Showing posts with label Warfare and Conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warfare and Conflict. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2014

Now a Blog for the Positive Side,A Moment Away From The Mindless Robotic Killing on Orders From the Darkening Shadows

Protein crystals
Protein crystals (Photo credit: orinoco14)
English: World oceans
English: World oceans (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was surprised when I went to pick up my Taxes that had been prepared for me today.The tax  person had gone to the computer to print out a hard copy of the final forms that I would have to sign and send for the IRS to process.The lady turned around and seemed to be in a state of shock from the look on her face.The entire file had disappeared from Their computer with all other folks files still intact.All this in only a single night...Good thing I don't believe in conspiracies.

I explained that it was not a surprise as I had heard of such things happening to folks who had differences with the worlds Political Circus.This would normally mean my entire Tax record would have been lost.I guess it shows that like National records....We really need to back up all paperwork with a hard copy that is kept indefinitely.It is simply good practice to do so.Draw your own conclusions regarding this and reflect on your own records and important papers.If they were to suddenly Vanish without a trace Where would your life go?Natural or fabricated,similar results,same
outcome,same preventions used.

It is very important to preserve things that are irreplaceable in our lives.There will always be those people that prefer to be willingly ignorant of that fact simply for the sake of attention .There seems always to be that dunderhead in the crowd who feels a need to try to beat down a noble group trying to do the right thing for this singular earth biosphere.We have yet to prove any other actually exists.

This Blog is for another reason and a greater cause for certain.
I am a greatly devoted believer in the fact that we don't seem to understand  what we truly have until it is gone.Then it is too late.Not unlike closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

Awhile back I wrote an article elsewhere stating the Seas and Oceans should become a priority to mankind.The farming of the ocean and preservation of species is mandate to our worlds survival.
There is species in the ocean that we do not even know about.The Poisons that kill from different
jellyfish,stingrays and others are being experimented with to create powerful pain killers and anti toxins.

The billions of krill and crustaceans are rich in protein.Enough to feed the ocean life and all of the world if we just farm the resources.We are the keepers of the world,if we continue to bicker and fight over the trivial virtual differences in philosophies we are lost.The fighting over territories like dogs
is  destructive to our human futures.Regardless what you believe as to how or when we were on this planet,we are all destined to journey into the future together.

We can choose to scream,fight,gouge,kick and claw at each other in the name of [fill in the blanks]
The truth is this;
If you believe in a God or Goddess or whatever,That deity has its own time line and its own idea of what will happen.I would imagine since I am not one of those gifted,it has its own intelligent plan for humans.

I envy those who are so gifted and advanced spiritually that they have the ability to out think or at least think for that deity and tell the rest of us mere mortals what is in the divines mind.Imagine having a  Private and singular line into the creator...WOW!

Getting back to Planet Problem..
The food seems to be inexhaustible till  remembering a certain oil disaster in the American Gulf of Mexico and others in the past.It is limited and potentially finite.Many land creatures are already extinct from the lack of disciple to preserve what is there.Nothing destroyed has  ever returned.

Experiments with cloning has had ugly results.Sheep are short term lived.The carrier pigeon project to restore the bird was ill fated and failed.I read where a type of extinct gorilla was chosen to be brought back from extinction and was a genetic monster that disappeared  shortly after its last page publication.

Shellfish was scarce for many months in the USA.Seafood Business's based in the USA shutdown.Many other Fish and eatable delicacies were not fit to eat.The nuclear mess in Japan poisoned the oceans in radioactive amounts flowing out into the oceans much  worse than a bomb blast from the most powerful terrorist attack.
It will effect the entire planet in some manner.The constant flow of poisons into the water table is
sooner or later going to effect us.

The recent analyzing of  Ancient Roman cities now in ruins tell
of the kind of ignorance that lead to slowly kill civilizations.The water ducts that made the Romans cities so Hi-tech for that historical period contained the heavy metal called lead.A substance still   used today in paint.The resulting damage to the human anatomy is the same.It disables and kills slowly.The saying ,"It is something in the water,makes them that way."probably came from that time.
Oceans poisoned and empty would mean the death of  everything on the planet. We cant bring it all back.

