Last night, the awkward geeky friends that I spent so many evenings with, left my life forever. I watched as they progressed from Struggling adult genius kids to the place that many can only dream of. They found acceptance, love, purpose, and goals to push them onwards in life.
The kids who were harassed and bullied in school because of their home life.Because of the influences they had in childhood, Because of their physical or mental abilities.Because they were not the cool kids. The cool kids later in life will probably work in the same building as the geeky kids. Its all to common a situation in life, Big Bang brought it all to life in a tasteful, humorous manner. It made us laugh at the silliness of our ridiculous social interfacing.
Big Bang was a huge success because it styled itself after the top hit comedies of years past.No hatred, No political bickering, no continual inuendoes.
The characters were so popular because we as adults could easily Identify with them. Either we knew those awkward kids while growing up or were one of those kids that were so very awkward.
Every show was a return to the days when life was so different from other shows. It looked into the lives of folks searching for a life that would bring fulfillment and happiness to them. l
It seems that when there's a really decent series that comes to us through the magic of a television show, the time flies by and it's over much too soon. Yes, there the endless re-runs that we can return to in the Wayback channels of yesterday, but it's not the same. I read each day of losing those heroes and sweethearts we loved and hated thru that glowing screen called television. It's over just too, too soon.
The curtain closes, the lights dim and the place is empty once more. Our characters walk off the stage that makes them who we loved so much. They are gone from our lives forever. Another memory to fade as time passes to the next big successful show.
I, as the characters on the Big Bang still love the various SYFY series that distracted me from my own troubled youthful life awhile ago. Big bang reminded me of my own friends who were Gene Roddenberry fans. Our lives were very similar to the big bang series. Maybe not genius kids with a crack at a Nobel Prize, But each of My childhood friends and I, have found our way in life to some form of success. The characters on the Big Bang series should be an incentive to those children of all ages who struggle and feel alienated that there is hope for better.
Did you know, There are actually people who believe the bantering of the Big Bang series re too risque for young people. I remember the interracial kiss on Star Trek and the wrath of very similar folks wearing starched High collar shirts. I guess that's why it is such a hit. Those stuffed shirts would have to be watching to know the plots. They must be embarrassed. After all, if you didn't know the meaning of those innuendos...Just saying...
I hope The Big Band Theory goes on for Years so all of the people of similar natures have a program that lives in their lives and minds. It is good to know there are all types of programming that occasionally touch the lives of the common folk.
Big Bang Theory will be missed by this watcher of a great Television show. Live Long And Prosper.
Please, everyone, write to them to ask for a reunion program a year or so from now to catch us up on what happened to the beloved characters.
Till Next Time dear friends.
Thoughts and comment on things WE THE PEOPLE can change if only we have the courage to see it and insist on change.This might be called the philosophical blog of changes. You the reader are introduced to thoughts and things that are part opinion and part fact.I always attempt to bring subjects into a sharp focus with a bit of entertainment for the thinking person.WE THE PEOPLE are the true power of this ever shrinking planet.
Showing posts with label Television. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Television. Show all posts
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Friday, February 21, 2014
A Prelude to the Real Hunger Games Are currently Taking Place with honors,publicity and Fame going to the Winners.Gladiators all
The Hunger Games (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: A fencer. Illustration from the report of the 1908 Olympic Games. From The Fourth Olympiad, being the Official Report of the Olympic Games of 1908. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Later in the movie Children are chosen by lottery to fight to the death.It becomes a televised event for the elites cities entertainment.It is a despicable situation except when you watch the so called reality shows that are currently on TV sets worldwide.
There is a video on Youtube called BUDO that spends the entire time explaining how a beautiful Samurai Sword was made. There was much detailing on how the Masters used skill with the weapon.It ended with 2 very real masters facing off with swords drawn and in the blink of an eye 1 man Beheaded the other...It was
no a prop!
Based on that I began to realize that the real world that we live in has gradually done similar. Events in ways so subtle that we except it as "the way it is".
