English: This is a photograph of the statue representing Captain John Parker sculpted by Henry Hudson Kitson and erected in 1900. This statue in Lexington, Massachusetts is commonly called "The Lexington Minuteman." It is often confused with the Daniel Chester French statue The Minute Man in nearby Concord (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: I took photo with Canon camera in Waco, TX. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
This is a bit of update of the incident in
Nevada.Were you aware a bicyclist was shot dead awhile ago for accidentally riding on nearby Redrock NVland close to the
Bundys ranch.Shot dead for riding on
government land.
The people were
video recording the whole original incident where a cancer patient was thrown to the ground and tasered.She was injured for using a fone camera video recording the blm.The dogs were set on the residents.
The project cost millions in American tax payers money for the illegal operations done by the blm swat operations.The media showed a hand full of residents trying to make the lbm just go away.Many cattle were just killed and buried without any reports from blm of the ranchers loss.
Patriotic residents have received support from all over the world.It is being called our Tienanmen square similarity.It may be the first push by WE THE PEOPLE to take back our country and our freedoms from those who would simply move into our lives without any
legal reason and attack our right to live in peace with auto fire guns and brutalize us into submission.We have witness this all over the world.We have fought for those people oppressed and asked nothing in return.
It is now time to ask those we shed our blood to help to urge those in our government to disarm the Bureau of Land Management,The
internal Revenue and disband all the military
branches of any bureaucratic,nonmilitary agency of the United States.This will enable the peaceful settlement of situations like
Waco Texas where over 80 people were murdered.It will end the armed take over of the
Shoshone sisters in Nevada.It will make the legal serving of demands open to the court systems.These days there is not even a legal avenue or recourse to find justice for those under attack.I can personally vouch for that from things in my own resent life with taxes...It is a take all with nowhere and no-one to say what is morally right in the situation...
I am writing this article to say that I am glad and proud that there are people still willing to put their lives on the line for fellow Americans.The militias from all over the country have
been called to the first media covered fight for change in a government that seems bent on
bloodying our actual First Ladies up for reasons known to a scarce few.The Lady's in which I speak are
Lady Justice and Lady Liberty.There are over 40thousand militias and thousand more ex-vets that are sending support in one way or another to this first push back.The push back is hopefully a wake up call to our elected officials to get their s....tuff together.
before they end up unemployed after election.The kind of political stink it will leave wont be forgotten soon.
If you wish to support those on the front line of defense for our freedoms to live in peace the information is below.It very well could be you or yours out for a bike ride one day to have a BLM murder you for crossing one of their imaginary owned land markers.It might be you or yours that is attacked without warning by the very country you call home to criminalize you for owning or being independent on you land,in your home..It might be you next dear reader!
If you wish to support the efforts of the folks standing watch on people who will be murdered for greed without that support,here is some data to help you in your brave effort to supply our freedom fighters with support from back home.
It is being called Operation American Spring III,The Freedom Fighters,Oath Keepers Residents and others are on sight trying to keep it peaceful.The Local Sheriff is also there to observe that it stays peaceful.These are men and women who sore an oath as police officers ,military and other Nobel positions.The oath stated to guard the united states from threats from inside and outside the United States.They are doing so as you read this article.
The rumors are that There are corporate hired MERCENARIES that were the snipers on the hill aiming at the residents and rounding up Mr.Bundys cattle.There are also rumors that a huge corporation Called sumac ore is behind this whole boondoggle back by political money.Google it for the military implications of their contracts with the government.
The cellphone to call for volunteering to help out is:702-793-9217
Militia folks with calm thinking are welcome to join the camp.This is a roster hotline number.
The local pizza shops and other places nearby will also deliver goods to the folks in the camp if you order by phone or E-mail.It is being sent often as thousands are growing in support each day the politicians dump more SH**in our daily Constitutional porage.
This support is what I spoke of for those who feel helpless to change things in their lives.
supporting those folks will speak as loud as if you were in that camp,armed t the hilt and ready to do what you wished was not happening in this former United States of the free.
It will show WE THE PEOPLE are still free to make the changes to our government before it falls to fascism and controlled poverty...The ball is once again in your court
people of the United States and the Worlds people to speak for those who would fight along side you for freedom....
To send contributions and much needed supplies to the
militia the address is
Bundy Ranch
Hiway 170
Mile Marker 112
Bunkerville Nevada
Zipcode 89007
This article is once again being hindered from an unknown source that has tryed to stop me from publishing.Zemanta appears to be dead and I have had to rewrite lines that refuse to be saved.I would hope it is just computer gremlins and not....well you know...
Sorry for the bland article,Had no support from my addons or spell chkr..Had to re publish
with some corrections manually.
Till next time
RJP update 05/13/2014
The media has withdrawn from the Bundy Ranch because a man raised in a different time has used language the
Educational System of the
USA taught in the first 50years of this century.The thoughts and attitudes were different then from our selectively sensitive ears of present day times.I have friend of different races who said the only ones that seem to speak as Mr.Bundy spoke are those of the race constantly degrading its own people,women and living areas.We are all people who should respect ourselves more.When the systems and times change The Media sorta forgets the language they,themselves used in programs and newscasts over the first 60years of broadcasting.Or if you wish tune into any racially oriented programming at any hour of the day or night to have Mr. Bundys language sound almost trivial in comparison.Those songs and interviews will sound like the worst bunch of bigots to ever be on any media production,That is until you see the video that goes with the sound.....The folks voicing that crap can't even claim education or blame education from a past antiquated time.They cant even claim they are another race that is being disrespectful.
Divide and conquer is a tactic to split the opposing forces.WE THE PEOPLE have only three actual colors that have defined freedom.It has been seen all over the world.Those colors run only to regroup for strategic moves.
Those colors are RED,WHITE,&,Blue.