The people of this earth would have a new world to explore without ever leaving this planet.The Aqua-farms would provide fine Hi-Protein food for the entire world.Starvation could and would be
a memory like the plague of the dark ages.A terrible memory that is feared no more.

There are some hurdles to get over and walls to knock down along the way.They will bring out the
very ignorant as I described above.Those such as the Australian Bloke that continually attacks the Sea Shepherds Group for trying to force the laws to be followed on the high seas.The guys name is moron or moman or whatever.A fine example of the ignorant.Hate for the sake of hate with absolutely nothing positive to contribute.Just insult an more fermented mental excrement. The good efforts of those doing the hard work on this planet just to hope we see the possibilities before it is too late.

All the billions of dollars being spent to fuel human misery is dark and evil.The same billions could easily be funding cures for everything.The food and comfort such an effort would provide would make this planet a paradise instead of a commercially lucrative Killing ground for a few in power.
I whole heartily back the earths groups who preach peace and prosperity.Please note that I have never Hugged a tree or swam with a whale.I do not have to conform to a stereotype to realize the value of survival in a delicately balanced Biosphere.

WE THE PEOPLE are the only hope for such a world.To live and flourish in the Vast Oceans.
To Tera form, not the moon and other desolate places in hostile space out there someplace.
But to use what we already have here under our own skies.This little blue marble in space as the program used to say. The commercials on the TV show the folks starving in 3rd world countries.What a wonderful thing if one day they were not on TV.They became prosperous and started growing excess food to tide them over into the next hard times..What a change from skeletal baby's and concentration camp flashbacks.

Lets try hard to support the many organizations that want to change the worldwide Killing fields into
the fields of grain and laughing children who are of all ages.Brothers and sisters that have grown to
get along and prosper.I will try to list some of the ones that I am aware of below.You will have some you like and I really hope that you spend a little time investigating  to discover for yourself.

Human Rights Org.
Charity Water
Girl Rising
Monterey Aquarium
Cancer Research
Pencil of Promise
NIMH-National Institute of Mental Health
Citizen Effect
Fragile Oasis

The Case Foundation
National Wildlife Foundation
The trevor Project
Teaching Tolerence
Discovery Education
 National Geographic
US Army Corp of Engineers
Global Action
Human Rights Watch
Global Citizen
Sea Shepherd

This list is a very short list of Organizations the world has to offer.There are thousands to be found and yours to add to the world efforts to stop the insanity.
Start building a better world.
Join us in the effort and never walk alone again.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Determines When a Group of Individuals Become Public Enemies , Labeled With The Demonizing words of ... Terrorists

British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province.
British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The American Revolution had people that gave the British soldiers absolutely a very unhappy time while revolting for freedom.The British Redcoats as they were called would kick in doors and send spy's to get information on various folks.There were stories of homes being taken over,families put in the street for soldiers to use as barracks etc.

There came a time after many Encounters that lead to angry skirmishes.The British royalty began to label different people as troublemakers.When things escalated to violence,These same  folks were upgraded to enemies of the crown.Many were executed by the various ways humans seem to always create for the purpose of justifiable murder.

The point of the last paragraph is this:Every time freedom is fought for there is demonetization of those brave souls that fight for that hard earned freedom.Terrorist,Traitor,Yadda,Yadda,ETC.

There is a vast difference between a nutcase that wants you to follow his/her lifestyle or philosophies on fear of death and a person that is forced to scream," give me freedom or give me death".

I would point out only a couple of the differences as I have read.I will also, from a personal prospective.The perfect example of people attempting to obtain freedom is in the news headlines daily

.I would have loved to have seen a country with a leader that listened to his people before bloodshed and body counts began.His people had spoken in words not to be ignored.That leader disappointed the people with his own unpopular ideas.Even after the words from the population turn loud and angry,this leader chose to ignore the masses as ignorant,uninformed  fools to be ignored.

