Showing posts with label Federal government of the United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal government of the United States. Show all posts

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Nevada Ranchers Fight With The Department Of Land Managment Is Not the Only One To involve Armed Take Over

Location of state of XY (see filename) in the ...
Location of state of XY (see filename) in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Shoshone Indians at Ft. Washakie, Wyomin...
"Shoshone Indians at Ft. Washakie, Wyoming Indian reservation .. . Chief Washakie (at left) extends his right arm." Some of the Shoshones are dancing as the soldiers look on, 1892. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The treaty being sorted out in Europe has not got value if it holds the same as those we have written and agreed to in the United States for the last 200 years plus.The recent Nevada rancher that has resisted the BLM  from taking livestock and land.

BLM trooping in like boot jack raiders to make claims of enormous and argumentatively bogus claims of millions.The treaties broken and rearranged to please the big money.All backed in the courts by those who are paid with whatever motivates them.Politically connected and living quite well for their nefarious deeds.

There is another battle going on with the BLM and their un needed raids on Americans.
This time the raid is on the sovereign Shashone Nation in the same state of Nevada.

The people you see in the videos are not just waking up to this sort of thing.It has been going on for the last 30plus years.Treaties violations with the Native Americans have never been upheld by the United States Government.

The history of treaties have been abominable at best.You may think this article is not about you.I beg to differ with you and will point out why that is a truth...Read on and learn that we who are watching the events tell you.

Buried deep in the news articles and hardly noted is the story of two Shoshone Grandmothers peacefully working their ranch in Nevada on treaty issued Native lands.

They have had the BLM raid and basically steal Up to 400horses that belonged to the Shoshone Tribe.The reasons are varied being grazing fees on lands belonging to the Shoshone.The video that was taken shortly after the confiscation of horses shows rotting bodies of both full grown and foles that starved to death from the BLM simply not caring.
The videos of the ranches horse show the love of their stock.Healthy and active.As a person who loves too watch a wild horse run,it broke my heart to see such blatant greed.

Then  a Court decision changed history (again....) A guy sitting in a black robe decided what history were not capable of.Much as giving Blankets from Small pots victims to the Kiowa  was rationalized as ok only a century before.I wonder if it was issued by a judge?

These women did not make the front page because the Native Americans Are overlooked as savages without rights.The fact is they are American Citizens with rights as anyone.They are also supposed to be a series of Sovereign Nations.I was under the impression that the Federal government was not authorized without agreement by that soveriegn nation to invade the lands.

No one has made the big hooplah about these ladies or the other folks being threatened with Armed invasion at the drop of a hat.The reasons are never to verified only accused.This is case of guilty till proven innocent.

I remember reading this sort of event in another section of recent papers.It involved armed invaders simply running the military weapons into a place of people.That was a sovereign nation as well.The people were offered assistance if the held out against the invaders.
The invaders finally took over most all the populated areas by force.

We will never be quite sure of what is going on in that occupied sovereign country because the invaders will not let anyone left to tell.The possession of the country will fade and the people will be silenced

History,treaties and laws will be written to neatly pretty up the dishonesty of those who live by greed.We do know what is going on here if you will just take a moment to see for yourself.

When they came for the native  people who only wished for peaceful existence,no one concerned themselves,When they came for the rancher,Few people rose up to help.When they come for you,Who will help you when the guns and armor point at your families...?

You will find the articles and a video showing the assault on Youtube and written in
 readable form. Their names are Mary and Carrie Dunn.Google it.

WE THE PEOPLE are from all the races,beliefs and political ideologies..Freedom is the center point WE Seek.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Once Again we Are Witnessing The Swat Team Clad Helicopters Landing To Bully United States Citizens

Location of state of XY (see filename) in the ...
Location of state of XY (see filename) in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ranch (Photo credit: justinknabb)
The news yesterday was again broadcasting a situation where the U.S.Government has sent a Helicopter filled with a large armed group of hyped up uniformed and heavily armed Uniforms to abuse and terrorize a citizen.

The Helicopters came in quick and unannounced to the ranch in Nevada of the 61year old man.The disembarking uniformed group were in a high state of aggressive behavior.The kind of mindset that would normally be more suited for an armed terrorist assault.

The mans cattle were rounded up and it is also stated by some folks there that they were also being destroyed at random.Exact details are mixed from the state of chaos that followed.

The folks living around the Nevada area began to gather and run interference between the feds and the rancher.Many were threatened and assaulted with abusive actions perpetrated by the feds.They [the feds] proceeded to use tasers.clubs and at one point  beat the ranchers son who verbally protested the treatment of his United States born father.The Feds  beat the son and tasered him.The officers  then sicked the dogs on this now disabled man.This came from the newscast on cable.Those who were videoing the grossly over aggressive uniformed bullies were openly threatened..Many videos plainly show the officers threatening the unarmed,video takers, with various weapons drawn.

The standoff went on and on throughout the day.More uniforms arriving and more citizens trying to prevent a governmental incident that should not happen in this country OF THE PEOPLE.There have been folks that have for many years predicting the type of events that are becoming common events in the news.Common people who are one of us.Citizens,Taxed and controlled by unexplained things like federal lands??Who is the owners of those federal lands?I was under the impression they were owned by the people of the United States....Not uniformed thugs with auto weapons and egos not to match any other component...