We send our best athletes to the Olympic Games to compete for the gold and very much the same as The Hunger Games.They win to get rich and famous.They win to encourage others to seek the fame and notoriety that comes with the label bestowed on them.The best athlete,The best Gladiator.The Best Huntsmen.The Olympics are all volunteers and the hunger games are lottery as the U.S. military draft once was.
The Olympics are a peaceful way to have wars without collateral damage and death.Everyone at least goes home alive and for the most part intact.
I would hope we would never consider the movie version of competition,but we really already have done so.
The killing of others for profit is not so far from the truth.Reporting the carnage is old stuff also.Please note the Romans. Folks fighting for reasons that the combatants themselves ponder.The mindset is hammered into them as to why. The reasons embedded deep in the subconscious so as to make a better program( to watch?).More drama and intrigue for the 6 o'clock news to show those who watch from afar.TV just replaced the coliseum.
The hammered in mindset of a military volunteer is set that they are doing their duty to protect others.The controllers of the 'wargames'have been mindset duty.much longer on this bravado,machismo,Spree DE Core. Whatever name you call it,the observers televise it for a good propaganda show.Blood flows and explosions burst.Gunfire from all directions as the command audience sits safely somewhere enjoying the show and figuring the next scene. The hunger games brought to reality as shock and awe.
Young people fighting each other for people that they will never meet and killing other young people that they may never know.Folks that they might even like under different circumstances.But some one has ordered them to kill or be killed.
This movie scenario is not new.Poor folks have been pulled into "war games"for many millenia.
few have invested in controlling the reasons and parameters of the created conflict.Those pulling the strings make huge amounts of profit.The longer the conflict,the greater the profit for the directors of chaos on all sides.Those fighting in the blood,smoke,and guts rarely have anything to say about the actions or the outcome.Their"job"is to kill sh** and blow things up.Speaks for itself...It sells.
It sells weapons,oil,medical treatment for wounded warriors coming home.Mental and emotional destruction in now fractured minds and spirits .Those left at home are pretty much screwed for any future help after the Warriors are broken.Those Wounded Warriors are to spend the rest of their lives
trying to restore and recover their lost life.
Incidentally,the Wounded Warrior Foundation is a fantastic organization that is dedicated to helping restore the warriors life as much as possible.The help to soldiers and families are intensive and focused to help those who have been able to return minus a funeral and burial ceremony.Medals optional here.
NO ONE can doubt the courage and will of a warrior going to a created conflict.They are the greatest example of a Human Beings integrity to others.I am only saying that focused in a movement of peace and creating instead of focused for destruction that anything would be possible and equally profitable.
This world needs to replace the cycle of dark and destructive combat between people to replace it with unified exploration and research.The warlords mongering for death are outnumbered.WE THE PEOPLE can change the world.The sea needs to be settled and farmed.Desserts can be terraformed.
Wars for land and philosophies can stop when people finally decide that they don't need to convert or dominate folks that just don't agree with them.Money is the root of all evil it is said..So how do WE THE PEOPLE finally get sick and tired of the killing of our brightest and strongest youths.
That decision is yours and mine.
If it is true that just ordinary folks are in command of this world
Keep fighting for that right if it is not true,then we need to work to make it a reality.
The world and what you make it is all...There is no fate except what you make.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Mother Nature Has left Thousands in a State of Major Need,Many Dead and Hurting,The World Now Unites As People Should Giving Free Medical Care...Why Not US.A?
The Hurting (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Storm accumulating (Photo credit: AmUnivers) |
People line up for food,clothing and clean water to drink.Disease fears rise.Medical care Is sent free gratis to the effected areas.Those folks will never be the same after the traumatic drama of this event.
The dramatic scene is right out of an end times Hollywood movie. Death destruction,devastation,Threats of murder by mobs.The Pilaging of buildings and business's by law abiding citizens.Most were in church a few hours ago praying like hell for salvation.Guess that was before the miracle of their survival happened.Before the storm hit anyway...