The same scenario seems to play out every generation somewhere in the world.Africa one time.
Russia in another place and time.An Island somewhere in the south seas.It does not seem to have a
absolute time or place to take place.The setup is usually very similar.a person gains power through whatever mechanism allows.People place faith in changes taking place for the benefit of all.They hope that those decisions will be based on the Ideas and inputs of many.

The problem shows up a little later when that same leader begins to divert his reasoning in favor of
his friends and special interests that gave him his rise to power.The leader then begins to sorta forget there is anyone Else's ideas or interest involved.In fact many such leaders actually begin to believe in their own grandeur.They start to feel the only thing important is to power through the grand plans to build a world according to their vastly superior ideas..The mirror they view themselves in is distorted to all but themselves.That image becomes

This article has no name or country specific time or place attached to it for a reason.There have been so very many leaders that forgot to be humble enough to remember who and how they got where they are.History is full of those leaders that were ultimately evil.There were also those who are and were not evil.Simply caught up in power that disables their common sense.Perhaps the effect can be compared to Novocaine being injected to a part of the brain that allows reasoning and compromise.

We must demand the world leaders listen to us when there is a problem.Brains are like batteries.
the engine is the peace weneed to see  run with efficiency.The more brain working on a problem,the more problems become solved the more batteries powering that engine the more efficient the engine runs...WE THE PEOPLE of this world can bring that about peacefully.

Till next time folks keep the faith .

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Has a New Revolution Begun That Will Echo and Reverb Around The Entire World,Freedoms To A Private Life Without Big Brothers Monitoring?

Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electro...
Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electronic Frontier Foundation's 20th Birthday. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Co...
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
February 11th will mark a major event for many different freedom loving folks.It is a mass effort to speak in loud voices to our leaders regarding the impending laws that are being ignored.The plans are many depending on where you are and what movement you follow.

In Parts of New York where a new S.A.F.E. Act has made our ability to posses certain firearms ,Clips and ammo a crime.This "law" was pushed through without any due process involved by the governor.
This kind of imposed "Law" makes folks that have no reason to become criminals into Felons at the whim of dictators not following the laws themselves.At least not following the Constitutional rules
to allow the populations elected officials a word about that Law.This is a dictated Law by one person without the masses thoughts involved.

On February Eleventh in Central NY. the folks that are uniting to protest that law will meet in the largest protest yet.Anyone is invited to bring a shotgun and bird shot ammo or blanks.At noon all those attending will load,raise those guns skyward and on signal,fire a solute to freedom.It may seem a folly of a few.This hopefully,will echo around our country for others to follow.It is a peaceful protest that is going to be quite noticeable to many.The sound will resonate in more than those standing.It is my hope the many dead that defended our Constitutional Rights will reanimate our long dead ideas of what freedom is.

On the Internet front the movement is to join the many sites that are protesting the monitoring of our every electronic move.WE THE PEOPLE need to stand together in the fight to stop the oppressive changes that are becoming world wide.You need only try to blog into Australia to ask about the laws that do not allow Internet freedom or into the Southeast Asia countries.
Try surfing into many countries of our world to find out how much the net is closing on the Internet.

I would urge you to look into the organizations such as EFF or the other organizations watching to inform you.This is not a Delusion of Paranoid folks waiting for an attack from secret troops or aliens from Quadrant Z.This is verifiable events that have been more and more in the nightly newscasts.
This is things that will effect your lives and the way you interact with your friends and family over the course of time.

I may kid about the persons or computers listening into my electronic conversations becoming comatose from boredom.This is not a joke though.It is a real threat when the average person can say or indicate an action that formally would be that kind of tongue in cheek humor.With debtor prisons already here in the USA[KaliPhornia] the Internet and incrimination is becoming easier every day for folks that would quietly live and die unnoticed.Instead That person,male or female.Father mother grandma or child will be a felon for a slip of words.Many countries are already viperpits for those searching for folks just saying what they think.

