Showing posts with label Cinema of the United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cinema of the United States. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mother Nature Has left Thousands in a State of Major Need,Many Dead and Hurting,The World Now Unites As People Should Giving Free Medical Care...Why Not US.A?

The Hurting
The Hurting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Storm accumulating
Storm accumulating (Photo credit: AmUnivers)
The Superstorm in the south Pacific has devastated many areas of the Philipines.On an Island nearby the Volcano erupted and made people evacuate.The death and devastation broadcasts over the world news in many languages.

People line up for food,clothing and clean water to drink.Disease fears rise.Medical care Is sent free gratis to the effected areas.Those folks will never be the same after the traumatic drama of this event.

The dramatic scene is right out of an end times Hollywood movie. Death destruction,devastation,Threats of murder by mobs.The Pilaging of buildings and business's by law abiding citizens.Most were in church a few hours ago praying like hell for salvation.Guess that was before the miracle of their survival happened.Before the storm hit anyway...

The human factor kicks in and survival becomes mandate to otherwise civilised logic.The human factor that has people carrying huge TV sets out into a devastated ground zero place that wont have power for weeks or months.Others abide by the rule of civil order and stand for days inline to receive a hand out or meds to survive.

What happens when a man made event happens that may leave millions without the needs of civilized life?What happens when life is again put out of synch with what is mandatory to live a healthy and effective lifestyle.It will be a very interesting study in the future to see if the world will step in to help those threatened with the loss of life giving meds.

How many will die when the future threat reaches the U.S.A. next year.Diabetics without insulin.Heart patients that depend on meds.Infants that wont make it without care.Elderly with no hope of getting special care.The mentaly disturbed,Disabled and infirmed will be left to the machine we will come to fear.

At this point in time you may question this as this being a rambling of a disjointed mind.Please read on and hear me out.

We in the U.S.A. give billions to others,and that the way we are.The people of this country are charged humungous and outrageous costs for what we send to others free gratis.Why is it that we do not use the same accounting techniques for our own folks here at home?Why is it needed to pay more than some earn in a year for surgery that will be done "over there" for free?

Yes we do make a better living than there.The thing is that they are humans in need of help.I was under the impression that we in the States are also humans.The First rule of life is to take care of yourself first.Then you can take care of those others in need.

We will see many changes after New Years Day.The Mandatory Health bill will distance Those in the States even farther away from a way to care for ourselves first.We will pay more of our hard earned Money than ever before.Perhaps we are the ones Praying for that Miracle before the Storm arrives Now...

Till Next Time Friends.Keep a prayer on your lips and Hope in your heart.


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