The human factor kicks in and survival becomes mandate to otherwise civilised logic.The human factor that has people carrying huge TV sets out into a devastated ground zero place that wont have power for weeks or months.Others abide by the rule of civil order and stand for days inline to receive a hand out or meds to survive.
What happens when a man made event happens that may leave millions without the needs of civilized life?What happens when life is again put out of synch with what is mandatory to live a healthy and effective lifestyle.It will be a very interesting study in the future to see if the world will step in to help those threatened with the loss of life giving meds.
How many will die when the future threat reaches the U.S.A. next year.Diabetics without insulin.Heart patients that depend on meds.Infants that wont make it without care.Elderly with no hope of getting special care.The mentaly disturbed,Disabled and infirmed will be left to the machine we will come to fear.
At this point in time you may question this as this being a rambling of a disjointed mind.Please read on and hear me out.
We in the U.S.A. give billions to others,and that the way we are.The people of this country are charged humungous and outrageous costs for what we send to others free gratis.Why is it that we do not use the same accounting techniques for our own folks here at home?Why is it needed to pay more than some earn in a year for surgery that will be done "over there" for free?
Yes we do make a better living than there.The thing is that they are humans in need of help.I was under the impression that we in the States are also humans.The First rule of life is to take care of yourself first.Then you can take care of those others in need.
We will see many changes after New Years Day.The Mandatory Health bill will distance Those in the States even farther away from a way to care for ourselves first.We will pay more of our hard earned Money than ever before.Perhaps we are the ones Praying for that Miracle before the Storm arrives Now...
Till Next Time Friends.Keep a prayer on your lips and Hope in your heart.
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Monday, August 27, 2012
The big EZ,New Orleans Louisianna Faces the storm again.
A U.S. Coast Guardsman searches for survivors in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Flooded I-10/I-610 interchange and surrounding area of northwest New Orleans and Metairie, Louisiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Hurricane Katrina - August 28, 2005 (Photo credit: smiteme) |
People backed up in trafic trying to escape to anywhere safe.National Guard and law Enforcement in
Marshal law mode.It was a scene that could easily give a paranoid personality a reason to grab the wife,kids,bugout bag and escape to the mountains. Run to their secret route that none of the tens of thousands of people knew.Lotsa luck pal!
It was chaos at best. The area recovered to a degree that it could,but will never be the sweet old place I first visited over 20years ago.I cam remember the Big Party afterwards by the survivors called a bougelay?My French sounds" More Better" than I can spell it.Needless to say it was a good time by a people that are weather worn and hardy as any group of survivors TV program.Those people are already boarding up their homes,Shuttering the windows and double checking the stores of food and fresh water.Checking the gas to see if there is enough to fuel the generator.These folks have lived with the big storms for generations.The natives that came to the area 200years plus ago have seen the areas weather pattern year after year.
The areas that are evacuated are the flooding places.Houses will be under water from the rain and surging of tides.But those who survive and restart their lives again will plan a big get together to celebrate life.
The area is much better prepared for the huge amounts of water and mud that plagues the people who chose to stay behind.There is huge damns to hold back excessive water flows into the city.The 6 pumps can now safely pump 6000 gallons of water per second.Yes It's correct! The dikes are far stronger than Katrina's time. They hope they are prepared for the unexpected.
If and when the storm finally makes land I only hope and pray that no lives will be lost to nature again.I wished I could be there for the Jumbalaya and the Crawfish pie.Till you attend an after storm party,you have'nt lived.The get together would convince you of just how resilient these folks are.
So Issac Will blow through and in a day orso they party and rebuilding begins.I know they will
be okay in time.It's their land and their lifestyle as the generations brfore them and before that.
Terrible as a Hurricane can be,Its the celebration of life afterwards that renews the promise of life continuing that recharges the living survivors.
Thats all for now my friends,Lets learn to rejoice at the times of our lives.Live each moment as though it was your last.These folks have learned the trick...
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