Please look up the various internet organizations and get involved with the move to cut the cords of big brother worldwide before those cords have destroyed our free communications with the world and WE THE PEOPLE become isolated,monitored and incriminated.

Once we lose freedom there will be no returning.All those that gave their lifes past and present will have died in vain.Some one you know has probly died defending the oppressed,somewhere.
Did they die in vain?This is your chance to fight along side of that loved one.No bullets.No bombs.No bloodshed.That loved one made that much possible for you.It is now you chance to pay back that loved one whether friend or loved one for their sacrifice.They were a hero who gave it all
for  you.This is your chance to follow in a hero's footsteps.

Raise your united voices in a jester of freedom.Its not too late......yet!

Keep the movement alive to be a free world for all people,today we begin to unite for a peaceful and free world.It is possible if WE THE PEOPLE make our voices heard.Speak and act now or learn to say Thank You May I have some more SIR in the oppressive possible future.

May we find the strength to stand up and defend our rights for all people everywhere.
Zemanta was asleep at the wheel for this one or......?
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Hush Llittle Baby,Don't Say A Word,IgnoreThe Noise You Heard,It's Not The Boogie man Under Your Bed It's The Drone Coming To Make You Dead

English: Weapons of mass destruction by countr...
English: Weapons of mass destruction by country. ---- Português: Armas de destruição em massa por país. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile, 1945-2002.
U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile, 1945-2002. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have not written anything in accouple weeks.The reasons are many.

Our traveling fugitive has found refuge in what that country calls Mother Russia.The so called secret autopsy on our late

 President Kennedy was released to the general Public with the usual ghastly photos and detailed descriptions.Done with all the gore and unneeded details anyone with a sick mind would savor.
The man was an American President that does not deserve the degrading that the media has done.We once called the Whitehouse "Camelot"back then.

It was a time when the world nearly accomplished the ultimate goal of mankind. To completely wipe itself from the face of its meager existence.The usual maniacs were poised to use weapons of mass destruction 50years ago.The nuclear missile was in fact the first tool of robotic termination

.The first  mechanized "King Mega-Drone".The principal was real simple:1).find a target way over there some place far away and safe from those launching the death dealing 'computerized Robotic killing machine  2).launch the robot with precision computerized GPS coordinates,3).wait a few minutes for the pretty flash on the screen,and 4).remember that you now have enough time to see the blossoming launch lights from the place you just FUBARRED.

You now can sit in the self assurance that you still have time to pour a stiff drink,dance in the sheets,and then maybe have enough time to bend over and kiss your  butt goodbye!All before the world is turn to a stinking burning cauldron of rotting screaming meat.Your Momma would be.....mortified by your act.

AHHH,the good old days.when the termination toys were so deadly that no one wanted to push the button ending Gods world in an infantile act . Taking you to Your creators throne to answer for your stupidity.Possibly to find that you are god and not GOD..

.Now,all that has changed.We have allowed the powers that be, to create limited killing based on someones idea of who or what is the enemy.Same scenario,same old reasons to push the button.In fact the whole idea has been cleaned up to be quite  legit now.see the target way down there and just push the button.It doesn't light up the world as nukes would do.It simply sends 6000rounds of flesh disintegrating munitions from thousands of feet in the atmosphere.OR: a lethal cocktail of various flesh scalding chemicals that simply rend the living flesh from the bones as the 
individuals breathe the final soul wrenching breathe from itself.

The target is just a bunch of nobodies that will be missed by a few relatives that have no avenue of complaint.Who would listen to a nobody anyway. Peasant&,pawns do not die,because they have no value to those pushing buttons in the control rooms so far away.

How far we have come from destroying the entire creation to the precision killing of the peasants that are so very expendable to this earth and will just end up as useless eaters and breeders...Breeding more eaters and breeders...The world is so much better after they are gone.Who will even know they have been eliminated if all transmissions are blanked out while the termination process is going on.

