Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014

Once Again we Are Witnessing The Swat Team Clad Helicopters Landing To Bully United States Citizens

Location of state of XY (see filename) in the ...
Location of state of XY (see filename) in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
ranch (Photo credit: justinknabb)
The news yesterday was again broadcasting a situation where the U.S.Government has sent a Helicopter filled with a large armed group of hyped up uniformed and heavily armed Uniforms to abuse and terrorize a citizen.

The Helicopters came in quick and unannounced to the ranch in Nevada of the 61year old man.The disembarking uniformed group were in a high state of aggressive behavior.The kind of mindset that would normally be more suited for an armed terrorist assault.

The mans cattle were rounded up and it is also stated by some folks there that they were also being destroyed at random.Exact details are mixed from the state of chaos that followed.

The folks living around the Nevada area began to gather and run interference between the feds and the rancher.Many were threatened and assaulted with abusive actions perpetrated by the feds.They [the feds] proceeded to use tasers.clubs and at one point  beat the ranchers son who verbally protested the treatment of his United States born father.The Feds  beat the son and tasered him.The officers  then sicked the dogs on this now disabled man.This came from the newscast on cable.Those who were videoing the grossly over aggressive uniformed bullies were openly threatened..Many videos plainly show the officers threatening the unarmed,video takers, with various weapons drawn.

The standoff went on and on throughout the day.More uniforms arriving and more citizens trying to prevent a governmental incident that should not happen in this country OF THE PEOPLE.There have been folks that have for many years predicting the type of events that are becoming common events in the news.Common people who are one of us.Citizens,Taxed and controlled by unexplained things like federal lands??Who is the owners of those federal lands?I was under the impression they were owned by the people of the United States....Not uniformed thugs with auto weapons and egos not to match any other component...

We witness these types of actions overseas with the russian troops in the ukraine and other places that rule by brute force.Did you ever think it would come knocking with a battering ram and auto fire weapons at your door?

WE THE PEOPLE are open season these days to having those types of armed weapons that are generally outlawed for the average citizen to even posses.This guys terrorist crime was that he did not pay for his cattle to graze on land that belongs to the government.Federal lands that belong to everyone.If you ever have been through that state will readily tell you what type of land those cattle forage.ITS A Dry NEAR DESERT FOLKS!! The cattle forage and feed on sparse plants that barely keep the animals fed.It would truly be interesting what price is being put on ground that is dirt poor soil a tortoise would starve on.[I don't think they have many fat  tortoises there.

The Rancher stated that the land was Federal land and belonged to all people of the United States People.I agree and have stated that Federal  lands needs to be sold to the citizens for land settlement tracts.It sits doing nothing and now is becoming a threat to the American Citizen like this man.Feds flying in helicopters to confiscate/steal cattle.They used to find tall trees in that part of the west for cattle thieves...

Once again I pose a question to you.Who do you call when the Law is the  perpetrators? Who will you call when its your turn and they land outside your home to Beat,threaten, and possibly injure you or loved ones?Who will be responsible for the actions of uniformed officers acting like hopped up thugs from the russian Spe-Cops in a foreign country.Or is it okay when its not you?
The Rancher has always been law biding and has no criminal record.Stated the reporter as the uniform moved in her direction with a taser raised to her face.Many Feds there had pistols drawn in threatening stances.

When it was later in the day,Pigpens were setup and many people were made to stand inside these pigpens as prisoners.They were imprisoned in holding pens just as Those supposedly crazy survivalists have said would happen.Guess they may not be so crazy in hindsight...
As the day progressed the skirmishes grew more serious. and then a very strange thing happened...

The uniformed "troops" got in their helicopter and vehicles....and left without a word!
The rancher has been informed that "this is not over", So I suspect another maneuver will be inflicted on this 61year old hero that just dug in his heels and said,"no more,No mass,enough"
Read some of the Blogs listed below fore more details. It is worth it to read.

Till next time dear Reader,guard well your freedom.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Deepest Concerns For One More Terrorist Attack on American Soil By A Lone Gunman Leaves Questions Yet Again For Our noble Soldiers

FORT HOOD, Texas- A Fort Hood honor detail pau...
FORT HOOD, Texas- A Fort Hood honor detail pauses after bringing the remains of Capt. John P. Gaffaney aboard the aircraft to be flown with 12 other victims Nov. 6 from Fort Hood to Dover Air Force Base, Del. Gaffaney was one of 13 people killed during a shooting rampage Nov 5 at Fort Hood. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. John Ortiz) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This day there is news of an earthquake in the ocean just off shore in Chile,leaving fears of Tidal waves.Tsunamis that pull the shoreline far out to sea and then rush in sometimes in hundred foot high walls of water weighing thousands of tons.It destroys and kills anything or anyone in it's path.then as any guerrilla attacker it slips back into the depths.

