LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30: A woman is helped down from a truck by emergency responders after being evacuated due to flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy, on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 16 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) |
LITTLE FERRY, NJ - OCTOBER 30: Citizens are evacuated on a military-grade personnel carrier on October 30, 2012, in Little Ferry, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 16 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) |
WEEHAWKEN, NJ - OCTOBER 30: Much of the New York City skyline sits in darkness after Hurricane Sandy, on October 30, 2012 in Weehawkin, New Jersey. The storm has claimed at least 40 lives in the United States, and has caused massive flooding accross much of the Atlantic seaboard. US President Barack Obama has declared the situation a 'major disaster' for large areas of the US East Coast including New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) |
I am writing you for as long as I can.The
electric power grid may fall as I write this article.
New York Has evacuated many areas of the huge city.Manhattan is being hit by powerful weapons that the
United States has no way of defending themselves from.There is so much desolation with wind and water in the streets.Manhattan in deserted of all people.Wallstreet is empty.Buildings have been damaged by the tremendous wind and forces of the weapons used by the attacker.
New Jersey has been hit directly as the invader breaches the shores and destroys property in its path.People are evacuating by order of New Jerseys Governor Christie.The People that have chosen to stay behind are left to their own survival.This destroyer has no mercy for any one.Old,young,infant,will be subject to harm and menace.The state of New Jersey is ground zero at this point.There is no defense for this terrible attack.
There is an overwhelming force invading our shores.
Delaware was attacked earlier today and the power grid was crashed for over 12000 households.Those homes may not have electricity for the next 3 weeks.The grid has been hit hard.6300 National guard have been called out to active duty to help survivors and evacuated persons.The service people from dozens of states and Canada to try to fix all the damage that is expected before the attackers rage is spent.There is more power yet to come.The invader is expected to join forces with two other allies to the west of Pennsylvania.The path of the invader will then head north into the middle of the New York State
This is the worst such attack on the eastern United States in history.Cellphones are expected to become useless for anything but text messages.predictions are that the fury of this attacker will increase as the day goes on.The destruction is expected to be in the billions of dollars.It may take years to rebuild the damage.
63million households are under the threat of being hammered by this attacker
15 High rises have been evacuated in New York City/Manhattan N.Y.
We are under the attack by the Largest Super Storm in history.It is mother nature at the her worst.The earth is striking at the most powerful nation on earth.It is the Super Storm of Hollywood proportions.This is the things of nightmares that we have watched in movies for years.There is one difference in this reality....
WE WILL SURVIVE!!!We will rebuild and prepare for future events like this.
If you are reading this ,Please take refuge in some shelter that is rated for Disasters.This is a real event and not a movie.Your safety depends on remaining calm and taking care of you and your loved ones.
You should pack the following supplies in a dufflebag or pack,basket etc.:
ez open foods and snacks for 3days
Water in bottles
Toilet tissues and paper towels
eating untensils
Blankets or sleeping bag
First Aid kit
Special foods or supplies ie:Diabetic snacks,etc.
Change of clothes
Hygiene it with toothpaste,towel,washclothe,
Pets need their supplies if you are allowed to take them.Meds,Food,etc
This is very serious an event folks.My lights are blinking as the outside edges of the storm hits.
I am in New York and it is windy,Raining hard and the stores are packed with folks shopping as though it was the end of the world.We finally have a reason to hear news that does not in involve the Presidential Elections.If you are told to leave,don't be stupid and stay.There is no one going to worry about you if you are determined to stay in harms way.The rescuers have families to care for.You are slid to the bottom of a list of folks to be rescued after it is all over.Survival involves doing the things that put you at an advantage over a situation.
Please take care in situations like this .It need the smarts to use your brain and take care to live.
That is all for now my friends.I will Blog you as I can in the days to come.I'm okay and will take my own advise when Hurricane Sandy Plows it's way thru here in a day or so.I pride myself on knowing a little about survival.We "Technomads", are like that.
Pray for those in it's path ,Keep the faith and hope for the best.
This was to be sent as the storm was approaching the U.S. coastline of New Jersey.I had a large red warning that kept flashing on my blog screen from somewhere Saying,"this should not be posted".I have no clue as to who,or why.This lights flashed on and off.The
cable TV in the place with free
WIFI lost it's
TV portion of Satellite reception.Then about 20 minutes later,as I signed my Blog,The internet went dead.
There was various ideas of what was going on by others in the place.One person stated that the cable provider had been told to cut the cable off for National security.Another said they called the 911 to ask if the National guard was doing
Martial Law yet.It got real crazy in the local supermarkets.Shelves were sold out of everything.The Frozen foods were gone(
TV dinners).I really wondered how the folks buying all this
FROZEN food Thought it would keep with out electricity!
The media Hyped the storm like the movies had programmed them to do so.Ok....let us go along with the hysterics for a moment.Was this storm an act of nature or was it something else that created it?H.A.R.P.?
Aliens?Was it a weapon of mass destruction.Was it a prelude to the
Superstorm that movies predict?How about December 21rst and the end of the world?Would it not be a smart move to not get caught with your proverbial "pants down"if this type of disaster Actually is a omen of the future?
This may be a very good time to Plan ahead for the unexpected,even if it never happens.We all know that it just never could happen to you.It is always the other guy,right?I wonder how many folks became the "other guy" and are sitting in the dark,cold,hungry and without power today.They thought as you .Be Prepared as best you can...That is all any of us can do..
BYE for now