After all....If a peasant dies and no one can witness it or if no one can hear them scream..or if  a tree falls in the forest and no one can hear it fall...did it actually happen?

I really hope those who read this article will realize that this is a possible future that would benefit no one.It is a hell on earth that we have already allowed to be instrumented into the fabric of our world as standard operating procedure

.Videoed and viewed as a form of Television entertainment for the masses at news time.That's entertainment,watching those nobodies dance to the tune of 50calibers!MA deuce speaks,or just disappearing in a red slimy blood spatter.What a sight from the safety of your front room.Real people dying in hideous ways and you don't get prosecuted for participating..So whats next televised gas chambers..

Ole Adolf would have loved the programming.
It is a world where a few elite controllers who hold life and death over the rest.The ability to chose and eliminated anyone or any thing that rocks the status quo.

Do WE THE PEOPLE really want or really need to have such a world that would regard people as pawns or subjects or even targets of opportunity .Then you better stop and look into your acceptance of what is happening in your lives.

Even your accepting the views of the evening news.Perhaps if you are so fascinated by the drones
dance of  death ,you may be able to volunteer for a dance card soon.If the future looks like the present,

then do not worry my dear reader....the drone will find you to dance with...and the Drone always leads .Your audience awaits you dear reader...

Yours always/ RJP
Sometimes you just need to retreat and regroup in the world or in your mind...
Remember that progress is a matter of finding a way.Over,under,around or through...There is usually a way when you fall back,regroup and see the situation from a different perspective./

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Korea,Mosquito on The backside of an Elephant,Sit Simba,Good Boy

English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state o...
English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state of New York. From the United States Geological Survey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Constitutional Amendments 101
Constitutional Amendments 101 (Photo credit: Village Square)
Dictator (Photo credit: Loulair Harton)
The United States has always been a Nation of diverse ideas and opinions.We that live here always seem very near the point of grabbing anyone that disagrees with us and choking the living crap out of them.It always seems that way anyway...The eleventh hour rapidly approches and we miraculously pull our heads out of those regions where the sun does not shine and agree to disagree or compromise.

That comment in mind and other things going on in the world,hear this and do the same.
We have a Whitehouse that many of us voted into office.I remember writing to the President and thanking him for helping my family with a life threatening situation.I said that I would help his election to succeed and maybe it did so in a small way.I also said that I would stand my ground as a person with strong Constitutional Beliefs if things were to get beyond my tolorance levels.I do believe everyone should care for each other with life situations.Health,Elders,protecting our innocent defensless folks.and other noble things to numerous to mention.I beleve the noble things are that which is worth leaving behind when we exit on this material plane.
We are fighting for our Rights to remain that which I grew up with and escape without the revolution for freedom that everyone is whispering about in hushed dialogs.New York Emporer/Governor and friends have decreed that we are to ban sugary drinks and children will never enjoy a cookie from mom without the shock troops kicking down the door and dragging mom off to a gulag education camp.All educational programs will
be supervised by the elite people that send thier own kids out to others to raise.We will all be on modified bicycles like 3rd world countries because no one will be able to afford the hybrid autos that could easily have been our old autos cheaply converted to Hydrogen,oxygen(often known as Water).The guy that built and perfected that process was killed right after he demonstrated the unit by persons unknown.
Robots will see to it that we are behaving ourselves,even if they have to kill us by drones in groups.But dont worry about doing anything the "powers that be" are going to miss.The electronic roach will crawl into your house and listen for misconduct.Retired airport security agents will even listen into your bedroom activities for any activities that might be objectionable.The years at the airport job has taught them well what to look for.HEH HEH HEH The Sex taxes will take care of the foopahs in that department.
Then.....Where was I?Oh my!I have had a glimpse into a future parody...once more I have wondered into the parralel world of what might be.