It has not conscience for what it has done,It has no lament about a mortal soul or what is right or wrong in the deed.It is a force of nature without such things.No one could hold such a force responsible for those actions.The cause is primal without mind.

It is only an object in motion causing a chain reaction followed by another change reaction.The amoral functioning of an inanimate  object simply re arranging the tectonic plates.It is beyond the abilities of mankind to do anything about it at this time in the historical timeline.My condolences to those who are about to die.I pray there are no casualties. another important event in the news.Something closer to our own shores in the homeland USA.Another kind of force that slips out of the depths to kill and maim without remorse or regret.
It moves in the trusted circles of its victims without notice or hindrances.
Creeping in its deceptive shell and waiting to attack those who deeply trust it.Those who never have the chance to discover it mindless plans for death and chaos.

Like the guerrilla attack of the tsunami it fades back and waits till it has enough energy to rush in  and destroy,to kill without mercy or thought.It kills anything or anyone in it's path.Unlike the tsunami it does think.It does use a guerrilla attack to strike.The difference is unique in that this attacker has planned its path of destruction.This attacker has a choice not to become this machine that so poorly mimics a mindless force of nature.This force is a mindful murderer that has made a conscious plan to kill,and destroy the lives of people who trusted them.They are the lowest form of a disgusting Judas turncoat.

My sentiments and heartfelt thoughts go out to those families and soldiers at Fort Hood Texas Military  Base in the Great State Of Texas.I truly hope anyone and everyone out there will send them thoughts of recovery.They once more have been victimized inside the country they serve with courage and pride in that job.They are our best and have once again been wronged by a traitor in the darkness
Darkness that kills without mercy,without reason in that shooters mind.While terrorism is the buzzword today,This one was a skunk of a different scent.

Please pray for these folks who are now casualties not  of war,but of the battle between good and evil.

Readers may be interested in a website that I have just joined.It is called
Very interesting site.As I find them I will pass it on.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Determines When a Group of Individuals Become Public Enemies , Labeled With The Demonizing words of ... Terrorists

British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province.
British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The American Revolution had people that gave the British soldiers absolutely a very unhappy time while revolting for freedom.The British Redcoats as they were called would kick in doors and send spy's to get information on various folks.There were stories of homes being taken over,families put in the street for soldiers to use as barracks etc.

There came a time after many Encounters that lead to angry skirmishes.The British royalty began to label different people as troublemakers.When things escalated to violence,These same  folks were upgraded to enemies of the crown.Many were executed by the various ways humans seem to always create for the purpose of justifiable murder.

The point of the last paragraph is this:Every time freedom is fought for there is demonetization of those brave souls that fight for that hard earned freedom.Terrorist,Traitor,Yadda,Yadda,ETC.

There is a vast difference between a nutcase that wants you to follow his/her lifestyle or philosophies on fear of death and a person that is forced to scream," give me freedom or give me death".

I would point out only a couple of the differences as I have read.I will also, from a personal prospective.The perfect example of people attempting to obtain freedom is in the news headlines daily

.I would have loved to have seen a country with a leader that listened to his people before bloodshed and body counts began.His people had spoken in words not to be ignored.That leader disappointed the people with his own unpopular ideas.Even after the words from the population turn loud and angry,this leader chose to ignore the masses as ignorant,uninformed  fools to be ignored.

The same scenario seems to play out every generation somewhere in the world.Africa one time.
Russia in another place and time.An Island somewhere in the south seas.It does not seem to have a
absolute time or place to take place.The setup is usually very similar.a person gains power through whatever mechanism allows.People place faith in changes taking place for the benefit of all.They hope that those decisions will be based on the Ideas and inputs of many.

The problem shows up a little later when that same leader begins to divert his reasoning in favor of
his friends and special interests that gave him his rise to power.The leader then begins to sorta forget there is anyone Else's ideas or interest involved.In fact many such leaders actually begin to believe in their own grandeur.They start to feel the only thing important is to power through the grand plans to build a world according to their vastly superior ideas..The mirror they view themselves in is distorted to all but themselves.That image becomes

This article has no name or country specific time or place attached to it for a reason.There have been so very many leaders that forgot to be humble enough to remember who and how they got where they are.History is full of those leaders that were ultimately evil.There were also those who are and were not evil.Simply caught up in power that disables their common sense.Perhaps the effect can be compared to Novocaine being injected to a part of the brain that allows reasoning and compromise.

We must demand the world leaders listen to us when there is a problem.Brains are like batteries.
the engine is the peace weneed to see  run with efficiency.The more brain working on a problem,the more problems become solved the more batteries powering that engine the more efficient the engine runs...WE THE PEOPLE of this world can bring that about peacefully.

Till next time folks keep the faith .

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