots and drones do not fear bullets or death.Robots can not defend themselves from humans with knowledge of what is right and wrong.Knowledge is the ability to shut the robots off without bloodshed.Robots do not bleed.  WE THE PEOPLE once united in a quest for freedom can not fail to succeed in that goal.

FEAR is the great mind killer,if its allowed to grow it will encompass the entire world.

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Nevada Ranchers Fight With The Department Of Land Managment Is Not the Only One To involve Armed Take Over

Location of state of XY (see filename) in the ...
Location of state of XY (see filename) in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Shoshone Indians at Ft. Washakie, Wyomin...
"Shoshone Indians at Ft. Washakie, Wyoming Indian reservation .. . Chief Washakie (at left) extends his right arm." Some of the Shoshones are dancing as the soldiers look on, 1892. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The treaty being sorted out in Europe has not got value if it holds the same as those we have written and agreed to in the United States for the last 200 years plus.The recent Nevada rancher that has resisted the BLM  from taking livestock and land.

BLM trooping in like boot jack raiders to make claims of enormous and argumentatively bogus claims of millions.The treaties broken and rearranged to please the big money.All backed in the courts by those who are paid with whatever motivates them.Politically connected and living quite well for their nefarious deeds.

There is another battle going on with the BLM and their un needed raids on Americans.
This time the raid is on the sovereign Shashone Nation in the same state of Nevada.

The people you see in the videos are not just waking up to this sort of thing.It has been going on for the last 30plus years.Treaties violations with the Native Americans have never been upheld by the United States Government.

The history of treaties have been abominable at best.You may think this article is not about you.I beg to differ with you and will point out why that is a truth...Read on and learn that we who are watching the events tell you.

Buried deep in the news articles and hardly noted is the story of two Shoshone Grandmothers peacefully working their ranch in Nevada on treaty issued Native lands.

They have had the BLM raid and basically steal Up to 400horses that belonged to the Shoshone Tribe.The reasons are varied being grazing fees on lands belonging to the Shoshone.The video that was taken shortly after the confiscation of horses shows rotting bodies of both full grown and foles that starved to death from the BLM simply not caring.
The videos of the ranches horse show the love of their stock.Healthy and active.As a person who loves too watch a wild horse run,it broke my heart to see such blatant greed.

Then  a Court decision changed history (again....) A guy sitting in a black robe decided what history were not capable of.Much as giving Blankets from Small pots victims to the Kiowa  was rationalized as ok only a century before.I wonder if it was issued by a judge?

These women did not make the front page because the Native Americans Are overlooked as savages without rights.The fact is they are American Citizens with rights as anyone.They are also supposed to be a series of Sovereign Nations.I was under the impression that the Federal government was not authorized without agreement by that soveriegn nation to invade the lands.

No one has made the big hooplah about these ladies or the other folks being threatened with Armed invasion at the drop of a hat.The reasons are never to verified only accused.This is case of guilty till proven innocent.

I remember reading this sort of event in another section of recent papers.It involved armed invaders simply running the military weapons into a place of people.That was a sovereign nation as well.The people were offered assistance if the held out against the invaders.
The invaders finally took over most all the populated areas by force.

We will never be quite sure of what is going on in that occupied sovereign country because the invaders will not let anyone left to tell.The possession of the country will fade and the people will be silenced

History,treaties and laws will be written to neatly pretty up the dishonesty of those who live by greed.We do know what is going on here if you will just take a moment to see for yourself.

When they came for the native  people who only wished for peaceful existence,no one concerned themselves,When they came for the rancher,Few people rose up to help.When they come for you,Who will help you when the guns and armor point at your families...?

You will find the articles and a video showing the assault on Youtube and written in
 readable form. Their names are Mary and Carrie Dunn.Google it.

WE THE PEOPLE are from all the races,beliefs and political ideologies..Freedom is the center point WE Seek.

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