Showing posts with label Feds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feds. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014

Once Again we Are Witnessing The Swat Team Clad Helicopters Landing To Bully United States Citizens

Location of state of XY (see filename) in the ...
Location of state of XY (see filename) in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ranch (Photo credit: justinknabb)
The news yesterday was again broadcasting a situation where the U.S.Government has sent a Helicopter filled with a large armed group of hyped up uniformed and heavily armed Uniforms to abuse and terrorize a citizen.

The Helicopters came in quick and unannounced to the ranch in Nevada of the 61year old man.The disembarking uniformed group were in a high state of aggressive behavior.The kind of mindset that would normally be more suited for an armed terrorist assault.

The mans cattle were rounded up and it is also stated by some folks there that they were also being destroyed at random.Exact details are mixed from the state of chaos that followed.

The folks living around the Nevada area began to gather and run interference between the feds and the rancher.Many were threatened and assaulted with abusive actions perpetrated by the feds.They [the feds] proceeded to use tasers.clubs and at one point  beat the ranchers son who verbally protested the treatment of his United States born father.The Feds  beat the son and tasered him.The officers  then sicked the dogs on this now disabled man.This came from the newscast on cable.Those who were videoing the grossly over aggressive uniformed bullies were openly threatened..Many videos plainly show the officers threatening the unarmed,video takers, with various weapons drawn.

The standoff went on and on throughout the day.More uniforms arriving and more citizens trying to prevent a governmental incident that should not happen in this country OF THE PEOPLE.There have been folks that have for many years predicting the type of events that are becoming common events in the news.Common people who are one of us.Citizens,Taxed and controlled by unexplained things like federal lands??Who is the owners of those federal lands?I was under the impression they were owned by the people of the United States....Not uniformed thugs with auto weapons and egos not to match any other component...

We witness these types of actions overseas with the russian troops in the ukraine and other places that rule by brute force.Did you ever think it would come knocking with a battering ram and auto fire weapons at your door?

WE THE PEOPLE are open season these days to having those types of armed weapons that are generally outlawed for the average citizen to even posses.This guys terrorist crime was that he did not pay for his cattle to graze on land that belongs to the government.Federal lands that belong to everyone.If you ever have been through that state will readily tell you what type of land those cattle forage.ITS A Dry NEAR DESERT FOLKS!! The cattle forage and feed on sparse plants that barely keep the animals fed.It would truly be interesting what price is being put on ground that is dirt poor soil a tortoise would starve on.[I don't think they have many fat  tortoises there.

The Rancher stated that the land was Federal land and belonged to all people of the United States People.I agree and have stated that Federal  lands needs to be sold to the citizens for land settlement tracts.It sits doing nothing and now is becoming a threat to the American Citizen like this man.Feds flying in helicopters to confiscate/steal cattle.They used to find tall trees in that part of the west for cattle thieves...

Once again I pose a question to you.Who do you call when the Law is the  perpetrators? Who will you call when its your turn and they land outside your home to Beat,threaten, and possibly injure you or loved ones?Who will be responsible for the actions of uniformed officers acting like hopped up thugs from the russian Spe-Cops in a foreign country.Or is it okay when its not you?
The Rancher has always been law biding and has no criminal record.Stated the reporter as the uniform moved in her direction with a taser raised to her face.Many Feds there had pistols drawn in threatening stances.

When it was later in the day,Pigpens were setup and many people were made to stand inside these pigpens as prisoners.They were imprisoned in holding pens just as Those supposedly crazy survivalists have said would happen.Guess they may not be so crazy in hindsight...
As the day progressed the skirmishes grew more serious. and then a very strange thing happened...

The uniformed "troops" got in their helicopter and vehicles....and left without a word!
The rancher has been informed that "this is not over", So I suspect another maneuver will be inflicted on this 61year old hero that just dug in his heels and said,"no more,No mass,enough"
Read some of the Blogs listed below fore more details. It is worth it to read.

Till next time dear Reader,guard well your freedom.

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