Isnt it a bit past time to open your eyes to what the future could be if we stop and see what wonderful things technology could bring and not what it is bringing?Korea with a weapon so powerful that a peace of crap
dictator and family is threatening to reopen a horror that we Humans must never allow to rehappen.
The U.S.A.was  the only (Known) use of the nitemare called nuclear bomb.Does China actually think that this little pismiar dictator will not desimate their country?I Do not know why the Chinese dont realize the mutual benefit nutruelizing Koreas maniac would be to this world.War solves very little and nuclear war
would send the world into a firee hell from which nothing will survive.The real roaches would feast on the rotting carcasses of all the fallen.The only earth life left.Perhaps they are the only ones to inherit the earth.
The meek and reviled cockroach may outlast the supposedly top of the intelectual ladder: Homosapiens.

So I ask the countries of the USA,Canada, Japan,South Korea,China,Free and Mainland ,If you want to save the world as many of the ancient stories boasted of doing then this is your chance to be the heroes of legends past and future.

As for the wonderful country of mine called America,Stop the constant attacks on the Constitutional freedoms before we end up with a country,ruled by a dictator that finds Constitutioal Rights a bothersome
and problematic waste of time.That dictator would probly just go ahead and dump a law into being without asking anyone.Why you say?Well my friends,because thats what dictators do.Then the people rise up and kick his dictatrial butt till he sees reason.This country has checks and balances to fight a bloodless revolution.
its a failsafe to prevent the rise of a Dictator or King.

Or....All you folks can just move to the new Emporers,Empire State of New York with its new uncostitutional laws. Even the Native Americans and their Treaties are being attacked here.Perhaps we still have the Genetics and spirit of our pioneer ancestors.We have laws that are far more powerful than any nuclear bomb.Those Founding Fathers Knew from the Dictators they knew of that time period Freedom is worth fighting for.Thousands of our fellow citizens that fought in and out of uniform have died to save our right to live free.If we kick fecal matter in their memories,thenI fear we will suffer the Karma that such thing s deserve.

Lets straighten out our country and take back the Constitutional Freedoms our veterans have fought and bled for.No one has the right to negate those foundational rules of freedom.

Dictators make laws that criminalize the average person to maketheir elite groups look as shining stars to the world, instead of the black holes that swallow the humans soul.It shows a certain isolated ignorance of those they are suppose to be working for.  

I seem to remember the British Red Coats in historical records thinking New Yorkers were lambs to slaughter sometime before the year of 1776.They had Paul Revere,We have Paul Rand....

Till Next time my friends,Please keep the treaties enforced,and the torch of liberty burning hot enough
to reach the heavens.We will need that help soon.Keep the faith and fight the good fight.
The pen is mightier than the sword...

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

United States Attacked By Super Power Using Weapons Of Mass Destruction

LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30:  A woman is hel...
LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30: A woman is helped down from a truck by emergency responders after being evacuated due to flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy, on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 16 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30:  Citizens are e...
LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30: Citizens are evacuated on a military-grade personnel carrier on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 16 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
WEEHAWKEN, NJ - OCTOBER 30:  Much of the New Y...
WEEHAWKEN, NJ - OCTOBER 30: Much of the New York City skyline sits in darkness after Hurricane Sandy, on October 30, 2012 in Weehawkin, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 40 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
I am writing you for as long as I can.The electric power grid may fall as I write this article.New York Has evacuated many areas of the huge city.Manhattan is being hit by powerful weapons that the United States has no way of defending themselves from.There is so much desolation with wind and water in the streets.Manhattan in deserted of all people.Wallstreet is empty.Buildings have been damaged by the tremendous wind and forces of the weapons used by the attacker.

New Jersey has been hit directly as the invader breaches the shores and destroys property in its path.People are evacuating by order of New Jerseys Governor Christie.The People that have chosen to stay behind are left to their own survival.This destroyer has no mercy for any one.Old,young,infant,will be subject to harm and menace.The state of New Jersey is ground zero at this point.There is no defense for this terrible attack.
There is an overwhelming force invading our shores.