We witness these types of actions overseas with the russian troops in the ukraine and other places that rule by brute force.Did you ever think it would come knocking with a battering ram and auto fire weapons at your door?

WE THE PEOPLE are open season these days to having those types of armed weapons that are generally outlawed for the average citizen to even posses.This guys terrorist crime was that he did not pay for his cattle to graze on land that belongs to the government.Federal lands that belong to everyone.If you ever have been through that state will readily tell you what type of land those cattle forage.ITS A Dry NEAR DESERT FOLKS!! The cattle forage and feed on sparse plants that barely keep the animals fed.It would truly be interesting what price is being put on ground that is dirt poor soil a tortoise would starve on.[I don't think they have many fat  tortoises there.

The Rancher stated that the land was Federal land and belonged to all people of the United States People.I agree and have stated that Federal  lands needs to be sold to the citizens for land settlement tracts.It sits doing nothing and now is becoming a threat to the American Citizen like this man.Feds flying in helicopters to confiscate/steal cattle.They used to find tall trees in that part of the west for cattle thieves...

Once again I pose a question to you.Who do you call when the Law is the  perpetrators? Who will you call when its your turn and they land outside your home to Beat,threaten, and possibly injure you or loved ones?Who will be responsible for the actions of uniformed officers acting like hopped up thugs from the russian Spe-Cops in a foreign country.Or is it okay when its not you?
The Rancher has always been law biding and has no criminal record.Stated the reporter as the uniform moved in her direction with a taser raised to her face.Many Feds there had pistols drawn in threatening stances.

When it was later in the day,Pigpens were setup and many people were made to stand inside these pigpens as prisoners.They were imprisoned in holding pens just as Those supposedly crazy survivalists have said would happen.Guess they may not be so crazy in hindsight...
As the day progressed the skirmishes grew more serious. and then a very strange thing happened...

The uniformed "troops" got in their helicopter and vehicles....and left without a word!
The rancher has been informed that "this is not over", So I suspect another maneuver will be inflicted on this 61year old hero that just dug in his heels and said,"no more,No mass,enough"
Read some of the Blogs listed below fore more details. It is worth it to read.

Till next time dear Reader,guard well your freedom.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

The Elite and Uncaring Bureaucrats Will Strike Out at the Poor and Down Trodden Again in a Few Days.Dictators Always Cut Employment,Food,Water and Meds to Control the Masses .

Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo?
Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo? (Photo credit: cosmocatalano)
In a few days from now the U.S.Government which created the job shortage will now cut benefits to those that most need the assistance.The cut is from the reserve  that is used to feed families for awhile during hardship times
Without any forethought  of the political suicide they are committing when elections arrive.

People will be cut by many usable dollars,from an already depleted way of life.Those making the laws and cutting the least able to defend themselves are not feeling any drain on their families or lifestyles.They just tap whatever the perks they enjoy so much at the cost of those people getting hammered by the cuts,extreme taxing and just the general crap of our elected officials.

People are being pushed harder and harder into a corner into hardship,while the elite bureaucrats eat Lobster Newburg and enjoy lavish vacations and shopping sprees.The children and families living in their car or tenting by a stream on private lands in the cold are subject to arrest.The cost of the perks is all on the backs of the least able to afford it.

WE THE PEOPLE can change the jest of things in this world if we band together and force those in Command???(is there anyone actually in command these days or has Chicken little and friends taken over)?Running around yelling that the economy is falling.Maybe if it did hit them as it does us...Never  themselves seeking  a solution.WE THE PEOPLE,however live in the trenches of our economy and must always budget our incomes with our expenses.Sometime we may even need to go to brush up classes for a little more upgrading on economizing.Perhaps we should send those in"command" to a class or two.
It would just become an argumentive disruption with classmates.Again nothing would be learned or accomplished.

I have just registered as an Independent.I think the only way to stop the Bull**** going on in this country is to completely tear it down and start from scratch.No...Not grabbing you guns and retreating to a cave to fight off the invaders.That is stupid strategy You are out numbered,outgunned and general screwed before you even begin

.Our fight is at the ballot box next time.We need an alternate choice from the so-called "Two Party System".

All the 2party system has done for the past
decade or so is degrade our Constitution,Schools,Laws,and moralities.The fix is not with a broken and nonredeemable present system.

WE THE PEOPLE have the same situation as those who broke away from England so long ago.
They had a dream and what we have become is a futile Nightmare for many.Many died from the hardships they encountered.They were determined to build a land with Faith that it would be long lasting and a promise to all who lived here....

What happened is history.The children who had not
had to work for the success could not see the purpose in their forefathers an mothers hard work.
The way was lost to the children like a business that fails after the parents turn their hard earned business over to their spoiled kids to run.Many times the business fails shortly after the change...
We need a change before its to late.

There is another of my Blogs that tells of a 31day plan to save
our land.It is tough and it is radical....Maybe I don't agree with all of it,but at least it is an idea to start with....The forefathers only had a rough draft to begin with.

Think about it and please explore the 3rd party solution.It can not be any more fubard than the current people supposedly running things,(into the ground).

Till next time dear friends,remember:
Only YOU can prevent gridlock(paraphrased from Smokey the Bear).


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