Delaware was attacked earlier today and the power grid was crashed for over 12000 households.Those homes may not have electricity for the next 3 weeks.The grid has been hit hard.6300 National guard have been called out to active duty to help survivors and evacuated persons.The service people from dozens of states and Canada to try to fix all the damage that is expected before the attackers rage is spent.There is more power yet to come.The invader is expected to join forces with two other allies to the west of Pennsylvania.The path of the invader will then head north into the middle of the New York State

This is the worst such attack on the eastern United States in history.Cellphones are expected to become useless for anything but text messages.predictions are that the fury of this attacker will increase as the day goes on.The destruction is expected to be in the billions of dollars.It may take years to rebuild the damage.
63million households are under the threat of being hammered by this attacker
 15 High rises have been evacuated in New York City/Manhattan N.Y.

We are under the attack by  the Largest Super Storm in history.It is mother nature at the her worst.The earth is striking at the most powerful nation on earth.It is the Super Storm of Hollywood proportions.This is the things of nightmares that we have watched in movies for years.There is one difference in this reality....
WE WILL SURVIVE!!!We will rebuild and prepare for future events like this.

If you are reading this ,Please take refuge in some shelter that is rated for Disasters.This is a real event and not a movie.Your safety depends on remaining calm and taking care of you and your loved ones.

You  should pack the following supplies in a dufflebag or pack,basket etc.:
ez open foods and snacks for 3days
Water in bottles
Toilet tissues and paper towels
eating untensils
Blankets or sleeping bag
First Aid kit
Special foods or supplies ie:Diabetic snacks,etc.
Change of clothes
Hygiene it with toothpaste,towel,washclothe,
Pets need their supplies if you are allowed to take them.Meds,Food,etc

This is very serious an event folks.My lights are blinking as the outside edges of the storm hits.
I am in New York and it is windy,Raining hard and the stores are packed with folks shopping as though it was the end of the world.We finally have a reason to hear news that does not in involve the Presidential Elections.If you are told to leave,don't be stupid and stay.There is no one going to worry about you if  you are determined to stay in harms way.The rescuers have families to care for.You are slid to the bottom of a list of folks to be rescued after it is all over.Survival involves doing the things that put you at an advantage over a situation.
Please take care in situations like this .It need the smarts to use your brain and take care to live.

That is all for now my friends.I will Blog you as I can in the days to come.I'm okay and will take my own advise when Hurricane Sandy Plows it's way thru here in a day or so.I pride myself on knowing a little about survival.We "Technomads", are like that.
Pray for those in it's path ,Keep the faith and hope for the best.

This was to be sent as the storm was approaching  the U.S. coastline of New Jersey.I had a large red warning that kept flashing on my blog screen from somewhere Saying,"this should not be posted".I have no clue as to who,or why.This lights flashed on and off.The cable TV in the place with free WIFI lost it's
TV portion of Satellite reception.Then about 20 minutes later,as I signed my Blog,The internet went dead.

There was various ideas of what was going on by others in the place.One person stated that the cable provider had been told to cut the cable off for National security.Another said they called the 911 to ask if the National guard was doing Martial Law yet.It got real crazy in the local supermarkets.Shelves were sold out of everything.The Frozen foods were gone(TV dinners).I really wondered how the folks buying all this FROZEN food Thought it would keep with out electricity!

The media Hyped the storm like the movies had programmed them to do so.Ok....let us go along with the hysterics for a moment.Was this storm an act of nature or was it something else that created it?H.A.R.P.?
Aliens?Was it a weapon of mass destruction.Was it a prelude to the Superstorm that movies predict?How about December 21rst and the end of the world?Would it not be a smart move to not get caught with your proverbial "pants down"if this type of disaster Actually is a omen of the future?

This may be a very good time to Plan ahead for the unexpected,even if it never happens.We all know that it just never could happen to you.It is always the other guy,right?I wonder how many folks became the "other guy" and are sitting in the dark,cold,hungry and without power today.They thought as you .Be Prepared  as best you can...That is all any of us can do..

BYE for now

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